The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 12, 1925, Image 11

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Says His Prescription
Has Powerful Intluencc
Over Rheumatism
Mr. James H. Allen, of 28 Forbes
St., Rochester, N. Y., suffered for
years with rheumatism. Many times
this terrible disease left him helpless
and unable to work.
He Anally decided, after many years
of ceaseless study, that no one can be
free from rehumatism until the accu
mulated Impurities, comniqnlv called
uric acid deposits, were dissolved In
the joints and muscles and expelled
from the body.
With this idea in mind he consulted
physicians, made experiments and
finally compounded a prescription that
luickly and completely banished every
sign and symptom of rehumatism
from his system.
He freely gave his discovery, which
he railed Allenrhu, to others who took
it, with what might be called mar
velous success. After years of urging
lie decided to let sufferers everywhere
know about his discovery through the
newspapers. He has therefore In
structed the Beaton Drug Co. and
druggists everywhere to dispense
Allenrhu with the understanding jthat
if his prescription does not banish
every sijsn and symptom of the dis
ease he will gladly return your money
without comment.
Harmless Tablets
Stop Neuritis Pain
Every person who suffers from
neuritis will be interested to hear that
science has at last found a safe and
effective treatment for this stubborn
iffliction w hich has brought untold
^ misery into so many lives.
Enpa Neuritis Tablets, the formula
if an eminent Homeopathic physician,
have won national fame as the result
nf their remarkahle work in banish
ing the torture of nerve inflammation.
Persons who had used nearly every
form of treatment without success
have found lasting relief in these sim
ple but effective little tablets.
No matter where neuritis centers
its attack—whether In the arm, shoul
der, neck, thigh, leg or back—Eopa
Neuritis Tablets will quickly help to
drive out pain, soreness and inflam
mation. They are pleasant to take
ind absolutely harmless. Price $1 at
Sherman & McConnell and all other
;ood druggists. If your druggist can't
vupply them, order by mall. Roericke
4 Runyon, Mfrs., •San Francisco.
Simple Remedy
For Bad Stomach
Gives Quick Relief
Vo Need of Strong Medicine* or Diet—
Famous but Simple Old English
Recip* Keeps Stomach In Fine
Condition, Banishee After
Eating Distrese
If you are a victim of Stomach Trou
bles—-Gas. Sourness, Pain or Bloating—
you may have quick and certain relief by
following this simple advice.
Don't take strong medicines, artificial
'iigestants or pull down your system by
following unnecessary starvation diets.
Never hurry your meal or overeat of
anything, but within reason roost folks
- may eat what they like—if they will keep
their stomach sweet, clean and active and
lree from the souring acids that hinder or
paralyze the work of digestion.
And the best and easiest way to do this
is to follow every meal with a small
• mount of pure Bisuated Magnesia -a
pleasant, harmless and inexpensive form
r»f Magnesia that promptly neutralizes
acidity and keeps your stomach sweet and
A week's trial of the Bisuated Magnesia,
vhich may be obtained from any drug
gist for only a few centa, will easily con
vince you of the great value of this old
English recipe.
Be sure and get BISURATED Magnesia
not a laxative.
Mealed proposals are invited and will
te received by the City Clerk of the City
'-f Omaha for furnishing said (ity foi
'i«* of the Park Department, with Play
ground Apparatus, consisting of double
* I h I eg, giant strides, waves, four and six
hoard see saws, aix and nine way swings
.<nd merry-go-rounds, as per specific*'
lions on file in the Park Department
Proposals must be sealed, marked ’ Pro.
posals for Playground A ppara tus.'' and
must be addressed to James p. Doctor.
Ity Clerk, Omaha, Nebraska, and must
e on file in his office on or before Tues
lay, February 24. 1925, at 10 o'clock a
u . and as evidence of good faith and
guarantee that contract will be entered
nto should award be made thereon, each
bid must tee accompanied by a certified
herk In the amount of $50.00 made pay.
.hie to the City of Omaha.
The Council reserves the right to re
ject. any nr all bids.
Published in a»c»»rdan e with Resolu
tlnn No. 713. Series 1925.
Omaha, Nebraska. February 9. 1925.
City Clerk.
F 9 10 11-__
To the owners of all lots, lar is, tra' ta
and parcels of lands, within Street Im
provement District No. 2707, snd to the
owners of all lots, tracts and parcels of
lands, abutting on or adjacent to that
port of Forty-second Htreet from Atnes
Avenue to Grand Avenue. In the City of
Omaha, Nebraska.
Notice Is hereby given that there has
’ yn filed with the City Clerk of the
f v of Omaha a petition for the improve
ment of that part of Forty-second street
from Ames Avenue to Grand Avenue, in
i he City of Omaha, by paving and curb
ing, said petition being In words snd fig
uies as follows:
Petition for Improving Forty-second
Ml rest, from Ames Avenue to Grand Ave
n >i*.
j'o the Honorable City Council of the City
«.f Omaha:
We, the undersigned, owners of lot* or
lands allotting upon that part of Forty
second Street from Ames Avenue to
Jrand Avenue In Htreet Improvement Dis
trict No. 2707. in the City <<f omahs. ba
ng record owners of a majority of the
f.>et frontage on said part of said street,
<• shown by the generally recognized
maps of said City, do hereby netltlon
ihst the same be improved by paving and
cur blng
A nd we do further petition the Council
to older such Improvement and 'Hus# Jt
io be made, and that thirty days be nl
lowed In the property owners In said Dl*
irict within which to designate the met*
Isl desired to he used In the paving of
said street
T D Maenner Co. by T. H Maenner.
President (Meal). November 32nd. 1921.
West 02 feet of the Mouth 110 fa**r of !<ot
9 Tuttle's Subdivision. 110 feat front bv
><7 feet deep; North 4.2 feet of the South
152 fee*t of the West J 3.1 *4 fe«t of Lot 9,
Tuttles Subdivision 42 feet front by 13.1*4
feet deep; the North 42 feet of the South
194 feet of t)ie West LiPJi feet of Dot 9.
Tuttle's Subdivision. 42 feet front by 133*4
feet deep; the North 42 feet of the Mouth
JU fe.;t of the West 1 .'t 3 *4 feet of Dot 9.
Tuttle's Subdivision 42 fe«*t front by 133*4
feet deep; the North 42 feet of the Mouth
:TH feet of the West 13.1*4 feet of Dot 9.
Tuttle’s Subdivision 42 feet front by 1.13*4
feet deep; the North 40 feet of the Mouth
31M feet of the West 13 3*4 feet of Dot 9
Tuttle's Huhdlvlslon, 4(1 feet front by
133*4 feat deep; the North 40 feat of the
Mouth 358 feel of the West 133'* f. • t of
Dot 9. Tuttle's Huhdlvlslon 40 feet front
bv Dlsty deep; the North 4') feet of
the South 394 feet of the West 13.1*4 feet
of Dot 9, Tuttle's Subdivision, 40 feet
front by 188V* feet deep; the North 40
feet of the Mouth 439 feet of the West
193*4 feet of !g>t I Tuttle's Subdivision,
4t reef front by 133*4 feet deep; the
•North 40 feet of the Mouth 478 feet of
-the West 183*4 feet i.f Dot 9 Tuttle'*
Subdivision. 40 feat front by HI'* feel
deep the North 42 feet of the Mouth b
feet 'of the West 133*4 feet of Dot 9
Tuttle's Subdivision. 4" feet front 1m 133*4
feat deep: the North 42 feat of the
Mouth Ml feet of t he West US *4 feet ».f
Dot 9 Tuttles Subdivision. 42 feel front
nr !39,4 feet deep; the North 4o feat of
*hs Mouth *02 fee» of the Was! 133'*
feet of Dot 9 Tuttle's flubdlv *ion 4" feat
front toy 11814 dsepl the North It
feet of the West 133 4 feet of Lot 9
Tuttle's Subdivision, 25 feet front by
133 4 feet deep.
Frank Dewev. December 11th, 192 4. Lot
26, Block 4. Pruyna Park. 128 feet front
by 60 feet deep.
Stella B. Carlton, December 11th, 1924.
"ot* 25 and 26, Block 3, Pruyn 1 Park,
128 feet front by 100 feet deep.
Albert H. Skew December 11th. 1924.
Lot 1, Block 3. Pruyn a Park, 128 feet
front by fio feet deep.
K. Smith. December 11th, 1924. South
J2 feet of Lots 19. 20 and 21. Block 1.
Pruyn s Park, 43 feet front by 150 feet
Clara K. Jonee, December 11th. 1 924.
Lot 19, Kempton Heights, 4S feet front
by 126 feet deep.
Jo*oph Hubert y, December 15th. 1 924.
North 44 feet of t.ot* 19. _<i and 2b, Block
1. Pruyn Park, 4 4 feet front by 140 deep.
William C>. Schorl*, December 15th.
1 924. North 42 feet of the South 84 feet
Lots 19. 20 and 21. Block 1. Pruyn
Park. 42 feet front by 140 feet deep.
Martha Snoll. December 15th, 1924, J*ot
21. Kempton Heights. 4R feet front by
12fi feet deep.
Win. Hooten and Gertie Hooten, De
^mber 16th. 1 924. Lot 1R. Kempton
Heights. 48 f*et front by 120 feet deep.
Robert E. Reeves, December 15th. 1924.
Lot 17, Kempton Heights. 4R feet front
by 126 feet deep.
Gus L. Sterk. January 2, 1925. North
128 feet of South 135 feet of West 231
Tax Lot 1 Section 6, Township
15. Range 13, 128 feet front bv 231 f«et
Eliza h E. Steek, January 2 1926,
Lots 25 and 2« Kempton Heights. 98
feet front by 126 feet, deep
Albert B Towers. January 7th, 1926.
Lot 14. Kempton Heights. 48 feet front
by 126 feet deep.
Filed: January 21st. 1925. at 11:05
o'clock a. m.
You are further notified that you and
ea*h of you will have fifteen davs from
February 9th. 1A25. the first day of pul.
Mention hereor in which to file protest
in the office of the City Clerk against
the regularity, legality or sufficiency of
said petition or any signature thereon.
Published in accordance with Resoiu
tinn No. 724. Series 1925.
Omaha, Nebraska. February 9. 1925
JAMES 1’. Hot 'TOR.
K. 1-1(1.11. Cl,y Cl'rk'
To the owners of all lots, lands, (rants
and ppreels of lands, within .Street im
provement District No. 2096 and to the
owners of all lots, tracts and parcels
lands, abutting on or adjacent to that
part of Cass anH Chicago, Fort \ sixth.
U' * nnY-cighth and Forty.seventh from
Wakeley Street to California Street, in
the City of Omaha. Nebraska.
Notice j* Hereb> given that there has
been filed with the City Clerk of the
< tv of Omaha a petition for the Improve
ment of tbut part of Cass and Chicago,
I fty.sixth to Forty-eighth, and Fortv
seventh Street from Wakeley Street to
<i allfornia Street, in the Citv of Omaha,
b.v paving and curbing, said petition be
ing in v orris and figures a" follows:
Petition for improving Cass and Chi
ca«.., Forty-sixth to Forty.eight h. and
Forty-seventh Street from Wakeley
Street to California Street.
T° ,h* Honorable City Council of the
f tty of Omaha;
1 '\p* thp "nders'tgned. owners of lots or
tends abutting upon that part of Casa
nr.ri Chicago Streets from Forty sixth
Street to Forty-eighth Street, and Forty
seventh Street, from Wakeley to Cali
fornia. ir\ Street Improvement Dlatrict No.
•'96. in the City or Omaha, being record
owpers of a majority of the feet front
age on said part of aairi street, hs shown
by tile generally recognized map* of said
City, do hereby petition that the same
lie improved by paving and curbing
And We do further petition the Council
to order such improvement and cause it
: to be made and that thirty davs be sl
ewed to the property owner*! in said Dia
j trp r within which to designate the ma
terial desired to be used in the paving of
said street.
Ottille \f Tebhens. October 29. 19't ail
of Lots 4 and 5, Block 3. LIncoin Place,
each 50 feet front by 1.3ft feet deep
Sarah C. Karlin. October 29. 1 924. all
of Lot 3, Block 3 Lincoln Place. 60 feet
front by 130 feet deep.
Estate of Geo. A Hnagland. bv \Vm
38. Hoagland. Executor, Lots 6. 7 and 8.
Block .3, Lincoln Place. 50 feet front by
130 feet deep.
William W. Hongland, November 12
1 924. all of Lot 9. Ill .* k 3. Lincoln Place
50 feet front by 130 feet deep.
Harry O Steel, October 29. 1924. Lot*
10 and 11. Block .3. Lincoln riace. 50 feet
front by 1.30 feet deep.
George T Morton. October 29. 1924
Lots 12 and 13. Block 3. Lincoln Place.
50 feet front by 1.30 feet deep.
Ottille M Tebhens. October 29. 1924.
Lots 6 and 7. Block 6. Lincoln Place, T,nt
6 being 50 feet front by lift feet deep, and
Lot 7. being 180 feet deep.
George T. Morton, October 29. 1 924. T.ot
1. Block 6. Lincoln Place, 1R0 feet front,
'*rd Lot 2. Block 6. Lincoln Place. 50
feet front bv 1.30 feet deep
Pietro anil Sobastina 1 >e Mare. October
1 924, Lot 1, Block 3. Lincoln Place.
1R0 feet front.
David •' Patterson, jr . b.v D C. Pat
terson. Attorney in fart. October 29. 1 924.
Lots 3 end 4. Block 6. Lincoln Place, each
5o feet from by 1.30 feet deep.
Raymond M. Crossman. October 29,
>1 924. Lot* 13 and 14 Block 4. Lincoln
rise*, each 50 feet front b.V 1.30 feet deep.
Raymond M. Grossman October 29 19*4
si! of Lots 2 and 3 Bio. k 5. Lincoln
Plwre, each 50 feet front by 1.30 feet deep
William J. Mittlen. November 1 2. 1 9 24.
all of Lot 10. Block 4. Lincoln riace, 60
feet front by 130 feet deep.
Parkway Real Estate Co, hv D C.
Patterson Pt , November 12 1 924. all of
T.ot 10, Block 1. Lincoln Place. 50 feet
front by 130 f*er deep, also Lot 11, Block
L Lincoln Place, 50 feet front by 130
feet deep
Charles J. and Viola T.. Dailey, Novem
ber 1 2. 1 924. all of Lot 2. Block 3 Lmruln
Plft°«*. 50 feet front by 130 feet deep.
Gertrud* M. Griffin, November 14 1924
all of Lot 8, Block 5. Lincoln Place, 336
fe*t front by 60 fe*» deep.
Ella A Gould. November 1 4 1 924. North
% I.of* 6 and 7. Block 6. Lincoln Place,
100 feet front bv 55 feet deep
Erneat M. and Anna B. Dunaway. No
vember 15. 1924 all of T.ot 14 Block 6.
Lincoln Place, 130 feet front by 50 feet
Joseph I,. Baker. November 1 *. 1 924.
all of Lot 5, HIo» k 5. Lincoln riace, 50
feet front bv 130 feet deep.
Laura W inrihejiu, '•»>.». .her 1*. 1924 al]
of'Lot 9. Bloc* 1 Lincoln Place. 50 feet
finnt by 130 fe 1 deep
Pearl* Shellv. No-mber 19. 1924. all
of Lot 12, Rio. k 4 Lincoln Place, 60 f• »• t
front by 130 feet deep
William W Hoaginnd, November 26.
1924. all of Lota 7 and *. Block 3,
Lincoln Place, each 60 feet front by 130
feet deep.
Alex K Olander. Jmuary 10, 1925, Lot
1. Block 2. Lincoln Place. 130 feet front
by 50 feet deep.
Filed January 28, 1923, at 2:15 o'clock
r m
You are further notified that you and
h of you will have fifteen dav* from
February 9. 1925, the firat da^- of publl
ation hereof, m which to f ie protest in
1 he office of the City Clerk against the
lerrularity. legality or suffi<-tenc> of said
petition or any signature thereon.
Published ir a>'or<lai(s with Resolu
tion No. 732, Series 1926.
Omaha, Nebraska, February 0 1 925.
_ . , A ,. City Clerk.
P 0 10-11.
To the owner* of all lota, land* tracts
and parcels of lands, within Street Im
provement District No. 2706 and to the
owner* of all lota, tracta and parcels
of lands, shutting on or adjacent to
that part of Forty-first Street from
Ames Avenue to Grand Avenue, In the
Citv of Omaha. Nebraska.
Notice la hereby given that there has
b** ti filed with the City Clerk of the
city of Omaha a petition for th** Im
provement of that part of Forty-first
Street from Amee Avenue to Grand Ave
nue. in the Citv of Omaha, b.v paving
:ind curbing, said petition bring In words
and figures a* follow.*:
Petltlon for Impiovlng Forty-first
Street from Ames Avenue to Grand Ave
We, th* undersigned, owners of l"t* or
lands abutting upon t lias t part of Fort)
first Street from Am** Averin** to Grand
Avenue in Street Improvement District
No. 2706, In th* City of Omaha, being
record owners of a majority of 1 be f**d
frontage „n said part of *>i|d *tr**-t. as
shown l»y the generally recognized mSoS
of said Citv. do hereby petition that th*
same l»* Improved by paving and curbing
And we do further petition th** Council
to order such Improvement and cause it
to he male, and that thirty days he si
lowed to the property owners In said
District within which to designate th*
material desired to b« used In tha pav
ing of sal*! street
T II Maenner Co., November 22. 1 92 4
by T. If. Maenner. president (Meal). Ninth
25 feet of NS' >st 133 % f-.-t of blast 16.3V*
feef of T.ot 9. Tuttle's Hub. 25 feet front
bv 1381.. fe#-* deep, North 4" ft of the
South 6 ft 2 f>**» of tlie West I? f«‘**t of
t he East 163*4 f**ct of t.ot 9. Tllttl's Hub
40 feet front by 123V4 feet* deep; the
North 4 2 fe*t of tjia South 662 feet of
tile West 133 Vi feet of th* East 163 V*
feet of Lot 9. Tuttle's Hub, 42 feet front
bv 133% feet deep; North 4’ feet of the
South 520 feet of the West 133*4 feet
of th* East 16.3% feet of T.ot t). Tuttle's
Huh, 42 f**et front by 133% feet deep.
North 40 feet of tha Mouth 4 7 H feet '»f
the West 133 4 feet of the East 16 3 4
feet of Lot 9. Tuttle s Hut). 40 fe»t front
by Ll.14 feet deep, North 40 feet of the
South 438 feet of th„ West |M% feet
of the East 163% feet of T.ot 4*. Tulth**
Hub 40 feet front by J3.3% f> *f deep
North 40 feet of til*. Mouth 9 H ti ef of
tile West 133% feet of 1J1* East 163’*
f*»t of Lot 9. Tuttles Hub. 40 feet front
by 133’, f#*** t deep; the North 40 feet
of the Mouth 261 feef of the Wear 13.3%
feet of l tie East |C.I% feet of Lot 9.
Tuttle's Hull, 40 feet front hy 133'., f.>el
deep; th** North 4<» feet of tha South sir
feet of the West 132. % f**t of the East
163% feet of Lot 9. Tut thi s Huh 40 feet
front hy 131% feet deep; the North 42
feet of the Mouth 27* L • t . f the West
133 feet of the East 163% feet of T.ot 9
Tuttles Huh 4J feet front by 13 3% feet
deep: the North 4 2 feet of the Mouth
’-'34 f**t of the W*st 1.33% f*-et nf th*
Fast 16314 feet of t.ot 9 Tuttle* Hub
4 2 fert front by 13 % ?rrt d^i th.
North 42 feet of tha '<oi|th 194 fe*>t of
the West 131% feet of th* East 169%
feet of Lot 9. Tut ti"'* Sub t; fret ft rill t
b\ t 3 J % feel >| • |» | be Ninth 42 f «
of the South 168 feel of the West 123%
feet of th* East 163*4 feet of Lot 9.
Tuttles .Sub, 42 feet front by 132 feel
deep; the East 45 feet of the West
feet of the South 110 feet of Lot V. Tut
lie's Sub, lio feet front by 45 feet deep
Sadia L. Stubbs, December 2.0, 1924, Lot
17, First Addition to Lake View, 50 feel
front by 137 feet deep.
G. A. and Madeline Jader, January 2
1925, Lot 23. First Addition to Lake
View, 6U feet front by 127 feet deep.
Joe Buaseme, Hastings A Heyden, by
Byron R. Hastings, president, January 2.
1926. Lot 14. H A H. Sub of Lot 7. 44
feet front by 127 feet deep.
Ed Davis, January 2. 1925. Lot 12.
Kempton Heights, 4H fe**t front by 12b
feet deep,
Margaret L. and William F. Sheet*.
January 6. 1925, Lot 7. Hastings Ar Hay 1
den Addition, 42 feet front by 127 feet
deep. I
Roy W. Peterson. January ft. 1925. Lot*
11 Hnd 12. Hastings A Hayden Addition,
each 42 feet front by 127 feet deep.
Mrs. Ida C. Fogelstrom. January t,
1925. Lotn ft and 7. Kempton Heights. 9ft
feet front by 12ft feet deep.
John Elmer and Aunt" Marie Tuveson.
January 7. 1925. Lot 9. Kempton Heights
4« feet front by 12ft feet deep
Tou are further notified that you and
each of vou will have fifteen days from
February 9. 1925. the first day of pub
lication hereof in which to fife protest
in the office of the City Clerk against
r he regularity, legality nr sufficiency of
said petition or any signature thereon.
Published in accordance with Resolu
tIon No. 7 2 3. Penes 1925.
Omaha. Nebraska, February 9, 1925.
City Clerk.
F 9-10 11__
To the owners of all lots, lands, tract*
and parcel* of lands, within Street Im
provement District No. 2663 and to the
owneis of all lots, tracts and parcels of
lands, abutting on or adjacent to thit
part of Sahler Street from Twenty-fourth
Street to Twenty-fifth Street, in the City
of Omaha. Nebraska.
Notice ‘a hereby given that there has
been filed with the City Clerk of the City
of nmaha a petition for the improvement
of that part of Sahler Street from Twen
ty-fourth Street to Twenty-fifth Street, in
i lie Citv of Omaha, by changing grade,
grading and paving, said petition being
n wools and figures as follows;
Sahler street. S. I. 1». No. 2663.
lfonorabl • Citv Council:
We. the undersigned, owner* nf lots
and lands abutting on Sahler Street from
Twent \-font t rt Street to Twenty-fifth
Street, in Ht'eet improvement District No.
in the Citv of Omaha, being record
owner* of a majority of the frontage of
taxable property abutting upon said
street as shown hv the generally recog
nized maps of said citv. do hereby peti
tion that the same be improved by
• hanging the grade upon said street as
at present fixed and established to cor
respond with the elevation* hereinafter
specified and set forth; that said street
ne improved hv working and grading as
soon as practicable »o the grade and ele
ctions herein specified, a.nd by paving.
And we further petition the Council to
order such Improvements snd cause the
same to he made, allowing thirty day*
for the property owners in said district
for the property owners to designate the
material desired to be used In paving.
And In consideration of said grade be
ing so changed and said street being
worked and graded as herein petitioned
for. we hereby respectively waive all
damage* or claims for damages bv reason
thereof or In anv manner hereinafter
resulting from the changing of said grade
and the (utting. filling or working of
said street as h«rein petitioned for:
tirade of Sahler Street
from Twenty-fourth Street
ro Twentv-fifth Elevation* of
Street. So. Curb. No. Curb
Point on West line of Twenty
fourth Street, as paved ..81.01 81.11
Point at Center of Alley be
tween Twenty-fourth and
Twentv-fifth Streets ... .79.9 79.9
East curb of Twenty-fifth
Street . 79.53 7 9.83
West curb of Twenty.fifth
Ira L. Mitchell, January 2*2. 1925. Ea*t
66 fee- nf Lot IT. Block 8. Kendalls Ad
dition 6ft feet front bv 50 feet deep
John T. and Emma A. Stoddard. Janu
ary .’2. 1925. East 4 4 feet of Lot 12.
Block 1. Kendall’s Addition. 44 feet front
by 50 feet deep.
Anna Ruck. January 22. 1 928. All of
Lot 1. Rio* k 8. Kendall’s Addition. 132
feet front bf 25 feet deep
Isaac High. —January 22. 1925 middle
one-third of Lot 12. Block 1. Kendall’s
Addition. 44 feet front hv 60 feet deep
Filed; January 30, 1125, at 2:55 o clock
p. .\r
You are further notified that you and
earh of you will have fifteen d*vs from
Februar 9. 1925. the firat day of publi
cation hereof In whit h to file protest In
the office of the City Clerk against the
regularity, legality or sufficiency of said
petln n or anv signature thereof
Published In *••• online# with Resolu
tion No 721. Series 1926,
Omaha. Nebraska. February 9 1925.
City Clerk.
Feb. 9. 10, 11.
To the owners of all lots, lands, tracts
and parcels of lands, within Street 1m
provement District No. 2133 and to the
» wnera of all lots, tracts and parcels of
lands, abutting on or adjacent to that
part of Thirty-ninth H'reet. from "Y”
Street to Madison Street. In the City of
Omaha, Nebraska.
Notice Is hereby given that thera has
be* n filed with the City Clerk nf the City
of Omaha a petition for the improvement
of that part of Thirty ninth Street from |
' Y" Street to Madison Street, In th* Citv ;
■ f Omaha by paving and curbing, sain;
petition being In words ahd figure* ■■
follows :
Petition f°r Improving Thirty ninth
Street, ftom "Y” Street to Madison Street.
Vo the Honorable City Council of the City
of Omaha
We. the undersigned, owner* of lots or
lands abutting upon that part of Thirty
ninth Street from "Y to Madison Street
m Street Improvement District No 2133.
In 4he City of Omaha being record owl
*•!* of a majority of feet frontage on said
i art of said ■ treet, as shown by the gen.
► rally recognised maps of said City, rlo
herebv petition that the earns be Irn
proved by navhg and curbing.
And w <• do further petition the Council
to order such rnprovement and caus* it
to be %made, and that thirty days be al
lowed to the property owner* In said I>'*
t • .• t within w hich to designate the ma
terlal desired to be used in the paving
of said street
Hugh JL Harper. December 23. 1924.
Tots 106. 107. 108. 109. 1 10. Ill and 112.
Sunshine Addition, ea« h 80 feet front by
1 43 6 f*-et deep; Lot 113. Sunshine Addi
tion. 4o feet front by 143 ft feet deep. Lot
114. Sunshine Addition. 40 feet front bv
125.1 feet deep; Lot* 115. 116. 117, 118.
119. 120 and III. Sunshine Addition, each
*a feet front by 125 1 feet deep; Lots 112.
1 23. 1 24. 1 25. 126. 1 27. 1 28 snd 129. Sun
■ nine Addition. *n> h in feet front by 12* t
feet deep; Lots 130. 131 snd 132. Sun
sine Addition, each 51 feet front bv 126.9
f.-et deep Lot 1.33. Sunshine Addition.
’; .’7 feet front by 125 9 fear deep. Lot
134. Sunshine Addition. 64 18 feer front
bv 137.5 f**et deep; Lot* 1 35. 1 36 snd 187.
Sunshine Addition. each 61 feet front ny
1 57.5 feet deep; Lot* lift. 139. 14*> 141,
142 14.: 144 snd 145 Sunshine Addition,
each 60 feet front by 1 37 5 feet deep
Filed January 23, 1926, at 2 o’clock
P M.
You are further notified that you and i
e*< h of you will have fifteen day* from
F'ebru*ry 9. 1925. the first day of publt
• fttlon hereof, in which 1o file prnfe*t In,
the offi. e of the City Clerk against the'
regularity, legality or sufficiency of said
petition or any signature (hereon
Published In *• c.irdu m a with Resolu
tion No 717. Heiie* 1 926.
Omaha, Nebraska I ► bruarv 4 1426.
City Clerk.
F t 10 11.
To the owners of *i| lota lands, trsefa
anl parcel* of lends, within Street im
provement District No. 2.5ft6. and to the
owners of all lots, trad* and parcels
• •f lands, abutting on or adjacent to
that part tf Aliev between Twenty-fifth
A nue iind Twenty-*ixth Street, from
Marry Street to Mason Street, in ths
t'liv if Omaha. Nebraska
Notl<*‘ 1* hereby given that there he*
been filed wih th*- C|>v Clerk of the
< itv of Omaha a petition for the Improve
' dir of that part of Alley between
Twenty-fifth Avenue and Twenty sixth
street. from Man y Street to Mason
tr*»f>r in (|,e f’ltv «»f Omaha, hv paving,
■aid petition, being in word* and figures
H* follow*.
Petition for Improving Aliev between
Twenty.fifth Avenue and Twenty sixth
Street from Many Street to .Mason Street
To the 11 oner a hie City Council of the City
of Omaha:
'Ye. the under*.gned. owners of lot* nr
lands abutting upon that part of Aliev
iidween Twent: fifth Avenue *nd Twsn
t> sixth Street, from Marrv Street to Ms
son Street In Htt**ef Improvement Dis
trict No 3886. In the Citv of rimnhs. be
m record owners of m majority of the
feet frontage on -aid part of **id street.
».* shown by the genet allv recognized
ms p* of said CHv. do hereby petition
that tile same tie Improved hv paving
And we ilo further petition the Council
to order • »i• h Improvement an<1 cause It
• •» he made, and that thirty day* be *i
lowed ti the property owner* In said Im*
t r Id within W hich to designate the rna
r e - Mil desired to be u-*d in the paving of
sold Street.
Vint e n /.it |* !’ t'hlrdo January 1§.
1921 Lot ft Block 5 Marsh* Addition.
60 feel front by 42 foef deep
Got Ifr*w Rundgren January 14, 1926,
Lot Bio. h 5. Marsh'* Addition. {*0 f*st
Jnnf by 124*4 feet deep.
R< ■'• Gugalls, January 19, 1925. Lot 8.
Bio* U Marsh** Addition, 60 feet front
by 124*1% fee* deep
M "dn N Ol o.rt January M. 1926, Lot
L Block 6, Marsh'a Addition, to fast
liot.t by 124*4 feel deep
Axel E and Rtarla M Olson. January
71 1995 Lot ' HI... k r. Marsh* Addl
Loti, fjt) fe*-t front by 1 2 4 *4 feel deep
Alex nod August,* M<> kluml. January
21. 1925. Lot ;. ... Marsh* Addl
lion. 50 feet front by 124'% fret deep
1.1 ua bj ht January ?i. I9?f. Lot t.
Block 5 Mifsb* Addition, 60 feet front
^iy I ’ I > . feef deep
II "■ Vv ami Maude L Brtson, January
1 19 Lot 12 Block . Marsh* Addi
lion f>'t f<>et front hv 1?4'4 feet deep
Kno-1 !! ?,«• son fanuarr *!. Lot
ft. Bio* k 6 Marsh's Addition, 60 feet
f»« nf hv 1 "4 '4 feel deep
I'lled January 23. 1 925, al 1 0 | f, n't lock
4 M.
You si* furthtr notified that >ou and ^
e*' h of you will have flfteen dn y a ftom
February 9. 192.’*, the first day of pwbll
■Hiiou hereof. In which to file protest
in the .ff.i ** of the City Clerk agalnat
t lie regularity, leva Illy or sufficiency of
said petition or any signature thereon.
Published In accordance with Resolu
tion No. 7 20. Series 19_\>.
Omaha Nebraska. February 9, 1926.
City Clerk.
F 9 10-11.
Funeral Notices. 1
CONK LI NO — Mrs Cecelia, beloved wife of
William She is survived besides her hus
band by two sons, William A. and George,
of Omaha; two daughters. Mrs C. W.
r and W. A. Wells, both of Glendale,
. -ral Friday morning from residence.
Meredith Ave., at R ;3ft. to Holy Angel*
church. 9 o'clock Interment Holy Sepul
cher cemetery. .John A. Gentleman service.
T! TTLK Jerry L . February 9. age 34
\ears Is survived by hla wife. Anna,
his father and mother. Mr and Mrs. J.
R Tuttle nf South Haven. Minn, and one
brother. Harry of Pine River. Minn.
Funeral set' ices will be held at the
Brallpv & Dorr* nee chape! Wednesday.
February 11. at 1 p m. Interment west
Lawn cemetery._____
BECK- Hazel M. February 1ft. aged 3R
She ta survived by her huaband.
Dwfght H and two sons, Frtderick John
’nd Dwight H . Jr
Funeral services will he held st the
Brailev A- Dorrance rhapel, Thursday. |
February 12. at 2:30 p. m. Interment
West Lawn remet pry.
KNELLER Albert, at his residence. 1R21
Miami St., Fell 9. age «4 years, 6 months,
'22 days. Survived by his wife, Celia
Funeral services from the residence
Thursday. R:30 a. m . to Sacred Heart
church at 9 a m. Interment St. Mary
cemetery. Omaha Funeral Horn* in charge.
LANE John, aged 74 Residence, 5244
South Twenty-fourth street.
Funeral service Thursday at 1ft a m. at
the Heafey A Heafey chapel, South
t»n aha. Interment Graceland Park ceme
tery. __
A DA MS -Charles W., aged 42 yearg *
months 26 days.
Funeral college leaves Stack* mortuary
.,, i 30 Thursday. Service* at Valley at
i o'- lock. Interment Prospect Hill ceme
STUDYV1N- Dudley, aged 67.
Funeral services Thursday *t 3 p m at
the Heafey A- Heafpy chapel. Re\ George
Dorn officiating. Interment West Lawn
cemetery. ^
Funeral Director*. S
Undertaker* and Embalmem
Phone AT 2631. Office. 2611 Farnam
(ESTABLISHED SINCE l»ll) I a riepen.
At Your Service.
2222-24 Cumlnr StJA. 1336
Brailey & Dorrance.
Quiet. Dignified Sup.rvuto*
HA. 16643411 Fernem «t.
7406 Fernem. Bet, 1676. HA 00*« j
HOFFM AN.CROSBT embulence. Dod*e
and 24th Sts. Funeral director*. JA. 2901.
LESLIE O. MOORE 21th and Wirt- WE
0047_ _
Cemeteries. 4
Purchase a family lot In Omaha* most
beautiful cemetery Office* at the ceme
tery, west of Florence, and 730 Brandel*
Theater Bldg _j
Card of Thanks. 6 '
WE wish to thank our many friends and j
reghbors for the kindness and sympathy ]
extended us at the demth of our beloved
husband and father, and also for the
beautiful floral offerings
Personals. •
THE SALVATION ARMY industrial home
solicit* your old clothing, furniture. maga
zine* We collect. We distribute. Phone
JA 4135 and our wagon will call. Call
and Inspect our new home. 209 N 11th S'
ELECTRO - MAGNETIC health blanket
aveata and massages; experienced oper
stns 3 2n Leflang Bldg, JA 2620.
COSTUMES, theatrical, historical maaqu#
costumes to rent. Lleben. 1114 Howard
MASSAGE—Expert treatment; lady^ oper
ator: open till • p. m. 210 North 17th St,
<1 Jacobs. 3 09 Arthur Building AT 49 4*
J/Oftt and Found. 10
PICKED UP—One dark bav mare, blind
rtrht eye, tbout 17 year* old. weigh* 10
pounds Inquire Union Stockyard* Co.
Pam. iftth and O, South Omaha_
LOUT Near 17th and Sprague, part Aire
dale dog color black and tan with white
front, wearing 1924 collar tag. Call KK
1 277 9 M-s Kuntt. Reward
LOST —Male English Pit bulldog, light
brown. Black face Weight. 60 lb*
Name "Pal" Reward. AT 6111.
PEARLS— Loet thort strand with gold
Hasp near 16th and Douglas. Sunday
evening. Finder call WA. R 423. _
GLASSES Lost—Horned rimmed, between
Bushman warehouse and Union station.
Reward. AT. 6699 or AT. 5151._
LOST—White French poodle. Answers to
name of Buster C.ll at 1 475 Wirt street
ii r telephone WE. 0397.
RED BAR lost off service car Return
to Davenport garage. l>th and Davenport.
GLASSES— Lost between 2Rth and 25th
Automobile* (or Sale. 11
At These Prices
Paartaaa Eight®®
W R Chavrolat Touring.............1100
Grant SlI Touring..............1100
Wlllya Knight S*dan .|100
Cadillac Coupa . ••...tioo
Ovarland Touring . tlOft
<Tav*land Touring ..1100
Ovarland Touring Mi
Ford Touring .....I SO
No Finance Charge
Willys-Overland Co.
AT. 1(11. lit! jr.rn.m St
Nash Uptown Store
2054 Farnam St. AT 2910
l*"4 Ford 1-door A#dan.
10-1 chavrolat S*dnn; balloon tlraa
If?'-' Nh ah ait Coupr
I**;'! Naaii four ■ door Sadan.
1920 Oakland Coupa.
1 n ? 2 Hfi.lrl.Hl ar I Ik lit SI «.
1054 Painant \T. 2114.
Nash Uptown Store
IMl FOUR door Ovarland a*dan. Ilk# new.
• 4no (aah or farma, will buy this car.
1924 Tudor aodan • 4 11
2& Ford■ all rtu.dala $0 and up
1111 Hlirnay St_ AT. 4540
FORD TOURING _ 1911 with .friar.
B uo<l co od |i ton flit. 121 S,» 24th St.
IIA 4949.
run the might priciT'Sn good
NASil \ Hi ESEM v At ..
7014 Farnam. AT. 1914.
I t in lia fm Nnlr. |?
T< * R Elll i E STt u K
REGS. TioiMIKH ft rcPt*HI l«*H. FORDS,
<M.I*S G. ,\1 C
A 1.1. ERICKS AM* SI7.I0S.
J. M. Upper Motor Co.,
ST RM tut f4NNAU Hi
i i
Auto Accessories. I’arts. 16
FORD windshield glass. $2. Kaplan Auto
l*a ri *. 1! I 1 1 N it bolus St
Business Services Ottered. 21
WANTED Tm*c«, hedge* grapes to trim.
Free eat Inin to* given KE 5 4 53. .
Millinery—Dressmaking. 2.5
ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating,
covered Luttona all styles; hemstitching.
buttonholes Write Ideal Button and
Pleating Co., 30* Brown Block, Omaha.
Neb Telephone JA. 1ST.•..
H»*mstltchlng| Covered Buttons.
*04 Farnnm Second Floor JA S€7i
Mm ing—Trucking—Storage. 26
Estimate* furnished AT #239 or JA 433*
16th and Leavenworth Sta. Packing, mov
Ing. storage, shipping JA 4163
219 North 11th St. Phone. JA. 3032. Mov.
mg. packing storage, whipping.
Painting and Papering. 27
Wallp.p.r, pa p.rha nglpfc. painting.
]';irk». 47H8 S, :’4lh SI. MA OIOl. AT. 7404
Patent Attorneys. 28
.1. W MARTIN. ,6t» Trleri Tro»l Bldg.,
Omaha, alao Washington Double service,
single fee Alao help aell patent*.
Printing—Stationery. 29
Co.. 212 South 13th St Phone Ja. (Oil.
Repairing. 31
WE repair sewing machinea. Vlctrolaa.
tdanos Mlckels. loth A Harney AT 4361.
. — ■" -»
Help Wanted—Female. 36
Our years of teaching enables us to equip
you for your own business t.r good pa>
ing position. Dav or night. Inquire MOI.ER
C< )LLKGE. D>9 S. 15ih
Help Wanted—Male. 37
WANTED—Reliable man In every town
and city for free sample and almanac dis
tributions. No selling Experience unnec
essary. Outdoor year ’round work. Write
quickly, sending stamps for contract. Su
pervisor Hansen, 6163 North Clark St..
Chicago, 111.
MEN—Let us teach yu modern harberlng,
day or night, and place you In position
that pays big wages the y*ar ’round. In
S 15th St
ALT. men. women, boys, girla, 17 to 65,
willing to accept government positions
$117-1250 (traveling or stationary), write
Mr. Oxment, 1*6 St. Louis. Mo.
Help Wanti'd—Male and Female. 38
MEN and women make good money sell
ing small article Anyone can sell. Mr
Duncan. 711 Sanford Hotel.
Salesmen and Agents. 39
SALESMAN wanted, acquainted with feed
store* and elevators through eastern Ne
hraska Must have good references. ShI-i
ary. commission and expenses Write Col
li* Products company. Clinton, Iowa
SALESMAN WANTED: First-clas* piano.
Victrola and radio salesman On* who
can produce business and & good closer.
Salary and commission. The Music
Shoppe. Inc . Casper. Wyo.
WANTED—Men to sell we|| advertised
line of hog minerals In Nebraska and
low* Liberal rommi*Alnr< M. C. Peters
Mill Co. South Omaha. Neb
Situatinn* Wanted—Frmalr. 4(1
BUNDLE washing. Promptly done. 1416
x. :«th st.
Uusin#*** Opportunities. 42
FOR SALE heap, plaining mill. wi'h
equipment, prosperous clt> of 2,t|rt0 rail
or write M S Paulson, Box 411, New
man Grove. Neb
Kfal Estate l^oana. 4-1
On first and second mortniM.
Ws buy outright for cash
Existing mortgages and land contracts
Prompt Action.
6*2 iaundera Kennedy Bldg AT tlCO
Loans on Omaha iraprovad property a
lowest rate*
*71 Ft f y Natiaral JA. *5*1
MONEY on Omaha houses at * per cent
and A u, per rent Ca*h on hand. No de
lav. Shopen A Co.. 234 Keeiina Bldg. JA.
10H Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg JA »?U. 1
SECOND mortgages or contracts pnr
chased by Tukey Company *20 Flrat Na
llonal Bank JA 4121.
LOW RATE on city property, quickly
closed; no monthly payments JA. 1533
W T. GRAHAM. 7S4 Peters Trust.
$100 to $10,000 loaned, prompt aervice
F D Wead A D H Bowman. Wead Bldg
Farm Lnana on West. Neb and N E. Colo
fat ms Kloke Investment Co. Omim
OARVIN BROS «4S Omaha Nat I Hldg
REAL estate mortgages and contracts
bought, [.arson. 104 North 15th Ht.
Money to ItOan. 45
If you want money f »r any purpose. A
l<<sn of $l(i will receive t ha same prompt j
attention «s on* of l.iOF You get the
full amount In r**h. no fees deducted, no
publicity or unpleasant Investigation. Old
•*t established and most in
It. 69$ Karba h Block. Photla JA. 2215
2ft» S. 15th St.
MONEY loaned on diamonds. Diamond
Lear* Dank : 1.1 City \at Dk. bldg Bat.
1*44 Reliability, low rate, privacy
Waste* to Borrow. *6
" ANT to borrow $'25,000 on good security
V 2*2.1. Omaha Bee.
IxHil lnatructlnn (laa*f«. 48
Complat court# la all commercial
branches Shorthand, tyrawrltlng. teleg
raphy. ealesmanahtp, civil aarvica. Phone
JA. 1545. Complete catalog frea.
Htb and Harney ita Omaha. Neb
1401 Dodge HI ISO* Douglas Bt
Call or write for Information
Musical—I)r*m»nc, 49
PI AN IfiTS*—Learn popular music. B. M
Kahn Mlckel IHdg AT 4341.
IIaik ing Academies. 50
KEI PINK Fa mam at : th Class and
»«*m!iljf, Monday and Thursday nights
Plerrott nr<'hesti « J5 Instructors. I'rl-|
xsie lessons am time, .!,\. t;M.
PRIVATE dancing leasons dally or exe
nlng For ai>»> t 11A ». •* * 312* Mason
|IV| H wed norul.AM STS .1 A 54*0.
Ilorupa, ('■(tip, Vrhlrlri. M
Ti» flmding and other con tractors;
I have largo mules f.«i sale 5 to *
eats old. sound in good condition, but
"Mb no useh-ss fat all ha\e done light
"•"k I will s#|l any number, and de
H\er « hen needed J || Casselman.
oil ehluff Net*
II V lt\ ESS
We (nake thetu om-elves and sell them
dltecf t>» the farinet Store *5 years old
You take tin (homes h hen vox: buy out
ha• nes- IT Ices ft.on I to $119 Ai
ft* l Cornish, iflrt t'arnam it.. Omaha
Ml ID II \\ l»N
ArtlHcft l«r Sale. 57
TWO large steam hollera loo horsenciwer.
In go**-’ • .it H ihvkrn. loot .4 Aye.
i'uun< 11 llhtffa. |
llllsiltrs* It«| lai |>ii»«*ti f «• 58
TY PEW It IT Fit 8. 17. as.7o.t7ia H K NT A I
iBtee. New and avcond hand machines for
• ale Have \ oil seen the it » nds t d Key bogr d
Iteinlnatnn I’ortablaT Whateiar vour needy
In the typewriter Hn* rail Remington
I > pen t Iter Co TOR ISthit. -A !•?*
WE MDY. tell safes rises desks, ehow
cases etc Omaha nature A Supply t*« \
». XV. Cor. 1Mb a n4 I'aualaa. JA 1*0 ,
Fuel and Feed. 6! ]
KINDLING—J'. truck load delivered,
Nowdust; baled, shaving*. JA. 5740.
Household Goods. fit
I KOH SALE—Vacuum sweeper and fivei
attachment*. practically new. WK 43tit>.
Machinery ami Tools. 67
NEW and second-hand rnotora. dynamo*
l.aBron Electrical Work* 316-20 8 121h
Wanted to Boy, 7.3
New desk* used desks bought, sold, trad
ed. .1 <' Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT 6146.
Furnished Rooms. *j
GRANT, loll- Strirtlv modem with pri
vate family. no children, no other room
er*. block from car line, walking dis
tance. BrHkfftlt f desired We,
MARCY ST.. °2l Sleeping room* foi
r»nf; private family, teas. HA 215*6.
AT 4220—Newly decorated and newly fur
nished room* for two or more.
Where to Stop in Town. 78
| HOTEL SANFORD— 19th and Farnam
I HOTEL 1IENSHAW— lfith and Farnam
j Special Rate* to Permanent Guesta
j Apartments of lliiildiiii; Owners and
| MaiutBers Association.
Furnished. 80a
HUNT nil IN N - -If nine fur The Iruvelln*
man to leave hi* wife for comfort and:
safety. 240S Dodge. AT. 6960.
i ..I i ■■ ■ ■
I nfurni.shed. 80b
2047 Howard St. 4-rm. flat, mod
ern and recently decorated 140.
A. P. Tukey & Son,
.TA A::?,. 6 20 First Nat Hk. Bldg.
CHIODO, *20 S. 2Mh Ave.—4-room «p*
with 5-room accommodation. All room*
;«re large, light and airy. Located In
walking distance Phone JA. 1422.
HEATON Apt* . :t 169 Farnam St.. 6 large
comfortable homelike rooms and maids
A. P. Tukey & Son,
JA 4223. 620 y r*t Na» HU. Bldg
APARTMENTS and Data tor rent.
Real Estate Management Spaciaiiara
I 2770 Cuming St . upstair*, 6 rmi. Mod
ern except he- ■ $ . .00.
A. P. Tukey & Son,
JA. 4 2 - ?. _ |
AT 0544 17th and Farnam Ufa
| 1 047 HOWARD ST—Four moms, modern;
reasonable rental. JA. 4223.
Apartments—l nfurnlshed. 81
KOK RENT—Sit rooms, all modern, brick
fiat. located cloae to school, car line >
eaaonabla rent, references required Tai
i A 567 0 Af ■ er 6 p , loc k, WA 130b
HIGH • LASS APT- ard fla t • u nde- sup' r - ,
v i*|on of owner* Service that please*.
| Traver Bros 319 F, N. Bk_AT 6886
.4114 Cuming St HA 7046
MODERN apta . 140 and up, clo*e In !
G p Stebbins. 16 m Chicago St. ,
Ihisinfs* Places for Rent. 82
; 409 S ]6—Gnod bu*!ne*s location; larg^
1 floor area full hanemtnt; rantai price |
right Eaato.i. JA 06S7
lion**** for Kent. 83
Close-In Snap
2 409 Caplt'd Ave * room*, modern. $30. j
First Trust Co.
l*t Xafl Hank._AT t>72>
Sev*»n roonu. modern anti in good condi
1 11«• n . < loan t«> a« llf;nl
.f L HIATT C<» AT »9»6\
• -ROOM aeml-bungalow. a31 modern. 2‘<9€ ■
Pratt St 'all betwei-n 7 and % #v«
iting* or -all Mr. Miller. AT. 1060. I
MODERN hTTuTe for r*“n». 2-176 N llth
St.; double garage. Call JA. 6043 or
AT >362,.__
.'640 OHIO. — 5-room bungalow, modern.
14... AT a 0 4* or \V A 3T04_
STRICTLY modern 6-room corner houae.
1902 N 23th St WK • '547 _
1*05 CORBT —Sis room* and bath. Tel.
WE. M52.
Offtcet inf link Room. s.’>
VERY desirable office * and use of
phmi* at '2 K-eline Hide AT. 9-5
IDisims* Property. 91
lil.uVKH A SPAIN IA ?>6t- j
Real Estate—Investments. 92
WALK I NO diatanre apt houae propoal
tion with over 112 60b income, all full
Car* make price that will eh«*M you mure
than 23 per cent net un investment. AT.
Farm* and for SalB. 93
HOl'l.TAY I.b.I » .low- li month!'
huv. 40 a f. ^.'Uthorn Wo Prl.-. $100
..■..I ' : ... it \ 22 H. Kirkw.!, Ho
City Acreage fur Sale. *i j
1 ACP.K 44th urn! Fowler Av> Cltj !
Bat.; t’lt. o o *< hO\‘l It ‘I •' --T. 2024 ,
Hmiaeii—Norm. 9*
New Bungalow—Terms
Clo*e to 36,h and Wirt S’* 4 room* *f » - 1
ly modern, full basement . oak floor*. l*-ie'
lot. Pi i a $ 4 250 Very ea*' term*.
JA 1313 714 Pe'era Tr Bldg
? 4 4 7 profane St. 4-room modern burr* '
low lUtllt-ln bookcase*. oak flume,
dandy furnace, cement basement, aaragr
and driven a> Nice neighborhood, near
■ hool and • him h. -loot! *oa«>m f >r e»‘!t
!ng Pr.-e 19,960 Mu*t have 11.660 ca*h
17 40 CASH PRICK ONLY IT. 660.
Splendid full two-story *!\ room square
tvi* h. u*e • hoi. e aouth front lot. - inee
to Sherman Ave nr. now vacant. Call
510 Pe'ti* Tniaf ltidg Jackson .? 2 ft 2
Y *»I K niultv ,n vour old hou*e will make
the flrat payment on a nferly new. strict
ly modern home near Millet Park Paved
street. Meautlful lorfttion. K R Care*.
311 S. Uth JA 1614.
ITRHJTLY V- 1 i.n new ii-'MK, l o*
A SONS .tv 101«
oVs iron icn.k hltd him I
Pavment* Cretgh ioi Me# J\ o.’flO
hi i: vv vnt \ns brim; rfsi i ts.
We Make Loan* on
Omaha Real Estate
Also 5’ 2^ Loan*
A.U for Detail*
1708 I arnam
House*—North. ■ 96
No, 6 : B
He Independent
Own a Farm In the City
2 3-4 Acres, $(>.500. Terms
Dandy fi room home east front, cement
basement, guml fuma*4. brick founda
I lion, ;! car giiHgt . i ge chicken house
and other outbuilding*; located on 2\
Hcte trait, part of which front* on Fonte
Iielle Blvd. Apple, peach, pe«r plum.
, apricot and cherry trees and all kinds of
berries, all in full bearing; near ear line;
2 (docks to good schools Heie's your
! opportunity to make some real money,
i Owner leaving city and has priced for
quick sale at $6,500; $1,000 cash will
I handle.
I). E. Buck & Co., Realtors
742 Omaha Nat. JA. 2000.
I Salesmen: flake* WA .1503. Box. WK
637 2. li'ti gren KK 0304; Buck, KK 2534
If you are look a' this, it's a beauty.
*■5 i nn* Lu*a boulevard natrl> nt
Decoratons are new. «|| large moms
Living room has fireplare, built-in book
cases, dining room has east exposuie.
corner bedrooms. .3 windows each, built in
tub. tile floor, clothes chute a host of
built-in i-upbrards in large kitchen, oak
floors throughout oak and enamel fin
ish. large floored attic.* full basement,
fruit room and r-al room ll.Oftft rash
end $6ft a month Salesman H E. Rasp.
K E. 2525 and J R. Carnaby. KE 637 3
RASP BROS, Realtors.
212 Keehne Bldg. AT. 0721
2 Benson Homes
Dandy Location
Strict 1 jr modern. 5 rooms each, and bath, j
excellent, locations, large lots, fine log ;
• hade trees tine at 2702 N. fil’d St. The I
other at 6406 Maple St. Go and look
thorn over and so<* how they are being
built, or phone and we will isl* for you.
Hrth near school and car liuc on paved
• i t eet. Price $5,500 and 1*1.600 re.m-e
tlvHv Very easy terms or take good ,
building lot as j a rt payment. S* e them
*nda- Phone
D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors i
74? Omah-k Nat'l. JA. ?ftftft.
Salesmen: Box WK. 6372; *Baker, WA j
•3693: Lovgren. K E. 0304 . Buck. KK .*..4
Five bright, gunny room* and bath, fin
Ished In oak. neatly decorated, et, ys»'«
old. lot 50x1 20 with paving s|] paid. clB«e
»o Yates school. Tech High, Harney car,
$1,000 cash snd $55 a month will handle
63t> Peters Trust Bldg .Tarkson 225?
We have several new 5-room, all-modern (
bungalow* that we ran show you. all
read\ to occupy, all on paved streets,
close to car line, many built-in features, I
Ml! have seje. t oak floors and finish
Prices and term* are right. Call Lewis.
WA 142?
It F CLARY CO., Realtors At. 3674
WILL build and finance your home oa
easy term*. See us for plan* J C
Sohmltz. 456 Omaha National. JA 1799
D E BUCK * CO. buv and *ell home*
House*—South. 97
17th Street Near Vinton
fi-rontn all modern home with large cor
ner lot, paved streets. $1,000 rash W'lll
hand!** Walking distance. Evenings call
Mr Bromley. JA 5726
Maurice B. Griffin Co.,
Ilftfi First Nat ! Bank. AT 9417.
11 rooms, arranged into two apartment*,
one block to <s” line *nd stores, paved
stree-. c *e ■ o all *hurch**s * c <■«! bor e
snd investment, takes about ll.ft'"* -ash.
balance to be arranged Lewis. WA. 1422.
R F CLARY CO Realtors
504 Omaha Nat j Bank Bldg AT 367*
House*—West. 98
Opportunity f r rooni'nf h^use Price is
tight and you ran buy it on your own
■i rn «■ Built well and located where It
has futu* e yoaalhillties. If you really l
want a i omfur tab!»» home, also a chance
to niak* *.-me money, s * thl* home at
T. II MAKNNKR CO, F»*ltor. \T re
I’.-imu WE. t?K32. Burell, KE 641*.
Near 33d and California
Large 5 room*. 54x-% feet on foundation (
f solid hr < k. oak fiwora and finis
Franco door* base tub and begu’iful
plumbing Hot eater plan’ Rooms are;
large and spa u«. *11 modern Paving
paid 4 blot k to Harney car. Bes* s hod
fn< ilitie* in city Coat owner $* ’ft. hut.
b-irg transferred to eastern Job has or-!
derad sold at $5 25 Th:» .* w *1 you
ha\* been itching for.
at 4*4*_ ke !
Your home and finance t ?-»r you A
res* nab a d >\*n payment will auff;
cien* I have seierai lota i? you ha-ent
one of \ our own I can give you very j
good pr-.e* at this time of the year and
first i !.<sa workmanship is guaranteed !
KE. 14 29
SEE 51 ornaoo Lumoer and Coal for prtces
on garages B^at construction at buai
ilium cost. WE 6561- I
WILL bui d to rour order on our btau;: ,
f’.il lots in Edge wood vary easy tann*
Phone AT 3640__
II ' ~ .
Look at these homes today, juices rang?
from |1.150 to S4 900. and worth it. » ’
4 rooms. «2d and Lake. f2**0 .ash.
4 rooms, 501| JMnkney, cash.
5 rooms, 4 20 7 Burdette. $*50 <*a.«to.
0 rooms. 4*»2H Seward, $750 cash.
5 rooms, 42»9 Maple, $56** .ash
fall KK. 2S4« or WA. 0264 for more In
form at ion.
Edward F. Williams,
RKM.TQKS ,1A 04-jo. ‘ '
Cathedral District
An attractive home consisting of sun*
room, extra large living room, large din
ing room, kitchen with cabinets, two rnr
n*r bedrooms, t ie bath, beautiful derora
(lons «>hk floors, oak and enamel finish;
double garage «r a- 1 s hoo k
Payne & Sons, Realtors
11< S. 19th F». Phone JA 1414.- ,.
Evenings call .1 It Pavne WA. 7050, or*
C P Alien KK '.744
Ft'# large rooms beautifully de**ors*e1
oak floors and fin‘sh. tied bath with
built-in tub. windows «”d door* ueafhef,
cp! i'M Garage and dr •• e owner will
.I A nr.r.4 K e HA ;H or HA. 2?9L
Hnu*p*—Benson. W
Benson Bargains
4 room hou**1 water llgh'* and k:i* full
cement basement; large garage, 60-foot
!o*. Only $_' OOO; $4 00 .ash
5-room all modern home oak floor*
throughout, paved street; beautiful lot.
$4,240; $750 .ash
N**w 5-room all modern bungalow; oak
floor*, oak finish t hroughou1. sit latest
built-in features; on paved street. $' oOO;
$7 50 down.
7-room all modern borne; full basement;
rhoi building lot. 7'xl_”t f - ■ gatage.
$'i,500. $ mi d" *v n ft - a m-mth.
Fred A. Bailey
601.'. Mil -arv WA. 4101
For Sale—Dllndw*. 100
1 )undee Special
Good 7-'f»*m - * t • jn»’d» o home full
south front lot hot water he*»> newly
demented, new >■ » *ri« f xture* Prit#
IT Ter m»> \\ ,:i take jot as pari
pay nunt * •
JA 1 11 7'4 Peters Tr Pklg.
!x>t* for Saif*. 103
Evanston Special
Are you looking f »r good loratlnn f -r
you»' new home' If so investigate lot,
66x12'-. on 6.'*.h St., about 20CV feet north
of Firnam Rf East side This Is -n
attractive location, high snd e*ghtly wtfhr
a beautiful view over Elmwood park and
Fa racre* This is exceptionally good.
Ree me for pr < e and term*.
C. A. Grimmel, Realtor,
Omaha Na • Bank Bldg JA. 3 6 3 5.
Convenient to car • ne. all specials paid.
$? nor. Call JA 1 426
HAVK a few well located lo’s in Edge
wood for sale, for pr.-es call C. A. Grim-, .
niel. JA. 1615. Estate for Exciiancf. Ittt
Morton Meadow Lots.
A few cho lot* R • v * |{ '*»
s’r.-'tsd s i1 Mon. ?* prices fhom $1 r*# *r>
$1 Ao**. New, < lean surroundings, very
• ahtly Poppleton to Wo hvorth Av*.
42d to 45th. Let us mail plat with bn
fold o»s marked
Harrison & Morton.
1«:i Fa mam St. JA.
YO close estate, will sacrlf ^e choice 10
a1 res. new Country club addition. S flout * *
City la term* will ' —« der Den**?,
Colo property. L. Kl'kegatrd. 1€<9
Ulster Ft . Denver
Wanted—Rpal Estate. HIT
vt present we are ready for a f*»w more
Phone BARLV Carl H Rons. HA. 1667.
J palmer co.
Prompt Serx -■ ** and Result*.
416-12-14 Keeline Bldr AT. 9964.
SELT. TOUR own property th# EAST
KET. 4 W O W B dr
HAVE ■<- ms buyer for modern
all on one floor
ER W VEST AT t * * 5 HA. f«41
For tfiu t» list toil' property with
* T "T*_ «eo F '«• Natl B* nk
Lea 1 F.s-ete Rentals. Insuranr#
16r? « Na- i BanV AT f<6>
Real F« **s rn* 1*21 Fa'ram- JA f41l
\1 (IIONV .
Auction Sales. J(W>
FETTER barge ms for you every day.
Furniture of evpry kind and quality Can
pleise your por*e on anything you want
to buy.
STEPHEN SON i8. 1749 Captol
—". 1 ~ A
On Mary street we have a 5-room J
brand new bungalow with la^ce living
room with fireplace, huilt-in book - j
a«e*. built-in French doors between
living room and dining room, tile
bath, built-in tub. built-in features !
m kitchen, breakfast table with a
large porch all screened. 8*20 extra,
good attic: full basement: 2-e*r ga
rage. solid drive. Price $®.$50.
\rros« the street from this we have
an extra large type 5-room bungalow
with latee In mg room with fireplale. 1
dining room with built-in buffet. |
kitchen with breakfast room and j
built-in feature*. 2 elegant corn-r
hedroom*. hath with tile floor, built
in tub. pedestal lavatory, good attic:
full cement basement: stationary
tub* ; aolid brick foundation, aouth j
front corner lot with garage
On Ida street we have a brand new
>• room strictly modern bungalow with
large living room with fireplace and
huilt-in bookca«e». French door*, tile '
bath, built-in tub. built-in fentures
in the kitchen, breakfast table, sun
room, full cemented basement, good
attic, finished in oak and white
••name! and ivory throughout. Price
tit.250. Term* 11.000 down or a
little less.
On the corner of 25th and Ida we
have a ft-room extra large type bun
galow consisting of a reception hall t
with built-in coat clotat. large living
u>»m across the front of the house *
with fireplace and built-in bookcase*,
dining room with built-in buffet. ^
kitchen with huilt-in features. 2 bed- ;
room* and bath with hallway ar- |
langement all on one floor. finished :
m oak throughout tlood attic above,
full cemented basement, furnace hea*.
coal bin. fruit room and tool cabinet ; |
dandv smith and east front comer
lot. paved street, all paid, with ga
rage Owner was forced to go to
Texas on account of ill health and |
•hi* property mini he told at once
Owner paid I'.kOO for this property ;
and we are offering It to you today ;
S | at It *5® If you can't *e# that ■
value, look over thi* property and
make us an offer.
We have another Targe full J-*torv
K*lla*tone hou*e on Ida consisting
of large living room aero** the front. 1
fireplace, huilt-in bookcase*, dining
rtxvm. kitchen with huilt-in feature*, j
on the first floor, finished in oak
ft elegant large corner hedroom* and
hath with tile floor on the second
| floor with all oak finish and white
\ enamel good attic on the third floor
all finished with beaver board; full
rementrd b**rment stationary tubs
hot and gold water, floor drain and
everything complete, extra Urge 1
ear aarage fdxSO with aolid concrete
drive from front of *trw*t with all
special taxes paid Oost vovi at leoat
»* 000 to $8,500 to build thi* house
and we are offering the whole thing,
lot and all. today at $T.®$0. >%n small
ea*h pay ment.
On 24th street, between Titu* and
Ida sve have an extra large type
5-room bungalow with large living
room, fi-eriare. dining room and , ,
kitchen. 2 bedroom* and Hath, good •
attic above full cemented basement i *
e.x*t f»-ont. Pr;ce $4,500. Ju*t soxith
of Crown 4Vint avenue on ?4:h we
have a nearly new S-room extra large # t
tvne bungalow built a year ago by
the owner, eonaisting of living room, •
dining room, kitchen with built-in
feature*. 2 bedroom* »nd bath, pood
attic and full basement: f-car ga-ace
with so'd cement drive on an east , ^
front lot *nee*a! taxes paid in fw!L
Priee *4.*40. owner wilt discount tor ■
ca«h if can be aotd at once, ' (
Near 2 4th and F.Uison we have n
f-room strictly modern bungalow, nil
on one floor, consisting of livinr
room, dmiwg room, kitchen, ? bed -
rooms bath and sun mom. All fin
ished in oak with built-in bookcase*. , .
built-in buffet, plate r*>’ and panel
wall* French door* good attic above. v ‘
full cemented basement with under
ground a*h pit. whereby the n-hc*
never have to be haui-d out of the ,
basement. on a dandy corner lot, •• I -
I*a'ed street, all arecial* paid in full; * ►.*
with garage Price ll.itl 4
On Camden nvei ie " - v»'e a I
room stfutly modern bungalow less
than a yeer old. consisting of la*-ge<‘ "
living room dming room, kitchen*
with built-in feetxire*. f Wdroom* (
and bath good attic above, fxill base
ment. nice level V*t. close to car and
school priced at $5,550. with terra*
of $1,44# ca*h.
On Florence boulevard we have 2
brand new 4-room bungalow*, pre* »e<f
brick, consisting of 4 room* and bath
on the first floor with tile bath end
built-in tub. breakfast room with an
•rtra large room on the second f’oor
with extra toilet and lavatory , bach
bouse ha* a 1-oar b* ck veneer gs'age
to match the house. Fast front byg | I Ka
4 .'*2 47 on Florence boulevard wilb
all specia'a in and pad One block
to car line, close to school.
On 4 4th avenue near Omaha North
High *chs»ol we ha'c a S - room semi
bungalow with three large rooms «*n
the first floor, living teem 1SH*H:
din mg room IVxlt; kitchen 10x12,
with 2 extra Urge hetFoom* on the
second floor 14*14 fm . bath: ftili , , r
ba-ement : dandy lot Osi er it bs-ing ,
transferred to New York and thi?
property has a ridiculously k*w price ’
on it of IS.000. $1 000 cash
Near Florence field we have two < -
biand new MrteOy modern bung* low* »
with all built-in features, priced at , —
Now p'ease understat'd these gre
just a few of our prv pert tee north in
the klmne 1 u«a and Milbr Park »W*
tricte ami w# have any number more
bungalow* and house* of *H descrip
tion* in anv aectvsm of the city of < *
Omaha We have car* and !«ve wire
•ren ard we ate here to sell you. 1(.
you fdft find anything ip thi* li*t,
p^ea** call u* to» a bargain.
M7 Oi*«k« \mi'\ Bank R4f AT iMlk %9+fi
Gifc»«n. K* 3227 N*»W«. Kf U4A