y I The Omaha Sunday Bee | “®Mir L—■ ■ ■ ■ ■ , —:i- ■ /___ ■■■ PART THREE OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1925. ___ -> Happenings in Society News Notes of Events in Omaha andComingsand Go ings of People You Know. ^_/ Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Neely are lB Miami, Fla. * The K. C. Peters -will return March -0 from Hollywood, Cal. -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Slellng spent Thursday and Friday In Lincoln. Mrs. Frank Campbell Is In Chi cago wlih her father, O. M. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Stevene are back from tlielr trip to Miami, Fla. Mrs. Charles F. Moon la recovering following a week's Illness at her licme. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Seat re turned Thursday from a short etay in Chicago. Mrs. ,T. H. Hanley returned Thurs day from a few days spent In Schuy ler, Neb. Mr. end Mrs. W. H. Ahmanson have returned from a month's stay w 1 In California. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Oerrlll of Chi cago passed through Omaha Saturday enrouts to California. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Munger bars taken possession of their home, 420 North Forty-first street. Mr. and Mre. Clyde Parsley are spending several days In Nebraska City with Mrs. Parsley’s parents. Miss Helen Coyne, dancer at the Orpheum the last week, waa ths guest of Miss Adelaida Fogg during her stay. , Mrs. A. Thiele will leave Monday to visit her daughter, Mra B. O. Bile In Hollywood, Cal. Mrs. Blla Is ser iously ill. The Rev. Father Frank Latsch left Friday for New York whence he will wail next week for a several month#* visit In Rome. Mrs. Robert Ingwersen and Mrs. Byrne Holmquist return this w-eek from Lincoln, w here they have been Cor the past week. Mrs. A. E. Peterson and baby eon, Arthur, have returned from three v.eeks In Lafayette, Ind., with Mrs. Peterson’s parents. , Mrs. .Myron McMillan of St. Paul, Minn., who has been the guest of Mrs. Max Miller for ths last]week, returns home today. Mr. and Mr*. Michael Buddy of -Cuu.x Falls. S. D., who have been the rjests of the Bonis Clarkes, have re turned to their home. Mrs. AV. E. Spenr will entertain -r l*>ok club on Wednesday. Mrs. ear will be assisted by Mrs. J. J. •>Kan and Mrs. Robert M. Me vite. Mrs. Russell Best, who hsa been in the Clarkson hospital for ths last two weeks, following an operation for appendicitis, returned to her home this morning. Mr. and Mre. W. H. Ostenberg and daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth, of ScottsblulT, Neb., will arrive next week to be the guests of Mr. Osten berg's parents. Mre. E. M. Spear of Genoa passed last week In Omaha with her son, Wallace Spear, and Mrs. Spear, and the Otto Schurmans. Mr. Spear, sr., alii visit here this week. Miss Dorothy Gray, whose marriage to Dr. John Scott will take place March 30, will spend the week end In Plattmouth, Neb., as the guest of Mr. and Mre. E. H. Wescott. Mrs. J. H. Cars* returned the latter part of the week from a visit with her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ferrlll of Chicago, and her niece, Mrs. Ben K. Edwards. Mrs. A. R. McFarland, whs is In Marshalltswn, la., with hsr Bister, Mr*. W. A. Fenner, arrived home Sat urday. Mra. Fenner, who haa been seriously 111, is much Improved. John S. Brady has rsturnsd from Fort Worth, Tex., where h* went to attend the christening of John Brady II, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dal Brady, who was born on Decem ber 28. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troyer will go to Uneoln the week end of the I3tli, to attend the Delta Gamma formal, and the week-end of the 21st to attend the Phi Delta Theta an nlversary celebration. Mre. Mary E. Van Gleson, who has been In St. Augustin* and St. Peters burg, Fla., alnc* ths first of the - voir, is at prsssnt at thsllotsi Plaza, Havana, Cuba. She will spend the remainder of March at Palm Beach anil Miami, and In Islington, Ky., before returning home. Mrs. James Edward Spillman will leave Monday for her home in Amer icus. C-a.. after spending the wlnlet nere. She will Join Mr, Spellman ltuer In the summer in Oklahoma where he Is to play ball. He was for i i*rly catcher on ths Omaha ball club. They were married In Septem bn- in Cincinnati. Mrs. Reed Peters he* ti)ken an apartment on Fifth avenue opposite < • ntral Park, New York City, to re ualn until June, studying plane under Harold Bauer. Her small eon is with her, and a former friend, Miss Harriett Eels of Cincinnati, who In studying with Mme. Rembrloh. Mrs. Wiley Jones will arrive Thurs tlay from Pittsburgh, Pa., to spend a few days with her sister, Mr*. Erd man Brunner and Mr. Brunner. Mrs. Jones is on her way to California, where she will be the month ol March. Rhe will also pass several friayft with her daughter, Mrs. Nell Brown and Mr. Brown In Unuuln. I (Airs'. Qy^ctroir jy_ose)vatezrs 4 tAJPMAR r-AlRR SOS* The cordial welcome Mrs. Victor Itoaewater has received following four* years’ absence proves her friends have felt the loss of her keenly. Each day during her stay she has been honored at social affairs. Mrs. Rosewater, at the time of her residence here, was prominent in the work of the Drama league. In Phila delphia, her present home, she Is equally enthusiastic in her support of the arts. Harriett Rosewater, her daughter. Is a student In Wellesley, and Kdwin, the son, is studying in Philadelphia. Mrs. Charles A. Hull will be well in the van of summer travelers to. Europe, sailing from New York April 23, to spend four months in Paris and in Italy. Mrs. Hull hss already famillarlxed herself with the language, economic conditions and history of the French, and will take up Italian in a serious way. Her learning lias been a real contribution to the artistic life of the city. Mrs. Hull's talk on France, made recently before the faculty women’s club of the University of Nebraska medical school, was char acterised aa ‘‘a gem’’ by those who heard her, Mrs. David Caldwell, one of Omaha’s newest brides, Is being extensively entertained. Formerly Miss Esther Meyers, she was married to Mr. Cald well at Miami, Fla., in January, and the young couple, who have Just re turned from a European lioneyinoon, are Occupying the home of Mrs. F. A. Nash during the letter’s absence. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Millard, Jr., will entertain at a dinner at their home Monday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shirley will giv# a dinner nt their home Wednesday evening in their honor. Mr. and Mrs. Denman Kountxe will entertain for the Caldwells on March 18. Mrs. Melvin Beklns Is one of Oma ha's attractive younger matrons. Her son, Frederick Melvin, Is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John Bekins, and of Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Howey of Beatrice, Neb. Mrs. Beklns was, before her mar rings. Miss Katherine Howey. When she came here four years ago ns a bride she already had a large circle of Omaha friends, for she is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and a member of the Delta Camma sororlti. Tbo Shireys Entertain for Departing Guests. Mr. and Mrs. E. T). Phlr»y enter tallied IS guests nt dinner nt the Athletic club Pnturilny evening pre ceedlng the Week Kfut Dancing club In honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. White, who will leave Tuesday to make their homo In New York City. Mrs. White, on her way east, will spend several days with Mrs. F. II. Roy In Evanston. III., and will visit her two sisters. Mr*. F. O. Itoryiett In Columbus. O., and Mrs. H. P. Crossland'ln Cleveland, O. Dinner Britlgr Monthly. Mr. and Mr*. W. W. Wemdrand will entertain their dinner brldKc Hub nn Monday even In if ni theft* born*. The member* Include Mini M<-M'lNfti»« l.yl# Ruuhton • *■>« Hu> humin A. H. Kurt* iithjtrntn Uftiiuou AltrrlU AobxbauaJi Matinee Musical Meeting March 25. The Matinee Musical club w ill hold Its open meeting at Plymouth <'on gregatlonal church Wednesday after noon, March 2ft, at .1. Mias Josephine Platner, president, will take part In the program, ns will Mlaaon- - Mla*«*a-~» D«\Vrf»nt* Pont ad Kina Re»»« Oraca O'Hrlan H'tty Kmtied* lull* Trlmt l>(iiothv 5M Ottilia ugh Kvolyn f.odwlch ,T»>n*i FI*M Flora Fliukart hefty ftahrlnkto MMilamid MoniIh in*** • Crawford Fn lint or flodaihk (’lark For Mrs, Stocker. Mrs. lulin Stocker nf Nehrask i < 'ItV will lie honored at a lutirlicnit bridge given by Mrs. l.ee Huff, Jr,, uu Saturday at her home, * nekervations for at. Patrick a Luncheon. Mr*. Henry Maxwell will have 12 auost* at the Wont minster Presby terian st Patrick dny luncheon. .Mn. f Shepard will have 4, Mr* Thonwm Hoenr, 4: Mr*. Will Randall, 4: Mr*, Fred Hall, 8: Mr*. Harrison K. Porter. 8: Mr*. Hlareure Ituhen dull, 18; H. M. Robertson, 4. The Louia Clarkes Hosts. Mr. and Mr*. Dotih ('lurk* #intft tallied Dr. and Mr*. Clyd# Holder, Dr, and Mm. J. »!. Keegan and Min* Deri rude Stout anil Hr. William Ha ripen at dl finer 1a*t night. After* ward Du* j mrt y at funded the Phi Uho oiguui medical fmternit^ n ■ — y D. A. R. Head Visits Omaha ^_• . i Mr*. Anthony Wayne Cook.’ presl dent general of the national society,] Daughter* of the American Bevolu-j lion, will arrive Saturday from Wash ington. P. C., to he the honor guest of the Omaha and Major Isnao Sadler chapter* at n luncheon that day at the Blackatone, Other guest* of dtsllnctlon will he (he vice preeldent general. Miss Alice Doulae Mcpuffec, of Kalamazoo. Mich., who I* nl*o national chair man of Ainocicnnlaatlnn; vice pre*l dent geneinl Me* I'.llet (Irani Drake of Beatrice; reporter general to the Smithsonian Institute, Mr* V 1\ in II Connelly of Kansas City; stale regent, Mr* Kllmhcth til.lnn Smith, Chad ron. Netr; vice stale regept, Mr*, flare S Payne of Lincoln. Mr*. Cook will inert the local off! ccra and chairman cf national oom j mlttec* of both chapters at an In for ma! dinner at the Blackatope Friday March IS. Mil. It. M Anderson, res ent of the Major Isaac chapter, will preside. At the luncheon a? It o'clock. Match 14. at the Hlackstone, Mrs, J.i .1. Foster, repent of the Omaha chap tor. will preside. After 4he lum heon. TJlliun avve*. vice president. The Found! Bluffs chapter «*f I) V H. h«* been Invited to attend the luncheon. All Omaha membci * and their elluIhle friends are tilled to l»e present. Tickets are $i up and reset rations may la* nunle a 1th Mends inr* .1 W Ihirth. W \ . tXti. \\ O Firth, UA. J»00t>. Donald l'mcy, WA. IU&* j * t McCormack Sings Here April 13 .?> !-.n MeCoi ml. k. famous tenor, aril come to Omaha Raster Monday April )3, under auspices of thi Omaha Council of Cathollo women. The committee In charge cf the af fair Includes: Mss.l .n r* — t.ruU Nash 1 V Hardlr.g A 1 Klnstrv \r tl, Hi'lts Arthur MuI.rii kappa kappa Gamma Gueati Kappa Kappa Gamma mambart from th# I'mversltjr of N'ehraski her# till* week end are Mtes Km Osborne of Genoa, the attest ol Mias Helen Graham, and Mlaa Allot t ’outlet t* of t'hevenne. Wye., tht kiieat of Miss Dorothy Sherman. Mr>. Miiitlm|frr |Io>w>-., Mrs .It'll i ” . :iMV W.H jp* j L'liUtd lUhCllt:. ., Air Mail Gift for Bride Grand Opera Mother to Make Biscuits While Son Entertains Music Lovers, v.J PROBABLY one of the most unique wedding gifts ever sent to an Omaha bride was one re ceived hy Mrs. Irving Bussing, for merly Miss Elizabeth Barker, by a member of tlia postoffice department. A large package of air mall en velopes, marked In the upper left hand corner "From Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bussing,” stamped with a 16-cent air mall stamp and 10 cent special delivery stamp, were ad dressed some to the brides parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker and some to her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Peck, and the whole very bridely wrapped In tissue paper and ribbons. The Peck and Barker families now receive on alternate days letters from the Busslngs. who are for the present In Toronto, Ont, Mrs. wilet middleton. mother of the famous baritone former star of the Metropolitan Grand Opera company who sings hers Monday and Tuesday under auspices of Technical High school, has promised to bake the biscuits for the Weatmln ater Presbyterian church St. Patrick day luncheon, March IT. Mrs. Middleton says shs will bsks the brand that made her son warb’e his sweetest when he was a child (recipes to vocal srtudents on request). During Arthur's stay here she ex pects to have them at every meal even breakfast, for he says "Mother's bis cults are my ‘favorite fruit.’ ” THE younger sister of one of l»*t year's Ak-Sar-Ben princesses has apparently used woman's age old privilege and "changed her mind.” The little sister, an attractive blond, attended an eastern finishing school, and upon her return home became unofficially engaged to an Omaha twain. I.*st spring sister was mar ried and from the west coast, to be best man, came a swain whom the maid thought more attractive than her betrothed. Friends sav that it was Immediately a case of off with the old love and on with the new. Now ahe'e engaged to the Californian. The young lady’s brother Is to be married in the spring to an eastern girl- _ AREAL romance has apparently developed In a local real estate office. The young lady is sec retary to' her brother, and the young man an employe of the brother, n handsome youth, and a grain. ;e of Creighton. He also inherited a con siderable fortune several years a-- . Recently they have beer. s»en lur. ril ing together frequently snd each r.ight during the last week they have attended services at a downtown church together. Members of »n of fice force across the court, who have an excellent view cf the real estate windows, are watching the progress ef the young suitor with Interest. OMAHA'S younger bachelors have often been berated as "thought less." During the part week at least one. however, has proved that he Is undeserving cf the appellation. 6ne of the young bachelor s equally young friends became a proud father. T. B. being extremely fond of chil dren and wishing to show that he re joiced with the young parents, Med himself to an Infants' shop snd or dered a cunning baby blue sweater and bonnet for the new arrival. Lat er be was heard to remark that he thought "blue would be becoming to most any baby." -♦ LADIES of the Bock club etudy lng French hletory under Mra Ida Hanchett had rather an in teresting experience on March 4. The elub, which rr.eete every other Wed nesday mot-nlng, met Inauguration day at the home of Mrs. Charles K Wagner and Instead of the custom ary lesson. Mra Wagner “tuned fn“ on Washington snd for an hour end a half the ladies listened to Washing ton and to President Coolidge s *d dreaa Mre. J. H. McDonald it presi dent of the dub whoee members are: \1 * am m— — Carl Balbaek *. O. McGtltea I. K. Bftinir T, f. Pwre# A. D Oayd W. A rulf .T K. C*nra4 Char!** Fhat r,a» Harbart Dan!*! W. C, SandB’-'.And Arthur KnfMah H. C. Twamltr Han7 K**!r Char!*# W*r,»r Cliarita M«Da*a!4 Bur*©* Whit mar* Mu lf!!l*r J D. Whlunor*. W. C. TTUJRecital Frances Willard W. C. T. V. will present Margot Ha> ee contralto, ard Florence Brinkman, plar.tst, In s Joint recital at the T. W. C A. on Thure day snd Friday For Eastern Guest. Mrs. Donald How# entertai.-od *i guests at luncheon at her home Saturday, In honor of her titter Mr* Harold Ciaflln of Newtonvllle. Ms** snd Mr. and Mre. I*. R. Newkirk en tsrtslned at a bridge dinner sf their home Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Ciaflln. On Monday Mr* Clarke Haas wltl give s luncheon at Aqulia Court followed by the Orpheum for Mrs. Ciaflln. Mr. and Mra. Howe • will give a dancing party at tbe l Biackstone hotel Monday event" « Wednesday Vre. T J Pretty-mar Jr . wit! honor Mr*. Ciaflln at a bridge luncheon at her home Den vor Guest* Return. Dr and Mr*. (1 \V. Townsrr.i cf Denver, Colo., who have been tbe , cassia of Mr and M--a. K. G, Gentle near, left Saturday for their home ' Mr. and Mr*. E, K. Walsh entertain* ^ #4 at bridge at the-.r home Thvtwdo , evening in honor of Dr. ar, Mre. Townsend, and Mr*. 1*. Pear, c * ’ ta'.ned for Mr* Towr.*end *t luncheon ’ at the Fort ten ell t hotel Saturday. l'lie Tnkft e* Diuiit'i. I M> and Mu It u ■« v'A. lAw • I^A^ tVtUiBf iU Uitu %