^ —— - '■ > I | Mrs. Edwin Gould With Her Wedding Attendants j Altrma Club. Altrusa club will have an open nesting Thursday. February 2fi. "I Hotel Fontenelle when members maj oring guests. The drawing for the •ree trip which Omaha Altrusans will jive to some member outside the city o the national convention meeting Ter* In April, a musical program and surprise entertainment have been arranged. - - * Birth Announcement*. Mr and Mrs. R. K. Fronstron an nounce the birth of a daughter, Feb ruary 2« at Methodist hospital. A daughter was also born February 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vanderhrook. /EDHOLM SrtUIAL Six Baltimore Ro»e Solid Silver Tr«»poona *6.60 Albert Edholm UPSTAIRS JEWELER ^Clty N.t’l Bid*. 2<* Floor BKK WANT AMS 1WIXK KKSl I T' ‘ I *» —vj Pancake Tea on , Tuesday to Be a 1 Popular Event More than 300 reservations have heen made for the pancake tea, to' he held Shrove Tuesday at All Saints church. Mrs. tV. TT. Wheeler will entertain Mesriames M. fl. Colpetz.er, Joseph Barker, Harry W [reins, George Printz, Luther Kountze and Dick Stewart. Mrs. J. M. Conrad will entertain for Aliv Marion Callaway, guest of Airs, Carl Gray. Her guests will he Airs. Carl Gray. Mrs. Frank Boyd, Miss Marlon Gallawa.v, Aliss Florence Fowler and Miss DeWeenta Conrad. Mrs. Joseph Polcar will have Airs. ('. O. Talntage, Mrs. Simeon Jones and Mrs. Willis Todd. They will spend the afternoon at Airs. Folcar's at bridge. Airs. John Caldwell will have as her guest Mrs. Victor Caldwell, jr.: Airs. Jack Summers and Mrs, Mooar Da vis. Mrs. Walter Head’s guests will he Airs. H. S. Clarke, jr.: Mrs. B. A. Peg a u and Airs. J. J. AtcMullen. A1r.«. Sam Burns will entertain Mrs. Harley Morehead, Mrs. T. F. Ken nedy and Airs. Eva Wallace. At another table will he Atesdames M. A. Hall, K. V, Cole. Fred Plate, I W. T. Graham. Frank Clarke, Walker Preston, Rufus Lee, E. I*. Schaffer, Frank Rohinson, Byron Hastings, Harry Hundley, Irvin Atedlar and A. D. Peters. J. 1\ \Y. Club. •T. F. W. club will meet Thursday, February 2fi. at the home of Mrs. K. O. Ames, 400fi Davenport, for a 1* o’clock luncheon. Bninncr-Colbnrn. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Colborn of Stella announce the marriage of their daughter, Mias Rose Hayne Colborn, to Sylvan X. Bruner at Kansas City, Sunday, January 25, They will he at home after February 21 at Pittsburg, Kan., following a southern trip. Mrs. Storz, Hostess. Mrs. Robert Storz will entertain at luncheon at her home on Wednesday. Past Events V' Mrs. Ernest Nordin. jr., entertained at bridge and luncheon (Saturday. Covers were made for Mesdames Buckingham, Byron Hunter, Vincent Hascall, Jamea Martin, Frank Heaney, Lessing Sattler, Glenn Mil ler. John Metzger. f-' Caril Parties. V___s' A benefit card party will he given by the grand lodge, Ladl»* of Elks. Tuesday at 2:15 p. m.. In the Elks club rooms. High five and bridge. A silk quilt, given by the grand lodge, will be given away. Proceeds 3vill be applied to the convention fund. Ennis club will give a dance end card party at the Elks club Tuesday evening. This will he a carnival dance. An enlarged orchestra has been engaged. The dance is the last before Lent. The next of the series of Ennis club dances will he held Tuesday. April 14. Temple Israel Sisterhood will hold a tnah jongg and bridge party Tues day afternoon, February 24, at 2:30 at the Temple. 1-adies of St. Bernard parish will give a card party Monday afternoon, February 23, at 2:15 in the Benson City hail. This will he the last party until after Easter. The Alarried Ladies society of Si Joseph church will give a dance in St. Joseph auditorium, Sixteenth and Center streets, on Tuesday evening. A door prize will he given. Waterson's r-.ue Alelody orchestra will play. Holy Angels Parish club card will entertairi Wednesday evening, Febru ary 24, in their hall at Twenty-eighth end Fowler. Baggy Knees? We’ll take ’em Out! Baggy knees are found occasionally in even the best of pants. But they’ll quick ly go and the original smart lines will re turn if you’ll let us shape your clothes by our new Valeteria pressing method. The Valeteria Method requires six differ ent machines for pressing a suit—collar, shoulder, knees, etc., are “shaped” to fit the body on a machine designed for that purpose. Phone us for Valeteria Service—We’ll call for and deliver your garments. Valeteria » Service S At Regular Prices Men’s Suits / Cleaning and \ \ Pressing / Dresher Brothers 2211-2213-2215-2217 Farnam St. AT lantic 0345 MA rket 0050 Wa Pay Return Parcal P"«» Charge* Anywhere Under lha American I lag i | Fremont Society | \/ Fremont. Neb., Feb. 21.—An attend ance record was set for the Fremont Woman's club regular meetings this week when the assembly room at Hotel Pathfinder was crowded to ca pacity in honor of Miss Louise Pound of the University of Nebraska and Mrs. Leonnre Burchette Van Kirk, head of the music department of Ootner college. In addition to the members pres ent the high school English classes attended the meeting In a body. Miss Pound, sister of Dean Roecoe Pound of Harvard university, is herself the author of a number of text books. For 15 years she has collected west ern traditional songs. She assisted Mrs. Van Kirk in the presentation of ballads. A letter from Reas Streeter Aldrich, Nebraska's authoress, was read by the president. A committee composed ot Mrs. Dar. V. Stephens. Mrs. M. C. Garrett and Mrs. A. H. Water house, was named to send letters to congressmen and senators from this district urging their efforts In behalf of America's entrance into the world court. Mrs. David Fowler was appointed chairman of a committee to co operate with Mr#. VVisherd, high school teach er, in sponsoring the Y. W. C. A. at the high school. The next regular meeting of the club on March 2 will bring the annual election of officers. Members of the Lewis-Clarke D. A. R. chapter gave a benefit party at the home of Mrs. Fred C. L^trd, re gent, this afternoon. The proceeds of the party were given to the pa triotic educational fund. The recep tion commlttee*wa* composed of Mrs. Laird, Mrs. Burt May and Mrs. Mer rel Shephard. Mrs. M. C. Garrett pre sided as chairman of the refreshments committee. The Business and Professional Woman's club held one of Its m^st enjoyable meetings Monday evening at the chamber of Commerce rooms, At the wedding of Miss Onnolee Mann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' lin Mann, and Edwin Gould, son of the William Goulds, the bride wore suede crepe made with a rose point lace yoke. Her attendants, Misses Josephine Platner, Ruth Miller, Flora. Bhukert, and her maid of honor. Miss Lillian Head, wore georgette frocks cut. with circular skirls, and close filling bodices. The dresses were ornamented with pinwheels of ostrich. In matching hues. The bridesmaid's gowns were in peach shades, and Miss Head's was amethyst in tone. Each girl wore the gift of the bride, a crystal choker. The little flower girl, Marv McIntyre, wore a pale blue taffeta frock. Mr. and Mrs. Gould are in Kansas City on their honeymoon and they will make their home in Lincoln after March 15. The bride js a princess of Ak Sar Ben, and member of the Matinee Musi cal and Smith College clubs. with a large number of members pres ent. The affair was carried out In the form of a colonial party, opening with a grand march. Dr. Iva Pee Kelm was awarded first prize for the clev erest costume. Members of the Marsslng club en tertained their hushands at a fi o'clock dinner at Hotel Pathfinder Monday evening. Washington birthday dec orations and favors added color to the occasion. Mrs. Stewart Dlvingston and Mrs. P. P. Fitzimmons won the honors at bridge. Mesdames Cllen Harvey and Thomas H. Krown entertained members of the Woman's auxiliary of the St. •lames church at the Harvey resi dence Thursday afternoon. Miss Vera Wallace entertained the M. Cl. club Tuesday evening. Mrs. Oscar Hanson won first honors at bridge. Twenty Invitations were Issued for sssssssasi the 1 o'clock luncheon given by Miss Corrln# Freeman and Mies Kthel Hoagland today. Tha young ladles entertained at the home of Dr. and Mrs. I,. C. Blackman. Mias Florence Moore of Omaha is expected as a week end guegt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bald win. arriving next Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Btw>water of Lincoln will be next week end guesli of Mr. and Mrs. Krnest Bader. Mrs. Bader will entertain members of the Double Foursome club on Friday, at which occasion Mrs. Brewster will be present as a guest. Mrs. H. D. Muir will give a lunch eon next Saturday for the regular meeting of the Flower Mlselon club. Mrs. Charles Green, Jr., and Mrs. W. W. Graham were guests of the tV. A. C. clutf on Tuesday, when the members were entertained at the home of Mrs. Kmil Clooe. Bridge end s) a 5 o'clock dinner featured the occa sion. Charity club member* gathered at the home of Mr*. R. C. Byers on Wednesday for a 1 o clock luncheon. Guests of the party, were Mrs. J. H. Byers and Mr*. Frank Hollenbeck. The Bachelor Girls' club was en tertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon at the home of Miss Margaret Somers on Thursday. The Kin club surprised Mr*. Harry Struve Tuesday afternoon with a de lightful supper previously prepared, followed hv a kensington. in honor of Mrs. Struve's birthday. Seventy-five were present at the Elks’ club card party Tuesday after noon. Miss Naomi Turner won first honors, with Mrs. W. A. Adam* tak ing second. Mrs. Bale Mllllken and Mrs. Arnold Talbot were hostesses at a 1 o'clock luncheon today at the Mllllken resi dence. Athletes’ Dinner at “Y.M Athletic association of ths T. W. C. A. will have a get-together Wednesday, February 15. with sup per at 6:30. Mrs. Charlotte Town send Whitcomb will be the speaker. Any girl in the health education department may belong to the Ath letic association. Registrations for supper must he made by Tuesday eve ning, February 24. Factory Surplus SALE Of Fine New and Used PIANOS Lower Prices Better Terms All Styles and Finishes Several Bargains in Used Grand Pianos 1 Mason & Hamlin You can examine, hear and com Kranich & Bach Cable-Nelson pare the most, representative Sohmer Lester stocks of pianos all under one Haines Bros. g™®** roof. You ran find within a few Ifxr " step.of each other instruments Armstrong Vose that represent the best in pianos. Buy a New or Used *"*" Player Gulbranten—Cablc-N elnon—Hoipc Schumann-M eldorff—Henderton *198 *237- *295 *315 *335 *365 *395 *415 nd Finishes. I I Your Own Terms Free Roll*, Bench and Delivery __ Extremely Liberal Payment Terms May Be Arranged A. HOSPE C.O. 1513 Douglae Street _ _ ■ - ■ ■ —' • #.k PSYCHOLOGY OF COLOR So great is the joy in the contemplation of the Sunshine and Bi il liancy of the Lighter Shades of Spring as expressed in Women’s Apparel that we do not a;»k you to view our New Showing, but here ad vertise that we will PERMIT A VIEW ON MONDAY. r --i Shagmoot’ Ensembles “ A Coat That Opens to Reveal Trm Prists a Matching Dress 1 VUd tu vogue for spring—ensembles! They come in kasharine. locheen, faille, charmeen, serapheen and crepe Ariki. $59.50 $79.50 .$98.50 $250.00 | New Cloth Dresses Tailored Models for Street I Fashioned of locheen, charmeen and twills; colors of navy, crabapple and tan, with touches of contrast ing colors in stitchings or embroideries. A fox ani mal scarf is its natural style accompaniment. $39.50 $49.50 $59.50 Fox Scarfs Sweaters Fox scarf of choice pelts Peter Pans. Tee-ons, Kid in amber, wood brown. Hoots, Crickets -Tac , . . , . quettes and golf coats, platinum, b 1 e g e, blue, Fascinating new colors pointed and black. and color combinations. $39.50 to $65.00 $2.95 to S12.95 a--- -■ L- ' -- --- ' " Ideal for Travel and Sports. 100^ * 11 T\_, „ „ pure wool; smartly tailored, light OllK Dr6SS6S weight, yet warm, both wrinkle and shower proof. Women with for the Larger IVoman an appreciation for correct style _ . „ , ... . ■ and quality approve of Shagmoor Especially erea.ed in ®‘>Je an . Coats. They come in 15 different larger figure that desired slenderizing effect Poise and ease of manner accompany proper gowning I COl°”' Be Particular! a’"16,°48- $29.50 $39.50 $395U $49°° $49.50 $79.50 Wnmrn'n and Mki«' Section—Second F'oor. ! . - i| We Care Especially Well for the Growing Woman Junior Dresses Sizes 14 to 16. Youthful and smart. Printed crepes, flat crepes, crepe de chine and novelty silks in all the spring colors and combinations. $16.50 $22.50 $28.50 $39.50 Junior Ensembles Sizes 14 to 16. Either a separate coat or dress at your plea sure. Developed of kasharine, twills, lorcheens and rharmeen* in rust, tan, meadow green, navy and goldenrod. $36.50 $49.50 $74.50 $124.50 Junior Sport Coats Sizes 14 to 16. Models that speak modishly of spring; in all the desirable materials and new colorings. So smart and practical are these sport coats. $19.50 $35.00 $69.50 $82.50 Junior and • Frocks Smart Models! Just Arrived! (j Made of beautiful quality linens and • broadcloths. Many hand-made. Hand- ; drawn linens from Belgium and Porto • Rico, with bits of delightful contrast ing colors. Eng lish broadcloths in both stripes and one-color effects. They brighten the atmosphere of the home and make ideal frocks for tyo springtime. All col- —w-■“ ors. " $C95 $g95 $^295 Houif Pm* Section—Third Floor. Spring Millinery i We are receiving daily new shipments in sueh shades as Wood, (anna. Tarragon, ( astillian Red, Gobelin, Thistle Bloom and many others. Our Mr. Amsden is now on his way east to further hasten delayed ship ments and add new lines to our present showing. Now Meadowbrook Hats Will He Specially Featured Monday. rirtor. _ * In Our Beaut!/ Parlor 1 I I; i v 4k * •» * j* I •r Permanent Waves Last week of this special— Nestle La noil Permanent 1 Tares Kntire Head r oa Loup or Bobbed Hair OlO.l'U | PhuIi r»Hm Tfcml .-.. iii -- *