I FIL SUPPLIES ' I BILLJEPOHTEO Deficiency Appropriation Measure Reduce* Estimates of Budget. Washington, Feb. 21.—A deficiency appropriation bill carrying *54,426, 662, or *476,674 less then budget esti mates was reported today by the bouse appropriations committee. It ’ Is the laet supply measure of the session and will be taken up tomor row by the house. Items In the bill Include *30,000,000 for naval construction; *1.500,000 for a 500-betl hospital at. the Pacific branch of the national home for dis al ied volunteer ' soldiers at Santa Monica, Cal.; *925,000 for a new coast, guard cutter to replace the Bear in Alaskan Waters; *1.342,700 for fight ing fires in national forests; *25,000 for the public health service to In vestigate the oyster industry as a. re sult of the recent typhoid situation I and *300,000 for the Alaaka railroad. Cash for Battleships. Of the *30,000,000 allbwed for naval construction, *9,000,000 wo'uld SS used toward modernization of the battle ships-'’New York, ’ Utah, Florida, Texas, Arkansas, and Wyoming, the total limit of cost of which Is to be *is,360.nnn; *14.000,000 for continuing construction of the aircraft carriers Lexington and Saratoga: *3.000,000 f?r aircraft and accessories for these two ships and *4.000,000 for begin ning ronstructlon of six gunboats and 4wo of the eight rruisers recently au ^^■wthnrized by rongress. The committee allowed an addi tional *100,000 for prosecuting suits in connection with the naval oil re serve leases and $15,000 for payment of fees and expenses of witnesses testifying before a grand Jury here in the new proceedings of Senator Wheeler, democrat, Montana. Tho hill, however, did not carry *100.000 requested by the Department of Jus tice for further prosecution of war fraud cases. Radio Inspections Eliminated. Items eliminated included budget requests of *125,000 for use In Ineper tions by the Department of Commerce in connection with interference* in radio receiving *ets. The bill provides that not to exceed *250,000 of the appsopriStIon made available for the coming fiscal year for transportation of mail can be used by the postmaster general In con tracting for air mall service. The Postoffice department, the commit lee’s report said, plan* to make con tracts for air mall service between Los Angeles and Salt. Lake City, Chi cago and St. Louis, Boston and New York, and perhaps a. route from Elko, Nev., to a point near Portland, Ore. Included In the bill are *160,000 to be used toward erection of a memor ial to the women of the world war in ♦ he form of a building on the site of the American Red cross building here: *374,465 for the Omaha Indiana of Nebraska for interest awarded by the court of claims; *42,000 for an inter national conference on oil pollution of **^^^nvignble waters, to be held here; ®*®^»75,000 for the International radio te’"graphic conference; *6,000 for debt commission expenses; and *2,000 fee- distribution of German war t mphies. * SUNDAY-SCHOOL • CONTEST OPENS SiMM'Inl Dinpatuli to Th* Omnhn Bop. North Piatt?. K*b. 2.1.—Going to Sunday school 1* popular thin win ter at North Platte, Scott abluff, Kearney and Gerinpr. Men’* Bible rla»***. which once languished for lack of member*, are now flourishing and seat* are at a premium, a* the result of a three-cor nere.i attendance contest begun Janu ary 4. Scottsbluff and G^rjnsr joined forces In competition with the other two towns, and have Kept the lead In the contest thus far, but North I Platte ha* been climbippr up steadily. The contest will end March SI. It is possible that several town* In tlie western part of the state will lateri challenge Omaha to a similar contest. BLUFFS WOMEN HURT IN AUTO Two Council Bluff* wnm*n were "lightly injured Friday night in »n auto accident at Maiyavlll", Kan. Mrs. Jacob Bather*, Twenty-sixth ■treat and Second avenue, was burned about, tit* ban-1* before site could extract herself from the ma chine which caught fire following the crash. Mrs. George Rouhldoux suf l^^^^fered minor lacerations arid bruises. The rar. In which they were riding with Mrs. Roubldoux's two children, V Georgia. 5 and George, 3, was driven by Ray Bergen. The party was on the way to Leav enworth penitentiary to visit Mrs Roubldoux's husband, wno tla serving two year* on a liquor charge. Mardi-Uras Carnival and Dance Thursday The Union Outfit Ang company, Six teenth and Jackson street*, will stage their big Mardi (Ira* carnival dance at the Roseland Garden* Thursday evening. Prize* will be awarded end carnival souvenirs will be given to all. There wtll be no special costume* worn other than hats, which will be furnished by the store, although con fetti will be distributed freely. Th* Frank TV. Hodek, Jr., orchestra, and Frank Peterson. Kano tenor, have been engaged. Free tickets m*y be secured at the store. New Episcopal Bishop. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 22.—Rev. R. Arthur Huston of San Antonio, Tex., has accepted the bishopric of the Olympia dloces* of the Episcopal church and will leave for Seattle about June 1, according to telegraphic In formation received today from the Texas city. Rev. Mr. Huston was alerted to th* Olympl* dloces* by the aonventlon of Episcopal laymen and ~ Clergy in Tacoma February 3 and 4. New Radio Station. Minneapolis. Minn., Feb. 22.—A a*w Minneapolis radio station, TVAMD,. wa* formally opened late tonight on a wav* length of 141.1 meter*. ( Descendant of Ancient Inca Rulers Would Reveal Cache of Fabled Gold ■r.v I mSk / \ ^:r Alberto v Roseu New York. Feb. 2*v—The fabled hidden mountain of Inca gold, sought without success by adventurers through l(te centuries, really exists, it Is declared by Alberto V. Hossell, full-blooded descendant of Inca rulers. He has undertaken to lead an ex pedition of Englishmen and Ameri cans to the hiding place In I’eru. Rose!], whose Indian name Is Inca Tito Cusi Tlccapato, is a graduate of the University of Curro, and speak* three languages, Including English, fluently. ARTIST APPROVES PLAN OF NEPHEW By Cnlver«al Sprrlcf. New York, Feb. 22.—Howard ('handler Christy delivered hi* dictum on the engagement of hi* nephew’, "Chirk” ('handler, to Dorothy Knapp, in the Christy apartment this after noon. “There i* no reason why any young woman who 1* as good a model as Dorothy shouldn't he an ideal wife,” he observed. "Everything she does i* w’ell done. Bhe's absolutely whole hearted and sincere.” “I couldn't help laughing when those 1 w’o children came in and an nounced that, they intended marrying. They’re ho young you know—Dorothy is 19 and Chick is only 21.” Asked whether Dorothy was likely to give up her career if she marrkf, Christy said that he thought not. Therefore It is not likely that the “Venus of America” will be missing from the ranks of the Follies. VICTIM OF CRASH LEAVES HOSPITAL Fred Johnson, 802 South Tenth street, Council Bluffs, was released from tiie Jennie Edmondson hospital Sunday afle» Ijh had recovered from a nervous shoc*k suffered early Sun day morning following an auto wreck at Thirty-sixth street and Broadway. Johnson fainted after the collision and was taken to the hospital in an un connciotia condition. Bert Wells, Twenty-fourth street and Avenue T,, was driving the car in which Johnson was riding. Their car collided with a* parked machine and smashed into a telephone guy wire post. Neither Wells, John Can son, 1231 Seventh avenue, nor an un identified girl who was riding with them were injured. • CIVIL WAR OFFICER DIES IN DELAWARE Wilmington. Del., Feb. 23.—MaJ. (Jen. .lame* 'Harrison Wilson. 1*. S. A., retired, last of the corp com mander* in the union army during the civil war, died at his home here today. General Wilson was 87. After hi* retirement from the army, following hi* service during the war with Spain and the Boxer rebellion In China, he lived In Wilmington. He leave* one daughter. Mis. Henry R. Thompson of this city. HORN IS ELECTED MOALFA TRUSTEE At a meetln* of the creditor* of the bankrupt MoAlfa Milling company held Monday In the office of B. H. - DUnham, referee In bankruptcy, G. P. Horn of the Omaha Aaaoclatlon of Credit Men, w.i« elected truatee. The creditor* numbered *o many I bat the office of Dunham- wa* not large enough and extra chair* had to be put In to accommodate the crowd. llaiiftaman Funeral. Funeral services for Ernest Hauso man, G629 Military avenue, employe Have You the Energy to Succeed? NO amount of ability will guarantee aueeeea unleea with that ability ia energy. Try the teat here illuatrated. It may be that you, too, are a victim of blood atarvation—Anemia. Rich, complete, eucceesful livea need rich, red, energy building blood. Phyaiclan* for thirty-two yeara have found that the iron and manganeae > on tent of Qudc'a Fepto Mangan ia the /■/... im,id, aure, aafe way to renew vitality. Now ...... , , your druggiat haa it in liquid or tablet lit it» tngkt tctrltt, form. Amgmis msy tint. Gude’s Pepto~Mantfan. Tonic and ‘hlood Cnricher % He declares that he alone of all living descendants of the Incas knows the place through which the mountainous cache of gold and pre cious stones hidden by ]nca rulers at the approach of the Spaniards, can be reached. ^ Resell has » reputation as an In ventor, scholar and engineer of abil ity, and Is familiar with many of the material secrets of the Incas. One Is the ancient method of erecting build ings of wood blocks without the use of nails. of the Metropolitan I’tllities district, who died Friday, will he held Tues day at .1 p. m. at the Cole-McKay funeral home. Rev. E. H. .lenks of the First Presbyterian church will officiate. Rurlal will he in Forest Lawn cemetery. He was a member of Modern Wood men of America. He is survived by his widow- and a stepson, John Slauble of Scdalia, Mo. ADVERTISEMENT. GETTING UP NIGHTS IS A DANGER SIGNAL Surprising as it may seem, two men out of three past 4ft, and many young er, have prostate trouble. This, rath er than weak kidneys or bladder, Is the usual cause of frequent getting up at night. Th’ls enlarged prostate makes it impossible to fully empty the bladder at one time, necessitating frequent and often painful attempts. I'ncheokrd, this condition Is apt to lead to chronic prostatitis, serious kidney and bladder complications and oflen causes linforlunate operation* and unhappy conditions. A safe and easy way to treat these annoying and ilf^tgef-ous conditions is to !>e had in the new renex formula that has proven a masingljr successful In thousands of cases. A ten to fif teen-day supply coats only $2.00, un der a positive guarantee of money hark if "not satisfied. Any ong^ suf fering from these conditions should lake advanlace of this remarkable offer at once by sending to the Renex Co., Dept. 1583, Kansas Clly, Mo., for a supply. Sent C. O. D. If you prefer. Surely a chance of unbroken rest, better health, more vigor and vitality, will prompt you to try renex. It can cost you nothing if you are not satis fled, as this is a thoroughly reliable company. Cuticura Balks Comfort Baby’s Skin The absolute purity and delicate medication of Cutlcura Soap make it ideal for baby’s tender skin. Used daily,with touches of Ointment to little skin troubles, it keeps the skin smooth, clear and healthy Cutlcura Talcum is soothing and cooling, ideal for baby after a bath. SMp ■«. Ointment a and We. Taldtim Me. Hold everywhere Ham pie rarh free. Addreea **C« tUtTA Uh*re*erlee. Dept 4t, Malden. Mass BlT Cuticura Shaving Stick lie. TWO SEIMS FACE CHSRSES Bursiim and Spencer Accused of Improper Employment of Influence. W:i.shifts ton. Fob. - With one* rnltcd State* senator already under Indictment on charges of accepting a fee for practicing before a govern ment. agency, the Justice department, is investigating charge* that two other* have improperly used their in fluence in Washington. The two against which the In test charges have hern lodged with the at torney general are Spencer of Mis souri and Bursiim of New Mexico, hot It republicans. Senator Wheeler, democrat, Montana, is awaiting trial in Montana, and a new grand jury proceeding against him now 1* in progress here. Both Senators Spencer and Bursum. like Senator Wheeler, are accused of practicing before government depart ment* for personal profit in violation of a federal*‘statute. Each denied the charge today and said -he would wel come a thorough investigation. The accusation against Senator Spencer, the source of which ha* not been revealed. 1s that he assisted in j obtaining from the Department of Commerce a renewal of a contract for the Folke Fur company of St. Louis, for which his law firm was counsel, under which that company handles the government sealskins from the Pribilof island?. Senator Bursum 1* accused by Pari Magee, a New Mexico newspaperman, with having entered Into a. contract to sell cattle in Mexico and with j having approached agents of the Mar! Finance corporation regarding the re financing of the sale. COUNT Y OFF!CIaI7 nOTUEH. NOTICE TO MACHINERY HEALERS. Notice 1* hereby siven that Frank Dewey, County Clerk, Court House. "maliH. Nebricka. will r#telva scaled bid* tip to and until 10 no o'clock a. tn. on Tu**day. February 24, 1925. for fur nishing a Heavy Duty Tvp<» Lath# to be used at the Douglas County Garnetr*. )n nrrordanoa with the following apeclfice t ion*. Lathe to awing 21 inches ovarwaya. lft foot bad. quirk changeable Rears. 16-inrh and bearing, weight of U»he independent jaw rhtk k, si-a of spindle Each bid must l>o mad* in accordance xvith the above apecificat ion* and must ho accompanied by a certified check or cash in the aum of 950.00. Hid* ■will be opened in tha Commla* s!on»r* Chambers, Court House. Omalia, Nebraska at tha hour and data above shown. 'Hi# Board of Countv Commissioner* re serve to themselves tha right to reject anv or all bids received. Rv order of the Board of County fora mi**i(nera, Douglaa d* runty. Nebraska. V n A N Iv DEWEY. F 1 4-15.17 13-14-20-21 -23 County Clerk. LEGAL NOTICES. _ NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING. Notlc# te hereby given tbst tha regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte D\nd c'ompany *111 be held *t the office of • id company. Room 701, First. National Dank budding. JJpcoln. Kelnaaka. at 11 o'clock « m. on the 4th day of March, A. D. IS23. C. H. MORR7LT* President. w w tcrner. *®rretarv and Treaeurer. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS All existing debt# of Mid-West Electric Cb . Omaha. Neb., on the 31st day of December. 1924. amounted to th# sum of 930.715 0 5. GEO. W. JOHNSTON*. President. GEO. W. JOHNSTON, C, A SEABIRY. Rein* a majority of the Boardof Di rer lore. _• NOTK'B OF SALE. Notice la hereby given that 1n rur ■■UHnrt of an order of Bruno O. Hoateiler. .Ifdge «.f the District Court r.f Buffalo • oumy. Nebraska, made on the 10th day of D*' emeber. 1924. in lha matter of the e«la»« of Etta M< Mullen, deceased, for the sale of real estate hereinafter de scribed. there will be arid at the north front door of tha Court House of Douglas I'ounty, Nebraska. In tha City of Omaha, on the 13th dav of March. 1925, at 2 o'clock IV M . Standard Tima, at public vendue to the highest bidder for caah. Dot One Hundred Twelve #1121 In West Dawn Addition to Omaha. Douglas Coun t\. Nebraska. Said sal# will remain open on* hour. I A KIRK. F 12. M. it. Administrator, “ BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES Telephone AT lari* lr 1005 THE EVENING BEE THE OMAHA MORNING BEE, 19o par line each dav, 1 or ? day#. 17c per line i-Hch da'. 3 or K days. 1 *.C per line ea< h day, 7 dav*. 1 »o per line sh« h day. 30 da>s. ASNOl NCKMKNTS. Funeral Notices. 1 lH'NTINOToN— fl . Ftbrutrr 10. 1925. age 71 '-ear a. Knights of Kariosh aervlce# will b# held st Scottish It It# cathedral Monday night. February S3, at. lfD3n p m. Omaha time. Regular aervlce* will b# held st cathe dral February 24. st 2 p. m . In charge of gt John * lodge No. 23 A F A A M. and Rev. w. H. Jordan Friend# are invited to attend Knight* of Kadosh service* as well as regular #er vlr#a RraHey A Horranc# Mortuary in charge. *T. JOHN'S T,ODGK. NO 19, a. F. AND A. M . will meet 1n emergency communlcatIon Tueaday. February 24. at 1:30 n. m. at the Maaonlc ^ temple for the pirn** of conducting the funeral serv ice# of our late brother. Charle# S. Huntington Service#, will be held st tha Scottish Rlt# cathedral, Twen tieth and Douglas at ? P m (Signed) HARRY G. BROWN. Mast ef. It ATTR A Y—William A . 520 North Twen ty eighth av#nue. February 21. agad 51 years. Deceased 1* survived b> Ills wife, Maty; three sons W111 lea fit of Sioux City, la. Nonnan of Waal minster, 1* C. and Minirlca «.f Heafllr. Wash Mr Rattray whs an old employ# of th# Metropolitan On* company. Fuoeial service# Tw-sdnv at 4 p m at Hoffmann Cro#by funeral home. HEMINGWAY* Mr s Harah. h#lovad wife of George A 8ha la *ur’ ved he*1da her husband bv three *esr*. died flatut Funeral Tue.div at I .V» P nr. Rtawtr#' r ba pel. 24fh and K s»re-ta R L 33 heeler officiating. Builal Graceland Fa rk r»m»tery COOPER-Paul Robert, ir . Februtry 2?. »#ed 2 vears Declared l« pervived h\ *a» parents,'Mr and Mis Haul Robert «'....peL Remain* •will* be sent L-"b Hoffman Ooebv funeral Jo Mortnel, Midi, on Tin** day for*l»uilal^ *___ EDMl’NI** Service* f..r MhI»x Edmund*, infant aun of Mi and M■« WIIUmiu T Edmund*, will be held at Hoffnisn Cnol.) funeral home #i I 1 a »n. Mondax 11 ‘t*'* mam Forest Lawn > sine t er > Cll KIHTKNREN—-lair# I*. *#•■ ' tiled Th ursda v at hi# h«*m# In Itnlaion Funeral Tuesday at J p. tn . Biexx-'i •« < ha pel, Rex. C. 1 J'i< met officiating 11 . i . a i a » «'•>•! r i • '■ 1 Mhtff» __ IIAtTRAMAN Ernest, na* 4j \/*ats H«« Idem# 692# Military axenue I1'liner#| ftmn Cole M* K«v Murtuarr, 3612 'arun in street, Tiii -dav ai :i p. in Friend* welcome Mil l » ft U dll.i m ■ e I 1 ' h'r Ida > FiinanH Mondax 4 r m. a* Rtewer'a chapel, 24th and H Rt * Butial JVeat Daxvn ( ematery. j I .DINER J a i oh age >e«r#. Pa^el vav ai • lor al hospital Fuee'al notice later. Gentleman luoi-.i ktuary, in rharg#. j UTO.MOUll.fcv i ^UTOM Oni 1 1> _ Automobile* Tor'Sale/"’ 11 Automobiles for bale. _ II j^-E ARE G0ING To "move - 7 DAYS LEFT TO CLEAN OUT . Oy’FLUSED CARS On March the 1st wo gave up our location at 20th and Harney street?. Our new location will nbt accommodate our present stock of used i-ars, so we are going tp Offer the public price* on the;e, which should attract the most careful buyer. -— Don’t buy a new ear till you have seen dur new stock. A FEW OF THE MANY' MAKES. Ford Sedan . $295 Oakland 6-44 Roadster,....$375 34 B Oakland Sedan.%.... $195 sterna Touring . ..$100 Oakland 34 C Touring,s v. *> $175 Oakland 34 C Sedan .....$375 Ford Touring .v.«u $125 Oakland 6-44 2 passenger Coupe Oakland Sport Touring,... $385 . $675 Oakland Coach, with disc wlwel? Oldsmobile Tnurning 4, . . $475 and a lot of extra*.... *.$750 Stephens Touring. $450 Oakland 6-4 1 Touring Car, Dueo Oakland 1924 Touring Cpr, with finish .u. i .•'■$450 glass enclosures, four-wheel Ford Coupe .. .a.;<$22E brakes .4. $775 25 OTHER CARS TO SELECT FROM Eery down payment w-ith 12 months to pay the balance OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY AND EVENINOS I 4 »M Oakland Motor Car Co. ,,v •- * AT. 2920 - - «' - 20th and Harney Streets. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ^ « Funeral Notldti. 1 HUnWNv. rhebe r. February**22, AS years of age. 27«1 Dupont street. Deceased is survived by four son*. E H..- Brown of Pennsylvania, O. A «^25>^^Ditermer^^MouiiH^H^pe^^^^ funeral Dlrttttrt! t HEAFET A HEXFF.Y. t7nder»akers and Embalmer*. Phone. AT 2531 office :. . WA. a.R9«l. HTI.SE At RIEPF.N, At Your Service. 2222-24 Cuming St. TA. 1225. -— ■ --■■*■'•■■ -—- 1 ty - ;ij ■ Brailey & Dorrance. K SWANSON. 17TH AVD CUMING. Quiet. Dignified Hupsrviakm. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. , HA. ISM.1411 Farnam pt. H. K. BURKKT Ar SON. 3 4QK Farnam. F.st, HH1. TTA. 0990 CemeterMi A VISIT FOREST LAWN’. Purchase a family lot In Omaha'f most beautiful cemetery. Offices at the ‘reme tery. wist of Florence, and.7 20 .B.rgndels Theater Rblg._ _ Card of Thanks. ' M * 6 WE WISH i" thank our many kind friend* and neighbor* for their rh ought t hides* ami sympathy during *h# Qrwe of our re< ent. bere i venienf. We ar* also sin merely grateful for all the beautiful floral offerings, and to each one * hr* asalgtgd u* st that tling our heartfelt gratitude .TAM POL1TO AND FAMILY, Personals. • • THE SALVATION ARMY tndiiafrfml diome solicits your old clothing, furnlttir% maga zines We collect. We diatYlbill* Phone IA 4135 and our wagon win raAl Call \nd In?; e t flflt new horr-e, 2M Nf JAA St. AFTER this da*e I will not b# responsi ble for any debt* Incurred by my wife. (Signed) HOMER H. RAT. ELECTRO - MAGNETIC hatlffl blanket sweats and massage, experienc'd opera tors. "25 Leflang bldg. J A. 2629. BP EC IA I.— Mainspring. 91. until March L Watch and clock repair dept.. 202 Bush man Bldg . N. E. cor. lith gnd Douglas. — __ __ . — ... A. — — —. ELECTRIC treatment and body ma’ssage Hours: 9 a. in. to 9 p. Yin. Mrs. Crowes Place. Apt 2, J13 S. 24th Av* AY 2194 EXPERT band massage, all hottrs. Bun dav appt. Edith Taylor, 101 X. 14th St MASSAGE—Expert treatment; lady oper a tor; open till 9 p. m. 210 ^N’. 3Jth Bt. EXPERT massage, steam baths Fisher Rathe 2ng Agulla Court. AT. 1072. 1 HTR, switches from your own hair, 91. Will rail KE. 3504 441 1 X. 22d ‘Et. '>STIJME3. theatrical, historical masque eostumea to rent. Lieben. 1514 Howard. STEAM baths, alcohol rubs, massage, alec, treatm'ts. 4 a in. to 9 p.m. 95 Doug. blk. FH,WOOD SANTT ARH'M—>| AHHAOF G Jacobs. 309 Arthur huikHac. AT. 494*. KOI ’ NT A T X P EX R E BA I RING 902 Buahman Bldg., l*th and Douglas. WILL give mother's ca*-e to tffg. or three Ml.1r»n. Telephone AT. 9162. I^vt and Found. 1ft LOST—Round platinum pin. tn lobby ©r ball room of Roms hotel, Fridav night. call AT. 1919 or JA. 4574. Howard. DOG— Lost. large English bolt 4*r4nd!e. white 4 9*2 Corby. WA 3992. Reward. WHITE GOLD wrist watch, near lith and Harney. Finder call JA. 1938. \l TOMOBILfcS Automobile* for Sale. 11 NASH UPTOWN STORE 1921 Advanced six tour, d eui on st rater. 1 435 Special el.t tour, demooerrefer. 1924 Big six sedan. Tht* .aedan . 1* a beautiful car. and a good buy. • ’ *• '• 1 924 Big si* Bulck 9-47 tedsa. Ilka new 1921 Oakland huslnsse rm»9» Per fect Thla Is Just f fsw qf ©gr car* Wa h*\e fhem itrrf n • >9 up. Open Evening*. 7 9*4 r* rnw m* i AT, 9* 1* |423^F01 R door Overlap d s«lan. Bggne^T I400 < Mh or terms, will hoy this ear. ’424 Tudor sedan. $475. Bred* ell models. 9'* end tip. WIDLDBTROM AUTO SALES 2112 Harney St . . *Ii FfHt THE RIGHT PRICE, ON GOOD USED CARS SEE OMAHA FLINT COMPANY. »> NASH VUIKSKMA AtlTfl fO; USED CAR STORE 2*44 F * rnam. _ AT Ml*. FOR BALL Ov.rl.nd Ch.mpl.n ••d»n. N'.v.r ii*..1 Llh.r.l rtti.iMint. Wft. ,177. ^* Auto At'iTftflftrlM, I'erlR. 16 FORD*., i i.l.lil.ld g I* ... it! K.pl.n Auto Perns 211 Nicholas St. ■ ■ ... ..kill IhaDi*. Garages fur ftint. 20 MTKAM H EAT ED fireproof glrage^ 111 S 31 at Ht AT 9135. Ill SINKSN SEHVIClk Millinery—Drrssro.ikfltc. 25 Alo\ • tug, pm king, storage, shtppjng , . ti rniitlitiK nnd l*a|N4 : AT. T404. -- ■—— ■ ■. » i syyr— rntont AtfoniagiLn...* 2H - 1 " -.—---1-:: MTV- - - I \\ MARTIN. C.29 Peter* Trnat Bldg. ■ iiii.i 11^ also v\'n*hlngt"n. MM Ibl.»'e9t5 h e, v " ,,'lt |i|i|f?i4"-.. .1^ i • ' ' • i ■ . 1‘rintiog—,stmioin'i-y. J9 I'OM M Kill I \ I, I'ltl\TINO, Kd.tv J’llc'imt or. III N.UII h I Ih HI. S»e,'l’eA.,'*»M. . H fUir'ITT*" III tMlrtng. i>. < 31 " V t.nAtt iiwm, nurttii'*,. t*tAI,l,». pits,,. Mioili, IMn ft lltmu. AT. ,1,1 EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female. 36 RE A BEAUTY 8p»cl room and meals. Hotel Paddo- k. Beatrice. Neb. | \TtTtte WOMAN FOR housework. CALL MA. 31*1. Help Wanted—Male. 37 WANTED—Young men to enroll In our desses in bookkeeping and arrounting. Thr^e months training in our school will prepare you for office position. Call for further particulars. Dworak School of Arrounting. second floor Wead Building. 15th and Farnam streets 1 MEN—Our new rarajog explains our course of hari-ering. Taught thoroughly, qufcklv and practically, day or night. It will pay you to investigate our system, (’all or write Moler Barber college. 109 109 S. 16th St. ALL men. women, boys, girls. 17 to €5j willing to accept government positions $1 17-1250 (traveling or stationary), write Mr. Oament. 1S6 3t. Louis, Mo.^ FIREMEN. brakemen. beginners. $150 $2!to (which position?) Railway. Y-2825, Omaha Bee. Salesmen ami Agent*. 39 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. The greatest opportunity in the world for any man is in real estate, whether buy inr or selling. We want at once two or thr*e live wire*, who are enthusiastic and can *<•• the possibilities is *■'«! estate to join our organisation Only real go-getters need apply. Two sub division* ts T.e placed on the market this spring backed by a large advertising uiinpaifti Must have a ar HASTINGS A HEYDE.V, Raaitors. 1414 Harney S'AT TWO experienced salesmen wanted to rep resent Colliers City and road work. Our salesmen average $cn.00 per week. Roe Mr. Lipsut before 11 a m. and 3 to 5 p m. 308 Baird Bldg. 17th and Doug las. __ WANTED a good man to call on banka and individuals to sell first rntges on Minn Improved farms. Will pay salary and com. Schwab Bros . 1028 Plymouth Bldg . Minneapolis. Minn._ SALESMAN—Fast selling article, lsrge commission. Writ# sales manager, 2014 w street. Omaha. Situation* Wanted—reniale. 40 WHITE rlrl for jr-eerat honsaworlt. No children. No washing and Ironing. 8114 R. 24th St. ..M. . . - - Situation* Wanted—Male. 41 NfAN—M!dd!.artiv.. r««t app.ar ance, wsll educated, wants Indoor work of any kind. Box A-119, Omaha Bee. FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities. 41 ELEVATOR In .pl.ndld tarritory (or aal» to htehrat htdd.r. Everythin* In *ood condition Rida must be In by 2 p. m March 16. 1$25. Come and look It over if interested. Farmers* Union Co-Op. Assn, Brock. Neb. 8. B YOUNG. President. O O GILBERT. Secretary. POOL HALL, first class, beat equipped in the city, good location, lease, reasonable rent. 14 Circassian walnut tables, high clssa proposition. Price $12.5*0- Would trad* for a stock of merchant!***. Write Bushier A Co . Real Fatal*. Rt. Joseph. Me. FOR BALE—Well established harness *nd sho* business. A clean atock of harness^ • ho?s and equipment f^r both ah ^ end harness work. Also bttWng and l"t Good location. Call or^riit* D. H. Watermsti^Oskdale. Neb. THE CJtv Vest Market st Pallas 8. D.. for sale Inquire of Fred W. Ebinger. Plalnvlew. Neb. FOR RALF Farm lighting plants at one half factory cost. Address Box 1034. Chey enne. Wye. Real EMate Loans. 44 MONEY TO LOAN On fir.’ And .nrord mortfar,,. We buy outright for *'*•» Existing mortgages and ’and contracts Prompt action V A WOLF CO. Ml Baffnders Kennedv Bldg AT. $!$*« 5 4 AND 6 PER CENT MONET T.oans on Omaha improved property st lowest rat** FRANK H. BINDER. *28 City NationalJ 4_V *1 MONEY on Omaha houses at 6 per cent j and 6 4 per cent. Cash on hand No de lar Shopen A Co., 136 Keelln* Bldg J A 4225__! OMAHA HOMES FAST VKlt MUMS, O'KKKKK URAL ESTATE Co. 1018 Omaha Nat. Bank Bids JA. 2715 SECOND mortgages or contract# pur chased bv Tukey Company, 620 First ; National Bank_J A_4323_ LOW RATE on city property, quickly closed; no monthly rayment* JA. 1583. W T GRAHAM 754 Peter* Trust _ 5 4 AND 6 PFIl CENT—NO M I AY GARVIN BROS 645 Omaha Nat, pidg |iea to fin.aeo loaned, prompt service. | F D Wead A D. H Bowman. Mead R'd* FARM loans on West Neb. and V 1 Colo firm*. Kick* Investment Co. Omaha ( Mcnrr to Ltl 4.*> REF UR TODAY if yoij want hlonsv for any pnrpos* A loan of $3n will re «|\e the same prompt attention as one of $noo. You get the full amount in cash, no fee* deducted, no publicity or unpleasant investigation Old est established and most fellah!* in Omaha OMAHA l.oAN COMPANY R. 866 K at bach Block Phone JA. I?#5 __20# >8. 15th St LOANS! LOANftP I O VN^ DIAMONDS WATCHES. JURY PRIVACY SWA11T7 JI.RV .v LOAN CO IMI l^lHlKl MONEY liian* «l on «linmoti<1s Diamond Loan Hank. 219 City Nut Rk bldg. Kat. |#M. Ileliabllit v. low iat*\ privacy. BDCCATIONAI- ’ l.ixnl Iii.Inn Him Clmun. 4H i>\r wUHOOl, Nu.nr m’iuhji. I c»»mpl«M* course In all • ommsroial j bran* hea. Slmtthand, typewriting, idee . isphv sales man aB Ip. civil service. Phone! ,t A 1565. t 'umpelts « a'oloa free. EOYLEi COLLEGE Mth and Harney Omaha. Vch . VRlTifY MARSES OOI.I.I <>»•* H I ■< ltd* Si Call ar writ, lot inJotmalii'B, a EDUCATIONAL. Musical—Dramatic. 49 PIANISTS l,«arn popular music. B. it Kahn. Mtckcl BM< AT 4341. Dancing Aradeinleg, 50 KE1, FINE—Farn.m at :5th. Cists snd ^•emhly. Mondav .and Thursday nights. Pierrntt orchestra: 25 instructor*. Frl \At* lotions any time JA. 9769 KEEP'S CINDERELLA ROOF. 19TH and d«M'«:las STS. JA. >4Ti. >J^rESTOrR‘ Home*, ( at tie, Vehlrlr*. 54 if ARNK80. We male* thorn ourselves and aell them direct to the farmer Store 64 year* old. You taks no chances when you buy our harness. Price* from 155 to ftlu. Al fred Cornish. 1210 Farnam St . Omaha. Poultry anti Supplies. 53 SOMETHING new to offer you on early orders of baby chicks. We can save you money on our tested and trapnefted stock. • 'ur poulgrv farm ta superintended by a licensed poultry Judge We can furnish you the highest tjuanty chicks from teo icqdinxr breed* at low' prices fiend for fees feed and hopper offer Ever-Laying Egg Farm Box 191. S*n\, Iowa, MERCHANDISE. Business Equipments. 58 TYPEWRITER.5—B-a.onabl. RENTAL rate*. New and second hand machine* for ■sale Have you ae4n the Standard Key board Remington Portable’ Whatever your reeds 1n the typewriter line call Reming ton Typewriter Co.. 210 S 16th St., JA. 2S74. WE BiTY. sen safes fnake. deaks. ihotf cases. etc. Omaha Fixture dt Supply Co.. W. for. 11th ard Douglas. JA. 2724. Fuel and Feed. 61 KINDLING—I*, truck loml d»Uver«a; sawdust balc14-, Where to Stop In Town. 78 HOTEL SANFORD—l»th «n« Fwn.m. HOTEL HEN8HAW—14th ,n4 Sp.cl.l Rat?, to P.rmiH.nt Gu»«H. Apartment* of Building Owner* and Manager* Association, Furnished. 86a PEFORE renting an ar*rtraei»t see Drake Rental agency. 1. 2, I and 4-roorn xr>artm*nTa at fS2.S*> to $7*. 1702 Howard. JA. *101. HA. 1148 HUNTER INN—Home for tha traveling man to leave hte wife for comfort and • afety. 2408 Podge. AT. 4M0. ; Unfurnished. 80b Terrace Court *40*44 PARK AVE. Now available. A very choice apt of * room* with *-ro©m accom. Living room, dining room. kitchen. dreeetng ro«rr and bath, at $55 winter and $50 summer. Drake Rental Agency, ■T A. HA. t««« ITU H*w«ra Undine Court 245? Dewey. Three rcoma with five-ream accommodations fU# .tanitor or call A. I\ Tl'KET * SON. ■TA 4!?2, *2ft First Nat Rank Bldg. VERT choice 1-room apartments with 2 room accommodations. Living room, bed close? with murphv bed. kitchenette and frjrate bath. Walking distance. At 27 >o summer and $12 80 winter. Drake Rental Agency, 17C2 Howard JA 280$. HA* 818* APARTMENTS and Tata for rent. W T PALMER CO. AT. lilt R»«l Estate Management Specialist*. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. WHERE OMAHA RENTS * AT. 0544.17th and Farnarp Sts. REAL ESTATE—FOR KENT. Apartments—Furnish ad. 80 4720 V SSP ST —F’.ne two-room spart meat, private bath, everything furnished. KE . - -: * GOOD 4 oom flat In desirable locality: i alklnr distance; nlca condition. Special rr.re this *eek. lift. Graham. JA 1581 Apartment*—Unfurnished. 81 IIP* PORCAS STREET. Sir large rooms and breakfast nook. Prac tically new and in best residence district, rinse to school and <~ar. l I. HIATT TAMPA NY_AT. W. VI11RRKY ATTS '5:* California, up-to date *-room Apt. with *-room accomoda tions Newly decorated tanitor service. $75 Call HA 4lY' nr M A OT.M_ HIGH CttA8$ APTS and flats under miner vision of owners. “Service that pleases " Tracer Pros. 81$ F. N Rk AT *«*< new prrtTrxr* for rent. N »T. SKOGMAN A SONS. tilt Cum in e StHA 7^4* MODERN apt* lift and up, clone In G. P Stebblne. I lift Chicago o* Yju/Y’ iVth ST —rn e room flat, all modefn JA S$*4. Bu**ne*a Flacr* for IUnt. 82 lift* S l*—Owed business location; large floor area fu“ birsment; rental right. Easton 7 A o * i' NR" brick stftre with fin# basement. Reasonable rent HA 444* HA Hounc* for Kent. 83 Fine Residence on Farnam F »r rent Mar h 1. The Warren Plaohwell residence. Close to JKh St Elegant fin ish eith n en ronvenlmv e \V. T. Graham, IV rn i Cetera Trust Wdg ROOM lottaKS 141* North l#th. mod on except h»*et WK, 47*7 Offices and IK**K Koom. 83 vi lit deairabla office space and »»*• of phone st Ml KeeHna Hide. AT Ml \\ MltSd li> K«»l !H) " KITING list of preferred tenants run* Investment Ce, AT 1**4 DIE vibNT ADs BRIM, K MILTS. HEAL ESTATE—FOR NAI-E: Businra* 1’roperiy. 91 Fl'SY TRANSFER CORNE R IDEAL INVESTMENT. 5^ NET. ^^JJLOVEI^^^FAjlNWA^Jft^^^^ Real Estate—Investments. 93 CONSULT HARRISON K MORTON. 40th vaar Hi umaha. pit Farnam. Farms and Lands for Kale. 93 ISO ACRES ■ Haifa. aweat clov.r, blua grail, atork and grain farm: tala good llnprovanvanta. abundant1! avatar; 2 tg ln|!-v (atata highway It) from Maiyvtlla Svill aubdlvlda Prlcaa. lamia right Gat do. > daaartptlon. Elmar Kraaer. nwnar, Mary vllla, Nodaw-ay oounty, Missouri._ FOR SALK—On* 45-arre improved dairy farm; adjoining the city of N-wton. OVrlio or wire J. R. Tatman. Newton. Kan , It. K, No. 7. POULTRY land 15 down. »5 monthly, buya 40 arrea Southern Mo Price 12"" Send for list. B' » 22-H. Kirkwood, Mu City Acrraue for Sale. 91 I ACRE. 49th end Fowler Art. City water. Cl«>*e to school and osr. AT. 1024. GEORGE A- CO. REALTORS. lluuwek for Sale. 95 FOP. SALE OR TRADE Strictly modern 1"-room houae. with three eurtge*. liable for fix head of horses. Tall JA. 0159. Sundty and after 5 p. m., JA 5M9. FOUR room house. water and light*. Small payment. No Dealer*. Leaving to farm. Call Walnut 5495 Houses—North. 96 Take a Ford for Equity 3808 Curtis Avenue Her* 1* * da/id y 1-room bungalow, all modern except bath with danav garag* and drive, mtg. 12.500, gee this quick and make you- off^r Payne Investment Co.f AT. 5960 Glbaon. KE. 8227. Newlon. KE. 114«. MINNE LUSA BUNGALOW New 5-room all modern bungalow with built-in feature*; south front lot. Only 15,950. with '**>• term* TO SETTLE AN ESTATE 8#v#n-room. iwo-*tory home with large sleeping porch acnis* rear, ftreplare; garage south front Jot Mutt be told to seult an estate Want offer with '*ry easy term* Evtnings call Mr Pitkin, ■WA. 1911. or Mr Gehrl* KE 5039. • METCALFE COMPANY. Ground Floor. 203 S. 19th St. AT. 5411. 28th Ave. and Lake 5-ROOM, NEARLY NEW BIW’GALOW Account of *lckne*t in family we offer this home that It all modern in every respect, oak floor* and finish for only 14.750, eaav term*. SNAP FOR COLORED. Payne Investment Co., AT. 5960 Newlon. KE. 114* Glb»on. KE 8227. MILLER PARK, $5,000' Living room acro*s front, fir# place mid dle. 6 large winowa, oak floors and fin ish. Dining room, large; buffet. 2 win dow* Built-In cabinets In kitchen. A pleasant basement. 2 large, light airy bed rooms with 4 clotets and 10 win dows. House about 6 year* old and only needs a coat of paint. Screened porch and ft wnings AT. 406*KE 1732. WILL build and finance your home on easy terms. See ut for p'tm J. C. Schmlt*. 851 Omaha National. JA. 1799. STRICTLY MODERN NEW HOME. *50o DOWN. BUILT-IN FEATURES. OAK FLOORS. PAYNE dr SONS. JA. 1016. 3563 N. 59TH ST—5 -room. 175 0 cash. Crglgh, 401 Bag. JA. 010". D. E. BUCK A CO., buy and a.:; home?. House*—West. 88 (WESTWOOD BUNGALOW. New B-roora aJl modern bungalow deccr atad throughout; ftreplne# and all built-in faatura* Before buying eee thi* CLIFTON HILL BUNGALOW. New 1-rocm all modern bungalow near car lint and echo©!. Only 14 76b. with aery term* Evanlngx cal! Mr. Rowley. WA. 1172. or Mr Metcalfe. WA. 1657. METCALFE COMPANY. Ground Floor, tM ft. 19th St. AT. I41B. FIVE room*, etrlctly modern, fireplace, tiled bath. Kdgwood location. 1 block to car. Pavtd ttratt. Brgjsd »•▼. term*. Otii>r, HA »044. BRAND new pressed brick duplex and doubl* gtrage, watt Want caah offer or will take In reeldence. AT. >113. SEE Morrl**on Lumber far prices on garage*. Best construction at min. mum cost. WE. BB61. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lota in Edge wood; ytry aaay terms. Phone AT. 1640. Lot* tor Sale. M HAVE a f»w w«ll located lote !n Ed«» wood for eale; for rricea coll C. A. Grim meL JA, lilt. VACANT lot oil tarroTomanta. 4114 Mania atraot. Call Walnut MIS. Real Estate for Exchange. 104 Large House for Trade Naar 51th and Ft. Vary Ara 11 room a. modern. bl* lot. Will toko UQM prop erty or eereral mailer Piocaa Aid par different#. GRAHAM ■TA. IMS784 r«t#T» Trut ait*. will ukt ta trad, for oquttr la C-« llttl. brick Apt b!4*. —oil located en corner lot. AT. MIS. Wanted—Real Estate. 103 Property Priced Right Should be aold In 19 dan; call u§ far quick raaulta. Phone Carl H Rooa. HA. lilt, w. j. palmer co„ 4ta.il.i4 Kaalmo Bide A*. If l* WE have buyers fnr two-stery. alx and ••van-room hornet, north, aouth and waat; aI»o a rood demand for vacant lota. Prompt inspection • Llat with ui and prepare to mova." Caberne Realty Cc. HO Fetera Truat Bldg. JA. 5!>! *W£ tail Dundee home*. Llat your prop arty with ua for raaulta. Burt C Fowler Co Realtor#. JA. 14ft. HAVE actual buyer for modern • .room* all on one floor FRANK C PEST AT M5F HA. »Mf For raaulta llat your property with FIFST TFUST CO at fits.4d» rm Nets. BabV C. r>. HUTCHINSON co_ Raal Eatate let 141S Farnam. JA. «41». ArCTIONS. WHT FAT somebody ft to 10« per ear»t profit on furniture when yed can bay at a mare fraction of what It le worth at Stapheneon'a* Glad to p-ove thia to you any day Come In and e»e for yourself. U*» Capitol -j