Mr. and Mrr. Bi| Briqq/ ' I I Art- A fine- ] \Nir4~re« Jj LF*ht J now Don't set fexoTeo vi — »>* only Telling YoU WHAT | HSARD-* IF Y©o UJAMT To 0*J'T ONfJDBRSTAMfc IT AT ah- — last webk You vaiere Alu STBAMBO up ON) THE IfiEA OP <301 WCr* J south-*anie> -~J va/hat’s the real REASON) OP THIS o 5UOD6M Change : ■ ' - ( \A/6U_-FOB- <300DWE.S«S SAKE. \ W«V DIDN'T YoO 4fi? SC /KJ —| *STeAD OP LVlMCS ABOUT m\ The weather • J I CA^ W\ LISTEM To REASON-5 IpL | KNEW VOU WERE <\ f MAKING That [ —* A FELLOW Tc?lD ME ToCAV HE'D JuSTmSOT ja/vCK FROM FLORIDA AMD Trie vwbatheR rneRe I.S Terrible Do YbOK)‘T UH ) ^ I’M. bJO~r COING || To start /V UOIV1G I ^-1KJ AN c ' Al " 9 cussioisi tonight I All i kngoi is we I Can't afford it I this Ve a» - * - don rB ASK ME NOW I that's become: M jP tv^e momev- \ LlM CHOW Voc MV ^JB CHECK BOOK - fl|||| Tt~r' ok R ch • ■■ - £mm "arc YoO TRYING To Dl5©oURA«&e The idea of ©uR i <3or*J6 there fJ-f AFTER all ©oR v ViPLAN s ’ _— J That Is all T [ press A