Kv<*/y Time the Sun Comes There's a Splash of Mud and a Melting of the Winter's Ire and Snow. DUKSMKU RR(»S.. cleaners, ’Jnr] and I’arnam, are your best friends these days when the weather's more, or lees changeable and there's a never-ceasing “sloppi ness" which keeps one's skirls in c constant state of “murk < all •4*" 0345—start Into action the organized corps of Dreshers workers and your clothes will assume a quite tmmacu late appearance. The SfiMtiinjIj- Impossible KouiiiI IJuitc Possible in This Shop. THE Kruger Hat Shop, 303 Barker block, loth anil Farnam, accom plish the seemingly Impossible In reblocklng hals and remaking furs, feathers anil marabou. Closed at 2 on Saturdays. • • * Straps that cross and lock In the tenter with a small round metal but ton-like buckle decorate new frock*. Clothes Showing of Exclusive Shop Introduces Orchid Homespun in Sports Togs, Bright Gold Silk for Ensemble Dress and Coat, Vivid Blue With Black Monkey Fur Trim for Afternoon Wear / JUST can't mi.-* the McAvoy Clothes showing Friday night at Aquila Court after you've seen one of them—and what splendid suggestions are to he gleaned from the interesting showing of new apparel! Perhaps you'd not thought of wearing the high collared frock for street and all-round wear? No? Hut here comes a graceful girl—quite your type, madam, who is lovely In the high-collared mode of kasha or crepe ensemble frock. And for Dorothy, the youngest and prettiest person In the family, one-might select the bright gold'ensemble, long coat over little tailored frock, both fashioned of wide corded silk—with demurely simple trim of bands of the same. Chic! For the sophisticated young matron what could be more enchanting than the black and vivid blue ensemble with Its high collar monkey fur trimmed? As for that orchid homespun frock with Its yarn-edged scarf, seems to me that its pretty enough to take one through the entire day and evening with allur ing charm. “Ten Reasons Why Special Formula Laboratory Cosmetics Are Best” and a List of Dealers in Nebraska MADAM DE COURCY, who is introducing the Si*eeial Formula Labora tory Cosmetics to Omaha women through the medium of free facials given at Mrs. Mack's Reaute Shoppe. 277 Aquila Court, AT. 9166, gives (he following ten reasons why the Special Formula Laboratory Cosmetics are Best. Convincing! 1. 'it's made for you. 6. No cheap perfumes. 2. It's merit is proven. 7. Product not sacrificed for pack 3. Price is right. age. 4. Purity of construction guaran- 8. Scientifically constructed. teed. 9. Sold direct to patron. 5. Phenomenal results. 10. Has no superior. For the information of women living out of Omaha—the Special Formula Cosmetics are sold— In Fremont—The Pathfinder Beauty Shop. Mary Ballard. In Columbus—The Primrose Beauty Shop. Mrs. Otto I.ueke. At Auburn—Auburn Hotel Beauty Shop, Helen Harder. In Schuyler—By Mrs. O. P. Reed. In Omaha—Mrs. Mack's Beaute Shoppe. A free facial—yours for the asking! And this In your own home town. “Tacco” Press, a New Paper for Dining Room Decoration—“Flock” Hand blocked for the Living Room THE Sam Newman Decorating Shop, 214 South 18th St., offer* for your ; viewing wholly Irresistible wall papers for spring decorations. For the t dining room that new "Taeeo” press in a conventionalized flower de- ? sign that uses the color tones of tooled leather to achieve a lovely effect. “Flock" hand-blocked Is a fabric paper whose exquisite design and coloring is really extraordinary. Heavy crepe one decides upon seeing a paper for hall and dining room on which softly outlined bronze and gold leaves glow on a background of etched trees. For the bedroom a distinctively decorated flower motif on blue or soft, ivory and rose background. 'Tis the time of the year to engage the decorators for the busy season has not yet started . and it is possible 10 have unlimited attention of "the best.” * * * ** * * • Nestle Representative from fondon and New York (living Permanent Waves in Omaha Beauty Shop for $15. Tm: Braudels Beauty Shop have with them Frank Druiff, direct from the Nestle people in Lon don and New York. Tills skilled specialist in the art of permanent waving will give a wave for the very reasonable price of $15. This is for •i limited time nnlyj Oh, what a true joy mid delight, in the morning, the noon time and night; just a wet comb trawn through the wave, a slight pushing up of the hair and the colf 'urc is effected! When Tappe Decide* to Make a Big Hat it I* Alluring In Shadowed Be conihigneas—If the Small Hat En gages* the Attention of Tills Noted Designer the (harm I* No 1.C** Ravishing Florence paxtox smith of fers a marvelous showing of new hat models In her salon at Gold stein-Chapman'e. A big brown ma line model from Tappe binds Its brim In satin ribbon with a double swirl o* the ribbon pinned at the front by a pear-shaped pearl pin set, one black, one white. A tiny cup model of black straw from the same designer bind* Its brim in ribbon with an odd little ornament of gold painted pearl but tons resembling shells. Poppy Red Coat Uses Applicque of Black With Solid Braiding to Advan tage-Ensemble of Tan Over Red Crepe Dress Alternates Applicques— Red on Tan—Tan on Red • TICK Marybelle Shoppe. Aquila Court, is giving a flint showing of spring fashions thin week. Red is enjoying a decided vogue thin spring and It Is with pleasure that one reports n poppy red coat with KiVnt ha min «*f fox. the applicqued trim of black outlined in solidly wrought decoration of braiding. An ensemble costume of the new' rose tan has Its crepe under frock applicqued in the tan of the cost, the cost applicqued In the rod of the frock. Smart. T,are frocks will he a feature of the season and one of square meshed lace has cretonne flower cutout with heavy embroidered dec orations. When lunching or dancing at Sherry’s Or dining in state at the Ritz, l like to be smart—know Pm dressed for my part— Feel sure my ensemble just fits. At Newport, Palm Beach or the races, On Fifth A venue or on the Mali, If my frock isn't right or my hat is a fright, I'm really not happy at all. In a garden I don't like a tailleur. On horseback I won't wear a gown. Several strands of pearls of varied color and number less narrow brace lets translate the mode. • • • The straight black alpaca dress Is still worn. Lit tle circular godets are t'heruit's con tribution to its de velopment. * * * Indispensable to every spring ward robe is the one piece satin dress. This is to be wftrn under one's coat now—for a street frock later. / r Sister 6 Brother Cr « Top Coats for Boys From One to Eight Years Show a Fondness for Light Col- j ors and Gay Plaids With a Sprinkling j of the Smart Navy Regulation Blue O’Coats ! CHESTER NIEMANN'S Children’s Shop, Aqulla Court, have on display a very complete stock of hoys' top coats—pretty light colored materials with s showing of plaids and tweeds, nnd those smart navy regulation o'ooats so trig and dandy. Ranging In sizes from one to eight years the prices In keeping with the policy of the Children's Shop are as low ns It Is possible to quota them on quality garments. $9 98, $10 95, 112.50 to $14.75, , Among the pretty hats * haw n Imagine—"Deauville" caps of soft wool pat terned after the French Jockey head coverings. Establish credit relations with the Children's Shop—It will mean a most convenient "viewing of mer chandise." • • • • • • Home From tile Fast Millinery Shop Owner Xnitouneea Stile Show Inc (or TIiIh XX'eeU. TOt’ISK IIFITMAN of the Heil man H.t Shop, AthUtlo Chib ■* Billy . Hith ami lhjugla*. I* home from the enat nml in thl* week yolng to hold a alyl" allowing of ml i a need aeitnon millinery mode*. Well north the viewing me nil of the lien model*- that tnueli I'm allowed to divulge, n* for the intimate detail* of i olor, line, materia la and trimming luncciti'-'HPfl tlimi! special Facials F*e New “UnmidiiiK'' Process — Manpiit* Powder — Soft Wafer* THE Delft Beauty Shop, 23fi (’tty National Bank Building:, JA. 1796, use a n«\v secret "round Ing" process t<* achieve the much de sired contour of beauty, a facial that Is so much more beautiful If madam purchase* a lx»x of "Marqulta" f»«*c powder which conic* In Flesh, Blend ed and Brunette shade*. The shop In which soft water la ua* d In nil work. .1/ tea I'm in chiffon and laces, and if on .1 throne. I'd feel dressed in a crown. For a bullfight I'd sport a mantilla; Have a matador sing me a song. In the South Seas some beads would suffice for mg needs; There, it doesn’t take much to belong. hi Ireland, it's green I'd be wear in'. In Russia, sans red I'd feel sad. But Scotland I'll shun like the point of a gun, For I look like the devil in plaid. —A 1IAMK L'OMME IL 1 ALT, Margaret Mmlirie. 9 Take Your Paris Fashion Book in Hand and Tear Sheet After Sheet There from—This and This and This You’ll See at the Style Exposition This Week in French Shop LA BOSCH1N. Hotel Fontenelle, ISth arul Douglas, Is exhibiting spring'* loveliest fashion* on Wednesday. Thurs day and Friday. You’ll really not need a consultation with the Parisian style authorities after having attended this exposition of the mode showing every expression of style for every type of feminine beauty. Is that close clinging tubular silhouette of the most becoming— Ha Boschln shows It! Perhaps the small and close fitting collar with Its boyish effect Is the one best expressing the chic personality that Is yours—t.a Boschln foresaw your needs when on her b living trip. And, of course, you'll want at least one of the new "fan flares '--very well and quite all right, mademoiselle—I-a Boschln herself selected the very model to make you adorable. And then, there s the dashing little tallleur—that Is the costume above all others to give careful consideration—for It Is In the tailleur that one renews her youth—and beauty. Capes—to be sure—they're very new snd very smart and you'll see them ensemble sit the I.n Boschln spring showing. I-a Boschln. Frenchwoman thst the Is, well recognises the value of the vise:; chosen accessory and presents the extraordinary In decorative accessories and you shall see—hut wait! Oh ravis -ante—the accessories of milady's wardrobe. You’re Invited—Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. • • • Ilnlid Drawn Broadcloth and linen In the New Colors of the Season Designed for Dresses at $5.50 and $6.50. TUB Silk 8hoj>, 1517 Douglas, has Just received "Porto Rican Maid” hand-drawn dresses in different designs, these to be made up from a choice of suggested de signs in booklet* given with each dress pattern. Models: Vogue. But terick. McCall, Pictorial and Deline ator. All of the new color* are repre •ented in these dress lengths at $5.50 and $6,501 • • • A French cap from Suganne Talbot ends In a cunning point on the crown top—the collapsible crown top. w • Two distinctly different type* of afternoon frocks for the street show first the use of black satin with one if the newest and smartest Jabots. In Peru Chantilly lace and chiffon, fall ng almost to the knees, and a skirt Irapery that Is caught lip gracefully )n the right side. The second frock, i copy of a. Bernard model, In gray Icaahella trimmed with Chinese em broidery amt bound in black, gives an effect quite tailored. • • • The Joy mi sites* of Spring Mower* \p|M'ul* to ihe Killing I’ublic. THK John Bn tli Mower ^hop. Klghteenth and Ffcrniun. I* sell ing qua ft tit lea of spring flowers each evidence that there'* a ]ur» not to he denied In the beauty of spring blossoms. The hostess at for mal or Informal dinner finds spring flowers best fit into her scheme of hospitality; the friend who would < arry a bit of cheer to the shut In hospital patient feels sure that no other flowers will ronve> the sym pathy and love quit* as well na the first blossom* « a marvel of elan nlilg (rather thought your face nin < lean hut look wlui t Ihl* i ream fl ml*!! Then the Skin Ti eahener. ?1 ?5. vvhteh tone* up I hr I issue* a ml remov es iisllv" 'f i tea m anil soil. Then the I'm e Mohlln I'uam $l in and 5 ;! ,MI. which .icrtunpllahe* wonders in rounding mil lifting *.u-i ina muscles t hit of Ital'sam Tlaaue Stimulant, $150, and either llie Smooth Skin • ieam, xl u. or the I'nreflner. XI 50, a* your skin reunite* Then the Halsam Astringent. $2. and that lovely Petal llloom. $1 f>0, a llipild which covers the *kln with a *mot>th coating that nm mi) make* a powder foundation hut also prided* llie skill from wind and aun a* well. A (lusting of Primrose House I'm c Powder. 17. or * hit of the "ohlffoll" powder til gift b> ' with long I m-.d. Xil.aii and the f.olal I* complete. Ill giving the facial *lrp hv *tep I’ve ncide a list of the price* of each preparation used tin one max purchase them for hptne use. A htg hor of Prlinro*e House Pine Soap t» f71*. the Hand le’tlon. >2, Hye Hath, II.flu, Ttepllstory, 41. and the loveliest metal compart . xxlih cunningly arranged inirrora, rougo uml powder. |2.50 for Ilia double or II for the tingle Talc In a pretty oval box la |t 40. Fascinating preparation* light etralfdt through. t ■ There i« * smart formality- ab the coats of these two ensemble*. '. the frocks underneath are soft an.i aresay enough for the informal res taurarH dinner. A dull red crepe rotna coa^t shows one of the new and s ne.'k treatments and a novel Iv pleated ruchlng. Tailored and yet made of silk, a cobra r-olored fai le c..at shows the use of severe iin»* In a silky fabric. The Flint Six “55” Roadster and the Flint Six "55” Coupe Impress Show Visitors GUY L. SMITH of*th© Omaha. Flint Company. 2."»th and Kurnani, exhibited at the Automobile Snow n ras«.'inaunjs: c-oin in nation or car beauty Klirtt Six *'55'' Roadster, a delightfully built chi', whose long and tweeplng lines built close to the road, fairly sing of the jo> of the open road with cares far behind and the wind fresh in one's f.,. e Two tones of green are decidedly a new note for oar decoration, espe. tally happy "hen used on a roadster. There's handbuffed leather covering the seat and the same leather Is used on the snappy' twopassenf.. r sea- which "lift- from the Kv . of the car For that desired chumminess Indween front md Wok. scats one may open the hn '« curtain. In grey a ! black, t. » coupe of the Hut group was Indeed .tnpresslvelv beautiful. The silken curtains and velour upholstering exa. My matched the outer grav with tile glint of silver a ideas -g contrast Details worthy of note In the new models are instantaneous window lifts and a long, narrow velour -overed parcel otv.partmem ba. igof the driver's -eat On the dash a gas gauge proved a decided It ' with tlte women drivers who viewed the Flint upc th- seal shift at the 1 and I ready to clasp, equally appealing. A car to long for. a oar to possess! Disk wheels and lalloon tires, assurance of .:.s> riding, nickelplated headlight, and radiator* were a feature of both cars, if you were unable to visit the show, send for an illustrated folder on I* h car Watches a Specialty in This Jewel Shop; a Splendid Showing of the New Thin Model Cases in Green, Yellow and _White Gold_ T)If; John llenrlckaon Jewel Sln»p. 16th and Capitol, make* a specialty of the sale of fine watches for both men and women, .lust received an the novelty cases for thin model watches, those ovals that combine a bit of squareness in burnished edges of preen, yellow or white gold. One finds rep resented In the llenrlckaon allowing all of the well known and leading watch makes of the country tiruen, Hamilton. Illinois, Klgln and Waltham a bit in the lead llenrlcksun service on timepieces - f any kind needs no introduction they'll find out what's the matter with your clock or watch and repair it In manner utterly satisfactory. * r-x If You Yie Thin to the Point of >< i .im mntw. You Ma> Yrt K*> 1 tiiareful to tho Point of Interf^t. | v/ The tvnu street • is l:kc .< pip* topped with a flower pot. • • • The xx ryng evening gown is Straight s.nd square with long slinkY fringe. • • • '>nlv the slender, youthful person should attempt to wear the one-plevo fnx s with rather long, full gatherer! llutince -et on a straight front, and - . eeves. hut on the right i* m is g it i' verx smart S’-** • • « S- urfs and vague lines, hut not swathing draperies, aie essentia! for the \s' \ thin woman. In crepe satin dinner-dress. th« scarf collar i tosses In front and ties oxer a love out hack cox e’ ing t ho shoulder blades blondp black or S pa nisi) red. IT IS SWUNG \NT> POLLY WILL SHOP FOR TOP 1RKE OF CHARGE SF.NT* JfOO Did You See That Cunning Dress That “Connie” Wore in “Learning To Love?” ■w- jr vm m ill III t In* Sum.I l.u-t "ri'k you oert.ilnlj admired the little satin I froi k which mdi (/Oiutinct TttaMft no aiipMHfltiy lovaly m on# of A Ht-I H. ones. The severity of thi «utln fro. k was broken at t ill . vd< ! pleate.l panel* l.f georgette. ea.-h p ml ending In pa ■ ted point* No ie..«on a all wIn one mitldn’l hate the Ideal Mutton and I’leAtlns t'o,. 3.1 floor Brown Itlook lntlt and Ooiigln*. ropy the Idea. Their work i* lietiullfliUy done • • . * • • t B„y s, ai f odd* the light note of Silk and-wool «to< kinca are warm eolor to the laid #eatln-r lamtunnv Of enough for stormy day* and jet not flannel la a iiUtded aearf In a variety too h-.iv for ontnforl In tealklrg: In of eolor eomlilnntlon*. at *2.35. the new brown and gray *hnde». they ____ are <2.25. Kaniod.* hxeellrnt style Note of Now Millinery season. TI1K Hergith* Kaas list Shop, Aqtiila Ootirt, lias a tvondtvusly aliraetivo showing of the now color hat model* of the season. It Is interesting to not# that among the g-iy now at raw weaves. th# silk and straw comhlnallons. and the pretty hand wrought flower hats, ther# Is nothing prettler thsn*the Hankok* with tltelr rlhlton faneles or their tightly drawn georgette scarfs • • • Import*nnk*«kin Im£*x I Hr turn kf*y typo of hag, with ‘gntr t >p h*\* *htrr have her coiffure creation, lovely soft waves, becoming curls—then without even moving front her screened privacy select the chapeau clrtrmimt front the chic creations shown, models ranging in price from >5 to ?3j. The Regina hat is featured. Appointments for evening work will he made in till" shon, a convenience to be appreciated by the business woman. * • • White and silver are the colors one gees most frequently at the opera this year Is the report of an in terested reporter. • • • Jewelry Never Played a More Impor tant Part in tlie Mode of file Da.) Than It N Playing This Spring. •'Tlie Bandolier,” Worn front the shoulder to Hip, Newest Note. Ml.SS KERR, buyer of jewelry a< cessnries at Hayden'Bros., is home from the east, where she purchased a most attractive as semblage of the new and styleful •’trifles'’ which ore at all times important to the discriminating an. Chokers in single or double strands mid in all colors, with sterling clasps holding vivid stones, range in price from to $5. The Bandolier, according to Miss Kerr, with its drap ing from pin on shoulder to the hip. will he the season’s hit. These in bakelite nnd crsstal combinations to match every frock, will he 12. Pi Then there ate those woven flat pear) necklaces with drop of a big black pear-shaped pearl. This at *5. • • • • Braes eyelets are sin^rt on sn ox ford of brown Scotch-grain calf leath er: soft round toe; small perforations: very low; flat heel, and medium sole • • • Excellent Desserts and Splendid!) Appetizing Salads Featured at l.unrheons amt Dinners of This Dining Room. PAL'1/8 Metropolitan Dining Room. Hotel Keen, Eighteenth and Harney, serve delicious! rich desserts, cobblers. rich! • -auced” pastries, generously fille-1 with fruits, cherry, raisin and apple l ie, or those meringue pies, lemon caramel, custard, pumpkin, and tit s’eamed puddings with hard sauce and by wav of variety, ice crent and cake. These are served with luncheons at 50 cents and with din ners in the evening, most reasonable tn price range. Freshly made are th mayonnaise dressings each meal—one reason why salads at Paul's are so it; periling. m m • I'KPOSIT WITH C. O TV ORPRRS ADDRESS TVl.l.Y THH SHOPPER. THE OMAHA REE OMAHA. ■ ti»a« uaiv ******* • I