Severest Smash in Months Seen in Wheat Price Badly Overbought Condition Disclosed in Pit After Mar ket Had Moved Up Un- • der Stimulus. By CHARLES J. HEVDEN, l nivernal service Staff Correspondent. Chicago. Fab. 11.—A badly overbought pit condition was disclosed In wheat late r. day mfter the market had moved up sharply In response to Improved export business. and the late trading witnessed the severest smash in month*. May wheat dropped over 10c. from $1.87 to *1.77'* at the close, net losses for the day Being $'40. Longs found it almoa : 1 possible to sell out. their wheat once t.’o market started downward vChea: closed 4 Ur- to $%c lOM er, egrn w«e 2’ic to 2»4r lower, oats were 2l,fcc to 3s4c down and rje ruled 4*4c to 6i^c off. \ recent department of agriculture bulletin which stated that there Is no enparent serious world shortage of wheat wee seemingly the basis for much of the liquidation. Houses with eastern con 1 ectlons were conspicuous sellers of wheat during the session on every flurry Much of the confusion late in the trade was clue to the avalanche of etop-loss orders oricount ered. The seaboard confirmed 1.100.000 bar r.l« of Canadian flour as being taken bj rtussia. equal to 8.000.non bushels wheat. ‘H heat sales In all positions were 800,000 bjt-^els. and rye sales 800.000 bushels. Liverpool closed 1 to 1 pence down. The Insistent weakness in cash corn ins finally attracted widespread liquid* t;on of futures. Thia grain today started m break long before wheat, and tended to demoralize buying power in *11 pit*. «'ash corn of good quality was still in . five demand, but the poor grades went begging at- wider discounts Oat* sustained a bad spell with tne other grain# Liquidations through com Ti i/»slon houses stvrted at the opening, and while a good rally took place at one time, closing prices were near the boftojp. . . . Rye‘broke with wheat, despite the bet te|) export outlook. Liauldation was tn* explanation. Covering by shorts on the extreme break sta.ved the decline. Frovisions sold off tlnallv. Lard was liy^c to 20c lower and ribs were un changed to 2’so lower. Pit Nofe*. For several days The action of wheal has reflected the idea that confidence on the buying aide was rapidly on the wane There was an almost utter lack 0“ support in the Pit. during the last > our tod* v. except that which came from obferts. Mav wheat was the hardest nit, a fresh wave of selling In the last few xnlnutti of trade closing"this month at The bottom for the day. or 28*» wheat looked as though It was beaded for a substantial recovery following the recent declines, but around top levels the market became wlraied a* buying power faded. Winnipeg wheat futures broke more than Chicago veUtlvely. May wheat in the ^anatllan market dropped from S1.99«fe to $1.8*. and tva* bulllah. hut th* sp*culatlv« fram» or mlM did not *nthu** Ther* w*r« prlvat* oplrlora out 1* * in th* - Updike '. rain company, Atlantia 4112. Jrt! ~a ti7High. I Uow. I Cloee. I Tea. f J-Jil’j 1 ,7‘‘ ..1;”.^i u??H' l.'l*14 UJ,y 8,p. 11:11* Ju,y fu : 1.34 M-Mv; };*‘*| tfjB Sep. ) i'll 41 'l'.124i,. 1.14 1.19%; l.JOft »*" J jJa ; 131>‘ H?# i1 »*’i ju.y mm i'32:-(..i;2i.Hi i.i'5 i 'i’i | Miu! JlVy .56% -5S,»I ■ s 4 ’«« :*7 U July •“>; .|k BepI- :!!.41 May7 14 m Il4 22 114.90 116 00 114-20 J„*ir isiu itS.II 16 35 14 37 116.55 ?A#v 114 10 IS 22 16.00 14.00 .14.20 Julj 16 75 loss 16.35 ,15 37 14.66 _ V«by IS.S.j ,14 65 15.65 itJJ* ]*•}{ July :i4.26 114 • 2 5 14.25 .16.2c M4-7 Vw York Riiaa Migar. V** York. Feb. 11.—Raw sugar 1 -32c lower today at 4.59c for apot »nd futurO ahlpmenr. Sale. were <,t,90» h»«" of 1’t.rto nican for February-March ahlp ' A^ttarttal ad'anc* of ore point "J < overlag was followed by rt# atjga r future., "Uh cloalng prl.ea to 5 rointe net lower The dei line dub continued s-lltng for Cuban • count and liquidation March :.»lc; May. 2.93c; July. * Hf. Sep'em h*Vd7*change, occurred in refined augar nrlca'a from *r for prompt ahlprrent. One befmlr quoted 5.90r for ahlpmeut after Ttaftned futur*a wera nominal. \ ew York Dry flood*. New York. Feb 11 Cotton good. man beta were aieady today with trading light n unfinished clothe Fancy dreaa prlnta wgriln demand and Havon mUturea SM a'cVe Cotton yarn, ruled quiet. B jsItiss* in gomb lines of *Pr*nf ,nAtT. Sear vii active, the buying being dona to mak* Up the lack of. normal ordara wnan tha openlnga arrived. Several h*avj line* were withdrawn, wool goods for*fa]l were moderately active with *P'• Claltlee and high colored good. '«»'’ "*• l.inena wore firmer In the dreaa d I vial oh. bilk, continued active, aeveral mill. b« Ing run overtime to haaten apot and near by 4*l!v#rlee. ( hlrago Butter. , Chicago Feb II. The butler market today continued .teady on 9--"0”ra »nd flmt on the medium and undergrade* Supplies of these grades were light with d»alare holding them for premium. Tlr centralised car market wia steady, ""4 •firm at unchanged prloea Trading. Mow over, waa quiet, a* buyer. Idea* of vatu*, on <9 and 90-a.ora rara wera below thoaa "f rfeih"*' butter - 92 -acore lie 1 91 -acora. / 541**: 91-acora. 37',r; 19-aeera. *4%«. >4-afore. SS'-jc; 47-acore. 3(c, 44-acor*. Can trail t*d carlote—90-acora, Hit, 44 arori, 36c: 4l-acor». 36c f'hiniga t otton. Quotation, furnished by J. ■ * fo J24 Omaha Nstlonsl Ban< bullolng. Fhohea Jack eon 6147, 6194, 6t*9_ AH. I Open- High. I Low-. I Cloae. I Tea. xli. -a ji 24 62 24 50 124.60 34 34 llv 24.47 124 94 '24.42 24 90 24.74 Ttliy '’4 94 25 10 24 94 .J24 94 24 *t> OCtv 24 40 24.70 124.50 ^24 «i0 24.41 - AO* BRTIM5MICNT. ADfBRTI0RNR*T. New Discovery Limbers Up . Stiff, Sore, Swollen Joints bosks right Into tendon# and liga ment* of y our Joint**—right where the trouble etarte—Then blessed comfort cornea quickly. Tfcg, It's true- the world progrssses. Ml you have to do nowaday* to limber up that stiff, rusty knee Joint it to squeeze a half Inch of mlrarle working substance from a tube. Then rub It on the offending part for about a minute or until It soaka through the akin and disappears on tta errand of mercy. Then read the evening newspaper# and go to bed. The chances are that your mlshe having knee Joint wll lose Its "creak" w tills you ara dreaming about th# high fences you used to leap when you were a youngster. “And In tits morning.'* says one who has tried the new discovery, *'•.im'ii feel ho happy that you'll want lu Jump* Into your apoilisai cloth*# and walk briskly down the street to show the neighbors that you are not as old ns they think you are." •Joint Kase. ss they call this won der working substance, for the reason that when ordinary remedies fnll to limber up 'the stiff, Inflamed rheu matlc Joint, or reduce the swelling, Joint F«a*e succeeds. It'a a good name for a good, clean, penetrntlng prescription that In Just a few months has proven to a multi tude of people that lame, swollen, dis torted Joints can speedily have the kinks taken out of them and work as smoothly as ever. Hut Joint Knae Is for bothersome Joints, whether In knee, ankle, arch, hip. shoulder, spine or finger, and for that purpose its Ssile Is Immense. The Sherman A McConnell DrugCo. has a htg supply of It and druggists everywhere isport Ig demand. Always remember, when Joint finse vets in Joint agony gets out—quick. t---\ | Omaha Grain Omaha. Feb. It. Cash wheat sold on th# tablea today acmind lc to 3c higher. A few trader were marked up early under the influ ence of the higher futures but during ihe latter part of the aeaaion future* turned u eak and cash wheat was not wanted *• better than yesterday** bottom price*. Receipt* were 15 car*. Corn nm 1n poor demand at prices ranging from 41* higher to lc lower. Tie ceipta were 15 car*. Oita were In poor demand at lc lower. Receipt* were 15 care. Rye and barley were quoted nominally unehca nged. Omaha Carlot Balsa. WHEAT No. 1 hard: l car. $1,764. No. 2 hard; 6 car*. $1.76. Xo. 3 hard: 1 car. $1.74: 1 car. IJ.7 6. No 4 hard: 1 car, $1.73; 1 car, $1.70; 1 car. $1.71 4 Sam(|»le hard: 1 car, 11.6k. No. 1 aprlng: 1 car, $1,17 4- 1 tar, $1.77.4 No. l mixed: 1 car. $5,74 4 No. 3 mixed: \ car. $1,73 4. «X)RN. Vo. 3 white: 1 mr. $1.14: 6 cars, $1.13. Xo. 2 yellow: I car. $1.17. No. 3 > el low: 2 iar«, $1.16. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. $l.*8; 1 car, $1 Oo. No. 6 yellow: I car. $|.$|. No. t» j tUow : I car, 99«\ No. 4 mixed. 1 car. $ l *;>. No. 5 mixed; ! car. Sample mixed: l cat. 75c. No. 3 white l car, 614c; * cats nlc. No. 4 white: 1 car. 614c; 1 car, 50c. RTF Vo. 1i: 3 cara. $1,454 Vo. 3: Z b car. $1 464. One .Quarter car not rye, 29 pet. wheat, $1.50. Dally) Impertlon of Grain ReceWed. WHEAT. Hard: 2 car* Vo-— 1. l car No. 2. 3 cara No. 3. 1 car No. 4. Total: 9 cara. l‘ORN. Yellow': 2 care No 3. 3 cara Vo. 4. 3 c*ra Aio. 6. 3 cAra No. 6. White: 3 cara No. 3, 3 enra Vo. 4, 1 car Vo. 6. Aflxed: 2 cara VO. 3. 3 cara So. 4. OATS. White: 2 c*ra Vo. 2. 17 car* Vo. 3, 2 cars No. 4u Total. 21 cara. RYE. One car Vo. 3. • Total; l car. BARLTRT One car. aample. Total. I car Total care, all grains. 65c. OMAHA RECEIPT? AND SHIPMENTS., (Carlots.) Receipts; Today W'k Ago. YT Ago Wheat .. 15 45 67 Corn .15 6 3 l->4 • '»a t a .. 1 6 32 1 * Rye 2 1 * Barley . .. Shipments: Wheat . «l lf,°' Corn . 36 39 08 Oats . 3a 39 21 By* .; Bar|ey . 1 l CHICAGO RECEIPTS, f'arlot* Today Wk.Ago. Tr.Ago. Wheat 2° 49 6* Corn .,.17$ 1*9 42H Oats . 7 2' ;*$ 175 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS • arlote--- Today Wk.Ago. Yr.Ago. Wheat . $6 6ft 96 Corn .1ft* 6* 3 42 Oats . 24 22 24 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Carlo!*— Today Wk.Ago. Yr.Ago. •Wheat . 6$ 10♦ 121 Corn . 36 £X 299 Oats . 42 43 If I NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS Carlota- Today Wk.Ago. Yr.Ago. Minneapolis . 169 Duluth . 11 Winnipeg .332 301 692 Minneapolis Cash Grain. Minneapolis. Minn.. Feb. 11 -Wheat — No 1 northern. $1,694 01 7*4 . Vo. 1 dark northern spring: Choice to fancy. $1.864 02.00 4 : good »o choice. $1.73’ 1 844; ordinary to good $1674 0172 * Vo. 1 hard aprlng $2*0402.104; No 1 dark hard Montana on track. $1,66 4 ft 1.894: to arrive. $1.664 01 894; May, $1 7*4 ; July, $1.70. Corn—No 3 yellow, $1.15 4 0 117 8$ Oat*—No X White. 484 0 454^. Bariev—$1 0 9 3c. Rye- No. 2. $1 41 0 1 42 Flat—No. 1 $2 93 0 2 97 Chicago Cash Grain. Chicago Feb 11. Wheat -No ? red. $1.96403 974: No. 1 bard. $19*40 1.91 4 Com-No. 4 mixed. $11101 13; No. Z yellow. $12140 3 22 4 Oats- No. 2 white, 64 0 55c. No 3 white, 49 >- 0 53c. Rye—No. 2. $1 624 01664 Barley—94**$] 03. Timothy Seed — $5.6*0 6 $* Clover Seed—$26.0003$ 00. Lard—$15 5*. Riba—$18.62 Belli#* $1*.**. Chicago Spot Market. Chicago r#h. ]1 Butter Receipt*. 6.289 cara; I4St year. 11.913 car* 1* old ran; 6 new car*; extra*. 39c. standard*. .19 4c: extra first* 37 4 0 3$ 4r: first*. 2.5 4 03$4c ; 89 score. 374 038c; 88 score. 35c; second* 32 034c Eggs -Receipt*. 9.342 o**e* last yea-. 1 1 653 case*, no old cars. 6 new car*, first*. 42042 4c; dirts, 39c, chex, 38c. Butter—Steady. Eggs—Steady. New York Pnoltrr. New Tork. Feb. 11.—Live Poultry - Ir regular Chirkene. by express. 28 0 32c; fowls, colored, by freight. 27c: do. by exprep*. 27 0 2$c; do. leghorns by express, 2“c Dre***d Poultry TVull;’ prlcee un changed. Boetpn Wool. Boston. Feb 11.— The wool market t* showing a. very spotty condition. Dome* tic wool*, in aome Instance*, are allowing a little easier tone, but the amount of domestic grown wool on hand for 1m ; mediate consumption in any one lln* 1* quite restricted. However, manufacturer* have omitted to come into the market for any large amount of stock alnce the recent opening in heavyweights. Turpentine and Roeln. Savannah Ga Feb 11.—Turpentine Firm. 8"4c a* le* 61 barrel* receipts, 26 barrels, shipment*. 184 barrel*, stork. 9.724 barrel* Rosin Steady; sale* non*. receipt*. *on -'sake: shipments, 34 risk*, stock, 6* 143 c**ka Quotations; Unchanged V*w York f otlon. New Tork. Feb 11. The gen*al cot. ton market rinsed steady *t & net ad of 6 to 9 points New York Rnhbrr. New Tork. Feb 11 Rubber Binoked ribbed sheet*, spot. 2 3 Sc. C hicago Rutter and F.gga. Chicago. Fen. 1 I Quotations furnished bj George E f'lark, 1327 Woodmen of the World building EGGB. 1 Cars. 1 Open. I High. | T«ow. ( Close Feb ! 12$ ! .34 » .34’* .334! -33 4 •MS 274 M* . . • I . . J ‘.ft Apr. 7 3* 3* 30 ! .30 Dec. 1 1 ,33 734 33 73 BUTTER. I Cara, j Open. I High. I Low. I Close. U$64* c .144 $3 ETAOIN F.TAOlN Feb. 2* .5 9 .794 .39 is Mir 6 .38 4 214 38 4 .38*; •Tuna .774 Dec * , 39 | .39 | 39 | .*9 •c O. «*tg. vJw~Y ork ftiitar. Quotttfnnt f*irnt*hn<5 hv .r ? Rurh. A ("«. 154 Om*h» Ntltnnni Rink biiilrtln* rilon»» .laclonn MM. BUM, ill) t Open. I High. I Low. I Clot*. I Tot Mtr. | 2 »7 | J «7 j 2 *1 2*1 12 »T” May 3 99 - ] 1»» 2.*3 2,»3 ! 2 M •fuly 3.1* I 3 IK | J 11 i 3.1 1 ISIS !40p. ' 3 55 ' » tJ ! * 23 3,23 3 27 I—*- ‘ 3 2 7 I 3 2» * 23 3.33 3 2n Omaha Livestock Oirinha, Feb. 11. Receipt# were; t'attic. Hogs. Sheep. Offiola J Mondax . . 1*.434 10.C?* 9 *55 Offi-ini Tuesday fc.S»:s 19.173 7,182 Estimate AVednesdax 5.5*0 28.000 9.500 Three dax* this vr’k 24.882 57.411 24.717 Same days last vvk.21.722 51 299 41.22* SaitM* days 2 xv's g o . 22.246 7x7.838 27.283 Same days 2 x\'s s o.28.818 43.264 27.576 Some da x a year a*o. 28.372 45.076 36,853 Re, pis and disposition of tllxrilock at the f'nion stockyards, Omaha. N'eb.. for 24 hours, ending at .1 p. m . February Jl; KKCRfPTS fARLOT. Horae# t ’attie Hog# Sheep & Mules , C, M A St. P. Ry... 6 J* I Mo. P«.c. Ry. 2 . Wabash HR. 1 3 . r. P. R. R. 5* 87, 17 l C. & N. W.. east . . 3 8 . C. A N AV. west .. 43 110 7 .... • \ St. r. M. A O. .. 28 25 . t'. B. A Q east . 7 I * ... . . . • <\ TV A Q.. west . I*; *G 7 .... <\ R I A P - en*' I 10 . .... t'. R. I ester day s de.-line: shipping dentand narrow; good beef trade In congested con djtlon; bus! hAnc rail* btirdened; gome fit steers being taken off market, best weighty steer# earl> st $1*66. few load# $9.5*ftl*6*; some averaging 1,666 pounds at inside figure rather meaty abort fe.j offerings IT 5* snd below; fat. rowe dull; •xesk; fairly reliable dentand for all grade# of light beef heifers; mostly $8 00 ft 7.25; sexeral load# $7 60ft8 0*. meaty itgt.t yearlings heifers upward to $9.26. lower g,ad*« fat cow* ■ annerg and cut t*ra ghout steady; ask'ng $*.28 for can oerA. mostly $3 lift* 25. bulls ess* few weighty bolognas upward to $5** bulk he»x> *ind around $4 76ft 4 85. veslers 15c higher, spots mo*e. bulk to pacVtar* $1 2 75 downward light kind at $11*0. shippers $12 60ft 1 3.50 and batter Hogs Receipts. 33.0** head, slow, tin evenly 6 to 15c inwar; kind averaging 180 pounds downward |n narrow demand, top $11.36; bulk desirable 2*0 to *00 pound a vet age $1* 96ft 11 30. moat good and choice IV* to 19* pound weight $1*70 ft 1*96 few sales of piga snd light light, weak *o 27. lower. 14* to 15* pound kind $9 60 ft 1* 10, pig# mostly. *9 0* downward . fe x- parking #ows $ 1 * 2* ft l* 4* ; heavy weight hogs $ 1 * 75ft 11 35 ; medium. $10 35 ft 11 2!> light. $9 78 fi 1100; light light, $8 f>0ft 10.60 ; packing hogs amooTh. $1*25 ft 10.60, pi 'king bog* roughs $9 76ft 10 26. slaughter plge $7.6*ft9 26. £h*ep and l.nmha Receipts. 11.000 head; active; fat lambs 36 to 60c higher; hulk $17.75ft 1 $ 00; early top, $18 30. 10 cars r.f choice *8 to 94 pound Coloradoa. $18 00, g,,od clippers $ 1 4 90 fat sheep dull; steady; hulk fat ewes $8 76ft9 50; feeding lambs steady; moat sales, $ 1 7 26i& 17 5*. Kansas 4 Ry Livestock. Kansas • ty. Feb 11 f sm l*e. $1 * 40ft 10 90 ; pa k er# now talk ng 16 to 28c lower, packing sow# $1* >* ft I * 6* . light lights and strong weight killing pigs dull mostly 2*,c lower 130 tr, 17,0 pound. $8 7 6ft9 7:>. sfbek pigs steady to 26c lowsr. 97 76ft 8 7ft. Aheep and T.amba Recaiptg, 1 000 bead lamb# strong to lfto higher, top $17 25. others ringing downward to $16 76. sheep alow- nona sold aarly. blda. generally low sr. Fast At. ferula M»eal*rk East 8R. ferula. III.. Eeb. 11 Hogs Receipts, 15 *00 bead, ganaral butcher hog market I* to Iftr loxxer. Ion, III.3*; hulk f16 naundi and un $11 OOftll 20; J 7 0 to 19* pound#, f 10 95ft I I no. 18** 'n *‘2 pounds $ I 0 *0 ft |* 7ft . light lights and nlas verv Irregular; average about steady, 13* tn 160 nnuuds. f$L*ftl**f>. 1«* nounda end down. $* 50ft 9 50. packer now# steadv to strong. bulk. $|0 1*<< 10.26. t attle Receipt#. 2.5*0 head: beef steers Steady to 26n lower. duality medium; •ale# largely ground $9.00, beef - n w • »nd medium h#|fira 26c lower* good and • hoi, tight v re lei e $ I t *0 ft I 1 .ft . fat light x earlings and other dssses ateadx; verx few good heifers medium grade* |ff.?6,\v#i t>ulk of aiecr#, $7 50*19 2ft. lop 14 1*. f-fixvs and helfeis, $3 26 ft 9 00. calves 14 00ft 11.*0. stncHgra and feeders. $1 vft 41 8 on Hogs-■ Receipts 1 ’.*00 hesd. mn uc 10 d 16c lower, top $ll.t*; hulk nf sales, fin .or II** r Mheer* Receipts " *** head uiarkat, t o-- h' • ’he $10.90 ft 1 buikuf saitj*. $$.40ft 9.60. Brokerage Firms Are Dissatisfied With Stock Market Wtinn Lonfinrrf to Issues in Which Pools Operating; Clients Advised to Re tire for Awhile. By RICH ARB »PII.I.ANr.. I niter«.nl SertIce Financial Fdltnr. New Tork, Feb. II. It wan not a stock market to challenge admiration. There was sufficient action In issues In which pools are operating tn make it Interest ing. but some of the big brokerage firms or., an (Unsatisfied with the manner in which big speculators are conducting *f fair.* tha’ they are advising their client,* to reduc# their commitments or retire from the market until affairs are more orderly. Mast Iron Pipe again gyrated a «»:• to occasion much comment. From *" opening at 2 3 ft If. shot up to 2f»0. and latep dropped to 22b and later dropped »o 22ft. where it closed. Peoples Gas of Ohlcago was fairly prominent, and roae points on the proposed new issue of stock to which shareholders are permitted to subscribe at par. The tails, with the exception of Nickel Plate, which had a considerable advance owing to the favorable action of the di rectors of the Pere Marquette on the Van ftwerlngen proposal, were not jtrominent. A few of (he oils were up and the motors and specialties did fairly well, hut United States Steel and various of the stocks which arg usually prominent, were in only moderate demand and as a nils were lower. Is general the market was professional Grains had one of their wildest and weirdest days of this remarkable crop vest. Alt the market information was bullish. Liverpool due to come 3 pence lower, closed l^c down: early reports were of a fair export business in wheat and r> e. Wheat was In good demand and the May option advanced about 3c In the morning Rye didn't act so well. Corn opened lower hut stiffened later. In the early afternoon came a bulletin declaring that the American representa tive of the soviet government had pur chased an immerse amount of Canadian flour Thi* stiffened the market* In .Chicago end Winnipeg but a little later they broke wide open and urlcea dropped tn e. way that, suggested the most earnest liquids' Mon Within five or 1ft minutes there was a decline of 1c and after a rally ther* was another preclpitloua drop of nearly 4c. | New York Quotations New York Quotation*. N#w fork Stock Lxchang# quotations furnished by J. 8. Bach* A Co., 224 Unit ha .National bank building. Tuea. High Low Close Close Agr Cham ?l % 20% 20% 21% Ajax Rubber . . . . 12% Allied cbam . ... 39% *7% *7% ► *<•.% Allla-chain .. 9«J% 74% 7*% 77 Am Beat 8ug . 4"% 41% Ain Hr Shot F ... 69% 9h 9K 99% Amer Can . .. .17*% 170% 171% 170 Am Car A F . 206 i.03 203 203% Am Hide A- Leath . 12% Am H A Lest pfd 70% 69% 69% 7u% Am Inter (Torp. 3*% Am Linsetd Oil. 27 Am Looomo .121 119% 119% m% Am Radiator ....lOlU 101 101 joi Am Ship A Com .12% 12 12 12% Am Smelt .io*% 102% 102% 104% Am Smelt pfd ... .110 Am St Found ..47% 4 7 47 47 % Amer ftugir.66% e>4% 64% 66% AM Sumatra _ 2? 19% 21% 16 Am Tel A Tel ...1?4% 134% 1"4% 134% Am TOb . . 67 % 66% M% 67 % Am w w A El . 37% 36% 36% 27% Am Woolen .. .61% 49% 60% ii Anaconda .. 4S% 44% 44% 4*% Astoc Dry Goods 149 167% 169 166 % Aaaoe Oil ....... 3k 17 37 % 37 Atchison 114% 1 17 % 117% 117% At Ooi»t Line . 16# 4 16t 153 154 All a A W I 21% 2k 2 4 24% Atl R#f Co .116 314% Auitin-Nlchole 27% 27% Baldwin . 133% iil% 1M% 1*3% Bilt A Ohio . . .. 50% 7»% 71% 60% Barnsdall "A ' .. fI % ^7% 24 27 % Beth Steel .. .... 50% 41% 49% 50% Boich Mag .. . 40% 31% 39% 40% Brook-Man Ry 43 *4 42% 42% 43% Brook Man pfd *0 71% 40 60 Brook-Ed I ton Co.129% 129% 129% 129% Calif Perking . .. .. 303 • ii? Petroleum . 29% 36% 29 24% . Ac A r It Mining 54% 54 64 5 4 % • ti Pacific . .. iso iso her . . 20 % 30 2" 20% Cent l eethAi pfd 64% 62% 6; % m iVrtt, de Cairo 64 6 7 n 5.7% i.'handler Motors. :r.*% 31 52 21 Che# A Ohio 96 94% 94% 94% ' hi O W com 14 13% 13% 14% chi a w pfd r.o% 3o 5o -.i% Phi A N W .71 TO 70 7 « M A Sr P 14 13% 13% 14% M A St P pfd 23% 2J% 23'# 23% P n I A P . . .17% 46% 46% 47% • St r MAO 53% Chile Copper . . . 37% 36% 3*% 37 Chino ... .... 27% 27 27 25% '"lyett-Peg body 43% 63% •oca cola ®2% 91% 91 % »i% Polo F A Iron 47% 44 44 44% 'olumhlan »'arb 49% 41% Pohimbla Gas ... 4* 4i % 46 46 .'ongnleum ..41% 40% 40% 41% "on cigars . 29% 7® Ton OSS . 77% 74% 74% 74% Pont Can ..... ... 47 94% 46% 47 ont Motors _ 9 % 9 9 •% "orn Products .... 39% 39% \>ad#n 34 4 3 3% 31 % 32% ruclble . ..7 3 7 3 7 3 % 'uba Cana Sug 14 11% 11 % 14% *uba car# Sug pf 6 1 40% 60% 6? uba-At* Sug . . 1!% *2% 32% 32% Juyamel Fruit . .. .. 61% Dan!#! Roor.a .... 4% 4 4% 4% Davidson Cham... 47% 43% 46% 44% Del A Lack.1J»% 119% 139% 140 Dupont .. 149% 147% 147% 144% Dome Mines .14 16% 16% 15% Fsatman Kodak... 115% 114% 114% 116 Erie .32% *!% 32% 32% Endleott Johnson . 49 e* 41 49% Elec Storage Bat 46% *5% 65% 46 Famous PT^Yera 91% 94% 94% 96% Fifth jtv Rut I.tne .13 Flak Rubber 12% 12% 12% JJ% Fleiaehman a feast »7 11% 42 *2 General Asphalt. 51% 54% 41% 64% General Electric. 2«l% J3|% 271% 2.**% General Mwtora.. .1 74% 77% 7* fluid Imat . !•% at Goodrich . .47% 4 7 47 47 % #i Northern Ora i«% *4% 11% 3*% 'A* N# Ry pfd . 70 64 % 69% 70 flulf S’ a tea Steal 9t% 91 ft 93 Hartmann Trunk . 33% .12% .,94 31 Hay## Wheat . 34 *7% s« % 17% Hudson Motors 41% 40 41 41% Hnmeatake Mining .. .. 44 Houston on . 91 11% 11% 92 Hupp Mot ora ...16% It 16% 14% DUnola rentes 1 ...115% ill m hi>« III Centra I pfd. ..114% Inaplrntlnn . 30 39% 29% 29% In* E r Corr 34% 34% 14% 14% Inter ft a rveeter . 107 104 io« 107% Irt Mere Marine. 13% 13% Marine pfd . »j% 49% 61% |.n% Interrati Nldkel .. 27% 27 27 27 Internet] Paper... 41% »; 57% 67% Inter Tel A Tel... || || lndep#nient Gae 29% 27% 27% 27% Jones Tea . 21 % ?l ?i % *1 Jordan Motors . 44% 46 45 % 46 K c Southern.27% 37% 37’# 31% Kelly.Spring . 14% 14 16 14% K nnneer. * t . 69% f 4 5 4% 6 *> % Le* Rubber . 14 1 * % 11% 13 % Lehigh V a ll#y .... 77% 74% 77% 74'# t.imi Loco . 49% 49 *,9 69% I.erae Wile# . 92% 4| 92 94% Louie A Na#h ... . 101 io«% Mt-k Truck . 144 144 % 1 46 14, % M#v Dept Store..199% 100 je9% 307% Maxwell oMmr a 92% ;i% 91% ti Mil well Motor B. 44 .11 40% 37% Marland . . . 44% 41% 4;% 43»# Mexican Nra board M% 14% i*% 16% Miami Copper ... 22% J2% 22% ?:% M Kan 6 T Ry .. .17% 36% 36% .74% Mo Tariff ....... 40 39 % 14% 4% Wo Paoifio pfd *2% mo'# ii ai% Montgomery -Ward 62% 60 % 61% 60', Mother f«# \ Pacific oil . 6 4% 62% 63% 62% ra* ka rd Motor . . . ' % Pen Amer . .... 75% 7.1% .4% . % Pan Amer "n" ..76% 7'% 4 Penhtyl R ft 44 4;% 47% • * Peopiea »«# 66% 8t fi A *4 •’1 an 49% 64 % m % . *> St Louie A 8 W 61% 60% "% l Schulte rig st . Mi. 114 m» til Snera Roebuck . .14 4**, I4n lh'*% 1*0% Ahell 1 nlon Oil .. 71% .6% 26% * % Simmon* c» . . 97% 37% 37% .17% ikicilK < 'ii ■> % 71 % 7. 1 4 ,:% Sinclair pfd 6i Si.*a# Sheffield 0:% * % 93% 94% 8 k * 11 < • Ml . 29% '• ’•% 79 % ,*..»«ilh »%• 106% 104% D»4% 10. South Ratio e* C ‘. i*% »• • i,'% ritnij iiil of I a I 41h% *4% **.* ' suad cm of .n J, O', tt*. tp. o'.! tap.d Pis’* Glad 11% 10 1$ If Stew art-vs «i ner . % • x • % 7 4 St ram b Carb . % 7 % 7: •» 72 Studebaker 4' % 44% 4..% 44% .Sub oBat .. ‘ m 9% 9% 9 * Pexa* *'«* 4 * % 47% 47% 41’ % Texas Gulf Sulph.104% 1«1% !"•% 1"4% Texas & Paelfb . .2% f.0% 31% 33% Timken Roll Bear 4t 43% 4.1% 42% I Tobtoro Products. 73% 74% ■ 73% ! Tobacco I'rod A. . 96% 95*2 9$% 93% Tip ns. OH 4% 4% il'nlon T’sHI'lc . ..131 !.'."% 13" % 1 % I niled Fruit ........ .-1 •? . !*, S. t'ast Iron I'. 2 30 2 30 22" IV‘% I S |nd \ Imho I . . *'% *2% |t V Rubber. 43% 4 % 4.1% 42% i - Rabbet. ; r•! 67ft 67 ' • • • % c S Steel .12 7 1 26 1 2' % 126% r S Steel pfd. 124 123'* 121% 123% i tab «'oppe . • • . 01 % Vanadium . .. 3fl ‘-6% 1" "0 Vivaudou . 11% 'I 11 1! * W aba ah . 33 % : t % • % - 3 Wabash A . 64% -4% $4% Western T'nloi- 121% 119% 120 1*20% West inghnuse A 14 ■ H'** Westlnghouse Kb*. 72 % 7 o % 7! 7 2 White Ragle Oil 10% "9% 1"% m Wrtit# Motors * % 67% 67% ** Wool worth * *o 117% 116% 116% 116% Willv* overland 10% 10% 10% 10% Willy* O pfd .. 77% i6% 7%% 7«% Wilson ........... • • • • • * ‘ ‘a Wilton, pfd • • Worthington Pump 7"% 73% -4 • ' % Wrigley < *«» . . . S0% BO B0 60% Yellow'*' Taxi «'o. . •■• 62 Yellow r. Mfg. «*o. -x % '7% 37% Total bsIps of stock* Tuesday. 1.676..*00 shares. Sales of stock* up to 2 p. m vV ednes da>. 1.403.1 00 (.harts New York Bonds \-—' Saw York. Feb. II Tre holiday 1r fluenro* plowed down the pare of todays bond trading and prices moved within a narrow' range, failing to develop a clearly defined trend Considerable activity de veloped in the lead,tig oil issues which were subjected to sellina pressure early in the day hut later snapped back for moderate ga'n*. With the w et‘k broken by a hnlldav there were indicat one that the lull in new financing would continue for several days. Negotiations for a polish Joan ap proached conclusion and bankers intimat ed a public offering «»f between $35,000. 000 and 160,000.000 4 per cent bonds might be expected nett week. The loan will ha secured b' sugar tax revenues and It these are Insufficient gross rev enues of the government owned railroad s>stem will be made available. Another addition to the list of foreign borrowers ts t he mortgage bank of I *en mark for which an offering of $5,000,000 6 per cent bonds will be made ne>t ’reek at about nar Pending negotiation* would involve offerings of about the same s ?,e for the Berlin Gas l ight A Power com pany and as Swedish Iron concern V°w York bankers ha'* not ret been approach ed or? m reported $",;■. 000.000 French re const rnctIon loan. .Vo significant price changes appeared in today * trading Fractional losses were recorded bv a number of rail 1 In eluding Erie General 4«. Southern Rail road general 6» Seaboard 5s. Missouri Pacific General 4* and Frisco income <"> and 4s “A. ’ The regular 3 per cent semi annual Installment on ths Frisco adjust ment 6* was declared. I lilted State* Rond*. Pal#* fir $l.00n». High, lmw Flote. 627 Libertv 3%*.101.23 101 20 1 01.21 29 Liberty .1st 4%» DM.30 10126 101.20 275 Liberfv 2d 4%*..101.ft 101.1 101.1 272 Liberty 3d 4%* DM 10 101.12 101.13 1*6 Liberty 4th 4 % s 101 31 1 oi 24 ]0| 2* 59 I* S .Treas 4s 101.00 100.24 ion.2% 3 L* 8 Tress 4%* 104 31 104.2$ 104.SI a Foreign. $ Anton .T AriYks 6s 97% 92% 9?% i Argentine 7* 102% 1 r'% 102% 64 Argentine 6s 96% 94% 96% 77 Austrian gtd In 7s. 96 94 % 95% 4 Bordeaux ♦« . . * ft % 45% *5% JO I open hageti 1 j * *> 7 % 97 97 5 Or Prague 7%* ..92 92 92 !« Rio de Jan 4* 4‘. 94% 94 94 % 36 Caechoalov 6s '52.. 100% 100% 100% 43 Dept of peine 7s. 90% 00% 90% 15 Dominican sf 5%* 94 97% 97% 1 f'anada 5%a nt ’29 103% 103% 103% 5 2 Panada ,% 52. .104 105% 104 64 Dutch F 1 6s ’62 |O0% 100% jnn% 43 Dut El 5%s Nov ’53 96 % 96% 96% to French *s. 104% ]n7% 104 154 French 7s . 91 % 91% 91% 72 Germ *x lo 7s ret• 9 4 , 94 % 94** 35 Ot C Ei P Jap 7* rr 91% 90% 90% 174 Japarieae 0 %■ .... 01% 91% 91% 14 Japanese 4s 62% *2% *2% 37 K of Belg 7%s 1jo i«i, 1*9% 4 K of Belg 6 % S r. tS 94 % 94 94 1? K of Denmark 6s 103 102 * 103 4 K of Hug 7%s 90 49% 90 3 4 K Of \eth 'n ' 73 . 10f. 1 O S % 1 Of 5 0 F of N'eth 6, < 103 % 103 107% I 1 K Of Norw %s ’4 4 99 % 99% 04% 20 K Serbs C- Si «s ft; 66 % **% 119 K cf Sweden } %• 99% 9 3% 99% 10 Nord IDs 6%« *2% 42% 67% 1* Pat 's-I.yens Med *e 74% 7 4% 7 ft?.. 7 Rep cf Roll, ,t 4s *»3% 93 97 % 3 R of Chib 5s ‘41 DA 1 «s 1 "4 7 Hep tit 1 ’h11 e ;* ...loj inn*, i«j €6 R of Cuba ft % s 09% 99 99% -4 R of F ' land fs 4f % 66 *4 % A Ft of Queens fe T04 1M J04 4 St of R 1 r do Sul 4s 97 97 97 14 Sf of S Pa ■ f «e 102% 102 P . % 44 Swiss Gov i. %s '4C 1«2% 102% D'2% 4 I'KofGBAI J%a *29.116% 116*, 116% M I'KoftllUl 6%* '3,' 10f% 106% !• •% 32 l S of Brasil 4» 97% 91% 9'.% 14 I flofH <' Fly El .• 43% «:,% x- % 117 4m ftr i’h*m 7%< 100% yon 700% 7 Am < ’h M f eb 6s 99% 9s % 99% 3 Am Smelling •% 107% 107% 107% I* Am Smelting .'s 9 7% 96% 07 1? Am Sugar »7% 103 101% J r , % 4ft Am Tel A T %*. 02% 101% 102 7 Am TAT co| 1 100% 100% 300% 4 Am W Aft A FI :.S 95% 9 % 95% 4ft Anaconda f*p h d»3% to.3% in-, % 20 \nacorda i> % 53 101 101% 1*1 2! Arm A «'o of D f. % * 93% 93% 93% 34 Associated Oil 4s lrt2% jfl;% jn2% »ft At T At S F wen 4s 49% 69% 49% t A T A A F aj 4a apd 6 3% 63% *3% 40 B A i> rfg r% 0; . 102tt 1 «2 % 1*?% 2ft B A «'» lat f* c*% .101% 100% 101% 144 B A O evt 4 % s 92% 92 92 % 4 B T of Pa IstArg ft* 101% jnn% JO] • 1 Beth Steel con 6a A 97 96 % 94% 1 Beth St I pur mon a* 92% 92% 97% 26 Brier Hill Steel ft%« 99 % 9«% 9*% it Bkn Ed gen 5* A 100 Jfto 300 46 Bkn Mn Tr s f 4* si 97% »« 1$ Buffalo R A r ,a 67% «7% *;% 44 California Pet a%a 103% 103 mj% 2 Can North dh 4%s H7% 117% 117% 00 ''an Pacific deb 4e 60 79 % 7 9** 14 C C A Ohio 6s 107 inf*, 107 16 t'en of Georgia 5%* 103% 101*, 102 % II I'entral Lrath 1"rt% los% d?o% 6 Tent Pec gtd 14 *7*, *7% 141 1 hem A ft f\t .'■ • 13..% 104% 1C.’ 4 4 i hets A '• C\f 4 % * 04 % 4« % 0«% J00 I’hlc A Alton ..« 57% 57 t ’7% 6 r B A O rfg »a A 10? 10! % lo|% 3 C B * Q gee is *9% *9% *3% 33 Chic A East Til • 7 9 7 4 % 7 • *| 33 Ch«0 Gt ftVeat 4r *5 «4% *4% l C M Jr St P cv 4 % e 56 ft4 'ft 56 CM J St P - fg 4 % • :% ftl% % 4 6 f*MA*f P 4» " 7 4 ' % % 3 r A V T\ rfg ft• 100 100% 1 0% 13 cent Coal of Md 3* 69 0ft *1 09 27 Con* Poslr t • !»l% **« «4 . 17 c c S deb 6« at pd 101 % lot , 101% 16 Cuban Amer S *s Im:% 10; % 1*7% lft$ Dels A Hud c\f 5s 107% 106*. 107 9 n G A E lat rfg S* 91 93% «4 16 Den A Rlw ft» t fg f>« 90% 90 «o 6 D A U G - on 4s 44% ft 4% *> 4 *f 9 |»*trmt F.d *fg 6s l'»7% 1 07 1 07 % 1 DuP de N 7s 106% 10f% 104% 13 Duouesne T ight fs 106% 1ft5% 10#% 211 East Cuba Kg %• »0«% 1"4 104 54 Empire G A E 7%* 1"0% 109% 100% 32. F.ri* gen lien 4s .64 f 45 I Erie cyf 41 p. 73% 73% 73% 10 Flak Rubber «• ill 110% 1H 10 Fla A Lost C Ry 4a 95% 9 % 95% 17 Goodrich 6%s 103% 103% 1ft|% 4 Goodrich T Is '31 . . 109% 109 3} 109% 3 Goodyear T 41 1?0 119% 12* 6 Gd Is »lv c?f < 7a 114% 1*4% 114% 1 Ud Th R v of •' fm 10.% 1o;% 107% 40 Great North % \ ll«% 110% llrt% 11 Great Northern ’• *5 9 4% *4 Hudantt A M rfg 5aA *J% *7^ *.% J4 H A M »dj ln< • 72% 7 * % : S 4 Humble • >A R 5 % a l"l 100% loi #7 II* BeP Tel rfg 5a 97% 97% 0 % s Illlnota On 5%» 1rt2% 10«’% 1o;% 40 |C • St I, A NO r*g • oft 9'% 94 13 Illinois Stl del 4%« 9 4 9 ?% ** 145 Inter Rep Tt 7s 4ft 04% 94% 2! Inter Rap Tr 4« 70% 40 "5 In Rp T» rfg ..a apd 71% 71% % 99 Inter .$ O N’ ad I 4a 74** .« *% " Inter AON lat is D»2 % 10 - % H'-S 11 Inter M M s f fta 91 % »•' % 9 % 4 Inf Taner «•» fta A 40 **% 11 K C Ft SAM 4s «64$ ft 4 *4% 17 K C PAL .s o; 96 % 46% 66 K C Houth 5a 00% 90 % *0% $ K C Term 4a . *6% 45% 4 5% 10 Kan G A El *• *"1 % lot D ; % 14 Kelly Spring *a 100 94 % |00 8:3 Ladd G H» 1 !%• 97% 9. % 97% 65 t SA MW d 4s 2.4 .. 95% *“% 9« % 4 t ig A M v era .»• 99% 94 Si % 17 I. A N 1. ■ f 4 %a 93 • 2 I. A N‘ unified 4a 9..% 9.-% 91 , 5« 1^.1. 1 0.. % 7 M ERA I. rf 6 s HM»% 10O 1**0% 64 M A M t, t sf if I % .'4% 74% 4 M K A I' p I 6* «' lU.l a I •■ % H’7% 13 M K A I npi s V 91 •"% 4o% 254 41 »\ A T »? ad ft* V 46 , 94 % 4#% 7ft Mo Pac lat 6a 101% Jol% DM % 4ft Mo P»c gen 4* 46 4 % »■ . % 7 M.?nt Pos \ 99’i 9*% 94% 2 N 9. TAT 1st fta 100 D»0 100 36 N 1) I A M » % % 100*4 99 % 10?» 360 \ T Cent A 6e 11# % 115 % i’ % 100 % V C iAl fts 101 101 1ft* IN Y c • on 4a 44 ft 4 »4 77 N V CJHl I. 5 % a 9 % »5% 9 % 13 n T Ed I eon »f6%* II4% 114% 114% * N T N 11 A II 7a 99% if’, 99% 1075 V Y N* HAH 7s fr 4i % 94% *•% 57 N Y N 11A 11 < 4s 44 49% 49% 44% f. N X It vs 4a rf 54 * ■ % *4 I N X tel rf 6a 4 1 107 107 107 41 N X l ei Men l%a 96% % 4’>% It V Y XX A Bo# 4 % a C2 «*'» * ' . Nn'f a M • O'? fs 40% VON '•»% 'I \.*1 ft ,1? | ,1 I 0" , 04 ft* 1 "• 4 \ Nor I* t f . • II 104 ‘ 1f« % '• • v,,r n w 5s D 41% 9,% ».% 10 Nor I’ac 1.11. 9ft ft»% ft. . M* P |.«I fts X 0J% n.x 4,. % 13 .. S i. if# 4. 0; % 9; % f-; % I* o. XVsa|| Rf;AN 4s ' *7 . ' % . |*a c 1 i A KI * 46*. o % •».% 4 9 Pa.’ TAT 5s 5? 4 4 *s •» •»» in? \ * pa r 6. .111% 101 no», 11 Pent? HR 6% !D % 1 141 ‘- HO v 14 Penn h n no . M "*% 9* % s* , < I Penn HR gn 4%|.. 94 33% 14 | phiis co ct 6» —ijj> 12J 6 > Phils Co 5 V ... 91% 96 9»% It Philo A Rd C I 6a. 1*0% 100 100% ; Pier.# \ rt OW 8» . 95% $6% 96% j\ pressed St Car 5e. . 96 % 98 9 6 «*, Pub Srv N* .1 6* ..104% 1M% 101% 10 Pu^ita Ale Rug 7s.. 106% 105% 106% 23 Reading gen 4%h.. 93% 92% 92% is Rep Iron A St o%a 92% 9-% t- % 40 Rio (Jr W col tr 4s. 78 74% 74% 1U Pv f A A I. 4 %a. . 8 7 is6% 87 in St 1.1 MAS rfg 4s. 94% 4*% 94% r»; StI.lMAS 4s RAH dt 86% 85% 8« % 7 7 Sit.ASF pr lien 4s A 74 73 % 73% 11 stl.AHF ad.j 6s.... *8% 87% S8% t*o 011.ASF Inc 4s. 8? 81% *1% 2 Sil.s \V con 4s .. 88% 96% 66% 1 St PA KO Sh 1. 4%a 84 64 M 7 St P f 'n !»epot 6s. .101% 301 4 301 % 67 Seaboard ron 6s... 97 9l % 92 30 Senhoard ad.j 6s... 77% 77 21 g*;»board t fg 4» ... 46 60% 66% "7 Sinclair Oil Cf>l 7a.. 94% 93% 93% Sinclair Oil 6%e... 90 *9% 89% 6 Sinclair Pipe 1. 6s. 86 85% 86% 274 Skellj OH 6%s-319% 3)6% 117% 32 So Pac evt 4a. 97 96 % 97 25 So Pae rfg 4s. *9 % 69 % 69% II So Pac col tr 4s... 83% 85% 85 % 100 so Rv gen 6%a_109% 109% 109’* 14 So Ry genf 6h.105% 106% 105% 82 So Ry Ron 4s. 78 77% 77 % :.6 H W Hell Tel rfg 5s 97% 47% 97% 17. St OAF: c\ t 6 %a. . 1 1 4 % 314 114% ! Steel 'lube 7s.104% 106% iu|% 29 Tenn Eled rfg 6a.. 100% 3 00 % Jrt0% 4 1 Third Ave sdj 5a.. 48% 47% 48% 4 Third Ac# rfg 4a.. 87 67 57 ! Toledo Kdltbn 7a..l0l% 3n9% 1a9’t f. In Pac. 1st 4s. . .. 97% 4?% 92% 10 i n Pac evt 4a.. . 90% $0% |0% 2 In Par ifg 4a.... 85% 15% 85% 29 I S Rub 6a. 87 86% *V lies Steel a f 6s 108% 105 3 06 % 11 1;tab Pow A Pgt 6a 94% 93% ?<% 24 Va-C ch 7 %a v w 49% 49% 49% 27 \ s c*r Cham 7a. . 88 6$ *6 6 Vlrg Rv A P rfg 6a 94% 94% 94% 47 VirR Ry 6a ....... 94% 96% 96% 50 Wabash l*t 6a. ...101 3 00% 3 01 2 Warner Sug 7a '39. 6 4 66% 86% 111 West F.lee 6a... 99% 9 9 9» J1 West Mary lat 4a.. f-6% 66 66% 26 Wrat Pas hr,. 93% 9j% 97% 4 W#ar I n 6%a ..111% 1 11 % 31 I % 4 Wee' Electric 7a . .ln7% 107% 107% R Willy a Ov 1st 6%s .100% 100 100 10 W ilson A Co 1st 6* 94% 94 94 % 11 Wilson A Co evt 6a 66 66 66 63 Young Sh A T 68.. 99 98% 99 Total sales of bonds today were $15, 756.000. compared with $15,568,000 prev ious day and $1 1,242,000 a year ago. 1 New York Curb Market | V_/ New Tork Feb. 11.—Conflicting price movement* took place In today* curb market. One rallied on publication of pri vate estimate* showing * further decrease In crude production, but weakness crop ped out in a number of the public utili ty and radio issue*. Imperial Oil of Canada Prairie Oil and Gas And South P*nn Oil cjoaed 7 to 3 points higher, fractional improve ment whs noted in such active laeuea as Standard Oil of Indiana. Lago. Interna tional Petroleum and Vacuum. A break of nearly 4 points in Lehigh Power untie*, which olpsed at 99, wag the feature of the public utility Hat. American Power and f.ght dropped 3% points American Light and Tractlou 1% and Commonwealth Power 1 '4. Liberty Radio Chain Stores duplicated Its high* of the ; ear and Charles Fresh man and Rove showed irge fractional gains, hut DeFbreat. Dubllier. I'hompion and Ware sold 1 to 2 point* lower. Trading in the nee- Kelvinator issue quieted down somewhat, although it held fairly steady around 19 or " pointa above the offering price. Revival of activity In Durant Motor*, which closed a point high, er si 17%. -vas associated with report* that the automobile manufacturer had in • Teased h.s stork market operations, fol lowing hi« sensational *»uc'ee# In United States Cast irun Pipe. Industrial*. Sale*. High. I.ow. 2 p.m. 4no Am GA E new.... 75% 76% • 5 V» «00 Am Haw 5 fL 12% 10% 19% 5200 Am PAL new 54 64% 64% 200 \ m 8 u pe r po v. e r A 31 % 3 2 % 3 2 % 1’00 Am Superpower R 3?% "2', “.£,(* 10 V-r ou- Co III pfd 94 99 99 400*Atlantlc Fruit • o. 99 91 99 20 Borden a MIIU 147 1 *7 147 "0 Bordens Milk pfd. 1*4% 7 40% 10€% 1"0 Botany Mills A. 47% 47% 47% 1*0 R^if Am Tob -eg £4% 26% 24% -0 Rkj n ' t v R R 9 % 3 % 9 % ^ Light 2% 7% ?% 200 rent P’P* Corp 22 22 22 ion rhitterton A Sons 12% 12% 12% 226 r or, row carp. It 9% 1 11 3 1 f Inrt torn Po\r pfl i 1 % |1% 41*1 25 <'am Potv- war. . 56 26 16 lion • on «',4K Raft ne- “3% *5% 3*% soo font Rak 4 ill 110% 111 l»oo i Bak R 2'% 2* % 22 * *oo . ,>nt T4ak pfd . 9" 91% 91% 100 Cuba «'omp«nv 14 lft II 2«oo neForest Red rtf* :.t% 32% 31% foo fioehie- I* * Carg 19 If if 7<'9 Duhiiier « 'A R new 31% Si 51 "O Pu Pent Motor. 1% T ! *900 Durant Afotore l9 14% 17% Cooo F ee Rd A Sh new 46% 43% *4 11 on Elec Rd A Sh pfd 103% 102% 103% ioo ei# • rir Investees. <4% 4*% 4*% *oo Film Inspection 10 9% 9% *o F>*rd Mot Canada 623 621 531 *o Foundation pfd 1*5 155 136 1200 Freed L -e n*nn .. 23% 23 21 7 90" Fr“iin*n (Cheat. 74% 21% i’4 v ,, ;et*a n*t. new # 7 % *7 4 47% o<)0 UondyeSr Tire 32% 31 % 2.1% voo i,-enn»n Hak i«% i|% 4% 740 Grtme* Rad A Cam IT % 17% 17 % *oo Hsreitine Corn *ft ?p, || 17 0o Inf Match pM 4t % 40% 4t % too Infe- OOean Rad *% 4% #% 200 Jones Radio Mfg 444 *r,fl Lehigh Pnw 8#.- .704 99% 99V. 2100 T^Mgh Va foal. 44% 4«% 4*% 100 I. * high Coal s*:e*. 64 14 64 2 400 Liberty flad Oh At 9 «% 4% 700 Middle IVeat Fill. *6% *4 it% :oo Murray Body . 41% 41 41% Kat r W A I • til III 2|J *2 5i#* i#rt#y Zinc ..Hi ] 9 ] ill 1«0 New Tork Tran* . 40 49 40 lft0 Nickel Plate wt.. *9 41 94 200 Nickel Pi pfd wL. M% 14% *4 % 10 No States Pnw 97 97 97 100 Omnibus Cofp cif t<|% ;*% 14% ’ 0 Omnibus rtf pfd 94 94 94 l«0 Reid fee Cream . 40 40 40 100 Ren Motor Cgr 19% ] ft % 11% J000 Rn\* Radio etfs . It% l'% 11% 200 Rhatturk Co .33% -*«! ;!U 5'*'PJ' ’* ,5^ 11>, |Ao gniHheasr Pgf. f.4 *4 14 5d|9*Routh 1 oal A Iron 7 7? 2*9 Standard Pub 24% 14% 2|\4 -00 Aw-ff Internet; . 5J % -| js * T#r’r’ K) §f % .*« ?4 00 Lsr -odj en R,d 14% 4 14 00 Thompson Rad rtf ;* 1 *». 111 ;40 T,b Prod Fiporti {% 3% 1% on Tower Mfg i>rr ij% 7 4 * ,{ J 100 1 nior, Cirhlde 71% ?i% «»# I !>'!•.• frAfi* s . 1 ill 5.1 T.t'l. * "F’ * H •» ft * 2*r* • ot. :♦'* It if too M estern Power 36 %i Si 400 \\ est Tower pfd 34% |4 4 J4 % 1"" H h!-. Rf.rH It IT 4 if * .501 IVipkw r# 9 9t| r 4% 4% 4% Standard oil*. *22 Angle Am Ot 11 • * its Burke) e Pit,e Llh* 45 4| 46 Cumhectnd Pipe M« 114 IS4 0 P.ireks r,p* !,lne 49 41 it .400 Humble Oil 47% «#% 471* 151 JI Itnola Pipe T. 141 14* III1 >.0 In p Oil Canada 111% 124% 121% 1900 Imp oil Can W i . *;% ij ^ 1S40O Interr.atlonal Pet 29% 27% *6 •JI «•*"*“. 156 * 154’^ 164% L'0 Nat Tran* 2j% '1% 10 Northern P I || ft• ft- 1 tlOo Ohio (**ll “3% 7^% 72% '.'1040 Penn Me\ Fuel. 744 2 40 *46 2200 Tralri* Oil A Ga* «*• 40 4»% 6?« Fralr e Pip# l.lnl 1J| 1|* f;f 30 Aolar Ref 237 JSft ;j? ’o Rout hern Pipe T. 67 ft; *7 140 South Tenn 011 .11* 1 ftg 1M% 10400 Rid Ot! r.f Ind <1% «;% 4* % 900 Std OH of Kan 43% 4l% 4? 200 Std Oil of K> . |f«% i?A% 1:# 20 Rtd OR of Neb ?Sf •*? * 74**0 Std Oil Of N T 47 44 47 ;.von \ scuum OH f|% 901^ p ]0f**Blg Indian Oil SB 2 * 5 100 Brit Con Oil iFeid* 4% 4% 4% .10 •"tie* Service 711 ;rtft jaJ 400 titles Ser\ R c»% 21 '«i *1 .00 *'it e* • srvi.a pfd ftelt gj • 7 00 *'lf lea R*f\ R pfd j% 7% 2o0o t'uiee Ret v* *enp *e| •«! 7a4 14406 Colombian Rrnd .1% 1% 1% 404 creole Svndi-'ate 7* 9 \ fort Derby 011 4 % *% i% 3t0t>0» Engineers Pet ,1 % J J400 Glhson «1il .. 70% •*% *0H 14 -0 tiuio 011 49 m *4 4*00 Kirin T'ettortum 4% 4% 4% 400 1 .ago rat 6% «.t ft'* 4f -'fi* Lane# Creek » 7 300 l.tvingaton Pet t 1 } 1000 Mount A Gulf OH 1% t% "00 M ount a in I'rod ti% 19 *» T9% !i60 N M A \ land Co 16% 9% 1*% 5 0» Noble OH IS. ' * 12 2* 00 Ohio Fuel Oil 11% 1% t*% 3*00 Teer OH H I % |% 10A Penouk OU Co new 21% 71% 7» % M*‘0 RoraJ • anadiar 1% 7% 7% 9rt0 ID an Consolidated 6 6% * 7 0A Salt ('reek Con* 7% 7% 7 u 4 0" Salt 4 reek Trod 25 % 26% 24% 3000 Venezuelan Pe; ft% X % j u 4'0 WllnU 4>l! ? e 4% Mining. ■'•A'lsona Globe 94 M If tafl0*C*i*rfnAU M Co 10 in 1* I t'atiario copp* 4 % * % f :’00*Chlno F*t 51 «. t a; 300 con* Con Min 31ft ;% f% D • 0*< 01 tea Rilxei l4 10 16 400 C re aeon »;.*!l« wthorne At in 1(1 IS 14 li« Heel* Min |4% li% 14% 900 Holllnge. 0 M 14% 14% 14% 400 llowe Round 3% 3% S% 000*lnd lead Mines il 1« 1 % TAne.tarome eVrda 1% 1% 1,% 44rte«».1ih Con# 34 30 14 5100 key Cnppa .. S,\ “% 1000*1,one At#r 6 5 P> 1000*N at tona1 Tin ... • ' 9 5rtS Niniaamg . 4% <% 4% 4300 Ohio Copner . 1 f«0rt* Partnec r.*o -7 *5 "* l n*00*P|yn»outH Lead *0 * * l 0«0 • Rent gs »* R K U>\ 4 4 4 M0#0*«an T >\ * V 0 l000*R(*nd Rl» l ead 11 t * ft &"mR*Ru< Mining .It 10 11 •' I - . ILighe* l « 1 « l % ''••'.*I id Fneiern , -4 •* 1000*1 R coot Mines 15 1? I* 1 Ion LlAh Apes * , * % j .. \V emlen • N % % <% j •o00*|\ea* Hah c.p •*, | beii.enlr IVord* ■» .mi-- ' re. * * •• % * • *: j S Alutninum fa 36..107H 107% 39t%j M Am 'f A- *1 «« *1 • »«'. *1 ", Am Ice Co 7a . . 106*% 1** 31 Am PAT. 3e o!.1 . *3% 95% *■;% 3 X ii Roll Mill* «* 191 ' * 191’* 1*1% j' Am Rum Tob 7%s 9*% 9J% l Am Thread 6* .103% I" % « Anrdn Cop 6*.... 193% 103% ]*J% 1 Ango Am OH 7%a.l*n% l*n% 1"*% I At Fruit Inr: *«.. 21% 21% 21% 3 Reaver Bril 6* .. . *7. 9> *6 I Hath Ft 7* 3 f» ...1"* l"4 I*’* 17 Cent Death 6*.... % 9X % **% 41 Citie* Ser v 7* F..126% 124 l-fi r$ Fill** 8eiv 7* D..106 I0,r|* 1"&% 11 Fit!#* Sr\ PAD t%. ?4 % *4% *4% 1 ('on Gas Bn It •> 1"5% ’ "• % 1""% 1 Con ties Balt 6 %*.!10 J1 * 16 Cudahy 1*»* k ..%* 94% 94 *M % 1 Det City (faa ll ’1 • 1 « fc 43 r*ei Edition fie 114% 11* 114 I Fed Sugar fit S' 9* r'« ** 1 Grand Trunk 6% a. 10?% l"i% 10J% 1 Gulf Oil bn . . »»% *9 * 4 Dehigh P Se, 6a 1*1 • >°l% 1*»1% 6 Me A Mb 7-19-% !«*:% 192% 1 Dig Winchester 7a.1*7% 1r'* » l".‘« I Manitoba 7* ..102% D»2% 1*2% 3 Nat Death ** _101 % J91 % 101 V 1 \ O f’b flrv bn... *7% v* * *•% 9 Nor St* P 6%n...1*2 1*1% 102 4 Nor St* P cv 4%a. 104% 196% ]©♦ s 1.1 Pennock OH 4* ..99 97% 94 4 Penn PAD a .9* 9* 94 56 Pub Srv KAG 6%* °*% 9*'* *h * 5 Pure on fi%* _lor 1"*% 1k*% b Shawaheen •* .10 . % 1 o::% 10" a Sloe* Sheff pur fie.191% J91 % 191% S So Fel tv I ;>* .... 9 % *3% 9 r. '• -t 1 St cm N Y «%* .107% 107% 107% 3* Swift A Fo 1% . ? % 96% 95 4 ! ;; Vacuum oil 7* 197 106% 107 > foreign I9oml«. 1 City Bogota ®« . 94% 96% 94% 36 French N M SS 7s ‘7% <7 *1 7 \ ether land* 6* 72.1 "5% 105% l'%% 7 Rep Peru 4m 32 .190% 1*0% 1"" % 12 Rufealan 6%* ctfa.. 15 !*% 1" 4 Rolvay A Fo 6* 192 I*'.’ 192 3 ftvrlaa 6« ..100% 100% 100% •Cents a share. 4 hit ago Mocks. Quotation* furn**lie'l by .D S. R" “l• A Co., 22* Omaha National Rank building. phone* .?A 3117-4 3; Bid. Asked. Armour A Fo., III., pfd.. 91% 91% Armour A Fox, Del., pfd. 94% 9., Albf rt Pick . • 22 % % Carbide . 79% • '% Kdiaon Co. ■ •:!?% • Fudahy .. . . 107 * Diamond Match .114% !'• ‘ Deere pfd . 9 1 Eddy Paper . Is Libby . &1 % National leather . »% ■■ 4 Quaker Oata .346 ; ' Reo Motor* . IX a 1 * Swift A Fo .11. % H«. Swift International .2 * Thnmpaon . 4 ’ Wah! . Foreign Exchange Rates. Follow ng are today * r*t#* of cx'hfmc* a* compared with the pa»- valuation Fur niched by the Patara National bank Pa r Yal. Tod a y Austria ...... .. -29 "nnnii Belgium .193 Canada .1 "f' 1 . Czecho slovakia .20 Denmark . 2 7 1 • s' England . 4%* 4 ’ • *" France .. .19 7 Germany .23s -23*7 Greece .1*5 ."144 Italy . 195 ."415 Jugo-Slavia .2" "146 Norway . 2 7 . f5 3 Sweden . ... 2 7 7 "ft Switzerland .195 .1934 New York Iteneml. New York. Feb. 11 Flour— -Ea*v *pr*ng patent*. 19.2" n 9 75 soft ” ’i" r ^tratah-#. $9 23 6 9.$*r hard winter | atr*igh'e $$.900 9.35 Rye Flour— Ea#*e fa" *<• 7 <"D $3.23 , 5.69; chol -e fo fan";,. $4.36 u * 7 Rye*—Weak; No 7 western |D39. f o b.. New York, and $1.67% f, ex port. Ba-!e> Weak; malting $i I Ml'1.IS c. 1. f . New York. Buckwheat Quiet; f ne trilling. $2 tr. Canadian. $2.20. Wheat— Spot Ittok. N 1 north ern spring r I. c. New York lake and rail. $2"S. No 2 hard winter f. o b, lake and rail. $1 I" % No 2 mixed durum do $1.93; No. 1 Manitoba do. in bond, $: 96% Corn Spo- w*a N 2 yell -w rtf track. Ne*- Tork. all rail. $139%. No. 2 rrDxed do $ 1 3$ % Oa t a- -Spo t w ea k Vo 2 white 4 • - I^ird Easy; middle seat. $17 900 !«.**. New York toffee Future*. Vm York. Feb II Coffee fu*u-*s opened *»day at a declm* of •* • * points unde- loca; and European **li "I Wh*ch appen-ed *0 l»e promoted b; reports of iowe'* milra'a pr <*•». •• B-i/1' Rm <\ charge rate* were high*- pr,we\e- and after aetjing off to 1* r?0c for *’iy petr# -allied to 1? o$r ot' covering May dosed at 19 soe. th# general rnarket clos ing ner b point* higher to * point* Jew®' Seels wer* *»» mated at *1.0009 bags ' inr ouotat ons March 2" 45c. May. 11.00# July. 17%6< . September, 16 70'-; December i«.17c Spot coffee, dull. R:o 7s. 22 %c, Santos 4a 17 % 0 27 % c Xiout < Ity l.lseatork Sf'nix < It; It* . Feb J! i'#ttle Re ce*pta. 3.109 be* ], market dragg; killer* steady, lower. sti> kers • »»D 'at and year log*. $6 0" 0 12 9ft bulK, i * . « * • "0 cancer* and ■ Jtter*. »: it' veals $ SO© iu 1" ■ t-uil* »* OuVi ' ". feeders 14 "4 0 . 5ft atockets. f: «'t 7 2 . stock yearlings and a ve« r ■ -7 7 ft feed rg cow* arl %.'*■ » 5*64; H^g» Re, eipi* .*. •,1‘ h e a" . o ark#! I$i123^ on#-, tr,l $10 IS bulk of **;#» I lift •*" u 1" 73 lights $9.2$ 0 10*3 but erg 19 41# I® * n xed raker*. $9X66i©:5 stag*. $7 25 6?:. natl\ • pigs $4 r.ri § s 2 Sheep and lAmbs— Receipts 1 "99 h*ad; market steady. l°c lower, lambs, $17.50; twea. $9 25. Rfeitsas ( It* Cash brsiit. Kansas City F#b 11.—Wheat—No 2 hard. $17101.92 Ne 2 red. $1920196 May 11610 199%; July. $1.41; Septatp ber tl 3? asked Com—No 3 white ft 1001 19: N> 2 ye’low $1 140 1 17; No 3 > ellow f! 1"0 t 14: No 2 r * ted. 91 1201.14%: xt ■* $ 1 19%. July. $,20%. Septenaber. $121% aSked Ha* t'rrhanged to $« lower: choice * fa fa. 129.$0021 ft* Other* unchanged Chicago rftlatw* Chi, ago Feb. ID rm*!oe.» F.arlr ntornlng *radi».isi * »-W. « ^ toad of Durcc* averaging f.'l pound* and selling foi $11 on Sold hr L. E. ROBERTS & CO. 3’«mX'*.. Firm: receipt# 111.941 l-n;-]*: State Whole milk flats, fresh fam.v. -» i •to average run. 23c. ^ # New tork Call Money. Uiirrty Bonds. New York, Feb. 11.—Liberty bond# at 1 ii in.: Liberty 31*# 101.21. First 4*4#. 101 27 Second 4 ’* s, 1 •• 1. Third 4l»s. 1*1 H Fourth 4 *4 s. 101.31 . Unit • ■ \>w t ork t o I ton futures 4 lose. New York IVI 11 «'*«’-»« -Future* do -.I steady , * tn ?.■ net high* M»r- h, 2 4 3 vi» 2 4.3 7 • . May. 24 *'« a 24 ."c July, 24.91 024.99c. October, 2 t 79-4.5c; Le cember, 24.36c. kmiM* < Itj Produce Kansas City Mo Feb. 11 -Kg*# changed to lc higher; firsts, 3§c; selected unchanged. Poultry Mens higher. 2!J'*c. Other produce unchanged. f hiengo Produce. rhi< Tg*». Feh. II Butter - l ticl.anged. Fgg* I'm-tianged ; te.-eiptw, 9.342 «ases Al»\ KKTIMiMKNT Rheumatism “Yes! it’s all gone.” DO NOT close your eyes and think that health, free mo tion and strength are gone from you forever! It is not so. You can get rid of your rheumatism by building up your blood power. It Is a fact that rheumatism means “blood poverty.” It Is a ] fact with the increase of red cells in your blood, impurities are destroyed. It Is a fact that S.S.S. will help Nature build these red-blood-cells! S.S.S. is one of the most powerful blood cleansers in existence. Its re sults in thousands of rheumatic cases have been nothing short of amazing! The medicinal ingre dients of S.S.S. are purely vege table. This is very important to remember! What can be more inspiring, more wonderful than to see the shackles of pain re leased from your struggling body. .*yn lings, lingering pains, stiffness of joints and muscles all disappear; your stomach made strong; your face ptnk with the old sweetheart glow, your blood enriched and your cheeks more plump as they used to be. You can do it! Take S f.S., the great destroyer of rheumatic impurities. k9. 8. 8 I* *oM at alffrneS 4rug ttorrt in twa aiwa. The tmrrrr cm i» roor« actmomleal. - C COVfakes You Feel Qke Yourself Again ■-■ V Magnolia Petroleum Co. Serial 4 l-2<~c Cold Debentures Du* IS. 1923 to 199S, ln«. Trices Yielding From to According to Maturity Offered If, A* and When I#sued. jj Circular on Request. The National City Company Omaha — First National Bank Bldg Telephone—Jackson SSlf