The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 15, 1925, PART THREE, Page 2-C, Image 22

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    Past Events j
* ■ Saturday afternoon Lillian Rebecca
Itough rf, 5 year-old daughter of the
‘II. I- Doughertys, entertained her
‘ J. lei-. They were:
■ 3 rri ilflvmnn, Shirley Hnffrrmn,
/im T • !« In Prime, Virginia. McNulty,
j i Kirk**.*. Hilly Hunion,
l ; »*t.h Shrunk, l)an Himon.
J * I iiu Hoffman,
Miss Bessie Bock entertained 14
Quests at a Valentine party Wednes
* flay evening in the Alpine dining room
! t>f the Hotel Hamilton.
* • Mrs. TT. G. (^ounsman entertained
* fit luncheon and bridge at her home
* }>n Wednesday iti honor of her sis
ter, Mrs. H. N. Mannell of Hnmpasas,
Tex. Her guests were:
MeetlSmee - Mefulamen—
AVill I'almatler .7 J., Mantuan
]'. 11, HeUwich H. i'i, I’ouneman, Jr.
31.. I'rv Keel In e Karl Burket
MI-see— M Imkm—
jVlinn'** Itauman A. l.lvoaey
Al «'ollett <’ora M*> Keeline
Mis. Mannell will leave for her
home Monday evening.
John Madden, jr., entertained 3"'
guests at a dancing party l-'rlday eve
'* ping at the hopie of his parents, Mr,
Snd Mrs. John Madden, in Fairaores.
Mrs. J. Maurice Yerggy entertained
at a buffet bridge luncheon Friday
when her guests were:
Me.James— Me^d-mes—
pn"! Hungate Hurry Stevens
TKilph Smith uanrge Xe’sen
Ciu-H-dius Rundgren .t. K. Smiley
Tt'idolph R. Tamdgren Vernon Pei ter
Tlinri'ie Musta in Herbert Kennan
Claude Varner C. K. Hielda
C. 11 Pickard Kleanor Yerggy
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Wolcott en
tertained at a Valentine party at their
home Saturday evening. Their guests
we re:
Ur. and Mrs. A. .T. Young, Dr. and
Alin. E. F. Hardlannert and Mr. and
Airs. Lean Jacobs.
(damma Phi Beta sorority gave their
annual luncheon Saturday at the El
>:-igloi- hotel. Marian dray and Ethel
Whalen were hostesses.
—a. ~_
Mrs. Louise S. Zabriskie enter
tnlned Mr. ami Mrs. Ken Stanley, and
Dr. and Mrs. W. 11. AtcNichols at
.dinner at her home Friday evening
fli'honor of Pietro Yon, organist, who
appeared in concert at the First Pres
byterian church, Saturday evening.
J)r. and Afrs. A. D. Dunn also enter
tained the organist Informally at.
their home Friday evening. Mrs.
Dunn was assisted by Miss Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rainbolt enter
tained IS little girls at a valentine
party, Saturday afternoon, In honor
of their daughter, Ruth.
Air. and Mrs. W. P. Haney enter
tained* two tables of bridge at their
home Friday evening.
Maple Leaf Kensington.
Kensington of Maple Leaf chapter,
O. E. S., Saturday at 2:30 p. m., in
the Red Cross room of the Alasonic
temple. Chairmen, Mrs. Clara Gar
diner, Alias Alma Broderdorp, Airs.
Mabel Boand.
( oiiiiis Club.
Mrs. Charles Barrie will entertain
the Cornua dub at a 1 o'clock lunch
eon, Wednesday at the Brandeis tea
/.. .. .v
' Fremont Society I
Fremont, Neb., Feb. 14.—Prof.
T.ouise Pound. University of Ne
braska, will deliver a lecture- at the
Fermont Woman'* club Monday. Miss
Pound will be assisted by Mrs.
I-eonore Burkett Van Kirk, who l.s
bead of tfce musical department at
Cotner rolleke.
The Elks will give a series of card
parties Tuesday afternoon. In charge
of the program will be Mesdames:
Herman Beckman, chairman; W. W. i
Blackman, Jack Carlson, Paul Col
son. A. C». Christensen, Ji C. Cook,!
Myron Bodel. Charles A. Bone.
Members of the Senior Auction club '
will meet at the home of Mrs. Emma
Cummings Monday evening.
The Northside elub w ill meet next I
Wednesday with Mrs. Julius Johnson1
ut a luncheon.
Mesdames Joseph T. Smith, Carroll
Cuurtrlght and Karl entertained,
80 guests at two Valentine parties'
Friday and Saturday. Out-of-town
guests invited for the parties were
Mesdames; Guy Teeter, North Bend;
Harvey C. Kendall, Dlncoln: the
Misses Ruth Cain. Marie Court
light, and Brinkman, all of Omaha;
Edward Magher, Cedar Bluffs.
Mrs. William A. Pederson enter
tained the Duo club Tuesday at a val
entine party. Her guests were: Mes
dames Frank Mettleman, Kee Klare,
Rav Carlson and Herman Blckmeyer.
C. & N. W. Woman's club held a
valentine party Wednesday at the
home of Mr*. C. Milverstedt. Mr*.
Bam McClaren will bs next hostess
of the club. •
charity club members were enter
tained by Mrs. Nathan Sampter *t
Hotel Pathfinder Wednesday. Guests
were; Mesdames R. U. Vsnce, Wil
liam Dressel and H. R. Murphy. The
• club meet* next week with Mr*. R.
C. Dyers.
Mrs. R. D. Wall was hostess to the
A. T. dub Monday, with Mrs. I. H.
| I.anghar and Mrs. Ell Harmon **
I g i sts of the club. Honors in bridge
Went to Mrs. Theodore Mohler and
Mr*. Eloyd Haven. Mrs. J. J. Metz
inger will be the next hostess of the
J. C. 1?, elub met at the home of
Mis. Nicholas Miller Tuesday. The
elub will hold Its next meeting at
tli" home of Mrs. Henry Eidam.
Miss Ruth Wintersteen entertained
the Delphian society Monday eve
ning. .
Allrnsa club members had dinner at
th" Undstrcm Inn Tuesday followed
).\ evening at the home of Miss Pearl
A Hiertson.
Mrs. G. Moore was hostess to the
bridge club Tuesday at her home.
Prizes '.vent to Mrs. K. A. Whltmer
and Mrs. Paul Barger.
Miss Dorothy Bell entertained eight
friends at a chow mein dinner at the
Bell home Monday evening.
Dr. nnd Mrs. H. 0. Pederson enter
tained Monday at dinner at their
home. Bridge honor* were won by
Mis. O. R. Wslllok and Dr. H. D.
Jdulr with consolations to Mr*. Henry
Christensen and John Gannon.
A large number of friends gathered
to pay tribute to Mrs. Doiilsn M. Hess.
nnolYier of Mrs. F H. Rerhenke, on
hep 18th birthday on Tuesday.
Members of the Study club met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drew
Tuesday evening.
Mrs, 7.»r McMsr entertained *t
luncheon fit her home Tuesday, Mrs.
Jditlici I-'iisuii wun bridge honors,
Impersonates Breton’s Picture |
Mrs. E. h. lAtx ®
will appear •'
Breton's "Song of
the Ijtrk," In a
t a h 1 e a u entitled
"Out of the Pic
ture Frame," to
he given hy the
Art Department
of the O m a h a
tV ontan s club,
Feb. 20, at the Y.
tV. C. A.
Mrs. H. J.
Holmes, assisted
by Mrs. tV. ,1. Tru
vor. will direct the
play and Mrs. A.
o. Peterson, stole HI
chairman of Art
will pose the char ESI
aiders of the play Hi
who will be:
Carol, Mrs. II
M. Krug: Phoebe,
Mrs. .1. It. Golden
Girl with Broken
Pitcher: Gruez,
Moxone Potts; Al
ice, C hasp, Mary
■lane Swett; Mona
I.isa, de Vinci.
Mrs. Everett Stoll:
Davlnla, Titians
Dtr.. Titian, Grace
Pool Steinberg;
Mrs. S 1 d do n s,
G a i n s b o rough,
Mrs. Charles K. I
Dally; Madame De
Brun, herself, Mrs. ; y
Frank B u 11 t a ;
Whistler's Mother,
Jacqueline Reynolds. Mrs. Harriet McMurpny: Hlue Hoy, (jainaoorougn,
Fostlne Potts: Age of Innocence. Reynolds, Rosemary Oehrle.
Pupils of Foatine Potts and Jimmie I). Mussulman will present two
dames. Technical High School orchestra, under the direction of Will lleth
erington, will accompany the dances and furnish the music for the program.
Soloists for the afternoon will be Mrs. Deyo Crane, Lawrence Dodds. Will
Hetherington, Mrs. J. R. Cain, jr. Reservations for luncheon and the pro
gram can be made by calling Mrs. John it. Holden, Mrs. J£. R. I^otz, or Mrs.
k\\ \V. Davenport.
f -N
A valentine luncheon of unusual
interest was given by Miss Jean Rae
yesterday. Ths engagement of Mar
gnret Woodruff, (laughter of Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Woodruff, and (Slenn M.
Frye was announced.
Those present were: Misses Myra
rteddan, T,ol* Hoel, Neva. Denison,
Mary I'hlllippi, and Mrs. Dewey
(loudly. Out-of-town guests were Mrs.
Hubert J. Van Ness and Miss Neva
lleplogle of Red Oak, la.
Miss Woodruff is the school nurse
at Technical High school. Mr. Frye
is associate pastor at First Meth
odist Episcopal church.
Omaha Walking club will give a
dance at Hanscom park pavilion
Thursday for club members and their
fi lends. The dance Is sponsored by
Hull Johnson and Maude Rile.
A8 tO
Spring Styles
in Footwear
The chic and charm which
are Paris’ own have been
translated by Laird-Schober
into the dainty Sprinc
Slipper sketched, above,
with its short, vamp, round
toe and slender spike heel.
Produced In the following:
Copper Brown Satin
Patent Leather
Blonde Satin
—patent forepart
Blonde Kid
—patent forepart
Women’s Chiffon Hosiery
shown in such new Sprintr
time shades, as Mysterieuse,
Copper, Blonde, Fallow,
Cork, Rachelle, Russia Tan
a:td Black. Per pair—
307 South Sixteenth Street
r |
Birth Announcements.
A son whs born Wednesday at. St.
Catherine hospital to Mr. and Mrs.
Itay J. Burcc.
Mr. ami Mrs. Edward Frank an
nounce the hlrth of a daughter Fri
day at Methodist hospital. Another
baby Rirl was born at the hospital
Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. H. F.
Misrellaneous Shower.
Miss Esther C. Nelson gave a mis
cellaneous shower at her home Sat
urday afternoon for Miss Bessie Carl
son of Paplllion, Neb., who is to be
married thia month. Those present
Kat* Biodb- k \ru1icw* Ksran
l^ela Kl^vaer JO I la Woodward
Alma I.nmh Maud Bollln:'
Helen .Sinclair J. (‘arlaon
Marta Rica
MI !»*»•«:
Kurh Johnvofi Fnyder
Harriett* Moure Ktmtnuasen
Hell* 1'arlsun «'uil*i»n
Picture Frame*.
It Ip a grave mistake to count on
hanging picture* in ordinary frame*
on wall* covered with paper In old
colonial pattern, or in the Chinese
Chippendale design*. The'only thing
permissible are pictures in heavy gold
frame*, and but few of thehe, bung
with cord* and tassel*. There i* a
dignity and expression about these
papers that cannot be cheapened by
frame* of inferior quality or frame*
in varying design.
Men's suits, cleaned often, wear longer
—look better, and are more economical
to wear. Dirt-infested clothing causes
the material to wear out quickly and is
a menace to health.
The Valeteria System
of Pressing Clothes
Men’s Suits Vale
teria Pressed at a
price that is as low
or lower than
charged elsewhere
for "ordinary”
(Cleaning and
Pre.ainf )
The Valeteria System of clothes pressing is
the "last word” in scientific pressing
methods. Six different machines, each de
signed for a particular purpose, are used
in the pressing of men’s suits. Yet, with
all this expensive equipment, Dresher
prices are lower.
We Pay Return Parcel Po*t Charge*
Anywhere Under the American Flag
Dresher Brothers
2211-2213-2215-2217 Farnam St.
A>T lantic 0345 MA rket 0050
”4. '. . i
Card Parties.
*■ —J
Ennia club will give a dance and
raid party Tuesday evening st the
Elks rlub. The nffnir is given for
the benefit of 8t; Mary Magdalene
church building fund. It is open to
the putdic. Mesdames Mary I.. Buses.
J. Morgan, Lillian McClintock and
Miss Mary McShane are hostesses.
Major Isaac Sadler, chapter, T>. A.
B., will entertain at a bridge luncheon
Friday at 10 In Hotel Fontenelle.
Reservations with Mrs. O. F, Dotson,
Atlantic 8780.
O. R. I,, club of Our Rady of Lour
des parish is giving a bridge and high
five party at the parish hall, Thirty
second avenue and Francis, Thursday.
The proceeds of this party will he do
nated to Our T^idy of I,ourdes St.
Vincent de Paul society.
The committee in charge of nr
rangetnenls Is as follows: Mesdames
\V. II. Walker, Roger Kelley, John
Mattern. Harry Denison, T. J. Shana
hail, J. W. Arnoldi.
Radies of Elks will give a card
party Tuesday at 2 p. in. at the Elks
club. Mrs. John Martin, hostess.
St. Ann Sodality will entertain st
a card and bunco party in the paro
chial hall. Wednesday night, Feb
ruar.v 18. I'nlque prizes will be award
ed and refreshments served. The fol
lowing will entertain:
Mesdames: Mesdames:
r> K. O'Brien Si-phm Carroll
Sam Koberlaon JVter llnyle
Jot.n McAuliffo B. O'Connell
Fred Elorlen Charles Hauptmann
Hit-haul I-re
(lames start promptly at 8 30.
Garfield circle No. 11, T-adies of the
G. A. K.. will give a bridge and high
five party at the home of Mrs. Willi
meta Powers, 122 North Twenty-sec
ond street, Wednesday evening, at
8:30. Proceeds will lie used for state
convention of the G. A. R.. to be held
In Omaha on May 5, 6 and 7.
Reservations are being made for the
high-five and bridge party to tie given
next Thursday evening at the new
gymnasium of the Christ Child cen
ter, Tenth and William streets.
The proceeds of this party go to
St. Vincent de Paul Society of St
Phllomena parish.
Sisterhood temple will entertain at
a bridge and mah-jongg party Tues
day, 2 p. m., February 24,' in the ves
try rooms of the temple.
The Trl Delta sorority will give a
bridge party Saturday at 5173 Jones
street. Mesdajnes Karl W. Jones and
,J. R. Blackman will be. hostesses.
A sunshine party will be given at
the home of Mrs. Julia Bowie, 5443
Florence boulevard, Friday. G. A. R.
post No. 7 comrades Invited.
District No. 7, woman's division of
St. Cecilia cathedral parish, will en
tertain at bridge and high five at the
school auditorium next Wednesday.
The nurses of Paxton Memorial
hospital alumni will give a benefit
dance on Wednesday night at the
Elks club, sponsored by Dr. and Mrs.
M. J. Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Penn
Fodrea. Music by llarino Jazz or
Drama Section Omaha foil*** club will
rIvo a benefit bridge ai the Hrandela te«
room Saturday. February 3*. at - 15. The
proceed* to h« applied to acholat>hId fund
of th* f*nll*Ke club
Mr*. K S Tr*ver 1* chairman and ha*
on her (ommtttea th® followmm Mr* .1.
Y Yota* a. Mr*. Paul pf*x and JHia*
I enor* Heverhln*.
Prominent in Clubdom
Mrs. .T. F. Dim
ii’k is one of the
most prominent
figures In Omaha
clubdom. She has
an executive rec
ord thnt few have
At present she
Is president of
(iniahn. Drove No.
i, B. P. O. Oops,
and the fortnlgtrt
ly meetings with
the accompanying
iletail incident ‘to
running a success
ful organization
takes much of her
Ufp. There are ,
165 members In ■
the Drove.
In addition she fl
; is leader for the K
i American Home J
| department of the fl
Omaha Woman's *
club, with its 4'.’ j,
members, who jg
gather each ttvo m
weeks In each oth- j
, ers’ homes.
As past presi- 8
dent Mrs. T>lmlck
la Interested and active In the work of the I.iuerty star chapter, O. E. S.,
Kensington club.
It was In this organization that her opportunities as an executive really
opened, and she rose from a secretaryship, through a vice presidency, to the
presidency in a period so short as to attest her popularity.
r - \
Camp Fire Girls !
Postern for Camp Fire Girin' exhibit
February UK, at the Silk Shop, must be
at Camp Fire headquarters Monday, Feb.
ruary lti.
Tuenday, February 17, at 4 p m. .T. K.
Livingston will lecture on Interior deco
rating at Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
Guardiunn' training class under the
leadership of Mary Louise Guy met Sat
urday north of Florence for a leaaon tn
outdoor cooking.
Aoklbe group met Friday at the home
of (llavlnna Musgeltnan. New officers
elected were: President. Teahe! Sailors,
vice president. Mildred Wlckernham; se<
retary and treasurer, Kdlth Hink, re
porter, Helen Minor
A new grout* was organize.1 Tuenday a*
the home of Mildred Lee Woodson. Miss
.Margaret Songster Is the guardian.
Thirty-nine Henson school girls met at
nouil Wednesday t <• organize « Camp
Fire group. A number of these guts
come to school by bus and have to leave
a m soon as school Is out so Camp hire
meetings v. ill be held at noon.
• J.exse group held a Valentine party Fri
day evening at ihe home of their guard,
lan. Mrs Colin McKenzie
J.exse CblW'i group served at the Father
and Son banquet for Hoy Scout iroop 40
at the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer
.Tuesday evening.
HatocH group held a ceremonial Mon
day at the home of Florence and Eleanor
Ta miitoaian.
Winharlo group held a business meeting
Juhawo of the Methodist church held
their first ceremonial meeting Wednesday
at t)»e church. Mrs. C A. McKenzie. I
guardian of the J.exse, helped the new
group. *
Ma ha group of Col uni hi a school had a
Valentin- p*ri\ Friday at the home of
Jean Richmond.
!! Y. W. C. A. )I
Centra’ Park Junior Trl*n*l». 1pm.
Sherntnn .liifiior Tr Inn gin. Sherman
school. 3 p. n>
lie t ha n' Junior Triangle. Bethany
<•} a pel. 4 p. hi.
Te >nVal Ftchruan club. T. W. C. A.
at 4 p. ?n.
Kul ■■■rat or of c|u»J» cupper at Ip m
n;*r u»s:on. "What »•» Talk About.” Ifrc.
*•' M. i.andale PeheareHl of Federation
Frolic prog ran ciiette*! by Mre V.. M. i
l.andalo and Mira Clarabelle McDermand |
Sot-ia! I*o:aa at * p. m. speaker. Char*!
lolte Townsend Whitcomb.
Comtnlus Junior THangle 1:11.
Lake Junior Triangle. 1:30.
rH«telar Junior Tr angfe. 4 p. m.
Good Mennei r. 7:3o p. ih , Miaa Mary
Lone Wallace, leader.
M eilnee«lay.
Regular ainnlHr meeting of the board
of directors at 10.
Kdward Hoaefxate - » b.r u rtanple
tn**»*t* at the afhool at 3:05.
Lothrou Junior Tr..* iK •*. 3:30.
Si.ufh Student « ’ : >> 4 tv m.
Connovg club supper at 6. followed bv
program. ,
Diamond W. club -upper at f. :30. Speak
er. Mary Irena Wa’ ;* e _
l" elele ilaaaea u.*et at €.30 and i :1,‘
p. m.
Drawing meef* n* 7.
Florence Junior Tr;:*rgle. 1.
Central Student •lub. 3:15
More the Merr'er ■ ub \n ent ne pgrtv
a ml In‘ tla1 Inii of n' n.embers, chair*
man, M*.*a Mlnet\» Butcher.
Park Junior T- sng|p 3:15
Vinton Junior Triangle. 3 15
Alaecon cltib will mre* for supper nt|
f. and will go to Rhrrvlew home for lie;
monthly meeting with the children.
Junior (iirl "**4rve. afternoon at tie
T. W. C. A. 3:30.
rVamit Hulter and Apricot Jam
Thin slices white or whole wheat
bread, buttered; apricot jam. a little
orangy Juice, peanut butler. Drain
part of the ayrup from apricot jam.
Mix aprieota to a paste with » little
orange juice. Spread one slice of
bread with the jam mixture, a second
'slice with peanut butter. Combine
slices, trim and shape. Raspberry or
strawberry jam. grape, apple or
quince Jelly may lie substituted for
the apricot if desired.
Squash in (ireen I'eppers.
Wash and cut a winter squash in
pieces. Scrape out the seeds and.
steam right side up tint! I tends
Mash, add milk, butter and salt. Set
in a hot oven while peppers are being
prepared. Wash and seed large green
peppers, cut In halves and parbo:
12 minutes. Stuff with golden aquas);
and serve hot.
Creighton College |
1 i —..
Covers were laid for 80 at a dilute
dance given hy Beta Nu chapter of
the Kappa Psl fraternity Tuesday h*
the Omaha Athletic club. Kapi>a Pm
orchestra played.
Chaperones were Dean and Mrs It
C. Newton. I*rofessnr and Mrs. it
Benson. Professor and Mrs V. K
Marsh and Dr. and Mrs. William ,\
The Trl Chi's sorority will hold si!
meetings In the Commerce bulldlm
mull lt« holism, which was damage |
by fire last week. Is repaired.
John Melvlng. sophomore, has been
elected steward of Kappa Pi Delta.
Victor Doyle. Bex B. Relsland anil
Virgil Bald have been pledged 1
kappa l*sl fraternity.
Delta Kappa Delta will entertain
Its pledges at a dance, to be given
Tuesday evening. February 17, in tt*v
Fnlon club rooms.
Chi Fpsllon of l'hl Chi are giving a
dance a.‘ th» Blackstone Tuesday aw
ning. February 17.
Leftover Meal Suggestions.
To -j<r leftover meat make on,
i up of white sauce, using two table
spoons of flour. Chop fine one cup
of cold cooked tongue, veal or lam
or a combination of these. Combine
the mpat with the sauce, season and
heat thoroughly In a douhle bolle
Season end serve pn toast for brea
fast or In patty or timbale shells ft
lunch. If us»d for a luncheon dish
add cubed ■ ' «ry cooked, chopped
mushrooms - >ped cooked egg, ami
seasoning, a( o;ding to taste. A ri<
er sauce <-tn he made by using part
cream in place of milk. Ham, ewee
breads, pork, turkey, tlsh. etc., rna-%^
lie prepared according to these saute
directions. _
For nearly a bulf century the
name of Albert Kdholm ha* been
ay non* motto for the beat In Dia
mond Jewelry and a certainty of
full value.
2d Moer City Nat’I Bank
Hem- Glove Cleaning
StitcHine A merit* oir r ,'i
1 alent taction it tlnd
to order —any •• ntJtr at email
piece good* de- Zxptn «ori.,
partment or at praaervlng. not in.
the Fifth Floor ^""Si
V> orkroom. -i^analng thorough
—-—. Iv.
There Are Many Things This Store Won’t Do for Money
But We Will Sell Good Merchandise
and Tell the Truth About it
New Flannel Dresses
Smartly styled, youthful, beautiful workman
ship. 1 he kind of dresses you have been ae- *
customed to pay—gladly, pay—considerably
- juore than this special price. Sizes 16 to 40.
bvary wanted color and combination,
including rust, light blue, amber, rose,
orchid, red, tart, leaf green, earmel
and striped and plaid combinations.
60 Dresses
. Ridiculously low priced for final clearance.
Flannels, wool jerseys, silks. Sizes
16 to 40; choice.
Final Clearance
Fur Coats andJacquettes
• •—Sizes it to 40
5 Fur Coats
Of dark muskrat and sea
line; formerly priced to
$195.00 ..J
13 Fur Coats
Formerly Priced (• *3.111.0*
Black Caracul Coat—Skunk
collar and cuffs.
Golden Muskrat Jacqueti* —
Fox trim
Silver Muskrat Jacquette —.
Bed Fox trim.
Silver Muskrat .facquette —
Leopold Cat trim
Sealine Coat — Dyad squirrel i
collar and cuff*. j
Dark Muskrat Coat—various '
Silver Muskrat Coats—varl- J
on* trims. ?
Nurses’ Taffeta
Uniforms Pillows
II uniform*, a tan- Quit* the rage. A
dard make*, both sarietv in
waist 1 I n • and variety In dainty
i atratghtllne mod- colorings hilled
els: some which with silk floss
show effect* of Remarkable In
handling; all, oth
erwise perfect: richness and In
alses 34 to 41; for- tenslyely decora
I merly priced 52.93 tlv*
to 13.95.
$1.98 »2Ji *3
1-- ' ■■ ii ■ . ' ■ ■■ ■■■■ —~
French Stationery
A complete collection of hand
some French Stationery. Plain
or fancy paper, various shade*
with or without border—fancy
lined envelopes to match. A fea
ture i* M»e 'turn-down flap pa
<per — the nr w -
•■st stationery
Kach packed »n
a n Attractive I
t»rn end box
• 1.25. 92.50
jfr-' S3. S3 .50
t erreapendenre Card*
French correspondence cards In
pastel shades, some with fancy
borders; lined envelopes to
match. r/h
601. $Z.5U
ll " • — '■ 1
Men’s Stamped
Undersuits Pieces
Children s <ir»-**e*,
A feature for men v
oioomera to match
K.rly offering „lmM re^v to Chal, .mbroider Hign
Athletic nainsook g!M(Jr K,ngbtm.
underauita. \cte, tm.„ check.
shonn before at y.rloua color, 5
this price. 4, and C yeare. Re
markable value.
$1.00 $1.00
For Monday
Feature Drapery Items
Filet Nets Ruffled Curtains
A very fine quality mostly Sheer dotted marquisette
In small all-over patterns; In small, medium and clus
42 to 45 inches wide; regii- ter dots; each pair with
lar J1.50 to tfJ'J A/1 Debarks; (SI no
$1.75; yard... •Pl.lAJ p«,r . .iJO
Fringed Curtains
Filet and casement effects; 36 to 45 Inches
wide; 3 yards to I’s yards lone; specially
priced each
| $1,95 $2.75 $3.95
— I..-. ... —. . *-“ 1 1 111 ■ ■ 1 ■
Super Value Stockings
Pure Silk
Shoe Shades and Black
An Unusual Value
| ftrA(e-$l,29
Sale of Silk
Bed Lamps
Silk Hod Lights, ns iliust tatou in plot e with six
feet of silk cord and two-piece
soi'keta; colors: rose. lavender,
jade, sand, blue
Lamps Without Shades
Hold stippled bridge and junior lamp base a—for
those who intend* making their
own shades.
I $10.00 \ allies . ! ^
No matt orders filled *t these prices An addi
tional charge of :5c per lamp »it! be added 10
. over packnKS and postage.
vovutii ft/xoR einRuxiiK nr. or
-— ---■—— ■ ■