May Wheat Does Nose-Dive, Then Starts Climbing c 1 rade Covers 8-Cent Range. Loss Fractional; Com Closes Slightly Higher. «r riTARI.E* i. IFTHF/H, I •ilTersnl Service Staff < orro»pondent. 'hiic^ne. March 7.-—Swinging vg-ildJ.V o\' r a range of $c. the wheat market today emerged with fractional loanee. A hriek bulge took pla.ce early In response to the relative eteadlneea at Liverpool and reporta of a much better export trade at the seaboard. Bhorts covered fre*ry, but when netting wan renewed a lack of support wan disclosed- May none dived front S1 *J» to $1.77 snd then made an appreciable recovery during the last hour. Wheat closed unchanged to Uc lower, corn was unchanged to >4c higher, oats were h 5l\o down and rye ruled % ® 2 >4 c off A house tnat was tha heaviest seller on Friday eupported the market early, but when they stopped buying tjie prices Im mediately flattened. A leading elevator bouse was credited with offering on tne wav down, while around $1.77 and up to $1.81 on the final recovery houses wltn seaboard connections took hold There were reports from the seaboard that export sales totaled an high an $.000,1180 bushels. France. Germany. Hol land and Scandinavian countries bought. Liverpool cloned Hi®2d lower. Corn sold lower early, hut encountered good buying through scattered commis sion house* and local hulls, and rallied. The close was slightly higher. The move ment of corn fmm the Interior has picked up considerably of |at*». and poor grades or corn have further widened their dis counts under the May. Liquidation In May oat* was heavy st times, and prices dropped sharply. Tha deferred months were relatively steady Rye rallied early, broke sharply with wheat, and then recovered some of Its lose at the Bell. A better export trade In rye attracted considerable short cov ering, and some new investment buying of this greln. Provision* were firm early but reacted under scattered selling through rommis •Ion house# and packing Interests Lard was 10® 17%o lower and ribs were 6c lower. CHICAGO PRICES. By ttpdlke grain Co. Atlantic 6318. Art. I open. | High. I Low, I Close. I Tea. tvht. I l i i i May 1 8J%! I RS ' 1.77 1 1.89% 1 «1 % 1.83% 1.1.! 1.81 I»; July 163%! 1.65%1 in I 1.53’il 1.51% I 1 64%!.I.I 1.62%! 1.63% •apt.1 ! 1.61%: 152%! 1.47 %! 149% IP ! 1.51%'.!. 1.49%: 1.49% Rye <1111 May ! 1.51% 1.64%' 1.45%! 1.89%! 1.81% ! 1.52%.!.'.!. July 1.37 I 1.38%! 1.33 I 1.33a;1 1.36 S Sept. 1.21% 1.24%! 1.20 1 21 %! 1 21 Corn I | I I I May ! 1.29% 1.30%: 1.37 I 1.28% 1 26% I 1.29%!.I.I 1.28% I 1.28% July I 1.32%' 1.33%l ISO I 1.31%! 1.31% I 1.32%'. 1.31 %! 1.31% Rapt. I 1.31 1 1.31%! 1.29% 1.30%! 1.30% ! 1.31%!.!. 1.30%' 1.30% • Oata I i I m May I .52%: .58%! .49% .51%! .52% I .62%.1.61%l .63 ” July I .64%! .64% .52 .62%! .54% I .64%!.1.S3 .54% Rapt. .53 j .83% . 81 % .52% -53 1 .53%'.I. . T.ard ! May 17.00 17.10 18.89 18.82 i IT 00 ’ I 1710 ...!. July I 17.35 : 17.47 17.20 17.22 ' 17 35 I 17.47 I.I.. Rlhs May 18.70 I 17.70 1 17 57 17.60 I 17 80 July | 18.70 I 18.70 | 18.70 t 18.70 | 18 78 New York Sager New York, March 7.—-Nsw high rec ords for the year were established In the raw sugar market today when prices ad vanced another J»c to the hasfs of 4 54c fnr both spot snd future shipments Sales lnclud»d 26,bfl0 hags of Cuhsn for first, half of March shipment to refiners and 2ft.nna bags, second half, to an operator. Raw sugar futures advanced 2 to 4 points early on buying by* houses wi'h <’uban connections prompted bv the M’rength of raws, but met heavy liquida tion and later eaaed off. Final prices "*ra unchanged to S polnta net lower. Marched closed *.A6e; May, $3.14c; July, •t 29c; September. 3 43c. The refined sugar market was un changed at 6.00©6.10c for fine granulet v»d. with good withdrawals, but only llg*ht new business reported. Some reflnerg were said to be still acoepting business below list quotations. Refined futures wer# firmer, with gales of five lots for May delivery at «.50c. Sugar futures closed barely steady; ap proximate sales. 20.*00 tone; March,'3 06c; May, 3.14c; July, 3.29c; September. 3.4Sc. New York Prod no*. New York. March T—Butter—Very firm; receipt*, f.39* tube; creamery, higher than extra*, 49 0 49 >4c ; creamery extras (92 sr-ore). 46Uc; creamery flrete <88 to 91 score). 42046c. Egge—Firm; r«o»lpt«, 11,188 cihi: ■r*«h gathered extra flrete, 31®31%c; f-eeh gethered flrete,. 2t®39r; freeh gath •red second*. 38®28%r; nearby hennery brown,, extree, 35®38c: PecTfte eoaet whites, extree, 88 %® 39c; F.eiflc cent t0 **,r* flrete. 85®37%c. "e*lPta. 7 6,316 pounds *?«• -he., milk flats, freeh, fancy, 24® _ , Chicago Rutter. Chicago, March 7.—Another 1-eent ed vance was noted In the butter market to .mark*t »»«>• «rm at the ad \ance. Ptreet stocks continued light m 'Ijllv arrival* of fresh butW wire ojean !v 2int1er th* *ct,v« demand. T,x- r*r market was firm, with t^^few available cars being held for premium*. A-Kn*h-1I,att*r: f2 8c<>r#‘ 91 .core 4. Vic: 90 scora 454c: *9 Bcor*. 43 4c 344e0r*’ 40^C: 17 •cor*' 364c; 86 .core. < ontralisod carlotej 90 scora, 4*c‘f 1ft •core, 47o; 86 acore. 404c. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago. March 7.--Potatoes—Early morning trading limited, market about ■ teady; receipt., 83 car*; total Vnlte.1 States shipments. 917 car., Wisconsin sacked round whites. $1.0001.10 fHmv • bade higher; bulk *1 20; Michigan bulk V22S&. K iVtl561”; JJah0 1 Chicago Prod m e. Chicago. March 7 —Butter—Higher creamery axtrae. 46c: standard*. 47 4^ "de* ?4*J«%e.®47c; 4n«4,e: f!r?t*«,*TT^,fh*r%. r,c#|P*«, 18.286 cases; flrete, 27%e; ordinary flrete, 25%®36c. „_ _ . New Tork Cotton. xriltT. Torkl March 7.— Cotton—Futures: xrtrk*l. .^P'ntd, •tMdv! Merch. 28 75c. Mey, 26 »8c; July, 28 16c; October, 25.48-; December, 2S.36e. . London ftllrer. London, March 7 —Bar eliyer, II |-16d JV .ou,lc?1 Money, 1% per cent. Die-1 85? »»7h', »,1g 4^4 T.r r.nV : New T&Y M*rch*^fc^£rTpoVated ep-l PlfC/flull; prunes. Irregular; aprlrofs and peatke* firm; ralslue, more active. M _ Naw York Poultry, - Nkjr ToIk- U**ch *•—Lite Poultry— f/BJy and unchanged; dressed poultry, firm and unchanged. ' New Tork,^Ma™?ti,%.—'Hj#,'geoara! oot-! ton market eloeed eteedy et e net ed. ranoe ef 1 to 10 point,, New York 811 rwr, *ew „To,rki M«rch 7 — Her- Rllver • 8%o; Mexican dollere, 12%o. York Spo4 Fotton. „ Tork. Mere], 7.—fotton—rifcet— S'^ady; middling, 24 05c. _ Now York Robber, New Tork, March 7 —Rubber—Smoked ribbed sheets, spot, 39 %c. Duluth Flax. Puluth M.rch 7. Flex—Close: Mereb. 17 37%! Miv, 82 97%; July, 88.61. BANK MESSENGER HELD UP, ROBBED Rt. IvOUlg, Mo., March T.—Three hundltg today held up Henry Miller, 22.jtear.old Farmer A Morchente Truet company metmenger. In hi* taxt i .ib and compelled him to rellnqulati ■ H.itchel contelnlng check* totaling 112.000, rnnny of them negottnhle, and 61,000 In currency. They eecaped In the downtown crowd*. BORGLUM CASE MAY BE DROPPED dreoneboro, N. C., March 7.—Re celpt of a telegr*m from Govornor Clifford Wnlker here thlg nfternnon Inillratod that the on** agalnat Gut xori Rorylum, Rton* mountain *culp top, bad been dropped. The governor requested City Bollcltor C. W. Ram •peck of Atlanta to aee that "preeent tetjuliltlon peperg were withdrawn." / hi -1-"N Omaha Grain March T. Cash wheat soli on tha tabu* today around unchanged price* to %r lower | Buyers we**# pot Inclined to take hold after the alumn In Quotation* yesterday and the ca/ry-over w»i large. Receipts aero 55 cars Corn was In poor demand at fa to 8c lower. Receipts were 77 cars. f*ata were quoted around l%e to Jo lower. Receipts weie 7 cars. Rve and barley were quoted nominally lower. Omaha Carlo! Hale*. WHEAT, No. hard: 1 car. $1 7«: 1 car. $1 78; 1 car. 1172%: 1 car, 1172 No». 2 hard: 2 cars, $1 TO; f cara. $1.72; 2 c*r*. $1 70%; 1 car, $1 71; 1 iu!s. March 7—Futures: Wheat — Mav. $1.78% bid: July. $1674*0167% Corn—Julv, $1 28% bid. II 29% asked Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis. March 7.—Flour—18 to lie lower: family patents, $9 68 09 75; bran. $24AO024 6b Chicago Hotter and Egg Futures. Chicago. M«rrh 7. Quotations fur nished bv George E dark. 1*03 Wood man of the World building Phones .1A 1192. AT. 9166. EOWI. I Cara. I Open. | High. I Low | Close *. C. I i i ! I Mar. I || ' .26%' 27** 21%’ .17*4 fltg. I 9 ' .29% I 29% I 29% I .29% Apr. I 4 7 * .30 .10 L .30 30% IJkc. » 24 I 33 I 33% M f .$3% BUTTER I Cara. | Open. I High I Low. I Close. Mar. I $5 .41*4’ .42% 41%' 42% Apr. I 17 42%j 4 '. »4 4 2 *i‘ .43 Juna I 7 .38% .38% .34%! l>cc ! 11 40 %! 40% I 4 0*% 4ft % New York Coffee. » New York. March 7. t’offe# futures opened today at a decline of 6 points to m advance of 9 points Further scattering liquidation was reported, hut after setting at 19.70c at the stnrt. May rallied t# 19 30o on covering and a renewal of de mand from houses with European and Brasilian connections. Tli* market closed at a net Advance of 6 to jo point* Sales were estimated at 25 not) bags, rinsing quotations: March, 24 96c: May. 19.80r; July. 18 70c; September, 17.75c; Dec#m her. 17.12c. Hpnt coffee quiet; R« f 8.'o«_ Msy ! 3 17 I 3.17 I 3.12 ! 3 14 I 3 14 July | 8.31 13 31 l 3 27 I 3 30 ! 8.2# i *ep. 1 3 46 13 46 | 3 4 1 13 43 18 4 4 Dec '348 \ 3 49 I 3 4? 3 46 f 3 47 Boston Wool. Boston, Mart h 7. In the wool mstket a limited amount of territory stock of the 1*24 clip I* being offered on the bests of Boston delivery. Asking prices are about In line with current quotations Klr*t reporta from tha asles of Adelaide March 6 *nd 6, Indicate n rather poor a#* lection of lanoa and crosfhrada, with tha United atatsi taking little, I ' - Omaha Livestock V. ./ March 7. Receipt# were: Cattle Hoga. Sheep Official Monfiav .... ft,?3H 13.S04 13.603 Official Tuesday ... $.538 13.7*9 11.400 Official Wednesday . 7.969 16,502 io ?9ft Official Thursday .. 5.068 15 362 16 60.1 official Fridav . .. 1,687 1 2.4.9 8.777 i Estimate Saturday 600 11.$oo 7&o Six d. th!» wk.30 998 83.*96 16.22.7 Same d. laar wk...29,314 84.6*5 46 68* Same d. 2 wk a ago.20.331 111.401^*9.105 Same d. 3 wka. ago.2A.678 98.416 47.71$ Same d. vr. ago ./4.631 1 04,21 1 40,67 j Oattle--Receipta. 600 head. Caftle re calved today w»re practically all billed direct, and in the absence of supplies, trade waa nominally steady ar the week's advances. Prices touched new high levels for the vear this week, advances of 2b 050c being general on all killing classes except weighty 'ateera which have been alow and are jiof over 10 025# higher for >he week. Tdft on ateera reached $11.10. Dernghd has especially broad for neifera and yearling alters, which ahow the full strength- nf the upturn. Top heiferf trenched $9.50. Blockers and f-ed era are also the highest of the year to dale, having advanced 25040# this week. Quotation# on Cattle—Good to choice yearling#. $9 85011.00; fair to good year lings, t9.8R0 9.7o; common to fair year Hnge.r $7.7508 75; good to choice ateera, $10.00 01 LOO; fair to good ateera. $9.O(>0 9 90; common to fair ateera, $8.0009.00; traahy warmed up rattle. $7 0007.75; good to choice fed heifers. $8.2&ifj>9.50; fair to good fed heifers, $7 2508.25; com mon’to fair fed heifers. $6.2507.25; good to choice fed cows. $8.50(07.75; fair to good fed cowi. $5 2506.50; common to fair ted cows. $2 6004.76; good to choice feedhta, »*"•«« 90* fair to good feeders. $7.4g.08.OO; nommoii to fair feeders. $6 50 ^7:35; . good to fl|®lra atockers. $7.85(0 *7$; fhlf 1© good gtockers. $7.2507J5; ‘•o-nnioji tw fmlr gtockers. $6.2507 25; t ra thy atockers,' |$ 500 6.26 : atock heifers. $4 8006.25} stock sows. $3.0004.25; etock calves, $5 0008 60; veal calves. $4.00® 1175: holla, stag*, etc. $3.76(06 00. Hoga—Receipts. It.600 head. Fairly large Saturday supplies tended to make 'rade a trifle alow throughout the day and movement to both shipper* and pack ers was at largely sfeadv to strong prices with spot* possibly 5@10c higher. Bulk of all sales was at $13.10(013 65 with top $13.75. Prlcea are fully $1.50 higher for the week. HOGS. No. Av. Bh. Pr No. Av. Bh. Pr. 71. .167 . . $1 3 10 88. .171 . $13 15, *8. . 179 1 3 26 88. .1*8 70 74 300 40 . 6* . 247 70 18 $5; 77 . . 203 1 3 40 68 .239 40 69. .250 140 .... 69. .21 5 1 3 50 68 . . *>6 9 40 . 86 . . 201 13 55 »0. 235 40 . 68 . . 280 150 1 3 60 37 234 . 70. . 233 . . 13 6S 68.316 . 59. . 251 . 53 281 1 3 75 Sheep—Receipts, 766 head. Arrivals were directs. Demand was broad for fat lambs this week snd in face of a 9.000 bead Increase in supplies prlcea advanced 25050c. Shearing lamba also showed a 25050c upturn with aged sheep F.flc to In extremes 75c higher than last Saturday. Quotations on Sheep and Lamb*— Lambs. good to chobe $16.75(017.40; lamb#, fair tf, good. $16.250 1 6 65; feeding • amh*. $15.600 16 75 shearing limbs, 316.25 017.00: wethers. $9 750 10 50; f.»t ewes, $7.750 10.36; yearlings. $12,000 14 25. livestock receipt# at the leading mar ket* Saturday were: C'attle. Hoga. *l»e©i* Omaha . (W»o ll.flflft 75» Chicago . 500 A.04MI 7.0410 Knnana City . I0o 9.000 SAO Bfotrx City . A04I 12.MHI AGO St. IrfUll* . 27 A A. OOO 2 A0 St. .loflcph 300 2.000 2.AOO Receipt# and diapoaltlon of livestock at the Union stockyard*. Omah*. Ne braaka for 24 hours, ending at 3 p. m March 7. . r rcrpnPTS—C A RI,OT. Hr- A Pattlf. Hn Shp. Ml*. Mo Par. Rv. 1 . U. P. R R. 7 3 3 3 1 0 A N. W east . • ! C. A N. W . west. 56 j C. St. P M. A 0. 9 i C. B A Q east . 2 17 .... 1 C. R I A P . east _ 7 . r. R. I A T weat _ S . I. C. R R. 1 Total receipt* .. 9 1.94 $ 3 DISPOSITION’ — H FAD. Hog Armour A Co...4f*V<,j t’udahv Paoklnr |To.22.31 Dold Rack'ng To.1111 Morrla Packing Co.2142 Swift A Co. 2981 Kenneth A Mtirtav . Too Murphy. J. W. 305 ( Total^.. 1 3554 • Mileage Livestock. Uhlrsgo. Ylarrh 7 (United State# De pirlment of Agru ultui# )--Catt1a —Ke clepta. 506 head; compared with a wi-»k ago: better grade heavy steer* ©low. week;' others, yearling#. afock«*re snu feeder#. 25 to 40c highet ; fat eh# «'"' k 25 to 36c up: spot# more; calve* ateadv to 50o higher: -mostly GOo up; heavy stesra, $11.50. average. 1.408 pounds, best long yearling. $12 16 handy weights. $12 00; bulk prlcea follow: fed #teers. $8.76010 75: fat row*. $4 750676; helf era. $7 0008 66- cannera and cutter#. $3.25 0 4 00; \eal ralveC, $11 #6013 00; feeders. $7 0007 75. Hogs- Receipts. $ 066 h#»d; light and light butchers strong: best 220 pound average*. $14 26: bulk 176 to 225 pound average# $14 60014 10 150 to 160-pound average* moattv 113 75013 96; heavy butcher# 6 to 16e U.wer. bulk $14 000 14 15 estimated holdover. 4,00ft; heavy weight# $13.80014 20. medlumweight. $13 7*014.25, light weight#. $1*50014 m light light# $12 7501 3 90. packing hog#, •month $12 75019 14; parking hog#, cough $12 60012 76. slaughter pigs. $12 00 011 2 6. Aheap and I.itnba -Receipt#. 7.0ft# heed all direct for week around 27.000 head direct and 144 car# of feed lot# com - pared a week ago fat lamb#, strong to ?5c higher, fat aheep 60c to $' h'gh*f. 'reding lamhe ?5c higher; week a bulK prices folu'W d#al»»hl* weight wmiI iambs $17 560 13 00 *op 118 35; extreme lv heavy kind $15 500 16.0ft recently shorn lamb*. » 1 3 !»" » 1 4 6ft ; fall -horn. $16 00- fat ewes $*000 10 50; feeding • nd shearing I#mb#. $16 <60 17.71. K.iiism# f'ltv Livestock. Kansas Ultv March 7 —Cattle He • 'eipfe. fcuo head calvea. 100 head; com pared with week ago. fed #teet#. year ling# and butt her etock. 25 to 35c highet: spot# no It ft c on light heifers; top heavy atere#. $11 1ft; • ear||ng# end handygrelght #f#«r# $11 5ft. tanners cutler# and bulls, steady; #■ Receipts 5 006 heed; maikel sfeadv; mixed snd butchers, $11 90014 Oft, good heavies $14,100 14 35 roughs. $12 f*o 0 12.75; lights. Ill 81.014 io. nigs. $1106 0 13 60. hulk. $13 760 14 *0 Sheep snd Lambs Receipt#, 160 hsad. market stead); mutton ew#e. $6 00019 26; larnbs $15 250 18 00, rennet# end chop psr#. $> 6006 6ft Chiracs Poultry. f’hlcagn. March 7 Poultry- Alive lower, fowls, 260 26c; springs. 16c, roosters. 19s; tuiktxe, 25c; ducks, 87c, gssss. 14«b I j Industrials and Rails Go Lower in Day's Trading Skyrocketing: of Wilson & Co. Stocks Is Feature of Saturday Session. Rr RICH \RO RFII.I.ANF.. Iiilvetstil Service Hnwidal Ktlllnr. New Vnrk. M t rt \i 7 —Most of the stocks ordinarily traded in actively on the stock exchange sold off today. The selling was not heavy hut. in the parlatoct of the street, was not well taken Ralls as a rule were lower and promi nent operators were bearish particularly as to the industrials. Opening prices of many of the prominent issuaa were the highest of the day. The Maxwell Motor Issues again wore In good demand end made another gain but the only picturesque feature of the session war the performance of Wilson Ai t’n’a various securities There seemed to be a great amount of Information and misinformation current regarding the prospects for adjusting the corporation’s affairs On on» report that aertlement w a * near some peranns bid up the pre ferred to <10 from an opening of 41. only to see it. drop like a shot to 421%, where It cloaed. Industrials w»ri in little demand and generally lower. There was a suggestion of lassitude to the day’s operations. Maybe the weather hod aomething to do with for thete was a touch of spring in theVair. Anyone dealing in wheat these days la reasonably certain of nuick action. The Chicago market opened about 1 U cents up and Immediately ran off l to 5 cents Liverpool hed been propped up by the riggers for It didn’t respond fully to Chicago’s big decline of yesterday. Apparently the drop In prices brought nrettv good export business to America, for tho takings of foreigners were esti mated at from to ?..( bushels. That Is the largest total In quite some time. Cotton via dull and fairly strong. Coffee fairly strong snd moderately higher. Sugar, dull and little changed. r"-v | New York Quotations - -t New Turk Stock exchange quotations furnished by .1. S. Rache A Co., 224 Omaha National Rank building: Frl. High. Low Close. Close. Agrl Chemical.18 18% Air Reduction ....104% 104 104 105% A lax Rubber - 12% 12% 12% 12% Allied Chemical .. t»% 89% 89% 89% Allii-Chalmers ... 80 % 7K% 79 74% Am Jieei Sugar .. 40% 40% 40% 4«*% Am Rr Shoe Fdry. 1 on %-101 % mi% 10 ’% A merit an 'an ...184 181% 1X1% 1 x , % Am Cs,r A Fdry 2 27 % 2 27 2" 7 % 2 "9 Am Hide A l.epth.. 12% Am m a i. i-r.i Am Internal] t'nrp .75 % 75% 75 % 75 Am Linseed Oil... 25% 25% 75% 25’., Am Locomotive ..147 141% 141% 3 42% Am Radiator. 97% Am Ship A Com .13 12% 12% 17% Am Smelting . 100% 100 loo 99% A m Smelting pfd ...... . 1 ox % Am St Foundries . 57% 52 52 % i2% American Sugar .. 57% 55% «*,% 55% Am Sumatra . 1*,% Am Te| a Tel ... . 175% l.M% Am Toha.-cc . *7% *5% *7 *;% A m W W A E. . . .77% Am Woolen . . 50% 50 % 80% 50% Anaconda .42% 42% 47% 43 A sad Dr> Hoods 184 18 3% 187% 1**; Associated 011 35% 75% Atchison.1.’3% 177 12.7 1*7% Atl Coast Line ...15J% ]51 3 51% 1« a n A W 1 ..75% 35 75% 75% Atlantic Refining. 112 j j ? A tint in - Nichols .. 79% 28% -*x % *»x% Ba Id win . 1 43 140 % 140% 14 u Ralf A Ohio. 87% 82'* 82% s.% Barnedall A . 7«% 28 % 28% "ti. Ret h lehem Stee| .. 45% 4' 4R 45,.. Rosch Msrneto ... 3fi% .7 8% B-ook Man Ry .42 4 1 % 41% '4•> il Brook-Man pfd *n% *t Rcook-Edlson Co.. .. 1'9% c«Hf Park . Calif Pet . .... 3 2% 33 .72 3:% < a! A Aria Min . . *’»'■ .1«'4 I IT '4 | 4T % 14,1, l.Mther .... I*s IIS I««4 ins < »nt I -atli pfd .. E5». l>irn I im l-amn .. T,! Tin J | i. 6, 'handler Motors.. .74 • •• % 34 3 * , Chea A Ohio . fg% «'hl O W com .... 1% U% i % j :% t Id <1 W pfd .... 29% 79% ?9% ?<*; t ’hl Mr V W ....59% 59 59 r *1 '. C M A Ht P 1 1 1 :■ % 1 • % ’ii. C M A st p pfd 22% 21% :•:% CR 1 t P . 61 '* 61 n 61 N 62 * <- fit P M A O Ry . . 4 '*T* Chile Copper .... *5% 34% 35 34 % Chino .. .. 24% " 4 * Cluet f - Pea body .... ,*L 43 * Coca -< 'ola .91% 91 % 91 % 91% t'nlo F Mr Iron. 44 % Columb Carbon... . 4.% Columbia Ha a .... i% u . % 57% f>x% Cnngoleum .40% 39% 40 41 Con Clgara . *4 % Con Has . 75% 74% 74% 77% Cent Can . 45% 45% 45% 4 7% Cont Motor* . 1% 4% *% 4% Corn Product.# ... 4*% 40% 4*% 40% . V% 33% 37% 3-«% Crucible . 74% 7 8% 75% 74% Cuba Cane *ug .12% 13% j | % u% t^uba c»ne sg pf. 41% 40% 51 *o\ Cuba-Am Rug .... 21% 21% 71% 91 % Cuyamel Fruit ... 84% 8.7% 84% *1% Daniel Boone 3 Davidson Ch*n\ 4t% 47% 4 3 % 43% Delaware A I.ark . 1*.« 179% Deia A Hud ..143 141 % 141 % 14 2 % Dupont de Nem..149% 14* 14*% i«x% Dome Mine* ..15% 15% 17% 1.5% Eastman Kodak . ..112 1 ] ; Brie .. 3,2 % 3 • % Endicoft John ... .49 89% F.ler Kt or Rat . 4« % 55% 54% ♦, * % Famous Pla\er» .100% 100 loo 100% Fifth A ve R L. 1.1 % Fiak Rui.her . 12% 12 % 12% 1 2 >4 Fleie< It Yeaat ... 79% 78% 79% 78% Hen Asphalt .. 5 7% r.T .>. % tier* Kler .247% 2..9% 259% 240% Hen Vfulura . 74% 73% 73% i4 Hold l hist . 4» % Goodrich .. .54% ll n , 54 % Cieat Nor «tr** . 3« 3 7 % 37% 79 CJt Nor Rv pfd.. 70% f.» 49 7 <» tllof Nta lee Stl. . .4“ Hartmann T .11% .80% 3 1 , II % Haves Wheel ... . ... 3 5 % 7 5 % H utlson Mobm 4 ! % 4 t Hoiiiestake M Co 4 8 4 4 % 4 i *4 llouatoii Oil . .. 79% 79% Rupp Mo to 1 a 18% 18% 18% 1 • % Illinois Central . 117% Inspiration ..27% 27 27 77% flit Knit Com 47... 43% 42% 4.1 47% Inter Harv .log 105% Int M Marine. 11% 12 Int M Marine pfd 4 7 45 % 45% 4 4 Inter Nickel _ 28% 24% 25% 25% Inter Paper ..8 4 53 h7 % 54 Inter Tel A To!. f2 % »S% Indep 0*1 . 13% 12% 32% 17% Jones Tes . 11% Jordan Motor .... 84% 84% 84% 84% K C South . 31 K ellv-Spring .. 1 7 % 17 Kenipecott . 81’4 91 81 •*'7% Lee 'Rubber . • 13% T^hlgh Valley .. 77% 77% 77% 77% Lima Lornme .... 7* *•% *•% *9% Looaa W'llea ...... 17 % 94 97 *3 Louis Mr Neah.114% Mark Truck .141% 119% 179% 141 May Dept Htore 1«4 1*8% l«t% lot Ms 1 well Motor A. 88% 87 «TT % *7 Maxwell Motor R 54 88% 1,5% 84% Marlend . 41 42% 42% 41% Mejrlcan *eah . 15% 1 - % Miami Copper ... 14% 18% 15% 1*H M K AT Ry ... .19 34% 34% 39 Mo .. St % 18% 14 ti 1* % Mo Pan pfd 41 40 *0% 90% Montgnmerv Ward 49% 47% 47% 44 Mother l.ode . ... 7% 4 Nash Motor#.114% Nat Biscuit . *4% Nat Enamel .... 12% 11% Sl% 12% Nat t.aad . l«o% N T Air Brake . 80% 80'4 80% 51 N T Central .122% 121% 121% 121% N T c A St L« 112 117 NY N HAH. ..14% 3 4 34 % 34% North Amer _ 47% 47% 47 % 47% North Par . 70% 7n% 7ntfc 7.*% N A W Rv. 17*% 1?N% Orpheum . 74% "8% 2 8 % 78 Owens Rottl# .... 44% 4 4 44 4 4 % Pacific Oil . 41% 41 41 41% Packard Motor.... 14% 14% 14% 14% f’sn American . .. *1% *0% 40% *1% Pen American R ■ 2 % 41% 91% *1% Penn, n n. 47% 47 47 % 47% People'* Has 117 Per# Marquette . 70% 70% Philadelphia Co 48% 88 88 88 % Phillips Petroleum 49% 41% 43% P!er« • Arrow . .... •••• .. 1 1 % Poatum Cere*! .. . . 108 Pressed Steel Car. Ft 58% 58% 59 Producers A Ref.. . 23 23% Pullman . 141 % 141 % Punta. Megre Pug 44% 44% 44% 44% Pure Oil . 30% 30% .30% 30% Radio Corn . 62% 6ii% 61% 42% Rv Steel Spring 136% 136 136 137 Ray Consolidated. 16 14% ’4% 15 Reading . ?S% 77% 77% 73% Replogle. . 13% 18% Rep iron A Steel. 63 3* 68% 53% 63% Royal Dutch N. Y. 64% .'-4% 64% 64% St. L. A San F .. 72% 72% 72% 72% St Louis A- S. W. 61% 60% 50% 51% Srhulf- Cigar S.112 111% Sea rs-Roebuck .*■ • 158% Shell 1 nion Oil.. 25% 25% 25% 26% Simmons Co. 34 34 Sinclair, pfd. 38 % Slo*s Sheffield ... §2% *1 •! 02 Skelly Oil .23% 23% 28% 28% Southern Pacific .. 105 % 104% lft4% 10.i% Southern^Railway. 8t% Std Oil of Cal... «3% 62% 62% 6.3 Sid. Oil of X, .1 . 4.3% 43% 43% 4 4 Std Plate Glass. 126 Stewa rt - Warner 69% 69% 69% 69% 8*1 rom berg Carb. 69% Studebaker . . .. 4 4 4 43 % 44 44 % Submarine Boat... 12 11% 11% 12 Texas Co. 4 6 % 46% 4 6 % 4 6 % Trx Gulf Sul _112 110% 110% 112 Tex Ar Par . 54% 64 64 64% Tim Roller R_42% 41% 42 4 1 % Tnh Prod . 78% 77% 78% 78% Tnh Trod “A". 99 Trans Oil . 4% 4% 4% 6 Union Pacific ...1 49 1 48 % 148% 149 United- Fruit. 212% V S C T Pipe _234% 229 % 229 % 223 % U S Ind AI. 84 87 % 83% 83% IT S Rubber . 42% 4 2 4 i 42% U S lUih -pfd. 95% 95% IT S Sfcel .125% 1 24 124 1 24% U S Steel pfd. 1*2.3% 1 fah Co it per . 87% 8 7 87 % 86% Vanadium . .. .. .. 29% Vivaudou ... 1 ' % Wabash . 15% 25% 25% 25% Wabash "A*' .... .. 64% 64% West Union . 1 25 1 24 % 124% 124% Went Air B. J06% West Flee . 73% 73% 73% 74% White Katie Oil. . ?■% 5*% White Motors .... 64% 64 64 64 % Woolworth Co ...115% 115% 116% 116 Willy a-Overland .1"% li% 12% 11% Wlllya-O pfd . 86% 86 *5% 84 Wilson . 13% 10 % I’ 9% Wilson nfd . 6 3 4 1 43 % 38% Worth Pump .... 69 67 % 67% 69% Wriglev Co . .. 49% Ye| Cab Taxi Co. 62 Yel Cab Mfg Co. • •• •• 37 Total sales, Friday. 1,656 Todav'g 11 a. m. sal*". 396,300. Bnpda. 86 6nn.ono Weekly stocks. 9.467.600 Weekly bonds. 174.636.000. New York Bonds V-■> New York. March 7.—Report* that a reorga nir.ation plan for Wilson A Co. Chicago packers now in receivership, soon would i>e effective brought a brisk tally in the company s bonds today following a spectacular spurt in the preferred stock. The 7% per rent liens whuh have score. 1 a substantial advance of 5 points and the convertible 6s moved op 1% Other price movements were irregular, with moat of the railroad Issues tending low er opposition from several sources to the Inclusion of the t'hesapeak® A Ohio Railroad and the Nickel Plate merger continued to promote selling of ibe former a convertible bonds New York. March Following are to day’s high. low. anti closing prices of bonds on the New York stock exchange, and the total sales of each bond: (United States government bonds In ^dollars and thlnv-aeconds of dollars.) I nlferl Matm Ronds. (Sales in $1,000) High. Low. close. 36 Lib 3 % a .101.21 10|.l* 111.20 6 Lib 1st 4%s ... 101.19 101.1* 101.19 191 Lib 2d 4 % a _100.27 100 25 100.25 47 J.ih 3d 4%s .101.13 101.10 1"!,!! S'* Lib 41 h 4%s ....101 27 101.25 1*1.25 “IS Treas 4s .,.100.19 100.17 100.17 3 V S Treas 4%* . 101.27 1«4.:* 1 04 23 Foreign. 36 A .1 M Wks 6s. *5*4 94 % «S “ Arg Govt 7* 10J% io;% 115 Arg Govt 6s .96% »*>% 96% 3 A us G g»d loan 7s 95% 9a % 95% 6 Cit> of Bor 6s.. . 44% 94% «4% 5 C of Cop 5%a .... 96 *4 96% 96% 27 C of G P 7 % s 40% 90% 9'* % 1 C of R de .1 *s 47 93 % 93% 91% 1 f R*r £, hi. 99% 99% 99% • Pep cf S "a . 88% 8 8 *£% II P of Can 5s 52..,. 103% 103% 103% 4 D « In 6s *: .101 100 % 10(1 % 17 P E I 6%a N 6*. 98 37 % 93 4 Fram 7%s . 94 93 94 ?o French Rep Vs .. .d't.3 1«:% 103 9 8 French Rep 7s . *o 8 9% 4ft 1-6 G ex 1 7s r'-ts . . 94% 4'% 94% 109 Gt C K P .1 7a ret* 91% 90% 4’ . 4 Jan 6 % a .: . . 91% #1 % *i % 1 -lap 4s .*2% *2% 82% 4 King of R 7 %s. .109% loot* ]04% 25 K of h 6 % s rcta .. 84 «3% 34 7 K of Pen 6* .. .100% 10U % 100% 39 K of Hun 7 a s .... H9 59 89 3 4 K «.f N 6s '77.10 . % 1»* 10 3 14 l Iv Of N 6s -4 ... 103% 10* H>*% - I iv Of % 6s ■ 4 4 .. 03% 99% S»y% 19 K * Croats B Is.. 55% 95% X % 4 K of Mwed 5%a *4% 9“% 44% 7 N'ord Re 6%s ... 8.*% 6.* 6 3 10 Fart* L-Med 6a ... 77 77 77 11 Reu Of Bel 8a . . *3 % 91 9’ II Rep of c Ha *41..1»7% 107% 1U7% 31 K«p of Chile 7a...1»»1 1«0% !«-»% 15 Rep of Col 5 % a .100% 100% 1 no % 1 H«p of Finland 6s 8 6 95 8 5 10 Rep of Halt! 6a... *3% *3% 93% 3 State »»f ij Ca .lo:% 106% !0f,% 6 M of R G do 8 8s 96% 46% 96% 3 S of S P s f 8s ..101 100% 100% 3 S«r♦■* Con 8s 114% 114% 114% 21 Sw'ss G 6 % s '4« 101% 1«1% 10t% 1 I K «f GFAUV* ,116% 116% 47 t’K ftt GBA 15%a 27J06 106 in* 11 I’ S (»f R Ir . . 96% % *«% 11 r ofB-r B K :* 82% •:% 52% Gomeatie 74 A Agr! C 7%s-100% 100 100% * Amer C a f drib «• 99 9? 99 a Amer smell 6a .to*% 106% 104% 4 Amer Smelt 5*.... 96% *6S I Amer Sugar 6a. ..102% lo4 103% .'J Amer TAT 5%* 1«2 I'D % 101% ’> A t a T rnl tr 5a 1 oo % mo% lor,% 2« A T A X ro| tr 4s 96% 94% 96% l Amer W W A K 5« 95% 4S% 45% ’5 Ana. Cop 7a 3 8 102 % l«‘*% 102% ' 'l A tv* Cop 6e ,3 .100% 100% 100% 14 Armour A c T> 5%s *7 9 2 % 43 1 A asm i 0-1 6s .102% in*% 102% *7 At T 4k B P gen 4e 89% 89% 39% 6 A T A MPa 4s at *3% 83% 87% 2 H A (I rfg 6, 95.10’% 102% PCS 4 B A O 1st r• fa lot % 1*1 % 101% 133 Belli A (» r.Vt 4%9 *2% *2% »’S 1 H T Pa la’Arfg 5a.]0#% l<*n% 100% 14 Beth S I coo 6a A 95% 95 95 % Be«h St I pur m 5s. 9-‘% *2% *2% 1* Brier HI.I Stl 5%». *9 *8% 94 . Hklvn K<1' g 6s A 109 *9% 100 4 7 Bklyn \f T a f 6s Kf. % *5% *6 2 Can Nor deh t%s 118 lit 118 5 ('an Ban deb 4* 79% 79% •*% *9 C. C A Ohio «• IM\ 106% P". % . Central of Hr 5%a 1 9V % 100% 9 Cant Leather 5s .100 106 190 9 Cent Ba. gtd 4e H<% * * % PS 19 ('lies .A O evt as. .105% 106% lt»&% II dies A O *vt 4 % * 97 96 % Vi 18 Chic A Alton 3 % s 58 % &6 56 22 (' H A Q gen 4a 90% 90% *0% 33 Chic A K III 5s 77 76 % 74% 60 Chb (It West 4s . 64% 6’% 4’.% 2 9 CMA4UF rvt 4%a.. 5 7 *4 57% 67 8* 13 CMAAtP rfg 4%9 57% 5? % 52% 119 CMASUP 4s 16 . ... 44% 66% 66% 9 Chic Rail 6s. 17 % 17 87 9 C A I A P gen 4s «3% 81% 83% , 91 C H T A P rfg 41 8*% 88% 84% 11 CT H44F Ine 6a *9% 69% A * *% 9 Chio Bn at 6s R ino% 10*% loo% ? Chin A Weal Ind 4a 78% 7«% 71% ? 9 Chile Cnppe- 6s 106 107% 101 It CCC4*tL rfg 6a P 94 »6 44 4 Co In A fl •f* 4 % a 92% *?% 92% 9 Coin GAP! 1st 6a 100% ion% 100% 11 Common r 4s 1oo% ino% ino% 1 c nCai of Mary »■ 87% 87% 87% 1 Conaum Few 5a .. 94% 94% 94% 4 Cuba C ft dsb 8a at *7% ••?% 97% 7 Pen ARG eon 4a 1.1% 89% 19% 4 peteolt ydI rfg 4a 107% 107% 107% 24 PtiF de Nam T%a. 107% 1«7% 107% 2 Pu Tdght 4a ...10* toi 106 8 Fast C flu* 7 %• 104% 104% 106% 26 Km OAF ?%a..10* 102% 102 KEEP POSTED Important development# contained In thle week'# market review regarding the following aecnrittea: Goodrich Tire Certain-teed Product# Packard Motor# Atl. Gulf A W. I. Vanadium Steel Simm# Petroleum Ij St tide baker U. S. Rubber Corn Produrte Jewel Tea Radio Corp. of Am. United Cigar Store# Wrlta for free copy, j: P.6.STAMM ft CO. Dealer* in Stock# and Rond# 35 S. William St. Naw York J. S. BACHE & CO. ! Ketahlished 1 ****. # • ".. ( New York fltnck F.srhsngt j U.„i ... J Chicago Board of Trade M.mbara . N,w v..rk Colton Firh.nt. V and other leading Firhangea. Now YoAt 42 Broadway Chicago: 108 S. 1-aSalle St. jj Branch** and correspondent• located in principal cities. J Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, Foreign Exchange Bought, and Sold for Cash or Carried on Conservative Margin H. E. BISHOP. Maaagar 224 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omaha Telephone JA ck*«n Bf 87 Aft "The Bacha Review'* eent an application—Correspondence Invited. 8 Ef’« **n ll*n 6* . 6614 *6 668* 84 Erl* rvt 4a D 143, 74 74 1 Fl,k Rub 8a .11! IPS 17 2 1 Fla * E C Ry 8« 74'* 8*’. 94’i 1# Gnnrtrlrh 63** ...188’. ll>3». 183’* 6 Grtvr Tira 8, 31...IMS 189S 1"»N 18 Odyr T 8a '41.13M4 15# 12# 1 Grand T R of f 7a 118 '* 1163* 11684 8 Gd T Rv of C 8a... 1 #7*4 107 74 IHS 12 lit Nor 7 a A ..Ilf'S lift'* 11" S 6 Ot Nor 8a 84 3* 94 3, 94 3* 3 Hcmhiv ChM 4s..lb4 10.7% 1 OS % 4 Hurt A M rf* 6a A. 8 8 34 88'* 88'* 83 H A M ad) In 6* .75 '4 71'* 7 2 16 Hum OAR 63**10'. 1008* 101 9 III R T rf * 6* 93'* 98'* 88 3* 3! Til I'ant 5 34* 1048* 1047, M4S 7 111 CCS LA NO rf* 6a 98 3* 98 i* 98 3, 8 Int.r R T 7* ... »2'4 918* 91 S 65 intar R T 6* . 7284 70»* 728, 139 Int R T rf* 6a atpd 69 3* 66 63 '* 17.6 Inter AON art.l 6a 7 4 34 7 3 34 7 3 34 3 Int A at N let 6*.1H3'* 103 3, 103 34 60 lot M,M a t 6e, . *9'* 89 39 10 K<"FISAS 4a . 84 84 84 78 Kan City PAL 6a.. #7 84 97 »; 87 3* 10 K t" Southern 5a... 8 9 34 3 9 3* 3 9 3* 1 K C Terminal 4a.. 84 84 84 2 Kanaaa G A E 6a.. loot* jno loo 13 Keltv.Sp Tire 8a... 97 1* 97 97 42 Laclede O SI I. #«*• »*’* #9 9934 5 I,SAMS deb 'Be .28. #8<4 98 % 93'4 2 1.1* A Myera 6a . . 99«* 99>* 90»* 5 LAN let rf* 4 I*a. . 93 97 93 15 l.otlievllle GAE 6*.. 9.78* 87'* 93’i 1 Manetl Su*ar 7849.10114 loi'* 1M34 1 Menhat Rv 2d 4e.. 65 65 65 2 Market 81 Ry 7« . . 998* 99'4 O’* ** 19 Mlrtvele St rvt 6a.. 911** *05, 90«, 6 Mil KRAI, rf* 6a 9934 9984 99 ** 8 MKAT new p In 6eA 91'4 91 91'» 23 MKAT new ad1 6aA S6'i 8684 36'4 11 Mn Pac let 6a.10134 J01 84 101'* 38 Mo Par *rn 4a. 66'4 66'4 85'i 26 Mont Pnw 6a A... 993* 99«, 99>4 3 N O T A M 6’, a... It# <4 100'4 10014 44 N Y Cent deb **...114% 1140* 114'. 9 N Y Cent rf* 1m 6a.101 100», 100’* 4 N Y Gent con 4s... *4% 84% 84% 2 4 N Y C A St T* 6%s. 95% #5% *5% 9 N Y Kdl rfg f % • . 1 1 4 % 11 4 % 11 4 % 2 NYNHAH 7s 100 100 100 2 NYNHAH 7s (frl..l00 100 1*0 14 NYNH4H Ks '4R #1 91 91 20 N Y R'vs 4s rtfs. ,40% 40% 40% fi N T T gen 4 % s . 95% 9f. 95 10 V Y W A B .. . 50% 45 48% 12 \f Amer B s f 5s. . 1 01 % 1 01 101% 20 Nor l’»o rfg 5s R..108 ]07% 107% 2 Nor Pan n Kb H.... 9* OR OR 11 Nor Psc pr Hen 4s 85% 85% R5% 1 Nor S Pow 1st 5s A 08%. 95% 95% 1 S W Bell T Ts... 97 97 97 2 Ore * 1/ rf* 4s . . 02% 02% *2% 4 Ore-W R R A S 4s 04% 04% 04% 0 Psc OAK 5s... 04% 94% 94% 104 Par T A T 5s '52..115% 115% 116% 5 Pan-A PAT 4« ..110% 110% 110% 47 Pa R R «%s . , 97% 97% 07% 3 Pa R R temp 5« 54 04 % 94% #4% 4 P* R R gen 4%s 00% 00% 0R% 5 Pare >Par rfg fi*..*M% 1*4% 104% 1 Phil* Co rfg 4s.. *7 97 97 20 Pierce-Arrow Os 95% 05 05% 1 PRyLAP 1st 4s R 00% 09% 90% 10 Rep Iron A H R%*. 9.7% 97% 97% 111 R I A A 1j 4%s... 07% 07% 07% 10 Ft T, TM*S rfg 4* . 94 % 04% 04% R Stfa TMi40 4s RAO dv 87% 07 *7% :-0 p pr In 4?A. 75 74 % 74% 10 Ft T* A F F a d 1 5s. 00% SR% 09% 70 Sf 1. A F F Inc fa.. 01% 01% 01% 11 8t Tu So W con 4s.. *0 00% *9 47 Sf P*K C FB4%s 03% 03 03% 13 Sr P Union Depot 5s 91 9o% 00% ',9 Slid A4r I. con fa 74% 75% 75% 7 S nc1sir C Oil col 7s 07% 01% 0.1% 5 Sinclair C Oil f%a 0R% R0% oo% R Sinclair P Bine Re. 05% *5% 05% 1? Bkelly Oil 6%s . .114% 115% 114% 15 Oo Pacific cvt 4a.. 97 95% 95% 5 So Pacific rfg 4a. 9«> 00% 09% 1 So Psc col tr 4s_ 05% *5% R^% 11 So Rv gen 4 %■. . . .114 100% 100% 12 So Ttv gen 5a.105% 105% 106% 27 So Ry gen 4a . . . 77% 77% 77% TR S W Bell Tel rfg 5a 00% 90% 00% 17 Rid O A E rvt 4%s 121% 124% 121 "4 Tenn Elec rfg 5a...102 101% 10 1% 70 Third Ave sd Kb.. 43% 42% 42% 1 Third Ave rfg 4* 55% ^5 % 55% 7 Toledo Edison 7b. .110 1'*9% 110 8 Union Par 1st 4a 07% 03% 93% 2 Union Pac cvt 4a .. 09% 90 00 10 V S Rubber 5s... »5% 05 R8% 4 17 n Steel a f 6s.. 105% 105% 106% 5 Utah Pow % I,gt 5s 04 0.7% 94 47 V*-Cb»- Chem 7s *7% 05% R7% 1 Vlrg Rv A P rfg 5s 96% 96% 05% 10 Virginian Ry *« 04% 95% 05% 5 W*bksh 1 at 6a.101 101 141 15 W*st Klee 6s. 90% 9«% 00% • West Mtrv 1st 4*. 55% 55% 45% 19 West Par 'ns 97% 93% 93% 2 West Union 0%s .110% 110% 110% 15 West Flee 7s .....107% 107* 107% 7 Willys-O 1st «%s 100% 100% ioo% 134 W1 A Co s f 7% a 77 71 % 75 U Wilscn A C« 1st 5a 9« 95% 95% 40 Wilson A Co rvt 6s 74% 71 77% R Young 8fc * T t« 91% »*% Total aales of bond* today were 17 301.000. compared with 11 3 490,000 prev ious dsv end 15 438.000 a year ago (hlrtge Rtoeke. Quotations furnish'd by ,T « Rachel A Co.. 224 Omaha National Bank build ing Phones .TA. 6187-8 9 B’d. Asked. Armour A Cn Til pfd . . °0% 01 A r A Co Del pfd. 03% 04 AI hart Pick . 21 % g 2 2 « s'bide . 59% f *9% Ed «cn Co .137% 137% t'uda h v .U)«% 1ft? Diamond Match .117 11R Deer# pfd .. 91 02 Ed.1v Paper . 18 ?5 I.lbhy 544 R R% National T.eathtr . f. % % Quatear Osta . 400 4! 5 Re# Motora . 70% 20% Swift A rn llf% 115% Swift Tn’ernstional . 87% 3.7% Thompson . 4* 48% War h| .20% 2i Foreign Exchange Rules. FrtMowlai are today’s rates of ex change as c«mp*r#d wjih the pa*' 'abl ation Furnished by the Peters National bank. Pae Val. Tods^ Atistrls .?o anoois Pelginm . 191 os 14 Canad# .1 on 1 on CierHf, Slovakia 24 «•»* Denmark . 27 17%6 England .4*4 4"5"5 F-ati-e . 197 Gerrrtanr 7** 2S*o ■ ■ » e e Iff I1M TtsD . 4 ■ ’95 ft<10 lug#-.®* a via .. ... Jo ni*4 Norway . 27 15*1 Sweden . . 77 1700 Swlfxerlsnd . 1*1 1979 New York General. New York, March 7 Rye—Firm; No 2 weaiern t1.|S%. fob. New York and $1 64 *t. c. 1 f export Wheat Spot, steadv: No. 1 ds»-k B«r,h ern aoring. « I f. New York, lake and rail. $7 11%: N# 2 herd winter fob lake and rell 11*7: No J mlxe.1 durum. 11 9* No. 1 Manitoba, do. In bond. 12 12% Corn Spot ategdy; No 1 yellow, c. 1 f. track. New York, all rail, R1 41, No. 2 mixed, do $1 46% Oat# Fpot. barely steady; No 2 white C2c. J .a rd Easy; middle weaf 11 T lnfJ17 44 Other article* were unchanged Kanaaa City Produce. Kanaaa 1.1% March 7. — Bgaa--%c high er f‘iata. 2i%r. selected. 22%c. Other produce unchanged New York. March 7—The mark-t on the curb exchange displayed a steady tone at the opening todav and issues that had been aupplled freely In recent sessions found support end •cored sub smntlal gains Glen Alden l o«1 and Midwest utilities Improved 3% points . n the opening proceedings Most activity in the petroleum group was confined to the lower priced issues. There was a fjrm tone to the General Hat. but trading was In reduced volume Ignoring the radio group in market movements on the curb exchange, the im portant. features of the trading dutlng the week were the vigorous advance* in price* In many of the leading Some of the higher class stocks were in urgent demand, reflecting absorption »> strong interests, and several made new high records. , . _ »n Bu*y rua was a feature, advancing point* to HI Ami-rl. an far ami knun ,1rv now at or k roo i3*. N fl t iona! Pow*r and l,»% 60 Am Lt A Tr.147% 14,% 14. * 100 Am LAT pfd.... 95 9., 400 Am PAI. new. 56% 66% loo Am PA L pfd ...***$ 200 Am Stores r,ew.. 56'* 66% 66 * 1 300 Am Superpower B 29% 2*% - * % 700 Apro Mfg A . 2r-% 2» 2* % ; 1100 Asad GAR new... 27% 26% 27% 1100* Atlantic Fruit Go. 1% 1% 900 Boissonault Go ... 2 1 7s * % i 110 Borden s Milk ...152% 151% 1*2 100 Bkyn <“itv R R... *% *% *% 25 Bucyrua Go ......1 44 1 44 1 44 10 Burr Ad Mch pfd 101** 1°4% 104% 5900 Car Llrht . 4% 4.% -4% inoo Cent Pipe Corp.. 13% 1* 2000 Chapin Sack* Inc. 20% 2014 20% 1000 Chatterton A Sona 14 14 14 3*00 Childs Co new ... 54 62% 53 100 Cleveland Auto ..21 21 21 250 Com Pow pfd.... 31 % 61 51% 200 Con OAK R«I new 33% 33% 33% 500 Cont Bakeries A 123% 123 123 5200 Cont Bakeries R.. 26% 27% 29 <00 Cont Rakerie* A..123.% 173 12$ 200 Cont Tob Inc. 21 % 21% 21% 100 Cuba Company ... 30% "9% 39 * 400 Curtis* A pc»* ctfs 1 f. % 1' % 1 5% 2000 I)e Foreat Rad rtf* 26 % 25% 25% 1 7300 Dubiller CAR pew 19 16% 19 1300 Durant Motors ... 17 1* 16% 100 Duz Co Inc. 27 26 % 27 4900 K1 Bd A Sh new.. 60 % :,9% 60 150 K! Bd A Kh pfd .104 inn % 10% .300 Klee Investors 44% 4:i 4 3 600 Federated Metals. 4f|% 40% 4014 500 Film InspecrJon 4% 9% 9% 10 Ford Mot Canada 523 523 523 5300 Freed Eisemmnn 12% 11% 12% 500 Gillette Rax new. 64% 64% 64% • 1.300 Glen Alden Coal..1.3* 136% 1'6% 4 4 00 Goodyear Tira ... 34% 33% '4 100 Grennan Bak .... 17 17 17 200 Grime* RAG_ 13% 1,3 13% 200 Happ Candy St A 7 % 7 % 7% 1500 Haz*ltine Corp .. S'% 20% $1% 100 Inter Ocean Rad.. 444 600 Kelvlnator Corp... 24% 25% 25% 100*Keyatone Solether. 36 *5 *5 200 Lehigh Pow Sec 97 % 97 97 % 1700 Lehigh Val Co*!. 43% 42% 42% I 2*oo Libarfv R G Store* 9 » % 9 5*0 Men gels Box . 46’4 45 46 1 500 Middle West TTM1. 93% 9’ 9.% *00 Motor Wheel new. 17% 17 17% 1 300 Music Master Corp 1? 12% 1* 3200 \%t Distillers c*fs *3% 31% 71% 130 \*t Pow A I.t, . ? 14 21? 214 60 Nat Tea Co r*tv 9 239 2*9 l*o New Jersey Fine 19? 190 191% 25 N Y Tet pfd 113% 113'* 113% 000 Nickel Piste w| ss *7% **% 10 North States Pow l«* joa jn* gon Ornutbus Corp rtf. 17% 17 17 ion Cppenhelm Collins 42 4? 42 1O0 Paige Der Mot new 1<% 16% 16% 600 Pow Sec Corp N Y *4% 3*% '“.79% 500 Pyrene Mfg .12 11% ’1% 100 Red !<•* Cream 3«% 3*% 3*% Sno Ren Motor Gar 20% 20% 20% 400 Fnva Radio ctfs u 10% 10% 300 Shattuck Co .. 37% 37% 37% 100 Southeast PAL 39 64 .39 70 South Cal Edison 103% 19.7% ir-3% | i:ooQ*South Coal A Iron 6 5 6 100 Standard Motors 6 % 6% £ 100 Stutz Motor . 7% 7% 7% 20 Swift A Co.116 116 116 200 Swift Internaf! .. 37 % r.3% 37% ?00 Tenn K! Pow 4 5 4 7 < 700 Tenn E! P 2d pfd 12% 1" - % 10«»m T H I A R Tr 11% P<% D*% 1 400 Tower Mfg Corp.. 10 9 9% 9400 United Profit S 11 1ft % : % 500*1 ’ S Light and If 1 % l ]% 3ft0 I'm versa 1 Pictures. 2 6% 26% 2*% 100 Util P A L A .... ?4% :'4% *4% 10 Victor Talk M . 92% >*\ 92% 4600 Mars Radio t’nrp 15’, ’4% 15% 60 Weet power pfd *« *7% «7% 300 Whit* Rock 19% 19% 14% 10OO Whits Ro, k rtfs 1«% 17% 17% J400 Wlckwire-S St' n 5% 7 % 5% 400 Yellow T Cab V T 16% 1«% 16% Standard RID. 2*00 Anglo.Am . . ?ft% ?0% 2°% 100 Atlantic 1 ,r»bo« $3$ 20 B'jrkeve Pip* T. . *6 *• «6 30 Galena Signal Oil. *ft% *«% 60% 700 Humble o,| <*% 4«% 44% 200 Imp O-l C*" pew 31 3«% 31 “0 !nd Pin# Line ..77 77 77 1 400 Irt’l Pet.. ?«% ? 6 % 300 Ohio on .71% *’% 71% 600 Prairl# OH A Ga« *0% so s« 1150 Prafr-e Pipe L:n# 172% 1*1 122% 240 South Penn Oft ’.*« 1*6 1 «< 70 Bnuthwee? Penn 7 3 7 1 7“% $400 S'ard on nf Tnd «7 C6% 66 200 P'and 0,1 of Kg" 40% 4A% 40% 1700 Stand Off of N T. 46 |4% 45% 40 Stand Gil of Oho 345% 35“% 3 % ?o S»d OH of O pfd 123 123 123 200 Vacuum 011 93% ®;% 97% 300 Ctt la* Service new 40’, 46 % 40% -no Cfies Service ..!0|% 2«1% 2«l% 3*00 Colombian Syn 1% 1% 1% 1300 Cr*nl# Svndtrafe.. 11% 1 % 11% 2500 Gibson Oil . 3% 3 2% loo Gulf Oil .17% *7 % i7 % loo Kirby Petroleum.. 3% S % s% 1900 La go Pet ... 6\ 5% 5% 100 l,one Star Gas .40 40 4" loo Mexican Eag'e 011 4% 4% 4% loon Mountain A G Oil. 1% 1% 1% 1500 Mountain Prod 204, 20% 2 % 100 New Bradford 5 4% 5 200 N M A A Land Co. %% *% * %„ 700 Pennok Oil Cp n . 24 23 % 24 1*00 Koval Canadian 7% 7 % 7% 2790 R) in Con. 9% 7% 9 500 Salt Creek Cont.. 4% *% «% 1400 Salt Creek Prod . . 2* % 2« % 2« % 1900 Venezuelan Pet 4% 4% 4% 200 Wilcox 011 6% 4% 6% 100 Wood lev PeOoleum 6% 4\ *%| 9000* Y Oil A Gas. 7 7 7 ' Mining. 7000* Ariyorn Glnb* , . . 1* 1" " 'a nano Copper 4 % % 4 1 nofpljmondfteld B B 5 ^8 * 1 non* nblores F.speran* 75 500 Engineer? Gold M. 86% 3514 86% 1000* Fur* kit Croesus... 17 17 1* 3n00*Golden Stales..... * * ■*nnn*Ooldfield Peep?... 8 8 8 3000*Goldfi‘ld Pe \ .... 4 4 4 5000*Harm|ll Dlv M .. 10 lft 1rt M OMIsHx Min .18% 15% 18 % 700 Howe Sound Co.. 21% 21% 21% 2000«|pd lead M. 15 15 18 ) OAONf ib (,'ons . 26 26 26 6 400 Kay Copper . 2% 2 A 2*4 1000* l.ons star . 4 4 1000«MrKln-Dar Ravage. 40 40 46 1 000 • Ne vad« Hills ...2* 7* 26 100 New Cornelia ... 22% 22% 2"’4 24«>0 Ohio C, .... 1 1 1 1000*Parmac porcupine. ‘2 22 32 7n00*Plyinouth I.cad . 60 60 6S 400Q*Sa n Toy . 6 6 6 7000*Spearhcrid . 5 4 2000*Stand Si I v f.d .19 16 If "i‘n*Tnnopah ‘BalmOnt. 7 5 7 5 7 8 100®*Tonopah Piv .... 25 25 25 100 Tonopah Mining 1% 1% 1% 2000*4’ S <‘ont Mines .16 15 14 5000 1’nlted Verde Ext 2* 25% 26 1 700 Wenden Cop M. 4% 4 4% Domestic Bonds. 6 Allied Packer 6a.. 62% *? *2% 2 Aluminum 7s 33..197% 107% 107% 46 Am Beet Sug 6s 100% 100 100 16 Am G A El 6s . 97 96% 96% 2 Am Ice Co 7s ..105 inf. 105 3 Am Roll Mills 6- 100% joo% M1 17 At O A W 1 5a ■ 6 9 67 % : % 7 Beave» Hoard . . 94 *4 9 4 94 % 45 Bell Tel fan 6s.. 94% 94% b , 12 Beth St 7s 35... 161 % 1«3 l“i 1 Can Nt Ry Eqp 7s. 111 111 111 10 Child a Co 6s . 131% 130 111% 1 titles Srv 7» B..175 176 175 11 cities Srv 7s C ..122% 122 172 15 Cities Srv 7s D .103 102% M3 14 cities Srv PAI. 6s. 93% »3% 9:;% 3 Con Gas Balt 6 4 s. 109% 109 % 109% 1*1 Cuba Co V d 6s.. 94% 96 % 94% 10 Cudahy Pack 6%s. 93% 93% 93’* 1 list t itv Gas 6s 10.3% 103% 10.3% 65 Pet Edison 6s ..117 115% 115% 3 Dunlop TAR 7s ..102% 102% 1«2% .3 Robert Galr 7s... 101% 101% M’% 16 Grand Trunk 6«,s.M9 198% J00 25 Gulf Oil 5* 94% 98% 94% f» I.ehlah Pow Sc-Aa.101% 101 % 101% 1 Mb Me A Mb 7s.102% M2% 10?% 75 Mid Cont Pet 6%«. 97% 97% 97% 1 Mo 5s . ..100% 100tf 1 on % 1 Morris Co 7%s .103% 10.3% 10.3% X vat Plat Co 7s . . .100% mo% 100% 5 vat ptst 4s . 101% 101% M1% 11NO Pub Srv 6s. . 49 49 % 59% 6 Nor St• Row 6%s 102 101% M2 12 Nor S1 • P cv «%s,107% 1*7% 1*7% .6 Ohio Row 5, B 92% ®2% 92% 3 Penno-k 011 6s ..99% 99% 21 Penn TAB 5s . 96% 95 95 9 Pub Srv EAG 5 s 99% 99% 9®% 6 Pure on 6%s . 101% 101 mi 11 So C«! Edison 6s. 94% 94 94 4 6 Stan«i OAEJ 6%s. . 121 % 1?*% 1 21 .3 St OH N T 6%s..l07% 107 *4 1«7% 6 Swift A rn 5s ..96% 96% 96’4 2 I’nfon OH Cal fis 96 96 96 3 \ id Oil Prod *s 54 34 34 2o Vacuum Oil 7s .107% ln7 1°7% 20 Wabash R R 5%s 9* 96 96 3 W*b Mills 6 %s 101% 101% 101% Foreign Bonds. 1 City Bogota *s 9». 96 96 12 Eat HR France 7s »7 % *7% *7% « French Gov 4s 44. 65 65 *5 .-9 French Nt MSS 7s 94% ®4% 94% 2 .Netherlands 6s 72.10.7 M3 MJ 56 Krupp tFrjed) 7e. 94% 44 94 m Swiss r.%* .ioi% mi% 27 Thy seen lASt 7s 96% 9*% **% •Cents «* share Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Oa March 7.—Turpertfne. ft' m 9 7 % c . sales. 15 bbls : receipts ?t bbts : shipments. 3 bbls : stock. 4,318 bbls. Rosin—Firm. sales 81® casks, receipts. 723 ca«ks shipments. 30 casks. sTack, 52.275 cask*. ^ _ Quote B. 86 60^* 70; D F F*. t'TO^ 6 75 G H f* 7ft^6«n T |s T5ff 6 *6lK» 17 M M f" 65 V $« 06; w G. |S 76: Mr. W 99 25; X I® 40 New Ynrlc Cotton Future* Close New Tn-k Mar h 7 —Cntton future* do*ed greedy: Into M point* hirher; March 26 ?br \f- • ?*> Me to 25 97c; July 26,10c *0 ?« 15c; OcroKsr, 28 42c *• "5 46c; Pecemler 25.56c to 28.31c. ■ ■■ l A Business Opportunity exists for the man who wishes to he hi* own bos« and the owner «f a perma nent. ever-expanding, profitable mer chandising «ervice. It may start wi*h lion capita’, or 110 000. but it cannot • tart without capital The degree of success has no reasonable limit. It has attracted to it and has today engaged in it, men who are conspicuous suc cesses and of long and wide experience in merchandising, with capital abun dant for a!! their requirement*, and the other extreme of men and women with limited business experience and qualifi cation*. and very small capital. No man is too big for the business. Men of strong professional standing with splendid incomes have given up these incomes and their professional work to engage in this service, with success. The business is merchandising, but it entail* a service that ia unique, in tensely interesting -productive of great enthusiasm, and broadly constructive. It makes you the greatest benefactor in your community, town, city, or dis trict. and pay* you a reol profit for such benefaction. Service is the foundation of all real success, and this service literally en ables you to take time from eternity and put it into the life of man. and make legitimate profits in doing so. B«x D 10$. Omaha Bee. COMING PROFITS r ret? Market Bulletin will ih"* 5 Luted New Y^rk e'ecka which are in tend ph^ajr*' pn«” en flaw telling urd**- price rf if:* snd 1924. Write today for FR"K bulletin M 92. H. C. Schauble & Co., 63-65 Wall St., New York \I>\ ERTISEMKNT. MONEY IN GRAIN 112 50 buys guarantee option on 10.096 bu«he!» of wheat or corn. No further rtak. A movement of 5c from Option price gives you an opportunity to take $.'00: 4c. $400: Sc. f*00. etc. WRITE TODAY FOR PARTICULARS aad FREE MARKET LETTER Investor* Doily Guide, 5. W. Branck Dept. 5-2. 1016 Baltimore Ava., K. C., Mo ■■■■■■■■■*■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ W * * * I l