The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 24, 1925, Image 7

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    Peru Normal-Nebraska Wesleyan Contest to Feature State Conference Race
_____ —--- * ' ~ M " * ' ‘ ' ■ .
"HSoth Teams to
Enter Game With
Perfect Record
Coach Graff’s Quintet Has
Ktlge on Methodists; Wayne
Normal Holds Third Place
in Standing.
INTOI.N, Feb. 22.
—By hanging up
Its 3<Hli consecu
tive i n t e r c o 1
legiale basket
ball victory Sat
urday night over
K e a r n e y Nor
mal, Coach Ism
draff's Peru
I ossers e s t a b
lislied a world
record and
.1 u ni p e d lo (lie
front in I lie Ne
braska confer
ence cage race.
Tlie Bobcats
defeated Hast
ings college, (.rand Island college and
Kearney Normal last week on suc
cessive nights ami now boast of a per
fect percentage with seven wins anil
no defeats. Nebraska Wesleyan is
close second with six victories and
nary a loss.
Tlie long list of Peru wins extends
over a period of three seasons. The
former record was held by Kansas
university, present leaders in tile Mis
souri valley race. The Jay hawkers
ran their string up to 34 until
humped off h ytlie Kansas Aggies
early this seasons.
All eyes In the conference will be
centered on the Peru-Wesleyan
skirmish Friday. February 27, at 1'nl
versity Place. Peru on paper has the
best chance to win but the Coyotes
are a bunch of veterans and strong
on their own court. The Bobcats are
about as populur as pneumonia and
a large delegation of cage fans from
all over the state are expected to wit
ness the battle.
Tech High athletic teams face a
tough schedule this week when the
different teams in the school play.
Basket ball and volley ball appear to
be the headliners.
The Tech High basket ball team
which was defeated last Saturday by
Central after It had run tin eight
straight victories, will meet South
Tuesday afternoon on the Tech floor,
and on Friday will meet the Fremont
High basketeers for their last sched
uled game of the year. Coach Mc
Coy's second stringers will get in ac
tion next Friday, their opponent will
either be the Central seconds or Blair
h. Coach White's interclasa bas
ket ball teams will play their last
rounds this week, and then will be
gin to start the eliminations for two
teams that will meet for the school
championship. The girls' interclass
volley ball league will also play Its
last rounds this week and will pre
pare for the finals. The Tecli High
swimming team will probably meet
Lincoln High here Thursday.
Sullivan, Ind., Feb. 23.—With beads
bowed In grief, but bearing up brave
ly under the heavy toll of Indiana's!
w'orst mine disaster, Sullivan today i
saw the last of the 51 explosion Vic- j
tlms borne to the little cemetery on;
the outskirts of the community.
Meanwhile, State Mine Inspector A.
C. Dally started an Investigation to
determine the cause of the blast at
the City Coal company's mine, and a
group of civic leaders organized lo
raise a relief fund to be distributed
among the families of the vietims.
Omaha U. P. Bowlers
Win Over Denver
In a special bowling match held at
Denver, the Omaha Division En
gineers of the Union Pacific won
from the Denver Division Engineers
by a close margin of 21 pins.
Denver Dlv. En*. Omaha Dlv. Kn«.
Brav ...158 168 MlHarih ..168 161 163
Hoover .146 152 2r>7l41l»aard 183 184 165
Kophlde- 216 148 135 Ttllteon .142 163 182
Richard. 1 >9 141 174ltarham .160 188 189
rtuinan 1«1 178 158 Roberts 1 28 1 42 1 98
^ Total 590 787 808 Totals 782 8n8 917
■%^^Total pine, 2483- Total plna, 2507.
Illinois Griilster
Turns “Pro” Wrestler
Chicago, Feb. 23.—Jim McMillen,
captain of the University of Illinois
football team in 1923, has turned pro
fesslonal wrestler. He weighs 215
pounds. He will make his debut In
Columbus, O., tomorrow night. '
Newco rts
Pitcher, Denver.
Hern Prlatae, Mo. Deeember 22. ISOS
Height. « feel Weight. 100 pounds.
Throws left-handed. Hals right
*YYi'hs In 11124—Wichita Falla and San
Antonio Te-taa league.
ilr»t Ettfif^mfnts—SprlnfflMfl, mmI*
•rti HWHoHnilnn 1921.
( lul.a Hlnre Then—Joplin Western asso
ciation 11172: Chicago Nationals. Hi~2.
lltZ.'l; Wichita 1 alls, 1023; lllnemlng Ion,
Three I league. 1»23| W lehlla Falls end
pan \nt-onlo.
" *
Crowned as Aquaplane Queen
i ■ ■ ■ ■ • .V --—!
Tlie dailnc of Miss Florence Vandiver won her (he niiiiHiilnniiie cham
pionship event In (he power boat' regatta at Tampa, Fla. She is seen buck
ing the waves on an aijiaiplane without holding.
□ IE GIANTS are taking to Sara
toga, Fla., Pitchers Jimmy Tun
ney of Holy Cross and Hughle
Magevney of Notre Dame. Both are
right handers. Tunney'e fine per
formances at the Worcester college
were dimmed by Owenle Carroll.
Ty Cobb of the Detroit Tigers Is
said to have beaten many In obtain
ing an agreement with Carroll, but
the Newark, N. J., youngster Is de
bating about going In for professional
Magevney Is tabbed the best middle
west college hinder In a decade.
Manager McGraw of the Giants has
been ' sweet'' on collegian* since he
got Frisch fresh from Fordham to
star at once. He tried Arnold Slats,
now of the Cubs; Freddy Maguire,
formerly of Holy Cross; Paul Flor
ence, the Georgetown star catcher a
couple of years ago, whom he recent
ly let go. Bernle Wefers, jr., of Col
umbia and othera.
The Palmer Motor basket ball team,
amateur champion* of aouthweatern
Iowa because of Its record of 11
straight victories, leave Thursday for
Dea Moines to compete In the annual
Iowa State Independent amateur baa
ket ball tournament that will be held
Friday and Saturday, February 27
and 28.
The Palmer Motor* are from Coun
cil Bluffs.
Mazetti Wins Auto Rare.
Rome, Feb. 22.—The automobile
race for the royal prize waa won to
day by Mazetti, who drove the 260
miles In 4 hours. 21.29 3 5 seconds.
Materaist finished second and Glnaldl
Important Boxing
Bouts This Week
F»*b. S4—Mickey Walker ti. Bert
Colima, 10 rounds In I os Angelas
Feb, 14—Eddie Cannonball Martin
Carl Tremalns, 10 rounds In Cleve
Feb. t4—Rocky Knna* vs. Clyde
Jacket, 13 rounds In New York.
Feb. 35—Kid Norfolk vs. Martin
Burke, 12 rounds in New York.
Feb. 25—-Joe Dundee vs. Charley
O f onnell, 12 rounds In New York.
Feb. 25—Frankie Genaro va. Eddie
O'Dowd, 10 rounds In Youngstown.
Feb. 26—Harold ftmlth ▼ §. Bushy
Graham, 12 rounds In New York.
Fob. 27—Pete Harm lento Eddie
Anderson. 10 rounds in East Chicago.
Feb. 27—Benny Valgar vs. Ale*
Hart, 12 rounds In Brooklyn.
Feb. 27—Archie Walker vs Folly
Beaman, 12 rounds In Brooklyn.
Feb. 27—Joe Htoessel vs. Jimmy
Mnloev, 10 rounds In Providence.
Feb. 27—Oldie Shevlln vs. Georgia
I.evine, 10 rounds In Boston.
Feb. 27—Young Mtiihlln* vs. Jimmy
Delaney, 10 rounds In Milwaukee.
Feb. 25—Babe Herman va. Eddla
Brady, It rounds In New York.
Feb. 26—Jack Bernstein vs. Basil
Galliano. 12 rounds in New York.
Feb. M.—Jim Maloney vs. Jack M«
Creery, 10 rounds In Portland, Me.
Use “GEfS-ir
This Cara
Remedy Is
[Liquid wrPla* tar]
1 You will new
know how really
euy it ia to get
rid of a corn or
- callous,until you
have used "Get,-ft."
Ju,t put it on. Hurting
•tops. Then the corn
shrivels and goon you
just lift it off with the
finger,. Never fail,.Cost*
Sold everywhere and guar
Lawrence & Co., Chicago.
Folly to Suffer
With Piles
aiM Into wt tnif lt*r, get *
tft^cent pkr nr Pyramid Pile Mip
po.ltorle, end stop th« eorrnea,.
pain. Itching and blurting Th"u
F.and* declare It * wonder many
saved from «p*ratl«i»*. R*Mr* faml.
I lire rely npon PTramtd and reoom
I mead Utom to thatr friend*.
Bucharest, Rumania, Feb. 22.—
Nicolas Miihu, Rumania’s ranking
tennis player, will lead the Ru
manian team in the invasion of thej
United States next year In quest of
the Davis cup. The Federated Sports
club of Rumania has decided to chal
lenge for the cup. Mlshu't team
mates will be selected after elimina
tlon contests to be held in April.
New York, Feb. 22.—European ten
nis playing nations are responding
rapidly to the lure of Davis eup
play during the coming season The
latest challenge to be received from
the Hungarian T.awn Tennis associa
tion increases the list of European
zone competition to the following nine
nations: Ireland, England. Italy,
France, Switzerland, Holland, South
African Szecho Slovakia and Hun
The Mohawk cagers will meet the
Bellevue A. C. In a return engage
ment next Wednesday night on the
Bellevue floor. The Mohawks de
fen ted the Athletic club last Tuesday
night by a score of 28 to 24. This
was their first defeat of the season.
Glventer, Mohawk forward, who
was the star In the last game will
be unable to play In the return en
gagement, because he will have to
play with the Thorpelans, in the
Commercial league.
The National Kill* association, throush
It. branches, la arranging to obarrva Ni
tlonal Rift, day, Juna «. In 1,000 town,
and ciiiaa throughout tha country.
Classification for llte District
Vo. « of the basket hall tourna
ment to be held at Fremont March
8 and 7 have been made. T|ie dis
trict Includes Dodge, Ijincaster,
Saline and Saunders counties. The
classifications are as follows:
Class A—Lincoln. Crete. Fremont,
tnireralty Piece.
Class B—He..lock. Wahoo. Aggie
High. Mead. Teachers' mllege High.
Cathedral High. Yutan.
(less C—Bethany. College Ytew,
North Ben. Dndge. YYa.rrly, Weston.
( leas n— Deaton, DeWItt, Sa antoa.
Firth. Panama, Ashland.
Claaa K —Cedar Bluffs, Hallam,
Prague Hooper. Bcrthner, Tohlae.
In Clang A Vic Toft of I'nlversl
ty Flare will be head official. Hol
lingsworth of Nebraska will referee
the Class R games. Coach R. A.
Johnston, former Doane man: Hig
ginbotham, also formerly of l>oane,
and Mitten of Midland will be of
ficials In Class C, D and K.
V. , ___
The tonic and laxative
effect of Laxative BROMO
QUININE Tableta will for
tify the system against Grip,
Influenza and other serious
ills resulting from a Cold.
The ho* bsart this aignaturs
Pries 30c.
IK ONE Is to believe '‘Farmer"
Burns, (hell Charley Hansen will
be returned winner in ttie finish
wrcat 11 tig match that will be held at
the Auditorium Friday night. The
"Farmer” Is training Hansen and
says that Charley will surpilse Hie
wrestling world this week end,by beat
ing Pesek.
"I trained Frank Goteh when the
latter was world's champion," said
Burns, "and I never saw the famous
Hotch In any better physical condi
tion Ilian Charley Hansen is this
"Farmer” Burns Is » shrewd
judge of wrestlers, their condition
and ability. When Burns says that
Hausen is ill as good a condition
as was Gotcli when the latter was
wrestling, he means that Charley Is
prepared to give John Pesek an eve
ning's entertainment mi the mal.
Burns managed (iotcli when the
latter won Hie world's champion
ship. The “Farmer” also was man j
ager of (iotcli when “The Keaper”
took the Humboldt (la.) wrestler
out of Ibis world. I Ini III overtook
(iotcli when he was champion.
"Farmer" Burns says lie will chal
lenge "Big" .Miiiiii should Hansen
defeat l’esek. If Miiiiii doesn't agree
lo a inalcli Hie "Farmer" declares
lie will claim (lie world's heavy
weight wrestling championship for
"Ever since Gotch's death I have
been looking for a man capable ot
upholding Frank's reputation as a
wrestler." said Burns. "In Hansen 1
believe I have found my man.”
FOEEOWKRS of the w restling game
get a big laugh out of Jack Cur
ley's statement in which he tells
of a wrestling trust.
Curley originated the original
wrestling combine. That is no
secret. When “Hig” Munn won the
championship the former Nebraskan
is supposed to have busted Curley's
so-railed Irust.
Curley says that Munn belongs
to a "trust" and will not meet soy I
one of a flock of wrestlers he 'Cur
ley) names. While Curley did not
say, we suppose, judging from the
tone H Curley's remarks, that the
grapplers belong lo Curley's reor
ganized combine.
The thing thBt seem* to be hurting
Curley is (h^t the championship has
escaped his gang and now Is In the
possession of a rival "trust," If the
latter exists.
IN SPITE of the fact that there
seem* to b* considerable mud
slinging going on in the wrestling
world, the grand ol’ game of wre*
tllng. w hich would be one of the main
sports of them all If persons connected
with the game—that Is. the promoters,
managers and participants—would slm
to keep It "clean," Is In the throes of
a surprising and sensational eome
back right now.
The victory of "Big" Munn over
"Strangler" l,ewls for the cham
pionship, and the matching of
Charley Hansen and John Peaek for
a finish match here Friday night,
helped create new interest In the
game. Hansen Is an "independent"
and Pesek Is said to be a member
of the so-called “trust."
There Is no reason why wrestling
shouldn't, be one of our main sports.
The game Is taught In our univer
sities, college* and high schools.
That's wliy the men connected with
the professions! end of the game
should keep It “clean.”
Th* Hansen Pesek match scheduled
for Friday night Is ths first wrestling
contest held In Omaha for thres years.
Judging from the call for tickets, the
game has returned to us with a boom
and a bang. Not only Is th* mat
gam* thriving In Omaha, but It Is
on th* road to sucres* throughout the
country. East week a promoter of
fered a 160.000 purs* for a Munn
Eewls championship match.
Be* Want Ada produe* re*ult».
Great Western is the Short, Quick Way
Two Fa*t Well Appointed Train* Daily
Twin City Limited
Lv. Omaha 8:10 p.m.
Twin City Express
» Lv. Omaha 8:00 a. m.
Ail nAoiaa wAan vaa ara tming, ana'll 4a gtmJ f» arianna IW
Ifc4(l«an4 rtatrwDni.
1414 Pilot Notional Sank Bldg , Plana Jackaon 0240
Leaders of Standings Have Won Eleven and Lost One Con
test—Nebraska Has Tough Schedule, Playing Iowa
State, Missouri and Creighton—Bluejays and Huskers
Play in Omaha Saturday Night.
I 111' ImllllK iiH lilt’s Ilf 'HlnrillK. »b. 21.)
I! W. Is l't». U|>. P' I
Kau*m< 1.11' 1 l 1 .V:: 213 .»W
Wsshliilfton . 3 7 2 2!’» 115 .77»
Nebraska .HI 7 S 213 2tllJ .WO
Oklahoma .HI » 6 3»i 313 .6fJ
Kmiimhm A If« i ♦* s* ..11 *» £* '-'Wl 27V ,Q\>
MiHMitirt .13 * 7 2UJ 3 10 f -nC
(If in UP 11 .1 4 8 3#5 •’ 4 6 ."IT}
IJ! ;i K .1 J 1U -J JZ - * • l^M
\ ii «-m .12 1 11 218 3 46
JloFT/D tile KaWWfl.*
.luyhawkn inn ku a In
their presf H,
the Mis suOCCrVm
hall race wittl**.■ *>*
good a* f'uSJJSJ
" ' <‘.t£E7
X\ night. The Mane
I Sellers me ay
II led to vlHjr QgSf
games this week,
and If they da&ie
through acyuidttjg
to expectations they
_ , will have dlnohisd
at least a He fur ttie cliauipionahT|jr.
'I'iie week will l.e a strenuous one
fur tlie leading te.nik“. Kansas. Vasil
EFFORTS ar« being mad* by lev
era I merchants in th* vicinity
of Blown park on the South
Side to organize a fa at senior division
amateur baseball team. *
Ten years ago the BrJJvp y§rk»
had one of the classiest nhnea hi tire
city. The Merchants finished the
season at that time as runnersup for
city championship honor* to the old
Vinton Merchants.
Frank Skornal, druggist, and Fath
er Sztoba of the West L Improvers
now assigned to the Church of As
sumption, are trying to round up a
pennant winning combination to rep
resent the Merchants.
Last season the Brown Parks were
represe ited bv a Junior team.
Tampa. Fla., Feb. 13.—One new
worlds record mid a new pslldnal
record stood today as a rexult of oom
petition her* yesterday.
Kthel I-ackie. Chicago, set ■ world',
record when she bettered by two sec
onds her time In the 1924 Olympic,
for the 110 yard free stvle swim. h>he
made the distance yesterday In 1:18 I K
Martha Noreiiu, «et a new national
record for 880 yards in 12:31 3 5.
Gertrude Kderle equaled the world's
record of 2:46 3 5 for the 220 yard free
style, two fifths of a second faster
than her own former mark,
^ ins Chess Tourney.
Paris, l^eb. 23.—Alexander Aleklne.
Ihe Kusalan master, hag been de
dared the winner of the international I
r hess tournament w hich ha? Jnst i
ended here. The score was 6 and 1-2
Brings rest in the day
time and sleep at night.
Since 1172
I* relied upon by people every
where for bronchial, “flo” and
whooping coughs, croup, tick
ling throat and troublesome
night cough*. No narcotic*.
Benefits both children and grown-up*.
ington, end Oklahoma play three
games each, Nebraska, Missoni 1.
Kansas Aggies, Urinnell, and Ames
two each and Drake one. Nebraska,
in addition to two conference games,
plays Creighton at Omaha in a non
conference engagement Saturday.
Kansas, credited with ii wins 111
12 starts, faces three hard games.
Tlie Kansas Aggies, Oklahoma and
Missouri will prove worthy foes,
Imt tlie Jayhawks have an even
chance of winning all lliree games,
in which case they would wind up
tlie week with V* games won, and
one lost. Then, providing they lost
tlie final game to Washington two
weeks hence, tlie I’ikcrs by win
ning every remaining game oil their
schedule could do no better than
lie loach K. Allen’s leaders.
TUI* w(*eL'« 'itivrmai i .<#wi: Monday.
Grlnusll *i Oklsburnt* ; Tuesday, Attic* at
N'abi m Mi.a. Kuimai «> Ivansa* Agglt*;
Wednesday. Washington ai Drake; Thurs
day, Washington at Urinnell Ksiish* at
Oklahoma. I I ’lit Missouri at Nebraska ;
Sa t mil a \. Was)) in a ton ut Arne*. Kansas
Akkicm hi Oklahoma. Missouri at Kansas,
Nebraska at * 'reighlntt.
Ijm Angel***. Kell. S*.— Four eastern
baseball • lubH wti* ready to !•»-• oi bad
departed today fur spring irmiilin unuidi
In California.
Tli« St. lamia < ardlnala *111 limiter up
for the ***aaun at Stockton ; «’ I * Cuba
at (’ataltna Island, Pittsburgh Pirate* at
Paso P.oble* and the Kansu* City liluta
at Hanford.
Tlie St. laiuls player* will m*H th#
Sacremanto taam of t)is Patif'o Coast
league in a series starting Ffbruarjf JS.
With the St. la*uU players la Walter
lla t inei ihr uf ib# Oakland dab
uf th* '! league. Me la making hi*
third bid for in* lor league bail, having
played »iMi »be H«.«oklvn Dodger* year*
. n Ht.d 111 iv-'t) Trla Speak*! gave him
a trial.
Lincoln. Feb St.—The IJncoln Hub of
the Wee tern laagiia the franchise uf
which «m transferred her* from Sioux
City, will train n Joplin Mo, this sprint,
if wi« announcetl today by Oharle* N.
Moon, sect fiat > *»f the club, who has juat
tetinned from th* Missouri city.
Buffalo, Keb. 22.—Manuel Alonzo,
Spanish tennis ace. who last year de
feated William T. Tilden, in the mid
winter indoor Invitation tournament
of the Buffalo Tennis and Squash
club, today was eliminated in the
Boston, 5 7, 6 4, 6 4.
Tilden came through the semi
finals, defeating James Davies of
California, 6 J, 6 1.
Davies and Rice paired in the
doubles, eliminated Tilden and hi*
protege, Sandy Weiner, in the semi-(
final round.
Kjf .Aneoeisted 1’r.H.
Itartnimith and Prlnretnn, lender# tn the
.a.l.i n Inlarrcllegisie beeket bell league
eath he1, in* won five imei and lo.l I
non*. tl meet Sltufllv.
/f A throuai|\
1 lt founds out the
\ pleasu* ofyout J
entire trip /
I /
t ^v-Omaha.
Ar-Lo« A,lgdps ‘ • • 9.-40,.m.
„ 2 night« en‘ 3:30 p- »•
Barber bath / Ute
dressing, manicn^’maid- hair
v«i«n an™,ON,„.
fornia. °nnectionj fCr £,}?
... rvM r, ’ -*
,#U •■* ^
r- i
35 Games Set as
Goal This Year
aTOE M^.CiI^rNrXT-^
l_____ --*
"Iron Man" Joe MrUInnlty, loriner
big league baseball star of two dec
atle* ago, who is 54 years old, ha*
auuoimied that lie will pitch 15 games
this season for the Dubuque tin.) ciuh
uf the Mississippi \ alley league, of
which he is manager and part owner.
Joe Steelier to
Meet Zbvszko
NEW YORK, Keb. 23.—With a
match with Wayne (Big) Munn,
recognized heavyweight cham
pion, as their announced objective,
due Stecher of Omaha and Waldek
Zbyszko of Poland, will wrestle, heat
two out of three falls, as the fea
tore of Mlg card at one of the local
armories tonight. Stecher, whose a!
leged "confession" of a "framed
bout with Zbyszko’s brother. Stanis
laus, has prompted an Investigation
by the state athletic commission, ap
peated here today after a hurried trip
to she west to lay the foundation for
a match with Munn.
tie declared lie had posted forfeits
In two targe western cities to cover
his challenges to the new champion.
Stecher has dented making a confes
sion of wrong doing with the elder
Zhyszko, pointing out that he won the
bout In question.
Spectators Injured During
Auto Race on Pacific Coast
Brawley, Cat , Feb. 22.—Two spee
taors were Injured, one seriously,
when tlie wheel of a racing car flew
off into the crowd during a Washing
tons birthday dirt track contest here
today. In all, five of the 20 cars
entered in the race were wrecked,
though their drivers wers unhurt,
and but two of the machines crossed
the finished line.
Spasmodic Croup Is frequently
relieved byone application of—
Girls! Have Pretty Eyes
No girl Is prettv If her eyes are
red, attained or ha\4 dark ring's
Simple * amphor, witchhazel, etc., as
mixed In I^voptlc eye waah. keepa
e\e» healthy, sparkling: and vivacious.
Dainty eve cup fr*e. Sherman A Me
Con&ell Drug Stores _
Fort Mjm, FI*.. Feb- t#.—Harmr * r
ConnU Mack, of the Philadelphia Ath
lettoa, will rlva the 14 playei* who ar
rived her# Sunday with him, their flraC
workout of the »M«on today.
On the Stage
With International Pianl.t
Rialto Crossword
Orche.tra Organ
Thomas Meighan ij
—AND— |ff
Lila Lee ||
“Coming Through” I
Randall’s Royal j||jj
fontenelle \
Orchestra fj.
2:30—NOW PI.MIX.—K :2*J
With Nelson Maple \
linn 1st Director_
Howard Kyle (ierdon _ hnoeft-m
"Weller dT Riley_Althea I ncae A To.
The Celebrated Little Prime I»oana
1 be Distinguished
( oneert Pianist.
ppirrc N ,h” sot to i.i
rnivkO M.tiB..., soc to **.so
A RhI New York Show and C»»*
. IN H£Q B/6 Ml/aiCAL HIT
* rfWIV* Omaha's Fun Center
JjMat end Nile Today
Columbia Theater. B'dw'y. Summer Run Hit
—YOL 441 CPC ftA!» Columbia
SAID IT: 1 3 WV' Bur leek
CPC The Funny Broadcasting Station.
March of the Wooden Soldier*.
TUES.—“Surprise Nile. New Funny Stunt.
FRI.— “Garter Nite.“ $15 Cash * ■* Patr ns.
Ladies* 25c Bargain Mat . 2:15 Week Dave
a • i i i • • i i » * • • • » i i i » » i » z
Shrine Grand !
and I
Movie Ball i
Auspices of
Tcmgier Temple
Talk to them.
Dance with them. I
Positive Personal
1925 Babv Star |
| _ i
l March Tickets *
| 2d $2
i Muni • Auditorium^
HAMILTON • * 40th end Hamilton
Mas Murrs? In "Fashion Rsa"
Also "Go Cottar" and Comedy
GRAVP - 14th and Btisrr
Richard Pin and Jacqueline Lo-fan
In "Manhattan" Also 'Telephone Ctrl**
LOTHROP ... 34th and L*thror
P \A Griffith's 'Ame-ice *
Comrdr. •‘Fmntv Head'- Also Neva
• ROLLtVARP - Bid and Lee **»«»*> rth
Pn a Kanvon and Rena d Calms
In A This! in Paradise"