Cecilia Plays “Tommy Tucker” in Russia “Sing* for Her Supper” When Money’s Bad. To be paid In bread and sugar wag the curious and not altogether com fortable experience of Miss Cecilia Hansen, the brilliant young Russian violinist who appears Thursday at the Brandels, when she tourei} her native Russia under the soviet re gime. "I was like little Tommy Tucker who sang for his supper. The gov ernment felt that artists must live," explains Miss Hansen, who Is to play in the final offering of t^e Tuesday Mualcale, "and ail fees were paid In produce. It was all a part of the Involved, hopeless situation which existed In Russia at the time when 1 finally got out of the country. There were few concerts. In the sense that a musical program was • presented there were practically none at all. Most of the time I was forced to ‘play on mixed bills. There were clowns and jugglers and little plays and dancers and monologists and acrobats and even trained ani mals—and somehow in this collec tion of entertainers I would be In serted. "Money fluctuated constantly; what was good In the. morning might be cf doubtful value In the evening. A pound of sugar was a pound of sugar, Its nutritive value did not change. Perhaps the officials were wiser than they suspected when they paid us In sugar or eggs or butter. "I have sometimes wondered whether there was a scale of food, corresponding to the music which we played. The Tchaikovsky concerto, for Instance, would bting more sugar than a group of shorter pieces. At any rate, this strange system of remune ration was a safeguard against starvation. But I am glad that I no longer have to get my groceries from the stage manager." Miss Hansen is now making her second American tour, going tills year to the Pacific coast, which she will visit for the first time. Omaha Walking Club. Afternoon walk starts at 3:15 p. m. from the end of the East Omaha car line. Allow 45 minutes to reach the starting point from Fourteenth and Farnam streets. Leader*: Mr. and Uri, Leelt* Williams. H Assistant: Dr. A. A. *d»ln*ton. Ja Julius Reader ho«t at the shack. Visitors are welcome. V. N. A. Committee* Meet. The nurses’ committee of the V. N. A. meets Monday morning at 11. The finance committee meets Mon day at-ll:45 a. m., 501 city hall. Board of directors of the Vlaitlng Nurse association will meet Tuesday, 10:30, 801 city hall. , Y. W. C. A. ] Sunday. Central building open 18 a. m. to 8 p. m. No meals served. Monday. Class In child psychology. 1:30. Central Park Junior Trlanglo Girl Re serves, school. J p. m. North Student club. Olivet Baptist church. 3 45 p. m. Bethany Junior Triangle Girl Reserves, Bethany chapel. 4 p. m. Central and Technical Student clubs. 4. at the Y. W. C. A., for Renton Bible group, under the leadership of Rev. Ada Stone Anderson. Federation of clubs supper, « o’clock. Supper speaker. Miss Clara M. Brewster. Tuesday. Bellevue Student club Bibla class, school. 8:15. Comeir.uh Junior Triangle Girl Reserves, 3:15 school. Rake Junior Triangle Girl Reserves, school. 3;30. Castelsr Junior Triangle Girl Reserves, Y. W. C. A., e:30. Wednesday. Fdoard Rosewater Junior Triangle, school. 3.05. . _ Roi nroj' junior Triangle, school, 8:3»>. South High Bible class. Wheeler Me morial church. 3:20, subject. "The Way of s Girl Reserve.” Reader, Mrs. Barton A. Johnson. Technical Student dlub, 4 p. m. Connovn Hub. supper, 0:15. in Mknlc’“. 6:30 and 7:30 p. m. Drawing class. 7. Thursday. Florence Ji'n'o" Trlenple. School 8. Sherman Junior Triangle, Sherman acuoui. ... 0 Central Student club cabinet. 3:15. North Student club Bible class, Olivet Baptist church at 5:45 p. m. Reader, Mrs. Wlnthrop Lane Friday. Park Junior Trlangls, school, 8:18. Vinton Junior Triangle, Vinton school, ’central and Technical Freshman Stu dent clubs’ Bible class. Y. W. C. A., 4 o'clock. Subject, "Riving the . Cods." Reader. MU* l/outae Hatch. Alsecon club. J>enten Bible elate. 8:10. Subject, '^Friendship With God.” Reader, Miss Routes Hatch. Alsecon club, 6 p. m. and "movie" party. Saturday. Junior Girl Reserves Ren ten Bible class. 8 o'clock. Leader, Miss Frances White. Subject. ”A Girl Reserve's Gar den.” Junior Girl Reserves. 2 45. Fine Arts Presents | Princess Tuesday tPmnc ess urntacuzene Princess Cantacuzene, who will lecture before the Omaha Society of Fine Arts on Tuesday, March 10, 4 p. m., Bramleis theater, will give an account of her social experiences on both side of the Atlantic, and will discuss the many notables she has met In the course of her eventful career. Her lecture will l>e entitled "My l.lfe. Here and There.” Before her marriage In 1899 to Prince Michael Cantacuzene, head of a famous Russian family, Princess Cantacuzene bore the name of Julia Bent Grant, her father, the late Frederick Dent Grant, having been a son of GeiTeral U. S. Grant, leader of the northern armies In the civil war and afterwards president of the 1'nited States. She was born af the White House In Washington during her grandfather's presidency. In 1898, after being presented to society, the princess lived for some time in Washington. During the war with Spain In that year Iter father received the appointment of military commander of Porto Rico. Several men who afterwards became famous were then coming to the front, includ ing Theodore Roosevelt. In her lecture Princess Cantacuzene gives her early Impressions of these celeb rities. For the Clothesline. If you have a steel clothesline wipe with a little kerosene In cold weather and the clothes will not stick to the line. ^"omdtefk _._ _j Have You. Seen Our P I Half Price Window | Many new Items are added each day. i Make it a point to watch this window— 0 it will mean a direct saving to you. This window contains a wonderful display of In silverware, highest grade plated silver, g solid and gold filled jewelry; pearl and « y colored bead necklaces, watches, clocks, 0 etc., at exactly ;H 1/2 PRICE Included Are Such Values as g ,'25.00 Cameo Brooches . .912.50 III II | *39.00 Cameo Brooches . .915.00 I l t 8.00 Pearl Beads .9 4.00 i i $18 00 Pear] Chokers .9 0.00 I i $60.00 Gent's Watch .930.00 H | $10.00 Cut Glass Candy Jars .9 5.00 ! $ 6.00 Solid Gold Cuff Links .9 3.00 0 $ 3.00 Gold Pilled Cuff Links .9 1.00 | | C. B. Brown Co. II ^ Diamond Merchants—Jewelers /yty I Sixteenth and Farnam 1 Club Calendar for Week ; SUNDAY. Old People's Home, PontMelle Houlesard. Service*. 3 p. m., Rev. W. D. King pastor of Centre! Perk Cungregn tional church. Muilc furnished by church choir. House of Hope. ?9I5 North Thirtieth street. Rev. Pert R. Story, pastor of the Oran* Methodist church, South Side, at 3 o'clock. Special jnusic under the direc tion of Mrs. Dean Ringer. (»et Acquainted club, 7 o’clock. In the club rooms. Twenty-eight ii and Karnam street*. Alice Roberts will read *‘U Joy San," a Chinese play', In which she por trays six characters. <3et Acquainted club orchestra will play. MONDAY. P. K. O. Nlsterliood, chapter It. S., home of Mrs. Donald A. Tracy, 2 7 2H North Sixtieth avenue. Monday, 2:30 p. m. Tennyson Chuutuuqua circle, Monday. 2 p. m.. at the Y. W. C. A. "Keeping Dp With Science." Reason, inventions and geology. I nlty Study club. Monday 8 p. m , 214 Kennedy building. Nineteenth and Doug las streets. Reader, Mias Cleo Dess Thornton. Hellenic Chautauqua clrrle. Monday. 9 a. m., home of Mrs. R. O. Schaefer, 27.58 Mary street. Reason: "Eminent Euro peans of Todav." (•amnia Tan < bautaiiqim circle, home of Mrs. It. K. Parrott, f»0l« Cas* utreets. Monday 2 p. ni. "Keeping Up With Science." by Mrs. IT. H. Curtis. Bellevue Chapter Woman’s clnh will meet in Red Cross rooms, Masonic temple, 2 p. m. Monday. Plans will he com pleted for a permanent organization and officers elected. Omaha Northslde Womnn’e club, Amer ican Home department, Monday at 2 p. in , reMidence of Mrs. Elmer N. Stun**. 3902 North Seventeenth street. Mrs. W. R. Riener. chairman. Department of political and social sci ence. Om»hn Woman’s club, will l>e held Monday. March 9. Y. W. C A. Reader, Mr*. Millard Rangfeld Program In charge of Mrs IT. <\ Sumney; subject! 'TBHIs of th# Credit System (Installment Plant." Speaker A. T. Hupp. Tl EM. Dorcas club.. Nebraska children’s home, on Fontenellt boulevard, Tuesday at 1 o’clock. Banner Mondamln lodge. >». Ill, give an entertainment followed by dancing and refrethmenta, Tuesday, Swedish audi torium. Chapter ('. I*., P. F. O., will meet with Mrs. F t» Bralnerd. 8843 Franklin, Tuea da>. for 1 o’clock luncheon and election of officers. Loomis t hnutuuiiua circle. Tuesday 2 p. m.. T. tv. c. A Leaders, Mesdames Thornton Jarmlne. Ft. 13. Wlxaon, F. P. Uiffen. Lessons B, 6 and 7 of "Keeping Up With Science. Sermon club. Tuesday, March 10, 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. F. .T. Marils. 214 Fowler avenue. Mrs. Alice Bergen will srive a book review. Annual election of offVers wUl take place. South Omaha Woman’s elub, annusl business meeting and election of officers. Tuesday. March 10. at library hall. Twen ty -third amt M streets, at 2 p. m. Rehenrs.'ils for "The Cilenner. * the musical drama to be presented May 13 will be held at *:15, Red Cross room. Masonic temple. Private tryouts for two leading soprano parts will be held at 7:30 Tuesday evening. . North Side Mothers* clnh. Home or Mrs. H A. Potter. 28B7 Reed street, Tues day at 1 p. m. Luncheon. Mesdames O. A. Runyan and C. A. Bacon will assist. Miss Tobbltt will speak and Mrs. C. C. Canon will give current evente. Current Topics, department Omaha wo man'll elun. Tuesday, Y. W. C. A., 2 p m. ruble leisnn, Jezeb,l, 3. KlnR* 1*:2I Hr Tdella Stoddard. program leader. Mi*. Grave Pool Stelnbsr*. *o!o. "Chine,'' Alien Helen MeCosr. current event* Mesilaille.* John AV. Gill. Miller P^ntlce. R. 3,. Kra ntz. W. J. Trater. WEDNESDAY. Fmnre* AA lllnrtl AV. Cl. T. V.. T. AT. <1 A.. Wedneaday at 2 o'cloelt.^ tarter l.ahe club kenslngton. 1 o clock luIT^heon *nd bridge nt Wellington inti. Wes t Onmhn Mothers’ club will meet wit! Mr* I* J. White, 5004 Chicago Street, Wednesday Keller oo Chapter Woman’s club will meet with the men of Bellevue chapter for a Joint social evening Wednesday, in the chapter room, fifth floor. Masonic lemnle. Sunshine cliih. Maple I cnf chapter tt. E. m.. will meet a»i day Wed need a >. Masonic temple. .Nineteenth and Douglas streets. Train School Mothers' club, social meet ing. home of Mrs J. Tomasek, 19441* South Fifteenth street. Wednesday. Mi a. E. Leonard assisting hostess. Drama section. Omaha College elnh. with Mrs. It. .1. Boss. .’>'.>11 < apltol avenue. Wednesday at 4. The < hr«»n!ola play. 'Moan of \tc,’* by Bernard Shaw, will he given under the direction of Misa Jean nette McDonald. Social Worker*’ club. Wednesday eve nlng. n o’clock. X. W. < . A. Reservations by Tuesday noon. Question box and round table discussion and demonstration; Omaha City Mission; initiation ceremony of Girl Reserve department. 8 porch education department. 4>malia Woman’* club, meets V W. C A. Tues day at 10:1$ n. m. for regular class work. Those taking part on the program are Mesdamee D J. Holmes, W. F. Relnsch. Emmett Solomon. L. T. Wilcox and A. 8. Widenor. Instructor, Prof. Edwin F. Pu!*; leader, Mrs. George G. Pray. Education Department. Omaha Worn* nti’s club, Wednesday 2 p. m., parlor. X. \V. C A. Newer ideals and Methods of Education, speaker. Professor Frank!** Walters, head of department of educa tion University of Omaha. Mrs. o. w. Hendee, and pupils from Nebraska School for the Des f. demonstration of methods of Instruction. Mrs. O. W. Hen dee leader of the day; Mrs. F. Hv Cole, department chairman. THURSDAY. Ttchenrsnls for 'The tilenner," Thurs day. K;13. Masonic temple. ' Unity Study club. Thursday 2 p. m.. residence Mrs E. J. Thornton, 2S22 North Forty-fifth street. O. K. S. Kensington club, Vesta chap ter No. A will meet in Red Croa room. Masonic temple. Thursday. Dougins County Republican Woman's club will meet for luncheon. Thursday. March 12. at th# Hamilton hotel dining ■ ■ ■ Pari I g mentor? Law. department Oma ha Woman’s club. Y. W. 0. A. Thuraday. 11.30 p. m. I.esaon. ’'Debate*. Mra. II. H. \VhltetioUHc department leader. Woman'* Foreign Missionary society. Dundee Met hod let Episcopal rliorrb, 1 o'clock luncheon end study of China at the home of Mrs. W 11. Wrlghtaon, 717 South Ftfty-aixth street. Women’s Home Missionary society, Hanecom Park Methodist church. will meet at home of Mta If. I*. Kuhlman. 2615 Hickory street. Thursday at 2:3u p. m. Mrs. K. E. James will speak «>» the subject. "On* Cod to Glorify.” Mrs. H ft. Foster will have charge of devo t tons FKHIAY. Scottish Rite Woman's club huelness meeting at the Cathedral Friday at 2 p. in. Extension society. Friday March IS. C. D. A. clubrooma. Paxton Mock, sealsting hostesses: Mrs. Albert Miller. Mrs. Mary Gentleman. Miss Margaret O’Connor. Music deport incut North Hide Women’s club, Friday, home of Mrs William .T. Keller. 6524 North Thirtieth street. Chorus work directed by Mrs. N. Wallace. Folk dancing by Miller Park school children. SATURDAY. West Dodge Indies Aid will give a home.bake sale Saturday. March 14. at Giles Brothers store. Patriotic Program. Omaha Chapter D. A. R. will meet, Tuesday, 2:30 p. m. in the parlors of the First Congregational church, with Mrs. C. Beldon as hostess. The program, tn charge of the Ameri canization and Patriotic Educational committee, Mrs. ,7. B. Reynolds, chairman. Patriotic talk by Mr. R. A Kirkpatrick. S. K. Klein will Introduce Miss Hunnclat Garrotta and Jo Bennedltto who will sing Mra. Martha Chrlatlaney. principal «»f Mason school and Mrs. Belter will present 32 children In a drill, "The American Colonies.” _ r---y Fiue Arts Society. ; v---J Three lectures will be given by Walter Parh, well known writer and lecturer on art. In the gallerlee of the public library, under the auspices of the Society of Fine Arte. The first, given this afternoon at 4, on the subject "Greek Sculpture Before Phidias," will be Illustrated. This Is the tlilrd successive year of Mr. Pach's appearance before the so ciety. He has recently published ■ book "Masters In Modern Art." He has lectured In roost of the art museums of the country and comes to us from Cleveland, where he lec tured at file Cleveland Museum of Art. Every year he gives a series of lectures at the Metropolitan museum In New York. The second lecture will he given Wednesday. March 11, at 4. Subject^ “Greek Sculpture from Phidias to the End.” The third lecture on Thurs day. March 12, at 4 will he on "Gothic Sculpture. Lectures are free to the public. A group of modern Japanese prints by Hasul Kawase and Shinsul its are on exhibition at the public library un der the auspices of the Omaha So ciety of Fine Arts. The Japanese have long held the supremacy In the panting of color plates, and this exhibition proves that Japanese print making is still alive In modern Japan. Tl»e exhibit will remain until March "9. To cut citron or candled peel for cake*, puddings, etc., steam until ten der and pass through a food chopper. I See Our Line of * Simmons Beds The Lateat 1925 Style* and Finiahea | Our Complete Outfit for §29.75. ? I A hand-rubbed walnut finiahed Wind- J •or Bed; a 115-jear Kuaranteed eaay I ab-epinjt Spring; a aplendid all-cotton felt. Rood Rrade art tick, weigh* fuU , SO Iba.. with 4-row aide atitch. Other Outfits Complete for 819.00. 1916 KAKNAM t —A Style Exposition— Astembled for your approval throughout tha antira itora ara tha amarteat creationa in quality wearablea which tha aaw aeaaoa hat produced. v » Omaha's Authoritative Style Presentation • Till* feature etyla exhibi tion bae baen prepared that yon may view the pre neuteed eueeanai—the mode* which Fifth Avenue has approved—the atyle trend which Omaha women will adopt. Coats Ensembles Frocks Millinery Footwear Hosiery Lingerie Corsets Infants’ and Girls’ Apparel Blouses Hand Bags Whether purchaee* are contemplated or not, we want you to impact our oprninf week ahowinca. We want you to know how aplendidly prepared we are to aerie you. Week of Wonderful Windows, March 9 to 1£ "Style Without ixtravatfance ” 1519*21 Douglas Street Cordial Invitation > Feminine Omaha Consider this announcement at a personal invitation to yourself and friends to visit the various departments of the Herskerg store during opening wools. ' » ! » * I 1 I *» Herzbergs \ Set the Fashion Pace ; j Thi» fact ic mora forcefully emphasised thi* season than arar haforo. Through char- j actor of tha apparel and strength of assortments^ Horsharg’s accept the role j of stylo leadership. • : < 4 v 3 * I • % * # ■4 •% 1 4 3 4 # ^ -«" " . ' —.- ■ P ~---- - -- - "T-l— 4