ANOTHER HAROLD BELL WRIGHT STORY IN FILMS New Ibanez Film Here This Week “Re-Creation of Brian Kenl*’ at Kialto All Work; Au thor Supervised Pro duction in Person. / “Argentine Love” Thrills The ptcturlzat inn of a well-known novel and an original screen story form th* major portion of th# pro grams at th# two leading motion pic ture houses for the week. Harold BeJ} Wright’s widely-read novel, "The0 Re-Creation of Brian Kefit," will Interest Rialto theater pa trons, and lhanez' "Argentine Txive” will delight audiences at the Strand. Hhr many years Wright refused to permit hla books lo he made Into mo tion pictures* hut Pol Resser, presi dent of Principal Pictures, changed Wflght's decision hy agreeing to trh-nsfer the novels to the screen Just as "they were written. a Hiwr traveled out to the author’s ranch In the heart of the wjld end colorful country rear Tucson, Arlz., add convinced Wright that the vast motton picture publio was comprised of many mors than the enthusiastic number of followers Wright pos sesses. lie pointed out to the author that by means of th# screen hts books could be conveyed to additional mil lion*. Wright Supervisor. A stipulation was reached between th* producer and the author that Wright ahould personally supervlae each and every one of hla productions mad* by the company, from the scenario script to the final editing of the completed product. The contract was made two years ago and since thtftllms Wright has suspended work on-flocks not yet In the hands of pub lishers. to lend a guiding hand In fllm Ingf bis stories. The first of these was “When a Man's a Man." It was fol lowed by "The Mine With the Iron Beor," and the latest Is "The Re Cre ation of Brlant Kent.” Much time was spent by the producer and an ther In selecting artists who would 'yftlfy. both in appearance and char acter, the Individuals upon whom the story la based. Mary Carr, known aa "the mother of the screen,” essays the role of that Intensely lovable gentlewoman, Auntie Sue; Brian Kent, whose re creation Is effected by Auntie Sue, Is^fila.ved In the screen version by Kenneth Harlan. Helen* Chadwick us.Bett.v Zoe, Zazu Pitts as .Tudy and Rdsemary Theby as Mrs. Kent are th* principal characters. Hood Ibanez Story. “Argentine Rove." at the Strand for the week, has been described as an “Ibanez story with a perfect cast." The story was written direct ly -for motion pictures by the great est of all Spanish novelists. Vicente Blasco Ibanez, author of "The Pour Horsemen." "Blood and Rand,” 'Ene mies of Women," etc. Everything about, the picture Is Swinish, and how could on* start off better than by th# aetefctlon of Bebe Haniels and Ricardo Cortez for the prliicipal raJes? Park haired, dark »y»d Bebe play* a lovely Rpanlsh j senprlta. 4j>rtez, within the last few months,' hah risen to an enviable position siifong the screen'* younger leading loss. His role In this latest picture Is ^ne of his own nationality, that of a flaring South American. Jsmes KMnle. recently seen In the Broad wSk stage hit, "The Best People," looks every Inch the character he portrays, that of an American engt near. Ijtrrnld Roll Wright 'Novel in Films to Re ot Rialto All tf erk Mr-/ A beautiful story of a man made Kijjat by love Is unfolded In the screen vafsidn of Harold Bell Wright's book, "The Recreation of Brian Kent," abiding this week at the Rialto thea tef, Those who have read the story wifi agree that It furnishes wonderful screen material, and In the fllm the characters are so true to life that It eesms as if they had stepped out of the pages of the book. The role of Brian Kent Is taken by Kenneth Harlan. Kent Is a good man at Tieart from tha start of his career. Hji ambitions to writs ars not appre ciated by ths fun living wife, Martha, r|ri Is portrayed by Rosemary Theby. In order to satisfy her cravings Kent steals a small sum of money frpm the bank In which he Is em ployed. Fear of his detection and the shams of his weakness causes Brian to^flee. With suicidal Intent he em barks In a small boat and drifts through ths darkness of ths night (Idjjvn a river In the Ozark country of AWexourl, ;l'ate decree# that the boat awlrl Info a current leading away from car tain death in foaming rapids to a < aJm bay. Hers Brian Is found the nsikt day by Judy, a mountain girl, deformed by a beating she received in her Infancy by a fiendish father. prompted by this wonderful wprnana philosophy that the river with its currents Is symbolic of life, Brjan Is Inspired to wrl'e a book. In oijier to have It transcribed for prop cp,'presentation to the publishers, re soOrceful Auntie Sue, a kindly old woman, hires a stenographer. Kent falls In leva with the girl, whom he marries after tha death ot hlf first wife. He Is cleared of his rrtme at the bank and begins life s new. The fllm has a splendid sup ] P«(filng cast. BHQHBDimODD THEATERS GRAND.HMh and Rinnay Milton Sill* and Viola Dana In "A* Men Daalroa" Comedy, "THa Cat’a Meow." Naw* POUI.RVARD • - 33d and Leavenworth l>orl* Kenyon and Lloyd Hughe* la "If I Marry Again." Comedy HAMILTON .... 40th and Hamilton Patey Ruth Millar la "Fool* In the Dark." Alta "Daya nf Danlal Boon*" ^Movies I IpitTs and •J in a scene trom ‘The Re-Creation of Brixrx Kent vA AT THE RIALTO . Pam eh, James J[ennte and Jfrcardo Cortez in Argentine Love’AT the STRAND -n “Argentine LoveNew Ibanez Romance, Comes to Strand for Week '>__z The newest romance by Vicente Vicente Blnsco lhanez, ‘'Argentine Bovs," a Paramount picture produced by Allan Dwan, with Bebe Paniels and Ricardo Cortez In the leading roles, comes to the Strand for the week. The story, ss the title Indicates, Is a South American love drama, rich in color and teeming with a fast moving action. Miss Daniels has the role of Consuelo Garcia, a young Spanish girl who flouts sll the old, time-worn customs and traditions of her race and manages the affairs of her heart to suit herself. It Is the custom In the Argentine for the parents to pick the life mate. But not so for Consuelo. She has been to the United States, and ac quired, among other things, a. fiance— a young American engineer, who ac companies her to the Argentine. The girl's parents are furious, and when Juan Martin, the financial king of the little town of Alcorta, cornea to claim his bride there Is the "dickens" to pay. Consuelo simply will have none of him, and tells him so. Cor tez, of course, has the role of the hot blooded Spanish lover. James Rennie, heading a strong supporting cast, Is Sears, the American. “EXTRA’S” BIGGEST GOWN PROBLEM Which la the more difficult to clothe—a "star" or sn “extra?" "An extra," comes the answer— with much emphasis—from no less a personage than Mrs. Henrietta Fra zer, wardrobe mistress for the eastern production units of Fleet National. “If It were not for the 'extras’ the Job of a wardrobe mistress In the movies would be essy," says Mis. Fraser. “AH I have to do with a real star is make a suggestion, show her a new design, or take her to a good modUite and ahow her a particularly atrlklng gown, and the real atar usually smiles sweetly and accepts my selection. Tjimbert Hlllyer Is looking for a correspondence school that teaches the rules and regulations of weddings by mall. Hlllyer has Just finished such a scene with Milton Sills and Doris Kenyon*In "I Want My Man" which he directed for First National. Now he Is satisfied that a director used to handling theme* like "The Spoilers" hi* a lot to l«*arn about the fine point* of society wedding*. ROBERT KANE , PRESENTS 3 HENRY KING’S a ALICE Paramount TERRY I! Pictura The htiman-inicrcsl love drama of a girl v>ho shoul dered ihe responsibly for her wcal(cr sister’s folly Next Saturday | 4 NEW PICTURES AT SAME TIME Four picture* will be In production simultaneously by First National'* eastern units with the starting thl» week of "The Half Wav Girl,” and ‘The Making of O'Malley.” This will be the high water mark of production for the Karl Hudson unit* which were brought east from Hollywood last fall. The last phase* of preparation for the two new picture* began Monday with the announcement by Hudson that he had engaged Webster Camp bell to direct ‘'The Half-Way Girl,” and haa assigned Dorothy Markatll to play a co featuring role with Milton Sills In "The Making of O’Malley.'* It Is expected that tha last ef the Interiors for “Chlckle'’ will be com pleted next week at the Cosmopolitan studios, which First National leased a few weeks ago to amplllfy Its eastern production "program. The company then mdves to Miami, Fla., for ex teriors. No actress Is too old to break Into motion pictures, according to Kate Mayhew, who Is over 70 and who plays a housekeeper role In William de Mille’s Paramount production of "Men and Women.’’ Miss Mayhew has been on the stage for about 60 years and recently made her debut In picture. 10 COMMANDMENTS HAS LENGTHY RUN With the clone of the Broadway en ragement of "The Ten Command ments" at the^frlterlon theater last week after a run of (12 weeks all rec ords sine# motion pictures were In vented went by tha board. At the end of Its *M>th sho'irln* at tha Criterion theater this picture dwarfs all other Ion* rune. "The Covered Wajfon" played at thta same theater for 4> weeks, which was the previous Ion* run for a motion pic ture. "The Birth of a Nation" played on Broadway 44 weeks, which was the Ion* run record previous to "The Covered Wagon.” "Way Down East” held up for 40 weeks. Ruby Ivifayette, SO, who appears In the Ince First National picture, “Idle Tongues,” Is blessed with good eyesight, so the klelgs do not bother her at all. "My eyesight end appe tite never fall me.” she proudly pro claims. Moreover, she Is not the least bit temperamental, although once a stage star of renow n. IrillMiiillllllllllllllilEMIM i iTODAYl iTODAYli Ends Friday Ends Friday I fAfrtifafcrfr W _ rgentuie 1 Love' i wrm. f j BEBE DANIELS i AND j RICARDO CORTEZ | A romantic love tale of a modern Spanish beauty who picked an American sweet heart and stirred the fire of her scheming Spanish lover. ■ Told only as Ibanez, master of romance, knows how. Produced in gorgeous, color ful setting. j Additional Unit* of Entertainment, If Strand Orchestra Sutton Directing Helen Hoagland At the Organ Newspaper Fun Cross Word Puzzles For tho Loughs, “Love Mania” I Si I--ON THE STAGE * Thompson-Belden’s SPRING STYLE REVUE All the Latest Creations Displayed on BEAUTIFUL LIVING MODELS In Connection With OMAHA’S FAVORITES RANDALL’S ROYAL FONTENELLE ORCHESTRA L • - - v • - I HELLO. HOLLYWOOD IS RIALTO COMEDY I.lge Conley will supply the comedy portion of this week's bill at the Rial to theater in "Hello Hollywood ” The comedy has to do with a star ► and has many comical experiences In a motion picture sludlo. In some of tb# scenes two of the well-known com edy actors who are seen at til# Rial to, I,ee Moran and Lloyd Hamilton, are Included In one of the funniest epi sodes In the comedy being between I.ige Conley and Lloyd Hamilton. "Adventure." featuring Raymond Hatton, has been completed by Victor Fleming, and "The Air Mall," by Irvin Willat. I — ..■■#■■■■ I I MS !■— ■ ■ — 50 LONG-HAIRED BEAUTIES FOUND Fifty beautiful women with long hair have been found In Hollywood lyr A1 MaoQuerrle, director for Hong las Fairbanks. The reason longhaired glrte were wanted Instead of the short hatred ones Is that bobbed hair was “not In The cards'’ In the days when Hon Q stood Madrid on IIs ear. This wee shortly before Mars set the stage for the civil war. Not only did the women of that period wear long hslr. In Spain their tresses were raven black. So the problem of the Fair banks company was not only to get long haired women but to find thoee whose locks were black. _STARTS_ Saturday James Anna Q. Kirkwood Nilsson A story of love and sacrifice developed along brand new lines, and told amid thrilling fights, raging floods, rousing rescues and other big scenes. -ON THE STAGE -v ELSIE MYERSON’S GIRL BAND I From Sunny California 1