Coach Schulte Expects to Take Seven Athletes to Illinois Relay Carnival _ -- -- - - Good Time Made by] Husker Stars in Trial Workout Brerkard Establiehes New Ne braska Indoor Record in Half Mile; Good Show ing in Medley Race. Lincoln. Feb. 21. —Following try out* or the Hue leer Indoor track Saturday after noon. Coach T. F. Schulte, an nounced that he probably would take seven men to the Illinois relays to be held at Urbana, Feb ruary 28. The Htiskers will en ter the high and low hurdles, the 75-yard dash, the 300-yard dash and th* rnedlay. The men who are expected to go to the Illinois meet and the events they will enter are: 75 yard dash. Locke; 75-yard low hurdles. Ed Weir and Captain Crltes; 75-yard high hurdles, Ed Weir; 300 > ard dash, Locke; Medley, Crites and IJailey in the 440 yards; Reckord in ihe half mile; Lewis in the mile; pole \ault, Wlrslg. E. R. Breckerd of Waco, broke the balf-mile record of the Nebraska in door track In a tryout Saturday af ternoon with a record of 2:02 7-10 cut ting the time down from 2:03 4-10. made by James Lewis, Husker niiler. Breckerd led Houderscheldt to the tape by about 15 feet in one of the prettiest races put on the Indoor cin der path this season. Wir»ig made his best pole-vault mark Saturday afternoon when he ( ieared the bar at 12 feet 2 1-2 Inches. In the rnedlay race the Husker team has been making good time and should be close contenders for that event at the Illinois meet. The heat time at the Illinois relays yet made In the two-mile medley 1* 7:18:15. Th* Nebraska team has bein making It on the Nebraska In door track, probably a much slower track than the one at Urbana, in 7:23 2-5. This time was made be fore Breckerd had demonstrated that he could clip the Indoor half mile record. Breckerd Is a strong runner and hold* up well through a half mile. I.ewla has been making the mile In 4:3*. Crltes Is a fast 440-dash man snd Halley, who will run the other quarter, la a fast lyan. Locke In the cashes should make any man go to win from him. In special races Sat urday the following records were made at the Husker camp: 75-yard dash, Locke, .07 6 10. 73-yard low hurdles, Weir; .08 3-10. 73-yard high hurdles. Wpir; .09 7-10. 1-mile, Vinton Lawson, 4:40 2-10. LICENSE DENIED PAIR OF BOXERS Lincoln, Feb. 21.—State Boxing Commissioner John Kilmartin today canceled the ' licenses of "Budge” Lamsdft of Walthill, and Jack Mur phy of Omaha, According to Ivil martin'* decree, Ijimson was out of 'onditlon and deliberately fouled his opponent, Mike Hale, in a bout at .Scottsbluff, January 7. Murphy'a offense wo* ll*ted as lueach of contract in that lie failed to keep a contracted engagement to iaix fgo'r an Elks' program, Feb i nary 7. Cancelation of two fighters' licenses, i* said to liar them from boxing In my slate where the sport is legalized, under commission supervision. NUMEROUS FIVES IN DISTRICT Ml TS York. Nell.. Feb. 21.—"Between 175 ami 200 basket hall teams have en 1 ered the various district tournaments to he held the first week In March," declared W. G. Brooks, secretary of the Nebraska high school athletic board, this morning. Mr. Brooks Sttaed there were a number of teams yet to he heard from. -Mr. Brooks left for Cincinnati, O.. this morning to attend a national meeting of athletic superintendents. The hoard will do moat of the work of classifying the teams while In Cin cinnati, In order that they may he ready fe rpublicatlon lata next week. LINCOLNCLUB MAY TRAIN AT JOPLIN Joplin, Mo., Feb. 21.—Directors of (lie Jasper County Park association voted today to extend to the Lincoln club of the Western league the free use of Miners’ park hers during the training season. This action Is ex pected to reault In n definite decision of the Lincoln dub to train In Joplin. Charlie Moon, business manager of the Lincoln team, who conferred here yesterday, with directors of the asso < iatlon has been wired of the action taken. He Is due to reach Lincoln this afternoon. Extends Hahn Greetings on Recent Victory ALLS CITY, Nsb., Feb. 21 — Jole Ray is Lloyd Hahn's American arch-rival for run ning supremacy, but he le a true sportsman, nevertheleae, Several days after the Falls City star broke the world's Indoor inlle record at Madison Nquare Harden, lie received the following telegram: "Congratulations on your record milg at the Harden .Saturday. Nur mi will have something to think | about now. I "(Signed) JOIR W HAY.” ----- E1ETV VEADV IN VDflBT When Stanley Ketchel Almost titl I I L/U\0 111 jrUIU — Changed Heavyweight History l_---' Fc* sl*v*>4 Bbo*lo* VCTCKSU. OOTBOOB*W twB nwJCh 6>&c-tR vto UsaviBA. 4B6>p© By NORMAN K. BROWN. I HO outstanding fighter <«; the early part of the 1900ti was — Stanley Ketchel, without a doubt. He ranks as one nf the greatest fighters of the modern sport era. A middleweight hintself he all hut carved himself a niche in the heavy weight hall of fame. For a few fleer Ing moments in the ring on a fall day In 1909 Ketchel of the I.lotj Heart all but became heavyweight cham pion of the world. Had he beaten Jack Johnson, negro heavy, In that battle the Jeffrles Johnson tragedy would not have happened. Johnson would not have had the opportunity to write a chapter of dissipation and dtsgrare in the fight game. The long search for a white hope would not have been necessary. Johnson would not have climber into a ring In Havana nine years hence to "lake it" for money to entertain a white wife. Ketchel's untimely death a year lifter liis fleeting Hale witli fume was one of Hie tragedies of file early part of the century. Tile battle vs it li Johnson will live in history as one of the bitterest of the game. Johnson's adherents figured that with his weight, liis speed, his body punches and his cleverness he would lower I he little man's colors in s few rounds. Sonic even railed the hitlle a "murder," nml argued against a good little man throwing his life away against the big black. Ketchel weighed just 185 pounds— an ideal weight fnr a middleweight. Johnson, in perfect trim in those days, weighed just 205 pounds. John son had it on him in reach by inches Imagine the amazement of the ringside™ when, fifr 11 rounds. he outgeneraled, outboxed and outgamed Johnson. The negro's rapier-like left, struck at Ketchel like an adder's head, only to find the murk missing. There was talk before the fight that Johnson was to string it out for (he benefit of the fight picture*. If that were true he proved a good actor. The opening of the 12th round found him seeing red—one of the few times he ever lost hi* head. He rushed at Ketchel, head down and murder in hi* heart. Ketchel neatly sidestepped him and hit him a glancing blow on the head which knocked .lack off hi* balance. He fell “all over the ring.” He came up fighting like a lion at bay. Three blows, any one of which would have ended the ordinary man. landed on Ketchel s jaw, stomach and head. The last two blow* came ** he was falling from the first. John son could not stop himself, so fierce had h*en hi* attack. The two fell j almost together. Ketchel did not get up. That battle with Johnson was but one of several heroic ones Stanley had. llis fights with Papke, which cost him and then regained him the middleweight title, were spectacular affairs. South Dakota won his heat from a f.t*t field and lowered the record for this distance by one-tenth of a sec ond when lie traveled the 45-yard* in 5 second* flat. “Sas” Keane, second lilgh point scorer of the evening and member of the Creighton squad, tied the record of 5 and MO seconds for the 45-yard dash when hr won by a scant margin over Jaquith of South Dakota uni versity who held the record. Creighton tracksters set new con ference records in the quarter mile, half mile, two mile run and the 11 lap relay e\ent. Lower, speedy Creighton trackster. running his first quarter-mile race, j took the lead at the start of the gun jin the quarter-mile and setting a fast ' pace held on to the end. winning 1na speedy finish from Clark of South Dakota. Montgomery of Dea Moines v is pushing Clark hard at the fin Ish. Lower legged the quarter in 53 ami 4 5 seconds, breaking the confer ence record made by Stewart of Creighton. Stewart of Creighton turned In a a peed y half mile victory over Hendon, (Taljfhton, powers of* lies Moines and Dennings.of South Dakota university when he made the distance in two minutes. 4 and 6 10 seconds, a now record. The old record was held by Hendon who covered the half in tw'o minute*, 8 and 1-6 aacond*. "Curley** Byrne proved to be the "Paavo Nurmi" of the ‘ Little Kight' meet when hs won the two mile race with speed to *pare in 10 minutea. 54 and 3-5 seconds, breaking the confer ence record of 10 minutes. 37 and 4 fi seconds made by hhnaelf last year Simpson of !)e« Moines ran Byrne a good second until the 23d lap when the Iowa runner tired and dropped hack. Byrne showed a wonderful burst of speed on the ln*t two lap*. lied field of South Dakota univer sity won the pole vault when he hurled himself over the bamboo pole at a height of 10 feet and three Inches. Summary: Forty five \ ard h!«h hlirdha: Firat Keller. South Dakota* **•< ond, K m 10 *♦ ■ ond* Now ii" »rd Forty-five yard lew hurdle* Ftr*t. N#l )*v. Mouth Dakota State »c >ml K**anr Creighton third. Trimble. De* JU •»*«»"• fourth, Clark Mouth Dakota C, lime 4 4 10 »F' ond* Now r*< (.r«l Forty-five >ar«1 daub Firat H-anr, Creighton. a**roini, Clark South D»U"t« l' . third. laqulth. Mouth Dakota I fourth bower. Creighton’. Time. il-K' a* I on da Tied »r< oi. D'* Mntne* C fourth, Ni'huler. Creighton. Tlnttt fc't i lo an 0 n <1 a Half r. tie Fir*t *-* • ai * »'«• * htn» aernnd Hen-Ion Crelphton third. Poweta. Ufa Molne*: fourth, Henning”. South Da kota C. Time: " intmn** ami 4 ti Iti aornitd* New rerord Milo run: Firat, « hadderdon, Xcbraako Woalayan, ■*- ■ out Nlmpaon, D*a Molar* third. VatKa. Creighton fourth Amhro--, Mouth Dakota State Time 4 mlnutr* and 44 **« «mf* * Twn-rull# run: Firat tiyrn* Crelfhtnn: ae«ond. Hitnpaun. !»•-< M«>tn•• . third 4|ilf f|lh N'thiaaka XVaaleygn. fourth Cha**, No ith Dakota State Time 10 minutea and 24 C l" a- > o»ut# New r .»«■».r t 11 Ish lump: Firat, tl amide /South Da kota M|*t#, *•< ond I«»nh*tg 'boning aide; third, Palmer, Creighton foul to Moutt. D. a XI iiltu • Height & feet and | Ini he* shot put | Fliet XVflkeif. S’eknaka tt . «|| \ .Hi: aet end. Ki t tela) loll third. Malone Mouth Dakota 1 fourth. Nolan. Creighton plat a now. 42 few! and 2 turtle* Polo v .uli Filial, Kedflvld Mouth Da K,.i H t tied fill ••"Olid M 'le of o'1* Molne- H\iuMr of Morn n*-ide - *»d M- iMenhol-1'-i «f M-uith Dakota I H«da*1 in f»o t Hint .1 In- hr* Twelve lap tela) Flra« Creighton (H« huloi iw rulon Mm hi t-le* fll*wa«n. *r> ntiil Me* Mtilnra fFov 'lutulel Poa*r*. 'tool'{"UIF| V t third Month l»ak-*ta t * 111. n i' -i -a Stanton t’lnik H**r 1 MU T'i.. :t minutea *nd 11. i I *<■* ond*. N•« i ec-pi d Creighton Indoor Track and Field Team Ifins Conference Meet HOW THKY F1M*HKD. School— Ft". frelghton university. .4ft South Dakota nolvmlty. tft Pr* Molnm university . I* South Dakota Mat* I] Vehraaka Weslejrsn ** Mnrhlngslde rollego ft niUV, inu-imn i Ull " "'i Hi* lap relay events, the Creighton uni versity Indoor track and field team Friday night at Creighton for the second time won the second annual north central conference Indoor meet with a total of 45 points. The South Dakota university team placed second with 23 tallies, while Des Moines 'university came third with IN points, one point more than South Dakota State collected. Unofficially, one world's record went by the lumber and five other new marks hung up on the line for another reason.. Of the six new con ference records chalked up, Creigh ton athletes were responsible for scoring brand new marks In three event* and knotting mother record. Kelly of South Dakota State col lege, Individual point scorer of the evening who set new conference records when he won hoth the 43 yard high and low hurdle* with marks of 5 and 4 3 seconds and 4 and 2-5 seconds, respectively, was tin offh ially credited with a new world's Indoor record for the 45 yard high hurdles when he stepped the distance In 5 and 4 1 seconds. The record for the 45 yard high Ittirdles was held by Mahew of Bos ton who made the distance In six seconds during the season of 1923, ac cording to the record books. New conference records were also established In the 45-yard low hurdles. Kelly stepped this distance In 5 and 2-5 seconds, bettering Ills own murk of 5 and 4-5 seconds made at the meet last winter. In the second trial heat of the 43 yard dash ( lark of the l niversily of FA I It GROUNDS, MONDAY. Flrat rata: Puraa 11.000. claiming. 1 year-olda and up. •; furlongs John Jr. .102 Admlrar . ,.,.114 xl.or a Marcalls 1 "4 H«n Jacinto ...102 xOrlova .97 xMarJort* C.. . . 99 Hltrump .101 H**al« f««1ght'n 102 Anna Mary ... 95 xKad .Squirrel 9*; xKorbly .I'i9 xl.ady Trilby .. 9o Mollnaro .Ill Trust Official J02 Contrlot .102 Chaaeeur .102 xDorothy H Sima 92 guanuh .777 Second rum Puraa $1,000; claiming. 2-year nlda; 3 >4 furlong* Nadlnla ke._Ho Kara (lilt .114 Black Taa .114 Maxlva .Ill Flraarm . Ill May Mom* ...104 Kr.a .Ill Little Moon ...105 Hpton .114 Hootale .10k Tar her.114 x hiat A Toy. 10$ Hathlld*' S»*h 111 Hen Handley .114 xKred Match....105 light View .. 114 Nervoue Able.. 114 Burnt IOh Third rar# Pure* $1,000; claimlna, 2-year-olda and up: U furlong*: xDr Olenn ....111 xtLiUtla .55 R K. Clark . 110 xMedina .. 91 xTIppIty Witch* 115 x John Q. Kelly 112 Klruh . .1"! PlIlagHf .101 xRrothar John 113 Monday Mor’g 11 o Rodaa .I«»4 xtallgula .11$ Ho*a (Jreener 9'» Dorothy Hurk'r 109 My Beat In v .. 9 9 Million 5 7 X (’lev*r Hath ..101 xltm-kv Moun'n 1»'9 Fourth run $1,000 “Homme Puraa,'* 4 year olda and Up. one mile; Hu. k .?m Oiiolph . ... 105 . ,.91 Korea! Flower t ill Lady Hell* ...lot Lily .U.100 Kverglitda ...103 ('licrrvi ota . 93 David llamm 105 Sun Lady 104 Fifth mi a* Puraa $1,000, Terminal claiming handicap, l-yeur-olda ami up. 1 11$ mill * Bargain Day ,. 94 Bear Ora*e ...10$ Ballot )%u*h 107 Helphriaonla , .107 Prim* Til Tl| 112 Mont Ifrlngllla 103 sixth raca? Pure* $1 no®; claiming. 3 >cHt-olda and up; on* mile and 70 yard* Star Sweeper 94 Oaaaletn .l0| xHearourt .10$ xAntonla . 9$ Kinburn .10$ First (’all .10$ Tha Leopard .10$ xUreee Tree . .10:. Tha Fenian . . ..104 Rib Or* as lor, xVirglniua .101 Boo Boo . 99 Future .104 Moldfield 111 xl>elaan . 94 xLttHe Aminle 103 x( haplat . 9'. M’arren Lynch.. $9 Seventh ra< »• Puree $1,000; « (aiming 1-yaat-olda and up; one mlla and 70 yard* War Prlaa 10$ xdlpav Flyer $7 xBooater «r, xW'dland guee" M Antllveraarjr .. U>$ Aimlatu*. 1 Mi; xOver taka .. |>i| Fifty Flflv I Hi Aalilturton 104 He* over hi, Hlpcern . . . Hf, xH|i|d*n Moiie> . 4.’> v Moiling Wav* «i Jima.iii H14 'lea Tray . 9i» Judge B>euer HU xknellla .Lit xTlmea Ip .94 TIA .11 ANA. Flrat race Mile and To varda; pure*' 1$ wo; M year olds and up, claiming: Aggie . 9r < hit k Barkley .111 xlriah Key .H»l Duughoi'gan ...II) xHun Shot .104 iLune Pint ...114 xPoacher .10k x .Nora In 1’4 XAIallnwmot ...10$ Herald 116 iMorab . ......lot kShaata Spring* Hi) xHrnlllng .107 xKlng Worth. Ill iT. J. x.lay Robarta .114 Macchus .Ill xEoula . 109 Second raca Puraa. $700; Mi furlongs. 1-vaar-olda and up; claiming: Royal guean .. 91 xV.Hiderburg ...lo;, xYuhan . 9i Pennon .H*1 xMunnglldge l°i xl>r. Corbett ... Ill xf'onfettl .I°4 HrlmatoDt •1131 Cadmus 106 Clarkson .••...•114 Third raca: Puraa. $700 k furlonga; 1 yeai-ojda and up. < (aiming El (’Id . . 100 Altai Nantura ..11* kHh«Mt a Eld. .101 Whlia Hoot a .III. iHlin Chief ....10:1 Unod Hop® ....11* xl.lHle Eaaa ...110 kHiamp.Ill xWlld Thoughle 1"9 Del Evans ....1*0 xPawnbroker . Ill Kirkwood .12 2 Sonny liunnv ..112 Furldua Kill ....11 ■ xKree Mason 1°7 xSteve K . .10.1 xMy Friend i'al 111 *M"»a Emma O 111 Fourth race: Puraa. 170ft; 1 % nillea; 3 year-olda and up, claiming Pop Ryan . .. .104 iKaaf Indian . 10* xZIng .105 xWynncwond .107 x.MuUavena . t"6 xM me Vennla 107 xTha T.amh .107 Mnr> Contrary III x Dumbfoundai 107 as way.Ill xHptrea .I". xHaln . . .....Ilk xl'eihl (ilrl . . 99 Fifth r.»** J S. mllea; Puree. 12 100 E|no ilalmlitg handicap Tag Day c,«nu|* '*i Plunger ...... .*1 W nrlhiii«n • I"' Sang tor Don inn ** Wikt.lax*' . lie Sixth ta«e ii It mil* Pure* H.oimi, hnndbap. .'Evtar oldt rliitming Sw"#l Ur ana 91 eltunulatlia .. 109 Unliver Bond si Mieeiun Peak . II" Publisher .. ...M Repulao . 11' Kdinoti .100 MlIIwl< U .Ill a li «vln enf rv. Seventh rare Six furlongs. handicap, puraa $1,000, J*Jfi»sr-u|«l* ami up (loud 'lime* 9ft Firm Friend 104 a Null1 and Spun. 9 ■> Kleht * »n Tltua 10i ii Em Ida ii .96 Dnmini'iUe 110 Buatm Keaton 99 turn Thatcher .114 The World l"t Sunepero .132 AD R*Vfl le . D»2 a.McUiCl entry. Eighth I,. One mile pur«e $900 1 yenrojdi and UP. clBlinlng xBo*h .91 Bundle K*«n . .1Q0 X Mullet’ Proof .. 9 a Pnel lUepat h H" xWllmer the *Ehb Tide •»1 Wlxutd 106 xCo*nr D* l.lon 112 1 Eire He I of* .Ninth race Four and a half fin lunge ptnee $7»0 • Iti lining, 1 )«hi old* and up »Mmm Child . I 'dl xEnamun 1 '" k.Mieiei It u h > .102 t'ninflnwci I'd* Sllnper Hell .106 kl.ndv I.ehMiid II" ' h« Chei h h I *'•’» *> Joe 11 xl.tiid Allen . 107 Frank S. II" k 11 h ■ 111 v D* 0 lAppienHce allnwMnc* claimed Track alnpp>. Weather Ibraatening. New Records Expected at Big Auto Race Angeles, Feb. 21 —All world'* records are expected to he ifrnted here tomorrow when 20 of the country * greatest automobile racers come to gether at Culver' City's big pine bowl In the 2,‘0-mile Was! Ington’s birth day classic. , That the race will be the speed!e»t on record was predicted by the dope-’ aters tonight In view of the Biarvel ous trial spins made during the day, equalling the pace of an average of 126.9 miles an hour hung up by Ben nett Hall last Thanksgiving when the Culver City track opened. Every car except two In the run tomorrotv will he equipped with sup ercharges, which are expected to make the smashing of records more easy for the death-defying driver*. nmvFR. 'A 1 car, Earl Coop*'* ... . \. ,W*awr aperlal Rennett Hill .5./,MtH*r special Tommy Milton .v. . NffM*r sperial Fred Cr>m*r ... .MIIDr special Harry Hart* .Miller special Thll Shafer .Duesenhurg special •Ferry Wonderlkh .Miller gperlal Ralph de Paolo .Duesenburg apecial Robert McDonauah .Miller apecial Dr W. E Shattuck .Miller apecial Eddie J'-nrne .Miller aperlal Stuart Wilkinson .Durant apecial Tletro Bordlno . Fiat apecial Wade Morton .Ducsenburg apecial Da- e Lewis . ...Miller apecial R. C Durant . Flint apecial Frank Elliott .Miller apecial Leon Durav . Miller aperlal Teter Kreis .Puesenburg apecial The Store Department la leading the Union Pacific Bowling leoguo wltli 4> pa me* won. 17 Inst, for a percentage uf 743 The ''ar Hecorda are second with an average of .667, and the Car llhopa third with .621. New*from, with the high average rj .t12, l*adi< fhe Union Pacific F.-wlin* league in the Individual averug** Bloemer i* a* ond with 181, and Jackson third with 180 The Murphv-Dld-It*' latent uddltion to their team Johnny Rosenberg mad* an eventful entry into the Gate City league iaat week by ahonting three game* of 258, 226 and 181 fn> a *65 total. E Norgard had the high atng e game in the Union Pacific Bowling league l«*t week * ith a 248 score < >;* Bloemer had high three game aeore of 641. One pin robbed •?. .1. Kawpar who howl* with the Northweetern Bell league of a perfect score last w rk No. D» pin re i tatned standing to give him a 299 *roie The Rmlij Mountain National* won two gUmea from the OlaHor National*, and the Yellowatone Nationals won two out «tf three from th** Zion National* laat week In th# Tran«mi*«nurl league. Krnle Wolff** “(rap bhooten*" ran wild In tiie American Legion league ]a*t week, eatabliahlng new league re orda for team ♦■vents With *• ore* of *47 95*. and *18 f‘,r a total of 16 21 Wolff uai high * ith 603 Giliigan was second with 5'.' and Shook third with 530 Incidental^ they won three gamea from the “Gob* ” C. Merten* of the Yellowstone National* khi high man in th*- Tegnsmiaaour l*as *enger league last v■ e. k with a thrte game score of 642 Klebttg of the Rocky Mountain National* wai second with 630 FVimmia of the *'K. !*• " with n three aame store of •'05. was th* hig factor in hi* team’* three game win front the 'Mounted Air*' In the American Legion league laat week. Hi* games were 182, 203 and 22'\ \*e| Chriatlanaen hud high single game ’In the Dan «h Bowling k-tg i* of 224. K Roberta wa* second with 217. The following rolled 100 *rore* nr better In th* American Legion league Frlmann. 2«3 and 22"; Harlhur 261 Medln, 212. Giliigan 2“3; Wolff. 201 and 223. Mein tyre, 165; Horn. 2^0. and Burdick. 114. Judge Vehle tried nut hi* new curve hall In the Danish Bowling league ]hs? week and the pm tetter <>n hi* alley had an easy night. • —, The following Imd (06 urnre* «r better in the Ggta i’ity league ls*t w>ek: t’lark. 213; Bloemer. 236; Bob Koran and 213; Newatrom. 211 and 100; Wills, 2"9 and 266. Joe Koran. 216; H'wenberg. 2-.* and 226. J. Jamah. 306: Mayer, 227 and 2”.', Grew. 204; Ball, 201, Zimmerman, 'ina. *17 and 314 K Duck. *6” ami 215: Edward* 221; Voaa 215; Huntington j64; Zurp, 225 and 212, Drown, 202 and 200. V C. Nlet*rn added another doMwr to hi* "aock“ lest Week by railing 12? pin* 04 er hi* average in the Danish Bowling league. The KInner Mine* won a pair of game* from the Murphv-DId-I’a in the Gaf* «*.tv league by shooting 1963 to the Murphy's 2.921. The Ovrrlnnd Pioneer ford Tire* copped three g*men from th* Banker*' Reserve Life company. Tony Franc! w ui high with 661 Ml** Ha/el Hocking hum rolled the high ’ore* game aerie* In the Ladle*' Greater Omaha Bowling league of 659 Mtsa Maud 51 ax field wna second with 531. The *«hadel!'* Benutv Miny* |« •till leading th- Ladle*' Greater Omaha Bow; log league with 3.1 game* won. ?1 (oat I'h* Metropolitan* nr* «ecnnd with 31 game* won and 23 lost. Th• Diet* A Tawnsond Mot«»re roll ilte Nielsen Onnerv this afternoon at 2 for ’he cha in plnnahlp of the Houth Omaha Merchants' Bowling league. The Urnnin Tire* will bowl the Indus trial Electrical Work* in a special match game this afternoon on the Omaha IK ru t Ion Parlor ailev a The following firm* are represented In the ftoufh Omaha Merchant*' Rowling leagu* Pronin Tire company, South Otnt ha L e company. Rlpa A Dlet«, Buck Shoe "tor** Diets •( Town**end Mo tore 4'o, !ndu«t rla 1 Kl» trie company. Kratkv Hrothera Foal company. Orange Crush cl. K M/trdWnte I'nnUUliV, KmUInUv Pavlik company. De Luv* Barber Shop William* of Andergun* pharmacy will pna*ib1v put In a team, elan the Douglas Mho# store to B<-port to Senators. Tom pa. Flu , Feb. 11.—President t‘l rk Griffith of th# Wuehlngton world baseball champion* stated to tlrtv that the veteran Venn Ores*, pur* rhaaetl from the Seattle club, hud tomlnd up isreement with President ld"Uhatdt of tht' Sent tie rluh and lie le on bln wnv t<» Tampa for spring training. Th* trouble, lie said, a roe* over the amount in Tit* British IhrcH to the Amerit >n racquet* crown u-n- eliminated today when X C. r>, Wtlltnma nrnl .1 C Hltkpaon, Hinix of the Queens rlttb, Ixindon, end the only foreign entrant*. tuet dt feat In th* *ei-i>ntl round of the “Intlea tournament at the Banquet and Ten nl» club. low-mi* Win Horseshoe Meet. I.nbewoith. Fln„ F*h. Id Frnnk (W'drltoraet Jorkson '<( Kellectttu. la . e» notional < lmtn|>lnn. ttnli\ flnlahatl In fit »t pine* at the end nf the ellmt nation play In tha mid winter national horeeahne pi,‘ Iters' tournament Cult Mo-.vmnn of Ktdora, la present t It I.* ! holder, ran Jackaon a close race. Peru, Neb.—Malvern (la) Hlah school C»f*rs raptured a fast game from Peru Prep, 2* to 13 Jones piajed stellar ball for Malvern, while Captain DelzelT* guard. :ng featured the Prepstere’ play. Ravenna, Neh,—Ravenna • rounced Ord. 21 to S, in a one-sided contjst Newcastle, Neb.—The Newcastle town team defeated the Haskell town teem. 12 to ft. before the largest crowd that has witnessed a rage game In this part of the country thta season. Benedict, Neh.—Benedict had no dlffl. rultj in winning from Exeter. ♦«» to 10 The Benedict second stringers defatted the Exeter Reserves, 12 to g. in a prelimi nary. Shenandoah. In.—Red Oak was unable to solve the detense of the Shenandoah High srhool five and dropped a 17 to 9 game to the locals. Fremont. Neb.—According to present In - durations. District No. ft. , comprising Dodge. Lancaster. Saunders and saline counties, may furnish one of the con tenders In the final tussle lor the Ne braska state interschnlasiio A bas ket hall < hampionship. . an Crete, Lincoln, I'mverslHf Pla'-* and Fremont 4t< expected to form the big four at ihe district tourney which will be held L Kttnjoru March ft. 6 and 7. Brand Island; Neb.—The committee on ari angerhents for the District No. 9 bas ket bail tournament, which will be held here March ft and 7. expects 17 teams to enter the classic. All preliminary games will be played *t the Y. M. C A. gymnasium Friday. March 6, and fins! games will be played at the Llederkran* auditorium. Alma. Neb —The Alma bgeketeer* hung up M .9 to to victory over the fast Mc Cook five in a game replete with thrills. Harvard, Neh.—The Harvard “Night hawks lost thellr first game in the lest six starts to Hampton, lx to 1ft, in a con iesi marked by the Inability of th** • N ghthawks * to cage the leather on ea»> attempt* The ‘ N'ighthawka ’ led, 12 to ft, at the hi!!. ( hadron. Neb.—The trlstate basket ball tournament opened with 33 teama entered In Class A H and C. Results. Class A: Kimball, 12. Mitchell, 9 Douglas . Alliance, 4 Chappell, 32; Gerlng, 13. Class B: Broadwater, 20; Rushvillt, 9. Morrill. 13, Crawford, 11. Cody. 9: Bridgeport, ft Putter, .11 . Harrison. L St.JigK . Sunrise. 12 Gordon. 12, Lusk, 9 Class C; Delrichs. 14; Pringle. 7 Mtnsuro. Hemlngford. 12. Crookstnn. 12; Manvllle. 2X. Loren* .12. Buffalo Dap. I David City. Neb.—David City will he host .ounces* basket ball teams at the * •urfrv tournament to be held here Feb ruarv 21 Th- folloscing teatne will com pe’e < *** A Surprise. Brainard, Da vid Clt' Dwight, Ulysses Class B Brunn. Bellwond. Octa-.i* Oarrieon. Rising f.tty. Da . d City «•* <>nd team, Surprise second •earn end Brainard second team. Fairbury. Neh.—The F.ilrburj chamber of .mrtieri-e Is co-operating with the nigh s.-hnol offirlale t<. make the District N'n h basket ball tournament, which will be held h-re March ft * and 7, * eucces* The ihamb»r has fur it'shed four loving cups for the four divlalon winners Humboldt. Neb.—Humboldt eager* won a psir <>f victories when the girl* de feated toe Nebraska City girl*. 2n to 10, and the boy* walloped Dawson, 40 to 2. On ful l Neb.—Oarenlii defeated Rruln ard. 2- 'o 1.'. in a fast game The ' >*< • ola g "is won Corn the Benedict girls, 22 to 4 in a preliminary contest. McCook. Ncl*.—District No. 13 *U1e basket ball tournament will be held In M'Cook March ft and 7 Twenty-five teams will compete Newen-tlr. Ne|»—The Wjlftot High school '• eskete■■■- defeated Newcastle. »• t.« l In a on**-«- ded mu The feati re ox the game ■#«< New* astle’e holding W ynux ■cureless in the second quarter. \inswort It. Neb — tlneworth defeated B.*‘-ett. 1* ' > 1ft D we* the first time this season that Bassett has toil a game. liberty Nfh—1 lie Liberty girl* and the fi girla played t* a II If IV '4 Neb—The double-header ■ A- \ :! w ittoi between Stella and Hu" boblt resulted In ■ split series The; Humboldt girls won. 21 to ft. but the ■ Humboldt n^v * loet. 19 to 5. N.uman Drove Neb.—Newman Drove *nd Tilden divided * age honors in a pair ->f games The Newman Grove git Is wop j 4 1 to 1-1 hot th# Newman Grove boy* 1 ropped a fast game to Tilden. IS to T. Oregorv . a. D.—In one of the outstand ing game* nf the Rosebud district the ritegorjr High s hool team lost to Winner , by the narrow^ margin of 9 to I — — I' High eclinol result*: HI tie|i ill, 1 ft Bladen. 12. Lawrence. iu. Bust wick 9 Huntlev. 3" Republican. 4 , Huntley girl*. 17 Republican girls, 9 Edgar girls 40 Husk girls. 10. , Sutton, 19, On* s Haddam. 2ft: Washington. It i Washington giria. 19 lladdam guls. lv Hanover, 34: wketo. 3. Ihller, IS- Endlcotc ft. K mi ii ot l g .tie 17. Dlller girls. II. Odell. 2J. Rarneston. 12 net,* cti Reserves, 14; Odell Rs* serve*. 13 Hameston *irla (4 Odell girls 4 Hardv, la Red Cloud. 13. Auburn 14. RrownviH*. 11. Syracuse town team, 24. Brownvlue town team, 2* Geneva. 14. Hebron. 10 Phillips. Neb.— .Marquette defeated ' Hampton 21 t,« 1* n the finale of the Hamilton county basket ball tournament If nrv ord Neb.—|.cd l»v Seville. Hen# diet • enter who counted on nine fight g, nl» Meneil < t defeated Harvard 29 to jt tn w f * h t game Hctieer scored Hi (xals for the losers. Farm* ut. la—The Karragut High school basket ball team dropped a dose 2*» to II gem# to York town. i \ ml titan. la—The 4 v elone hevtet %u luhon High school's lews stete Intern ho- | laatit girla > age champion*, hung up their . IMh v 1. t«r' of the season by defeating i [l .. pti k Da !ae Csatsi team. *;« to l«. l oll* City, Neb.—After loalug eight baek't halt game* tn a row. rails City . i out of tbe|r slump to defeat Shu bert 14 to 11 In a preliminary the Vails ; City girls loet to the rihubert girl*. »i . to IS. ' Geneva. Neb—Geneva won a M rag# gam* from Hastinvs 23 to 14 Haring < led the *layed so far and about 100 more tames remain to be played. Every veek there are between *50 and 000 ><>>• participating in games. The following team* hav^ won the hampionship and teams that are tied or flr*t place: Adam* IrkRUf 432 and 270 to play off or rnampitmsfcip Wunroe league. Stl and 5?1 to play ff ft r league championship. Martiaon league 325 and 275 to play ff for league ch-tinpionanip. ttrwnt league: 54* and 125 to play off or leagua t hamr;on*hip. Harding league 27% and 130 to play ff for lea aue championship. 'Va*h ngt ->n league 215. SS2 and 415 led. will play off. defferacn league: 451. 271. 454 and 41 tied Wilson league 374 won league churn ilonahip Hoo»*\»lt league. 244 won league hampionehsp t'oelidge league I.unrli room No. 2 ion league championship rECH GIRLS STAGE VOLLEY BALL MEET The girl*' volley hall league i* the uoat Interesting spurt at Tech High ichool. according to the interest ihown i it by the girl* There are ID ilifferent leagues. The easues different names are Red. Yel , dw. (ireen. Blue Black. Purple, link. Vhlta, Brown and Orange 411 the gamfa are played after rhool on the Te< h courts. More than 00 trams are entered in all theee eaguea. All tha yulley ball games re sponsored by tha women* phyai al training department. Tha elimination contest* will he teld March S and tha winning team rill It* given a cup. Some of the leading teams In the eaguea are the Uo Better* l.lve tVlre*. B. V. T, Hopscotches and he Shaffer Flashes. rRISTATE CAGE TOURNEY RESULTS Chadron. Nab . Fab. 50 —The re lulls of today's play In the trtatale| isaket hall tournament being held te e undgr the atieploea of the' ’hadron Normal college follow Clues A: Kimball, lib lHmglae IVyo . 14 Chappell, (; t'hadron High 1 11. t'laaa H: Cody. 21: 11ayapiinca, * j Plnerldge. 21; Potter. 1* murals. S« L).. 21; Gordoon. 7. Claes (': Oeterlche. S. I'. 14. Mlna-i •re, IS. .M.mvllle, Wyo , IK I.orento 4. Stanton Vi in* Chris Titlr. OlCHll Nil1 Feb !1 —Nebraeka Hale checker tournament closed at ,'scoola last night when the olaaa A ■onteat W«a decided tn favor of do leph Stanton of t'nlvereltjf Place ae tinner oter George Uroavanor of 'entral city. 0«car iNnlaon of Polk vaa w inner over t-h* other contest-j inta In claea It, while Pete O'Brien ■ f Kearney won lit class C Matt | •let up i f Osceola w ee elected pi eel lent of tha association. The Planeeee ms.le a eee etaate ante record 111 the t'.m.h lion late leaeoe; > tor I’Use otnv *44 pine. Henderson May Get to Promote Heavyweight Go Kearns Intimate* Long Island Promoter Certain of Getting Jark** Service*—Construc tion of Arena Ordered. E^V TORE. Feb. 21.—'What effect will Jack( Demp sey's marriage have on the heavyweight ait uatlon? Charles L. Hm deraon and Tex Rickard declare that the early marriage Is an other Indication that D e m p ? e y plans to defend his title this year. Henderson saya the marriage was probably hastened so the pair could enjoy their honeymoon and give Demp sey a chance to get down to training in April or early May for a bout here In June or July. Henderson also gay* that the fact that Jack Kearns did not attend wedding in San Dieggn has no sign! * »v j ranee, as Kearns was detained by busi- I ness In Do* Angeles. From other sources it Is learned that the personal and social relations of Dempsey and Kearns are strained because of enmity between the wives of the manager and the boxer, but that business relations are in no way af fected. Unless there is an open business break between Kearns and Dempsey, nil indication* are that Dempsey will defend his title in Henderson's Dong Island arena this summer. Newspaper men were permitted to listen in on a long distance telephone conversation recently in which both Henderson and McKettrick talked with Jack Kearne and Kearns reiterated that neither lie nor Dempaev had aigned with Tex Rickard or anyone elae. and intimated that Hen derson was certain of getting the champion s servi- ee. He again told Henderson to go ahead with the build ing of the Long leland City arena. it will he Dempsey and myeeif. not Rickard. Wills or any ona else, who will decide where Dempsey is going to fight,'' declared Kearns "Don't worry about any publioity or prnpagapd* any one tends out. There will be no eigning until after I get to New York late this month or early in March SOUTH CAGERS • PREPARE FOR TECH , When South high and Tech n;eet \ on the basket ball court next Tut* day, the balance of power should more evenly distributed between the « two than when the weighty Drum- 11 | ynond five crushed the Red and | White on the gridiron last Dali. Pat- 1 ton has a basket tossing quintet that I has more strength than it is credited " with. Their last six starts have been 4 clean, decisive victories, leaving the vanquished little or nothing to sing about. Creighton Prep and Fremonv early pwison opponent®. we*-# South s only stumbling blocks However, there is a fly in the dope bucket. “Bidy” Bernard, of the Ber nard Smith duet, may be out of the lineup when Patton a crew throw in with Tech. “Bidy” was in the Abra ham Lincoln g: me a very short time last Friday because of ill health. This will mean either Wakefield or Mullen teaming in with Smith and one of the fa test scoring mediums in high school basket ball will in? wrecked. ^ in- Bach Golf 1 it It*. Ormond Beach, Fla . Feb. J1 —Hal comb Johnson. t’leveland city golf champion and former Dartmouth uni xerslty pitcher won the Ortnoml Beach golf title- here today by defeat ing Ray tlreen of Daxtona, Fla., one up In SS hole*. Results Third rtca: 5 furlong# Kx> u## Mi* iRohanm .... M ** Kmmi cl (Filial . 4 I" i :■* Ctvaat Kmptor n>a u . .5 tt Tim# 1 *S Mi»» Vantura Pawnbrokar. Brandaia. Maria Maxim. Oe’Jan Had. Jtix Fountain also ran Fourth ra« * Kn# furlarfa 4-»aar-#ula and ui< claiming i>ur*a t?tt: Fori Church U III r McArthur US cTapHni 4 Tilua l 1 i S i s, ottiah Ltd Rrcr.i l. ilaoig# Jama a An##:» and A.b.on b. f ala* ran Fifth rtea s.\ furlong a. Syaara’da. Hanning I'Urna |Te* A* v #kt» a* ion l ‘ (Taplm) ill 4 It lit Hunlaa 1th (Kiaton) 4 It I ‘it Ha* h Pag# US 4 McHugh* I l Tima 1 II 4-# l.ana Wood, lm*M Hot-## and Wood t'rv #!*# ran Sixth r a a a M'l# and Tt >*rd« cia m* in* )'an>i cap. pur»« |1 ttt, I )t«r < la and up Malt* I rlnn. *1 l# ttd a *nta4# J <« . »” Halt. lot cHooparl S tt **t l.ttllt Clair itl 4cliiffm * 4 •« Tim* 1 It I k Praia*# orthy H **‘*x nhaata. Hal#«kala, Ouit»;ght, Wadding rrlnc* *!n> ran Ml \MI l 'fbth ra* a * furlong? P ?*♦ lift; ^Hinting 4 \##» old* and up Th# * amb iMvHughl 4 <# | tt ? *4 IVnvant rHlatou) 4 ;t : h K *la t Fi#h#rl . . I * Tim* t H PK-nalaai H« 1# K Huh van Ja% Mac. I' naca 10, Twin Fox n " iidat Manha l*. Amtvk*##.: »: » Again ala* rat \ n*h * tea Furat < fu* ‘ong? 4>*ar.*Ma and u»» **aim n« J« k 1.# i (C*•' ti 13 tt it If' Paarl H «ot* tPardargraaat • l to ' M-xr iiu\ a'♦want x Tlti'%. I it Emma \\ • F Eo'al Quart* \*cn Olid* 14 <* l « J»ch FroaC 4iamr Hon# at d«o;|# Man l*’1 >»' t'hava) at and l \* on a *-* ran V xX._ M*»c# Hand I Emit hi. ... 1* u ttt 1 8*iMa*kiMrTlsvj# t 14 t It ^ ' mi »P**a»n#l) " * n # ’ 4a *• t»v' •' a ' a' *" v*ii K\IH I*Kill \IIS vanCh ia # M i# *a da a % ##atlk l».'an k xg i.mMi i * » » 4 » o * 4 . Ma !*•* 1. 1 J l ax# •now mb »#n O.aiVti#! I Tim# 1 4' 4 > Wap * T.itvad Jx*hn* ’.'«# ! o.if# Haevtar. iSjuts a tig, mi.ha a.»o tatk \