The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 15, 1925, Page 7-A, Image 7

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    Howell Defeated
_ in Fight Against
Rail Labor Body
Senate Refuses to Eliminate
Appropriation From Inde
pendent Offices Sup
ply Bill.
Washington, Feb. 14.—The senate
today refused to eliminate appropria
tions for the railroad labor board
from the independent offices supply
A motion by Senator Howell, repub
lican, Nebraska, to throw out an ap
propriation for the board, was de
feated, 42 to 21, after a debate oc
cupying all of today'j session and
most of yesterday's.
The amendment was supported by
five republicans: Brookhart, Iowa;
Gooding, Idaho: Johnson. California:
Howell and Norris, Nebraska, and
the two farmer-labor members of
Minnesota, Shipstead and Johnson.
Twelve democrats opposed the pro
posal, while the following 14 voted
for It: Ashurst, Arizona; Copeland,
New York; Dill, Washington; Smith,
South Carolina; Harris, Georgia;
Heflin, Alabama; Jones, New Mexico;
Kendrick, Wyoming; King, Utah;
McKellar, Tennessee; Sheppard,
Texas; Simmons, North Carolina, and
Walsh and Wheeler, Montana.
* Laws to Punish
Idle Gossipers
Shoe W orkers Ask Council to
Pass Ordinance Similar to
Endlcott, N. Y., Feb. 14.—If the
common council grants a petition re
ceived by officials today, one will
have to stop talking about one's
neighbors—or go to jail—for the peti
tion asks that the aldermen enact an
ordinance similar to one which is
working out successfully In several
other cities, making It a misde
meanor to gossip.
The petition, signed by "A Group
of E. J. Workers,” makes the spe
cific request that the council follow
the lead taken by the town of Owens
boro, Ky., and enact a law which
would provide a penalty of fine or
imprisonment, or both, for conviction
upon a charge of "seatterlng false
rumors, or spreading li'es about people
both In public and private life.”
The law is being enforced In the
Kentucky town, the petition says,
and Judge Emmett Watkins recently
fined a women $10 for saying that
she could bribe any policeman with a
dram of “white mule.”
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.. Feb. 14.—Forty
three different kinds of pots have
been made from 800 fragments of
pottery unearthed by Max Schrabist,
arohasrloglst of the Wyoming His
torical society, who has been making
excavations at Rock Cabin, on Wyo
ming mountain. The pottery was the
work of the Lenape tribe of Indians,
who frequented this valley. The de
signs on the vessels vary on nearly
every piece.
Several Boy Scouts Interested In
Indian lore are assisting Sh the work,
and Rock Cabin has proved a reposi
tory of Indian relics. Mr. Schrabist
believes that It was used as an Indian
shelter rather than as a permanent
habitation of the tribe, which many
erroneously believed to be a tribe of
the Delawares.
Today ia Federation day for the
Omaha Jewry.
Tonight at the Hotel Fontenelle the
members of the Jewish Welfare fed
eration will hold their annua! meet
ing and election of officers.
A president will he elected to suc
ceed Dr. Philip Kher. The most Im
portant office in the federation to fill
tonight is that of finance officer. The
office is now held by Joe L. Wolf,
Omaha capitalist.
Omaha Red Cross Makes
Annual Report to Directors
The Omaha chapter of the Amerl
ran Ked Cross handled 2,643 cases
during 1924, according to report
handed the board of directors of the
chapter at a meeting Thursday.
Among the various items listed in
tlie report which are the following;
Letters received, 1,269; letters an
swered, 1,067; bonus applications and
inquiries. 387; investigation conducted,
117; home visits. £>7; hospital visits,
124; garments given out, 929; af
fldavita made, 402; applications for
employment, 628; children placed in
homes, 34; hospitalization provided,
47; coal furnished, 8; funerale Con
ducted, 3; medical care errsnged for,
28, and positions secured, 49.
Precinct Conshlidation
Opposed by Delegation
A delegation of at least 40 men rep
resenting practically all precincts
outside of Omaha will go to Lincoln
to protest against, a consolidation of
county and city government, as the
result of a mass meeting in the Val
ley theater Saturday afternoon, at
tended by 260 Douglas county farm
era and buslnesa men of towns out
aide of Omaha.
ftualneas men of Waterloo, Volley,
Klkhorn, Oennlngton and Millard
took part in tho meeting, which was
presided over by John Hall of Valley.
II. A. Koch Re-Klected
a\ President of Company
Harry A. Koch was reelected presf
tnt of the Harry A. Koch company
• t the ennual stockholders' meeting
Saturday afternoon. Joseph H. Frle
<iel, Joseph L. Adams and Lyman
Cross ware elected vice presidents. K.
A Met Hasson wss elected secretary;
F W. Devereug, treasurer, end S. A.
Kline, assistant secretary treasurer.
Me <sis. Koch, Frledel, Adams, Mr
O lasso it and Deversug wera sleeted
Mrs. Paul Donnelly
to Be Here Monday
Mrs. Paul Donnelly.
Mrs. Paul Donnelly, the creator of
Nelly DOn apron frocks, will be In
Omaha Monday and Tuesday.
She will display her frocks to Oma
ha housewives who visit the Brandels
The first Nelly Don frock was
made by Mrs. Donnelly for her own
wear about her home. The cut and
“different” touch of the garment,
which elevated it from the apron
class, pleased her friends, and Mrs.
Donnelly soon conceived the idea of
marketing her needlework.
A factory employing 600 persons
now has replaced the little cottage in
which she first began tailoring her
A. A. Meydam has been made sales
manager of the Auto Electric and Ra
dio corporation.
Omaha, distribu
tors, sales and ser
vice for Bosch
products, Strom
berg carburetors,
Delco, Remy and
Connectlcutt ig
nition and Cros
ley and Freed
Eiseman radio.
Mr. Meydam
was formerly
treasurer of the
Graham Seltezer
company, nmo
motive equip
ment Jobber a,
Peoria, 111.
The first regular meeting of the
Retail Extension association has
been called for Thursday evening at
the Alpine dining room. Hamilton
hotel, by W. T. Graham, chairman,
and F. D. Wead, members of the or
ganization, program and promotion
committee, appointed at a meeting
Saturday noon.
The newly organized association
will endeavor to establish larger
retail district in Omaha. The pres
ent district is believed too small in
proportion to the size of this city.
More than 100 merchants are ex
pected to attend the meeting Thurs
San Francisco, Feb. 14.—Unique
tailoring will feature the new styles
ot waiters’ uniforms that will appear
in leading San Francisco restaurants.
The new garment is cut on the lines
of the tuxedo, but is longer and closes
with three huttons below a slightly
smaller expanse of starched ehirt
front. In most places the new coat
will have two pockets. In some,
where the rule of “pay the cashier"
Is strictly enforced, it will have the
pockets sewed up, ns at present,
Moses P. O'Brien Talks
to Civil War Veterans
Moseg p, O'Brien, state commander
of the G. A. R., spoke on Abraham
Lincoln and patriotism Saturday
afternoon at a meeting of the civil
war veterans at the courthouse.
W. H. Hatheroth, commander of
Manderson ramp, and II. M. Eaton
spoke on behalf of the Sons of Vet
erans, while Mrs. Wlnshlp talked for
the Daughters of Veterans.
Singing was led by Mrs, Roy Pen
ton and Miss Ora Johnson. Comrade
TL \V. George recited Lincoln's Get
tysburg address.
Prof. Yon to Play at Mass.
Prof. Pietro Yon, the organist, has
accepted an-Invitation to play at the
10 o'clock mass at St. Cecilia cathe
dral this morning. Prof Yon is an
old friend of Rev. George Hmiskol,
pastor at St. Cecilia, who also 1s to
entertain the organist at dinner at
the parish house today.
Married in Council Bluffs.
Th* following1 person* obtained ma r •
rloK« llcenaea In Council Bluff* yeater.lay:
Nam* and Addre**. Au*.
Theodor* Malvln Nelaon. Kill*, Neb.. II
Htella KlluhfOl L>avl* Kill*. Neb. 2T>
Daniel ftmlth, Oniihii It
Katella McFarland. Dinah*. 29
George Raid, Omaha. 22
Albina If«> 11U. Omaha....». 24
Harry Brown, Omaha. 2”
Ruhy Ballay. Omaha. IK
WUIIairi M Young. Omaha.2*
Mary Hoblnaon. Omaha. 27
Menaon R Jennlng*. Hamburg, !*.,.. 22
Maa Wllaon, Hh*n:»ndouh, lu. 21
George Iaoul* Baker, Omaha. 2fi
Viola A. Dye. Omaha. 2i>
Dal Klfer, College View, Neb. 21
Ivg Uchornp, Lincoln, Neb.»..••. 2
Karl MoAtae. Lincoln. Nab...|n
France* Marahall, Kimball, Neb. it
ri. M. Wllaon. Ne* York city. 24
Lillian Blanchard, Lincoln, Neb. 2<
Leroy W Hh.Idler. Gem, Kan. 17
Apn 1 M. Pavla, Rea, Mo.2.1
Bdwarrf A Dauhman. Pittsburgh. Pa.. J:»
Neill* M Bennett, Omaha. 2|
Char!** A. Blackburn, Tabor, Ta.
Kllen Reeve*, Tabor, la............... 24
Mtephen Andrew*. Omaha . It
Hie* nor Carman, Omaha. 1*
Alfred A. (llll*aplt, Council IMtiffa.... 21
Viola M. Hiatt. Council Hlufft........ D
Richard II. M< Mlllan. Omaha. Il
10(311It Kbheaen. Omaha . ............. 2"
Theodora Phillip*, Omaha ............ 12
Kva Mtreeter, Omaha .... 1*
Fred .7. Wallv. Omahl.. 2’
11oaa O Brian, Omaha....••**••••• • •
I | .1 p ■arjj
vassr ajjjV pn
| Illustrated
75 Po&m* #35
«<^«c Fumiture....Floor Coverings....Draperies....Housefurnishings s.£i;ir X3M
*oo*m.for *ny 413-15-17 South Sixteenth St. ftRaWiSW
f OOO-— — ■ ■■ OOO L..H II... I ■■-■' '■**
ins for Even/: ME,—: vern Purtsel
Items Which Stir Bargain Seekers to Action! • \ €% 1 '
Continuing ...our third week, offering good merchandise at * f «5 IT Cl
the lowest possible prices .... complete suites as well as odds value and
and ends sacrificed for this Sale. SATISFACTION mwtwtww
Polychrome Windsor Rocker
Console Sot Beautiful brown mahogany
finish in choice of rocker or
Illustrated ch“r- ■* Preferred. Very
roomy and ^ «m
The beautiful Poly- restful. 8Pe- 7 i t. f H
chrome finish you'll ad- c'*1 .a \w
mire. Consists of full
height Console Table
• hown. with the mirror
pictured, size llx24-lnch
clear mirror. Worth
10.00 more than our sale
price, this -d mm
week 7 Li-75
only ....a ■
< ______
*7C ODD Sun room
/ O Reed end Fiber
CiHIJURS and rockers
3=lPieC© Hlohadr Suit® Finest Spring Construction T*,D" V> 18-°°
_ _ . ___. and reed sunroom or I.BO.C#
Handsome Taupe.-....Rose Background ( porch rockers. ere- ^ —
* tonne upholstered. JPt
Considering quality of covering and inner construction throughout, this »lue is unequalled any- 7C ]£gI<er?banfij!o,itt, *0 fl
where. A suite, for which you would expect to pay 270.00. Loose, spring-filled cushions, aprini • move them quickly..
edge, etc., desired in any high grade overstuffed suite. Sale price, complete ..
End Table «s VC* solicited
Hoar Sale»
"‘"’ols The Lamp Sale
^ Saves Many Dollars
As Illustrated. rn tr
jT.Wr* n°°r LraP» Bridfi® ^P®
tv-three in all to H onderful values In Special value# worth 10 0#
offer at this low «*#“ grade Floor Lamps, more than this price,
price « w finish bases. Weighted bases, georgette
with rich lined georgette shades. -W y-\ mt
Bt'.-l jn .19 "
Hot** N>w Wrought
UUie. iron base r janloT/yj -
Limps, elegant lined/ O
• hades. 36.50 values..
I Priced Far Below
Regular Values
This Week!
Wilton Rugs
' alar 9x18—(96.80 Talar). ha rn
Wool Wilton, Xpeclal.fO.OV
ail* 8-3x10-*—(128.00 Talar). Beam- O-O
' ^Tto^0.r-.ted.91.65 pria, tn All
alar MxM-Iark—(8T.80 xalaa). Brat \SII4S l l llAZ IU Sill
wmonW°",e‘.21.85 If YOU can buy confidently in
_ I the Hartman Store with the
Axminotor Rugo knowledge that you are paving
.... 38.75 : the one lowest price to everyone.
i alar till—(82.80 Talar). 9A C C
•Seamed Axmlnatcra. at.ot.uo I
aixr a-a*IO-a—(48.00 Talar), yn or
Beamed Axmlnatcra. 6J.QJ
Velvet Rugo
a I a r axis — (48.80
Talar). Bramlraa.
28.85 '"V,
j k 1
aixr 8-2x10-0—(49.80
talar), Beamlraa, at
1 New Light English Walnut
led Room Suite
As Sketched ... A Beauty!
We are proud of this bargain, with Us su
perb finish, dust-proof construction, and
other features. Large 52-lnch Dresser, full
u size Bow-End Bod. with roomy Chlfforobe
J to match. Worth 200.00, the 3 pieces.
Vanltu Illuatrated. Il-drawer tvpe w ith S yy r/I
ano Willy jars* renter mirror and awing- fl /
tng aide mirror* .
Clearance Reduction
Many apartment folk deaire Juat such a
aet a» this, convenient Gate Leg Table,
pleaaing dealgn with two Windaor Chaira,
llluatiated. to match, walnut or brown ma
hogany finlah, tha aet of
thre» plecea. vary apecial.
only .
Breakfast Suites
Valae, A < AW
In a l-FIvca Set. Jm4.
MM Value, A. -a
walnut or mahogany .
•S.lf Yalaa, 5/
rich enameled .. JO. /O
I Low |
Dr&peries j
Typical Values j
• Haraulaot'.a ... |
v’uitaina, ralr.3 65
n , d.nary har.aln for /M r .. .. X V/U I! o^.VnTpX?***'""* 4.45
On any new, modern wer. th.. w„k. -re-.-. o---- fl •.» *«.i£ , ’
chandise you may desire. Hart- k p>lr. 3.45
SiSi’SiJv^ *T Ioimo FumiAhinq Section* I i
allowance on it. i J wiHL-v/ d 4 II m«%aiw. curtain
» IJ aprclal, yard. tJrC
Simply Phone ATIantic 5976 Dinnerware Percolator Waste Basket Combinette Wash Boiler Serving Tray Soap R 79c
home—there’s no nhliiriatimt in. fallow Sarvte! Aluminum. Humped HUM. Cliambar Pall Oalvanla.d Brlahtly col- p i a . £ ‘ __
nonie—-tlicre s no obligation in- for tw.lvl luS panal ahapa. I- a.vMal M,.m- In «iiltr v - Irnn. nnmt.* r ,.,4 .U.l.n- Jr/1' *t==-J
volved—he Will he glad *0 **■ pLoaa- ’ cup alaa. tlrd flnlahaa at war*. Spa- A «>» Worth Hound, U-inch „
plain our “Trade-In'’Plan. *>o rA . 00
._„ 23.50 79c 49c 98c 1.69 49c 33c
Inspect Our Special Settings for 5 Rooms—On Display in Our Model Rooms
Hartman’s—World’s Largest Retail Furniture Qcalers-srAn Institution of Smiling Se, vice and Unfailing Courtesy