The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 22, 1925, PART THREE, Image 21

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    amuSements ] The Omaha Sunday_>ee i children’s page
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_ ' Photo ^
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-»” oAivs. aACyron tyochstetthv and Frances gvelyn. I
LOOKING quite an Individual, llltle France* Evelyn, baby (laughter of Mr. ami Mr*. Myron Hoehstettler. I
is seen here In her own private ear. She was named for her aunts, Mrs. Fred Daugherty, a former i|uceii of A
Ak-Ssr-llen. and Evelyn I’ieronnet of Chicago. The ha by and her parents reside at the home of her devoted
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hoehstettler. |
Mr*, George Pratt is receiving congratulations today with other members of the committee in charge of the f
successful George Washington dinner given last nighJ li.v the members of the Women's Faculty club at Conklin j
ball on the campus -if the I niversity of Nebraska college of medicine. A program of unusual excellence was f
provided. Mrs. Pratt is the wife of Dr. Pratt and the mntliei of a young son, Peyton. 1
* * • V
An attractive member of the,young set is Miss Frames Castetter. Slie is assisting at Mrs. Maynard Itoclia
nan’s tea this afternoon. /
* * * I
Craving Saturday after a week's visit with Mr. an d Mrs. 0. G. Wilson, is Mrs. Fred Crowley of lies Moines. If*
Mrs. Crowley is prominently identified with club work both in her city and outside. Stic served as chairman of Ni
puffery in the general federation under .Mrs. Thomas G. Winter's administration. When in Paris recently, she f
arranged for an exhibit of American pottery over there, a ml for her writings on art, she was granted a card of ad
mission to all art galleries in Italy. Mrs. Crowley- is art adviser to her 1<* al club and is on the art committee of
her state. She is serving on a commission appointed by the city council for "Keosauqua Way.” a roadway out of H
Des Moines, and is also on a commission for a suffrage memorial monument. The little theater movement f
in her city claims her interest, loo. A hook of her songs has been published, and articles by her have appeared \
hi the International Studio and other magazines. 1
/* ■ 1 ' —-———————— X
Washington Birthday Dinner at
Omaha Club a Popular Event *
No dancing is the decree for the
annual Washington'* birthday dinner,
lo be given on Monday evening at the
Omaha club. Card table*, however,
will be placed for those tvho car# to
Judge Arthur Wakelv and Hon. G
M. Hitchcock will be speaker* of the
At their table will be seated Gen
end Mrs. George Du neap. Gen
srtl and Mr.-. Halstead Dorey, Colonel
and Mrs. C. C. Kinney, Messrs, and
Mesdames Karl Gannett, George
Prlnz, Henry Wyman, Mrs. Arthur
Gthou and Messrs. John Dee Webster,
and Randall Brown.
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Potts have made
reservations for 1«: Dr. and Mrt.
Charles A. Hull will entertain a
party; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sullivan,
12; Edward Porter Peck, 10; <\ I,.
Deuel. 10; Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Weird,
10; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dixon, eight;
Air. and Airs. AV. F. Baxter, eight;
Mi\ and Mrs. G. M. Rlddfr, eight; Mr.
and Airs. Henry Doorly, six; Dr. and
Mrs. E. H. Bruenlng. six.
Reservations for smaller parties
have been made by Capt. B. H. Hazel
stein, Capt. J. J, Nealon, Col. H. A.
Eaton, Mr. snd Mr*. AA'. P. Gurley,
D. AI. Visonhaler snd B. A. AV^Ioox.
MaJ. and Mrs. E. A. I/ithrop will
entertain for Col. and Mr*. P. R.
Goklerrnan nnd their daughter, Miss
Phyllis Goldenniin, Col. and Airs. AA
G. Mnrchlson, Col. and Mrs. G. W.
TIllotsoH? MaJ. Matthew A. Palen,
Capt. and Mrs. John P. Horan and
I’inal Affairs for Misf
Barker and Mr. Buying.
Following the Elliott Down* wed
#lng reception last evening, Allss
Peggy Reed entertained the Bussing
Barker wedding ailendants at the
^•^'nntenelle supper dance.
Today Atr. and Mrs. Barker sre giv
Ing a noon dinner at their home, and
this evening Miss Nan Hunter will
be hostess at supper party. The
ceremony will be performed st high
noon Monday by Father ItolMipflc at
#i. Barnabas Episcopal church.
Mr. and Mr*. John W. Battih.
A "Dutch treat’’ parly will com
prise' Mr. anil Mrs. C. C. George, Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar M. Morsman, Mr
and Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm, Mr. and
Mrs. O. T. Eastman and Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Everett of Council Bluffs.
Charles Rhodes to
Wed March 10
Charles Rhodes and his fiances',
Miss Florence Leonard Masters of
Jacksonville, III., have set. their wed
ding date, which was scheduled for
April, as March 10.
Mr. Rhodes left Thursday for Kan
sns, following the GouldMann nup
tials In which he served a* usher,
and will go from there to Jackson
ville. where Ills parents the \V. K.
Rhodes of Lakeland. Fin., formerly
of this city,' and Ills sister and
bretlier In-law. the It. Ware Malls,
will Join him for the ceremony.
Miss Masters and Mr. Rhodes will
lie wed In the Colonial Inn. Mrs. Hall
will serve as matron of honor. The
bride's sister, Miss Eleanor Masters,
who was a visitor here last sum
mer, will be maid of honor and Mr.
Hall best man.
idttle Richard Smith Hall will e<
company Ms parents to his uncle's
Mr. Rhodes and bis bride will be
at home March 15 In their apartment
in the Austin. They will honeymoon
In Chicago.
McDnnalds Have Son.
Mr. afid Mts. Stewart McDonald of
Brooklyn announco tlie birth of a
non Friday In Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr.
and Mr*. McDonald am former Omn
ban*. Mr*. McDonald before hoy mar
ring* wa* Ml** Beatrice Johtinon. Her
mother, Mr*. D. A. Johnwon, will g«>
ea*t In throe week* to **o her grand
tjiimlicon Boot < lul».
Mr*. Howard Me Monies will I.*- boat
e«* her horn* Monditx t«• *, ouch
eon book Qiulfc
College Club Will
Have Successful
Bridge Benefit
Ninety tabled have been reserved
for the bridge lieneflt to be given
by the drama nectlon of the
Omaha Unllege club at the Krandels
restaurant on Saturday, February IS.
Mre. E. S. Traverg, chairman, haa
selected the following to serve aa
M*idamaa •
•laniM H*dn*.r. Herbert Woodland,
William Uouk* A. K Harrington.
Harvay N*wbianch( .linifs
Sarjk Jonlyn. Harold H«rg«iu!»l
Harry Hlvatt, t»#«.rg* Mtrkal.
Mia**a* - Mi**-*** —
Ix>ul»» Ht*gn#f, Rrrtha Nani#.
J#an Ha*. Rrrnb* Dunn. J
Press Club Gives
Feature Act at
At th# Orphanm theater th# \v##U
of March 22 th# Omaha Woman’#
Pr### cluh will i*r#H#nt Mr*. M#nrv
Doorly In h#r play, *‘Tha Mfl#," on#
of th# priz# winning manuscript* In
th# r#c#nt pit## club conf#*t. <l#oig#
Mdntyr#, Chari## Doch#rty and #
fourth actor to ho «ul#< t#<1, will 'com
po#« tli# mat with Ann. Doorly. Ml#*
Lillian Fitch will cmne from Chicago
to direct th# play. It will b# on# num
ber on tha regular Orpheum bill of
that week.
Host* at University Club
Dinner-Dance Saturday
Dining together at the University
cluh dlnriei-dnma Saturday evening
will he:
Messrs, »n<l Mt.itsm*.- —
Ttof f’a«e A i: Munr.r
t\ g Biott. K. ft M Ktnnon
F, A. t'ri.1eUn<r E, r. Hartley.
A1 another laid*' will he:
Me.urn. sea Me.ilante.. -
K. W done., (t. II S!}.,ta
It. II Neely. J. Jay Keenan
It. .A Van < H'.aol.
Hosts at iutrileS that evening will
be: \\ . I.. tier punt, 12; Walter W.
Dennis, 4. w. H. Hmnlls, 4; S. E.
Davies, fi; [|. It. Unlnsv, H. Mel Uhl.
Jr., ti; E. \. Drake, S: Dr. Eloytl
»"l*rke, S| J B Itu.t* II L\ JJ.
.Marsh, t.
qMiss ^Trances Qasietter~> »«°v5
Mitzi Honored
Mr, end Mr*. Joy Hutpheti will en
tertain Tueadny evening nt the
ftrandei* *upper dance in compliment
to Mitzi* Hajot, who hrlng* her mu
•leal comedy to the Itrnndel*
theater Tue*day and NVedneaday.
Mein hem of the treat will he iin'*iu
th^<T)e*t*. n* will Captain and Mr*
(Cornellu» Hrown.
For (Jciimil hihI.Mo. Horry.!
General and Mr*. George %)untnn I
will entert »lu at tllnner at the It lack
atone on Thuratlay In honor «*f Gen.
and Mr* Mnhtrad Itoiev, who leave
next w«r . For Manilla, T*. I where
General Durey will be autluiieU.
rnuirr* Shimcr (JirU C»ucf>l»
Miss Anne Pearsall will entertain
Miss Martlia Hannett of Jackson,
Midi , her daesmate at Frances
Shinier school. Mount Cnrroll, 111.,
next month at her home.
MImh Jean Trimble, another France*
Shlmer uhl. will brio* two fellow
students ns a nests at the same time.
For flit* llohrrt Loom Ur*.
Mr fRti« 1 Mrs. (ieortto l-hucler \vill J
entertain KrMav evening for the Hob*)
i lt I .notIIl *'* w ho noivi soon to Iow a
to make their home.
Saturday evening the Hidmrd
p. ii'i i will |ths a supper party si ihe
Foptenell# and Sunday the bit Huffs.
Ji . will eu leu Ala At euppu. 1
1— — — J
oACrs OrecC Qroubley
Mpha O Mumuar
Minima* of Mpha Omrloon t'l will
b« ent*i*tali!«it at a l o'clock lunch
pon, February "S. at the bom* of
Mlj-a Maryupi imnaby, ;JT1 N»«
IKicf «tr*ot. Mi* \ bloc >< Smith amt
Ml** I.ucIIIp .Uptick. a*.*l*lln|f
boat p#*p*.
I o \ i*il Mr*. Millrr.
Mr* M\ron M- Mill.nn vt S lVr,t,
^ tm wilt m ii\v \■, Maid)
4 iu vUil All's. A14jl A. AlUlti\
O. F. S. Initiation.
Mapl* l.*af O E. P will hold an In
(nation at. th* Masonic tempi* Satur
day, February J*. at S i>. m.
Refreshment* will b« **rx*d follow
ing th* crenmjn.
Dinner-Bridge Fridax.
Mr. and Mi Ho yd < la- * w ill «r.
t* tat- s* a *■ hrb a*
iKuta i t ida^ m*dU |
Miss Elizabeth Elliott Weds
Phillip Downs
Parisian Blending of Pink and Blue Characterizes
the Gowns Worn by Attendants.
PINK and blue, that moat Parisian blending, characterized the gowns of
the Downs Elliott wedding attendants at the ceremony Saturday night
In Trinity cathedral.
The bride, Miss Elizabeth Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Elliott,
wore white crepe satin.. The V of the low neckline In the bridal robes was
repeated at the waistline In a V pattern developed In crystals and Joining the
skirt and bodice. Hoses ol crepe satin made a band at the hem of the frock.
These were used to finish the long court train of satin, which was embroid
ered In crystal rose. She wore the gift of the groom, a diamond sapphire
The cap veil or tulle was neiuc
across the brow with a band of prin
cess lace. Sprays of oranif# blos
soms drooped over her ears.
The bridal bouquet was of lilies of
the valley and orchids.
The attendants’ gowns were made
In one model In crepe satin. Mrs.
Roland Gaupel of St. Louis, matron
of honor; Mrs. Loring Elliott and Miss
Josephine Sehurman were dressed ill
blue, carrying pink hyacinths and
sweet peas and.Ophelia roses. Misses
Cornelia Baum.-maid of honor, flesh
color: Frances Patton, Virginia Bar
ker and Emma Hoagland wore pink
and carried blue hyacinths, sweet
peas, and Ophelia roses. They en
tered singly.
The skirts of their gowns were em
broidered in crystals of matching
lines. The bodices featured Interest
ing necklines, combinations of the
high throat line of Jenny with a
double V in the back connected with
a panel of the material.
Each attendant wore the bride's
gifts to her, platinum shoulder pins,
with bowknots of pearls.
Their hats were drooping brimmed
Neapolitan straws, wreathed in French
flowers and trailing velvet streamers.
The church where Dean Stephen
McGlriley performed the ceremony
was decorated with palms and Easter
lilies. Afterwards at the informal re
ception in the Elliott home Ophelia
roses were used throughout the
The bride’s mother wore amethyst
Robert Downs, brother of the
groom, served him as best man and
ushers were Alessrs. Robert Ed
wards. Foye Porter Guy Beckett of
lies Moines, Loring Elliott, Donald
Klpllnger. Ralph Campbell and Dr.
Herbert Davis.
Philip Downs presented his grooms
men with gold monogrammed pens
and pencils.
Following the reception the bride
and groom left for New Orleans, the
bride wearing an ensemble in earne
lian shades with a coat of kasha and
frock of bengaline. Her straw and
silk hat matched.
They will spend a'tnonth cruising
the West Indies, and on their return
will occupy the Elliott home tempor
arily. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will
spend the summer hi California.
.New Doane Officer^.
The Omaha Doane College club
elected Harold Mullen Smith presi
dent. and Miss Louise V.'. Barstow
secretary treasurer of the Doane col
leg club at a meeting of the students
and alumnae held at the University
i lub Friday evening.
Junior League
in Style Show
for Rotary
Wives of visiting Roiai-ians, wha
will meet here in convention early in
April, from Nebraska, Iowa ami
South Dakota, will lie given a style
show they undoubtedly will long re
member, for Omaha Junior Daguer*
will be the models.
Mr*. C. Louis Meyer, who is wei’
known herself as one of tiniaha‘»
most smartly gowned women, is se
lecting the models from among ihi
members, and will choose the go’.vnu
in which they will appear.
The show will be given Friday
April 3. The scene of the event ha:
not be'rn selected.
Community Players
Announce First
The Community Playhouse. Inc.,
Omaha’s co-operative organization for
tile production of plays and develop
ment of local artists, will open at
Technical High School auditorium
Wednesday, March 4. in a variety en
Much of the interest centers around
the one-act play. ‘ Trifles.” a drama
by Susan Glaspeli.
Mrs. Walter HUenbaugh. chairman
of the production committee, will cast
’’Trifles" Sunday afternoon, when a
group of players will meet Gregory
Foley, play director, formerly of the
North Shore Theater guild, who comes
to Omaha to direct the spring activi
The W. R. Huntington offer i- r
sleight-of-liand performance: Franc's
Potter, two banjo numbers. Miss
Adelaide Fogg wifi present a dance.
"The Clock,” accompanied by the
West Sisters’ quartette: an "AU
Scotch Trio” will appear including
Robert Maicoln. William H. Wallace
and Everette S. Dodds. Student* of
Mi** -Mary Cooper will present an
American Indian dance.
Tickets may be secured at Mat
thew’s Book store.
Air?. Magee Return?.
Mr*. Ella Cotton Mage* will return
the first of the week from New Tork
City where she ha* been during Ih ■
past month.
Comings, Goings
of People You
Mrs. George C. Smith ar.d Mis?
Winifred Smith returned Thursday
from California.
Miss Isabel Pearaull is in tanoata
where she attended the TaU
Delta fortnal Saturday evening.
John Hoel is spending the week-end
n Lincoln, where he alter "ed the
Delta Gamma formal Saturday eve
Robert G. Collins returned to hi«
home today from OtarVson hospital
where he has been 111 for the last two
Mrs. Byron Tlunter nil leave in
March for St. Louis. She will spend_
some time at Principal school, of
which ahe is an alumnae.
Miss Ellen Kr*bb« who l as spent
the last month In Washington ar.d
New York is now ill Civ -go and r ill
strive^horae in two weeks.
Mr, and Mra, J. F. Smith of New
York arrive early in March and rill
scompnny the AVUi Goads to San
Francisco for a short trip.
Mlsa Annstte Smith of F-altimore "
who will be remembered as a visitor
a year ego with Air*. Carl Gray,
w ill arrive March 5 to be her guest. * ,
General and Mrs. Halstead Pore
and their daughters. Mints Georgi
ana and Ednah. who are to reside it:
the Philippine* will leave Omaha Feb
Mies Mildred Tail, daughter of th,
president of Peru State Normal
school. Miss Jerry Mlckel and Mis
Jess!* Glass drove in from rer.i Sst
urday to attend the pci-formance of
"Rain” at the Braudel*
Mrs Charles Iwheck returned fe rn
Chicago Thursday after a visit with
tier daughter, Mrs. AA iliiant Hat
Alger, jr., who vetume>i with her to
spend two weeks. They w-111 be with
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Toung.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. \!-e Hen
berg of the Colbert apartments are
Their daughter. Mra Goldman of Pt.
lamia. formerly Angela Hergfcerg.
Mra. i. Schanfnrber. mother of Mrs,
Here)x«rg. and Mrs. Max Rosenblmu
and daughter. Flaine of Lincoln.
Mrs. IT B. Fits* era Id and sen and
daughter will leav* Tuesday for
Pittsburgh. Pa., to join Mr. Fit*
gerald. and where tliey will make
their future home They have been
resident* of Omaha f<*r the last five
rears, coming here front the o>(
Several pxrdrs have been given do
if. the last week honoring Mr*. F