The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 19, 1925, Page 12, Image 12

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    Despite Array of
Bear News, Wheat
Proves Poor Sale
Selling Side Pressed Early,
but Pit Surplus Absorbed
and Close Witnesses
Spirited Rally.
Universal JJervlc© Staff Correspondent.
Chicago, Feb. 18.—Wheat proved lt»clf
a poor sale today despite an array of bear
news. In sympathy with the laggard
foreign markets and further talk of re
selling by the continent the local element
pressed the selling side during the early
trade, and with temporary success. Influ
ential buying through commission houses,
however, gradually absorbed the pit sur
plus. and the last hour witnessed a
spirited rally.
Wh*Ht closed 4*' higher to 4c lower,
corn was 14c to 2Vic higher, oats were
4c to advanced and rye ruled un
changed to 4 c up.
For several days wheat has rebounded
from all setbacks as a result of promi
nent support. Pit brokers were of the
opinion that rash interests did much of
the buying today, although a house that
has he*n committed to the bull side for
months also was a conspicuous buyer.
The sesboard ronftrmed fslr export
business Southwest points also noted ex
port Inquiries. Liverpool futures closed
4 to 14 pence higher for wheat. Buenos
Aires was moderately lower.
Corn developed a buoyant undertone
after an early dip. Excellent ©bsorption
by commission house® end leading local
bulls forced heavy covering by shorts.
The movement of corn Is materially
smaller than a year ago. with Indication*
of It continuing to ebb. The cash de
mand gives signs of Improving, and the
discounts for the poor grades have nar
rowed recently realtlve to the futures.
Oats met strong buying at times and
moved forward with other grains The
run of oats has dropped abruptly, and
the demand for the cash article has
Rve trailed wheat up. but failed to
show much snap. Speculative Interest ltv
this grain has simmered, and the export
trade is only fair.
Provisions eased early and then firmed
Lard was unchanged to 2 4c higher and
riba were 10c to 25c higher.
Pit Notes.
The decided reduction in the movement
of wheat from first hands to primary
points in this country is engendering a
more friendly feeling toward the bull side
generally. Northwest reports advised that
farmers have stopped selling in many
lections. Southwest arrivals were light,
while locnllv only six enrs of wheat were
Inspected. Stormy conditions have had
something to do with the lighter run. but
notwithstanding producers appear sold
The demand for rash wheat in most
markets was more active, with premiums
stronger. Locally off grades of wheat
were up 14c compared with the futures.
Milling demand in the northwest was im
proved. Stocks of flour in millers' hands
a re said to be light, and it is likelv that
much of the movement from now on will
bn taken by domestic mills. Almost
every primary point shipped out more
w heat than was received today.
Public interest in wheat has been re
duced materially the last few days, and
nm a consequence the erratic swings are
apparently mistaken by many In the
trade as Indicting a nervous market.
< in the contrary, wheat has given excel
lent resistance to pressure on all short
reactions, and thia In the face of indif
ferent action on part of Liverpool.
Russia continues to buy flour in var
ious parts of the world. Private cables
from Germany today had It thAt mills
were selling flour to Russia. I.ate in the
day a seaboard authority said that Russia
was dickering with Canadian mills for
further amounts of flour. The need of
foodstuffs In Europe seem# to be unmis
takably great despite the fact that the
ocean is pretty well supplied with grain
en route.
By TTpdlk* Grain Co. Atlantic MU.
Alt. I Open. I High, I Low. I Clowa. I Yea.
MMy' I l.M I 1.88 Ii.MkIi.M ! 1.84%
I 1.83%l.!.I 1 8 5 %! 1 84%
July I 1.84% I 1.56%! 1.63%1 1.65%! 1.55%
I 1.54%'.I.I 1.65 % I 1.66
Sop. I 1.42 I 1.44%i 1.41 %! 1.43%! 1.41%
I.I.I.I 1.43%' 1.43%
Rya ! I I I I
.May I 1.58%! 1.60%l 1.67 1.59%! 1.59%
I 1.58%!.I. .I.
July I 1.14 I 1.35%' 13.1% 1.85%! 1.34%
Rep. 1 1.17 %! 1.17%! 1.18% 1.17%! 1.17%
Torn I I I I I
May i 1.27%’ 1.*#%I 1.27%! 1.30%f 1-28
).!.I.I 1.30% 1.28%
July 1 1.28%l 1.81% 1.28%! 130% 1.29
I 1.28%!.I.| 1.31 % i 1.29%
Sep. 1.28%! 1.30%! 1.27%! 1.30%! 1.28%
1.28%’.I.I.• 1.28%
Oata I _
May .53% .84% .53%' .84%' 84%
.53%'. .I - 5 4 % I ......
July .45 I -.56% .54%' .56%! .56%
66%..I .55 % I .55%
Sept. .54 I 54% .53%' 54% .63%
-Mav 15.30 IS. 60 118.27 115.42 115,4!
July 15.00 Its.82 115.6# 118.78 116.72
Riba III
Mov 18.78 115.90 118 76 115 90 115.80
July 16.16 116 26 [16.15 116.25 118.00
Clllraao Blitter and Ecca.
Chlraio, Feb. 18.—Quotation, furnlehert
Itv Georye E. Flark, 1003 Woodmen of
tha World building:
I Cara. I Open. I High. I Lon I Cloae.
Feb. | 230 .80% .31%! .31% .803%
•Ma. I 14 .27 .27 I .28% .27
•Ma. '..30
April ' 3 .30 .30 ! .30 .30
Deo. I 9 .33 .38 I .12%! 3214
I Cara. I Open. I High. I Low. I Cloaa.
Frh. | 35 I .391,1 ,39%| .39%! .39
Mar. 23 .39 .39%! .39 I .39%
June 2 .27% .37%' .37% .37%
Deo. I.|.|.| .39%
•a. c.
Chlrugo Cotton.
Quotations furnished by .T. P. Bachs ft
Co.. 224 Omaha National Bank, building.
Phone* Jack*on 6147. 6144, 6149.
Art. | Open. I High. 1 Low. | Close. I Yee.
Mar. 124.40 124.#0 124.76 124.76 124 74
May 125.0ft 12619 |26.03 (26.03 (25.01
duly 125.34 (25.45 (25.32 (25.32 125.24
Oft. 125 04 125.1 5 (24 96 [24 96 124 99
New York Sugar.
Quotations furnished by J. J*. Bach* A
Co.. 224 Omaha National Hank building.
Phones Jackson 5147. 6144, 51 49
I Open. | High. I Low. | Close. lYeat'y.
Mar I 2.45 j"2.H5 1*2 41 | 2.41 I 2 93
.May ( 2.97 I 2 97 I 2.93 | 2.93 | 2.96
July ( 3.19 | 3.13 | 3.10 f 3.11 | 3 13
Sep. | 3.26 I 3.26 | 3.22 J 3.24 I 3.27
j >e<-. 1 3.29 | 3.29 | 3 27 ( 3 27 | 3 29
New York Dry Good*.
New York. Feb. 18.—Cotton good* mar
kets held steady today in print cloths
and printed good* divisions. Colored rot
ton* Here in better demand Wash fabrics
of a novelty character sold In small quan
tities. buyer* repeating orders frequently.
Heavy cotton goods were slightly ir
regular. Wool goods for fall moved slow
ly In *tapl« lines, but specialties im
proved. Silks were active, with certain
style* in tub silk*, crepe* and printed ef
feet* much in demand. Burlaps were
quiet and steady.
Now York Sugar.
New York, Feb. 14.—Raw soger was
easier today under Increased offerings, de
* lining 1-32c to the basis of 4.42c duty
paid. Sale* were 20.000 bags of Cuban for
shipment to a local refiner. Raw sugar
futures closed 2 to 3 points net lower un
der continued selling for Cuban account
end liquidation, promoted by increased of
firings in the spot market Nfsrch closed
2 91 r; May, 2.43c; July. 3.11c; Heptember,
I 3 (e.
Refined sugar ws* unchanged, all re
f'ner* accepting business nt 6.90c for fine
granulated, with a fair inquiry repotted.
Refined futures were nominal.
Huston Wool.
Boston. Mas*., Feb. 14.—The wool mar
ket remain* on shout the seme basis *s
for the last few day*. Trading la of lim
ited amount, except that pulled wool*
Iihvh shown fairly good business
Homo good As are offered at |1 50.
*t aired Dnsls, and slightly stained stock
of It grade at fi 20. Home fairly good
Hurry's H are available at 11.1201.15.
Oil* Mild KohIii.
Havannah. (la , Feb. 14—Turpentine:
Firm. M4< ; aales, 7 bids.; receipt*. 219
bbls.; shipments, 120 bbls; stock, 9,96*
f(t sin—Firm; sales. 1,046 casks; re
ceipt*. 460 tasks; shipments, 296 casks;
st- ck. 64,206 casks
Quote n. $6 90; D K F. I4.I2K: O. TT
f <’• 90tfr 6.92 Va I I. $6.92 H 07.00; K. $7 100
T M $7 70; N. $7.960 9 00; W. G, $4.20
0 4.30, W. W. $9 30; X. $9 3009 40.
Chlraio Potatoes.
Chicago. Feb. J8 Potatoes— Early
».. trading llmltfd account light of
ferings. market firm; receipts, 27 cars;
f. -#l United State* shipments. 763 /,*ra.
Wisconsin sacked round whites, fl 06 0
1 10; ffw fancy. $1 1601.26, Idaho sacked
russets, $2.7002.76.
Mtlrngo Produce.
Chicago, Feb 14 — nutter — Lower;
fo-n mery extrse. 40 44 0 4 lr ; standard*.
4nb.r; extra firsts. 394040c; flrata, 36«/j
#< 17 V*c . seconds. 92 0 34 tyc.
Eggs- Lower. receipts, 16.9 4 2 cases:
{irets *j3>A0S$ci ordinary firsts, 110
f- >
Omaha Grain
- —'
Feb. 1*.
Caeh wheat eold on the teblee today at
• round unchanged price*. Th*re was a
good demand and table* war# well cleared
nf offering*. Twenty-three cara were re
ported In.
Corn wa* In good demand at price*
ranging 2c to 3c higher. Receipt* were 17
Oate told Hr higher. Receipt* 14 car*.
Rye and barley were quoted nominally
about unchanged.
Omaha Cerlot Sale*.
No. 1 hard: 1 car. $1.73%; 1 car. $1.73:
1 car. $1.75.
No. 2 hard: 1 car. $1.75; 4 care. $1.<2.
No. 8 hard: 1 car. $1.72%; 2 car*,
$1 71 %
No. 4 hard: 1 car. $1.72: 1 car. $1.71.
Sample hard: 1 car. $1.71%.
No. 3 mixed: 1 car. $1.72.
No. t white: 1 car. $1.14.
No. S white: 5 cara, $1.12%: 1 car.
No. 4 white: 1 car, $1,09.
No. 3 yellow: 2 cara. $1.14.
No. 4 yellow: 1 car. $1.08; 1 car, $1.07.
No. 5 yellow: 1 car. $1.06.
No. 6 yellow: 1 car. 99c.
No. 3 mixed: 1 car. $1.12.
No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $1.07: 1 car. $1 08.
No. 5 mixed: 1 car. $1.03.
No. 3 white: 2 cara 6lc; 6 1-3 cars,
50 %c.
No. 4 white: 3 cars. 49 %C.
No. 1 rye: 1 car. $1.42.
1 car not wheat: 12 per cent rye.
No. 3 barley; 2-3 car. 96r.
Daily Inspection of Grain Received.
Hard: 4 ci-re No. 1. 5 car. No. 7, 1
car No. 3. 1 car No 4. 1 car exmple.
Spring; 1 car No. 2.
Total. 13 cara.
Tallow: I can No. 8. 3 cara No. 4.
Whita: 1 car No. 8. „ , .
Mixed: 3 cara No. I. 1 ear No. 4, 1
car No. B.
Total, IS cara
White: 1 ear No. 2. 2 cara No. I.
Total. 8 caT*.
1 car No. 2.
Total, 1 car.
1 car No. I.
Total. 1 car.
Grand total, II cara.
Rerelpta: Today. W'k Aao Y'r Ago
Wheat . 33 15 54
Corn . 17 15 1BJ
Oata . 14 15 2"
Rye . 2 2 3
Barley . •• 1
Wheat . 87 Jl 35
Corn . 42 36
Oata . 40 36 19
Receipt** Today. W’k Ago. Y’r Ago.
Wheat 669.000 917.000 682.000
f'nrn . 676.000 928.000 200.400
Oata . 373,000 695.000 691,000
Shipments: _„ _ _
Wheat. 820.000 776.000 539,000
Corn . 592.000 667.000 1.081.000
Oats . 642.000 607.000 678.000
Week Year
Carlota— Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat . 17 20 28
Corn .179 178 388
Oata .. 17 7 2 65
Week Year
Carlote— Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat #64 8 5
Corn . 47 109 90
Oata . 4 74 14
Week Year
Carlote— Today. Ago. Ago
Wheat . 68 68
Corn . 26 36 106
Oats . 23 42 54
Week Year
Carlote— Today. Ago. Ago
Minneapolis . 127 205 189
Duluth . 47 86
Winnipeg .232 332 401
Minneapolis Caeh Grain.,
Minneapolis. Feb. 18.—Wheat—Caah:
No. 1 northern, $1.74%0177%; No. 1
dark northern spring, choice to fancy.
$1.77% ©2.07% ; good to choice. $180% 0
191%; ordinary to good $1.76% © 1.79% ;
No. I hard spring. $2.07% ©2 17%; No. 1
dark hard Montana on track. $1.74%©
196%; to arrive $1.74 %© 1.96 % ; May,
$1.77%: July. $1.76%.
Corn—No. 3 yellow, $116%01.ll%.
Oat*—No. 3 white, 4$%04$%c.
Barley—81 ©94c.
Rye—No. 2. $1 47 ©1.49.
Fiax—No. 1. $3.01 © 3.06.
Chicago Caah Grain.
Chicago. Feb. 18.—Wheat—No. 4 hard.
^Corn—No. 4 mixed, $2 12: No. 3 yel
low, $1.16%©120%.
Oata—No. 2 white, 66c; No. 3 white.
60© 52c.
Rve—No sale*
S*#d—Timothy. $5.00© 6.40: clover.
Provision*—Lard, $14.96; riba. $16.70;
bellies, $18.00.
Kaneae City Caeh Grain.
Kansas City. Feb 18—Wheat—No 2
hard. $1.72©1 91; No. 2 red. $1.$801.94:
May. $1 74 split bld©1.74; July, $1 45%
spilt bid: September. $1.36 split bid.
Corn—No 3 white, $1.1101.14; No. 2
yellow. $1.1501.17%: No 3 vellow. $1.13
©115; No. 2 mixed. $1.12© 1 14. May.
$1.20% asked ; July. $1 22% asked; Sep
temb*r. $1.23% split asked.
8t. I xml* Grain.
St. Louie. Mo . Feb 18 - Wheat—Cloae:
May. $1.83%; July. $1.5301.68.
Corn-May. 1.28 bid. July, $1,30%.
Oata—Not quoted.
New York General.
New York. Feb. 18—W'he* t—Spot,
steady: No. 1 dark northern apring c. I. f
New- York. lake and rail, $2 16; No. 2
hard winter f. o. b.. lake and rail, $1 99:
No. 2 mixed durum do.. $2.10; No. 1
Manitoba do., bond. $2 15%
Corn—Spot, form: No. 2 yellow c. 1. r
track. New York, all rail, $1.43%; No. 2
mixed do.. $1.42%.
Oats—Spot, steady; No. 2 white. 64c.
Feed—Unsettled western bran, 100
pound sacks. $32.25.
Hay—Easy; No. 1. $26 00.
Pork—Unsettled: family, $36.00037.oa,
Tallow—Barely steady; special looae.
8%c; extra, $%c.
Chicago Butter.
Chicago. Feb. 18. -Trading In the butter
market todav was quiet, with buyers
showing little interest. There appeared
to bo a big strain on top score. Dealers
were freo sellers on all scores In spit**
of the fart that their stock was rather
limited. The centralixed car market was
steady under a fair demand
Fresh butter 92 score. 41c; 91 score.
40c; 90 score, 38 %c; 89 score, 37 %c; 88
score. 36 %c; 87 score, 34 %c; 84 acore.
Centralised carolts' 90 score, 40%c; 89
score, 39c; 88 score. 36c.
New York Coffee Futures.
New York. Feb. 18.—Coffee futures
opened today at a decline of 2 to 13 points
and sold 10 to 18 points net lower under
liquidation promoted by reports of an **«"
ler cost and freight situation and easier
Rio exchange rates After selling off to
$18 60 May rallied to $18 76 on covering,
closing at $18.74. the general market clos
ing net unchanged to H points lower Sale*
were estimated at 81 000 bags Closing
quotations: Msrrh. 20.14c; May, 18.74c;
July, 17 70c; September, 16.67c; Decem
ber. 16.12c.
Spot Coffee—Dull; Rio 7*. 22c; Santo*
4f. 26 % © 27 % c. _
East Kt. Louis Livestock.
East S’ Louis, III., Feb. 18. -Hog*—Re
ceipts. 17.^60 head, general butcher hog
market. 16©2Sc lower, one load. $11.35;
practical top. $11.30. hulk 180 pound* and
up. $11.06011.26; light bogs showed least
decline, good 160 to 180-pound sverages.
$10 76© 11.00, light light* snd pig*
opened steady; closed weak to 26c lower;
bulk 130 to 180 pound*. $9 60010.26; 120
| pound* and down. $4.5009.25; bulk pack
er sow*. $10.160 10.26.
| Cattle—Receipt*. 2.800 bead, few steers
steady quality plain; nna load. $9 60;
bulk 37 2608 75; hHfers. beef cows snd
light yearling* strong to 26c higher, one
load heifers, $9 15‘ *e*er*| load*. $7 650
8.75; cow■ largely $4.6006.76; esnnars and
bologna bull*, steady to strong; «snner
range, $2.2502.76; bulk bolognn $4 500
r. 00 earlv sale* good and choice light
vealers. $13 60014.00; out of line pr*c
tlcal top, *1?. 00; hulk $1 2 50.
Sheep and LnmhN Receipts. $1,600; fat
lamb* opened steady; closed 26c lower
bulk fed lamb* $16.76017 00: top. $17 00
-•'god sheep about steady, good light
eweg, $9oii- lienvies, $8 0008.50; (inner
and cull*, $.1.00 0 6 00.
PlABI I •» ID mini k
Sioux City. la , Fell 18 Caflle Re
• elptg, 2.200 head % market fairly ac
tive; killers strong, stockarg steady; fat
"t**er*. and yearling*, $6 60012.00. bulk.
$7.6009 00; fat cows and heifer*. $4 000
9 00; runners and cullers. $2 600$.60;
veal* $4 0005 00; bulls, $6 00010 60; feed
era, $6.0008 00; atucker*. $.• 00©7 60; sto- U
veHrllngs and -alve* $4 60 ^7 60; feeding
cow* snd heifer* $?, 00 0 6.00.
Hogs-—Receipt* 26.000 head; market 6
to lf»< lower; top $10 90. bulk $« 8B*r
$1 hers. $10.10
©10.10; mixed $10 00010 76; heavy pack
' ' • !'• ■ 1
live pig* $7 000 8 00
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.000 bead,
market steady; lambs, $1 7 05. ewe*, $8 86.
New York (ntlnn.
New York. Feb 18 Reallrlng was
• olive at the higher levels <t t today*
'Otton market and May Ja*er eased off to
24 8 1 r closing at that figure. %v|th the
general market closing hnrelv steady, pel
l point lower to 1 point higher.
Knnsn* City Produce.
K * ns* * City. Feb II Kggs 3c lower,
fir*;*. 29c, selected at*.
Hen*— ie lower, 20c. olh*r produce un
-“ \
Omaha Livestock
Llmtork receipts at the leading mar
kets Wednesday were:
Omaha . 2.8/MI 18.133 8.933
Chicago .in.non 32.000 15.000
Kansas City . 9.000 15.000 3.000
Sioux City . 2.200 20.000 1.000
St. Louis . 4.000 17.000 1.500
St. Josepk .3.000 13.500 3.000
Omaha. Feb 14. 1924.
Receipts were: Cattle Hna*. Sheep.
Official Monday. 2.956 16.135 .4.955
Official Tuesday. 4.660 25.459 7.634
Estimate Wednesday 6.non 22.000 7.000
Three days this w'k.13,636 63,994 23.549
Same days last w'k.24.920 65.367 24.430
Same two w'ks ago..21.722 51,299 41,224
Same three w’ks ago. 22.246 57.636 27,263
Same days yearago. 25,647 61,463 32,764
Receipts end disposition of livestock *t
the Union stockyards, Omaha, Neb ., for
24 hours ending at 3 p. m.. February 18.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
C. M. A St. P. Ry. 1 8
Wabash R. R. 1 1
Mo. Pac. Ry. 3 1 ...
IT. P. R. R. 50 6 4
<\ X N. W.t east .... 4 4 1
C*. A N. W„ west .... 45 84 H
C. St. P. M A 0. 29 22 2
C. B A- Q . east . 2n 7
C. R. A Q. west . 4 9 7 12
(\ R. T. A P, east ... 12 9
»\ R. T. A P.. west . 4
T C R. R. 6 8
C. G. W. R. R. 1 1
Total Receipts .... 221 250 28
Cattle. Hog*. Sheep.
Armour A Co.956 661 k 308
Cudahv Pack. Co. ..1049 5337 2256
Hold Packing Ce. ... 231 1398
Morris Pack. Co. 680 2820 731
Swift A Co. .12«8 4243 879
Mayerowlch A Vs!!.. 3 3 ... ....
Midwest Pack. Co. .. 24 3 ....
Kenneth-Murray . 799 ....
Omaha Pack Co- ... 2 .... ....
John Roth A Song .. ft .... ....
S. Omaha Pack. Co.. 18 .... ....
Murphy. J. W. . 6 51 ....
G. A K. 100 .
Lincoln Pack. Co. .. 121 .... ....
Sinclair Pack. Co. .. 96 .... ....
Wilson Pack. Co ... 18 .... ....
Armour Gr.. Denver. 79 .... ....
Anderson A Son .... 54 .... ....
Benton. V s A H . . . 2" .
Bulla. J. H. 56 .
Dennis A- Francla ... 89 ....
Ellia A Co. 11 .
Harvey. John . 388 .... ....
Inghram. T. J. 3 .... ....
Kellogg. F G. 4 .
Kirkpatrick Bros. ... 6 .... ....
Longman Bros.145 .... ....I
Luherger. Henrv S. .103 .... ....j
Mo.-Kan. C. A C. Co. 25 .
Root. J. B. 4 Co. ... 63 .
Posenstoek Bros. ... 40 .... ....
F\ H. Sargent . *0 .... ....
Smiley Bros. 31 .... ....
Sullivan Bros. 14 . .. ....
Wertheimer 4 D ... 5.3 ...
Others buyers . 306 ... 2174
Total .6148 20867 6008
Cattle—Receipts, 6,000 he*d With
slightly Increased receipts of rattle Wed
nesday. the market developed weakness,
and bide and sales were weak to 10015c
lower than Tuesday. Quality of the offer
ings was fairly good and desirable beeves
moved largely at f9.5h01O.OO. Cows and
heifers moved slow, but nuotnbly about
steady, while stockers gnd feeders met
with a moderate inquiry at quotably un
[changed prices.
Quotations on oattle; Good to choice
yearlings. $8.75010.00; fair to good year
lings, $7.7508.75; common4 to fair year
lings. $6.7507.75; good to choice steeds.
89.25010 25; fair to good stee'-s. 8« 0ft#
9 10: common to fair steers. 87.0008.00;
trashy warmed-up cattle. $5.7506 76; good
to choice fed heifers. $7 250 8.50; fair to
good fed heifers. $6 2507.25; common to
fair fed heifers. $5 0006.00; good to choice
fed cows, $5.5006.75; fair to good fed
cows. $4.2506.50; common to fair fed
rows, $2 2503.75; good to choir* feeders.
$7.2508 25; fair to good feeders. $6 250
7.15; common to fair feeders, $5.2506.00;
good to choice stockers. $7 250 8.10; fair
to good stockers $6.2507.26; common to
fair stockers. $5 0006.00- trashy stockers,
$4.0005 00; stock heifers. $4 0005 75;,
stock cows. $2.7503.75; stock calve*. $4 00
07 00; veal calves. $4.00011.25; bulls,
stags, etc.. $3.5005 50.
No. Av Pr. No. Av. Pr
23 . 853 $7 10 12 1075 $7 25
12._ 874 8 00 40. ... . .1285 8 10
39.1158 8 60 19 . 1 171 8 65
49.1088 8 76 28.1056 8 80
20. 1 266 9 50 1 5 . 1 488 8 75
36.1439 10 00 7... . 980 10 50
16 . 943 8 26
?. 8.30 4 00 3.1006 5 00
3 . 1 100 6 60 33 . 861 5 65
3 . 1170 5 75 .
4 . 780 6 75 40 753 8 00
1 .1170 4 on 1 .*1640 4 40
1 . 1320 4 65 1 1820 4 7o
1.1480 5 00
1 . 260 6 00 1 300 6 50
1 . 310 7 00 i. 330 7 25
2 . 310 7 75 1 120 9 00
3 . 183 9 25 1 ... 160 9 50
1 . 130 10 50 1 230 11 00
Hogs—Receipts. 22.000 head Shipper
and packer interest* were both fairly
urgent buvera of the best strong weight
butcher grades and an early movement
nf these classes was noted at a 5 010c
decline, while others and mixed offerings
sold slowly at uneven losses. Bulk of
all aaies was at $10.00010.90, with early
top of $10 90.
No. Av. gh. Pr. No. Av Rh Pr
31 . . 150 ... $10 no 37 219 $in 6.9
77. .219 ... 10 70 37. 20.3 10 76
27. .251 ... 10 80 26..279 ... 10 86
56 .SIS ... 10 90
Sheep—Rerelpts, 7.000 hesd Fat lambs
again met with u trifle slow demand and
ruled largely 10015c under Tuesday's
llevels Feeders were around steady, with
aged sheep to In extremes 25c lower.
Quotations on sheep and lambs Iamb*,
good to choice. $16 35016.65; lambs, fair
to good. $16.00016 35; feeding lambs.
$16 25016 51,: wethers. $10.00010 50; fat
ewes. $8.0008 75; yearlings, $12.00014 00.
No. Av«. Pr '
234 fed . 85 $16 65
425 fed. *9 16 65
296 fed. 94 1 6 35
348 fed. *4 15 00
126 fad. . 91 8 75
18 fed.101 10 25
86 fad. «8 14 00
47$ Wyc/. 68 16 80
Thlraffo Livestock.
Chi.ago. Feb 18—United gtates Depart
ment of Agriculture.—Hogs—Rerelpts. 32.
000 head. Mostly 10c lower than Tues
day's average; few sales, 10 to 15c off
light lights nnd slaughter pigs. 16 0 25*
lower; top. $11.25; bulk good and choice,
20 Oto 325-pound butchers. $10 90011 30;
140 to 170-pound weight largeyl. $9,650
10 65; hulk packing sows. $10 16010.40,
110 to 130-pound slaughter pigs largely.
$8.5009.35; heavyweight hogs. $10,800
11.35; medium. $10.60 011.20; light. $10 00
0 11.05; light lights. $8 75010 50 packing
hogs smooth $10 300 10 50; packing hogs
rough. $9 900 10 30; slaughter pigs. $8 000
9 50
Cattle—Receipts. 10 000 head; fed steers
trade apotty: generally steady; yearlings
end lightweight beef heifers strong to
?f.c higher: fat cows sharing advance;
killing quality medium to good; weighty
steers In fairly urgent demand on outside
accounts; hlg weight upward to $11 on.
averaging around 1,650 pounds: best year
lings. $11.25: good to choice light, heifers
upward to $10 00; numerous lots $7 50at
9 00; bulk steers of quality and condition
to S*| Int $8 50010 25; two loads of Ne
braska averaging 1.279 pounds. $10 76
fairly active demand for well bred light
and medium weight steers on country e<
cotint; others slow; supply scarce; bulls
steady: heavy bolognas. $4 75fi 1.00; veal
era uneven, mostly 50c lntver to packers,
light kind showing decline p ackers large
|v. $12. 60 downward; outsiders selecting
choice handywelght at $14.000 1 4 f»n.
Hheep- Receipts. 16.000 hesd. extreme
1 v slow, few early sales fat lambs to
shippers and city butchers, weak to
$17.500 17.76: packers talking sharply
lower; few bids $17.00017 25 on good to
« holes lambs; looks 26c or more lower;
fat sheep weak. early sales fat ewes.
$8.5008 76 best held higher. feeding
lambs dull talking 25c nr more lower,
few bids of desirable feeders, $16 oOfjf
17.00; no early safes.
Kansas i"ty Livestock.
Kansas Cltv Feb. 18 (United Rtstes
Department of Agriculture) Cattle--Re
cel pt S 9,000 head. calves, 1.500 head
alow; bidding around 15 to 35c h wer on
beef steers few early sales yearlings. $»« 00
0)10 00 shout steady: 24 head mixed year
ling steers and heifers averaging 1.728
pounds $10 60; bet t e r grades butcher cows
elfflids to sell St $6 5$ and aho\e. weak
to l&c lower; others and runners and
cutters a*<»ndy: lielfera scarce, fullv steadv;
• a Ives weak trr *f.f lower, practical venl
top. $10.60; hulls steady; bolognas $4
4 60; stockers and feeder Steers slow,
about steady at $5 7507.75; stock cows
and he If -rs dull arid weak
Hogs Met elpts 16.000 head de«imlde
16o to J0O pound averages *«» shippers,
in to 16c lower at $10,60 01076; bulk of
sales $10 1 '»r l 0 90 pail load weight)
but' tiers $10 90; light lights $9.76010 00;
packers bidding $10 90 on choice heavies,
i.r 15c lower packing sows. I tic lower
at $10 40010 50; stork pig* steady. $7
Hheep and Lambs Receipts 3,000 head
killing classes 11 to 55c lower: top lambs
to shippers 117 00; others to pscke.s
largely $16 26016 75, fall shorn wethers.
»ft 25.
IM. Joseph Livestock.
Pt Joseph. Mo Feb 16 Cattle-- Re
• elpts loon head; steady to 15« high
e, bulk of steer- 17 75010 00 top.
$10 26; cows and heifers. $9 280*26.
. alves $4 00011 00. stockers and feeders
|* 00 0 4 00
Hugs Receipt* 13.500, opening 10c
lower top. $1106 bulk $ 10 in 0 | 0 * «V
yheep and Lantbe Receipts 3 000
hesd slow, lambs. $16 00017.09, *«<*
$1.0009 00. m
Bullishness of
Stock Market Is
Unusually Dogged
Few Issues Fail to Show Gains
and There Are Good Rea
sons for Declines; Bald
win Is Feature.
Universal Service Financial Kdltor.
New York. Feb. 18.—For dogged bull
ishness there have been few stock mar
kets to measure up with that of today.
Comparatively few Issues failed to show
geins. Where they registered losses there
was a good reason for tho declines
Baldwin Locomotives was the feature
of thf dav. In the* face of its very poor
financial report for the last year it was
bought with the utmost confidence, at no
time showing a .sign of weakness and
closing at the top. 5'^ points up for Un
da v.
Although Baldwin was in the center ofj
the market picture from start to finish. |
1'nited States Steel was the most force
ful influence
All the steels were strong.
Rails, with the exception of Atchison,
were well up in the procession. Atchi
son made such an unusually large ad
vance in the poor market of Tuesday
that It was entitled to a readjustment in
price Southern Pacific. Southern Rail
wav. St. Louis A. Ran Francisco. Rock
Island and Union Faciflc were in excel
lent demand
Oils did well. General Petroleum again
distinguishing itself.
The on* distinctively weak apot of the
list, was American Woolen.
All grains did well, corn particularly.
A report from Berlin declared crop
prospects In Russia were worse than
heretofore acknowledged and there was
little or no prospect of that country hav
ing a surplus this year.
Cotton was not responsive to bullish
news to the degree that might be ex
If the drouth is continued much longer
conditions will be serious, were the re
New York Quotations |
New York Stock Exchange quotations
furnished by J. S. Bache A Co., 224
Omaha National Bank building:
High. Low. Close. Close.
Agri Chem . 20 19 4 20 19 Vs
Air Reduction . ..M0% 95 4 1004 9 >4
Ajax Rubber .... 114 11 4 11 4 114 |
Allied ('hem . 854 *5 85 85
Aliis-Chalmers ... 75 74 4 75 74 V*
Am Beet Sugar .. 394 39 394 394
Am Brake Shoe.. ..
Amer Can .1724 170 4 1714 170 4
Amer Car A Fdry.201 200 201 198
Amer H A Leath. .. .. 114 114
Amer H A Leth pf fi9 67
Amer Int Corp... 36 4 3 5 4 36 .>54
Amer Linseed . .. 284 27 284 26
Amer Loco .1214 1204 1214 l-Q
Amer Radiator *004
Amer Ship A Com I’**
Amer Smelt . 99 4 97 4 98 4 96 4
Amer Smelt pf • 10* 1]J
Amer St Fdrs ... 49 4 4 . 4 49 4 47 4
Amer Sugar . 63% 62 4 *3 4 63
Amer Sum . 2'* 1H4 19 4 1* *
Amer TAT ..-.1334 1334 1334 13»%
Amer Tob . 874 874 874 81
Amer W W A EL 36 4 35% 36 4 35
Amer Woolen ... 514 484 *0 52
Anaconda . . . . 4 5 *2 42 4 **
Assn Dry Goods..1734 1724 1734 1(0-J
Asso Oil . 3 7 '■ »* 4 37
Atchison .123 4 122 122*4 L*
At Cat Line .155 1524 1^3 1484
At G A W I . -R 4 * 2*% 75 ,
At Ref Co .112 1114 112 ??•
Baldwin .136 13 0 4 136 »3 4
Austin-Nichols ... 26 4 26 4 26 4 2^4
Balt A Ohio . 794 7*4 7t * s
Bransdal A . 2*» 4 25% 2*. 4 ?«%
Beth steel . 47 4 4 5 4 4 45 «
Bosch Magneto .. 39 4 39 39 2 8 Ts
Bkyn-Man Rv .... 414 41*4 41 4 41
Bkyn-Man pfd .
Bkvn-Edison Co ..1334 133 1* 133 * *26
('alif Packing .... • l'*-’ 4
Calif Pet. 27 4 27 4 27 4 2*4
Cal A* Ariz Mining *14 5*
Canadian Pacific..160 1494 15“ 1*9'*
Cent Leather . 1* 1*4
Cent Leather p(d. 61 4 61 4 *>4 59 4
Cerro de Pasco. . 624 62 52 4 M4
•'handler Motors . 31 50 4 31 30 4
Che* A Ohio. 954 95 4 9*4 92%
Chi Gt West com. 13 4 124 13 4 114
Chi Gt West pfd 29 4 28 4 29 27 4
c A N W.684 68 684 h7 4
C M A 8t P .144 134 1*4 13 4
C M A St P pfd... 22 4 214 72 4 214
C R I A P 47 4 45 4 47 4 45 4
C St P M A O Ry. 534
chile Copper ... 35% 354 354 35
Chino . 25 25
Ciuett-Peabody . #3% 624 814 63
Coca-Cola,.90 s* 90 »84
Colo Fuel A Iron. 44 4 *3 434 42 4
Columbian Carbon. 48 49 4
Columbia Gas . 46 4 46 4 46 4 41
Congoleum 404 394 4<* 394
Consol Cigars . 30% 29
Consol Gas # . 76 754 754 76
Continental Can... *5 63** 614 6 4 4
Cont Motors .9 8 4 4k 9 *4
Corn Products ...39% 28 4 39 38 4
Cnsden . 22% 314 3 2 11
Crucible _ 7 2 4 71 72 ** 71
Cuba Cane Sugar.. 13 4 13** 13 4 12**
Cubs c Sue pfd ..60 4 694 *rt 6*4
Cubs Am Sugar .. 314 314 314 304
CuyamsI Fruit ... .. . 61
I'a nie! Booms ... 34 3 .34 3
Davidson Chem 4 1 4 43*4 44 4 43 %
De la A La-ka ...1 38 1 37 '* 117 4 *36
Dels A Mud . .. . 141% 140’* 141% 140
Dup !)S Nem .. 14*4 146 4 147 4 147 4
Dorns Mine* . 15 4 15 4
Kastman Kodak . . .. Ill 4 1124
Erie ..32 11% 33 11 4
Endfcott-Johnson 684 68 69 4 68
Elec Slor Bat ... 6 4 6 3 f,4 62 4
Famous Players . 914 *24 91 91
Fifth A vs B L ... . .1*4
Fisk Rubber . . . . 12 4 12% 12 4 12
Flelschman's Y 794 76% 784 |o
Genera! Vsphalt . 67'* .664 56 4 **>4
Genera! Else ..215 Ml 232 230 *»
General Motors. . 76 76 754 75
Gold Dust . . . . 39 4
Goodrich . 46 44 4 46'* 4 4
Gt Nor Ore . 37 4 36 4 37 15 4
Gt Nor Ry pfd . 6i% 67 4 6*4 6 8’*
Gtilf States §11.... 91 «T4 97** *7*,
Hartmann Trunk.. 124 314 31 4 31 4
Hayes Wheel .. 37'* I64 3*4 37
Hudson Motors 40 39% 89% 19
Hornestaks M Co. 44 4
Houston Oil . 79% 79 79 % 7*4
Hupp Motor* . 154 16% 16 4 164
111 Central.1144 IMS
111 Cent pfd. .... 11IH
Inspiration .2**4 27% 2*4 27
Int Eng Coin Corp 3*% 3: 4 36 4 36
Inter Harv .106 ini 105% 102%
Int Merc M . , . . 12 4 13 12 4 US
Int Merc M pfd 46% 46 4R% 45
Ir.ter Nickel . 26 4 26% 26% 25%
Inter Paper ... 57 56 56 4 56
Inter Tel A Tel.. 9T% 94 97 *, 91%
Indep (Im . l'H% 27 28% 26 4
Jones Tea . 1«»4 19', 19', 18 4
Jordan Motor .... 49 48 4 4s4 48%
K c South . if.4 35% 36 4 34 4
Kelly -Spring _ 15 4 15% 15'* 1%
Kfiin<Mott ...... 64% 62% 64% 624
Lee Rubber . I?1* 124
lchlgh Valley .... 7 7*, "64 77% 764
Lima Loromo .... 6* 4 67 68% 66'*
Loose Wile, . 80% x0 80 7*
Louis A Nash ...107% 107% 107% 10*%
Mark Truck .138% 116% 138% 115%
May I)ept Store 106 192 %
Maxwell Motor A 824 81 4 8 2 80
Maxwell Motor B 4 2% 4 2 42% 4 I 4
Marland . 4.1 42 4 4 2% 42
Mexican Seab . . 1 6'.* 144 16'* 13
Miaml * tapper ' • ’. -; 4 11 % ’ 4
M K A T Ry 37 4 6% 374 16 4
Mo Par.39*, 3^4 394 18%
Mo Par pfd 81 ' 4 79'* .804 79
Mnntgonier v-Ward 48 *, 4 7 % 47% 47
Mother Lode 8% 8 *4 8
Nash Motor* ?6i 260 263 267 «*
Nat Biscuit.** 67% 67% 67
Nat Fnamel . 33% 334
Nat Lead .162 159'* M2 135%
N Y Air Brake . 61% 60% 61% 50
N Y t ent 122% 121 % 123 121 4
N T C A St 1. 128 4 1 2* 128*% 127%
N T N II A H .33 4 11 % 32 4 11 4
North Amer . 47 4 46% 47% 46%
North Pa <• 69'., 68 4* 69 6*
N A W Ry . .1284 1764 128% 125%
Orpheum . 27% 27 4 27 4 7 7 4
Owens Bottle 46% 45 4 45% 4 6
Pie OH . . . . 61 % 60 % 61 % 60 %
I’m ■ k Motor 17% M% 17 4 1*4
Pan American 714 71 4 77% 71
Pan Am B 73% 7’% 73% 77
Pennsylvania R It. 47% 47 47 4 7 4
People'll Gee ... 114**
Per, Msr-iuette 69 *'9
Philadelphia (ta 61% 63% 69% 52%
Phillips Petroleum. 41*4 4"% 43% 424
Pierce Arrow . I t 4 l‘H 17% 1'
Post um t'ereal 107 99 % 106% **
Pres»**rd Steel Car . &x 67% 67% 57
Prod A Refiners 28% 7*4 28% 27%
Pullman 189% 119 139 137
Puma Alegre Hug 4?% 4 % *'% 414
Pure (»ll 31% 30% 31% 30%
Radio Corp (iI % 10 4 Mi*, 60%
R> Steel Spring 126'* 174%
Ray Consolidated H 15 4 1'I 14%
Reading . .. 77% 76% 77% 7 5
Replopls •16% l"% 1* 1J Hi
Rep Iron A S»*el. 53 61% 53 51 %
Royal Dutch N v 55% r,r. 65% 64%
St Lmila A Han K. 6*3* 66% 67% 65
Ml Louie A S VV. 60 % 49% 50** 4 7
S, hillte Cigar Store 112% 110%
Sea re Roebuck ..157% I Rtf 167 164 %
Shell Union Oil... 77 "«% 26% 26
Simmons Co.If. % 15 4 35% 35
Ninel*Ir <*H . 22% M% -’2 "°%
Sinclair, pfd . 90 90
Slops Sheffield .91% *9% 91 88%
Nkellv Dll BH ?*% •.’"% 38%
Southern Rullwsv 91 89% 90 4 **%
Er. Par 106 4 10,1% 106 4 JO9 4
Mid Dll of «'sl . 63% 62% 63 *4 6 2 4
Mir! Oil of N t 44% 4 4% 44% 44
Siam! Plat* Glasa 11% 13% 13% 1^?*
Stewart Warner . 71% 71 71% 69%
Mtrnmberg Cath 6*
Studebaker . 4 4 4 1 % 4 4 4.1 %
Hub float •% *’* •% 'J
Texas ('«> 47% 47», 4 < *2 46%
l ex Gulf Sulphur ,1013* l«*o% Ml % 9*
Tex A Par 6 5% 64 66% 6"%
TlmH.n ItolSf JJ S •[} G J'H
Tob Ptodur te . 77 75 % 76% * 4 4
T„l> l'roiturl. A .. ... , **S
Ti.n.-onl Oil l*. <S <S IN
I'n I'.firio . IMS OS IRIS IJ1
I'M S-miII 20', 20 20 JOS
l) N C.l Ira J’l|>. .lit 221 1*> 21*S
U S Ind Alcohol.. *0% 79% S" 79
U S Rubber . 42% 40% 42% 39%
U S Rubber pfd. 9.->% 96
U S Steel .125% 123% 124% 123%
U S Steel pfd. 132% 122%
Utah Copper. •• 91
Vanadium . -A 2<% 27%
Vivaudou .. 10% 1^%
Wabash . 2 4 23 % 24 22%
Wabash A . 6.5% 62% 63% 62%
West Union . 122 121 122 120%
Westing A R -104% 103 1«4 1J3%
Westing Elec _72% 71% .2 70%
Whit® Eagle OH .. 29% 29% 29% 2* %
White Motors .... 64 63 % 64 6-%
Woolworth Co ....116% 115 116 113%
WIllys-Overland .. 10% 10 10 10
Willyg-Ovtrland pf 76% 75% 73% 75
Wilson .. .. ..
Wilson pfd . - 22%
Worthing Tump... 70% 68% 69% 68
Wrigley Co . .. 49 48%
Yellow Cab Taxi . . . 5° 50
Yellow Cab Mfg . 36 3 4 34 % 36%
Total sales Tuesday. 2.183,000 shares.
Today's 2 p. m. sales. 1,207,900 shares.
r '
I New York Bonds
New York. Feb. 18—Recovery of stock
prices today imparted a firmer tone to
bond trading and moderate improvement
took place in railroad and Industrial ob
Heavy transactions in the European is
sues of the New liaven railroad, which
is to be- refunded in April, lifted the
price* of both the franc and dollar is
above par for the first time this >ear,
although the net gains were only frac
tional. Southwestern rail liens shared In
the revival of interest in the stocks of
these carriers, advances of a point or
more being registered by Missouri Pacific;
4s. "Katy 1 adjustment 5s and Frisco ad
justment and income 6s.
The continued upward trend of crude
oil prices was reflected in renewed ac
cumulation of oil company hands. Sin
clalr and Skelly Issues rallied 1 to 3
points and Pan American 6s were active
at higher levels
Increased bujing of Virg inia-Carolina
obligations was attributed to the im
provement In the company’s position as
a result of the sale of subsidiary prop
erties More than $10,000,00®. it is esti
mated. will be raised through disposal
of the Southern Cotton OH company and
the company'! German potash holdings.
With the bulk of new financing taking
form of stock offerings. Interest appeared
to be waning in new bond flotations, al
though local bankers will bid for a $9,
000,000 City of Quebec Issue this week.
V. S. Honda.
(Sales in $1 900) High Low. Close
54 Liberty 3%a .101.24 101.2* 101.24
20 Libetty 1st 4%e .101.26 101.28 101.23
141 Liberty 2d 4%a..l0ft30 100.37 100 29
163 Libetty 3d 4>«e .101.13 101.9 101.13
222 Libert3' 4th 4%s .101.29 lni.27
142 V S Tr**s 4s.. .100.29 100.27 100 29
58 U S Vreae 4%s?.104.29 104 23 104 26
24 Apt J M W 6s . 93% 93% 93%
l Argentine Gov 7s 102% 102% 102%
34 Argon Gov 6s. 96% 96% 96%
35 A it^' i an G gt. lo 7 s 94% 94% 94%
9 R oideaux 6s . 84% 84% 84%
8 Copenhagen 5%s 97% 96% 96%
16 Rio de Jan 8s 4794% 94 94 %
34 < xechslo R 8g *62.100% 99% 100%
4 Dept of Seine 7s... 89 88% 88%
6 D'in Rep s f 5%s.. 93% 93% 93%
27 IJ ft C 5 % s 29 ...103 103 103
5ft D of *’an 5s ’62...104 103% 108%
24 D E Ind 6s ’62....100% 1®0% 100%
1 D F. 1 5 %s N ’53.. 96 % 93% 93%
11 Fcamerican 7%s ... 93% 93 93
m *• French Rep 8 s ...102% 102 102%
19» French Rep 7s .. 90% 90% 90%
149 Germ ex In 7s rets 94% 94% 94%
7 G FI P Jap 7s rets 90% 90% 90%
104 Japanese 6%s. 91% 91% 91%
2 Japa lese 4* .82% 82% 81%
7 K of Belgium 7%s.l09% 1"9% 109%
?5 K of Bel 6%s rets 94 93% 93%
70 K of Denmark 6a.. 102 101% 102
:6 K cif Hungary 7%s. *9% 89% *9%
12 K of Nether 6« ’72 106 105% 105%
:<5 K of Nether 6s *64.103% 102% 102%
29 K of Norwav 6s ’44. 99% 99% 99%
9 King 8 C S 6s. 96 85% 84
59 K of Sweden 6%a.. 99% 99% 99%
13 Nord Rys 6%s. 81% 81 81%
?9 Paria-L-Mediter 6s 77% 77% 7«%
12 Rep of Bolivia 8s 93 92 % 92%
7 Rep of Chile 8s 41.108% 108 108%
27 Rep of Chile 7s ..101 100% 101
2 Rep of Colom 6% a. 100 100 1®0
16 Rep of Cuba 5 % s. . 98 97% 98
1 Rep of Finland 6s.. 85% 85% 95%
7 Rep of Haiti 6s 93% 93% 93%
2 8 of Queensland 6s.lo.7% 103% 108%
4 8 of Rio G do 8 8s 96% 96% 96%
2 8 of San P * f 8s. 102% 101% 101%
3 Swiss c’onfed 8s .114% 114% 114%
51 Swiss Gov 5%s ’46.101% 1"!% 101%
11 EKofOBA! 5%s '29.116% 116% 116%
.36 CKofOBAI 5 %" ’37.106% 106% 106%
44 C S of Hraxil 8s 97% 97 97 %
6 U 8 of B-C Rv El 7s 83% 83% 83%
42 Am Ag Chin 7%s..D'0% 100 100 1
6 Am Chn sf d 6s. . . 99 % *9% 99%
1 Am Smelt 6* _107 107 107
25 Am Smelt 5» . 9 7 96% 9 7
9 Am Sugar 6s .102% 1"1% 1«2%
67 Am TAT 6%» ...102 1«1% 101%
17 Am TAT r ♦ 5s lon% ior.% 100%
42 Am TAT col tr 4s. 94% 96% 96%
6 Am W WA El 5b.. . 96 95% 96
28 Anaron Cop 7s 38.10.3 102% 103
35 Anaron Cop fp 53,100% 100% 100% j
65 Armour Del &%«•• 93% 93% 9.3%
7 Asso OH 6s ....10.3 102% 10.3
16 A T A 8 F gen 4s *9 8S% *9
3 A T A 8 F ad 4s st 9 3 *3 83
10 At Cst L LAN 4S 96% 86% 86%
.31 B A O rf 6s 95 102 % 102% 102%
19 B A O 1st 6s rtfs 101% 101 1«1
32 B A O evt 4 %s 92 91 % 92
7 Bell Tell Fa 5s .101 lon% joi
*« Be'h St rnn 6a A.. 96** 9«% 96%
26 Beth St p m 5s. .. 92% 92 92% i
15 Brier Hill St 5%s 99% 99% 99%
6.3 Rk In F.d gn 6« A 10ft 99% 1®0
197 Rkln-Man T sf 6s 87% 86% 8,%
23 n R A ntts 4 % s «7% *7% 87%
4 Calif Pet 6 %s _102% 102% 102%
19 Can Nor d 6 % a.... 11 T % 117% 117%
4 4 Can Pac d 4s . 9 0 79 % 79%
11 c C A Ohio 6s ....107 1 06% 107
6 Cent Ga 5 % s .102 1®2 D»2
15 Cent Death 5s ...100% 100% 100%
3 Cent Pac gtd 4s *7% 87% 87%
151 t’hesa A O evt 6s .104% 1«3% 104%
15 Ches A O evt 4 %s 96% 96% 96%
58 Chic A Alton 3%s 56% 56% 5 6%
U C B A Q rfg 6s A 101% 101% 101%
2ft «' H A Q gen 4s . to 39% 90
61 C A East 111 5a . 79% 77% 78%
57 Chic Gt West 4s 64% 69% 64
114 C M A St P evt 4 %• 57 56 %
2-16 CMASt P 4s J5. . 72 71 71
1 C A N W rfg 5s .101% l«l% 1«1%
98 Chicago Rv a 5s . . *3% *2% 83
26 Chic R I A P 4e 84 «*!% 84
190 C R 1 A P rfg 41.. 86% 86% 86
6 CTHASK Inc 5» *o 60%
27 C A Western Ind 4s 79% 79 79
:♦ (*hi le Cop *8 104% 1A«l| 1''9%
b 7 CCCASt L rfg bn D 96% 46 96
7 Cleve Cn Ter bn loo% loa% 100%
12 C A South rfg 4%a 97% 92% 92%
2 Col G A F, 1st 5s 100% 100% ion%
12 Cc.m P »w 6a .100% 100 100%
1.6 Cons C of !kfd 5s 8 9% 89% *9%
4 8 Cons Pow 5s 95 % 9 5% 96%
3 f* C Sug d *s stpd 1®1% 101% lft1%
9 Cuban Am Sug ** !06% 1®7% 107%
24 Del a A Hud evt 5s 1«6% 1®4% 106%
3 Den A R G eon 4« 84 13% M
5 Detroit Ed rfg 6s 10,% 10.% 10.%
3 Du Pont ds N 7 % s 107% 107% 107%
10 Dunuesne J.t 6s 106 1®5% 1®* *
15 East Cuba Sug 7%s 105% 105% 1®5%
8 4 Kmp G A F 7%s 1«1 1®®% 1®!,
? Erie gen lten 4s *5% 65 *6%
.35 Erie evt ll D 73% 7 3 -3%
4 Fisk Rubber *e 111 11 I HJ.
7 Fla A Kim C Ry 5e 95% 9h% t. %
3 Gen Flee deb 5s. . 1®*% 10'** I0-.*
10 Goodrich 6%a .103% 101% 103%
29 Good yes r T 8a 31 1»9 % 1 rt* 1 %
8 Goodyear T 9a ’41 .12®% 1?® 12®,
27 Gd Tk Rv of C 7s.11«% 116% lt«%
11 G«1 Tk Rv of C 6s 107% 107% 1®;S
'•.tit Northern 7s A .11®% 11®S 11®%
12 Great Northern 5s 95 ®4% 95
2 llershey Choc 6s . .104 103% ln3 %
•7 Mud A Man rfts 5 A 88% *8 99
1 Hud A M r.l Inc 5s 72% % •- 4
18 Dumb O A R 5%S 101 100% 101
17 Til Bell T tefg 5a 98 9. % *9
1 Illinois ‘>n 5 % s. 1®2 1®;
29 If* C StLAN’G rfg 6s 99% 99 99 %
34 HI Steel deb 4%s 94% 94 «4
35 Inter Hap Tr 7s 93% 93% 91%
13 Inter Rap Tr 6a . 77% 7.% t'%
42 In Rp Tr rfg 5s stpd »®% «• % J® *
92 Inter A tl N adj 6a 7 4 23% 24
1 Inter A tl N 1st 6a 108 102% 10 %
25 In M Marine sf 6a. 90% §0 90
19 Inter Paper 5s A . 90% 9° ®®
I Has C F H A M 4s 63% 81% 83%
24 K r P A T# $S 96% 96% 96%
23 K C Southern Es *9% 84% *9 «
M K G A El 6s 101% 101 101
13 Kellv Sp T 8s 91 97% •;%
15 Laclede O St T. 5%a 98'4 9.% 9 « %
5 T« S A M S 4s '26 96% 98% M %
1? T.igget t A M vers 5s 99% 94% 9*%
7 Louts G A E 5s 9 4 9 3 91
11 Market Sf By 7s .99 48% 99
7 Midvale Stl evt 5s 9«% *9% »®%
5 Milwaukee K It 6s 100 100 1®®
4 M K A T 6a C 103% 103% 1®1%
24 M K \ T 5a A 91% 91 91
266 M K A T 5s A •« % *5% J* H
1? Mo Pacific 1st 6a 101% 101% 101%
15 Mo Pa.* a 4s 65% 64% JJJs
8 Monfeno Pnw 6s A *9 % 99 99%
38 N K T A T Is loo 100 100
MV tl T A M 6 % s 91% 99% J* *
3 16 N Y t en deb 6s .115% 114% 115
27 N Y fen 5s . 1®1 1®n’4 1®*
5 V V Pen 4s *3%
14 V V CM r 5%s 96% 95% tj%
IVY Ed Is rf «%s 114% 114% 114%
M4 N Y N HA H 7a l«o% log 100%
4 407 NYNHAT 7s <fra) 1®9% **’* 1®®
108 N Y N H A 11 Ctrl 6a 48 * 9 •* ?8% *»%
'.*9 N Y Rv 4a rtfa ’• ” % f* % * ■*
15 N V T rfg 6s ’4 1 107% 1071% 1®7%
2 r. N Y Tel grn 4 % s 96% 96% • •> %
87 \ Y Weal A R 4 % a 6 3 67 •. 3
16 Nor A Weal . vt tie 151% JJJ JJJ.*
13 N Am Ed la * f «e »®®S J®®S JJJli
26 N Pat* tfK 4* R l0I!* V!l\k ’Ji.i
.1 N Par new 6s D 9.% • • % J*S
4 North Par t»t II 4a 85% 85 85%
9 N SI Pow Dt ta A 95% 95 9j%
?5 tires M 1, t f« 4a 97‘a 9.
| Ore \S R U A N 4a 82% "’’S 8 %
17 Pac 11 a a A M 5a 95% Jf.% »&%
15 Pac T A T 5« *52 “4% 94% 94%
64 Pan Am V A T t,s 110 »9% 1 0
I penna R R 6%a I lo% 110% 110%
4? Pen It R lem fs *44 98 % M •
M Pen R R gen 4 % ■ 94% 94 94%
54 Pete Marti rfg t.s 9«% ***% *®%
8 Phil* t%-* 'f* 6. 1®5 10,. 10%
46 Phtla Cn 5%* 90% **
II Phil A R «* A 1 5a toi 101 101
19 Pierce* Arrow 8s 96% •
4 P Rv LAP 1st 6s R 99% 2!
11 Pseaeed St Car !'• 96 98 96
2ft Rep lion A S| 5%a 93% 93% «3%
1 Rio Or W col tr 4s 73% .3% 71%
9 H 1 A A L 4%. 86% 96% 86%
1 Ml LIMA S «fg 4« 94% 94% 94%
41 Mi LIMAS 4a RAG dl «6% *6% «6%
43 Stl.ASr pr In 4* A 73% 7 • % 73%
3} Mllk4Sr ad I 6* 87% 87 9.%
166 Ml LA SF Inc 6a 90«^ 79% .9\
3 St 1 S \3 con 4a 89'a **% *•%
19 SlPAKC Sh 1. 4 % a 9 3% 83 83 %
9 Mt Paul I n f»ep 5e 1®1 % 1®1 1®|%
81 Seaboard con 6a .* 91% 91 91%
48 Seaboard adl 5a ,4 76 % 76 76%
il Seaboard rfg 4a. •• 44 44% 44%
CO Sinclair Oil col "s.. 93% 93 93 %
26 S nclatr Oil 6%t. . . 89 88% 59
13 Sinclair Pipe L 5s 85% 85% 8.5%
107 Skelly Oil 6%s . ..116 115 115%
14 So Pac cvt 4*. 97 C6% 96%
51 So Pac rfg 4s . 89% 89% 89%
5 So Ry gen 6%s ...109% 108% 109%
12 So Rv gen 6s. 106 105% 105%
33 So Ry gen 4s .. 77% 76% 76%
32 S W Roll Tel rfg 5s 97% 97% 97 %
23 St OAK rvt 6%s. 113 lit 113
5 Steel Tube 7s . .106% 106% 106%
26 Tenn El rfg 6s ...101% 100% ini %
16 Third Ave adj 5s.. 47% 46% 46%
21 Third Ave rfg 4s.. 56% 56% 56%
1 Toledo Ed I 7s.109% 109% 109%
.3 I n Par 1st 4a . . 92% 92% 92%
20 Union Pac cvt 4s 99% 99% 99%
3 Un Par rfg 4s ... *5% 85% 85%
7 U S Rubber 7%s .106% 106% 106%
19 U S Rubber 5s .. 87% *6% *7%
4 U S Steel s f 5s 105% 105% 1°5%
31 Utah P A Light 5a 94% 94 94
f 6 Va - Gar C 7%s w w 49% 94% 94%
214 Va-Chem Them 7s.. 88 85** 5» %
3 Va Ry A P rfg 5s . 94% 94% 94%
15 Va Ry 5a . 96% 95% 95%
5 Wabash 1st 5s ..100% 100% lno%
6 Warner S 7s '39.. 83 82% 83
8 West Elec 5s .99% 99 99
41 West Md 1st 4s.. 66 65% 66
9 West Pnc 5s . 93 93 93
5 West Union 6%s..ll0% 110% 1*21^
5 West In a Klee 7 s... 107% 107% lo,%
1 West Shore 4s ... 83 83 83
9 WIllvsOv 1st 6 % s. 100% 1"0 100%
19 WII A Go a f 7 %». 67 66 % HO**
9 Wil A Go 1st 6s 94% 93% 94%
9 Wilson A Go cvt 6s 67 66 % 67
128 Y Sheet A T 6s . 99 98 % 88
Total sales of bonds today were fcLG -
728 000 compared with 116.325.000 pr^!
i.up day and |8.509.000 a year ago.
1 New York Curb Market |
N>w York. K«b. 1* —Sharp gains In the
public utility l»u« featured today • curb
market which (hewed a marked *
ment In tone. Lehigh Power s-i-urltits.
Which (Old as low aa «. yesterday, waa
run up to ino for a n(t gain of 9 pojnta
and Klectrlc Bond and Share touched *64
as against a low of 66*4 the day before
American Light * Traction, American
Gas and Klectrlc. American Power and
Light. rommonw»a1th Fewer, and Mlddl
west Utilities ahowed net galne of 2 S*
tC*Buylng" of the olle wee Influenced h'
extension of cruda oil price tncree.e. end
favorable dividend announcements net
gains of 1 to 4 points being r* *r.edn?,y
Glttea Service common. C°n,hwm ♦*> ”";
Humble Imperial of Canada Ohio. Stan
dard Oils of Indiana and Kentucky, and
''with”the exception of Haxeltlne.
advanced more than two points to 354
and Liberty Radio Chain Stores, which
held around He record high level there
was little of Interest In the radlo group_
H»avv buying of Inlted Profit She ring
and Happ‘ness Candv stores A stock,
each of which closed about a point higher
featured the Industrial list.
Industrials. _
Sales High. Low 2 pm.
I non Am GA-E new... 73<i 70.4 ..
inn Am G&E pfd ....4* ♦*
sun Am Lt A Tr.l-’J's 1414 150
tone Am PAL new. 53 S »]4 JJ 4
in Am PAL pfd. *» 4 **4 **4
1 ftO Am Superpower A. 3n% 2°’* ,•*
50 Appalachian Pow 78 .6
120 Armour Co 111 pfd #3 J
100 Asad OAB new .26 .6 -6
100*Atlantic Fruit Co 90 90 9«
100 Bor don's Milk ...145% 143 14^%
ino Botany Mill* A.. 47 47 47
200 Far Light . 2% -% - *
1000 rent Pipe Corp... 20% 19% 20%
100 Chapin Sack* Inc. 16% 16% 16%
100 Checker <’ah Mfg 19% 19% 19%
ioo child* Co newNN 45% 45% 45%
ioo Cleveland Auto 19% 19% 19%
300 Com Pow Corp ..113% 1 U 113%
25 Com Pow pfd.... 51 61 61
150 Com Pow war. .. 29% 25% 29%
6Oil Con GAE Ba 1 new 3 3 32% 3 3
1500 Cont Bak A.117% 116% 117
2100 Cont Bak B . 25 24% 2 4%
600 Cont Bak pfd_ 92 92 92
100 Cont Tob Inc.... 23 23 23
200 Cuba Company ..37% 3 7 .3 7
100 Cuban Tob ctfs. 10 ]0 10
1600 Da Forest Rad ctf 30 29% 29%
125 Del LAW Coal 123% 122% 123%
3000 Dublller CAR new 24% 27 2*
500 Dunhlll Internatl. 30 29% 29%
300 Duplex CAR .100 100 300
200 Durant Motors .. J7% 17% 17%
100 Du* Co Inc. 29 29 29
15000 FI RdASh new w! 64% 60% 63%
40 El RdASh pfd.. . 103% 1«3 303
300 Electric Investor* 43 42 43
300 Federated Metals. 27% 36% 36%
300 Film Inspection 9 9 9
IOO Ga rod C\>rp .. 6% 6% 6%
100 Gillett Ha* new 66% 68% 66%
1000 Glen Alden Coal..1 25 1 21 324 %
«000 Goodyear Tire 32% 31% 31%
2900 Happ Candy St A 7% 6% 7 %
200 Happ Candv Fdrs 5% 5% 5%
700 Hazeitine Corp .. 34% 24% 34%
500 Inr Match pfd. 41% 41% 41%
400 Int Utilities R 12 11% 12
ioo Jones Radio Mfg 4% 4% 4%
1600*K*vst ne Sole’her. fo 50 go
1 500 Lehigh Pnw gee.. 97% 92 97 %
3500 Lehiah Cal Coal 45 4 4 % 44%
150 Lehigh Coal Sales 93 S3 g.7
-700 Liberty R C Si «% 6% 5%
100 Middle West Util. 95 94% 95
100 Nat Distillers rtfs 30% .30% 30%
270 Nat pow A Light. 199 193 19s
lrtrt New Jersey Zinc. 190 390 1»0
100 Ohio Fuel Corp 34 34 34
mo Omnibus Corp ctf 14 14 16
200 Pyrene Mfg . .... 11 11 U
mo Re;d Ic# Cream... *4% S«% 3*4
ioo Reo Motor Car. 1«% 19% 191.
ioo Rosenbaum Gr pfd 47% 47% 47%
3t»o Rova Radio ctfs 12% 31% 11%
2'*o Shattuek Co . 33% .72% 33%
400 «'e*p*r Pad rtf, 15 54 1$
700«*South Coal A Iron 7 6 7
400 Standard Pub . 26% *«% 26%
600 Swift Internatl . . 31% 30% 31%
tmo Tenn El Pow 54^ 53 54
1400 Thermiodyn# ^ ’4% 13% 14%
<on Thompson Rad ctfs 14 12% 12%
-00 Tower Mfg Corp 15 16 IS
100 Union Carbide ... 69 6? *9
200 Un GAF new 24% 27% 24%
. 700 United Lt A Pow A 47% 47% 47%
14600 United Prof Shar . 9% «% *%
2300*1- S Lt A Hr pfd. 1 % 1 % 1 %
200 Util Pow A Lt A 24% 23% 2.3%
100 Ware Radio Corp . 24% 24% 24%
ioo Western Power..,. 34% 34% 34%
mo White Rock .17 17 17
U'0 Whit# Rock ctfp .16% 16% 16%
1600 Wickwlre S Stl n 4% 4% 4%
Standard Oil*.
200 Anglo American O. lt% lf% i»%
100 Atlantic Lobn* . 3 3 3
2oo f'hesebrough Mfg . 60% 59% 59%
m Fureka Pipe Line. 63 93 63
100 Galena Signal Oil. 64 64 64
210n Humble Oil.... . 46% 45% 4*%
2400 fmn Oil Can w 1 31% 31% J14
11400 J„» I Pet. 21 26% 26 %
400 Nat 1 Tran* 23 23 23
600 Ohio Oil .72% 71% 71%
1500 prairie OH A G 62 61% 61%
1130 Prairie Pipe Line 121 120% 121
m Sol«r Ref. 23.3 233 2.33
26 0 South Penn OH 16 4 17* 1*3
19200 Stand Oil of Ind. 67 66% 66%
3co Stand Oi! of Kan 42% 41% 41%
mo Stand Oi! of Ky 11*% 116% 11*%
m R’and Oil of Neb 255 255 265
2300 Stand Oil of N T 46% 46% 46%
leon Vacuum OH.91 9«% fn%
200 Cartb Syndicate .3% .3% 9%
210 Cities Service *05 20? 504
600 Cities Serv R <~tfe 20% 20 2n %
4ft0 Cities Serv pfd . 5 2% 61% 61%
l»»0<i*Co|ombian Synd. . . 1% 1% 1%
ton Creole .Syndicate.. 9% 9% 9%
ino Derby Oil pfd. 2.5 25 25
3400 Gibson OH . 2% % %
20« Gulf OH . «« |.s «x
1600 Kl’by Petroleum . 4% 4% 4%
4700 l.ago Pet 6% 6% 6 %
1000* La tin Am OH .... .3 3 3
600*Mexlcan Panucn. . . 96 69 95
500 Mountain Prod 19% 19% 19%
Stoo N M A A Land Co 16% 9% 16%
700 Peer Oil . . 1 % 1 % 1 %
36 I’ennok Oil Op n.. 23% 23% 23%
1000 ltoval Canadian 7
3no Ryan Consolidated 6 6 6
10ft Salt Creek Con* 7% 7% 7%
300 Salt Creek prod . 24% 34% 24%
ioo Savoy Oil. 3% ,3% .3%'
roo United Can OI! 4% 4% 4%
mo Venezuelan Pet . 3% .3% 1 %
2100 Wilcox OH 6% 6%
100 Woodlev Petroleum 6% 6% * %
2000* ‘Y" Oil A Ga* 6 & 6
“000* ftrlrona Globe 24 3 2 2 4
906 'ana tin Copper 4 3% 4
26o Com Copper Min. 3 % 3% 3%
1 oo.i*»-oriei Silver... .12 12 1:
*oo c reason Gold. .3% 3% ;; %
4000*Diamond field B R 6 6 6
&900*Fmma SIR* Mines 4*4 4
lion Engineers Gold M 79 2 7 % J9
3ooo*Rureka Croeeu* 16 16 m
7 non •Goldfield Deep 2 3 2
*Ano*Oold 7,on m DM.3 3 3
lTft6rt*Harmill DM ... 1* It 13
1 700 Min . 14% 14% 14%
12200 Hone Sound . ... 4 .»% %
TftftOMnd Lead M . 1* 15 16
*066*Jib Con* . 30 24 29
6Jfto Kay Copper . 2% 7% 2%
5ftft0* Star .. 6 6 6
M iteit v allej ... 23 33 23
lftoo*Nevada Hill* . . :• 79 :■»
100 Niplsafng .... 6% 6% 6%
3ftrto Ohio Copper .111
2 7 fto* URmouth Lead . *.1 7 9 7 9
1666*5! and Sil I.ead .13 12 13
mo Te. k Hughe* ... 1% >% 1%
160 Tonopah Kxten 3A 3A "«■
ioo Ton.ipab Min 1 % 1 % 1 %
100n*Tr» Rul S A D . If 12 17
2000 Utah Apex 6% *■ % 6%
2*00 Wenden Cop M 3% 3% 3%
Domestic llon.l*
12 Allied Pa. kei fia . 61% 93% 63%
10 Allied Pa. Her 6* 92 92 9
1 Aluminum 7s S3.. 167% 107% li>7%
19 Am 1) A FI «a >7 *6*4 96%
19 Am PAI. 6a old 65 % 95 L
ft Am Boll Mill* ft* 161% 101% U‘l%
ft Am Thread ft* . 163% 1 •* 1 % 16*%
ft Anacnn Cop ft* 10.3% 11»3 % 10 '• %
2 Anglo-Am Oil 76s 15 61% 61%
12 Aa-d Him Hd 6 % * 67 9 7 % 67%
1100 At G A W | ft*. 8 7% 67% 6 7%
3 Beaver Hid 6* 94% 94% « %
4 SI 7* 3ft . .101% 103% 103%
1 Can N’t Rv F<| 7a 116% 116% 110%
3.4 Cent l.erlh 6* 9*% 94 9 * %
1 2 Child* Co 6* 111 115 113
1 CM lea Serv 7* C I ? ? % 127% 127%
13 Cities Serv 7* 1». . 164 163 % 163%
ft cities Six PAI 6* 94% 94% 94%
3 Con 4 in a Hall * % s 110 116 110
3 Con Textile ft* f0 90 90
« Cudahy Pack ft%* 44% 9* 94
1 Del rolt Edison 6» 119% 113% 11.3%
4 Dunlap T A R 7. mi m3 163
1 Fed Sugar 6s 33 94 % *9% 9*%
5 Grand Trunk 6%* 161 10* Ins
? Hood Rubber 7* 102% 162% 16*%
5 K c Term ft%s mr 162 162
1 l.!b Me A Lib ’*102% 107% 1< %
1 Lis Winchester 7s m* ms m«
6 Manitoba 7a . mj mi % 16*
1 Mo Pac fta . 106% 160% U>o%
3 Nat Leather sa 161% Jm% 161%
« N O Pub Srv fta 47% *?% *7%
5 Nor St. I' 8 % s 4" i % 161% 161%
* Nor Hi* P .-v 6%s 16* 16« lo«
1 Pennock <>ll 6# ... *4 »« 4*
I Phil FI Be II. >1% »«% 19%
19 Pub Frv E*0 5',a 99', ’s', 991,
■i pur# nil 6t,s lnl I"" , 101 |
I Slosa-Shrff 5s.mi's 10'*9 101 9
S So Cal Ed 5s .94 5, 94'. 94 5,
5 Sun OH 5i,s .. .5\
11 Swift * Co Sa 9* *5 ■ iuu
1 Tidal n».a» 7s. ,104'j "Ji ''W
1 rn OH Cal 5s innr, inn', joo ,
5 Vai-tiutn Oil Ta ...10, 107 10,
2 Web Mills 5>,a .103 103 103
Foreign Honda.
1 City Bosom Sa ..9k 95 95
41 lnd Bk Finland is 94S J4J* Jjb
5 Netherlands 6s 72.1064, lO-’S lOoS
•Cents a share
Chicago Stock.
Ountallona furnished bv .1. P Ttni'he .5
Co., 224 Omaha Bank building
Phones Jackson 6157-5-9.
H i a a * k
Armour ft Co Til pM • • J»3 J? ’•*
Armour A* Co Del pfd . *1
Albert Pick . 21 S
Carbide . £* ** ,
Kdlaon Co .1 ?i!a - -
Cudahy 1°-* ]"5*
! •iamond Match .H*
Deere pfd . *" *
Kddy Paper .1* •
Libby . ‘H *
Nat l*eather .. & */* " ■"*
Quaker Oat* .
Ken Motors .-. ly,4 1*5’a
Swift ft Co .117 1)*
Swift Interna . M
Thompson . 4». ’a
Foreign F\c*ltiifige Kate**.
Following are today'* rate* of pv< h;tngr
h* compared with the par \aluation.
Furnished by the Peter* Xa'ional b ok
far Val. Today.
Austria ..nmoiS
Belgium ....» 1*5 • "•’>08
Canada .1 n"
’Czechoslovakia .SO .0299
Denmark . 27
England .4.Sf 4 T* 7 .
France .1*3
Germany .2'>S .2310
Greece .1*5 ."163
Italy . ... .1*5 •f' 4 2 3
.Tugo-Slavia .2* .*17n
Norway .. -27 .l$"n
Sweden . . .27 .2700
Switzerland ..1*5 .1*30
Omaha Produce
February II.
Creamery—Loral Jobbing prices to re
tailers Extra. 42c; extras In 60-in. tubs.
41c; standards, 41c; firsts. 40c.
Dairy—Buyers are paying 23r for No. 1
fable butter In rolls or tubs 20® 22c for
packing stock.
For No, 1 cream (»nah* buyers are
paying 31c per lb at county stations. <7c
delivered at Omaha
Price quotable $2.15 per cwt for fresh
milk testing 3.5 butterfat, delivered on
daily platform. Omaha
For fresh eggs delivered at Omaha
Case count, aroun! $9.60 per rase
Prices above for eggs received in new
or No. 1 whitwood rases; a deduction
of 25c will be ma«lo f”*r secondhand cases.
In most quarters a premium is being
paid for sele»t»-d e-?g» must not be
more than 48 hours old. uniform in size
and color (meaning a'l solid colors—all
same shade). The shell must, be clear,
and sound and the eggs eteigh 23 ounces
per dozen or over.
Jobbing prices to rctaiierP: u. S
•»peci*l«. 3Sc per duz.; country run, 35c
per dozen
Price quotable for No 1 stock alive,
delivered Omaha Springe, imno’h legs,
soft meat. 19®21c Leghorn springs. 15c;
stags 14015c: hgns. 4 lb« 19®21c, here,
under 4 lbs . l^c; Leghorn hens.If . roost
ers. 11012c; ducks, f f f young. 110
Old ducks, f r f. 12013c; geese, f f f.
12®13c capons. 25c lb; turkeys, fat. 9
lbs and up, around 25c; pigeons, $1.00
per dozen.
Dressed—Cash prices for dressed poul
try. No 1 gtock delivered Omaha, are
nominally as follows Dry-picked young
tom turkeys, 11 lbs. and over. 32c; dry.
picked hen turkeys. 8 lbs. and over. 3ftc;
dry-picked old toms, 15 lbs and over.
25c; good No 2 turkeys 20022 nothing
paid for culls; No 1 ducks 130 17 N>
2 duaks. 12 013c; No. 1 ceese. 13014c; fat
scalued hens over 4 lbs , 19c; under 4
lbs, 16c; fat scalded springs. 19- No.
2 stock much less; capons. 25®‘,hc.
In some quarters dress-d poultry is be.
Ing handled on 10 per cent commission
Jobbing prices of dres«ed pou’try to
retailers are nominally as follows Springs
soft, 280 30c: broilers. 350 4f" i *>• « 24'.
27c: ducks 28030c; geese. 15020c; tur
keys. 25®3§c
WboJesal# prices quotable; No. 1 nbs,
25c; No. 2, 22c; No. 3. l*c; No. 1 loins.
32c; No 2 28c No. 3. 17c; No 1 rounds.;
17c; No 2. 14c; No 3. l^c; No. 1
chucks, l?c. No 2 lie; Nn T, $c; No. 1
plates. §^c; o 2 o " 6c.
ominal lobbing quotations as follows
Blaok bass, 32c; lake trout market;
buffalo. ]6c; bullheads. 24c; northern cat
fish 3r.r, southern catfish. 27c; filet of
haddock. 25c; Mack rod sable fish, l*c./
red snapper. 25c flounders 2r'r. rr«p
pt**, 27c; Spanish mackerel. 27c: whlfa
pe; h 17c frozen fish 2 0 4c less thin
price* above; habllbut, 25c; silver salmon,
fall salmon. 2"c frog saddle* large.
$5 00 per dozen, oysters, $2.1504.10 gal
American rbee*e fancy grad*, lobbing
prpes quotable as follow*; Single dal*!**,
2*V: double dais es. 264c. square prints,
27c. longhorns 26’jc; brick. 26c, 1 m- _ ^
burger, 1-lb style $ 59 per dozer; Sw
domestic. 34c. imported Roquefort. 58c.
New York, white, 32c.
Quotable Jobbing prices for No 1 stork;
Pear»~Fan©. bushel b askets Ciair
geaus, $2."0; Howells $1 75
oranges—Navel*, extra fancy per box,
$5.0"# •’ ‘.0, Florida, $fi.""06.5"; tanger
ine* $ 1 50.
Grapefruit—Florida, $3 75^4 50.
H i n;« nai*—Pei lb . D"
Lemons—California, r-xtra fancy, fJ ""0
« 50: fancy. $7.6906.00: choice. I'.00,
lime*, lon count, carton. $2.00.
Cran!trrri»>*—50-lb. box. $4.00; 100-lb.
barrel, $15 ", late Howe, box, $4 09.
Apple- In boxes: Extra fancy Dell
i'Iouh $5 00; Wineaap*. *4 00; Jonathans,
$7'.; Spit bergs, $3 50; Rome Beau
tie*, fancy. $.’ 75.
Apple* In basket*. Wlnesappa, $3.00;
Roman Beauties, $2.75.
Appb *—In barrels Jonathan*. $12.00;
Wineeap*. $10.00; Gene torn*. $7,00; Green
ings, $»;50, Ben Pa vis $7 .oo
Quotable jobbing prices-fur No. 1 stock:
New Root *—Carrot*. bushel basket,
$2 00; beet*. $2-50, 1 urnlps, $2.25
Sweet Potatoes—$0-1 b. hampers, $1.76:
Porto Rb o. crate, $150, Kansas. 13.09
per bushel.
Cucumbers—Hothouse, extra fancy, per
dozen. $3,50.
Peppers Green market basket, 30c lb
Onion*—Spanish, crate. 45 lbs $275;
California white in sack*. 6c lb., red
globe, in sacks 5c lb.; yellow, 5c, south
ern shallots. 75c dozen bunch**.
OJd Foots—Beets, turnips. In sacks. So
lb . rutabagas. 24c; carrots. 34c, pars
nips 4c
Spinach—Basket, $1 75.
Cauliflower—Per cra’e $2.50.
Cabbage—3 4c per lb . crates. 3c lb.
Radishes—Southern, dozen bunches 75c.
Potatoes—Horn* grown in sa^k* 14c
lb . Idaho bakers. sacks $2.5". seel
Ohlcs $2.09 cwt.
Lettuce—Head per crate. $5 00; per
doz $1.60, hot house, leaf $<v
Celery—Oregon doz . s'a’.ks SI.00612 25;
Michigan doz . 75c; California, rough
crate $4.nn
Pa-sley— Per doz. bunches SI.**
Rhubarb—Per box about 20 lbs . $4 n*.
Tomatoes—Six basket crote. fancy. $*.99.
Price* quotable pound lots (less than
carload lot*, f. o. b, Omaha follow
First patent In 98-lh'bag*
per bbl . standard patent $9 55 per bbl .
fancy r’eir $■ 75# s s 5 , per bh! white or
jellow coPnmeal, $2.85 per 10" lbs. _
Market quotable per ton. eariond lot*.
f. o b. Omaha
Digester Feeding Tankage—69 per cent
protein. $55 00.
Hominy Feed—White or yellow, $45 9*.
Cottonseed Meal—43 per cent protein,
Buttermilk—Condensed, for feeding. 19
bbl., lots, 3.45c per lb , flake buttermilk,
50" to 1.999 lb* . »e lb.
Mill Feed*—Bran. standard. prompt
$2". 90; brown short*. $27."0 gray shorts.
$29 50; flour middling* $33.59: reddog.
* 9.000 49 00 mixed <ar* of flour and
feed. 75c f? 1 on more per ton.
Eggs Shells—Dried and ground. 190-lb.
bag*- 'on lot* $25 09 per ton.
Alfalfa Meal—Choice, prompt delivery,
secondhand bag*. $28.50; No. 1. prompt
delivery, secondhand bag* $27.59; No. 2.
prompt delivery secondhand bag? $25.90.
Linseed Meal — 34 per cent protein,
prompt. $50.3 9
Nominal quotations. per 39ft pounds,
fair average qua Ity: Alfalfa $2' 600
21.5"; «\\eet ■ over. $' .'9019.51: red
cloved, $12 .'•" f/ 2 4 timothy. $* *00 5 59;
sue an era**. $3.7504.25; common millet,
$3.2501.69; German milet. $2.9002.35;
cane, $3.4001.65.
Nomina! quotations, carload lot*:
Upland Prairie—No 1. $11 ""0 32.00;
No 2 $9 "9019.99; No. 2. $7.9901.00.
Midland Prair e—No. !. $ •'■# 11.Of;
X< - $4,00 0 9 "0; No. 3 $6.5" 0 7.5.
Lowland Prairie—No. 1, $4.0000.09; No.
2. $6.0" # 7 09.
Alfalfa—Choice. $19 "0029 99; No. 1.
$16.0"# 1» ■ . standar$13.99© 15.00; No.
2, $11000 12 "; No 3. $9 50011.00.
'■'raw—Oa t s. $7 5 01.09; whea*. $7,000
Quotable ;■ re* dealers' we gh'.s and
selections delivered:
Hides—Seabonable {cured). 19c and fe;
frozen. 8c; bulls. 6c and 5c: brands.^ 6c
and 5c; glues. 4c; ca!f 16c and 14 4c ; kip.
3". and 14 deacons. 9"c each her**
h-d^s, $4 "0 and $3."0 each; ponies and
glue*. $1.7' each. << '* 2 5- each; hog
*kln*. 15c each dry flint hides. 13c; dry
saltor. 11c; dry glue. 7c.
W l—Pelts. $ 1 :9 0 2 1 9 ea-'h for fu
woo led skins: '»mbe 6 "c to $1 9" ea-h;
Bga i rdlag to tah
off and length of wo* !: clipps. no value;
wool, unwashed. 35045c.
Tallow—No 1. 7c B tallow. 6 4c.* No.
2 tallow. 6c A g'ease 7c; B grease, 64c.
yellow greas* *c; brown grease 54r
; . rk crax, $69 per tor. beef crax. $49
i*cr ton: Ntstrift 25c per Ik
Nokalcan h*l» «"*
„p.afkom. ,"a*ad,im*Vm
k fating plant ®*'**T *" ,fc*
m wniar “'“****
the foundation of
Nokol Automatic
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For whatever purpose you want heat there is a
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CWhy doesn't Ndkol bum fuel oil J
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Nicholas Oil Corporation
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Atk About Our Pofrrrod Payment Plan.
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Gentlemen: Fleaae aend me Woec
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