The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 08, 1925, PART THREE, Page 10-C, Image 30

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    Garden Flowers Cut Out of Felt
Applique Decoration of Little Black
Frock-Square Meshed Lace Frock
Has Heavy Embroideries With
Colorful Cretonne Cutouts-New
Arrivals in Sports Dresses_
AT the MarybeUe Shoppe. Auulla court, one Is apt to find the surprising
ly lovely In apparel. Just arrived from Fifth Avenue is a gay little dress
of black crepe, its skirt weighted by blossoms, leaves and stems of
vivid hue In felt cutouts. The cutout decoration is. by all odds, the newest
style note of the season and one finds it again on the little frock of chiffon
and square meshed lace, the flowers this time of cretonne. Lovely. Coats
of long and slender lines, each with Its inevitable fur trim assure a true chic
plalded henna, after the newest lines, is $10.50. Remarkable! A natural'
plalded henna, after the newst lines, Is $19.50. Remarkable! A natural
kasha “middle” type sports frock has decoration of applique points and red ,
buttons, $29.60.* Of the new effectiveness, separate blouse and skirt In the
gayly rich colorings makes one appear admirably at one's best, $32.50. Then
there are those new tailored over-frocks of sleeveless dash with entire little
underdress of charmful print. New!
* • * * ♦ *
The Last Vogue Was the Special
Spring Millinery Number and It's
Interesting to Note That Many of
the Models Pictured Are Duplicated
in Omaha Chapeau Salon.
Florence paxton-smith, gom
steln-Chnpman's, presents to
Omaha women those chic niilans
so vividly described, so cleverly
photographed In the last Issue of
Vogue—the spring millinery number.
Joseph, Tappe, De Marinus, magic
names of the hat world have con
tributed their best to the collection.
"Helmet hats are very smart” and
here Is one'of that new brown faille,
the silk drawn over the center of the
top to end In oddly shaped moth
er o* pearl ornament, this a copy of
Maria Guy’s original. A tiny black
mllan Its tiny brim upturned and
ribbon covered has unique ornament
bugt up of tiny pearl pieces, gold
decorated with long and loose gold
threads holding them in place on rib
bon tab— Both of these are Vogue
pictured as well as 'some of the fine
feather fancy trimmed models.
Special Milk Pack Facials Successful
in Beauty Creation.
THE Stacey Beauty Shop, CU1
Aqulla Court, Ja. 4622, are spe
cialists In the art of giving the
artful milk pack—so successful are
their efforts Jhat beauty seems almost
to be created under their skilled lin
gers. Evening appointments are made
at your convenience, Lady Fair.
• « •
Coats and dresses have gone Into
partnership for greater charm.
• • *
In expectedly lively the Elaborately
Decorated Models in Millinery Shop
BELLE HATCH’S Millinery shop
windows, l»th and Farnam, pre
sent a remarkably pleasing ap
pearance, for on the last New 1 ork
trip this Omaha milliner selected <le
cldedly different and charmful cha
peaux, the type of hats that one would
most like to make her own—daintily
decorated—brushes of color—tiny out
linings of gold or silver, beads, rib
bons, Powers, a marvelous diversity
of decorative embellishments.
— " ' "'*1
Crushed Way Over in Deep Folds
Smart as Any Man’s Headcovering
Those Swagger New Felts and Felt and
Straw Combinations__
THF McARDLE MILLINERY SHOP, 1611 Farnain. Is showing marvels
H0f the mode In soft-finished felts and the new silk-finished kashas, hsits
crushed wav over at the side quit* like the men s smartest hats Gray
kasha has a Hack ribbon. A brown felt cruRhed way over In the crown Ho
a tlny rlbbon ornament with a hit of gay feather stuck therein. An ombre
shaded felt tan and brown has Its under brim faced In straw very.wery sott
and by way of varletj* there's a black and white novelty ribbon round
crow ri» 000
Shantung Dresses Stamped for Em
broidery In Tangerine or White—
$2.50. %
OF the new season's mode are
the new Shantung dresses
stamped for embroidering in the
Art Needlework Shop at Goldstein ».
Exquisitely designed in stitches easy
, to do these dresses may he chosen In
.ither white or tangerine (deep peach),
for *2.50. Distinctive fro'cks, these
are pretty enough for afternoon wear
throughout the summer, assurance of
dslnty comfort through the hot
weather time o' year.
0 0 0
Almost any shade you desire In a
youthful felt hat, brim turned up In
front, and trimmed with a grosgraln
ribbon band and flat bow, about *12,
Is a charming way to meet the spring.
• • •
"The Only Practical Furriers In
Omaha Having Real Cold Storage
Facilities for Furs.”
THE National Fur and Tanning
Company are in their new loca
tion at 1814 Farnam, a lovely
large ehowroom, workrooma of mod
n n facilities, great storage rooms for
peltries and a wonderful cold storage
vault for Milady’s coat now that each
spring day brings warmer weather.
Visit this lovely new shop.
Plant Your Christmas Tree# Now for
Gleaming liveliness on the lJ»wn
In December.
THERE’S a wondrous mass of
greenery, two cars the first of
several carloada of trees to arrive
for tlie Sonderegger Nursery. 1912
Kama in. JA. 5252, No. 5. the Com
merce building. In size from four to
12 feet‘one may select pines, spruces
or firs, excellent growths every one.
Very fins Juniper trees are among
the trees shipped. .
• • • >
There 1s a nonchalant smartness
shout ths one-piec# frock with Its
sports-like collar and a straight-lined
upper section lengthened by a circu
lar skirt. It Is suttabl^to ths matron
ly figure.
• • •
"Covabob," Newest Coiffure of Fash
Ion—“It Hides the Hob."
THE Schadell Beauty Shop, 1522
Farnam, JA. 2870. are Introducing
that delightful new "Covabob,"
•which achieves the ultimate of lovell
ness In the fashionable coiffure. Fas
ten It securely Into the shingle boh
l>y means of tiny curved combs, easy
to do. There It Is securely held ir
place by a tiny rubber band which l!
covered hy waved places coming ovei
from each side and ending in sotl
colled curl. Chlct
“Separate Coats and Dresses” States the
Fashion Oracle of Smart Omaha Shop—
Quilted Coat Featured in Vogue a
Captivating Bit of Style k
LA BOSCH IN. Hotel Fontenelle, Eighteenth and Douglas. has declared for the fashion of the separata coat
with different frock* for the diversity of occaslons-lhe diversity of dresses. Marveloua-enHrely so—the ooatt MB
assembled by 1st Boechln and quite aa lovely the frocka suggested for we.r under them. Just out "fthepsck
In* tissues Is a black slip over frock. Its vest front of flesh chiffon over white, the collar, cuff ami pocket edged in \M
v'lvld blue*with tracery of whit, embroidery. Very full is the skirt of a black satin dress- rosewood and beige
bandings, embroidered In silk and silver, the only decoration. Cnlc! Following the positive erase for metallic en,
broideries, a sleeveless black gown ha. outlined tha arm holes in gold and appllcqued on Its quaint fromt and back
aprons of whit, with elaborate design. In gold. Flared and circular, the fullness of either skirt side has the edge
i,looted Instead of hemmed. A soft pnudre blue crepe dress hss It* short little sleeve* set In and left open a
tha under sides—the skirt fullness at the front In circular and slanting tiers, plcoted at the edge. Down the oen
ter front Is a band of l*e. with full frill of embroidered net. Hovely costumes will these be. expression, of ml
tudv’s personality.
Previewing'of Models to be Shown in-Store
Windows During the Coming Week—
• “From Lanvin” Natural Kasha En
semble Coat Collared in “Pahmi” Fur j
TH..M \ s K11 I’ATMCK 'S granted « previewing of no-del* to !•< rxh; ite.1 lr ;h. ; wlr- »«< d P '>"• coming
week An edification-no less! "From l-anv in." kasha pahml fur Glared, is embroidered and lined
In Castilian i p.1 the Keoruette und.rfrw* of the .ante shade, relieved by Inset, of cream net Very different
«nd decldedlv .-mart 1* h. whlteK nsllsh Lustra A»l of the s,«,rls tj, • .is '■« and close fitting sleeve* .inched
?" bright silk. Soft green cepe furnishes a oharmful lining and Uussum fox In yellowish ivory mu,te. a taxe s
Imported filet lace, heavy, flue. artistically sppl.ouu. i In t -e point I- .nr. . of de.ightful fotmality. U-e >
chiffon with a d.-unly camell. on the shoulder. Kv.ul-ue! Very i»«. the -,-mMo fit varf, has. lining.
,, ,l *treamers with a biltht flower for color touch. If lu &*dy chooaes. ah. n.a. fasten the *oft bit of fur tightly
round her wrist muff wise. And speaking of furs d ■ t mis* seeing the striking » l->nde b "dtall rac.iu.ttn. with
It. handing of Oerroan Fitch round, close cuffs and high -Haring Not. the wide I -ml of ! .ended georgette round
the edg* of the lining! ,
-- ---— .
That the world may . be., more . beautiful . for all .. . / promise not to pluck
flZer. nor d7,troy 1plants . in . wood, ond . field, where they jn .
exceDt such as flourish •. abundantly . or . are in . the . nature of. weeds . . ..Ul. my
influence . shall . be . used . to., protect . wild flowers from destruction . by others.
Card Issued by the IHtnol. chapter of the Wild Flower Preservation Society of America. last year the state of Illinois passed a law
placing nine wild flowers on the “forbidden list. r
Fashion Show at Strand Theater a Surprise in
“Wearability of Apparel Modeled”-Charmmg Print
Frocks as Low as $15--Ensembles at $165 - Wide
Range of Price With Unchanging Style and Beauty
T X THE FAHIUON ^ ataaad by !S£ E2dTt2 S£T«S
l wear modeled on a person of her exact type in a , Natuml Kasha ensemble with collar and banding of natural fox
U $165. 0fG(^’ly*^trlpedHati(l0'border«l1'nEdlkenmfrockV!%erry ^lotl^Beach pajanms, school Kir. to^ and sports clothes without number combine to make
this a style event of the season. f.nriiKtr’
1 duplicate “able. Marvelous! ’Tis a season of novelty scarfs. Thompson-Balden Is showing smart creations of mole and soul. re!.
sssws » sassnas^nas^JS sss srsrttss? rtf
A Bit of Screen Magic-Grape Fiesta in “Argentine
Love,” Allan Dwan’s Production, Features Bebe Daniels
and Cortez-Riotous Masses of Merrymakers Reproduce
_Atmosphere of the Argentine_
H Ot Spanish novelists, Vicente Blasno Iba z man—one nlaved bv Cortez, a wealthy vounc South American. who.has helped her
parents ftnancinlb and asked her nan w t mnxmrtk flf Alrorta a small village in the grape region of the Argentine, sprung up on the big
. at "''h0.Hl ‘n V* ul«nd^ ln°th.0c«nt.r of th* pla*a a dane* floor w*. built for th. danc.r. to celebrate th. c m harvest Torch... bonfire* and fa
studio lot In U>ng t^m,nat* ,h* scene. at, orchestra of native Argentic* p].c. product! Hundred* of reveler*. among them B.b. and
; Co’rtMsulking Spanish figure, who successfully consummate th. Arf.n tin* Tango. A picture to . . .
* * Between big and llttla clothe* <e
How. cunning—th. da.chhund of fall . ,laln «impl. tota togs are no more
which cover, a clothe, bruah—* * omplex than the grownups’ model*.
------ .-—
“Mme. Chekanow’' Responsible for
Beauty of Big Dress Hat of Pink Faille
Flower Applique Trimmed—The Tiny
Fuschias Hand-Painted on Chinese
Blue Taffeta Band of Orchid Straw
L OUl.SK WHITMAN- in her lovely.millinery shop In the Athletic Club
building, Eighteenth and Douglas, prerents extraordinary models In
her opening this week. -Marvelous In diversity of style the two Mme.
Chekanow models—one a large pink dress hat, the appllqued fh'Wei s out
lined In beads, the other a tiny peach tinted ribbon the ends fluffed at crown
top. Ostrich flowers are laid flat and tailored against a green-gold crown,
an orchid straw has blue upturned cuff gayly decorated.
mm* • * • •
I.itile Dining Room for the After
noon's itridge Without (Tiargr.
THE Metropolitan Dining Room.
Hotel Keen, 18th and Harney,
offers the use of its Little Din
ing Room for the bridge game—the
use of the room for the entire after
noon without charge—the only ex
pense being the regular luncheon
costs. One of the reasons why the
Metropolitan is so popular. The Lit
tle Djning Room is exquisitely dec
orated and quite the type of room
In which you’ll enjoy entertaining
your friends.
» • •
After 50, one needs stj le» mellowed
to a soft, simplicity, softly falling
jabots, the becoming bit of velvet
ribbon round the throat and sheer
lace the softening touch for a black
satin hat.
• • •
Announcing the Showing of I.aees of
Filet Irish Val, Duchess and I*rin
cess for Spring Dresses or l ndies,
and an littproesslve Array of Lin
THE Saidv Importing Company,
Aquila Court, have a wonderful
showing of laces for spring
dressmaking, filet, Irish crochet,
vals, duchess and princess creations
utterly exquisite. Imported lingerie
of all kinds is ready for your selec
Interior IWorator Whose Experience
in Shopping ami Advantageous Con
nection* Assure True Economy.
Mrs. grace bonekemper.
consulting interior decorator,
1326 South 34th, Ha. 346?, is
an artist in effects who will plan a
room nr an entire house, submitting
plans without charge. -whe ft la whose
experience in shopping and advan
tageous connections assure economy
in buying in addition to tbe artistry
achieved by the skilled decorator.
mm m
\ detachable collar of fine fur 1*
obviously the sensible topping f^r s ^
lightweight, coat. To be tied tightly
round the wrist when not in «**.
* * •
“Kt'umore Faille" Njtring'a Newest
IN all .tin^ newest shade* of a ntyle
ful spring 'comes the "Kenmore
Faille." featured by the Silk
Shop, 1517 Douglas. In 40-lncli
width, excellent for the fashionable
ensemble creations this faille Is a trus
45 value and as an introduction for
spring silks it is offered at SI.69
a yard.
* « •
Monogram* are large and bags
come thin or puffy, envelopes,
pouches or chain purses of exqu.*ite
Rather Chic, That New Effect One
Gets by Having the Edge of One’s
Skirt Picoted Rather Than Hemmed
__—--——---- —
MAJ'AMI! 101.'ii:-ORESSMAKBR, a sugeestion: For those skirts With
- i,i ■- have the vdee picoted tr.utead of turning the clumsy
curling hern. The Ideal Button and Pleatlna company, third floor
Brown block Sixteenth aid Douglas, eettlne the Idea from acme of the ultra
ready-to-wear models, have achieved very clever effect* for the home eeam
... ...
Very Youthful and Very Quickly
Soiled Are the New ‘•Natural”
Shades an.i That ITett.v “Blonde”
DRESHKR BROS.. Twenty second
and Famain, AT. 0345, report a
bu.«v season so far snd antici
pate much a1 ti\ ity In cleaning, the
fascinating "natural” shade of kasha
and the various "like kasha” fabrics
so popular this spring. Needless to
sa\ Rresher's processes restore the
pristine freshness of any fabric. Keep
tills In mind—Dreshers will make it
like new.
• • •
If you d Rite a child a toy unusual.
Achy not the "tllove Monke' \ ere
realistic is the monkey’s head and
hand', which are -slipped on over the
hands, tricing splendid animation to
the toy each tin.e one moved the fin
gers. A pleasing toy—f?.
* • •
Former Beauty Shop (teener Opens
New Shop.
Mr ft. DRKFOLD. who formerly
owned and operated a beauty
shop In the Woodmen of the
World building, has purchased the
Freeman Beauty Shop. 544 Y\ orld
Herald building, AT. 5053. renaming
the shop the Drefold Beauty Shop
Recalling the excellent service ren
dered in s beauty way In Mrs. lire
fold's oilier shop, we are delighted
to welcome this new shop.
• • •
Metallic trimming* gv* kasha
frock* th# air of alight formality
i nomctintM nwdfM ia aU-ilay long
Announcing .New Location of ^Veil
known Beauty Shop Operator.
known Omaha beauty ehop op
erator. la now located In the
Lecnore -Shop 1» very busy with spe
Court, Atlantic 4649. Well versed in **'
every branch of beauty lore with a
particular skill In marcelling. Miss
Hyer awaits madam's pleasure. The
Leonone Shop 1* very busy with spe
ctul scalp and facial treatments jus
now—’tis that time o‘ year.
• • •
An envelops purse of seal, lined
with moire silk in contrasting color:
has double compartment for change
enarr*»l clasp; hlack, brown or tar.,
and 1* priced 95.
e • •
Exquisite New <Yearn Compounded
From Formula of Pari* Doctor.
TtlE Delft Beauty Shop. *S* City
National Bank Bldg.. Ja. 1T95. la
introducing a very marvelous
new cream compounded by a French
doctor's formula. "MiBeath's Os
motic Cream." In a Mg jar exquis
itely scented the pink contents as
sure ex.eeding cleanliness of ths face
a new and lovely roundness ef oer
tour, a growth of new tissues. The
price, It.iO.
• * •
A long and ingenious instrume!.'
of hand-painted wood may be used for
the removal of haked potatoes from
tl e oven or for taking from the hot
water swVet corn, such a rare delicacy
of early summer. A gift! unique—
After the Shampoo Have a Sun Dry With the Scientific
Apparatus Furnished in Big Modern Beauty Shop—
For the Facials of Medicinal Benefit—The Radio Bell
! —Primrose Preparations Make Enchanting Facial
1 trJtment of facial ....face dl.turbance. there', the radio hell, with He henllnK blue ll'ht. lively. It . «*£•«•»• <" "'• » ‘ Y'.Z
ration facial for $1—a facial In which each and every one of the preparation* having to d<» with the face I* lined i
the poeelbllltlee of the Prim rote preparation.. , ,
^kln Preeh.ner ..Prlmroee lloti.e Pin* Bo«P .
l’ace Moldlnw Creem .I1.M .„«! 13.60 Hand IMInn.”*.! '.Y'ff,'. V.'.!Y.Y!!. ” ! >1•'■«
Tleeue Stimulant .. . Hut . . .j, |M1
S2S ISTcZT^ .;*
..jj* .•• -■ - -;;: ::;;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Balaam A.trlnyent ...
A beauty bulldln* ohln eUap work, wonder. If worn aeoordin* to luaUuotiou. and lu domJuuoUou wlUt the 1’rhuru.. Hou.e Ufio
ally ooMUuoted, 1| 14 Ifc '
“Plunder Merchandising-Poisonous Growth of
Illegitimate Competition-Has No Place in Plans
for Bigger Omaha”
Buy Quality Merchandise Trademarked for Safety
huy Hvm Who t.,U. ft -l«V c «rt«r~t In >o»r *dfn~ M wh' L
J ,„tlK *,£*•*.,., in hU}t„K .....I Hdlh.u quo Illy rn.rdu.mtt... lN..I#.u*rk*d Komla "huh * of - ,0, ,, «t to «, non «..1,hlr r .cc
If „ , huvlua n ..look- W|“ I hmniift l, ho ...ah. dock .. limed-,- which .I for tha fined " orhn.nrd,., able- « trade ft -h*d
O-Oduc' up Ikimltr M.rchanUldna” h,,e Thou If 00c I. -liver .hopping there It the Ur.uU ol Upl and Barton and th; him pint. MU.HO eih.rn-nr.
lhB, tft not onh tm.l.. hut* vouched for by ll.nrlckrnm *. e»iaWtoh*J «h,co IM. ^onr
a a ■ • • • #
In.111 tln> llniiillmt KvpiiIiir rump "*
(mill nr Silver In (h<« Nnnjeer ISlil
inK limit—One Will lie smartly sliml
lit TliU .simp.
rpllK 1*11111 I'l-lphlH Sln.f Si.
I Aiiull* i’nun. "ill ■murtly »hcv>
— you. I.mly Onnihn. finni (he liny
pump of icilil it ellvei to the HW-uiRi'
rhlluR "lmn( nf Irmhfi ■■'ft Inn tiler
Uiiad In which uu« luk*« h«i •*»• In
«ld armahklr.
f it'll tlir MuM IWtlnill Iliite \re lir
Moi l.ill In \r» S^yle in Till* Hal
Si'n it'o Simp
fr^lir. Krtleet Hat Simp 303 Hut kei
I Hlnt'k, Fifteenth and Tunwitt, do
exortleiil Mm Unit of aid hat*
Tlietr repair and retnmli-lins work on
fine, feather* and ntut ebou I* excel
lent too. Closed at • on haluitUf.
’Special ForiiiutV llr.'iutT Keuiil»itr«
I,lion l ice I>eiiinii«tration In Italic
la* Street Itaattlj simp.
TIIK WTightt'avM Heavily Shop.
No. i Rail'd Block, l Tib ami
Itaiiglua. AT. 41,1! ore giving
deinon«n;mloii» lire of i-hnrg* t”
ovary one Inlet'eated in t he "Special
Formula" prap.< allona In!;. du<-e«l i
Omaha by Manila Da CeorO’. Lvie
Ur toMi UflM
r..a» *—> •