The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 28, 1925, Page 16, Image 16

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    House in Flurry
Over "Fake” Bill
on Gasoline Tax
Opponent* of Mea*nre Re
ported Out by Committee
Distribute Printed Copies
of O wn Program.
Staff (nrrespnndnnt The Omaha Bee.
I<!ncoln. J‘>h. 27.—Irregular proce
dure Is charged against opponents of
the gasoline tax bill by R. E. Har
rington, chairman of the house rev
enue and taxation committee, which
reported out the bill calling for use
of gasoline tax proceeds in meeting
federal appropriations for state high
\va v.
The opponents, who believe gasoline
tax proceeds should be used in build
ing county highways call themselves
the “farm bloc,’* their commanders
irt-chief being Johnson of Herman,
and Keck of Polk, dyed-in-the-wool
i . democrat*. Not more than one half
of the farm members claim member
ship In the “bloc."
This bloc Introduced skeleton bills
calling fot* a 50-60 split of gas tax
proceeds. It failed to receive sanc
tion of the revenue and taxation com
mittee. In some manner, the mem
bers induced the printer to print the
Mils, labeling them "House Commit
tee Substitute for House Roll 339.”
House Roll 339 is the gasoline tax
bill reported out by the committee.
"Bills’* Ordered Removed.
Copies of these bills were distrib
uted to house members today. Frank
P. Corrlck. chief clerk, ordered them
removed from bill files of the mem
bers. Keck announced he would cor
rect the irregularity. Johnson of
AVashington, asserted he would pre
sent the amendment when the gas
tax bill comes up for consideration be
fore the house. It Is doubtful If the
state will'pay cost of the printing of
the “bills.*
A bill empowering cities and vil
lages to acquire municipal lighting or
water plants or extend the service
without issuing bonds was reported
out today by the house Judiciary
committee. This bill has been the
subject of a bitter onslaught from
power and water plant interests and
was reported out by a narrow mar
gin. Under terms of the bill acquisi
tion or extension may be realized by
contracting to pay costa out of pro
ceeds in regular Installments.
The senate committee has reported
out the McGowan movie bill with
amendments. As the bill now stands
movie theaters charging more than
35 cents for admission are denied the
right to show advertising films.
Oleo Tax Bill Killed.
Another troublesome bill, forcing
the board of control to purchase but
tsr for state institutions and discon
tinue use of oleomargarine, was re
ported out by the senate committee
on state institutions. Farm organiza
tions supporting the bill asserted Its
passage would insure a 10-cent per
pound increase In price of butter.
Another bill imposing a 3-cent tax on
oleomargarine has been killed In com
The senate adjourned today until
12:30 Tuesday while the house has ad
journed until 2 AVednesday. Such an
adjournment Is customary on March
1, the usual end of the fiscal year on
After considerable debate the sen
ate advanced a bank bill to third
reading which clarifies the guaranty
fund commission law and states
specifically that management of falltd
banks He* primarily In the hands of
the guarantee fund commission.
Guaranty Fund (Statement Issued.
Van E. Peterson, secretary of the
ijtate guaranty fund commission, is
sued &he following statement relative
' to actual cash available for the guar
anty fund, thus allaying any reports
current that the fund is in a bad
financial stste:
Gaah on deposit in solvent
banks to credit of deposi
tors’ guaranty fund ..... 81,767,802. 43
Cash In hand* of guaranty
fund eommlealou and re
ceivers practically alt of
which la available for re
fund, approximately .1 SOh.eno
Total .$2.367.102.47
Ragular on.«-tenth of 1 p*r
rant asa*asm»nt basatf on
itoras* <3 a i I 3’ <1#poalt*
statements, Dwcember 1.
. 3124 . $ 259,404.70
Special aaaeaamont available
during year of ojne-haif of 1 -
par rent baaed Ion average
daily deposits statement.
December 1, 1924 .$1,299,023 8.1
Total .$3,#25,430.70
Total reentvera’ certificates
outstanding .$1,455,198 .< i
leaving a net cash balance
available for pay merit of
TT”'. .du.r.'"f. rr..
Depositors f'aid in Full.
Depositor* In *a failed banks have
been paid In full. 100 cent* on the dol
lar, excepting in three *mall banks
where sufficient time has not elapsed
for necessary court approval. These
deposits amount to I4&4.093.20.
The above represents only cash. In
addition the guaranty fund commis
sion has under Its control for liquida
tion the following assets:
Bill* receivable.D DMeT-lt
Real . 1,If 0,711.61
Bank hulldlnfffl, furniture
and fiiturn .
Judgment* '**•***•*?
Other aaaata . 411,214.II
Tot.l . Ill ,062,647.04
A* these assets are liquidated pro
ceed* will be placed In the depositors'
guaranty fund which together with
the cash avsilahle will he used to pay
depositor* In bank* that msy fsll in
I he future.
Nebraska Man Killed in
Accident at Riverton, Wy».
.Rrldgeport, Feb. 27.—Rennett F.lner,
a homesteader In the Hprse Creek
Valley country, who resided near
■cottsbluffe for years, before re
moval a short tlnje ago to the home
of his aon at Rlvertor. Wyo.. hss
died at that place as «fce result of
Injuries received In a Vunawsy ac
cident. He was holding a team of
ho-ses, when an automobile came
suddenly around the corner and
frightened the animals, that started
to run, knocking him down and run
ning over him with the heavily
loaded wagon. He died without re
gaining consciousness two day* after
being hurt.
Booze Peddler Fined.
Randolph. Feb. 27.—Through ef
forts of .T. .1. Carroll, city marshal,
to stop boor,* pe.ldltng In Randolph,
Henry Block of Magnet was arrested
and fined 1100 and cost* by .lodge
Bruner for having corn whisky In
fcls possession hero.
/— -—-V
Coyotes Too Clever
to Be Cornered by
Wolf Hunt Tactics
Harvard. Feb. 17.—Coyotes here
are ‘‘educated" In the tactics of a
wolf hunt. Although numerous
coyotes have been reported in the
communities south of here, two re
cent round-ups have failed to corner
the beasts. Huntsmen declare they
have been aroused from cover, hut
apparently they are too wise to be
driven into the fatal rircle.
— *
Search for Rich
Farmer Futile
Family Believes Mining Man
May Have Found Work
in Colorado.
Apfriil IHsimteh to The Omaha lire.
Kearney, Neb., Fob. 27.—Search
for Gabriel Shada, 60, wealthy farmer
who disapi>eared last Tuesday, con
tinued to Bhow no results today.
Membera of the family now think
that It is possible that the man has
found employment on a farm either
in western Nebraska or Colorado.
Shada, a leader in the Syrian set
tlement near here, threatened to take
his own life after he hud suffered
some financial reverses.
He became obsessed with the Idea
that he was about to lose one of his
Shada's family took him to Lexing
ton to visit in the hope that u change
would improve his condition. In an
unguarded moment lie slipped away
and has not been seen since.
Tile family now believe that be did
not commit suicide, but ran away
from the district in search of a place
where he is not known and would
not be found by supposed creditors.
Albion, Feb. 27. State officials as
sisted tile local officers to liquor
raids In tlie vicinity of Cedar Rapids
and Primrose. Five men were ar
rested. several stills confiscated and
a lot of mash and liquor destroyed.
Two of those arrested pleaded guilty
and were as essed the usual fines.
Three were bound over to district
court for trial. The men arrested
were Paul Olsufka, Frank M&tya,
Charles Matya, Henry Hartman and
Frank Kusek.
Oldest Merchant Retires
From Business at Minden
Minden, Feb. 27.—C. Peterson, old
est merchant in Minden, has sold his
hardware store interests to the Smith
Hardware and Furniture company of
Ray. Colo. Mr. Peterson came from
Denmark and after working In rarl
ous parts of the United States home
steaded anil opened a hardware store
at Minden. During the last 15 years
he has been a resident of San Diego,
Cal., and his sons conducted Ills
business here.
Before leaving for California Mr.
Peterson amassed a fortune by In
vesting In Kearney county.
Plattsmouth to Take Vote
on Proposed Improvements
Plattsmouth. Feb. 27.-—Petitions
have l-een circulated for the submis
sion of thiee improvement proposl
tions to the voters of Plattsmouth at
the spring election. The most impor
tant Is the graveling of a mile of
highway leading to Oak Hill ceme
tery, the other two Including gravel
ing of roads In the outlying section
of the city not now paved, and ex
tension of the present sewer system.
Tills Is off year for the election pf
mayor, clerk and treasurer and only
five councilmen are to be elected.
Chronic cough* and persistent cold*
lead to serious lung trouble. You can
atop them now with Creomulaion, an
emulsified creosote that ia pleasant to
take. Creomulsion ia a new medical
discovery with twofold action; it soothe*
and heals the inflamed membranes sod
-kills the germ.
Of all known drugs, creosote it rec
ognized by the medical fraternity at the
greatest healing agency for the treat
ment of chronic coughs and colds and
other forms of throat and lung trouble*.
Creomulsion contains, in addition to
creosote, other'healing elements which
soothe and heal the inflamed mem
branes and stop the irritation and in
flammation, while the creosote goes on
to the stomach, ia absorbed into the
blood, attacks the seat of the trouble
and destroy! the germ* that lead to
Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfac
tory in the treatment of chronic cough*
and colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal
bronchiti* and other forms of throat
and lung diseases, and is egeellent for
building up the system after cold* or
the flu. Money refunded if any cough
or cold, no matter of how long stand
ing, is not relieved after taking accord
ing to directions. Ask your druggist.
Creomulsion Co., Atlanta. Ga.
It has been said that “one half
of our children have or have had
rickets,” and thia bone-weakness
appear* to be increasing, doubt
less due to vitamin-deficient
Scoffs Emulsion
of pure, vitamin-rich, cod-livet
oil, is recognized world-wide as
being supreme as a food-tonic
In rickets or other con- a .
ditlona of weakness due
to faulty nutrition. Give jml
Scott's Emulsion regularly. -4jjL
] *sou a aowna. aiflomitis. m. u as-is
Albion, Keb. 27.- State roail work
ha* started In Boone county. The
Western Bridge and Construction
company of Omaha lias a gang of
workmen putting in bridges on the
Upland highway, and Peterson, Shir
ley & Gunther will be at work in a
few day* on their uncompleted proj
ect started last fall. The piece of
paring approaching town will be put
Jn ns soon as weather condition#
Married at St. Joist |di.
David City, Deb. 27. Word wan i* '
reived of the mnniagc of George <*. ^
fieluick. s*»n »>f Mr. and Mrs. 1 . S. 1
Gel wick "f this city, and Mias Flora <
Nelson of St. Joseph. Mo., which took ^
pince at St. Joseph. They will make
their home in this city. «
tirock I Mate ? 100.000. 1
Columbus. FVb. 27.—The estate of J
Henry Brock, farmer, who died last ']
week, will reach $100,000 in value. *
His will filed for probate in count'. 1
court lists son acres of Platte and j
Stanton county land. The heirs are j
his widow, three sons and two daugli 4
tors. Provision is made in the will C
that Mrs. Brock shall receive one- j
third of the crops from all the land I
throughout the remainder of her life. 4
I A~N ew Life ||h
For Your Odd Coat <
Separate j
These trousers are made of dependable 1
woolens in hundreds of suiting patterns a
—also blue serges. j
Bring in your odd coat; we will match a j
pair of pants to it. 4
*5. *6. »»■ *7-50
I _
Biggest Sensation in History of the Drug j
Trade Being Created by Sensational j
Medicine at Sherman & McConnell’s, j
Predicted That Distribution in Omaha 1
of Master Health Builder Will Com
pletely Smash All Previous Phenom- <
enal Records.
---A- <
The biggest thing in Omaha today is Karnak. <
Nothing like it has'fever been seen here before. Ever j
since the opening day of the sale, hundreds throng the J
Sherman & McConnell Drug Store eager for the marvelous i
medicine that is producing such remarkable results.
The fact is evident t*hat the people of Omaha are fully ;
informed concerning Karnak and every day increasing ,
numbers come prepared to purchase a supply. Men and wo- *
men of all ages, rich and poor alike, rub elbows in their
common desire for the medicine that is overcoming so much ^
human suffering and distress. <
When seen last night, I,. M. Carroll,(
Special Karnak Representative, re.
marked “This is the greatest demon
stration 1 have ever seen, and T bra\e
iteen in this business a great many
Demand Taxed laboratories.
"I feel safe in predicting that the
demand for Karnak in Omaha will
completely smash aft previous phe
namenal sales records and my only
hope Is that we will be able to keep
production up to the tremendous re
"You see Karnak cannot tie com
pounded In a minute. The necessary
process rvf combining all the nine veg
etable Ingredients so that dpeh will do
Its part in bringing about I he proper
action of the various deranged or in
flamed digestive organa of the body is
one that requires tlms.
“pn you see it Is quite a job to meet
such an enormous demand as we are
now experiencing.**
When asked to what he ascribes the
tremendous popularity of Karnak,
Mr. Carroll answered:
"Merit alone Is responsible for the
tremendous success of Karnak.
"Karnak Is well advertised, it is
true, hut it takes more than advertls
Ing to bring about such a large and
rapidly growing demand.
Results Are tlie Proof.
"Tt'e what the people themselves,
who h«\e actually tried It, have to
aav about Karnak that counts. One
bottle Is aolil through advertising but
10 more are sold In that ronvhuntty
afiee the first bottle produces re
suits, and that* where Karnak
"People are always willing to talk
about their ailments but they are
more willing to fell otlieia */ the
medicine that helps them. It s
something they couldn't keep to
themselves If they tried, for the Im
pulse to sympathize with suffering
fi lends and tielglhm* and want to
help them Is one of the strongest a*
well as one of the biggest things
In human nature.
‘‘Karnak brlnga about real and sub
stantial benefits In the way of health,
atrength and vigor. It Is a truly
wonderful reconstructive tonic and
body builder. And the prompt action
of Its Ingredient* I* remarkable. You
can tell after (he first few dear* that
you are being benefited In n natural,
substantial way.
One nr two teaspnohfuls of Knr
nnk before meals corrects disorders of
the stomach, liver and kidney^, aids
digestion, rleansoa the system of Im
purities, builds up a natural ap
petite for wholesome fnnd and alltnu
latee and revitalize* tha entire eya
tem \s a result you soon begin to
feel like yourself again, brimful of j
new Ilf" and energy.
When You Need Karnak.
If you are suffering from Indlges- (
lion, dyspepsia. constipation or slug- (
glsh liver, Karnak will bring you _
quick relief. If gas forms on your \
stomach and you have a sensation of
fullness and choking after meals— J
If food sours on your stomach, caus
ing spells of sickness and faintness.
Karnak will prove a godsend to yon
If you feel heavy and drowsy after <
eating—If your tongue Is coated and *
your breath offensive—If your ap
petite Is poor and nothing tastes
right—If your complexion Is had end <
your eyes dull, you should not waste t
a minute In getting Karnak.
If you have frequent headaches, ]
barkaches'and pains in your stomach (
—If you are nervous and Irritable and (
do not sleep well at right—If you
wake up In the morning feeling
heavy, draggy and all out of sorts—
If you have that tired, listless, worn- j
ou^ feeling and sre losing weight,
then there Is nothing on earth like
Karnak to put you on your feet,
again and bring back your oldtlme J
strength end energy with that glor- w
Inue feeling of splendid, vigorous
health. 1
Ilow to H»»len Benefits.
Chronic constipation and Mlloue |
ness, besides being very harmful, re
tard rapid recovery from digestive
troubles. It Is absolutely essential
In order lo secure complete and quick J
relief that your bowels are active
and regular. If a tendency to con
stipation Is evident you will find that
Karnnk Pills will greatly hasten tha J
benefit from Karnak.
Karnak Pills are really an Inv
portant part of tha Karnak Treat* 1
ment and should be used In Conner <
lion with Karnak by every patient. ^
They are purely vegetable, harmless
and produce no unpleasant, griping I
sensation. Ton will be simply de- ,
lighted with them. <
Results Are Guaranteed.
Remember, Karnnk la sold In
Omaha exclusively by the Sherman A <
McConnell Drug Co., and Is sold *
under s strlck guarantee that the
first two Imttles will produce bene- I
flcnl results nr the purchase price will ,
ha refunded without question. Both <
the manufacturers and the local dis
tributors stand squarely behind litis
Karnak Is sold In Omaha by the M
Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., and j
In Council Bluffs by Taffs Drug Co . J
and Broadway Pharmacy.—Advertise 1
jn -y- -y —"V— -y ■ y ■■ V** ‘V1** ^ ■
Plate Sweet
1 Dinners f 1 R^Syy Cake
Only ‘ Doughnt
^ 25c 20c Do
New Dresses! New Coats !l
Ready for Saturday’s Selling at Most Unusual Savings '
Stylish Spring
C oats
l At this price Saturday you can buy Vgg
a very smart misses’ coat, ladies’
coat and coats suitable for stout ^
l sizes. In this special feature are
lovely kashina cloths, deerona cloths,
loreheen twill in the newest shades,
i such as waffle, tan, gingersnap,
rougette, hindu, navy and black.
Many fur trimmed, lined with ele
gant quality crepes.
Clever NewJ
At the above price Saturday yo'^B
choice of lovely new spring dresBl
made up in flat crepes, satin, her. HI
lines, prints of the better gra^^H
styles in this group suitable for t|||
miss, the matron or stouts. Dres^Hj
suitable to wear for daytime. af^^|
noon, dinner or dance. fl|
Second Floor.
Girls’ Bloomer
Dresses, $1.98
Special purchase of "Cinderella”
bloomer dresses. New spring col
* ors and styles; made of excellent
quality checked gingham, plain
lineen and English prints. Neatly
I trimmed and embroidered. Sizes
7 to 10.
Second Floor.
Girls’ New Spring
Coats, $10.00
Hundreds of girls' new spring
coats arriving dally. For Satur
day, a special lot at I10.W. Such
materials and styles as you will
find in big sister's coat. The new
rich colors for spring. Well tai
lored and fully lined. Splendid
values. .Sizes 2 to 6 years and 7
to 14 years.
Second Floor.
Little Tots’ New
Spring Hats. $1.98
An assortment of styles and col
ors that :ou will seldom find at
this moderate price; silk, fancy
braid and straw. Bring the little
tots to try them on.
Second Floor.
Second Floor.
Final Reduction Gii
Winter Coats, $7.9
100 girls' winter coats. 1
were forgotten in assembling
special lot. Warm, jurable
terials; practical styles; all
ora featured this season. 1
are fur trimmed. Anticipate
winter’s needs at a great sr
All sizes in the Io*. Tor
priced to $22.50.
Second Floor.
Frnits and Vegetables
Fancy Honey; rack—
Apples, bushel basket—
English Walnuts, Sat
urday only, pound—
Fancy Idaho Potatoes,
per bushel—
Del Monte Seedless
Raisins, 15-or. pkg —
Del Monte Prunes, per
Fancy Head Lettuce,
at each—
Fancy Table Celery, at
per atock—
Spinach, extra fancy,
per pound—
Beeta or Carrot*, at
per bunch—
.Fancy Endive, lb.—
Fancy Florida Grape
Fruit, each—
Best Granulated Sugar,
10 pound* for—
Karo Blue Syrup, gal
lon can for—
Early .lune Peas *
cans for only—
Peroxide Soap. 6 10c
bar* for only—
Bulk Oatmeal. # lbs -
Fancy Blue Ros<^ Rice,
t pounds for—
Diamond H Mustard,
quart Jar for—
I,or Cabin Syrup, fam
ily sire can for—
Macaroni or Spaghetti,
per package—
Diamond H Flour, 48
pound sack—
Oniar Wonder Fiona,
48 pound sack—
$2 52
500 Dozen Brooms—A Great Buy
Special Purchase and Sale of Brooms I
Values to 65c /
4 and o-tie corn brooms; varnished and V ^
natural finish handles; buy enough to ( ^^B B^ | ■ ■■ ■
l \0 tp X •\J\J
Downstairs. \ *
Sample Sport Coats for Men
tiOO Samples of men's all
wool sport coats and
sweaters bought from the
\ Progress Knitting mills of
py Xew York at 50c on the
r dollar. Every style and
P color, sweater and sport
coats for every occasion,
in heavy, medium and
leight weights. Plain and
fancy colors.
Store for Men.
$6.50 to $8.50
New Ties C.
Four-in- M
Hands nj
$1.00 |
Smartest of all spring tie„ ready for
you tomorrow. One dollar is the price
—but don't Judge them by this, see
them and you'll take home a season's
supply. New patterns and colors ga
lore; plenty of them with dash and
daring of youth; pleuty of them with
the confidence and coinage and dignity
for older or quieter tastes with sll the
beauty of cut silk ties and silk and
wool tfes that will give service
Store for tfen.
A Great Month-End
• Sale of
Indestructible Pearls
Two Big Lots
LOT 1:
$3.50 Pearl*
30-lncb graduated
ndestructlble neck
laces: beautiful
color and lustre:
platinum finish:
clasp stone set
with safety.
LOT 2:
$3.50 and $5.00 ;
I'eai 1 bracelets;
dainty »oven pat
tern*; novelty
clasp; stone set;
three strtnss grad
uated small pearls.
New Spring Hose Ready
Specially Priced
$2.76 Women’s Sheer Embroidered
Hose I
Extra fine quality sheer chiffon hosiery; em
broidered in lavalier and garter OP
design. In all the new shades.... I
$2.95 Sport Silk Hose
Shown in all the new spring colors; very large
assortment of checks and stripes fl*"! QJP
to choose from. A
Children’s Hose
Mercerised lisle hose; shown in all the new
colors. In pineapple stitch.
All sires, first, quality. Per pair. tMJv I
At*" »« -a-VW— —W—
Infants’ Hose
29c Pair
All the New Shades for
Children’s Wear
<V" >■
Great Monti J
End Sale orl
; p.jwder
* 1 Tun Compa^HHj
• !:• ;go in mela1 Hj
? 1 - Ramses TTt^JH
Face Powder. Narci*fl9
odor, for only— 9H
■. Powder -H|
6"o Forhan s Toot^B
5''*c Prpsodent— fl
s •> c Squibb's Toothfl
Prate— Hj
!.• 'e Me Face F >w fl
tier for— 9
f 1.00 K rack's Lemon 9
Cream— I
i.-rse box Bod; fl
Talcum - -^9
;-dv Watkins' Cocoan jfl
Shampoo- - 9
?1.00 Bath Salt* 1
1. Origan odor— I
75c Pint Milk of Mag
Ji >V kiurea Face Pow- 9
der for— J
«9c 9
$7 00 Ambre Roj*! Fact J
Powder— f
98c 1
cY de rgens' lotion 9
75c Laron* for— J
17c J
■V Fond * Cold Cream ^
-5c J
60c Pond*' Cold Cream fa
39c M
.■ V W oodN r ,« Facia ^B
TSc pc ."c roll Hoapiufli
Cotton— ■
19c p
Scarf* H
See our complete lir. 9g|j
of fancy and plat ^B
f; mini silk scarfs st -^B
SI.75 to 95.75 fl
V special lot Of Js.c'
Scarfs at fl
92.95 fl