The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 15, 1925, PART THREE, Image 21

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Gabby Says
TWO Omaha women, at least, have
been pretty thoroughly, frighten
-.1 during the last week. Natur
ally timid about staying alone, Mrs.
Carol Eelden and Mrs. Edwin Davis
decided, when their husbands both
left town on business trips lastXeek
to protect one another. Mrs. Davis
w as to spend several nights w ith Mrs.
Eelden and Mrs. Belden the remaind
er of the "might be lonesome” nights
with Mrs. Davis.
All went well until Mrs. Belden
returned to her home one morning
to find the front and back doors open
and R good many valuable articles
missing. During the night a burlar
had made a call.
Now Airs. Beldon and Airs. Davis
have decided that they are a protec
tion to one another but little or none
to the house left empty. Sympathetic
friends and neighbors are staying
with the two “widows” until their
husbands return.
* |__
IT TAKES the Central High school
girl to hurl defiance in the teeth
of Paris.
A group of them, which includes
Misses Virginia i^arte, Helen DeVore,
Ruth Sehwager, Helen Bramman and
Betty Craig, have been setting a style
their own. which Is rapidly being
taken up by their sister students.
They have decided that there shall
be no more low waistlines and the
belts on their frocks in consequence
ire fastened about them almost under
their arms.
Gabby thinks they are Haunting
their youth in the faces of those who
cling to a low waistline because there
isn't any other waistline left.
POL'DRECSE tables are the latest
frivolous word in furnishings,
Gabby hears.
They are just now arriving from
France, slowly following summer vis
itors who purchasedthem there for
themselves and their friends.
Poudreuses are charming, slender
legged pieces made of mahogany, with
tullpwood, satinwood and rosewood
inlay. Alarle Antoinette is said to
have designed the originals, which
are again the fashion.
A mirror set In the flat top is raised
and discloses little holders for
scents, rouges and powders. One tiny |
cavity is said to have held the black
patches with which the queen set her
creamy skin off to advantage.
Airs. Ben Wood has one in her
drawing room. She brought one to
Mrs. Alan Tukey, who has it placed
in her living room, whese it shows
off to advantage in the chintz-hung
apartment. Mrs. J. E. Summers has
one in a small reception room, for
the hurried guest to lake advantage
of, and Mrs. Henry Bohllug uses one
brought her from PhiIs by her sister,
Miss Elizabeth Davis.
ONE of the brand newest "Juniors"
in town, the scion of one of
Omaha's wealthiest families. Is
worth not only a world full of love
to his mother, but a huge touring car
and elutiorate silver tea service as
well, for ou the little fellow's birth a
week or so ago. ids proud father
rushed from jeweler to motor dealer
purchasing gifts for his wife as a ma
terial paeon of pi-aise,
is I
visitor of the past week,
brought with her from the
east sets of necklaces, earrings and
tings which were the envy and de
spalr of her Omaha friends.
The earrings were fashionably large,
sr, large in fact that site left them off
at tea time just to give iter ears a
i o#t before dinner*
The sets were silver crystal, green
and white jade and pink and white
• arnelian.
One set of silver had been cunning
ly wrought Into little bells which
tinkled tiniiy as she moved.
IF you miss the vests—well!
Two of Omaha's budding young
business geniuses, graduates of
Elite Yale, are searching for a tailor,
not a tailor with .a mirrored empor
ium. but one who sits on a eto'ol all
day and retreats into the backroom of
the shop at noon to nibble a'meager
lunch from a paper bag. In fact one
to whom they can take a worn-out
pair of trousers and a vest and who
will presto—turn out a seemingly
new pair of trou. at little or not cost.
What happens to the vest, AH!
IP^n^^hus gone into tHo repairing of the
If these young men find this tailor
they will probably set a new style
In Omaha. Business suits — sans
Birthday Party.
Mary Louise Kaapke. daughter of
the William C. Rnapkes, celebrated
,er fifth birthday Friday afternoon at
tier home.
As ^special favor she was allowed
to cut her own birthday cake. Her
little guesls were:
i»lrl« - Olrls -
r»try O'Neill Mmyltr <"»>*y
Jvtrerta ilullfnyla '•'■tty Walsh
Jr-an (Jnllfoyla Matty Jayna Cobry
Anuria ('ruin'* Maru Hykra
Barbara ('rule** linns Ann I’aiker
Cleraldln* Kano Beverly Johnatnu
Hove - Huy
Robert Kelila Arthur Johnaton
J«.-k Linden Mtlly llennnn
tank Borlhuff Junior Hannon
Barnard Bradley Jack Ilaupke
Howard Bradley
(Ihurch Turkey Dinner.
The First Presbyterian church will
give a turkey dinner Thursday, Feb
ruary 19 at «:30. Circle No. 2 will be
In charge. Members of Circle No. 2
entertaining dinner parlies on that
evening will lie:
V Mandat Ilea- - Mrsdume#—
V It. l.oomla -f V. liannlater
/tI. hard Carrier It. I. Adain*
C. A Orlmmel Waller Preatoo
Ruluz E. Lo«
Bankers (live Dance.
The American Institute of Banking
will hold their annual dance at the
Fontenelle hotel Friday evening, Feb
ruary 20.
Esther Smith Houles*.
Mies Esther Smith will entertain
•t bridge at tier hprne Wednesday.
Miss Gwendolyn Wolfe, Mrs. Fit
sign Otis and Miss laditia Creighton
of Roekland. Me., who were quests
last week at the 4. M. ltaldrige home,
left Friday evening for Minneapolis,
Minn., where they w ill \ isit before
going to California. They will return
to their homes rla New Orleans and
They were wdely feted while in
Omaha by friends of Miss Wolfe, who
is (be daughter of Mrs. .1. M. Hal
Mrs. t\ A. Kinney may be seen
speeding along the high roads, these
first warm days in- the ear left her
by her uiiele, Ooiild Itiet/, during ids
absence in South America.
Mrs. Kaniiey came to Omaha in
October with Mr. Kaniiey and her
sons, Robert, and Carlton, Jr. Tills
week they have Mr. and Mrs. \V. R.
Met al thy of Duluth as their guests
and will entertain in tlieiiy Itonor.
' "Punch", tile Boston terrier, loves
motoring and is seen in tlie picture
begging to he allowed to ride on the
rear traveling boxes.
-s - Qj
Mi 4 Warren Howard will be one
of the waitresses to assist at the pan
rake tea, which will be given at All
Saints church on Shrove Tuesday.
She is tlie mother of two beautiful
rliild'en, Sueane and Buster. Her
little daughter lias inherited her
pretty brown eyes.
Mrs. Howard takes an artlie pert
in aliiDinae work of Delta (>ainnia
Miss Jean Field, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank D. Field, Is one of
Omaha's few harpists. Site Is a mem
ber of the Matinee Musical club,
which met at her home February II
and for which she is a member of
the nominating committee. The dufc
was organized in ihe fall and It* mem
ber* are all talented musician*.
Mis* field is a graduate of laisell
seminary. Auburndale, Mas*., and sec
retary of the Omaha and f'ounrll
Bluffs l.asell dull. She I* a member
of the Emma Hoagland flower mis
Supper Party Tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hansen Will
entertain this evening at their homo,
when their guest* will he:
Mennrii and —
.« A How nor. c\ P. Hamilton,
dknn 1» Whitcomb. Ralph R. Kalney.
H T. Hamilton.
Petitia Qreiyhtoris -(LEFO
J\/lrs Qnfi c n, Ot iS-CCent&h)
(Gwendolyn. QVolf'Cfi.'OHrj
' ( PHOTO 8/HL£R)
(Mrs*. (? Ar$anney
and ^Putich"
• —■—«
Comings, Goings
of People You
Mr. ami Mr*. C. C. Hansen ‘have
gone to Plorioa.
- **
Mr. and Mrs. K. 1- Burke are at
the Roliert Fulton hotel In New York
Mi.*. Frank* Baker will entertain
her bridge club Wednesday nt her
Sir. ami Mrs. .lav Burn* who' are
now in Florida, will sail for Europe
on April It.
Mr. and Sir*. E. A. Hamilton will
leave YYirtay for several weeks In
Texas and California.
Mr. Charles H. Huntington, Omaha
pioneer and former eity councilman/
is very 111 at land I.lster 4iospltnl.
Miss Lois Eldred of Grand Island,
who has been the guest of Mrs. O. M.
Taylor, has returned to her home.
Miss Josephine Hamlin has return
ed to Chicago after a short visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ham
Mrs. II. G. Fredrick. who was
operated on Monday at Lord Lister
hospital for apiK-ndh ills, is recover
ing nicely.
Mrs. llussell fVngner and small
daughter, Mary June, will leave early
in March for a several weeks' stay
In Rloux Falls, S. D.
Mrs. Chester K. Smith of the
Alhambra apartments is visiting Ret.
and Mrs. George F. Smith, Mr.
Hm it It s iMireats, in Freeport, ill.
Mrs. Robert Forgan of New York
city, who has been the guest of her
mother. Mrs. Isaac Congdon, for the
last two months, lias returned to het
Mrs. George Lee Ayres of Bead
wood, H. B.. nrrKed today to spend
two weeks wit It her parents, the G.
II. Coons, and Iter daughter, Frances
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McDonald left
New York Saturday. After several
weeks st the Robert Fulloti hotel,
tliey will spend a week in Chicago
before returning to Omaha.
Mr. and Jits. David Caldwell, who
have been honeymooning In Paris and
Monte Caglo, will land In New York
February 110. They will come direct
ly to Omaha. Mrs. Caldwell wn<^ for
merly Miss Lather Meyer*.
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Clarke will
lake possession of the Xenephon
Hirrlth apartment, <13 Smith Thirty
fifth street, Monday. .Mr. and Mis.
Smith plan to ho In their new home
soon, and are with Rev. and Mrs.
Frank Smith now.
<Mrs Warren rNowa.rcD
Colonial Antiques
Will. Be Used at
Dundee Luncheon
All Dundee Ik under Inspection. It
Ik being searched for early American
table accessories to use at the colonial
I luncheon given by Circle of the
| Dundee Presbyterian ••burcli, at tb»
home of Mrs. \\. II. Oordyn at *18110
California, street, on Thursday.
Mrs. ,f. 1*. Arnold, who has charge
of the decorations, has* found old lin
ens, some of the pletes over 100 years
old, antique candlesticks and vases,
among the congregation*
Lutwhfoty will b»' served st
and a table for business mm will be
served at 12:30.
Mrs. F. B. Thomas, who takes reser
vations (\VA. 577*1, reports pm tb i
to bs given by:
MtsdiW** « Mu.f
K! H PlrWard. I'.rlgm Norris, ,
Crunk Clark. i: n Cs*!*»>n.
(tilhert fiends!!. II I’ 11 •-mlHn tnl.
A. c Crnaaman. J.ynr» AVrlk#
f. V. ritnaeraid, it lhnfnr<l
T K. W'tUh. Ueorg-i Jl;t«cu
Arthur Hows,
At kti|)|ui Sicilia Daurr.
Knppa Sigma fraternity dedicated
Ha new fraternity house in JJncotn
Saturday evening. John T. Thornton
of Chlcfigo was ilie principal speaker.
A dance \\:m given by the fraternity
on Friday evening at the Lincoln
hotel, and on Saturday afternoon new
member* were Initiated.
Omaha mentbera aft ending were:
Moll'll t: Hniirli. Wulfr,
Cym* Mim..ti. r.<iumti Pnnek,
M H li*r*t|ui*t, .l*dm M«*rlU
II M. IVo-i. I K ft Hint* 11.
I K I’m I t •*.! T r..tl0i
t' A FmM, V Mvrnr,
I(. A. roltjf, lUrry It) i r»#
Wtutliington P«rty>
Mr. unit Mi't »*. K. Hrtnk will en
terliln Mutimlny -it i Ueorge Weeh
liiftlnii party at their home. Thte l»
the eeronit -<f a eei lee of perlle* the
III Inks are kIvIii*. the flrn l>e|n* n
Valentine |airty at theti home V»l
enllne'a eve.
For \\ rililin^ Attnt
Mies LI lx* hath Marker nnIH enter*
lain her wedding nttendunt* on Sun
nay at u noonday dinner at her home.
cL^liss Jean ^leltL
Distinguished < in«—t Here
With the O. <i. Wilsons.
Mrs, O. li. Wilson will entertain at
luncheon on Monday for her slater,
Mrs. Frail I!. Crowley, who arrived
today with Mr. Crowley, and will |m*a
a week here
Mr*. Crowley In an art connoisseur
of note and has hail several of her
rrttlelems publlahed, both hare and
If) Purls. She fa an authority on
North Side W odtiin^.
Th* manias» of Mtea Helen Kthyl
Koae. dauitthter of Mr*. Nellie Uoae,
to lte\ York llaes.r, eon of Mr and
Ml*. IV M rieeaa l\ it' "olcinnlrcd
Saturday *' anli* »t • in- North stile
Christian church. M:»s ttos* la a
urn i i mi to of TnhnloHl tlljfh school
and Mi Kwp is .1 graduate of the
I nhcrsity of Nebraska. i member of
1%1 Kappa Alpha fraternity and at
tended -Columbia university. New
The bride w.ia attended by Miss
| Mild ret h Creeling a* maid 'of honor,
and her bridesmaids were Mrs Frank
ltee*e, Mis# Mildred. Cone Mis* Re I#
I'hner and Mi** Mabel llor*rove
Marl W. Ree#e, brother of the
*tootn. set ved a* best man and the
gloom amen were Oeoi ire Heady. John
[Heady. John Stewart. Frank He**#
and Wilbur Wolfe. A revep'lon at
the brldv * home followed the cere
morn Mi*. Floyd Kell) of AshV^d.
Neb |do) ed the wedding tnatvh and
! Mr*. lUxel Lcidelr) of M.uel;alltow n.J
In . sang a solo. The young couple
Mill he al home at 1461 Kimnett
nx rcet
(.amnia Mu Pari}.
The i lammn Mu dub of Central
Huh «chca>l save a Valentine pro
ere .'he luncheon ’ Saturday after
noon for nine rushee*. Course* were
served at the homes of . Ml SIS’. -
hem.* herv»ihy T'rsser
V.-tlae Hoslei list Helen Nil..on
-te*Sells s.nri Miriam l*>lsh
Msr> Ellen 1 u.-hs i‘harlot te Troistt
H». noi Imtknell .1 K Kiiscernld,
Honoring the Maloiti \r>.
Mr. and Mr*, .lack t'wver will en
tertain at their liom* Saturday eie
nine Ketiruary SS. In honor of Mr.
amt Mr* Will Maloney, echo leaie
*i i'ii for CutUoi m*> ^
Pan Cake Tea
Feb. 24
j In planning the second annual
paruuKe tta which will be held In
All .Saints parish house cn Shrove
Tuesday. February 34. the committee
has decided to adopt the slogan: "Oha
them what and all they want.'*
Pancakes, sausages, real Vermont
ntapie syrup donated by Judge W. A.
Redlek, tid marmalade given by
Charles Trin-.ble. will be there to be
eaten front 13“ mien until 8 In th*
evening \t one wfh the capaclt
s w1 • stay and ear for thee*
eight hours on one ticket.
*A anion- . n* of waffle makers
among the members has een chosen
as a kitchen committee, which in
MesJames-— Mesdamee
Charles Oygrr. <*. I. Fitaeaxd
A E Woodman, Miaa Clara Thomas.
C VV. Holler.
Mrs. St b. Caldwell will be treat
urer and Mrs. Conrad Young will ar
range a musical program. Famant
-Smith promise* te assist at the door
with those who have eaten so much
as to be unable to leave without aid.
Other strong men will be there.
Mesdarnes T. I- Davis. FTed
Daugherty, and O. A. Mever will
decorate the tables, and Mrs. Alvin
Johnson will design the waitresses'
Miss Kmma Hoogland. queen ef
Ak Sitr-Ben. has selected So of her
friends 'to be waitresses and she will
be captain of the dining room.
Those taking reservations include:
Frank A. A. K«b«rt
H Our.^an J. ■*» R*vncl4*
J I». I'axton .1 i*. 8imm*n
Furry Pow#ll R. U Muntt#y
Riili»h l dckjit t .1. R MrlVm*l4
Wurfn Hr>»artl .1 R Su»t#r
J. T. tlUa T J MAv'kuy
Tho«r vim ha\e alrMdy pl*nn';if r *”
p.irtirs inrlurt*: ^0^^^^
Menlcmf* M -
XV \ R-s c A A. T-o»m«n
Wi»U#r M-vtd* F»*4M Martin
Ohxrlf* K Man «» tx nvilAfn
Kufri' V Nul.ff# H TN Yd* 8chu'
t* NX NT ill r «* I. RlijkMM*
M a uric# <;<vtKtt>wW J T- MfChiri
U F. Hurt?
Sigma Mpma XIoniber It
Honored bv (.Hub at
Brand fit*.
Jonquil* and lavender sweet peas
Sigma Sigma club colors in bloom
decorated the tea tables at th«
Itrandets Saturday afternoon, whet
the club, a Central High school grout
entertained for Miss Dallas Nellat
who is moving to Texas.
Covers were laid for the megiberi
who Include:
Misses- - Misses -
Hettv (tees Marv Asess Marshs
Ijiurtii Hrlrn W#Hv
I o'a K#t »#n? i# in R*#n
Rrttv t'i»it Ruth b'hamvti
l.outt* Morrfuon M*rr
H#ur M. N«Ar«»n Murv Fr»lt»
Mxr% le#htD«n Ailc# Felt*
PKyUlu ktltt
Koeeption Tuwdiv.
Mm Cor-r Wolf and Miss Minr.H
Wolf will l>e at honre Tusshy ev»
nlng In honor of Mr. and Mm
Kmannel Ftshel of Pittsburgh. Pa.,
.formerly of Dinahs. Mr. sod Xfr*.
I Ftshel .ye topping at Vbh B.iChat+M