One of Omaha’s best liked stage favorites is the diminutive cornedi enne, Mitzi, who is to appear at the Brandeis theatre Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, —in her latest stage vehicle, “The Magic Ring.” Siemle.rM)omen are more popular — \ A graceful slender girl holds • fascination which only slender women have. Men admire » youthful silhou ette. Instinctively, they are drawn i toward* the woman whose figure is graceful and shapely. That’s why j slender girls are always popular. 1 But why worry about being over 'I weightiTt'scasytoreduce. Use Mar j mouTabletsi thousands of metiand I , women each year regain healthy, slender fieures this way). These f * tablets will make you slender again. Try them No exercises or diets. All diu# stores have them—one dollar a bos. Or they willbe sent in plain wrap pet. postpaid, by the Marmots Co.. I7«0 General Motors Blda . Detroit. Mach. MARMOLA _ description ^htiets 'jhedeosanl Way toffixtuat The Tetrancton or “balloon fish" a rare Hawaiian specimen recently added to the Southern California Aquarium. The fish is „ a vicious sea inhab itant that displays its anger by swelling its body. aid.- World Ik Is Mmu Hfmht kst >( thf fc'x* — Keep Them Pretty Everybody Sees Your Hands—By Marguerite De La Motte “X/OU should see how l keep my 1 hands bv using lrmon juice! Pretty hands are good to look at and are looked at often. Smooth, soft hands are pleasant to your ow n and others’ Touch. But only such hands. Rub half a lemon over your hands night and morning. I have followed this practice for several years. Use lemon juice if they are red, rough, dry or cracked—and in a few days, note the transformation. See how white—and feel how soft and smooth. "This it Nature’s own safe, dainty lotion and whitener—no need for artificial kind*. Most moving picture actrestet ute this method as 1 do to get the bett result*. See how it removes stains. “Keep a half lemon handv in a saucer by the sink or wash bowl. Ute it daily and _—ts— *T -*■"-* -J have attractive, pretty hands. Begin tonight. You’ll be delighted with the way your hands improve no matter how good looking they are now. "The richest juice, best for the hands, comes f rom California Lemons. Be sure to get this kind. All first-class dealers sell them.” Send coupon for free book. ;j ,-Mail This-1 CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS EXCHANGE Sec Loa Anirelra. Calif. Pirate tend me lire book. "Toilet Uaet For The Itmon" I telling Him to aar lemon (or the akin. in mauicnnng. and in t beautifrme (Ha Hair. j Namk . ■ ■--.■■■ ' ' ------| Snm. — ■ . »— ■ ■ -———— | Ret rieving underdifficulties. Comanche Franks, champion pointer dog, owned by Charles G. Houston of Augusta, Ga., isn't balked at all by the fact that these birds have been tied in a tree. He stands up on his hind legs and prepares to pull both of them down to bring to his master. — IVide World 1 m medical and denial amharitiaa, are dmignatiwg Dancer Lines that demand ear cakmtant attention. Sensitive teeth warn of Acid Decay at The Danger Line SENSITIVE teeth are a warning. Be careful. Use every — to prevent decay and infection, especially at that vital point, The Danger Line. It is at The Danger Line, in the tiny V-shaped crevices where gums meet teeth, that food particles lodge and ferment. Acids form which sooner or later destroy the tooth structure. Decay gradually begins. The gums frequently become irritated and sore. Conditions favorable to Pyorrhea may de velop. Serious disease, such as rheumatism, heart and kidney trouble, often results from the infection due to Acid Decay. Even very weak acid conditions at The Danger Line wifi cause trouble if neglected. Your dentist will tell you that Milk of Magnesia is a safe, scientific means of coun teracting acids which attack the teeth and irritate the gums. Squibb’s Dental Cream is nude with Squibb’s Milk of Magnesia. Use it regularly . . . morning and night . . . and you can prevent Acid Decay, allay sensitiveness and lessen the peril of Pyor rhea. You can strengthen tender gums and promote a hygienic condition of the entire mouth. You can keep your teeth clean — safely. No dental cream can do more. Buy Squibb’s Dental Cream, made with Squibb’s Milk of Magnesia—today. At drug gists everywhere. Squibbs Dental Cream Mode with Sqaibkk Milk of Magnesia E. R. SQUIBB R SONS OAcmiflCi i# Ac Mc^ImI cmA DcmcbI •Am I AM eiw Mail this Coupon TODAY | D —— - ! o b