The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 22, 1925, PART FOUR, Page 4-D, Image 32

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    Foreign Strength
Imparts Boost to
Domestic Grains
Sharp Break at Opening Fol
lowed by Rally All Around,
[With Closing on Higher
Cnlvernal Service Staff Correspondent.
Chicago. Feb. 21.—Persistent strength
in foreign market* relative to Chicago
and a fair revival of export trade today
overcame the early sharp break in wheat
price* and led finally to a spirited rally
a ad Higher close Buying power was
lacking parly and scattered selling by
11 red holders broke price* badly, but
absorption on the dips improved and
the last hour witnessed shorts scurrying
to rover.
Wheat closed 1V* c to 24c higher, corn
was 4c to Sc higher, oats were Sc
higher to >4® lower and rye ruled So up.
Sentiment in the trade underwent a
drastic change as the session progressed
For several days lower prices had been
predicted on the basis that clearances of
wheal were not living up to expectatlons.
but the fact that Liverpool and Buenos
Aires refused to sympathize with ihe
local declines, combined with reiieiHtlons
on the part of leading seaboard authori
ties lhat requirements in Europe were
still great, gradually turned the market
Vl J> w a rd.
Export ante* were placed at 500.000 to
850.0U0 bushel* of wheat for the day.
v quite a sizeable amount for the week-end.
'' Liverpool closed *4d to **d lower, and
Ru»*nos Aires 1c to 14c higher.
Cprn was weak early in th* day, as
Tongs unloaded, hut support was revived
. on ihe dip, and prices rallied with wheat
st the last. The movement of corn from
the interior is on the wane and the dis
count* for the off grades in terminals
are narrowing compared with the futures.
Onrs recovered with other grains. Scat
tered commission house buying on the
early break gradually absorbed all offe*
fnc* and the ariose was near top levels
Liquidation carried rye down wtih
Jr wheat early in the session, but th# re
/qvjary was brisk.
f tTv-«visions were strong all day.* Lard
«i i rib* were 13 4c tnr 16c higher.
Pit Notes.
• \Thiy wheat led th" recovery In wheat
ft'bm bottom levels although during the
a Jjnal minutes of trade the May delivery
vWV relatively buoyant. The short inter
*e«t jn the July was more pronounced, and
.« -he«u»« its early strength when prices
«k#*»*ted to recover. There has been plenty
of .private opinion aired by some of our
leading grain men the last few days to
"th<4 effect that the bull market on wheat
''ha* been based <>n a world situation that
does not actually exist, but the ability
of wheat to recover In the face of hear
sentiment has been a revelation to many,
i A seaboard authority takes the stand
that estimates on world requirements
were put out long before. It was known
XV hat Russia would need, or would not
' *'"ftesd. Russia, has taken 20.000,000 bushels
pf wheat and flour so far this season out
■‘’nr the world s bread basket, but previous
estimates on requirements have not been
•Domestic news was more encouraging.
Practically every primary market of the
country holding any sizable stock of
wAat looks for a good decrease in sup
1 plies for the week. The trade therefore
Ms anticipating quite a reduction fin the
vjslbla supply when posted Tuesday. Mon
dav will he % holiday in the American
.'Markets xrhile Liverpool. Buenos Aire*
and Liverpool will be opened as usual.
..Shorts were apparently uneasy by the
unexpected developments In the wheat pit
doling the last hour of trading today.
A market that can turn upward 1n ’he
face of such hear sentiment certainly
lr.nmA to be a remarkably strong one
There is *n old saying in trade circles
that a short on wheat generally i* in hot
water after Washington’s birthdsv. With
the tail end of the season nearing and
the crop damage period for the new crop
at hand, the believer of lower prices has
generally a difficult road to travel.
Mr TTprtlk, Grain Co. Atlantic S311.
. .Art. I Open, I High. I Dow. I Cloae. I Tea.
I- V)Th»:"I 't i ’ i 1
■ Sx>- > l.l« | T**K| l.MV 1.»«
J '*T.. | 1.84*!..1 1.88*| 1»5%
' : ,rrf£r f 1.6.1%! l.»**l 1.51*. 1.58*! 1.64
I 1.51*'.1. 1.66* !•**%
Pep. 1.41 i 1.41*! 1.41 Hj 1 41* 1.42*
. It v# I
.. May I 1.5* 1 1.5(1* 1.57*1 1.80* 1.59*
a, .Inly - ! 1.91 : 1.38* 134 1-3« 1.3e*
y • Pop.' 1.17 i 1.18* 1.17 I 1.18* 1.18
svrrn I
V May 1 1.2* ! 1.19% 1.27%! 1.23%! 1.28%
| 1.28% !.i. 129%! 1.2*%
* '.Tilly 1.29%! 1.30%! 1.28%: 1.30%; 1.30
! 1 29%..I 1.30% 1 30%
1 Sep. ! 1.28%: 1.29% 1.27% 129 1.28%
! 1.27% ..|. 1 28% .
1 Majf I .ft2%! .83% .53 ! .S3 .52%
! .62% .62 % I .52%
>• - July 1 .63% . 8 4 % I .63 ! .54’. .54
( .63%.,.I...
f4®J* .52% .53% .52 ’* | .53% .53%
! .52% .63%
■3 .a rd
May MS 85 15.78 llB.58 1S.7S (15.50
.lUlv '15.90 16.10 15.87 16.07 16-92
Mov 18 25 16 40 116 25 1 6 40 16 28
July 1 6 45 16 65 |16 45 11 6 65 16 46
Chicago Butter.
Chicago. Feb 21 —The market ton® In
♦ h* butter market todgy appeared steady,
with trading quiet Buyers, however.
• w®re Interested only 1n Immediate re
quirements and w®re rritlcal as to quality,
■fieais*-* <*or the most part were fre® *®ller«
on all scores The centralized car mar
• Vet was sv®ady with trading quiet,
* Fresh butter. 92 score. 40r, 91 score.
39c. 90 score. 38% r; 99 score. 37 %c; 88
ecore. 36%c; *7 score. 34%c; 86 score. 32c.
' Gantraliz®d carlots. 90 score, 39 %c; 89
score, 38 %c; 88 score. 36c
Chicago Spot Market.
• Chicago. Fen. 21. — Butter—Receipts.
• 10.528 tubs; last y®ar. 10.101 tubs; cars
Ion track. 11 old. 9 Hew; extras. 40c;
- steady, ?.9%c; extra firats, 38% 39c;
firsts. 18%fp37%c; seconds, 32 ftp 34 %c;
cent rall/.ed 88 score, 36c; rentiallzvd 1*9
et ore, 38 038 %c.
Rgg—Receipts. 1 6,898 cases; last year,
23 38(1 ’cases; firsts. 32%03Sc; firsts, 30c;
chcxs. 39c.
Tone —Butter, steady; eggs, easier.
New York *iigar.
Quotations furnished by .1. R. Bach® &
Co7 224 Omaha National Bank building,
^•fronns Jackson 6187. 5188, 5189.
I Open. | H jgh. I Bow. | Close. lYest/y.
Mir.- I 2.80 I 2.80 I 2.78 I 2.79 2.79
May 2 92 i 2.94 | 2.93 2 94 2 92
July ! 3.10 ! 3 11 310 ! *.11 *
1 9.34 ’ 3.25 ’ 3 24 3 24 3.23
Pec 1 3 30 13 31 » 3 3» .3 31 3 ?9
Chicago Cotton. ^ L ,
Quotations furnished by .T F Bsche *
C«* 224 Omaha National Bark building
Fpenes Jackson 8187, 6188, 5139.
Art, I Open. I Hlgh. t Low I Close- I Tea
Mar. "124.44 124.57 F744 24.65 24.43
May (24.80 24 94 24.78 24.M 24 79
July '28.13 135.13 |25 no 7504 24 98
Oct. 124.48 24.62 24 46 !24 r>6 24 48
Chicago Potatoes.
Chicago, Feb. 21.—Potatoes — •srly
jpomlng trading light, market unsettled;
, syaaksr tone account apnfoachlng holiday;
, raoalpt, 72 <ini; total United State*
ahlpmente. *51 rare Wlncon«ln aarked
. roemd whltaa. $l.lf»®1 20: fancy 11.50:
idaho Backed ruaaeta. 12.5002 *0; fancy
had* hlfher.
fhtroao Frodllre.
Chtsara, Fab. 21.- Butter—Hlaher;
eraamarr extra*. 40c; atandarda. S»%c;
antra flrata. *»'o®32c; flraia. 2»*®S7*c;
aacpnda. 32®14*r
Haaa—Lower: racalpta. l*.**l caeca;
.flrata, l2*©:tSc; ordinary flrata, I0©3lc.
Cation Future floor.
New York. Fab. 21.—Cotton future,
otortd ataady. 2 to 6o net hlaher; March.
*4 2*0 to 24.15c: May. 24.63c to 24«6r;
Jlllv 14**0 to 74 00c: October, 24*7c lc
74 Jlie; December. 24.71c to 74.72c.
. , New York Poultry.
New York, Feb 21.—Diva Poultry
, .Weak. Fowl,, colored, by eipreae. 1141
f»c; dreaaad poultry. Irregular: price, on
jehanf ed. _
Sanaa, City Produce
Kanaaa City. Mo . Feb. 21 — F««a-M*r
Vet 1*0 lower; flrata. 2»*c, aeleettd
’^i^tTrer produce unchaofed.
Dnndon silver.
London Fob. 21 - Bar ellver. *2'»d per
Otioce. Money, 2* per rent. Dlarntin
fate*, ehort biller IS®) 11-1* P»r cent
;~lhr* month, bill*. 2 11-1* per cent.
New York Cotton Fntnrra.
.New York, Fob 21—Cotton fnturei
opened ateerfy, March 74 26c: Mey. 24.62c
J nly, 24.28c; October, 24 6*c: December
voop Duluth Fla*.
Duluth. Minn . Feb 21.—Flaa—Cloaa
'February, *2 2**; March. *.’•»; April
|2f»; May, $2.***; July, • ?»»*
New York Hnbh*».
New York, Feb. 21 Itubber—Smoker
Fibbed ahecta, apot. 2644c.
New Y'ork MSver.
New York. Feb 11.—Bar Silver—«l*c
Moilcan driller*, R2*c.
In Divorce Court.
.T«rnls O’Hsrs. agalnat Bsorge dsssrtlnn
t Aliened* M. Walker against Albsrt, B©n
*Sffa«cbe Knl«o aaale.t Mll*k crualty
- - Itpta B Frak** atelnet Stanley, non
Martha S. Holme* afalnal "’alter
•rualtx t
I \
Omaha. Grain 'I
February 11. !
Cash wheat sold pn the tables today
a» unchanged price* to lr lower. Early
■ alas were made at the decline but dur
ing the late session futures turned strong
end rash wheat was in demand at yes
terday's prices. Receipts were 3* cars.
Corn was In only fair demand at about
unchanged prices to lc lower. Receipts
were 32 cara.
Oats aold from 1a to 2c lower. Fa
ceip’s were 25 cars.
Rye and barley was quoted nominally
i about unchanged
Omaha Carlo* Sales.
Vo. 1 hard; 1 car. $1 7.5*4: 1 car. $1.75
No. ?. hard: 5 cars. *! 74*4. 1 car $1 7 4;
1 rar. $1.77; 1 car. $1.75: 1 cat*. $1.75*4;
1 rar. fl 72V,.
No. 3 hard 1 ear. $175; 3 cara. $174;
cars. $1 73**.
No. 4 hard: 1 car. 11.73; 2 r*ra. $1.73*4.
No. 5 hard: 1 car. $1 39- 1 car, $1,67.
Sample hard: 1 car $1 8*.
No. 3 white: 1 car. $1.14; 3 cara, $1.13.
No. 2 yellow: 1 car, $114
No. 4 yellow: 1 car $1 08 5 cara, $1 08;
1 car. $1.03*^: 2 cars. $1.07.
No. 5 yellow 4 cars. $1 04.
No. 8 yellow: 1 car. $1.00
No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.11 V* ; 1 car. $1.13;
l * sr, Si 12**.
No 4 mixed: 1 car. $1 o>: 2 cars, $1.08;
1 car. $1.07.
No. 5 mixed 1 car, $1 10.
No. 6 mixed; 1 car. $1.02.
No. 2 white: 2 rar*. 52c.
No. 3 white: 1 rar. 50»4c; 1 car, B2*4c;
2 cars. 50c; 2 cars. 4>c.
No. 4 white: 1 car. 49*4r.
Daily Inspection of Drttln Received.
Hard: 17 cars. No. 1; 19 cara, No. 2;
2 cars. No. 3; 7 cars. No. 4; 1 car. sample.
Mixed; 1 rar. No. .3.
Total: 47 cars.
Yellow: 1 car. No. 2; 8 cara. No. 3: 10
cars. No 4; 2 cars. No. 6: 1 rar. sample
White: 4 cara, No. 2; 9 rare, No. 3; 1
rar. No. 4.
Mixed: 1 car, No. 2; 4 cara, No. 2; 1
r«r, No. 4.
Total: 40 cars.
White: 2 cara, No. 2; t cars, No. 3
Total: 5 cars.
2 cara No. 1; 1 car, No. 3. Total: 3
cars. • *
Total fare. 95.
(Cat lots)
Week Year
Rerejpt a—• Todav. Ago. Ago.
Wheat . 3v 50 3R
Corn . 8 2 17 1 JO
Data . 2 5 3 1 7
Rye . 3 2
Ra i lev . . . 3
Wheat . 28 87 S3
Corn . 32 38 1ft.'
Oats . 2ft 48 45
Rye . 1 . . 1
Bariev . 2 2
( Bushels)
Receipts— Today. Wk. Ago Yr. Ago
Wheat . 7 32,00 0 >53.000 1.323.000
Corn . > Ilf.000 >02.000 2.843.000
Oats . 332.000 585.000 1.1 30,000
Sh ipmenta •
Wheat . 853.000 755.000 450.000
Corn . 451.000 372.006 1.027.000
flats ... 8,5.001) 720.000 578,000
Carlota Today Wk. Ago. Yr. Aru
Wheat . 29 57 24
Corn . 178 34 0 311
Oats . 47 1 09 7ft
Carlols Todav Wk. Ago. Yr. A»-o
Wheat . 99 72 254
Corn . i9 9 5 l».:t
Oats . 5 1 85 22
f'ariots Today Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago
Wheat . XJ 84 11b
Corn . 3'* 2 1 108
Oats . 37 29 105
Cgrlots Todav Wk. Aao. Yr. Am.
Minneapolis . 1«4 244 391
Duluth . 30 40
Winnipeg . 359 4'»0 447
viinncHpim* oriin.
Minneapolis, Minn.. Feb 21.— Wheat —
Fash: No. 1 northern. $1.76% 01 78%
No. t dark northern apring*. choice u,
fancy. $1.93%©2.08% : good to choice
$1 81 % 0 i 92% . ordinary to good $1 78% <?
V90%; No 1 hard apring. 12.08760218%;
No. i dark hard Montana on traok.
$1.75% 0 1 97% ; to arrive. $1.75 76 01,97%.
Mav. $1,78% : July. $1 77%
Oats—No. 3 white, 46%047%e,
Rye—No. 2. $1 48*4 01 51.
Flax—No. 1. S8.AO03.A5.
Chicago C'aah Price*.
rhleago Feb. 21.—Whe«t--N’one
Corn—No. 6 mixed. $1.09; No. 2 yellow.
$1 28
Gate—No. 2 white, 64%e; No t white
49 0fiO%c.
Rye No 2, $1.53%.
Harlev 91r0$| 02.
Seed Timothy. $5.0006 00; clover. $24.00
0 33.00.
Provision# T.ard, $1(30; riba, $16.30;
belllee, $18.00.
Kanaae City Grain. «
Kansas t'jtv. Feb 21 —Wheat—No 2
hard, $1.7401.97: So. 2 red. $1890198.
May. $1 75% ©1.75%; July, $1 46 bid; Sep
1 ember. $1 35% bid
Corn—No. 3 white. $1.1301.14; No 2
vellow $118% 0 1.17%; No 3 yellw.
$1.10% 01 14 %: No, 2 mixed. $114%*/
I 1.15: Mav $119%, July. $122 bid. Sep
tember, $1.22% bid
Mhineanolli Flour.
Minneapolis, Feb 21 Flour- Market
unchanged to Rr lower, family pefen»s.
$9 f,n 0 10 no
Bran —$24 AA0 25TO.
At. I-onl* Grain.
Ft Lout®. Mo . Feb. 21.—Wheat—May.
$1 84 % July. $1 52%
Com—Mav $127; .Tulv. $1.7*401.29%
At. T/onl* Llvtatoek.
St T^oyia. Feb 21 —Cattle—Receipt*.
325 head marker, stead'- native heef
steers. $7 00033.60; yearling steer# and
heifers $4 0001175: row*. $4 2107.25;
Stockers and feeders. $5 000 7 50; calves.
$4.00013 00; canner.* and cutter#. $2,260
4 25
Hogs Receipt* 4.000 head; market i0r
to 20c higher: mixed and butchers. $11 40
011 70; good heavies. $11 80011.70;
rough# $10 25010 40; |igh*a. $1140011.66;
pig# $8 50010.75: bulk $1145011.85
Sheep- Receipt#. 350 head; market,
steady mutton ewes. $8 00<?f9 25: lamb**.
$15.1*5017.25; cannera and choppers. $3 Oo
tf 6J9#.
New York (iftieral.
Sow York, Feb. 21 - Ftye K»ay; No. 2
western. $1.84*4. f •* b. New York, and
$1 63. c 1 f . export.
Wheat Spot, easy; No. 1 dark north
ern amine c 1. f . New York. lake and
• all. $2.14%; No. ‘1 bard winter, f. o b.
I«kn and rail. $1 97%; No 2 mixed
durum, do. $1 99*4 ; No. 1 Manitoba, do,
In bond. *2.13.
Corn—Spot, easy: No. 2 yellow, c ». f
track. New York, all rail, $1 40%; No. 2
mixed, do. $1,39%.
Out*—Spot, barely ateadv; No. 2 white,
62 %c
Hard—Firm: middle west $15 80016 70
ether article were unchanged.
New York Dry 4*nnda.
New York, Feb 21 —Cotton goods held
virtually ateadv in grav good* line* to
•i a v Better business in printed goods,
novelties and sheeting# continued Printed
silk* were being called for In increasing
ouantttjea Burlap market# have been
Heady with report® current that euh
"fantlal forward business had besn placed
recently at. Calcutta for delivery in the
second quarter of the year. Specialties
and high color® in wool goode were being
ordered well, while ateplse were very
Millet. T.'nen damaaka also were quiet
Ore-# linen# end handkerchief* uhowsd
New York Coffee.
New York. Feb. 21.—The market for
cofffe future# was very quiet todey and
after openlnr 1 to 7 points higher on a
little covering, eased off under small of
faring*. Mav declined from 1 8 90c to
18.88c and closed at that figure, the gen
c r a I market closing net unchanged to 3
iiolnta lower. Sale# were estimated at
11 OA0 bags Closing quotation* March.
"0,28c; Mav. 1 8 88c: Julv. 17 80c; fteptem
her. 18.85c December, 18 78c
Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s. 21%0??c;
5tantn* 4a, 26% 027c
New York Produce.
New York, Feb. 21.— Butter F>asv; rs
ceinta. 8.881 tub"
Kega—Unsettled: receipt#, 22 908 cases;
frssh gathered extra flrata. 38c: do firsts,
37c do seconds. 38c; nearby hennerv
white#, closely selected extras. 42043c;
nearhv #nd nearby western hennery
white*, first# to average extras. 37041 %c;
nearhv hennerv browns, extras 40#41c;
Psclfle coast whites, extra# 4104l%c; do
first* to evtra first#. 3704Ac
Cheese—Firm; receipt# 137.46^ pounds
Boston Wool
Bo#tnn Feb 21 Wool price# #e*rn to
he holding up fslrly well, although trad
ing on the local market I* still quiet.
The top market la somewhat dreggy, hnw
ever, end an occasional offering Is avail
able at a slightly lower figure, worsted
yarn# are very slow, with some stock lot#
being offered a little below the market.
New York Dried Fruit.
New York, Feb. 21 K» * poret »*d Apples
— I Mill.
Prune#- - Unset fled.
Apricots Firm,
pesche# Irregular.
H slain* Quiet
Hunk Kesnrve Decreases.
I New York, Feb 21 —The s<tus1 condl
tlon of Hearing house bank* snd liust
companies for the week *lmw* sn excess
reserve of $15,$18 750 This Is a d*nea#e
In reserve of $35,029,370 compared with
last week.
New York Cotton.
New York. Feh 21 —The general ent
ton market dosed ateadv ** net advances
of 3 to 4 points, with Mav quoted n •
124 $3.
New York Auger.
New Tnrk, Feh 21 —Auger futuie#
closed steady Approximata sal** 31 non
ton#. M*rrh " '.9. Me>-, 2 94c, Jul>
1.11®, teptimber, I 24e.
'---*■ —
Omaha Livestock
I.lveafock receipts at tli# lending mar
kets >ntnrdar were:
C'nttle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omnhn . *<W) iH.tMHl 2.100
< hi CM go . >00 7,0041 2,000
Kansas City . 1M) 3 ..WO 250
S|ou\ City . JH.IMWl 000
*t. I.oiiU . 325 4.000 350
St. Joseph .. 100 4.500 *.500
Omaha. Feb 21.
Receipt* were; Cnltl*’ Hogs Shoep Mondav.,.., 2.356 16.135 8.9.>5
Official Tuesday . .. 4 680 25.v.9 7 «3<
official Wednesday.. 6.216 21.903 6 *31
Official Thursday.... 3.910 15.66ft 8.019
official Friday..,... 1.604 15.67 1 6.469
Estimate Saturday.. 800 16."oo 800
Six davs this week . ..0.1 65 111 02S 37.708
Same last week. 28.7*9 98.418 48.310
Same 2 weeks ago. 29.858 112.1 1 1 60.368
Same. 3 weeks ago..31.1 88 1 10.203 41.325
Same year ago. 32,306 106,287 52.729
rattle—Receipts. 800 head. Most of to
day's cattle offer, net were directs and
the market on *11 classes was nominally
steady. Under he influence of the llgn'
e«t receipts of rh» year to date prices
this week have -egained practically ail *»f
last week's losse- Reef steers. yearlings
and cows are generally 50075c higher
than a week ago and heifers have ad •
vanced as much as 75r0$l.OO. Top steers
for the week were 510.25. Stockers and
feeders have shared n the general upturn
to the extent nf 25050c or more.
Quotations on cattle; Rood to choice
yearlings. *9.25-hi0.50; fair to good year
lings, f«.on<w 9 15; common to fair year
ling1*. $7,000X00; good to choice steers.
$9.4001ft. 35; fair to good steers Sx.400
9.35; common to fair steers, 17.2508.25;
trashy warmed-up cattle. $6.0007.00;
good to choice feil heifers. $7.5008.75;
fair to good fed heifers, $6.2507.40; com
mon l o fair fed heifers. $5.25<n 6.25; good
to cltoice fed cows. $5.7506.75; fair 1o
good fed rows. $1 2 Tt 0 6.60; common to
fair feil rows. $2.2503.75; good to choice
feeders. $7.5008.60: fair 1o good feeders.
$6.6007.40; common to fair feetlers. $_» 50
06.50; goorl to choice stockers. $7,600
8.50; fair to goorl stockers, $6.3607.40;
common to fair stockers, $5.5006.26;
trashv stockers. $4.5005.25; stock heif
ers. $4 2 5 0 6.00; stock cows, $3.0004 00;
stock calves. $5.0008.00; veil calves. $4.00
011.50; buil*. stags, etc.. $3.7505.76.
Hogs Receipts, 6.000 head. Remand
from all quarters was again broad for
the best butcher grades ami these classes
moved at a 50 10c advance Cithers and
mixed offerings were a trifle slow, but
ruled firm to. if anything, a little strong
er. Top for ih® day was $11.35, with
hulk of sates $10.50011.25. Prices are
40 0'60c higher fur the week.
Vo. A v. Rh. Pr Vo. Av. Sh. Tr.
73 . 1 90 . . Rl 6ft 61 . . 187 1 0 75
85.194 1080 76..219 80 1085
87.191 . . 10 90 79. .191 1 1 00
82..201 1110 65..247 140 1116
69. . 261 . . 1 1 20 6 0. .248 . . 1 1 25
76.742 11 30 59..317 .. 11 35
Rheep—Receipts. 2.100 head. AH classes
nominally steady, arrival* being directs.
In fare of the 10.000 head decrease in
supplies fat lamb prices suffered fur
ther sharp losses this week, amounting
to 50. vi $1 on. Feeders are around 260,
50c off. with aged sheep 50c to In ex
tremes $1.00 lower.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: T.ambs.
goorl to choice. $T6 35 016.75; lambs, fair
to good. $ 16.00 0) 16.36; feeding lambs.
$ I $ 50 0 1 6.50 ; shearing lamb*. $16,000
16.60; wethers, $10.00010.25; fat ewe*.
$7.6008.75; yearlings. $12.00014.00.
Receipt * Hi leading markets for week
ending I elirtiary SI.
Tattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha .13. AM K7.33A AA.Oftft
< hlcago .45./VOO Itt' iNiO Hd.tHMi
Kansas City . SO. ■•SO 40.800 SA.7A0
SIOUX city . 18. MOO 00.000 A. 000
nr. i .mi* .ris.MSA 02,000 ft.ftno
St. Joseoll 10.300 4H.IMMI *! 4,000
Receipts and disposition of livestock at
Union .stockyards. Omaha, for 24 hours
ended at 3 p. rn February 21;
If horaea,
Cattle Hogs Sheep.Mules.
r.. m. i fit. p. i
Missouri Pactflp, .... 2 l
Union Pacific . 13 48 2
u. Ar V W . east. 4 .. 2
C Ar N W.. w est. 7 2
(\. Ht. P M AO... 1 8
R. Ar Q west. 22 2
C.. R. f A P . east .... 9
('.. R I. A I', west. 1 .. ..
Illinois «'entral .. 2
Chicago (It. Western .. 4
Total receipts... 17 171 4 3
Armour A Co...6. if»4
Cudafcv Parking Un. 4.866
Hold Packing Co .1.078
Morris Packing Co.2,014
Swift A Co.3.610
•Midwest Packing Co. 1
• I \N Mur pin. 800
Kenneth A Murra'. 63 2
■ .A—
Total .18,354
4 hirago livestock.
Chicago. Kcb. 21 -(United States Pe
part menr ,,t Agriculture ) -Cattle—Re
celpta, GOO head Market compared with
week ago: Fed steers, yearlings and bet
ter grades fat cow- mostly 64* ©?;>(• high
er; he. fern mo»T|v 60c highei. light kind
in liberal supply at close; canners and
cutters strong to 26<* higher; bulls mostly
l&tsguc higher; veal calves closing 60c
iowei Stockers and feeders strong fo
73c higher; best matured steet*. $11.36,
top \ e« rlings. $12.2..: mixed yearling*
*117.. Hulk price* follow Reef steer-.
, }> ]<]i 4ii. fat cow*. $4 '.Ofj/fi L’5; heif
er«. $fi ’3©» R; ranner* *nd riitfera, $?90
'"Hi 1 a 1 v e«. $11.50© 12.50; feeder
° * eer*. $4.2.'. ©7 *.o
Hog* -Receipts. 7 ooa head: market ac
tl-e | o © 15 r higher than Friday's beat
price*; light lights and slaughter pig*
2»©j60r up hulk good and choir* i$n
poun4 butchers $1 1 400 1 1 75; top
*11 is. paid by all interests bulk 140
\n 1^0-pound weight $10.86011 25 park
'nr sow* largely $104001040. strong
Weight pig* largely $]n 00010 gt); e*?j.
mated holdover, 2.000 head heavyweight
rv 7 s • medium. Ill or© 11 76.
t *1° 8 ->©11.40. Pght lights. $10 00©
harking hogs smooth. $10 60©
10 *o parking hng« rough. $1030© mm
slaughter pig* $9 25 © 10 50
She-tv-Recelpt* 2 000 head; today's
run Include* around 1 100 direct; today*
l5yr?i?gin*** Ady:# hu,k *1’‘"lr*h!e fat lambs.
u1'a’ ^tnr revelpt* around
l^.ooo head direct and 141 double dark
Market compared with week
Hgo Hettsr grade* light and handvweight
fat lamb* around 25c lower; other* 60 0 75c
off; yearling* tl 00 lower; fat .heep 26c
orr "coding Iamb* 60©75r lower l*!k
f**llnw Fat wooled lamb* $1C7..
rno.n, : l?p‘ 1,7 9" *'«lor a tins
l i t f*-e*h "ho,n lamb-.
814.00© 14 .0 vearlings, $l4&0©15f,o .
J7«*xn«,*,*;I,19 '"l; ,u»' 99 75. wet her*.
a!.?aSOf?«ldi#° . “ y/ar °,rtp $12 50; de*|r
HhU feeding larnhs. $ I fi.50© 1 7.2.5 ; week *
lop, $17. So. closing top. $17.00.
Kar.*a« (Ji4y livestock.
Kan-as Cltv Feb 21 (United ftutea
Department of Agrlculturs ) - Cattle -Re
?.iv h#’,rt r"!vM. 60 head, rnm
psred with a welt ago: Reef steer* and
catling*. .5 to 5t)c higher, spots tin
*{nrxo 'uP V**r,,"R* $1176; heavy steers,
lio 50; handy weights $10 00; cutters weak
to 15c lower, rannera and butcher cows.
Steady; better grade* liteweight heifers.
15 to higher; others steady to 15c
lower; calves 6O075<t lower; bulls and
stockers steady; bulk price* follow Reef
steers ar.d yearlings. $7 600#.75. butcher
rows $4 2604.00; heifers $6 8007 50;
A"4 "utters. $2 6003 115; ogive*.
J9 stockers and feeds* steers,
$1.76497.71 %
Huge— Receipt# M»fl head: active; II
to 26e higher; quality considered; no
cboic# heavy butchers offered; packer, top.
$1140; hulk of sales. $10 60011 40 de
sirable 180 to 300 pound averages. $11 00
©11 40; parking sow* mostly $10.80.
Hh*ep and Lamb* 280 head; market for
week f.ambs fullv ROn lower; top. $17 10;
closing top. $1 4 8 6; hulk. $1426017 00;
"heap around 26n lower; top ewes, $8 71;
fall shorn wethers. $8.26©8 75.
•Ion* City l.lveatork
*lotis city. I* . Feb 21—(T’attla—Re
ceipts. 4,000 head Market compared with
week ego- Fat steers and yearling*. 80r
higher; bulk $7 500* 00; top, $10 00; fat
cow* and heifers. 60c higher; canners and
cutters, 25c higher; veals steady; top,
$10 50. bull* *t end y; feeder* 26 c higher;
sleeker*. 25c highe> , stock yearling* and
calves. 25c hither, feeding cow* and half
era. 25r higher
Hogs Rerelrt* 14 000 head; market 10c
higher; fop. tT | 26 bulk of sale* $1 0 80©
1126; lights. $100001086; butcher*.
$10 86 01126. mixed. $10 50011 00. heavy
».ackers $10 000 10 60 stags. $7 5008 00.
native pigs $7 600* >0
Sheep Herein** 400 bead Market com
r>*r*d with week **<• I/*mbs, 75c to $1 00
lower; lambs, $1488; ewe*. 26o lower,
* 9 00.
■t. Joseph T.lveatnck
St Joseph Mo. Feh *• 1 —Hogg— Re
ceipts 4,5oo bead market 10025c higher;
top. Ill 40 bulk $10 75011 4"
Cattle—-Herwitita 100 head: nominal;
bulk of steers for week, $7 76010 00; top,
$10 25. cow* end heifer*. $1 600# 60.
calves $4 6O0IJ 00 stockers and feeders.
$6 00 0 8 00
Sheep Iter-el pt * 2 500 head market
steady, lambs $14 00015 78; ewes, $8 000
8 76.
New York Spot Toflon.
New York Feb 2J Cotton Spot. I
quiet middling. 24.50c.
Important developments contained In
this week’* market review regarding
I he following securities t
Montgomery Ward Wm. Wrlglep, Jr,
Hudson Motors Mai land Oil
Pierca-Arrow U. S. Indus. Alcohol
Pan Am«t Pet, Northern Railway
Texas A Pailflr Remington Typewrit.
Internal. Nickel New Haven
Writs fnr Fras Copy
Dealers In Storks and Ronds
A® %m. William Yt,, New York
Market Holds Own
Move for-Holiday
(hioiI Btoving Early in Session
Imparls Tone to Days
Trading; Equipments
I nlversnl Service Financial Editor.
New York. Feb 21. Considering the
extent of the advance on Flirt ay and th*
imminence of a holiday, the stock market
acted very well today. There was Rood
buying early in the session especially In
Pan American Petroleum and Famous
News from the steel Industry was
cheerful, orders for the second quarter
being larger than expected.
The equipments were very active.
Rails were mixed Rock Island, Wa
bash "A."* and Missouri Pacific were
strong while the St. Paul Issues were
The oils did fairly well. So did the rub.
hers. The coppers were only fair.
Some of the Merchandisers were In
good demand.
P. S. Steel was dull most of the eee
slon and closed fractionally lower.
Colton moves about aa slowly aa a
ship iu the Sargasso sea.
drains, were only fairly active,
i’offee, dull from 1 down to 2 up.
Sugar, unchanged to 2 up.
f A
New York Quotations
V >
N>w Turk Stock exchange quotations,
furnished by J. S. Bache A Co , 22 4
Omaha National Bank building Fri.
Hngh. Low. Close. Close
Agtirikltura Them 20% 20% 20% 20%
Air Production.... 106 lf)4 104% 105%
.11% 11 % ' l % 11%
Allied Chemical... 89% 88 88% 87%
Allla-Chalmer* . 76% 76
Am. Beet Sugar... . .. 40 39%
Am. B S. Fdry...102% 101% 101% 10.1
American Can.175% 17.1% 174% 17.1%
Am. Car A Fdry ... 205 % -103 % 105 103%
Am. Hide A l...7 . 12%
Am. H. A L. pfd. . . . .. 7 0
Am. In FI Corp.... 37% |7% 37% 37
Am. 1 .infeed Oil. 27% 28
Am. Locomotive. . .127% 124 1 26 % 123%
Am. Radiator.100%
Am. Ship A Com. 12% 11% 12% 12
Am. Smelting. ..101 100% 100% 99%
Am. Smelting, pfd.109
Am. St’ I Foundries 64 62 % 63% 62
American Sugar... 64% 63% 64% 63%
Am. Sumatra. 18 18%
Am. Tel A T. 134 133% 134 133%
Am. Tobacco. .... 88 88 %
Am. W W A El.. 37% 37% 37% 30%
Am. Woolen. 61% 60% 61 f»l %
Anaconda . 43% 4 3 43 % 4‘J %
Asad Drv Goods.173%
Associated Oil. 37% 36% 36% 37%
Atchison .122% 121% 121% 122%
Atlantic Coast Line.161%
At. Gulf A W t.. 32 30 31 % 29%
Atlantic Ref Co.113 112
Austin Nichols ... 27% 27% 27% 26%
Baldwin .145% 142% 142% 144%
Baldwin .145% 142 % 142% 144%
Ha 111 bore A 0. 79% 79 79 79
Barnsdall A. 26 7* 26% 26% 26%
Bethlehem Steel . 48% 47% 47% 47%
Bosch Magneto ... <1% 40% 41 40%
Brooklyn M Rv... 41% 41% 41% 41%
Brooklyn.M. pfd. 76%
Urmklvn-Bd. Co.127%
California Pack ..110 l«l9% 109% 10»
California Pet _ 27% 27% 27% 27
Pal A Aria Mining . 51% 62%
Can Par .160% 150% 150% 160%
cent l.eafh . .. 19% 2.0%
Cent l.eafh pfd ..62% €2% 62% 62%
Cerro do Banco. 62% 52
Chandler Motor a . 31% 31% 31% 31%
1 'he* A Ohio . 94% 94% 94% 93%
Ch-i G W com 14 13% 14 1. %
Fill G W pfd .... 30% 29 30% 29 %
Chi A N W .,..70 08% 68% *9%
f) M A St P . 12 11 % 12 13
4 M A St P pfd 21% 19% 20 21%
’ R I A P . . . 63 61 % 61 % 61 % |
C St P M A O Ry. S3 40% 63%
Chile Copper _ 25% 36% 35% 35%
Fhino . .. 26
Fluett - P eh body . 63%
Coca -4 ola . 91 % 91 tl 91
Colo F A Iron 45% 43% 43% 44%
Columbian Carb ... 4*
Columbia Gas _ 47% 47 47 % 46%
Fnngoleum . 40% 40% 40% 40%
1'on Cigars . .. 31%
Con Gas . 76% 76% 76% 76%
Cont Can . 64% 6 4 6 4 €4%
Cont Motors . 9 8%
Corn J'rod . 40 29 % 39% 39
Fosden .34% 3 3 33% 32%
Crucible . 74% 73% 73% 74%
Cuba Cane Sugar. 13% 13% 13% lt%
Cuba Cane Sg pfd 60% 59% 60% 59%
Cuba - A in Sugar ..31% 31% 31% 21%
Cij\Minel Fiult .... 62% 62%
Hamel Boone .. J% 2%
Davidson Chemical. 44% 43 %
Dsla A Lacks... 141 129% 139% 138%
Deia A Hud .144% 144% 144% 144
Dupont I »*» Nem .148% 143 143 147V,
Dome Mine* . 15% 15 8*
Kastman Kodak . .113% 114%
Kne ..32% 12% 32% 12%
Rndlcott-John .. 68
Klee Stor a Bt . . . 64% 64%
Famous Plavgra. . 99% 96% 9*% 94
Fifth Ave Bus T< .... 14 13%
Flak Rubber 12% 12% 12% 12%
Fleis- hmsn g Teast 79% 74% '•% *o
Gen Asphalt .*7% 87 37 57%
eGneral F.leo ... ?34 237% 177% 114',
General Motors .. 74% 74% 74% 74%
Gold Dust . 39
Goodrich . 46% 46 4«% 46
Gt No- Ore 37% 36% 37 37%
Gt Noe Rv pfd 61% 61 61 *9%
Gulf States Steel 9«% 39% *1% 9°%
Hartmann Trunk. “2 *’?%
Hayes Wheel . — 36% 36%
Hudson Motors 4ft% 40 40 % 4«%
Homestake M C. . . . 44%
Houston Oil . . 4«% 90% 80% xi
Hupp Motors. 16%
Illinois central . .. ... 116
Inspiration ... **% 28%
Int B Com 4*. 47% lot* 47% 40
Inter Harv . .. . 105 106%
Int Merc Marine.. 13% 13% 13% 13%
Int Merc M pfd . 4« 46% 46% 47%
Inter Nickel . . 77% -6% 77% 27%
Inter Paper . .. 57% 58% 56%
Inter Tel dr Tel. 97% 97%
Indep Gas . 2* % 24% 2*%
Jordan Motor ... 44% 49% 49% 49%
K C Southern ... 40% 38% 39% 38
Ke|l< Spring .... 16% 1*
Kenne.otl . 64% 61% 64 64 %
Lee Rubber . 12% 12%
Lehigh Valley ... 78% 77% 78% 77
Lima Loco .. 70% 69% 70% 64%
Loose-Wiles . 79%
1,ouis A Nash. 107 1 07 %
Mack Truck . .1 42 1 40 % 141 141 %
MtV Dept Store 106% 103**
Maxwell Motor A *2 81% 81% »!%
Maxwell Motor B. 41% 47% 42% 43
Marla nd . .. 4.3% 47% 42% 43
Mexican Sea H 15% 16 % 16% 1 '• %
Miami Copper .... 21% 21% 21% 21%
M K A T Ry . 3 x % 37% .37% 37%
Mo Pan 4« 34% 40 .34
Mo Tar pfd . . 82% 81 % *2 81 ’4
Montgomery-Ward 60% 60% 80% 60%
Mother Lode. *
Nash Motor* .269
Nat Rlaeutt . 69% ••% 69% 69
Nat Bnamel . 26 14% 25 34
Nat Lead .169%
N T Air Rrsks. 61% 61
V T Csntrsl .122% 121% 122% 122%
N T Chic A St L 132 *231 I8J 121%
N T N H A H... 34% 28% 33% *4%
North Amsr . 47% 46% 46% 47%
North Par . 70% 61 49% 70%
SAW Ry .121% 127% 12«% 1!«%
Orphaum ... 21 2*
Owens Rottls ,,,, 44 4«% 46 46
Pacific Oil ...... 42% 60% 40% 61%
Packard Motor .. 17% 17% 17% 17%
Pan Amsrlcan 77% 74% 78% 76%
Pan-Am B* ... 77% 75% 76% 74%
Penn R R . 47% 47% 47% 47
Peoplea Gas ... .. 116%
Hero Marquetta .. 69% 49% 49% «9
PHHa Co . .. 64%
Phillips Petrol ... 43% 47% 42% 43
Pierce Arrow .... 13% 13% 13% 12 %
Posturn Cereal .... 166% 108%
Pressed Steel Car .. .. 40% 6"%
Prod and Refln .. 78%
Pullman .141% 140% 141% 139v.
Puota A tegre Su* 43% 4.3%
Pure Oil . . .<. 31 % 31 % 31 % 30%
Radio Corp . 64% 61% 63 61%
Hall Steel Spring.136% 135 J36% 137%
Pav Consolidated. 16 16% 16 % 1 ■■ %
Reading . 71% 77% 77% 77%
Replogle ... 17 ’a 17%
Rep 1 dr Steel ... 83% 53 83 6?%
novel n N T M 56% 65% 66%
Pt 1, A nr .... 72% 71% 77% 71%
St L A n w . 62% 8? 52 5 2
Srhulte Cigar St 111 11 - % 112% 113
Seara Roebuck . . ,1«"% 184 1 54 1 59 %
Shell t’n OH ... 26 % 26 26 74%
S(mmons Co . . 35 36 %
I t. s. bache & co.
Established 1*92.
f New York Stork F.xrhang#
■ i • i Chicago Bonn! of Trade
maniDcr, N(iW y„tk , , ,rh«n»»
Valid other leading Exchangee.
New York: 42 Broadway Chicago: 108 S. I.aSalla Si,
Branches and correspondent a located in principal cities. s;
.OB] Stocks, Bonds, Grain, f \
Cotton,Foreign Exchange
Hought Sold for
iaNKSBi Carried on Conservative Margin
BISHOP, Managar
IlHKi 224 Omaha Nat l Rank Rldg , Omaha
LUPWiMiiP Telephone JArkeon *1*7-11
"The Barhe Review** sent «n application—Correspondence Invited.
Sinclair Oil .. . 22% 21% 21% 22
Sinclair pfd . . . . . 69
Slnss-Shcf field ... . 90%
Skellv tm\ . 29 26% 26% 26%
South Par .lor.% ios ins lor,
South Kail . 91 % 90 % 90 A 90
Stand Oil of Pal 64% 51% 63% 64
S Oil of N I ... 44% 44% 44% 4f»
S* Plate Glass 12% 12%
Stewart - \V» rner 72% 71'* 71% 70%
Strotnb Parbnr .... 66
Studehaker. 4 4 4 '.% 4 4 43%
Cubmarine «»I4.» t .9 *% v% m%
Te \s «o 47% 47% 47% 47-*
Texas Gulf Sol ..102% 1»»1% J02 101%
Texas & Pacific .. 56% .,»;% 57% 57**
Timken Roller ... 4 2% 41% 42 42 %
Tob Products . .. 7 m % 7v% 7x% 79%
Toll Product a A 99% 9V •«% 9*
Transront n,l . ... 9«% px 96% 9*
Transront oil .... 4% 4 % 4% 4%
lninn Pacific ...160% 150% 160% 151
Pnited Fruit -2 ’ 4 % ,2 W? % 214% 213%
P S Pst Irn Pipe $25 520 220 227%
P S lnd Alcohol., vi % m% *i% *2%
1 S KubbPt .43% 41% 42% 46
l S Rubber pfd . 9.3 % 94% 95% 95%
P S Steel .. _124% 124% 124% 124%
P S Sfe-1 pfd. 122%
Ptah Copper . .. .. 90
Vanadium. . . 27 %
Vivaudou .11 % UH 11 *i 11%
Wabash ..25% 25% 25% 26
Wabash A . 6 4*, ✓'64% 64% 6,3%
Wear Pnion . .. 1-1%
Westing Ar Brk. 106 104 %
W-dtlnir Pier ... 73% 72% 72% 72%
White Eagle Oil .. 29% ?9 29 2*%
White Mot ora . ... 67% 66 66 66 %
Wool worth i-o.116% 116% 11«% 116%
Wilys.Overland .. in 9% 9% ]0
Wiliys-Overlnd pf. 7 6 75% 76% 76
WUscyx . .. .. 6
Wilson pfd . 2 3%
Worthing Pump .. 73% 71 11% 72%
Wrigley Co . . .. . . . . 60
Yellow' Cab Taxi .. .. .. 60%
Yellow' Cab Mfg .. .. 1* . 14%
Total sales yesterday, 1.655,700 shares.
Today’s 11 a. ni. sales. 514,500
Stock sales Saturday. 957.5 00 Shares.
Bond sales Saturday. (K.752.00ft. •» %*
Week's sales of stork. 10,lW4.00rt shares
Week's sales of bonds. $69,396,000.
f - ■ i —11 ^
Now York Bohds |
New York, Feb. ft.— Bond^ prices
marked time today In * typically quiet
preholiday trading- Activity cantered
mainly in the railroad group, but price
movements were by no means uniform
and failed to reveal a. definile trend
Firmness of the southwestern rail is
sues was attributed to the revival of 1n
terest in these carriers in connection with
reported merger developments. St. Paul
railway liens, nowever. developed aeule
weakness on growing speeualtlve uneasi
ness over the road's,refunding plans and
reports that now hanking interest* would
he brought Into the company in an at
tempt to avert a receivership. The 4 ner
rent bonds manuring this year at one time
t rolnts but later regained a part of their
Pan American Petrolahm convertible* ft*
moved up in sympathy with a rise In the
company a shajes which was based on an
Increased dividend. Skelly and Sinclair
Oil honda also were stronger
United State* Bond*.
(Sale* In $1,000) High Low Close
133 Liberty 3%» _101.2ft 101.26 101.2ft
12 Liberty 1st 4%*..101.27 101.27 101.27
216 Liberty 2d 4%s..100 31 1 00 29 100.29
69 Liberty 3d 4%*..101.13 101.13 101.13
*3 Liberty 4th 4%* 101.31 101.29 101.29
64 I* S Trews 4s_1 no 31 100 29 100.29
23 IT 8 Trea* 4%*..104.31 104.30 104 .51
T9 Ant Jurgen M U 6s 93% *3% 93%
16 Argent Gov 7s.102% 102% 102%
19 Argent Gov fts. 96% 96% 96%
14 Aunt Govt gtd lo 7s 95 94% 94*
1U C of Bordeaux 6s.. S4% ft4 *4
3 C of < ’open &%■... 96% 96% 96%
3 C of «r Prag 7%s . 92 9| % 9J %
7 C of R de Ja ft* '47 94 94 94
13 Cserho-Sl R ** '52 100% 99% 100%
ft Depart of Slene * 90 *9 90
7 Dom Rep , f 5%a 93% 93% 93%
1 DofC 5%% no 29 103 103 103
9 Dom of Can 5s '52.103% 103% in?. %
24 D K Did 6s '62 . 102 % 101% 102
* D V. In.I 5%* N '52 9"% 9ft % 9* %
6 Fra merle*n 7%* 93% 93% 93%
46 French Rep Is ..102% 1«7% 102%
96 French Rep 7s ... 9«% 9« % 9° *«
170 Germ *i» In 7s,. 9'*% 95 95%
9 Of i ns V. P Jap 7a 90% 90 % 9u%
121 Japanese 6%s . 91% 91% 91%
10 Japanese 4. . *2% *2% *'.*%
St Belgium 7%a .109% 109% 109%
2 Belgium 6 % * .....94 94 94
6 Denmark 4s . ... 101% 1M% 101%
2 Hungary 7%* *9% *9% 69%
2 Netherlands 6* 72.106 106 106
4 7 Netherlands 6s 14.103% 102% 1*2%
1« Norway 6, 44.99 % 99% 99%
13 Serbs Croats *■ . . *6 *5% *5%
31 Swede* 4%* ... 99% 99% 99%
7 Nord Rys 6%* ...42 *1% *2
19 Parli-Lv-Med 6s .. 77% 77 77 %
3ft Rep Bolivia »s ... 93% 92% 93%
26 Chile V* 41 10ft loft 10ft
10 Rep Chile 7- .101 100% JO!
7 Rep Cuba 5 %* 94 94 #6
3 Swiss Con «* .114’f 114% 114%
10 Swiss Gov 5%* 46.101% 101% 10| %
3 K G B A I 5%s 29 116% 116% 116%
9 K G H A l 5 %s 37.106% 106 J06
30 C & Brazil ft* 97% 97% 97 %
» U 8 Hrz C R R 7s ft3 8 3 8 3
Domra tie.
4 Am Agr Chin 7%*.. 101 D»n% 101
21 Am Chain «f .1 be 49% 99 49
4 Am Smelt 5s . 97 46 % 96%
6 Am Silg 6s .102% 1 "I' % 102%
20 Am I AT ft‘,s .102 102 102
17 Am TAT .ol tr 5s 100% 1*«>% 100%
19 Ain TAT col tr 4s 96% 96% 96%
76 Am WWAKI a 9j% 9. 95%
2 4 Ana con Cop 7 s 3 4 103 102% 1"2%
1? Ana., on Cop 6* 53.100% 100% 100%
44 Armour Del 5%s . 94 9 1% 93%
4 A T A S F gen 4s . ft* *4 ft4
6 At C I, LAN ...I 4- 86 % ft 6 % ft 6 %
1ft R A o rf 6s 95. .1 02 % 102% 103%
11 B A n 1st 5s rtfs 101% lf»f% 1*1%
1 B A O evt 4%S .. 92% »2% ?2%
7 Reli Te| Pa 5s. .1*0% l^S lf*o%
s Beth R» con *S A . 46% 46% 96%
3 Beth S» p m 6- .92 91 % P»4
6 Brier Hill 5%* 9?% ■»«% 91%
6 BkIn Ed g*n 6* A 44% *4% 44%
It Bkin-Man Tr 6*.. «7 *7 *7/
6 B R A P 4%s 67% 47% »7 %
8 »^a1if Pet 6%s 102ft, 1*?% Jo:%
2 Can North d 6%«. 117% 117% 117%
181 Can Pac d 4s . *o 79% 79% 1
164 c C A Ohio 6* .107% 107 1^7
20 Cent Leather 6* .100% loot, loot,
11 Cent Pac gtd 4s 46% ««% ‘4%
26 Cheatp A O evt fts 1«S% 1*5 105%
7 Cheaa A O evt 4%a 97 46 % 97
63 Chic A Alton 3 %* 57% 57% 57%
94 Chic A F.sst TH fts 79 7*% 7«%
60 Chic C.t West 4s 64% «3% 63%
39 < MA St P cyt 4 % p 56% 55% 6 5% ,
16 CMARtP rfg 4%s . 52% M% 62
232 CMAStP 4s *26... 64% 6ft% 67
2 C A North rfg 5s 101% 1"1% 10|%
10 Chic Railways 5s .13% 4 3 *3
left r It T A P rfg 41 17 16% «7
10 f T Ha ASF in 5* 6<>% sn 60%
1 i'll ■ * Wart ln.1 4* 74% 74% 7 %
16 Chile C>*pper 6* 104% 104% J0ft%
21 CCCAStL iff 5* D 96% 96% 96% 1
16 Colo A So »fg 4 %s *1 92% *2 4*
2 Common Pow f»a 100% 10*i 100 '
5 Cj, C.4l of Mary 5* ft.% 47% 8 7**
6 Consumers Pow Kb 94% 94% 94%
20 Dela A Hud evt 5* 107% 107% 107%
2 D G A FI 1st rfg fts 94% 94% 94%
71 DA HO con 4 s 4«% '♦% *«%
2 Dei F.11 son rfg 6s 107% 107% HU %
ft Dupont de N 7%s 107% 107 107% ‘
2 Duouesne T.isrht 6s 1ftft% 105% 1ftft%
5ft Umpire GAP 7%t.lft2 lMVi-JOJ
1 Erie gen Pen 4* . . 65% 65% 65%
)4 Kr e rrl 4m p T?% 73% 73%
3 Fisk Rubber «» 111% 111% 111%
2 FAK « oast Rv Is. 9ft 9ft 95
1ft Goodrich 6 % s .in?% 104% Ift3%
14 Goodyear «• ’ll .1*9% 109% 109%
4 Good' es r «• *41 120% 1?« 120
?ft Grand Trunk *■ 107% 1«7% 107%
Radio Stocks
A Buy
Sand for Fra# Summary Bulletin R 46
63*65 Wall Street New York
112 60 bur* guarantee option on Ift.ftftft
bushels of wheat or rorn. Na further
risk. A moxement of Ke option
pHre gives you an opportunity to take
iKOft; 4 r. ftftft; 3r. f.ftbft etc. WRITE
Investors ^pally Guide, 5. W. Branch.
Dept. 3-1, i018 Baltimore Ave., K. C.« Mo.
\ ——————
9 fit Northern 7s A. 110% lin% 110%
24 Gt Northern hr. 9*% 94% 44%
2 Hershe' Choc 4s...104 104 104
\7 HAM rfg hs A. .. 66% 8a% MS
12 HAM ad.1 «nc 6s... 73% 73 73%
10 Humble OAR h%s 100% look J00%
13 III H 'f el rfg Be . . . 76 7 6 76
14 ICCfltliANO rfg 5s. 93% 9314 93%
4 111 St deb 4%s 94% 94 91
h lnt. Rap Tr 7i. .94 94 94
6 lnt Rap Tr 6s 76% 74 74 %
190 T A G N adj 6s . .. 76 75% 7h%
9 I A- G N 1st 6s 103 107 inn
10 lnt M Mar e%6s.. 90 90 90
lnt Pap » vt hs A. 9ft % 49% 90%
11 K C Ft 8 A M 4 s 44% «4% 34%
4 K •'! P A li 8a . 94% 96% 9«%
29 K C South 5s w. 90% 90 90
I ft Kan City T 4 s .45% 6 5 35%
1 K Gas A Klee 6s 100% inn% 1 oft %
14 7. Gas of Si 1, 5%a 96% 93 9a %
12, h 3 A MSdeb4s'28 43% 93% 94%
7 %lg & Myers hs . 99% 99% 99%
55 I, A N 1st rfg4%s 93% 93 93 %
5 Gas A Elec 5s 92% 97% 93%
9 Man Pug 7%s 101% loj 101
1 Man Ry 2nd 4s .. '.4% 54% 54%
3 Mar Pi Ry 7§ ... 99 99 99
16 Mid Steel cvt 5s 91 % 9i 91%
2 M F R A Ltrfgfts 100 100 70#
4 MKAT nr I 6*C 103% 103% 103%
t» MKAT n pr I 5sA 9J % 91% 41%
16 MKAT new adjSsA 66% 96 1. «6%
14 Mo Taoist 6s .101% im 101
136 Mo Pan gen 4s . 66% 65% 56
5 Mo* PrtW 5s A 94% 99% 99%
4 N O T A M 5%S. . . 99% 49% 99%
6 9 V Y C deh 6s 115% 115 115%
2 N Y C rfg A i 6s 101% 101% mi%
1 v-% Y O, con 4s . . 64% 44% 54%
*7* Yd A PO.5%8 95% 45% 95%
4 N Y F rfg 6 % s 1 1 4 % 11 4 % 1 14 %
3 N Y N H A H 7s. 100% 100', 100%
i 5 NYNH A M- 7s (fi 99% 99% 99%
14 NYNH A- JH c 6a '46-91 % PI 91
1 X T Rya 4* of(n. . 51% • 51 % 51%
19 N T T ff« 6# '*1.1 Of % 107% 107%'
.30 N Y W A 48 4 V*S 69 66% 69
13 N A K a f fa .. .10(1% inn ion
II N Par rfff fa B .107% 107% 107%
3 N P pr lien 4s 66% 65% 45%
5 S S P 1st 5s A . . . 95% 95 % 95%
5 f» S F. rfg 4s . . 97 % 97 % 97%
10 O W R R a N 4s 6.3 6 2% 63
4 P G A K hm . 95% 95% 95%
. 7 P T A T 5s ’62 . 94 % 94 94
137 P A P A Tr «s .113 111% 111%.
29 P R R 6 %e .Ill Hf$ 110%
HP R R t 5p '64 . 93 % Fltf4 94%
1 P R R Ken 4 % a .. 94% * ifif 99
1 Pere M rfg 5a ...104% 1O4I4 104%
11 P Co rfg 4s 96% 9 5% 96%
19 rhlla Co 5 % a . 100% 100% 100%
3 p R L A P lot 6aB 99% 99 99%
7 T S Car hn . ... 95 95 95
138 Reading gen 4%a. 94% 92% 94%
•3 Rep Ivon A fit 5 % a 93% 93% 93%
3 P F A A T. 4%S. . 67% 4 7 V, 67%
6 St LIMAS rfg 4s 94% 94% 44%
21 SI LIMA’S 4s RAO d 67% . 67% 67%
97 Sr I,ASF nr 11 4s A 74% 74 74
161 Pr L A 8 F adj 6s 69% 66% 64%
2J 6 Sr L A S F <nc 6s 62% 62% 67%
10 St P A KCS L 4%a 64 63% *4
•’# Feah Air L con 6a 92 90% 91%
71. 8«ab Air L adl 5a 77% 77 77
15 Seah Air L rfg 4s 66% 66% 66%
27 Sinclair C OH col 7a 94 93% 93%
16 Sinclair Con O 6%» 49% *4% 89%
25 Sinclair Pipe L 5a. 65% 65% 65%
40 Skelly OH C%a. .116% 116% 116%
5 So Par cvt 4a ... 97 97 97
4 So Rail gen 6%e..l09% 109% 109%
5 So Rail gen 6a.... 105% 105% 105%
7 So Ran gen 4* ..#77 77 77
17 So Bel! T rfr 5a.. %8 97% 98
9 Steel Tube 7a .!n$% 106% 106%
13 Tenn Klee rfg 6a..101% 101% 101%
79 Third Ave adj 5s.. 45% 42% 44
1 Third Ave rfg 4a... 56% 56% 56%
1 Toledo FMiaon 7a .109% 109% 109%
19 I n Pacific 1 at 4a t?% 92% 92%
7 17 P Rubber 6s .67 86 % 36%
44 C P Steel a f 5s .105% 105% 105%
20 IJtah Pow A Light 94 94 94
70 VC Client 7 %8 tv w 4 9% 49% 49%
20 VC Chem 7a ... *7% 67 87
.1 ' » Ry A p rfg bn 94% 94% 94%
2.4 Virginia n Ry ns ... 97 9f, % 97
3 Wabash 1st 5a . . . 101 J 01 101
25 West F|*« 5s 99% 489 99%
3 Weit Md 1st 4a 65% 65% 65%
" e«t Par 5a. 93% *3% 93%
13 West Flee 7s .107% 107 % 107%
14 Best Shore 4s .. 83% 87 S3
7 Wj? A 1 n 1st #s... 9 4 % 94% 94%
3 W J A t'o cvt 6s 6 7 6 7 6 7
.3 5 V 55 A T 6 * 9f 9 K % 9s %
To' * I sales of bonds today were $s
7 4 1.0 0 p compared with 1 1 4 630 000 previ
ous day and S5.367.000 a > ear ago
4 hicpgo 6fnel( Quotation
FU’nfshed hv F « Rache A «'o J? 1
J»maha Va-.ona! Bi/tlc building Phones
IA 516 7*9 w
Bid. A *W
Armour A ro in Pfd to
Armour A rn r»e| pfd . . 94
* Ihcrt Pick 1 %
"a rhide ;r, Ta%
Fdl«on Co .JJ7 7-8
‘udah v jft* 108%
diamond March . 117 117
rWre nfd §1 |{
^ddv Paper . 17
Mbbv 7% *% «
National Leather . 5% 5%
Tusker Oatr jgn
c'eo Motor* .H itj.
''V‘ff f 4*0 116% 1J7
■« wif t International . 31 11%
rhompson .... 46 4 7
kV*hl. 23% 21%
Foreign Kichange Kalei.
Following are today's rates of etchang**
•* compared with the par valuation Fur
nished by the Peters N'aflr.nal bank
Par Val Today
A ust rla ... . ?o noofl] fc
H**|piurrt .1*5 o*,n*
'an a da .1.00 1 nit "
gee ho Slovakia .20 o**f9
tenmark . -7 i;**
"gland .4 96 4 76 0
**■■"* • . 197 .0524
lerrnanv .77* *380
;pwe, a. 195 0163
!*lv . 195 .041 3
1 ign Stavia . .70 0168
Nor wav . *7 1530
Sweden . .*7 2700
Switzerland .195 1928
CHVago Butter end Fgg Futures
Chicago. Feb 16 —Quotation* furnt«hed
rtenrge F ^lark l Of 3 Woodmen of
h* World building
1 Cara 1 Open ! High 1 Lew ! Close
>b 7 3 31% 3ii, 30% 30%
•4 S'- 16 77 77 26% 76%
I erg *1%
(pr 13 79% 79% 79% "9%
'>**'_•32% I
1 Cars 1 Open I High I Low. | Cloae. j
*>b 9 :9 % 3 8 % 9 8 % 3* % ,
-far 18 .39% 74% 38 % .33%
tin. L. t 37 % j
>e.3 "9t, ,39% ' 39% ,
kmna* l ily Hay.
Kansaa C|t> Feb 21 —Hi)—1’ncha ng*»d !
O SI U0 )i wer prairie Vn 1 |s r.i»(9ia0.t
mot li> No 1. IISMOGUOn other* un
4 liicagu Poultry
Chicago. Feb *1 Poultry Alive. j
ower fowl* 2 2 to 24c ; spiing*. _•*» rooat - j
’ a Hi turkev a ."he. ducka, 27< . gerae !
■' 1,
Ask Us for Information...
If You Want to Buy or Sell
L y J ^
grain or Provisions
—for— j
“Private Wire*”
r —^
Updike Grain Corporation
\ .
I New York Curb Market |
Vewr York. Feb. 21 After the opening
demand had been filled trading on the
Curb exchange today assumed a meholi
itav appearance and subsequent dealings
dwindled to small proportions Petroleum
stocks held fairly steady around their
recent trading levels In the closing hour
oil prices were inclined to yield mod
erately on small offerings.
The majoilty of curb stocks traveled
over h wide range during the week, but
mnvei rents and tone continued irregular,
some slocks being pressed on the market
a* -harp declines while others were in
s'-ant supply and moved up violently
only moderate buying Commonwealth,
after selling at 10*%. moved up to 11*
Petroleum stocl^ reflected the further
strengthening in the Industry. Indicated
hv the advances in crude-oil and gasoline
during the week. Prairie Oil. old stock,
was withdrawn from the market and
transavtlon- are now- confined to the new'
stock, which ranged from 69% to 62
International Petroleum moved up 2 points
to 27% chiefly because of published
statements of opening up a producing
well in its tropical field Some of ihe
lope line stocks were in special demand
Prairie Pipe Line ranging from 11* to 122
New York. Feb 21 - -Following is Mie
official list of transactions on the New
York Cifrb exchange, giving all rtm-K* and
bonds traded in.
Sales High. I.ow Close
100 Adirondack PAL.. 35 35 35
100 Ailed Packing ... 9% 9% 9%
200 Am GAR new . . 74 7 % 7*
300 Am Haw 8 S. ... 10 10 10
250 Am I.t A Tr 149% 149% 149%
50 Am Lt A Tr pfd. 95 95 95
700 Am PAL new.... 66% 66% 5 6
20 Ant PAL pfd . . . ** M *x
100 Am Store- new. . . 31 31 31
200 Am Superpower A 31% 31% " 1 %
.100 A pro Mfg A . 26 2 5 26
200 Arizona Power . 22% 22% 72%
150 Armour Co 111 pfd. 92 92 92
200* A flan Ik- Fruit Co *6 ** *6
Hi Borden’s Milk ...1 4 5 1 4 5 1 4 '.
200 Botany Mills A... 46% 46% 4*.’,
200 Bkvn Citv R R... 9 9 9
100 Brown Wm Tob.. 1 o 10 1 <*
4400 Car Light . 3 % " i
400 Cent Pipe Corp . 19% 19% 19%
100 Chicago Nipple A. 32% 32% 32%
100 Chi Nipple B T . 16% 15% 15 %
300 (’hl)ds Co pew.. 47% « 7 4 7 %
100 Com Pow Corp... 116 115 115
126 Com Pow pfd.. . *1% *1% *1%
25 Com Pow war .30 10 10
1100 Con GAB Balt new 14% 34 14%
1500 Cent Bak A.121 119% 120
2ioo Cont Bak B . 24% 24% 24%
900 Cont Bak pfd . .. 94% 9 4 9 4 %
200 CuJ}a Company .36% 7,6% .36 %
500 pe Forest Rad rtfs 29 2*% 29
75 n-i LAW Coal .129% 17«% 12*%
100 Doehler Pie Cstg 17% 17% 17%
Too Duhilier CAR new 27 26% 26%
2oo Punhill Internatl. 29% 29% 29%
200 Duplex Con A Rad 10% in% l o %
300 Durant Motors . 17% 17% IT1,
1900 E| Bd A Sh new.. 66 «4% 64%
90 El Bd A Sh pfd 103% 103% lft“t..
400 Electric Investors 44% 43% 43%
200 Federated Metals 37 37 37
1.0 Ford Mot ranada £24 624 624
600 Freed Eisemann . . 19% 1*% 19
200 Freshman (Chat). 22% 22% 22%
400 Garod Corp . * 7% 7%
700 Gillette Rs x new.. *6% 66% 66%
1000 Glen Alden Coal..134 133 1 13
1100 Goodyear Tire ... 32% 32% 32%
900 Grennan Bak . ... 16% 16 16%
600 Grimes RAC.. 14% ] f, % 16%
200 Happ Candy St A 7
*00 Hszeltlne Corn . 37% 37% 37%
200 Intercon Rubber.. a% 6% 5**
400 fnter Cfilities R . 12% 32 12%
100 Inter Ocean Radio 4 % 4% 4%
600 .1 ones Radio Mfg 4% 4 4 %
4 00*Keystone Solether 92 90 92
700 Lehigh Pow Se. ■ 99% 9* 99%
1400 Leh gh Va! Coal.’ 46% 46 46
25 f*ehigh Coal Sales * - % I S 6 %
1000 Liner' v R C Stores 9 * % ?
200 Messbi Iron 1% 2% 7%
*60 Middle Welt lt}| 90% * * Jt\
-oo Nat Leather 6 5 5
60 Nat Pow A Light ?nr. 2f*i ;n]
10 New Jersey Zinc 190% 190% 190%
29oo \ kel Plat- w< *$% *7 m
700 Njrkel PI nfd v» j. . *6% f 4 s$i_
200 Pyrene Mfg . 11% i]% 1 %
100 Reid l*-e Cream "7% 37% '7*.
loo Rosenbaum G*- pfd 4<% 4«% 4;%
1 00 Radio cif• .1? 1 2 12
9 00 ^hattuck c0 1.’ % '4% '4',
10 Singer Mfg .20.5 205 jos
200 sie**r>*>r Rad c»f* .11% 11% 11';
•'00 ^nuth t'st F.dison 1^4% 104 5041.
5000*Sou*h Coal A Iron 7 6
500 Standard., Motors. 4% 4% 41.
2ft0 Standard Pub . ... 27% 27% *7%
30 Sw ft A* Co 115% 115% 115%
joo Swift Tnt*rnatl 3] % 7;% 31%
,122 El Pow . 51% llj 53%
Ih'-miodyn- Rnd u 141^ j
4'"1 Thomi'»'>- R«d ntf 1| ;} 1 •< 1 ■
inn Tnw.r Mfe i'orr . 15 15 15
i0n 1 mon c.rhidn . . 70 7n -n
10o*r s f.r * Hi . . 1 u ,14 , •
3"0 v s 4. H, pfd. ji? J ' - *
inn , ,:| p„ * Ir A ,4.‘ .;
100 tv*'* Radio Corp 14 * 14% 14%
100 Wrc.rn Power .. .14% 14% 94%
300 White Rock 17 J7 17
2300 Wick wire.s SCI n 4% 4% 4%
600 Tel low T Cab X Y 16 % 16 1$
x*,. * Mantinrd Oil*.
500 Anglo Am Oil 10% 19% 19%
10 ('urnberland Pip# 13$ 13$ ]3$
100 Galena Stg 011 $4% 64% * 4 %
700 Humble Dll .47% $7% *7%
l« Illinois Pine Line. 147% 147% J«7%
2oo Imn Oil Canada.. 31% .11% 31%.
..•oo International Pet. 27% 27% 27%
700 Ohio OH ?o% 7o% 70%
900 Prafri# t »i| n»« $2 61% $1%
270 Prairie Pipe 122 121% 121%
-o Smith Penn Oil DO i*j j 9 ]
€400 Stand «»*1 of Ind <%% $$% $6%
D'o Stand Oil ,.f Kan 41% 41% 41%
!«" Stand Oil of Neb. 267 265 255
1*00 stand Oil Of N Y 46% 4 f. % 45%
*,00 \’af'uurti Oil .91% 91 91
Ron Carib Syndicate .7% 3% -%
.770 Cities Servb-e 709 205% 10?
500 cities Serv B r*<s J0% "0% 2"%
1000 Cities Serv «rr|p *96 206 2o«
*200 Cn?nmb<« n S' n. 2% 1% 2
ton Derby Oil ... * $ $
J6on Gibson OB ?%• 7% : %
100 Gulf Oil «*% 6-% 67% |
1*9 Kirby Petroleum . ♦% 4S 4% I
1200 Logo Pe» s% 5% p % !
./■■ nnn*tAa*'' • CreeV ?
7000*La• • *» Am nit t I J
Legal Reserve Life Insurance Company wants
General Agent for Omaha and Council Bluffs on
most liberal terms ever offered.
The opportunity of a lifetime awaits the right
man. Prompt action advisable.
Present members of our organization are familiar
with this advertisement and will not answer it.
Address in Confidence, Box No. A-113, Omaha Bee
1000 Marine *Ml ... .. - * *
200 Mount A tiulf O. 1% 1 % 3 A
M'»0 Mountain I’rnd . . 19% M% «
1*3o« X Vt A A L»o«l Co. 8% '• % 9 i
100 \>w York Oil. * % * % * *
30ooo*Noble Oil . U *11 11
400 Peer Oil. 1 H 1*4 1’4
4on Royal Canadian... 7 7
r.on Ryan Consolidated. % % %
1700 Sail Creek Prod... 24% 2« % IJ1*
400 United Central Oil 1% o% %
100 Venezuelan Pet... 3% 3% 3 ■•*
100 Wllrnx OH. »'• \ % *' %
loo Woodley Pet .... 6% 6% ® «
4600*Artsona Globe... .21 23 23
2406 Uanaflo Copper.... 4 3 % 4 %
1 non*Cortex Silver..... 16 16 1h
loft ('reason Gold. . 3% 3% •
Rooo* Diamond field B Ft. 7
lOOOO*Emma Silver Mine h
1600 Engineer* 4»old M 4? 40 4"
20000* Euraka Croesus... 18 18 18
1000*Gnldfield Deep . . 7
9Q00 • H arm hill Dlv M 17 13
1 non*]|hh thorne Min . 17 1"
700 llerln Mining .... 14% 14 14%
1500 •Howe Sound . 4 > % ",
400»Ind Lead M . 18 17 1*
4n00• .1 (h Cons . 30 29 29
680ft Kav Copper . 2 A 2% ■
loo Mason Valley ..... 2
2000 Ohio (’upper . 1 A 1 1A
4000*\>vada Hills ... 3.3 .71 3.3
2300'PIymouth l.ead .. *3 79 8.3
l-'Oo Premier Gold .... 2 A 2% 2» v
1 (Kiii»San Toy . 2
li.00»Silver Dale . 3 3
D'" Am PAG . 3 3 3
6000'Spearhead . 5 5 8
1 Don • s* n nd Sii-I.ead ..14 14 14
1000 Tonopah Ex ten .. 2 % 2% %
1 oo<i*l’ S Coot Mines .12 12 12
100 Ctd Verde Ext . 2« % •% 26%
1 L'Oft*Unity Gold 6<‘ 5'. I'1
396<i Wenden *'op M... 4% t% 4%
1000*West End inns... 29 29 29
2000• West Utah Cop 22 22 22
Domestic Bonds.
11 Allied Packer «• 94 93 % 94
2 Aluminum 7s 25 M1T4 1"1% 1'G %
8 Aluminum 7s 23 .10“% 107% 1"' %
39 Am 11A El 6s . ... 97 96% 97
2 4 Am PA I, 6s old.. 85% 9.'<% 95 4
2 Am Hull Mills «h DH% DM % I'M
2 Am Sum Tpb 7%s 9 6 9 6 9 5
" Anacon Cop 6s.. M3 % 103% 1": %
1 Anglo Am Oil 7 % si 00 % 100% 100 4
f, At G A W 1 5*. . «8% 68% 6* x
7 Heaver Br.1 >s ... 94% 94% #< %
5 Beth St 7s 35. . .in:; % 103% 1 “ %
1 ‘an N« Ry Eqp 7a.Ill 111 U
66 Cent Leath 6s.... 98% 9* 8'% f
10 c R I a P 5%a . . 101 % 101 11
26 Childs Cn 6s . 16 % 116 11s
33 Cities Serv 7s D..104% 164 104%
7 Cities Srv PAL 6s 94% 94% 94%
1 I 'on Tex «• .... 89 14 89% 89 %
1 Cuban Tel 7%* ..106% M6 % D‘6%
12 Cudahv Pack 5%s 94% 9 4 94 %
13 Deere A Co 7%s M4% 104% V 4 %
1 Det City Gas 6*.M4 I64 M4
15 Dct Edison 5* 9*% 98% 8 4 4
12 Dunlap TAR 78.103% 16.3 1"
, 1 Fel Sug 6* 33.. . 94% 98% 9* %
1 Gen Pet 6c, .161 % Ml % 101 %
1 Grnd Trunk 6%s..108% M«% M« %
1 K C Term •' %s M! % Ml % MI %
1 T.ib Mr A l b Ts M2% M2% M2 %
4 Morn* A Co 7%#M4% 164 M«
1 Vat Dist Co 7s. . 100% Mn% M' .
3 Nat Leath 8« ....MIS Ml % '61%
3 N O Pub Srv 5s *8% s*% *«%
s Nor Sr. P 6%« .101% Ml % 01%
9 Nor St* P ev 6%i.M6% 106 3 66
2 Ohio Pnw Rs B 92 92 92
12 Tern PAL 5s . .. 9'% 95% 95%
1 Phil El 6s .M7 167 M7
1.7 Pub Srv FAG 5%».M0 9?% M0
8 P«j r e Oil 6 %S.Ml 16ft% 101
9 Shawsheen 7s _M3% 1«J% M3%
1 So Cal Ed 6s .... 95 95 95
5 Sun Oil n % * . 96% 9'% *'.%
2 » Swift A- Co 6« . .. 96% 96% 86%
4 Tidal Osage Ts _M4%M4% ’64%
5 Un El I.AP 5%s. 101 % Ml Ml
:* Un (MI Cal 6s 26.166% M0% Mf‘%
2 Vacuum Oil "s ...M7 M7 107
7 Web M His 6 % * Ml % 101 Ml%
Foreign Bond*
1 Rogala 4 s .97% «'% 8 7%
11 Frnrh Nt M SS 7a 86 8',% *6
1 Dalian Pow 6%s . 98% 98% 9* %
I Nsthfrlmdi It IS.lNxi 1N
5 R^p Peru 8a 32 .100% M0% D>< *
1 Solv*v a C0 6a M2 102 M2
•Onts n eh a r*
Omaha Produce
February 21
Creamery—Loral Jobbing prices to re
tailer* Extfa 4 ? c; extra« in 60-in. tubs,
42c: standards. 42c; firsts, 41c.
Dair* —Buyer* r* paying 24c fnr N' !
’she' butter ’n rolls or tuba 2ft©23c fr*r
packing Block
F«r No 1 fream Omaha buyer* r»
paying 3lc per lb a! county stations. 37c
delivered at Omaha
Price quotable. $2.15 per c*l. Mr fresh
miik testing 3 5 butter fat. delivered on
dairy platform. Omaha
For fresh eggs delivered at Omaha
Cs*e count. around $8 85 p’r ca«e
Prices above for egg* received n n»*
or No. 1 whittrood cases, a dedur n
f 25c will be for rccordbard « as**
In must quarters a premium s be^ng
paid for selected egg a wnicta mua: not be
more Man 49 hours old. uniform in sue
and color (meaning a’! solid colors—a’l
-a me shade). The shell must be clear
ind sound and rho egg* weigh 25 our -•
l>er dozen or over. ^.
lob ng prices to retailer*: I* F. ^
»Pf. ials. 3€tr37c per dor countr . ra" fej
u 14" per dozen T
Prico quotable fcr No 1 *fock s e.
lellvered Omaha: Spring* smooth In-*.
*of t meat 19 >4 21c; leghorn aprings. -r
itags M01D hena 4 b* . 19t?- h» ••
un.!*- 4 lb* . 17c: I«eghorn r*ns. 74 -* ok
-t• 11 ©12c ducks, f f f young ::t?
aid ducks f f f 12© ISC geese, f. f f
12© lie cgpors. 25e lb : turkey*, fat. 9
h« and up. around 23c; pigenr*. I" W
t*er dozer.
Dre««ed—Cash pr* •* for d-e-sed pr- -
try. N« 1 s’oek delivered Omaha *re
nominally 2 ©3c a hove quotation* for Le
In quarters dre*«-d poultry he.
nr handled cn 1# per rent comm1** n