KITES TUESDUT Body of Bluffs Fireman, Killed in Crash, Arrives Home. The body of Donald R. Wiers, who w-ai killed Saturday In a train wreck near Kansai City, ww* brought to Council BlutTe Monday morning by his brother, Darrell. Rev. C. O. Stuckenbruck, pastor o£ First Christian church, will officiate • t. funeral services at 4 p. m. Tues day at the home of Wier* father, J. }f. Wier, 110S Eighth avenue. Burial will be in Fairvlew cemetery. Mem dayday night is "Ladies' night" at the which Wiers was a member, will act as pallbearers. Young Wiers was a fireman on the freight train which collided Saturday with a passenger train at N'earman, Kan. He died in a Kansas City hns #ilal a few hours after the collision. Three other persons were killed hr ihe wreck. An Inquest in the deaths Js being held Monday in Kansas City, according to Darrell Wiers. Young Wier* is survived by his patents and his brother and by a .sis ter, olga. FIREMAN’S BODY TO BE RETURNED The fiody of Donald R. Wires of Council Bluffs, fireman of a Missouri Pacific freight train, who lost his life in a wreck near Kansas City, I Kan., Saturday, is expected to reach here today for burial services. Darrell Wires, 110X Eighth avenue, a brother, left late Saturday night to] return the body. When notified of ( bis brother* misfortune, Darrell was] at work in the Missouri Pacific yards! at Omaha, where he is employed as j a switchman. The notification came five minutes after he had remarked to fellow em-j ployfcs that he lift his "unlucky brother” was in the wreck. Donald Wires attended both the Bloomer and Dodge schools in Coun cil Bluffs, having lived here since BUS. He was known to his friends s.s "Sky" Wires. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wires, and a sister, Olga, survive him besides his broth er, Darrell. MANY CARS STUCK ! IN MUD ON ROADS. Harlan, Tu., Keh. n.—The roads were never In worse shape than now. No deliveries are made off the pavement In the city and many cars are stuck tight in the suburbs. Seven cars were stalled within one mile west of town. The Primary road, east and wast, from which the snow was scraped, is passable. Condition of the roads brought about a situation that Is rare to the present generation. Seven horse-drawn vehicles were In a jam on Market street Saturday. _ __—---- \ f Out of the Records | Births ami Deaths. ■Irtli*. ' Merinnn and Terkla Heckbarth, 504 " (1 | r.t-.r#K'an.l I.uria Catalano, till ’""fames ’ and" Mar*l# Compton, hospital ''Elmerl'Vnd' lne^^lioekley. hnapltal (»»4 j ?,Bert 'and Francla ‘ Taylor, 1»t« Burdette; R* Fldeni-io * nd Kaiharina Slrada. til. South Seventh St.. xlrl. ^ Paul end Mary Mwansnn, FloChnc# tia j ""pivUi'1 and Graco Chrlaty, 4T47 South 16,h SI., fit!* Weathy .lane Loekard, 4335 FrankUi. | ’ .ihh • M. Rutherford, 5634 Fowler Ave. (hospital). IS years. K • Raymond Thelaen, 2512 South lith SI , !*.lah"*" Wagner. 104 Avenue K. (hospital).' ^Nathan Baraons. 2111 Grant St. (hoapt '* \VilHam l>. Writ. *0* North 33d Si., Elbert Voorboes l.'.(6 North l.'.h S. (Uoepllal). to veins. Building Permit?. biva Newton. 7111 North f.»lh St. * V ;i ^ " II N rth 41 at S'. ,rV:,*H.1'M«nn.’r. 452* North 41,1 St. fr»me -iwHltnC. $3,60n. s T. H* Maenner. 4...,4 North 4lnt • frame dwelling. 13.50* . «. T. H. Mat«nn#r, 4.j42 Notlh 4l*t • * •• frame dwelling. *3.500 * a p. Osborn*. 4424 Nnrih 36th «r., frsrno dwelling. 43.600 T H Matnnsr. 4oo0 .North fram# dwelling. 13.600 T. H Alasnner. 4.»54 North 41irt Ht., frame dwelling, 33,600. T H. Maenner, 5701 Mayberry, frsm* dwelling, 15,600. T H Mfe nner. 1700 South n.ith «t , ( *'TVF.rsklne S, . frame dT*llH.*M*ii*n*r. 6IU Weatern Ave., frame *WT*,Hril«n«r. 111. Weatern Ave.. frame I ^^"h5'mV**oe'r, 841 South 52d St., frame ‘V'^Vaen^?; 425 South 4>.t St , frame dwelling, 16,0611. _ Real Estate Transfers. Hastings A Ileydsn to Joe im» v*me. N. R. cor. 41at and h.w ler Ave.. 44x137 .^ 1 ®' Bunker* Mlg. I*oan Hu., to < orn Al Boucher. «. 41H Ht.. 10 ft. H. of Hickory fit.. W*»t aide. 46xl«» 4 Banker* Mtg. I.nnn Ho. to Thomas A. Hronder. 15th Ht.. 206 fl. H. ' of .1 Ht., west aide, 40x130 . 3.450 Bunker* Mtg. Loft ft Ho. lo Lloyd I. William*. O Ht.. 143.3 ft \\. of 45th Ht., south .►id**. *0x14 0 2.700 Bankei* Mtg. I.oan Ho. to Arthur rt. Reynold*. N. V. cor. 16th an.I \l Sia 40*130 . LI«0 Cleorg* L. Whitmore et al to .lonrr a. MorlneUt. Webster Ht . 64 ft. V, of Florence Bfvd , north side. 31*131 .■••••■„ " M'9 K«r| G Maxwell and wife to Maur t. * P Brogan and wife Wake lev St , 1 dS ft E. of 4*th Si., north |ld*. *0x164 35 .....■ MM r«vlo Odd* and wit* tn Mary *. Solo. 17th St . 3*3 ft. S *f C.atelar (tr .aat .Ida S3'»x144 3,*60 Otto s. Gatntnar to Otadye C. Bar rlaon. Ohio St.. »• ft. #• «f She,-, man Ave, north aid*. I»x6a4»._ ..*60 Nnnxlat* Plrrurrello and huaband Paul F. TStietkl# *t al N W. cor. Ontario aod B Sli.. *0x106 •••••• ‘••"6 Emanual Nlcotern et al to Bam Nlcotero, Plarca St., 7* fc w. of 2tat St., north aid*. 60x1a3 ■ 11 f,. Kndrex. aherlff, to titneha Loan and Bldg. Awan , 12th St. 350 ft. S of Bancroft S, , Eaat alda, 4 6.21x141,'* ...*•» Krneat K. Swanson to , Frida Edwardaon, Hamilton HI.. 47.6 ft. W. of 83d St,. Mouth Hlda 47'A x 120 ... ‘',l10 John Hkouinel *n4 wife to «*»*; tluna Fsnrlullo, 15th Hf , 111 ft. s. of Vinton Ht., west side, 66xl»* 4.'8# John fl. Tripp and wife to Kdnft H. Coy. Hpencer Ht,, 47 ft. K. of •J4th HI. south side. 37,2x42..... 4,150 Onishs LOB n A Bldg. Assn, to Flllopn Psttsvln*. 12th Ht.. 350 ft. H of Bancroft Ht., east side. * 4K 34x126% . fte nhold F Hrhroeder and wlfs to H. Bed*. 40th Avs.. 121 ft. H of Maple Ht . **»*t side. 6«» 124. exchgng* end ••••••;■. 1 Frank Kris* end wife M polo rate rrSnrn 71H H* Uhl % ft H. of Htckorv Ht . east *»d# :< I % x 1 3V 1,66* .o1 w?’h. * nuEot. ..... i Move to Relieve Strain on Parses of U. S. Envoys Abroad -- . ... 'III** landtin embassy (left abmr| given Hie United States by J. I*. Mor gan: and the present American em bassies in Berlin Iright alone) and I'aris (right). Washington, Feb. 10,—Frank B. Kellogg's appointment as secretary of state followed his request to be al lowed to come home from London, where he ha- been the ambassador of the United States *ince the voluntary retirement of George Harvey. Both men had the some reason for quitting | She oost. It was costing them too much. The salary of the United Slates j ambassador to London is $17,300 a i year, fn order to maintain an cm j 1 assy on a scale even approximating j those of other countries of like and I lesser rank, lie must spend ahout JlitO.OOfl a year. Only a wealthy man | r&n afford to he an ambassador of tiie United States. The richest coun try in tlie world Is the least generous with its envoys. Congress Asked More Money. Mr. Kellogg's retirement from the foreign service has served to bring to congress' attention again the ‘'pover ty'’ of the American diplomatic corps. Despite the president's policy of economy, a determined move is on foot to increase the allnw'anres of United States representatives abroad, and provide them with homes, mak ing it possible for men possessed of more ability than means to remain in the diplomatic corps. Congress is being asked for an appropriation of $3,000,000 to be used In the purchase of embassy, legation and consular buildings. The bill provides that this amount be made available and that It may be spent as required by a committee composed of two senators, two representatives, the secretary of state and the secretary of the treas ury. Bv making the money avail able in tips way it is held that Ihe United States may shop about a bit and buy only when Imrgaisn ate of fered. When (in appropriation 1a made for a definite purchase in a definite capital, the effect is ltkelv 1 to be s rise in price* of desirable proper! ies. The United Stales lias f.2 missions abroad, which means that there are 52 ambassadors and ministers. But in a dozen of these the diplomats are housed in buildings whlchc this gov ernment owns. But in all the f-api- I tala in Europe virtually every other nation, even if it is small and poor, owns Its own embassy or legation buildings. Tills is likewise true In Washington though not to the same extent, because the importance of the United States Is newer. Little coun tries like Belgium have homes for their diplomats all around the world, homes that they own, that are more imposing than anything contemplated by the State department. The Nether- i lands completed a $500,000 building In Washington some two years ago. It is cheaper to own a building than it is to rent it. Embassy and lega tion buildings nil around the world are tax free when owned by the gov eminent# that occupy them. When they are privately owned and rented Hjey must pay taxes. Pqpi* Most Expensive Capital. In London J. P. Morgan ha* given this government two arnbttloug ad joining residences. It is remodeling them and converting thegn into one. They are quite commodious and sat isfactory, except that they may, upon occasion he thought too' great a bur den by some modest minded ambas aador. In Paris we have been trying hard to establish a home for th* ambas sador, but luck has broken against us. We would never attempt, of course, to rival the grandeur of the [p.rltish embassy i nParis. Chsroets palace w-as bought by Wellington, im mediately following Waterloo. His troops were camping in the Elysee, when, looking about, his eye fell on Charosts. erstwhile home of Pauline Bonaparte, and he decided to pur chase it for an embassy, et hi# own figure, *20,000. It Is no'w easily worth *5.000,000. Paris is the capital In which It is most expensive to maintain a diplo matic position. An examination into the fact show* that it cost th# most recent United States envoy# there *100,000 to *150,000 a year to live In Paris and maintain th# poaltions they held on a basis that compared favorably with what was done by their associates representing other nations. Howard (lets 59(5,000. | When'an ambassador arrives at his post he soon finds that 40 or 50 In vitations have com# In from the rep resentatives of other countries. He must accept them If he Is to' serve I the purpose for which lie Is sent GIRL LF.D TO IAIL BY LOVE OF FINERY Special Dispatch to Tlie Omelii llee. cVilar Kaplds, Li.. Feb. 8.—A desire for lictter clothe* than her husband's small wage could obtain turned Mrs. Selma Itobovsky, III. bride of » year, into a shoplifter, according to poltee, who say they found garments worth several hundred dollars in her home after her arrest and alleged confes sion. The young bride has been under suspicion for weeks. pnHre and merchant detectives say, because of the disappearance of cosily articles from the department store* while she was present as a supposed shopper* Hate Saturday night, police say, they caught her in the act of pilfer ing from a store. Her home was raided later In the evening and cloth ing was found which was Identified liy several deportment store*. Gold Star Mother* Art* Organized in Bluff* Mothers of Ccninc II lilltff* war vet crans who lost their lives fn France have completed organization of a Hold Sltfr Mothers' socletv with Mr* M A. Holmes as president. Other officer.* elected were Mrs. H. G. Davis, secretary and treasurer; Miss Gladys Holmes, corresponding secretary; Mrs. r. T-:. McIntosh, pub licity chairman, and Mr*. H. 0. Mc Gee, chaplain. Another meeting of the society will he held Wednesday In the American Legion hall. Girls’ Club Work Revived at Missouri Valley Han«|iiet Missouri Valley, la., Feb. 7.—The annual achievement clay banquet of the girls’ clubs of Harrison county wa* held here at the Methodist church. Mis. Watklnsl, new county chairman, and Mrs. lJan Heel, retir ing chairman for the county, spoke, and Mrs. Marker, head of the exten sion work from Ames, Rave a resume of girls’ did) work In Iowa. Shelby County Farmers Buying Western Horses Harlan, I*., Feh. II.—There Is still • need for horses on Shelby county farm*. It seem*. Several lot* hava been shipped In from western state* shd sold at Suction, finding ready sale at fair prleee. ENROLLMENT IN SCHOOLS UP 239 A total of 239 more pupils ate now enrolled irt the Council Bluffs public school* than In February of Inst year, according to figure* announced by Superintendent of School* Theo dor* Saam. The greatest Increase was at tha Bloomer school whet* 703 pupil" are now enrolled a* rompared to 389 in ] 924. This i* made poaslhl* by the opening of the new Bloomer building last fall. The enrollment *t th* Abraham TJncoln high school dropped from 1,014 to 831 on account of tha Bloom er school being converted Into jun ior high school. There I* now *. to tal of 8,395 student* attending the 19 school* In Council Bluff*. Song l,«*ailer Promise* Treat at Kiwani* Meeting Missouri Valiev, I" . Feb. 9 Tuea d«»y nicht In "Ladi#*' night” at th# hjitvanl* and • T.iir Hart. ♦xMiong leader in th# A. K. K., piomia#* the rnombar* a. prog ram “I hat ran b# hung up to nhnnf at for all tint# to rom#.” * Kill,” with hi# natural abili tv and long training, baa mad# th# Mlasourt Vgll#y Kiwani# Hub an ob j#rt of #nvy and k'># all ov#r tb# Jurisdiction. 100 Hen* at Harlan Lav 2,322 Egg* in One Month Harlan, la.. Feb. 9.—Burton Carl ihlnka he ha* the prize flock of Rhode Island Red* During January 100 hens deposited 2,322 eggs to ht* ci edit. Beware of Pneumonia! A rattling, hacking cough warns that a deep-seated cold i* upon you. You cannot "Ocar it off”—and negloctod germ multiplication s«ts in, often causing serious illness. I.KJ. S CKEO I.YFTllS--* ■dentine compound of ereoeol*. Oil of Oeelvplua and ether rorm-tt*# prep.**. Mr* aimed Inalently atop, the rough eng quickly <*herlm ihn iprwl »f Flu” m4 pnm* mnnii r*nru. Don't taka rhanraa. U#t a Ma hottu af GRBO-LYFTU8 #t ymur druggiat today. Money hark If you >ay m. liCClB At# QwUWly aM t#wiy CRKHYPTUS For aal* ho Sharman A lleC#n*#i! P^'ig Co , Haina* Drug C# , farataga Drug Co., B#at*n Dm# Co. F abroad. Jf he accepts he must recip rocate. He must entertain. If be does so in a way that Is other than correct in the circumstances hs hu miliates himself and discredits his country in the eyes of representatives of other nations. So he digs down in his own pocket. As a matter of fact, he has heen appointed td this post because It was known that he would dig down. This situation Is true In nearly every country In which we have an embassy or legation. Pay and emoluments of an Amer ican ambassador contrast rather sharply with those of, for Instancs, the British ambassador to the United States, Hams Howard. That official gets a base pay of $1!,000. In ad dition to that he gets funds for maintaining his establishment and for purposes of carrying on the of ficial entertainment. These allow ances bring the aggregate up to $96, 000 a year. This deeplts ths fact that the British government owns ths em bassy building in Washington which Is the ambassador's home. ADTEBTIgKXKNT. At Meal Time Snap Into It ■ 1 Tour Box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Enables You to Face a Big Bauquat with Delight. Those rronrhy dyspeptlco who throw a flt when food Is fried caa get back in the good graces of the family circle by the simple expedl «nt of Stuart s Dyspepsia Tableta One or two at meal time not only aid digestion but stop acid fermen tation. clear away the gaesiness, lift off the bloated feeling, sod heartburn and make the stomach carry with ease the foods that used to apparently cause dyspeptlo de spondency. These tablets sweeten the stomach of a dyspeptic by riving It the alkaline effect as In health. Thus, whether you eat corned beef and cabbage, pork eausage. mince pie, buckwheats, baked beans, or other table terrors, you laugh at all fear and once again enley the freedom of a good eater In good company. Bet a 60 cent box today of Stuart o Dyspepsia Tablets and the* tell dyspepsia ta go hang. ^—————— Limbs ache?* Get this immediate comfort Take that aching stiffness out of overworked muscles at once. Apply Sloan'* lightly. Don't ruh it. in. Its stimulating ingredients send fresh blood to the place that hurts — and thi* swiftly clears out the fatigue poisons and stops the ache. All druggists—35 cents. Sloan's Liniment ~kills pain! Folly to Suffer With Piles Slop In * <• any dm* etore. • ** t a *i»> > fnl | plttf of Pyramid Pile HuptM.ailorlee and atnp Ilia aorenee*. pain. IP It!"* and biff’ll In*. Thouaanda tin» It a wonder, many aavad from operation Kntlre fam I laa r«ly upon Pwiinld Mint te'omniind them to their frlenda >•' BLUFFS OBSERVES BOY SCOUT W1 K Bov Scout week was Inaugurated In Council Bluffs Sunday with apeclal services sj a number of churches. Scout troops attended the churches in a body. The week will bs observed In the public schools, while tomorrow will be known as “Scout day In the home," all scouls remaining at home with their fathers. A banquet for scouts and their fathers will he held Friday night at the First Baptist church with J. H. Beveridge, superintendent of Omaha schools, as the principal speaker for the occasion. , Mr?. Jennie Rus Die?. Mrs. Jennie June Bus, 46, a resi dent of Council Bluffs for the last 35 years, died Sunday at her home, 1522 Avenue B, after a short illness. Site is survived by her husband, Klaus; by three sons, Donald of Los Angeles and Gaile and Cornelius of Council Bluffs, and by two broth ers and three sisters. AIIVF.KTISKM ENT™ ~ Is Your Blood Starved? ARE you unknowingly handi capping yourself in this life race? Is it blood starvation— lack of energy-building elements —that is heading you toward failure . . . unhappiness? Examination shows that 80 out of 100 men and women arc Anemic ... and don’t know that this condition ia responsible for their loss of energy ... ambitioo. Press your thumbnail aa illus trated above. Unless the blood comes rushing back Anemia ia indicated. * Gude's Pepto-Mangan ia tha tried way to revitalise the blood. For thirty-two years physicians have prescribed it. Its rich iron and manganese content have * restored health to thousands. Your druggist has Gude’s Pepto-Mangan in either liquid or tablet form. Gude’s Pepto-Mangan Tonic and Blood Enricher NEBRIN The safe remedy for colds-headacl“~ rheumatism Does not de press the bean like Aspirin oAt Drugstores BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES Telephone AT.UntJc 10C0. THE EVENING RE* TIIE OMAHA MORNING BEK. lie per llna each nay, i or 1 daye. 17c per llna each day. I fir I day*. 16c per llna each day. 7 day*. 15c per Una each day. 9ft dare • - ”••••' _"l1 A NNOVS CK MEN TS. Funeral Notices. 1 HARVEY Frank, «ce if. aurvlved hr parents, Mr and Mra. W J. Ilarver; 2 aieteir. Oiida and Mayme; * brotnera, Henry, .lamea, Glenn. Roy, Lew la. Edward. Frank of Omaha. William ©( •’hi'-ago and Howard ©f Oregon B«»dv *t Heafey A Heafey chapel until Monday 4 p. in. Funeral aerytee* Tuesday, February ID. from the faintly residence lfll N 17th St.. 2 p. in American Legion in charge Inierment West Lawn «amatary. ROYS—Mattie. February *. aged <1 yaara la aurvlved hy her huahand. Charles H ; mv© daughters. Mra Ur George R Gilbert and Caaete F Rcy«, Also two brothers and three alstere Funeral service* will be held at tha resi dence. 26"* Hrlatol etreet. Wednesday, February 11, at 9 P m Interment For eat Lawn cemetery. Bralloy A Dorrance mortuarv In charge Ill'RKK—Geraldine L. pasted away at residence, ”930 South Twenty fourth street, February 7 She la aurvlved hv father and mother, alster Helen, hrolbec Harold Funeral servlcar from Lealle O. Meore funeral home. Twenty.fourth and Wirt streets. Tuesday. February 1ft, at 2 p nv Interment West Lawn cemetery RILEY—Mre Mary, age 19 yaara, reet deme. 1*41 South Fourteenth afreet. Survived hv her huahand, John, and one daughter. Mary. Funeral aervlcea Tweaday. I 10 a m from Heafey A Heafey t hapel, to $t. Patrick « hurrh at * Interment H^ly Sepulchre. STtJOWfN Lewie Ik, age 07, died at leahlenr*. *171S rharles St., Monday e tn. Iieceaaed Is aurvlved by wife, one daugh lei Mlee Helen Clark, and two eons. Wel ter and Henrv, all «*f Omaha Hod. at Heafey A Jfeafey chapel. Funeral notice lafei s TIV E N R Mrs Alh* M Tate S ftyear a. Med SnuriUv Fehruary 7. luneral Tweed"' a' 3 p m fiom tha Konsko Finei.H Home Rev. R I. Wheeler w||t officiate The burial will he l* qracetawd re • w • < mat e> RP VDI.EY*—Mr» Minute, age 4* '*are. Surxlved hv one daughter Mra V J Huhhert Remains will be forw-arded from Heafe A Heafey rhspel Monday. 4 p. m to Btllinte Mont for interment LANE—John. a«* 72 died Mondav a n> at reeidence 4244 South Twentv fottrtn •♦r©*t Defeated is aurvlved h\ wife. Hr*dv a» II e 4 f e >■ A Heafey rhaptl Fu - "ergi not*, e lt*»r • ASTON Gilbert, ete 34 ' agr» Ttamalne At Hagfey ^ Heafey i hapel awaiting ,i |pnn gtmeflts Funcrn! Dirfrlor* S HEAFEY A IIFAFEY ftndet takers and Kmba I mere Phone AT ••r..n, off .- ?*ii Farnam _lEBTAWLIPHED R1NCF. lllil Ht'LHE A IllEPKN. At Your Ret vice. n? *4 Cuming Ht_JA. lift HOFFMAN CROHHY ambulances Dodge .-iml '’till sis Funeral directors .1A 1MI Hrailey & Dorrance. N. P. H1VANRON. t . .Ml A \ I • i’F MING Guiet Dignified Rupervtatnw Tnit s' A G V JVT1, F M AN IV A 14 -Mil Fstgiam It H K IITf Ik FT A RON 140 Fintam mat It Vi ha LERI.HC O. MOORE 21th and Will. WE 0047. Oniflfrlri. 4 \Yrit for yYti awii -OS a fs- 1 |h dttlll'g most heauHful «amalarv office* «t the rami ters, weet of Fioiene* and U0 ttrandela theater Bl4«. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Personals. 9 THE SALVATION ARMY industrial oomi solicit* your old tlothing. furniture, maga zine*. We collect We distribute Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect cur new home. 2Q9 N 13th t*t ELECTRO - MAGNETIC health blanket sweats and massages; expcriencegl oper atic*. 325 Leflang Bldg. .1 A. 1*520._ COSTUMES, theatrical, historical masque costumes to rent. Lichen. 1514 Howard MASSAGE—Expert treatment; lady oper stor; open till 9 p. in. 210 North l"th St ALL bills made hv Mrs. C. C. Green will not be paid bv Mr. C. C. Green. Ix)st and Found. 10 PICKED UP- One dark bay mare, blind right eye. i bo lit 17 years old. weighs '*1 pounds. Inquire Union Stockyards Co. Barn, noth ami O. South Omaha GLASSES Lost—Horned rimmed, between Rushtnan warehouse and Union station. Reward. AT. 503* or AT. 5951., DRAFT LOST —Due bill from Brandels store. James Pappas, AT. 1121. Reward. RED BAR lost off service car. Return to Davenport garage. 18th and Davenport. LOST—Grown black rat near 34th and ' Grand Ave. Phase not fly KK. 2199, LOST-—Small suitcase ••oiitninlng apron and crown. Reward. W1 4 >71 _ - ✓_AUTQMonn.Es._ Automobiles for Mule. 11 MURPHY DID IT’S ' Used Car Dept. SELLS USED CARS FOR LESS MONEY. NO SPECIAL SALES OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOW. QUALITY CONSIDERED. 1923 Ford Touring, starter.|2"5 1920 Ford Sedan, very good. . ... 175 1923 Chevrolet Touring, renewed.. 3^0 1921 Dodge Touring renewed.... 'n0 MANY OTHERS—$50 UP TO $1,300 EASY TERMS OPEN ALWAYS Andrew Murphy & Son, AT. 4411. _141Q Jackson St. 150 CARS. Fords and other makes $50 end up. Cash or terms, take rar in trade GOLPSTROM AUTO BALES CO., 2112 Harney St. Open evening? A Snft. .a i , Q.'.U FORD TOURING — 1921 with starter, good condition $125. 221 So. 25th St., HA. 485*. FOR THE RIGHT PRICE ON GOOD USED CARS SEE OMAHA FLINT COMPANY NASH-VR1ESEM A AUTO CO. USED CAR STORE. 2054 Farnam.AT. 2914. Auto Accessories, Parts. 16 a UAH ANTE ED new ana ured auto parts *t a special cut price. Nebraska Auto Parts. 1016-1* Hsrney St. JA. 4931, and 3205 rtiming St. AT. 1970. _ FORD windshield glass, $2. Kaplan Auto Parts. 2111 Nicholas St. BUSINESS SERVICE. Business Services Oftcred. 21 WANTED—Tree*, hedges, grapea to trim. Free estimate* given. KE 5453. Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons all style*; hemstitching. buttonholes. Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 30* Brown Block, Omaha. Neb Telephone JA 193*. NEB. PLEATING CO.. Hemstitching! Ccverad Button*. 1104 Farn*m Second Floor. JA. 1179 MoTing—Trucking—Storage. 26 OLOBK VAN AND STUB AGE PACKINO, MOVING. 6HIPPINO, STORINO furnlrhed. AT I3la or J A 4338 BF.KIN8 OMAHA VAN A STORAGE 14th ,n<1 Leav.nworth St,. Packing, mov ing.>- .hipping JA. 4181 GORDON'S FIREPROOF WH8K A VAN. 11» North 11th St. Phono, JA 3033. Bov. Ing. sacking. «iuragc, .hipping. Painting and Papering. 27 Wallpaper, p.perhangtng, painting. Fred Park, 4708 S. 34th St MA. 0101; AT, 7404 Patent Attorneys. 28 J. W. MARTIN. 836 Tru.t Bids. Omaha; .),« Washington. Doubt. Hrrlc*. .Imrl. fee. A No help .ell patent. Printing—Stationery. 29 COMMERCIAL PP.fNTINO. Eddy Priming; Co.. 313 South 13th St Phono JA. i'll Repairing. 31 ! Wg ..wing machine, VIotrol,, pl^io^^d^c^eU^^5u^k^I»rnM^^T^ F*rd B’.dg. LADIES—LEARN HKAVTY CL'LTURE Our rears of teaching enables ua to equip you for >our own business r.r good pa: in* petition Day or ntght. Inquire ROlEH COLLEGE. 5 15th Help Wanted—Male. 37 WANTED—V >oung man t«. work In ar chlteot’a office who can letter and tra r j n• At 1 y. One who can do typewriting i e ferred Send sample of letlcrlm: and tracing with your first letter. Miller * Bee J Hutchison until Thursday. N 1~' h t • FIREMEN' brakemen. beginners. S' 1156 |which poattlonT) Railway. Y--*26. Omaha Bee. Help Wanted—Male and Female. X8 MEN and women make good money poll ing small article Anyone can sell Mr Duncan Til garf^rd Ho''! Salesmen and Agents. 3$ AOKNTM WANTED. Bpsclat rerreeenta tivea wanted for each county in the in « of Nebraska to handle exclusively our line* Selling direct to garage* end car owners. Ho!*#. terror cut-out* made for ell cars, Dobbins Water pumps made for Fords. Dobbins Pedal Boots made for Ford* Write us at 0©ce \, j v \\ be interested. It I* a money maker and v on j will have exclusive sales in y»ur t#r*>t..rv. Dobbins M f * Co. £35 No. New Jo - Indianapolis. Ind.__ WANTED—Shoe salesman Rice* Hut-h Ins. makers of the famous Educator sh.-rv want a salesmen for the states of Nebras ka and South Dakota. OnL experiem ■! men considered. Give complete Informs-j Don. Ineludlnt* reference*, line* carried! and length of time on the territory Ai-j dre** Y-3*3t. Omaha Bee SALESMEN w anted to reiv espnt C liar’* etta- or road ' ork Oplv four orders * d*v will rav >04 |*o per '*e**k -- Mr I.lnaut befota t! a m and I .to 5 t» m . 361 Eaird Bldg___ SOLICITORS—Men or women in eft' or' •ute, fur high grads sps - demonstration means a **le or write Sales Manager 3014 0 St, Omaha Sttwttmi W»*t*S nmili i" LADY wish** dt\ work, reference. TV K DP ^ I FINANCIAL,_| lliiftinr***Opp<>i ftJtiltlp*. 4? MAN'l'FACTI RVH of patented vend' * dgkice offers exclusive state distribution tel ||vi wire Must have cradii at «’ » to ftnsvt a self to as tent <-t | I utbe* Itevahle profit* « •ninuiMtv# Income | from royalties fTR.aoo ran h«* made year-! ly. Please give phone number Factory represent attvs will be in Omaha next week Y *30 Omaha Bee Him I Kvfjilf I .onii*? 4-1 OMAHA HOME* LA8T N » h 1 A t»M^ O’KEEFE. UK At. LST AT t CM 16U t'miln Net i Bank Bldg JA J"l» mortgage* or contract# m » chased bv Tukev Company MO Ftrat Ns tlonal Bank JA. IIS<_ __ LOW RATE on city property, quick!* closed; re monthly payment* JA HIS VV T GRAHAM « Petr r * Trw*V 1106 to lie oao leaned prompt §#rrtr* r n * i> it if..' nMi Farm loan* on Weal N#n end N * Colo fat o'* Kloke lm*»tmfttt Co Omaha i is# and j rift ci m n J A RAIN MR OR, •«} Omaha Nil l Hid* ! FINANCIAL._ Heal Estate Loans. 44 MONEY TO LOAN On firm end eecond mortgage*. \Y# buy outright for cash Exlatlng mortgages and land contract*. Prompt Action II A WOI.F CO., 5*2 Saunders Kennedy Bldg _AT >1€* 6H AND f. PER CENT MONET. Loans on Omaha Improved property at lowest rat«a. FRANK H. BINDER, *31 City National. JA iMU MONEY on Omaha houses at 6 per cent und ' i, yer cent Cash on hand. No de lav. Shnpc-n & Co., 236 Keellne Bldg. JA. 422*. _ RKAI> estate mortgagee and contract# bought. I^rsori, 104 North 15th Ft. Money to Loan. 45 SEE VS TODAY. if yon t monev for any purpose. A loan cf $30 will receive the same prompt attention as one of $'<00. You gt*t the full amount in cash, no free deducted, no publicity or unpleasant Investigation. Old. egt established and most reliable in Omaha. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. R. ROC Karbach Block Phone JA. 2295 209 8. 15th Ft. MONEY to loan—no commlsslono—on Im proved farms :n eastern Nebraska, at 5 j per cent, s^mi-annua! interest, for 5, 7 or 10 year* E. B Stephenson. Lincoln. Neb MONEY loaned on diamond*. Diamond Bank. 213 City Nat. Bk. bldg. Eat. 1*94 Reliability, low rate, privacy. Wauled to Borrow. 4f> WANT to borrow $25,000 on good security. Y- 2* 23, Omaha Bee, K D l C ATI ON A L._ LoraF Instruction Classes. 48 HAY SCHL’OL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete court* in *11 commercial branches. Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy. salesmanship, civil service. Phone J A. 1565. Complete catalog free. ,. BOYLES COLLEGE. l*tb and Harney Sta. Omaha. Neb. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 14*1 Dodge St. 130* Douglaa St Call nr write for Information. Musical—Dramatic. 49 PIANISTS—Learn popular music. E. M Kahn. M l■ kel Bldg AT. 4351. Dancing Academics. 50 KKL-PINE—Fnmam st 25th. Claes and assembly, Monday and Thursday night*. Pierrott orchestra: 25 Instructor*. Pri vate lessons any time. JA. 97 69. PRIV'ATE dancing lesson*, dally or eve ning For app*t- HA. 59 3 6, 3126 Mason KEEP S CINDERELLA ROOF. 16TH and DOUGLAS STS. JA 5470. LIVESTOCK. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. 54 harness! W* make them ourselves and sell them direct to the farmer. Store 55 years old. You take no <*hanr*« when you buy our harne*= Friers from $?>& to $110. Al fred Cornish. 1210 Farnam St., Omaha, Poultry and Supplies. 55 WHITE WYANDOTTE? pure **ock: hatch ing egc«; breeders. 7515 N. JOth Ft. KE. Q3M. _ MERCn\\DISE. Business Equipments. 58 TYPEWRITERS. — Reasonable RENTAL rares. New and second-hand machines for sale. Have you *een the Standard Keyboard Remington Portable? Whatever your needs In the typewriter line call Remington Typewriter Co . 210 8. ltth St., JA. 1*75. \vF buy. sel. eafes make deske. show eat**, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.. 8 W Cor 11th and Douglas. JA. 37 24 USED c»*h register, scales. reatrvrant stove coolers show cases end fixture* for all kind* of b-:«;nees. 1215 Howard. Fuel and Feed. 61 j KINDLING—$5 truck load delivered; **wduet: haDd. shaving*. JA. 574’. Household Goods. 64 FOR SALE—An t\ory bassinet on *tand. >5. AT. 1*14. Machinery and Tool*. 67 NEW and second-hand motor*, dj-namos. LeBron Electrical Worts 113-ta 8 Kth Wanted to Buy. 73 . DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. New desks used desks. bought, aold. trad ed J, C Red ■ 7 Farnam. AT «14« . ROOMS FOR RENT. j Rooms With Board. 74 ' ml CASS 8T.—N -» rooms, homo eook- ! Inr. tv'ard reasonable, by day cr waalc - l*«4 Furnished Rooms. 75 | TWO or three nicely furmahad rooms, plenty of furnace heat, hot and cold water, private entranca. Cal; AT. Till. or ?0« S 17th St. Pt.KA*ANT HOME Mount Clair Addltlnn: < for I'i.riwg man and wifa or alsale par eon; e:(h kitchen nrlvllecr. HA 33M. ] ROOMS—Steam lie,ted: walktn* distance. , at. S(.;c ::!i St. Marys Ave Where to Stop tn Town. 78 H'itei. SANFt'KD—l»th end Farnatn. Ij HOTEL. Ill NSHAW—Hih and Faruetn. . Special Kates to Permanent Oue.ts Apartments of Building Owner* ant) ' Managers Association. Furnished. 86a HCNTF.H INN—Home t - the travellnf ; ; man to leave Ms wife for comfort and! safely 34' s P-d»e AT t»«0 j Unfurnished. 8ub i The Best and Most for n Money in Dundee Beautiful Gler.arlo ApU l-re«m with |, real b#d €-reom ®ccoir.:T\oda- j | i:or*. On® Mock ts *rhool ir.i **r j tin® R®rt *no*t r*a*enab® AT *»M i or WA »fbl W. .1 P*ira*r C«. I'd if Mgr. 410-11-14 Keeiln® Bldg. Exclualr® A-roem Art garag®. KNICKERBOCKER APARTMENTS **th and Jone# St. \W J. Palmer Co. AT |M6.| i I VFRY rhole • 1-ronm apartment* wih I-room locommt'ttH'.oni. 1.1 vine room, bed o’ *r\ with murrhr bed. kit <*hrn®tt® and prlvat* bath Walken® dl*t®nc®, , A* I. . ® lutnmir ®nd $*? !>• Win ner »• R 4 K F RENTAt* 40r.NCT. I 1T©2 How® id JA HA. J>fl. Beautiful Melrose Apts., 33d and CatSfcmia St j Op car ' rc near T®ch H.fh and i Yat*® tchool* dat'd v 4 room An? ” t'i bed room R^ naD*® rant f*® th.» Apt at inv t ir.® I AT IMA. \\ J. P*5mer Co. ----— j Look at This One. .4-rorm Ant w.' h garaga rant low a* an individual h t, r 4 ®nd « re--n * par itr-.ent * *• f:} f e to Itnj Howard JA. X*M H.4. Mil. Vou Can't Beat This for the Money 4 room \ n* w * h »-r!'®t® *, • ,i in* i 1‘OM-h heal. Water ®M fan'tOt 21» U .No ] .* .t b’ A MMt. \\ J. Painaer i V. 1 i Vpts., $50.00. j Convenient 4 room ®pt Walking datano® j 54 b mi a®'vie® h**t and water Oiahatn J\ 1 cillOCK\ *|d S |Mh Av® —4 tt>ntu •77 with ?• toamw ®''ro>v.mo4®ttnn 41! r-'«'Tv.» ■ re Ur*** light and ah' l • at®«l tn dial®Pa» Phong *1A 1412 sit Kt^i • C t *'ir t n«ii*S7 rant w ,i r,At vim ott at mi Rea; te als Maaaiemi*! •lecialma. Apartments of llufldinj; Owners nn4 Managers Association. Unfurnished. -5Tb PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT »M« 17th sni ra.rn^-n S’* WEAL ESTATE—FOB RENT, Apartments—Furnished. till WEST FARNAM—4-room ftirnluh.d «pt. Private bath, entrance. Reasonable. 1IA, 4112’ apartments—Cnfurnlshed. 81 SHIRLEY APARTMENTS 3328 CALTPORNA STREET Up-to-date 6-ror.m apartment with 6 ronm accomodation. Newly decorated. Janitor service. $75. Call HA. 4136 or MA. 0799. HIGH CLASS APT? and flat* under super vlalon of owner*. “Service that plea-*** Traver Pro*. 819 F. N Hk._AT. 66*6. NEW DUPLEXES FOR RENT. N J RKOOMAN & SONS, 2119 Cumin r StHA TC4 6 MODERN apt* $30 and up; close in. 0 P Btehhin*. 1*1* Chicago St. Business Places for Kent. 82 1 409 S. 3 6—Good huslness location; large floor area: full basement; rental price right. Kastnn. JA. 0047. Houses for Rent. 83 2885 DAVENPORT. $47.50. Seven room*, modern and In good condi tion: close to school. J. L. HIATT CO- AT. 890*. MODERN house for rent. 2*36 N. ISth St; double garage. Call J A. 0043 or AT. 8352._____ PRACTICALLY new 6-room, good condi tion, garage. $56. 8015 South 62d Ave. HA. 1619________ 7-RM. house, strictly modern, fine central locat-on, ga^agp 3*52 Marcy. HA, 2705. nEA1 ^^Vr^FOH SALE. Business Property. 91 BUSY TRANSFER CORNER. IDE W. INVESTMENT. *% NET. _GLOVER f. SPAIN. JA. 7‘ to Real Estate—Investments. 92 12 FLATS. Fine location, income 6600 mo. Make an offer. AT. $813. Farms and Lands for 5$tfe. #3 FOR SALE—One irrigated quarter aectlon two and one-half miles from Taber, one dry quarter five mllea; good buy In Ice bvsine&s: good terms. If interested, write owner, Fred Christensen, Sr., Taber, Alta, Canada. WRITE and find out about the astonish ing low price* Uhave on my Rio Grande valley tracts, ^loert Snow, San Benito, Tex. POULTRY land $5 down. $5 monthly, buv* 40 acres Southern Mo. Price 1200. Send for list. Box 22-H. Kirkwood. Mo. City Acreage for Sale. 94 1 ACRF 43th and Fowler Ave. City water. Close to echool and car. AT, 6024. GEORGE & CO.. P.EALTOR3. Houses—North. 96 Near Kountze Park A food five-room bungalow, cak floor* throughout, attractively decorated, built in cabinets, floored attic, deep basement and new garage. Bmall cash payment, balance monthly. Payne & Sons, Realtora 111 South Itth St. Phone JA. 1016. Evenings eall J. H. Payne, WA. 705 0 or L P. Alien, KE. 6744. STOP—LOOK—LISTEN—ACT. Here's a new bungalow, In Minn# Luis, priced at "grab-ln-quick” rr! s, wi*h ea terms Five rooms; built-in features, south front lot. All for * *v ' 1500 cash. First ere cs'i.r* M WA lflL or Mr. Gehrla. KE. 5CI9. will get It Hurry up: >ou;i like it. METCALFE COMPANY, Ground Floor, 208 S. l?th St. AT. 547 FOR SALE BY OWNER 244? Brown* St. l-roora modem bunga low. Built-In bookcaeea. oak i. dandy furnace, eement baeement, garay-* and driveway. Nice neighborhood, ce r school and church. Good reaeon for sell ing. Price $1,100 Must have 11.000 caeh. MIXNE LUSA BUNGALOW" Five 1*rge. comfortable rooms with built in features and floored attic; cak floor* throughout; full cemented baeement; ecu-h front lot. In Mlnne Luil Orly !* with 1500 caeh. Evening* call Walter Rowley. WA. 111?, or LeKoy Gehrls. K*. 5019. METCALFE COMPANY, Ground Floor, 1CI S. 19th Bt. AT I41S. WILL build and finance year home ca easy terms. See ua for plana J. C Schmlt*. 151 Omaha National. J A. 17*9. COME ON. HOME FOLKS! Her*'* a beautiful new flve-rcom a!! mcd. ern bungalow, readv to occupy, in M . er Park district; paved street. paving paid, paved alley; surrounded by new homes and good neighbors Priced right; terms easy Evening* call Mr Gehrla KE 5*39, or Mr. IVk n Wa 1911 METCALFE COMPANY. Ground Floor. 2 3 S. 13th St- AT Ml3. STRICTLY MODERN NEW HOME. »6*« DOWN. BUILT-IN FEATURES. OAK FLOORS PAYNE A SONS. JA 1014 BFST BUNGALOW BARGAIN New f;ve-room all modern bungalow, en 50-foot south front lot; close to oar and Clift n Hill school: immediate possession S4.TK0, with easy terms cell Mr Metcalfe. WA *5 57. or Mr Row ley. WA 1327 METCALFE COMPANY. Ground Fl —r. 203 S. 15th St AT. 1411. 5*13 FLORENCE BLVP.-l-rm. mod. Payments Crelgh. 40S Bee. JA. ®2*t. D E BUCK A CO- bar end eell home*. House*—%T nt iS Clairmont—6 Rooms Owner Must Sell Now! Has four r^'ri #rd ba*h on P.*st and two U-g* he'rooms and extra toilet on eec cnd. Only two old Has fine oak t ^ors and finish Flrep’ace, etc. Comer lo* pavsng paid. Price to sell quick. fl ??? T. H. Maenner Co., Realtor* AT HU. Burrell KF f41< Perron, Trg #4||. $2,750. BEMIS PARK 5-r '('»• cor' forte‘‘1 e cottage on ea*t front -^t. iu*t north of Tecbnlcel High school, m 33rd $• car line The nice*:. cleanest iv e home for th<“ pr o* you will see And th:i*h Only l.’DO down end |2t per | mo TMi beet* rent. 4T 4"*4 KE ITU SEE Morrison Lumoer end Coal for price* on caragea Beet construction at mint* mum cost WE till WILL tuiid to your order on out beautt hi lots n Firewood very rate terms Phene AT *34? For S.ilh-Dnnde? 104 BEST DUNDEE BUT. Veer Slat and Cap • ' Ave well built end ! attractively decorated semi-bur galnw; •'♦sr Dundee school. 5 ro ms and ha’H diwu. two bedroom* end eleep'ng porch 'ns light basement with hot water resting pJa-* garage 14.75? fHKDD INVESTMENT C«V. Realtor* ■7A 4 251 _ Evenings, WA. ill*, 1 ots tor Sale. 1*3 DUNDEE X. >T B aRGaIV f*r-VP Art 'i c*~ m *'1 ••b 5 - Cal! J A 142*_ » W KA4’fp ^ few we ; ioci'ed^c** n : w-‘o4 ? r *n>: for prices cell C A. Or m ' ti JA 1C 9_ Rbdl F*rstf* lor Exchan^o. 104 LAN < FOR EXCHANGE Venien* fat me end tench** o ear; al*a } f-ret-c a»a farm* in the Red R.'tr %al* ; >' Minnesota " de«’ ff>r good equities tn eastern Ne I bra»ka or Jen a farms, or *:i( each safe J f«r any r-v party that o«s reel value Add*-*** tettera or call and see w#. Motel |Cae’*e. Omaha w ;i be here «nt w*gk { r f. He r-on. . ..— ■— 1 11 ..T \Vmt*4—R?sl Kmii? 103 SKI l. TOUR vein prrp*-!v The KaSY. ’'V 'vmnru. coot fatty w* ’•how you hnw ii'V BLU“ HOUSE MAK 1 K FT \V O A\ B dr For reau '» Bet v. u- i*r*i**r«r with FIRST tRUST CO AT ffft 4 •' 5' rat Natl Utah t'H a e w TtM'v.i e~"y A Reel ' »tete Rente s Insurance I 14?3 » ;v Nat \ 1\*" k * A f. yi Wii.L bu» < onuaota or : \ m's* or th» m on t v w erty v'a‘ M B**C N. j«ii ha, b>4.« l'~l~ “m'uTVHINj* n 111. 'J tc»_1*21 3 A yll \ AITTIONS Awrlion S»I««. : MOVIK fu'.cga of a.I ktli* wVt reref^ed maxy new ccoa.flniMb • v'ome la and tea whet »» here. #ter4» . sen a III) Carnal A>% 1 -e v