Prices oi Yi heat Quick Reaction _X Overbought Pit Condition De velops and Close Is Irregu lar; Corn Advances but Weakens Speedily. Bv CHAKI.ES .1. 1.EVIIEN, I’nlvmal Service Stuff Correspondent. • 'hioago, Feb. 9.—An overbought pit 4'oTulition developed in wheat late today after prices had moved up sharply In resnonse to strength In foreign markets, and a quick reaction followed to an Ir regular close. Outside interest was re duced considerably. At the top May wheat showed an advance of 9>,c from the low of last Friday, and many longs took profits on the theory that a setback was due. Wheat closed higher to \r lower, corn was *%c to 1 lower, oats were \e to *(»c down and rye ruled unchanged to lc lower. A .statement by Dr. T. W. T. Puvel. lo cal government administrator, issued just before the close, led to considerable even ing up in wheat. The statement was a suggestion to the trade to put a stop to the vide price fluctuations that have or. curred daily of l»te by putting a limit on the swings, similar to that practiced by the New York Cotton exchange. Export business in wheat was moderate, sales being placed at 100,000 bushels. Italy was reported in the marvet for durums. Liverpool futures finished 4% to 5 44 pern-e higher. Corn advanced with wheat during the early trade but weakened fast at the last. The cash basis was to 3c lower «t the close. The demand for spot corn was slack, and tho poor grades were especially heavy. Advices from the southwest said that elevators were fairly filled with corn end that the demand was practically non ex«istant. Outs averaged higher early In the ses sion hut sold off to a lower close with wheat. Commission house* had resting orders to buy on the dips. Rvo moved irregularly on£ finished easy. Export demand for rye was fairly active but speculative trade was less in ev'dence. Provisions were firm early hut eased. T.»rd was 5c lower and ribs were 5c to (Sc up. CHICAGO CRICKS. By TTprtllie Grain company. Atlantic 6312. art i Open. I High I l.ow, I Cln,e. I Sat. Vht. ! 1 i j I | .,:94n!.1:89*i l.jiv.i:."* •,u,y ; 1'84*b:64:il.1:60*| ill.;! i:H3 S-p. ) 1.49%: 1.5»HI 1.47V 1.46 V 1.46% * |. .. I.I 1.48%! 1.49 I've | I | I I May I 1.70 ! 1.70V 1.66V 1.67V 1.67% I 1.68%!.!.I.!. July I 1.44 I 1.45 V 1.41%; 1.42V 1.42% | 1.44 V. '.1.(. Sep. 1 1.24141 1.25 ! 1.23%! 1.24 | 1.2314 |.!.!.1 1.23V. Tarn I I I May 1.3.7 I 1.35V! 1.3314, f 1.33% 1.34% 1.35V,!.!.I 1.33% 1.34% July 1.36*41 1.36V 1.34%: 1.35 1.35% 1.36%'. .I 1.35% 1.35% Sep. 1.36% I 1.36%! 1.34%' 1.35% 1.35% 1.36%!.I 1.34V. naif I ! I I May 1 .61%! .61%! . 59 74 .60%! .60% I .61%:..' .60% July I .62%: .62%! .61 ,61%| .62 I .62%:.1.61%'. Vp. ! .59%! .59%: .58% .58%! .59% '.« rd I '■•v 116.42 16.50 '16.27 16.30 116.35 My '16.70 16.82 '16.62 116.65 16.70 H» | iv !l6.05 111.05 118.05 Il6.05 115.97 ily '16.30 [16.30 116.30 116.30 |16.25 New York Poultry. \pw York. Feb. 9.—Live Poultry—Tr ;ular. Chickens by freight. 22©28c: • by express. 23 ©30c; broilers by •ight, $35c: do. large by express. 35© : do. small by express unquoted; fowls, lored by freight and express. 25c; do. thorns by freight unquoted; do. by xwress, 25c; roosters by freight. 14c; •keys by freight. 25c; do. by express ©30c; ducks by freight, 28c; do. by press. 31 ©33c; gees© by freight, 20c; o. by express. 25c. Dressed Poultrv—Irregular; chickens. ©47c; fowls. 18®31c: old rooster*. 17® turkev* western. 30% 45c; do. south estern, 30©44r; do. frozen. 30®43c. » Chicago Potatoes. rhlcago. Feb. 9.—potatoes—Early morn t trading rather slow, market steady; '•elpts. 94 ears; total United States *nip nts S^turd*' v l.or.4 cars: Sunday. 22 Wisconsin sacked round whites, A".®1.15:' ronstlv $l.n:.®1.10; Mlnnesotr. Vpd round whites. $1.00© 1 10; sacked .1 river nhlos mostly $1.30; Idaho ~ked russets. $2.60® 2.65. London Silver. T-©ndon. Feb. 9 —nar Silver—82%c per •iho. nnev—2% per cent _ - 'li.i'i-xnt nntex—-Short bill.. 2H«» 11-1* cent; three months bill*. 3 % ® 3 13-16 — .• cent. New York Cotton Future*. \>w Yo-k. Fob. 9—Cotton—Future. ,««.<] bnrlev s»e«dv: six down to Aicm ■ March.’ -4.15W24.17c; May. 24.B#*» '1 ;.Inlv. ? 4.76© 24.80c ; Ortober, 24.54 24.57c; December, 24.60® 24.62c. Duluth Flax. Duluth, Minn.. Feb. 9—Close—Flax, hruarv. $v March, $3.09%; May. 10; July. $3.07%. \ T York Cotton. s>w York. Feb. 9—Cotton—Spot quiet; iddllng, 24.4Re__ N'ew York Silver. \>w York. Feb 9.—Har Silver—68He. Mexican Dollar*—52%<\ Beet Growers to Trge Protective Sugar Tariff Port Morgan, Colo., Fob. 9 — Joseph Roedtger of Fort Morgan and W. E. before! of Johnstown, Colo., Here ri imed by the Beet Sugar Gowers' Association of Colorado to interview President Coolldge in liehalf of the Ifi factory districts in Colorado and lirge adequate tariff protection for the sugar beet Industry. Commit tees wIB be appointed also by the growers’ organizations of Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nebraska and Wyoming to cooperate with the Colorado dele gates. Cuming Board Opposes Six-Year Road Proposals West Point, Felt. 9.—Cuming county hoard of supervisors adopted i resolution opposing the “six year program” in maintenance of high ways proposed In bills before the legis lature or “centralization of road ad ministration In a state commission, pr any other program of like nature which would take from local represen tatives the power of building and maintaining any roads within the sev eral counties, or the funds raised within such counties for road pur poses.” AKVI'-.KTISKMKNT. RubtheSpine » It you believe the spine Is the seat of most of your physical Ills and more people are thinking so every day, .lust give it a gentle massage every night with Joint Ease and watch the help ful results. It limbers up the spinal column and nukes old folks feci younger. Many people are getting It dally from the ■Sherman A- McConnell Drug Co. and other good pharmacists. The name Is Joint Ease and It's the one b'g discovery for stiff, swollen, Jn llamed Joints—and a tube for only «'> cents. Always remember, when Joint Ease gets In Joint agony gets out quick. P£ASC<51 f KILLS \ COLDS Si. Or Your Money Bock L K T C4 ASK FOR THE A* rNZ.'w purple box C^>*t All : r-- > Omaha Grain • | V__ y Omaha. Feb. 9. Cash wheat sold on the tables today around 2c to 5c higher. Early sales were made at the advance under the influence of the higher futures, but toward the close market turned weak and sales were Impossible at better than Saturday’s prices. Receipts were 97 cars. Corn was in only fair demand at prices ranging from unchanged to 2c lower. Re ceipts wefe 74 cars. Oats sold around unchanged prices. Re celots were 66 cars. Rve was quoted lc to 2c higher ana barley nominally firm. Omnlm Cnrlot Sales, WHEAT. No. 1 dark hard: 1 car. $1 9(M4. No. ■'» dark hard : 1 car $1.84 Vfc. No. 1 hard: 3 cars. $1.82. No. 2 hard: 2 cars. $1 80; 1 enh $1 91*4; 1 car. $1 82; 3 cars. $1.8 1; 3 curs. $1 79*, No. ", hard: 1 car. $1 77: 1 cur. 11.79; 2 firs. 1.80ifc; 2 curs. $1.90. No. 4 hard. 2 cars. $1 77; 1 car. $1 78. No. 5 hard: 1 < ar. $1.79 No. 1 spring: 1 car. |2.o0 No. I mixed: 1 car. $1 8j) Sample mixed: t enr, $1.78. CORN. No. 4 white; 2 cars. 11.12. No. L’ yellow: 1 car. $1 21 No .3 vellow: 3 cars. 81.18. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. $1.16; 5 cars. $1.12; 4 cars. $ I 10. No. 5 yellow: 8 oars, $1.95. No. 6 yellow. 2 cars. $1 90 No. 3 mixed: 1 car. 81-16. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. ft.09; 3 cars. $1.09. No. 6 mixed: 3 cars 98c; 1 car. $1.09. j OATS. 1 No. 2 white: 3 cars. 55*4c. No. 3 white: 1 car, 55c; 20 cars. 54’4c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 54c; 3 cars. 53c. Sample white: 1 car, 53^; 3 cars. 51 V4c RYE No. 2: 2 2-5 cars. $1 52. 3-5 car not wheat. 30 pet. rye. $1.70. BARLEY. Sample: B. H. car. 93c. Pally Inspection of Grain Received. WHEAT Hard: 5 cars No 1. 29 cars No. 2. 14 cars No. 3. 9 cars No. 4. 2 cars No. 5, 8 cars sample. Mixed: 2 cars No. 1. 2 cars No. 2. Spring: l car No. 1. Total. 72 cars. CORN. Yellow: 6 cars No. 3, 7 cars No. 4. 5 cars sample. White: 5 'cars No. 3, 1 car No. 4, 1 car No 5. Mixed: 4 cars No. 3. 2 cars No. 4. 1 car No. 5. 2 cars No. 6. Total. 39 cars. OATS. White’ 1 rnr No. 2. 17 cars No. 3. 3 cars No. 4 1 car sample. Total. 22 cars. RYE. 1 car No. 1. 2 cars No. 2. Total, 3 cars. BARLEY. 1 car No. 3. 1 car sample. Total. 2 cars. ‘ Total, all grain. 138 cars. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Ca rlnts). Receipts— Today Wk.Aeo, Yr Ago. Wheat . 91 123 123 corn . 74 71 300 Oats . 66 4 2 « 59 Rye . 3 4 Barley . 1 •• 0 Shipments— ... wheat . « *!* , Corn .. 21 1 «4 Bar1"' Chicago receipts:^ Tegr Carlots— Today. Am. Aao Oats . . ... 62 67 6j KANSAS CTTY RECFtPTS Week Year Carlots— Today. Aw. Avo AVhen f .... 197 14 SKS 'll *11 ST LOUIS RECEIPTS Wwlt Year Carlots— . Today. Alro. Aao .... 1.51 305 Corn ’■;: 55 115 226 Oats 71 112 1« NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Week » cur Carlots— Today. Arn. Am Minneapolis ..195 444 357 Duluth .129 131 ! Winnipeg .471 21« 352 OMAHA STOCKS. Year Bushels— Todsy. A««r Wheat .1.953.nnn Torn . . 2.279.000 963.009 Oat* .1,880.000 1.1 20.000 Rye 299.000 362.000 Barley 11.990 47.900 Minneapolis Cash brain. ■Minneapolis. Minn.. Feh 9—Fash Wheat. No. 1 northern. $1.78% 01.93% : No 1 dark northern spring, choice to fanev. $19*%®2.13%: good to choir#. *1 «*?% 0 1.97%; ordinary to good 11.46* i ®1.95%: No. 1 hard spring. *213%'' '23%; No. 1 da’-k hard Montana, on trsrk. $1 79 % if? °.ft3 % : to arrive. *1.79% , W 03% Mn *. *1.93% : .lulv. *191%. i porn—No .7 yellow. *1 21*4 01.22%. Aat«—No " n hlte. 5£®52%c. T3 rlev—9 6 090 Rve—-No. *». *1.63% 491.54V*. Flax No 1. *3.0903.13. Chirafo On*b Train. Chicago. Feh. 9 —Wheat—No. 2 red. $2 04: No 2 hard. *1.99% 01 90 Forn—No. 5 mixed. $1.23%; No 2 yel low. $1.3001.12% Oats No 2 white, 59® 59*40; No. 3 white. 65 0 67c. Rve. No. 2. $101% T»arjp. _97c® *1.«1 «; Tlmothv Seed—$'» 60 0 6 60. • Mover Seed—$25 00033.00. T ard—*15 9 0. Plhs—$1 4 90. Bellies—$17.97. Kansas Cltv Cash Train. Kansas Fity. Feh. 9 —Wheat—No 2 ‘■-ril. *1.9002.00; No. 2 red. *19902.05; May. $1.90 hid; July, $1.52; September, $1 43% unlit bid Forn —No 3 white $1.160121; No 2 v«llow $1 1901 21; No 1 vellnw. $1.15® 1 19: No. 2 mixed. $1.1701.9: May. *24% i split bid; July, $1.26%; September. $1 27% j bid. Visible Ciraln Supply. New York Feh 9—The visible supply 9 American grain shows the following - hang#*. In hushels; Wheat decreased 1.901 000 bushels. Forn increased 1.993.600 bushels. Oats Increased 77.non. Rye Increased 702.0m Barley decreased 210.000. Nt. I/Oiits Train Future*. fit T.ouls. Feh. 9—Wheat—Close, May. ♦•.6t%; July, $1.59%. Forn — May. $1 72%; July, $1.35. Oats—Not quoted. Minneapolis Hour. Minneapolis Feh 9—Flour—70 to 26c ’ "ver; family patents, $9 9009 93. Bran—$37.56, Knst Nt l.oiiig IJvestork. Fast St T.ouls. III., Feb 9 —Cattle— Receipts. 3 500 head; low' priced beef •1'-err. ■ other steers. 15025c lower; t ulk. J« 75® i 25: light yearlings and helf pi 1. eanner* and bologna bulls, steady; most heifers. $5.5009.00: can* era range $ * 7603.75' bologna bulls. $4 0005.00; cow*. 15075c higher: mostly 75c un: » •:. F.ggp Flf*t*. 36c: selected. 47c. Poultry Hens. 10c; roosters, 13c, springs. 26c; broilers, 79r. Potato**— Red river Ohio*. $1.300 1 :i« riltrago Prodtire. Fhbago, Feb 9 flutter Fnrhsnged, 1 creamery extra*. !»%c; standsrds 39c, extra firsts. 87% 0 36c; firsts. 35 0 36%. . set onds. 32® 34«‘. Kggs Higher receipts. *.6 54 fase*. firsts. 41c. ordinary firsts. 17039c < lilraffo Poultry Chicago, Feh. Potitti Ulvi High . r fowl* 20®.’4c; *t»r|pgs. 27- . rooster*, lie lurUm, 25c; ducka, 25c; geese,lUc. Omaha Livestock Livestock receipt* at the leading mar kets Monday were; ** Cuttle. Hogs Sheep. Omaha .11,000 10.300 9.000 Chicago .23.000 KM.000 13.000 Kansas City .16,000 10,000 7.000 Sioux City . 4.000 13.000 |.non Sr Louis . 4,500 12.000 «oo St. Joseph . 2,500 6.000 o,»00 Cattle—Receipts, 11,000 head. Monday’s liberal run of rutile was of rather poor quality than usual of late and t Ire market was a slow and uneven affair from start to finish. Shipping demand was alack on account <>f the bad beef markets in lire east and peckers were bidding 15 #< 'Jot In we r than Friday on both ln»ef stems and * •ow stuff. Offerings of stock cuttle anti feeding steers. Including warmedup (at tic, wore rather liberal and country de mand was somewhat smaller than re cently so that business was dull ut pri«*er> ranging/from weak to If.#■ 2.*c lower Alum last week. Quotations on cattle: Hood to choir* yearlings,. $ 10.I>«> - fair to good year lings, S7.90#9.<>0: common to fair ycai lings. $6.70 0 7.75: good to choice sleets, *9.25010.50.; fair to good steers. $*.00# 9.25: common to fair steers, $6.75#' '•*' trashy warnieTl up cattle. $5.50# t..;.n . good to choice fed heifers, $7.25# 8 50. fair to good fed heifers, $ 7.25; < i-m mon to fair fed heifers. $5 0006.00; goo I to choice fed cows. $5.5006.75; fair to good fed cows. $4.25 05.40; common t<* fair fed cows, $2.500 3.75: good to choice feeders. $7.4008.40; fair to good feeders. $6.60# 7.35; common to fair feeders. 85,50 0 6.50; good to choice stockers, $7.40 I# 8 25; fair to good stockers, $6.50# 7.55; Inmmon to fair stockers. $5.5006.50; trashy stockers. *4 5005.25; stock heifers. $4.0005.75; stock cows. $2.7503.75; stock calves, $4,000)7.00; veal calves. $1,000 10.50. Bulls, stags, etc., $3.7506.50. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No.* Av. Pr. 12. 930 $H 50 21.1154 $9 10 18.1335 9 50 rows 14. 855 2 85 2». 591 3 60 4 .1072 4 00 to. 997 4 75 11..1104 5 00 20. *81 f* 00 5 .1100 5 40 22.1212 5 50 27.1232 6 00 HEIFERS. . 855 6 00 26. 71 5 7 25 5 . 51 4 6 00 9 . 6 3 1 6 25 21 . 776 6 55 42.1041 7 .>0 63 . 767 8 50 BULLS. 1 .1130 3 75 U. 720 4 lo 1. 800 4 35 1 . 1470 4 40 1 .1580 4 50 HA LVES. 1. 110 .. . 7. 461 , 5 75 6 . 4 16 6 75 13. 27 0 7 On 3 . 263 7 25 2 145 9 &0 Hogs—Receipts. 10,300 head. A fair number of hnice butcher grades went to shippers early at 10016c advance while the packer market was a slow affair on the initial rounds with buyers reluctant to follow the upturn in the shipper division. Bulk of all sale*! was at $10.15010.iv with early top. $10.90 HOC'9 No Av 8n. Pr No. Av Sh. Pr. ins. i.'ij . j:> :<« ■ -'"i • * " 81 . . 21 4 10 55 89. . 193 ln # 4*» "30 10 80 65.. 245 80 69.’.' 251 10 85 73.. 2’0 . 10 90 Sheep—Receipts. 9.000 bead, pessimist Ic wires from other (enters weakened local prices this morning and fat lamb trade was largely a weak to -5c lower affair. Feeder* were around steady to a little easier with aged sheep weak Quotations on sheen and limbs: Urjln. good to choice. *i7.?R#r 17.65: lamb* , fair to rood. *16.o0t® 17.Z-.. fee.lin* «1 14.75: wethers. $ 1 0.00# 11.00: fat^ •ewes. IS.5009.76: 3 oarline*. *12.00 014.75. ® FEEDING LAMBS. 63 fed 74 .■■•••• .*U 36 P.ecelots and disnosltion of livestock at the Union stockyards. Omaha. N°b . for 4 hours end tn c «t So. m . February »• RECEIPTS—HARLOT. ]jnrses Hattie Hoes Sheep A- Mules H. M. A- St P. Ry 2 3 . • • ■ 3 c. p» r. 21 13 i <’. *■ N. W . *'iMt .... 21 - • • J C A- N. W »«»< . 71 *» I “ C. «t. P. M. * O. ... 27 5 .• H. B. A- O.. east ... . 2 • • . *’ H. B AO. west 1 15 29 26 ... r R T A- P.. east .12 3 I H R I A- P. west ... 14 1 . - 1 C. G. W R. R. 5 . Total reel'd s 4b8 1 26 41 19 DISPOSITION—H FA D, Hattie line* Sheen Armour A Ho. 952 1032 4 .*9 Hudohv Packing Ho. 1 1 86 2041 *6.8 Hold Packing Ho . .. 1 56 1779 . . Morris Packing Co. ... 596 5Sn 15* Swift A Ho ...151 1 1564 -66»' Hoffman Bros M Maverowlch A Vail .... 11 . Midwest Packing Ho. ... 13 . .. Houg A Keefer .. P'8 Omaha Packing Co. ... 35 .. T 'hu Rotb A Sons . 37 • . • • • • • V”neth A- Murray . $45 .. .j ' Omaha Packing Ho. .. 30 .j u,.-nhy. .1. W .• 17441 . ,',”dahy. from Denver * 'proin Packing Co. . . . 235 . v«ele Psckine Co - 23 . r*iv>r|aii* I’npt'lne *V,. ... 96 . Wilson Packing Ho. 15 . * rwter*on A Sort 91 .... .... T'*"tnn, VS A Hughes.. 41 . Bulla. .T H . 107 . (*hcek W. w .4 2 . itennls A- Francis . 84 ... .. . Harvey, John . 3*6 .... .... Ingbram. T. .1. 22 .... .... Kellogg. F O . 82 . KlrV n« trick Bros . 221 .... Krehhs a- Ho. 2 . Longman Bros. 79 .. f ube»-ger, Henrv S. 38 .... .... 'to Kan r H Co. 115 _ Root. .1 B. A Ho. 21 . Rosenstock Bros 2 "5 . < Sargent A Finnegan ... 30$ . .. Smiley Bros. 121 * Sullivan Bros ... 1<>8 . W.-rfheimer A- Began 344 . Other buyers . 438 . . 227 Total.*<18$ 7795 M0JJ ( lilniKo livestock. Chicago, Feb 9 —(t nited State* Depart pent of Agriculture.) — Hogs— Receipts, i 8.000 head; market around 15c higher op hogs averaging Iho pounds upward; tt) *rk« t leas active than earlv . Mg pack • ra still out; pies and light lights m \ ery narrow demand: few early salea around steady: top. $11.30; several loada n I that price; hulk 200 to 290-pound :rv eiages, $10.95011.25; most 100 to 19** i*c.wnd averages. $10.66 ft |o 90 fed 140 to ir.0.pound average* $10 25010.40: most nlfTH. S'* r>0fi 9 25 hulk packing sows. $10 20 10 40; he-ivy weight hogs* $10,761/ M.30; medium lit*.400 11.’0; light. $9 S', it 11 On , light to ”,41 9 66, parking hose, smooth. $10."Mf io nil; parking hogs rough. $9 750 10.25; slaughter pigs. $8,on# 9 *o * tf 11*—Receipts, Jl.OQO hearl, market fairly active, demand mostly on shipper ur-ount for better grades fed steers, kind* of vnlu" to sell .it $9.50 upward, others in liberal suppLv. weak to 25'- lower; early top handy weight steprs, $11 25; best to ghtv Ulnrfs. Ml.nn. several loads at $10 05 ft) jo sr,. hulk frri steers of quality an»l condition to sell at $7 75010 25: no (price yearMngs her*-; light beef heifers, ranners and cutters steady; fat cows, prin cipally better grades, weak to 25c lower; ley* desirable eon tdered, vealers about str ndv. mos*iv at $11 on® i| 50 to packer*, largely nt $1 2 000 12 50 to shippers; few scle-ted offerings. $12 50 and better: country demand f*r thin flesh sfeei s «-f all weights dull: better grades meaty* of ferine’ scar •*. firm, outlet broadest for rlescrlptlc n of value to sell at $♦» 50 up w n rd. Sheep—Receipts. 13.000 hend; market rxtremely dull: few sales fat lamb* 25'ri TOr lower nl II7.50# 17.7 5, generally bid ding fully r.oe lower; fat sheep urn hang-d. < «1 »• b.fs of fat ewe*. $9ii01«'1 75, best held hlgnehr; fee.ling Vitubs around steady; early sale.*. $17.60® 17.75 Knn«ns 4 tty Livestock. Kansas illy, l-’el*. 9 r'altlc-—Receipts l«.0(»o brail; calves. 3.00 head: marker, ■-low. killing quality largely medium to rood, weak to 25'- lower; better grades showing lea* decline, top handy weight ttstrf 916.00; bdllt e n r | v «ab*. I 9 00; she stock, steady: bulk butcher tows, i 4 5006 00; heifers. 15 50® 7 50; canner* ml cutters $2 5003 90; bull*. steady, calves. 50c to $| 00 tower: heavier grade* off most; practical tup veais $l«» 50. few Up to II 1.00; *for kera ami feeder steers, moderately active, steady; top at or kers. $h n0 ; bulk, $5.50® 7 50 Hogs—Receipts. 10.000 head; *market fairly active. 15 to 20c higher; shipper Inp. $|1 05; na< ker top, $11.00; bulk "f shIcs $10,45 0 10.15; good to ehotre inn In ;100.poll pit averages, 110 70® 11.00; light light* and killing pig*, stn-ng to 26c higher; 130 to 150 pound* $9 00® |0.00; parking sows $ 1 0 2® 1 0.50 , stock pig". 25c higher. $7.7508.75 Sheep—It'.-elpts, 7.000 head; market very alow; lambs mostly 35 to 60c lower, top to shipper' 117 66. others to pa- M r*, largely $17 (54/17 50; sheep 1 Sc to *’f,r lower; fop ewrs, $9.65. Sioux < Ity Livestock. MloilX f’lty, la . JrVb 9 -Cattle tie »e|pts. 1.000 head; market, stow, kilters, steady. 15 rents lower; slnckers. slearly, f • 1 sleets and \esrllngs $0.00 ff 12.00 hulk 97,00499,00 1.1 cow# »mi heifsra, $t 00 4$ 9.90; cannei nd lit 4 VP«N. « "a or 1 ;• 00; bulls $4 00® On, feed - • 1 •« I . .0 41 . 0; Stocker® > 01 00 ■took v nr* rod sajytia * t 119fl 4 71., feeding r ows and helf » $;i 004/ t <" Hog* Receipt* 1.1,000; market 104/25* higher: too $10 90 hulk of sab* $10 26 in n • llwht* 99.75#10 &n. hut* her*, t ! 0 ft# 10.01 Ixed $10.35 1" 70 pa* 0 era. 910.100)10 ’ 7.. stags. $7 7 . ® 7 75; pig*. 17.60 401 30 •Sheen Receipt*. 4,000 Ip art ; mark* * . 3 rants lowei ; lambs, 917.00 ewea. p • 0 st. Inula Livestock. Sf T.nPl*. Fell 9 fat t|c Receipts 4 60« hc id market steady; natl* •» href steers, $5 91 1 : an. yearling steers and heifers $ fiotr 12 00 $.t <1 sfocUer* and feerlers. $4 15 0 7 00, calve* $l on® 12 50. t anner* snd cutter*, $2 00® 4 00 Hog* Re« etptS, 13,000 hearl’ mnh*t ll#98ftr higher. mhted snd butcher* i no 9 31) II 2 7. grind heavies, lift 1"nil • rough* fa 90# 1 0 10 lights. $10 90® t| 00 • it-r 14 9" t a f,#» hulk 10 95*) II I . Sheep R •* clpts. 1.0410 b. *d .. .rl.ri .*• *»,* "ll'l . m - , •« die- «M I' ")li j *“ *''#11.00, iinmrs ami chopper*. I 1 I ® 6.00. I Traction Shares Have Smart Rise. Lose Gain Later Rails ami Oils Do Little. Some Sell Off; Coppers Dull; Motors Fairly Active; Money Up. II. Hit'll Mill SI’II.I INK. I nncr nl Service Finn nciiil Fdltor. N« w Y«>r;.. Feb, 0. lust be M< Avoys i fit on ! i i c local traction question gave a lllllp to the stock market at its opening t oda; '111- •shares of tin- two traction qwmpanies had a smart rise in the first m»m. buf much cf t lie gain was lost later. ‘llich nice's shares" were the star per fo m ■ ol the i' H Oast Iron rip#, which is controlled by William F. Durant, went to 214. closing 19 *» points up for the dn\ in 1923 Fast Iron Pipe sold at 20. ami in 1924 as low as H4. Anierii an Fan, which, like Fast Iron Pipe, L< closely hebl, rose fi'4 points, while u g Realty and Improvement. Commercial Solvent. National Lead and some others had gains of from 3 to f,% points. * Nevertheless, if was not what l« gener ally termed a ‘•good" market. The rails and the oils, rc-ently the chief support of the market, did little and some of them sold off Foppers, as a rule, were dull. Motors were fairly active. General Motors In particular, on expectation rrf an Increase In dividend Merchandising shares were jn only moderate favor. Tobaccos and sugars, on the contrary, were in keen de nial d and made excellent gains. Through the whole session U. P. Pteel did little, swinging idly within a narrow range and* closing l4 up for the day. Fall money opened at 3 and went up to 4’*. Business was somewhat reduced in vol ume. total transactions being around L'jOO.OOO. Again It was noticeable that there was no large accumulation of buy ing orders from the country at large over the week-end. Grains had a peculiar day. Fulton, wheat, was inclined tn go higher, urd did go up moderately early in the da* . but later, on indications of rains in Texas, there was enough liquidation to put prices down close to Saturday's final figures Futures were not active at any time during the day. S' m, m, . ■ 1 " V | New York Quotations | v_ j New- York Stock exchange quotations furnished by .t. S. Bach,* A Co., 224 Omaha National Bank building. Sat. High. Low. Close. Clous. Agri Chemical.... 20% 19 20% 19 A .tax Rubber. . ... 12% 12% Allt**d chemical... *6% »4% m; $4% AUis-Chalmers ... 7*< 77% 77% 77 Am Beet Sugar... 41% 41% 41% 41% Am Hr Shoe Fdry. . 99% American tan 172% 165% 172 165% Am Car & Fdry... 205 202% 202% 202 Am H Si L. . 12% Am H & L pfd.. 71% 72 Am Intarnatl Corp 38% 38 38'.* 3h% Am I.lnseed OH. 27% Am Locomotive... 121 % 119% 120 121 Am Radiator ...100% 100 100% ino% Am Ship Sr Com. 12% 12% An Smelting . 106% 105% 105% 105 Am Smelting pfd.110% 11 o no no Am St Foundries. 4K 47% 47% 48 Am Sugar .66% 63% 65 63 Am Sumatra . 16% 15% 16% 14% Am TM A Tel.... 134% 1 !4 13 4% 134 Am Tobacco . 91 89% 90% 89% Am W W St K. .. 38 37 % 37% 38% Am Woolen . 53 52 % 52% 52% Ana f on da.46% 45% 46% 46 Asad Dry Goods..158 Associated OH .... 37% 37 37 % .59 Atchison ..118% 118% 118% 118% At Coast Line.152% 152% 152% 152% A G & XV I.29% 29 ^9 29 % At RefnIng < *o.116% Austin-Nichols .. 28 Id tv m . . ..135 % 1 3 3 % ] 3 4 % 134% Baltimore Sr Ohio. ML «n% >g % % Barnsdal! A .. 27'* 27 27 % 27% Bet hit h> in Steel 1% 50% 61% jqi. Co- || .\1 .i cn. to 42% r.1% 42 38% \\T. Klvn - Yan H> 4 1 '» 4 % 43% 43 % 1 klvn - M pfd .. 80 79'* 80 7 8 % LUlyn - Kdl Co ..129% 129% 129% 129% ' hI Parking . . . . .... , . |02% 1 a! Petroleum ... 29% 28', 26% 29 '<1 Sr Aria M«n 4% :.4% 54% 54% Canadian Pacific 150% lf,o jr,o 151 C**n Lea»her 21% 21 21% 21% ' * n Leather pfd . 6 % 64 >4 » , % 64% c, rro de Pasco .. 5 54 64 54', *'! ndl r Motors . 30% 3v n% n% M% • hi i,i West pfd 31% 31 31% 31% • hi ft N W . 72 71 7 2 71 % »' M * fit P 14 13% 14 13% ' '! * « P pM :r, : 1 H I * P . ,s ■. 4 7’, e ,<*. I- Hr r M A O Ry .. M« Chile Copper .... 37% 36% 37 37% ' him* 28% 27% 27% 27% •'Itjeft - Peabody 65 64 Coca . Gobi ..91% 91% 91% 91 ''do Fuel Sr Iron 46% 46 4*'. 46% < *o| • btrhnn ..... 46 4« *’o| Gas .4s% 47% 4*% 48 CorgoPuim . 42 40% 42 40% • ’mi Cigars . 30% 29% 29% 30% Con 4'as . 7 St, 78% 78% 78% Can .6 % 64% «a% 64% • -.nti Motors . . . 9% 9 9% 4% c. rt. Prodii' ts 4 % 40 40 40 ' ‘-de„ ... 4 1 i .31 «4 33% 55% '"i'll,; . .. 74% 74 74 74 % • ■ >> t Cane Sug .14% 14 1 4 % 13 Cu*>* Cane So pfd 62% 60% M% 60’; 1 bib - v . Sugar 5 3 .3 2 3! % 3Mi • uynmel Fruit ... 51% 60% 51% 53 1 ‘■•'del n Bone .... % 5% 5% " •• d Chen 47% 46% 47% 47% f >ePi A Links ... .1 40 1 40% Dela * Hudson .141% 141% 141% 141% Dupont Da Nem 149«, 1 47 1 49% 146 I ""'•* M*!ne* .. 16% 15% 15% 15 Fa D man Kodak 115 114% 115 114% Fm« : % 3 2% 32% Kndlrot t-John .... 7«% 70 70 68% Kl-c St or Bat .. 6 3% 64% Fs*n<»u* Plavera 95% 9‘ 95% 94% Fifth Ave B L . 15 12% 13 13 Fisk Rubber . 15% 13% 13% 13% «*lelsehmsn's V «1% 89% m % *0 General Asphalt... 58% 57% 56% 5«% C.en Cler . 246 ** 24 1 2 45 2 43 % General Motors .. 78% 77 78 % 77% Gold Duet .... . 40% G< ■ irR h 46 % 47 % ♦« 47 % Gt Nor Ore ”6% 5* % 38% .38% c.t North Rv pfd :•»% 69% 70% 70% Gulf states f»t| 93% 91% 93 % 92% Hartmann Trunk 32% 31% 32', 31% Have* Wheel _ 3'% 57% 38% 97% Hudson Motors 39 % 38% ,38% 38% Home stake Min Co • . 4 4 4 4 Houston Gif . 83% 81% 82% 82% Hupp Motors .. .... .... 16% 18 111 Central .115% 11% III Central pfd. 113% ’ respiration 30% 30% 30% .30% lot Fog c r 34% 33% 34% 54% Inter Harv . 107 % Int Met. Marine . 14 13% 13% 14 fnt M M Pfd . 50% 49% 601; 50 U fnter Nickel . 27% 27% 27'* 27% Inter l’aner . 57% 56% 57% 66% fnt T A T . 92% 92% fnd Gas . 26% 25% 24', 25% Jones Tea . 21% 21 Jordan Motor . ... 44% 44% 44% 44% K C Mouth .. 38% 37% .17 % 37 % Kelly Springfield 1 % 16% 16% 17% K e n ner o 11 .5 6 ' 4 r.5 % 54 56 Lee Rlibber . 14% 1 4 % 14% 14 Lehigh Valley ... 76% 76% 74% 77% Limn Loco .70% 70% 70% 69% Loose Wile* . ... «4% 79 84 79% f .ou A Nash . ...10?» 1o«% in«% 109 Mai k Truck 14"% 138% 139% 139% May Dept store 105% jor, % 1 C. % 105% Maxwell Motor A 81% 7| to 79% Mil x we | Motor B *8% |*% 38% 58% MWland 4 4 4 1 % 44 4 3 % Ilex Men hoard .. P; % 16 % 16% 16', Miami Cooper . .. 22% ,* % 22% 22% M K A T Ry .... 6% 5% 3 6 v, 36% Mo Par . 41 40 |0 % 41 Mo Pgi«#|»fd . 81% 81 % 8J 81 Mont-Ward .. . . 81 % Rn% 51% 59 % Mother Lode •% 8% 8% 8% N iali Motors ... 270 Jflf % 2«1% 27o Nat Biscuit . 70 69 % 69% 69% Not FlnamG . 54% ’4% 34% 54% Na» T.snd .14 2 159 16 1% 157', N V Vtr lit nk* 1 % 1% 51', N V Central .. 125% 12 % 123% 152% N T T ft Hi L . . 1 "9 1* 8 ’9 129 N Y N H A ff .. 31% .10% 30% .in % Nor til Anter . 4 5 44% 45 43% North Pacific .... 71% 7m, 70% 71 N A W Rr .,..128% 138 128% 1 *% Orpheum . 2*;% :’•;% 26% 26% Owens Bottle 4«'% 44% Pacific Oil ...... 65% 65% 63 63 •’nrkard Motor .. 1 f. % 16% 18% 15% p.m \ tuerl* n n .. 74% 7.1% 75% 74% Pan 4m T1 7* 7t% 74% 7l% Penn M R ... 4 8 17 % 47 % 47 % People - Gas 114 113% |M 111% pet V >1 rnnette »;a ', 69% Philadelphia Co. 64% M% 64% 1-4 • ’H Witts Petroleum 44V. 43% 41% 44% Pierce Arrow 13% II1, 13% 11% Poaium Cereal #'• '* 99% 98% 98% Proved M* eel far *4% * 4% ««% r,;.% Prod A Refiners 39% 5»% 30% 30% Pullmsn 144% 14* in 111 Punt.1 Alegre M 4 3', 44% 44% 44% Pure Oil .Jt ’% 3 3 % ‘ % Radio Corn ..66 • ’% ft« 61 t? v M' ee| Muring*. 1 3 4 ft a'* Cog sn Md a ted 17’. DC 1 •’> % '1 % R os din*? 79% 78% 79 79 % Retdonle " Reo frnn X Ml eel 68', **% 6* % •»*% Koval Dip h. V V • '% •% 86 % r, % Mt T. A Mao F •»"% * - . t.9 *u% <1 T toils A M W <1% M MV* finite C| g si i M 1 , I I* 1 D % Itn pent Roshtlck HI '6 160 D O Ji.rt shell Union otl -v .. % *; : % Himmonx Co ... 37% 37‘i, 37% 37% Mini lair OH . ..." % 2 % ' ’% % Mint lair, » fd 9|», a % *41. - • Hit ef f | dd . - 68 9 4', 9’. 9 • Mil e|1 V 011 "9% *9',, "9 •, 9 % M-tit hern P"«*lflr I«? 1" '■l«»n% he U ID 90 19 ' 89 90 W M'.l "11 of C«l 66 * 1 ' 94 \ • % Ml.I « 'l of N J 4*i% xl •, 4*' 45% Mtd Pl «*e Glass 14 I;1W LX % 11% M'ewnrl Wsrtt'r *1% 72% 7l% 73 Mtremherg Carh D*» *1% D% Ml 1 lehr her 4". 4'.’% 4.% 4'. H utihmxHne Mast 9% 9', 9% ** •, •i I* r, 47% 47% 4Tt, 4 7 84. a - f»h|f MuP'h«r HI • 1'U'h DM % 1"4 % 11 • 1 -t ne 411. • ' % 4 *', 41 % "„t , *•,*., fit % 79 77 Tubs*. «. Plod A 97% «7 97 % HIV, Transcont t*il .. . 5% 5 *» I’n ion Pacific ...151 ISOM; 15t)% 151 United Fruit .217 r S C Iron Pipe . 21 t 195% 214 194% r S ind Alcohol. . 83% 82% 92% *2% D S Rubber. . 437, 4'.% 4 5% 4 % U S Rubber pfd.. 97% 97 97 % 97% r S Steel.127% 126% 127% 127% r s Steel pfd.123% 123% 123% 123% Utah (Topper . 91% 91 91% 90 Vanadium . 30 29% 30 29% Yivautiou . 11% 11 11% 11 Wabash . 24% 24% 24% 24% Wabash A . 63% 62% 63 63% Western Union ..121 120% 12i 120% Westing Air Brake.1«»C% 106 Westing Elec . ... 73% 72% 72% 73 White Engle Oil.. 30% 30 30% 30 White Motors . . 6S 67 % 69 68% W ool worth Co .117% 116% 117% 116% Overland pfd .... 76% 76% 76% 76% Wilson . 7% 7% 7% 7% Wilson pfd . 22% 21% Worth Pump ... .67% 66% 67 67 % W*rigley Uo .53% 61% 51% 52 Yellow Cab Taxi. 52 Yellow Cab Mfg. 33 37 % 37% 38 Total sales Saturday. 879 400 pharos. Today's 2 p m. sales. 1 190.600 shares. New York. Feb. 9—Activities In today's bond market centered largely In local traction issues, which responded to the report of a special Investigation, giving hope of relief from present unsatisfactory operation conditions and early eonatru* 1 on of facilities Prices generally moved within 11 narrow range with the trend continuing Inward higher levels Moat of the transit obligations. Includ ing those of the Tnterborough. Brooklyn Manhattan, New York Railways and Third Avenue Railway companies, achieved new levels on gains of 1 to 3 points. Profit - taking. however, brought about slight re cessions from the peak prices at the close. Interest In foreign bond trading was centered mainly In Serbian 8s. which strengthened, in reflection of favorable election returns showing a clear majority for the present government. Gains of a point or so were scored by these bond* as well as Denmark 6s and Brazilian 8s. Price movements in the railroad group were highly irregular, with many of the moat active semi-speculative issues such as "K:\ty,” St. Paul and Erie liens losing ground The higher priced obligations were firm. Manati Sugar 7%e led an up ward movement in sugar bonds but ren] izing sales depressed most of the leading oil issues. United States Ilond*. (Sales In $1,000.) High. Low. Close. 103 Liberty 3%S .101.21 101.17 101.22 30 liberty 1st 4%s .101.30 101 26 101.26 167 Liberty 2d 4s_101.3 101.00 1 n 1 00 ; 168 Liberty 3d 4 1 i * . . . 101.1 4 101.11 101.12 1 '•71 Liberty 4th 4 %a..102.00 101.28 101.20 311 U S Treat) 4s.. . 100.30 100 27 100.27 4 U S Trea* 4%s .105.2 106.1 105.1 Foreign. 49 Anton J M Wks 6s 93% 92% 92% 40 Argentns Gov 7a..102% 102% IQ2% 75 Argentine Gov 6s . 96% 96 *, 96% 45 Austrian G gtd I 7a 96% 95% 95% 2 City of Bordeaux 6s 85% 85% 85% 10 Copenhagen 5%a ..97 97 97 7 Gter Fragile 7%s .. 92% 92 92 5 R de Janeiro 8* 47 94 95% 9.!% ■9 Czechoalo R 8s *62.100% 100% 100% 11 Depart of Seine 7s 90% 90% 90 % 5 Dom Rep * f 5%s . 9 1 95% 95% 16 D U 6% pet n *29.103% 103% H»3% 27 Dom of Den 6s ’52 103% 103% 103% 50 D East Ind 6s 62.. 100% Jon% lnt.% 20 D E T 5 %s N '53 . . 96 % 96% 96% 13 Framerican 7%s. 95 94 % 94% 4 6 French Rep 9* ...104 103% 1 • • 5 % 117 French Hen 7s 91% 01!- 0*1, 301 German ex In 7s rets. 95 9 4 % 84% 9 Gt c El P Jap 7s rt 90% 90% 90% 85 Japanese 6%S. 91% 91% 91% 1 Japanese 4*. * 2 % 82% 82% 6 K of Belgium ?%s.109% 10»% R»9% 25 K of Bel 6%S rets. 94% 94% 94% 44 K of Denmark 6*..103 102 lft3 17 K of Hungary 7%*. *9% «*9% 89% 86 K of Nethter 6s *72 106 105% 105% 42 K of Nether 6s ’64.103 102 % 103 16 K of Norway 6s ’44.100 90 % 99 53 Kg 8 C S 8* . .. «6% 85% *6%. 51 ir~ „f Mweden 5%s. 99 % 99% 9?% 7 Nord Rys €%a .... *2% h % • *• 5 Pa rls-I.yon«.M 6s. 78% 73% • % 19 Ren of Bell via. *3% 9?% '*3 7 Rep of Chile V* ’41 108% 108 108 23 Rep of Chile 7s_101 100% 101 1 Rp of Colombia 6%a 99*4 99% 99% 68 Rep of Cuba 5 % * . 99 % 99 u9 1 Rep of Finland 6s. 84 54 * 4 - Rep of II «*, 64 Bkyn Ed gen 5s A 100 99 % 94* 350 Bkvn Man Tr sf 6s «8% 87% v'% 3.7 Calif Pet 6 %s 105% 105 1<*7 .7 I’MB No deb 6 % * ... 11T % II 7 U 117% 8 «’an Par deb 4s. 80 79% *o 6 <’ C A G 6s 1 n* % 1ok% 106% 19 Cent Leather 5s . loot, J in % 100% 13 Cent Pac gtd 4s . 88% *7% 6 4% 44 Che* Af O . vt 5s 105% 10* % 105', 51 (’lies A O evt 4%S 96% 96 % 96% 67 chb- A Alton 3%s 68% 67% 57% 2 C B A Q rfg Gs A 102 10? 102 1 < ’ HA Q gen 4s 89% 89% v*c 11" Chic A- East III 5s 78% 78', 7*% 152 Chic Gt West 4 6 5% 64% 65% 14 C M A S P evt 4 %s 68 % 57% 57% 28 C M A St P rf 4 %s 52% 51% 51'. 59 C M A 8r P 4* 25 7.7% 7 5 7 5 ' 1 Chir A N rfg 5s H>1 % ion, 101% 37 Chic Rail 5s 84 13% «7 % 9 Chic R I A P ge 4s 84 87% 84 33 C R I A P rfg 4s 86% 86 *6 15 Chic A West Ind 4s 79% 79 79 \ 130 Chile Cop 6s 111 % 110% l|n*t 74 CCCASfL rfg 5s D 96% 96 96 6 * ’lev 1'n Term 5s 101 100% 100% » Colo A Me rfK 4 %, 93% *3% 93% 5 Col O £ T. 1st 5s 100% 10o», ion*. 10 common P 6s ino% ioo% joo% 12 Cons C of Mary Gs «9 89 8f 7n Con sum Pew .'•* 94% 9 % 54% 8 Cuba c S de 8s St. 101% Dll H*1% 5 Cuban Am Rug Vs .jog 107% 1«7% 119 De'a A Hud rvt 5s 106% ]04 10#;% 4 7 Den A R G con 4* *4% .84% <4% 1 Hefre’t Kdi rfg 6s 107% log log 170 Ditp de Ned) 7%s 105% 10 % 105»V 19o IHi*rue«ne f.t fi*. . 106% ift6*, *n*% 4 4 East c Rug #*•'.* 101 100% |01 4 7 Em Gas £ F 7 % s 6 6 6 5% . % 2« Erie gen Hen 4s.. 7 4 7 4 74 1 Erie evt 4* D. ... 110% 110% 110% 11 Fisk Rub 8s 9.*,% 95% 97.% 1 Fla A K C Rv 5s 102% 10? % lo;% 10 Gen Elec deb f.s .104 107% 104 27 Goodrich * %s .109% 109 lo»% 17 Gdyr Tire ** Ml. 1.0 % 120 120 111 Gdyr Tire 8* *41 116% 116% 116% 6 Gd T Hy of C 7s 107% 107% 107% 43 tit Nor 7s A .110% 110% nn»; 72 Gt Northern Gs 94% M% 94% 3 Ifershev Choc 6a .104% 104 1"4 47 Mud A M rfg 5* A 87% R7% *7% 35 II A M sdj Inc 5a.. 77 72 % 72% 7 II mi 4* A 4* 6 %s. 101 100% loo% 25 HI B T rfg 5s *8 97 % 97% I HI Central 5%s H»2% 107% 1«?% 12 T C C St LA.Nt* rf 5s 97% 97% *7 % 17 111 St I deb 4%s 91% 93% 9 % 213 Inter R T 7* 95 9 4 94 % 9 |n» A tH S 1st 6s 102% 102% lo2‘% 26 Inter M \l a f 6* 91% 90% *»% 26 Inter Pap rvt 5s A *9% 89 *9% 256 Inter U T Ca 81% 79% *0% 5v8 In R T rfg 5s etpd 73% 71% 71% 175 Inter A Gt N. ad 6a 75% 74% 74% 5 K » ' Ft S A M 4s 83% 8j % 83% 1 k a n C i t v A 1. 5 * . • 6 % ** • % 9 6 % 25 K C South 5s . .90% 89% 9"1. 17 K C Term 4a 85% 85% *5% 13 K Gas A E 6a 101% 1*1% DM % 2 Kelly Spring T 9s 9»% ***% 99% 20 Lac G .if Mt L 5%a 99 97 % «7 % U I.SAMS deb 4s '28 *»*% 98 % 98% 3 Liggett A Myers 5s ‘** % 93% 12 Louis G A EG* .93% 93% *»3% 19 .Manati Rug 7%« .127% 127 127 C& Man Rv 2d Is .101% 100% 1 it I % 10 Market St Rv 7* 98% 98 % 98% .76 Midvale Steel evt 5» so% 9" % *•'% 10 M El llv A t.l rf 6s 100 1°* 23 M A R4 1. 1«t »fg 4•# 25% : > 3 MKAT pr II 6* C !0J% im% 101% 24 MKAT ne pr II 5a A 91 *4'% 91 178 MKAT ne ad 5s A 87 \ * *> % '9% 25 Mo Pac 1st 6s .101% 1 "1 % 1**1 % 1"8 Mo l*m gen 4s v* % 65% 6 6 9 Mont I'.iw .>a A 9* % 96% 98% 10 NETAT 1st f> s . .. 100 99 % 100 4 N’OTAM 5%s . 1 no % H*0% 100% 196 N V t Vnt deb I I *» *, II* I 16 f» 76 N’Yc rfg A* IWIP G« . 1«* % t00% 1«H% in N V t'etit • on 4s *5% v,7 % 8 ; % 68 NYCAHtL 5 %* 95% 8:• % 85'. 11 \ Y Edaivt rf «'■,« 114*, 114% P4% 5 NY Nil A II 7* 89 % 9**% 99% 185 NY NHAIC 7a ft *'% 98% fv% 14 Y NBA H rv 6a 48 vs «8% SS% 109 N Y Rvs 4a tlfa.. 5 3 51% r.3 38 N Y Tel if 6s 41 HE % H»6% lol JO N Y Tel gn 4> ■ 96% 9„% »#; % 7 N' Y W£ llo* 4 % s *1% 1.1% 61% 9 Norf A 55 • Vl 6S .1*9% 129% 179% 18 Norf A W ion 4s . H»% 89 % *9% 129 Nor Am Ed sf . . H>0 % 99% H't*% I . N>•» Pa. 1 f 6" II lov 108 108 ' Not |*a« new Re l> *7% 91 % 9# % 38 Nor P,t. (| | 4s 84% 84% »4% 1 Nor Mis P Is) •* A 95% 9 % 95% I O H L rfg 4s 97 % 97 % 9. ig . 11» \\ 1 ah R RAN 4s 8 3 v J % * I L*9 Phi GA El Rs . 9 5 % *• % '• *, 46 Fa. TAT a 5 2 9 1% 91% *».l% 97 Fan 4m PAT 6s 110% 11<1 lioi, 16 Penn RR «%s 110% 110% 110% II I’rnn RR Imp .«* 64 9* % #8% 9*% : ) Penn HR gen 4%s. 91% 0.1% 93»% .1 Pete Mari) tf /»*.. 99% 99% 99% *. I’hlle fit tfr 6 s . ..D'4% l«'4% 1"4 % I Phi la Co G%* ..94% 94% 94% Hi Phil A lid CA I 5s 1 On % 100% 100% ‘ 1 pierce A > rpw 8* 96 % 94 % 95% .PRI A P lal *.* 14 9« % 98 98 20 Press d M» J’a) 5a. 96% 95 9$ 10 Pub S| V N Tl 6s 96% •»., % •)»;% Uu»u« Megte M ?s. lo* % 105% In* 4 Reading gen 4%* 9'\ 9; % P.% 1 Heading gen 4* , 4,. 95 95 ’ Rep Iron A M 5 % * 92% 9 2% **% 5n III., t) Weal I it 4s 74% 7t ’4% IT H I A A I 4 %• . . 87 % 87% 87% M M L I MAR rfg 4s 94 % 94% 94 % 8 Mt1„! MAM4B RAG dr *5% 85% *5% :•* Rt I. A Ml pfd 4s \ TO % 4 ; 4 % »9 Ht 1. A n V Mill 6S 8 8 8| 8 8 98% v I *Jf I v r F in. m * % 81 % *1% •9 Rt 1 N,unite. St tn 4* 8 8% 8V% * 8 11 81 P £ K C B 4 %» *9% *1% *3% 5 Mt p Union Pep 5». 101% 101% 101% Sbd Air I. roll 6s.. 92% 92 9 45 Sl»d Air L adj as. . 78 77% 77% s Sbd Air 1. rfg 4s. . 6k 1,.,% 66 37 Sinsrnlr C Oil ml 7* 94% 93 93 31 Sinclair C Oil b%s.. 9n% 89% 9°% I Sinclair iMe O 5%s.l0n% 10»t% 10ti% 33 Sinclair Pipe 1. 5s.. 8b % 65% 86 55 Skelly OH 6%*.117% 117 117% 5b So Pacific cvt 4s. . 97 % 97 9i lb So Pacific rfg 4s. .. 89% 88% 89Vj 1 So Pacific col tt 4». 85 85 *5 6 South Ry gen 6%s. 109% 1i»9% 109% 89 South Ry gen 6s..106 105 105% 89 South Ry gen 4s... 77% 77 7*% II 2 S W Roll Tel rfg 5s 98 97 % 9<% 2 2 Stfl G A K cvt 6 % s 11 4 % 1 1 3 % 114 6 Steel Tube 7s.106% I0b% 106% lb Tenn Elec rfg 6s.. 100% 100% 100% 187 Third Ave adj 6a 50% 47% 48% 57 Third Ave rfg 4s.. 58% 58 08% 1 Toledo Ellison 7h .109% 109% 1"9% 15 Union Pac 1st 4s . 9 2% 92 V* 92% 7 Union Phi cvt 4s.. 99% 99% 99% 20 Union Pac rfg 4s.. 8F.% 86% R.»% 9 U S P.uhhr 7%.s ...106% 106% 106% 89 U S Rubber 5s ... 86% 86 86% 28 U S Steel s f 5k .105% 106 105 4 Utah Pow A Ugt 5s 94 93 % 95% 45 Ya-U (' 7%s W w 49% 49 49 223 Va-Car Chein 7s.. 7 *a 86% si % 21 Virgin Ian Ry 5s. 9«. % 95% 96% •5 Wabash 1st 08 100% 100% 100% 43 Warner Sug 7s ‘39 87 % 8o% 87 85 West Elec 5s .... 99 98% 98% 36 West Mary 1st 4s.. 67 66% 66% 21 West Par f.s . 95% 92% 93% 1 West Union 6 %s .111% 1111* 111% 4 West Klee 7s ...108 107% 107% 4 West Shore 4s .. 82% 82% 82% 1 Willy a-Ov 1st 6% a. 100% 100% 100% 1 W i 1 A ..Co s f 7 V* s . 6 5 % 6 5 V* 6 8 % 6 Wilson A Co 1st 6s 94 95 % 93% 5 Wiison A’ Co cvt 6s 66% 66% 66% 26 Young Sh A T 6s.. 99 98% 99 Total wales of bonds loday were $15. 654,000. compared with $8,168,000 piev ous day and $8,843,000 a year ago. New York Curb Market V___ New York. Feb. 9.—Conflicting price movements took place In today's curb market. Popular oils displayed a reac tionary tendency, losses of 1 to 2 4 points being recorded by Ohio, South Penn. Standard Oils of Kansan and Vacuum, with most of the others yielding frac tionally. Independent strength was shown however, by some of the low priced shares. American Maracaibo touching a new top at $4 a share. Chief interest in the industrial groun centered in the Kelvinator stock, which was admitted to trading during the aft ernoon and immediately sold at a pri mitim of $4 a share above the recent sub scription price. Buying of the i^ue was based on a large increase In sales and unfilled orders. Revival of activity in car lighting and power, which also 4 en gaged in the electrical refrigeration busi ness was sympathy with the tlfitianu for Kelt Inatoi. A gain of nearly 2 points in De Forrest featured the radio group Liberty Chain stores *nd Boissonsuult held firm around their recent high level*. Most of the oth ers showed only nominal changes. Public utilities were mixed American Light and Traction advanced 3 4 points to 151, and American ties ami Electric mov 'd up 1% to 774. but Electric Bond and Share dropped 1% and National Power 2. Industrial* Hales High Low. 2 P.m. 100 Allied Packing.... S % S % 4% 6 00 Amal Leather. to 10 10 •on Am Gas El new. 7*% 74 75 1 25 Am Lt S tion 153 14«4 151 1 00 Am Pow A- Lt new 5* 57% 5* 130 Am Pow A ! • pfd. 4*4 *'4 *<4 2oft At.i Superpower A. 134 33 33 Mift Am Superpower B. r ? S 33 331 loft Appalachian Power 7"4 754 754 10(1 Ass'll Gas A K new :»r, 26 26 590f>* Atlantic Fruit Co.HiO 9ft lftft 6ft Borden's (*on Milk. 14* 4 14“ 14* 30't Rot troy (* Mills A 47% 47 4 4.% jog Brooklyn City R R *4 4** *4 10ft Bur Add Mch pfd 101% 104% 104% 1500 iV Light. 2 4 -% 3 4 200 Cent Pino Corn . . 22 22 22 loft Chapin Sacks Inc. 17 17 17 100 Checker Cab Mfg 21 21 21 10 Ch Id * Co new 4.’ 4 1% 44% 1 75 Coin Pow Corp 120% 119 119 1 25 Com Pow ufc *o% 40% *0% BOO Cun O A: E Unit n. 33 "*% 33 f©0 C.inl'l Baweries A 1114 lift 4 Ill's. 1400 (Vnt'l Pakerie B -4 25% 24 mu GonCI Bck'-rie* pfd 02 9. 92 400 Cuhx Cutn'-any " ■ 3x 7* s 100 Cur*Is* A pin • f t»f*l 6 4 4 ' <4 64 4 7000 DfFo ot R « tfa 33% 31% 33 ;*fty Boehler Die Cast. 1*4 194 194 11'i0 1 >ti Pont Motor 114 31 % 314 10® Freshman Co RAC. 17% 17% 1< % 10«> Happiness C St A 6% 6% 6% 1 oft Hm.eltlne Corp 37% 37 4 3«4 lftft Inter* un Rubber . . * 6 1 ono In» i >T«tch pfd 42% 41% 4 2 3fft Inter Ctiliiies B. 1' % 134 H% j "ft ir»t»r tt-r: ii Rrdio *> % *■ % * ”4 .‘•ft .lone* S»jdin Mfg h * 4'* tft I.'-hlrrh V Coal Co. 4* 47% 4. « 200 1 V C Sale* »4 64 64 fjlftft l h R din C Stores > % * 4 * 4 1 o Mangels Box 4<» % 4°% 40% •*•0 M« aid Iron 3% 3% *4 i 5ft Middle West Util.. *6 4 *5% ** 4 50' f Nat Distillers ctfs 39% 34 34 1*#ft National Leather.. 5% * % »% 1,0 NM I Pow St L "'6 704 204 •0 .S':»t’I Te . Co new 24'. -4ft 24a Nickel Pint* \v I. '7% *7 * • % D,ft N.«ek*l P Pfd w 1 *6% *6% *6 % in North State* Pow 1 •» lft6 105 • ft »thl" Fud Corp 54 4 *5% • •-T0 Omn'bu* Cp cf pfd 95 95 9o oft P> rene Mfg 11% l'H ]!*• !*"(» Rf i ! Ire Cream 4"4 4f,% 4»*4 L’ftft R- V! 1 C 7s pfd 101 lftft% 1004 .'i ft Knva R.'dio t’f". 12% 11% 13% 700 sbatt ’* k Co 52% 32% 32% .00 Plhrii Ke P d rtfs 1 * *» 1*4 ]*% son HI *e»ier Radio ctfs 15 4 15 J5H jr*n Southeast Pw St Lt 66 4 5t»4 £6 4 1ft y..-|tb cal Edi on . 104 104 104 lMft»*Houfh Coal A I ... 7 * 7 Iftct Standard Motor*..- 3% •* % “ * too Stando'd Pub / |J4 ;J4 JJ4 1« Sv ft A Co H94 11J4 llf4 lftft Tenn El Pow . 51 51 51 1700 Thermiodyne Radio 15% 1j *• ljftft Thump R id to ctfs. 14^* 1J • 14 • Tub Prod Export*. 3% *S J% 1 '*0 Todd Shipyards . 39% »% **% .eft tower Mfg c,.rp.. 1* '• 1*4 ]v 6 M 0 Union Carbide '• *" 2ft" United 8ho« Mch 44 *3% * * 1ft l S Oyp»um 125 125 1 25 |«I0*U S Lt A lit . 93 91 J* lion Utilities PAL A .. 25% 25 .5 D»o Ward Bak Cor*# B 414 4£4 4!* 7fti W«ie Radio Crp -'J -*?% inn White Rock .. 17 17 II 340-* Wl kwire Si»*n St 4 « * * * « h»0 • Yellow Ta \i N Y 19 19 1* *iamhtr«l OIL H<*0 Anglo Am Oil 2tf% 70 -J ;o Bucket* Pipe 6*4 6*4 **4 0ftft Cheer l rough Mfg 70 64 '•* % **% Mbi rlliilni’niu 4>ll«. _ m J lftft Aikan« »« Nat Has 74 74 • % , lftOo |trit Con Oil Kid* * 6 * 1400 Carib S> n 4% 4% * % I •’•To Cities Servl. e . - .211 209 210 I 4ft* cities Serv f) 4 % 2% 20o cities Serv pfd *2 *2 I" 1 (Mile* Serv B pfd 7% 7% 1% 1 ftftft t'iiies Serv errp..S12 212 21 2 2ftftii Cities Srv r*h *. rp »•% 99% 9*% l*«ftft Ci l.milrtn 1% 14 1*0 1000 Creole Syn .10 ln 10 1 ono* Enginee* * Pet •> »■ 6 .tan tiiliMon oil . 2 4 2% *4 lfto CiltiUnd «i l < 'fs t'% • % «•"• Gulf 0)1 *10 4 **% 0*^ fiftft Kirby Petroleum 4% 4% 4% 3 3 0ft l.« • !*• t 5% % %; 1 ooAm 19% 19% too \e\» Bradford 4 » 4 % 1 ;«h N M A Art l«d Co 11’* 10% 1*4 1*00* Noble Oil .13 13 15 foil Pret 0*1 . .. t 4 1% 1% 4Afb>M*enn Beaver 6 5 I inn prnnuk OH Corp 204 3114 204 5*.ft0 Roynl Canadian 74 7% '% Tftftft Sell Creek Pro . . J54 3s 254 ?ft»> l td Central Oil *% 54 IS ! moo Yenesuelan l**l 4 3% 3% 1600 Wilcox Oil 7 6% join** Ariiona Globe 36 31 If ftft CtnaGn ('upper .4 * % 4 1 srtft Con* 1 up pc * Min 5 1 iS 1’V 4 Diamond field R H. 6 * IOO#D.dotes KupeiHii* ▼ 1 I ftft h nglneei s Gold M 2* 7ft ’ •' % NOnn* Eureka Cmeeua 1* 17 oo0«rir*t Tbt G M 19 a ;ftftft*Gul im Stales * 9 9 lftftft*G*ddfield con* v v * 1 0ftft*G<'idf iel«| Deep 5 ft ftft ft • i J, > 111 Xotl" D|v M n 4 4 4 I ft Oft ft* )| * 1 mill Dlv Mtn 11 1ft 11 1000*Hawlhome Min 14 14 14 I 1200 11 eel* Min ,lh’i 16 104 ftftiift How 1 Hound t*0 3 % 3 4 11000Mndep Les.l Mine* 20 1> 1* |0O‘.Ierome Verde Dlv 1 H 1'% 14 fftftft*.tlb Con* 4 0 37 97 4?0ft ks»v ( or pet ■ 4 9 3O0«t«MrKltfDar Sa\ 25 ?0 8” 4'in Maeun Valley 2 % 2 4 2 4 rCKUNG THROAT in ahrayn an annoyance: tcorne ichcn it afflict a you in the nipht, preventing aleep. You can atop it quickly icith CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY which |mt« iidoothinjj. hfnlingcoatinfi on the dry. inflame! throat ami atona thn irritatmit mucua that canaoa th« tickle. H««p a bottle In your homo aHtbo tlmo No Narcotic*. Sold ovarywkoro. 0 I •Mohican Copper .. .. .... 1000 •National Tin . 9 9 9 100 New Cornelia .... 23*4 23*4 23‘4 200 .Ni pissing . .. 6 4 6 l4 64 5300 Ohio Conper . 1 1 Ar 1A Kf 00* Plymouth Lead ..80 7k 76 1 300 Premier Gold .... 2 22 4 1000*8an Toy . . .. 4 4 100 So Am PAG. 3 74 31% 374 1000*Stand Silver-Lead. 12 12 12 1500 Tonnpah Mining 2*4 -A 2*4 300M’nited Eastern . . 56 61 56 1000*11 S' (’out Mines.. 12 11 12 200 United Verde Ext. 2*74 2*4 28% 1000*Unity Gold . 61 61 61 f.00 Utah Ape* . 6‘4 6*4 6 4 4 500 Wenden Cop Min. 2 4 2 4 2 4 1000*Weat End Ext.... ft I 8 Domestic Bonds. 1 Allied Packer 6s.. 834 *3% **% 6 Allied Packer *s . 92% 92 4 92 4 * 1 Aluminum 7a *33.. 17% 174 17% 39 Am OAK Si... . 97*4 97 97 ‘4 ion Am PAL 6a old .. 954 *5% 954 27 A ni Sum Tob 7 %a 98 98 9* 1 Asad Si in Hd 6 4* 22% 8 2% 8 2 74 2 '. A G A W I 5b . 70 69% 69 4 10 Beaver Board 8s. . 95 95 95 1 Beth SI 7« -35 ...1034 193 4 1034 55 Cent f,nether ‘is.. 984 9ft1* 9*4 25 Chicago Un Sla 5s 98** 9« 98 4 2 Cit es Serv 7b C. . 127 127. 127 24 Cities Serv 7s D .1054 105 105 1 Oitlen Serv 8b B. Ill 111 111 1 Con Ons Bn It 6 4* 102% 1024 1024 1 Cudahy Pack CUs 95 94 4 94 4 2 I>oerc A Co 7%s..l04% 104 4 104 4 in Bet city Gas 6s.. 1014 103% 10:.»* 15 I>et Edison 6s. .. 114 td4 114 3 Dunlap TAR 7a. 103 103 107i 1 Grank Trunk 6 4*- 107*4 107 4 107*4 2 Gulf Oil 5s.99 »* 99 ** 99 !* 4 L McN A L 7s... 1024 1024 1024 2 Liggett-WIn 7a...1074 1074 1074 7 Manitoba 7s .102 4 102 4 102 4 8 Morris A Co 74* 1024 1024 1024 1 Nat Diet Co 7* . 101 101 101 10 N O pub Ser os. 88 87*4 S?4 1 Ohio Pone?1 6b B..1014 101% 10l*i 1 Park A- Tllford 6s. 106 4 106% 10154 1 Phi! El fta.106% 106% 106% 1 Phil El 6s 60.. 994 994 994 12 Pub Serv EAG 64s 9»4 984 984 7 Pure Oil 6%s.101 100% 101 1 Shawsheen •> 1* Ca rb de 71 % 72 Fdison Co .137 140 r uriahv .1** Diamond March .11* % 117% Deere ofd . *j Rddv Paper . 17 * *n T fbby . * 'Jt/ National leather . 14 14 Quaker Oat* .3«n 371, Be/i Motor* . .. 111. igv n«% o’lit International . 32 3*1/ Th^r,P«011 . «S* *< " alj1 . 20 21 fnrr tn Krrhang.. R.ite«. rollon lu*r *: e today’* rat»r of rerrhansre e* comnared with »h* par valuation Furnished by the Peters National bank Par Val. Today Austria . .20 .OOOOU Belgium .195 .O'.IT (anada .1 no j on C zei ho-Slovakia .>0 0300 Denmark . 2 7 1 Bn gland . .’ ! 4 v* 4 7*50 ,V**nr* .193 .0345 Derma ny .23* .2.3*4 7*1* CM ; .1,5 .<*42© _r’cn-S’avla . . . n16C No rv.*a v . ■>? 1 r * b Fwf.d*n .•;? 1“S 8"IU»r1*nd .1,5 J,4B / hl.--.eo Itultrr on.l r.*»«. i r- l' * -Quotations furnished ft. ter ■m;* I00: 'Voodmen °f __ Fj-.C.s' r--* int.r~i)!i,h i , CU)fe r*h lftft -MV -7\ ; , = :N -?7'-. !7V ."8 f«J.~ ) y........ . .JO April « ;il 5n *«. -4» ■^1 -I 'SC _ ru-TTEP. ~ I Caro ":.n High Low. I Clow. ° MV 24T, T«s 7*^7 !2tl_- - » i«-. .. _ v'» Vork Prcidure. . Ttr.k F'1' ’—Butter—Steady re T,"An 'ry higher than I*' a V.Y’V,. ,1" Mtr** <»-’ wore). '*• ® ’• first. (81 to fl *ror»t 37fc> 4 pa-*lng stock current make No 2 J4< *£**“7F,rni: r*‘ *.328 cases Fresh ..there.! »rlra first, 47Uft4,ur firatf 444147, do. aet. ntla 4 i y 4 4. '””'rr whiten. ' Inee 1 \ selected extra. ’ 1 .n’»r'’v »t*a nearby weatern hen r. r> - n11es f;rata to average extraa 47sj Mr, nearbv t.ennery hroe m. »\trx» Soft _ .r Parlfi, roaat algtn extra, 4«>. „ 1 , ur. firata tn e'.trg flrsta 47ft 4Sc re tire, to' ffr,ta Halit; do. ee.-onde At •, ft ">r. Cheese—rjrni, receipt*. 27.81© pound* Mate whH. milk, flats, fresh fancy to fancy special*. 24c: do. average run un cue'll, state, whole milk flats held fanev to faftev specials. 2S*,$2«f market: trade *nterest« sold Mart h sold, Mir : May. j 2 47, .1 ply. 3 14. September 3 25c. r'emars for refined «urnr continued l>ht Price s were unchanged. at! re f»ner* a- spline business ■,* 8.00c for fin* "rsnulated with on# selling at 5 4©t- for rh*r*r*Nent rft»r Febrts*rv 18 H* fined future* were nominal 4'h'cng.* flutter. rhl. Mto F-l> a -The butter market to day ruled steady at tmehangeii prices ^rsdlmr however. w*i quiet, although a **tt|e business was reported on the «*»»» d;um rrules Sunrdic* of butter on deal er*’ floors was Iftht but ample to meet ’he demend There was a good demand for **-« new rirs w-h' h were limited Th** c^nt retired c*r market was firm, with d**lera trjrfn* and In >omf ouarters ob taining premium*. Hulk of demand wa* for Msmre car# Fresh but*ej -s7-prr>re. 3ll*r 41 -score, j’4r: 4rt-s. ore ”?Ur: V4 *cnre. 38 1^0 : |fc f»ore, 3ir; *7-ai'nrc 34c; 38 score 32c. | F*ntra’i*ed car lota- 59-score. Ilf; t| *l'<*re. 3’Sc; 88-acore. IS* New York 1>n (iimhIh. New York Feb * —Fatten good* *n*c ] get* were n'Met today. w ith price# steady I n t-rtnt ^loths and - omSed goods Siieet-! in** w»re a *hnde easier on some of the! ' * \ ter number* Yarn* were-, quiet am* J little * hsnred ft*r the day Burlap mar-j • m we>e steadier It w** announ -*d that] t ew price* on K*\nn yarn* would be | o de t'> the Viscose company tomorrow”, j effective February If The B grades will} KEEP POSTED Important developments contained In thi* warek’s market review regarding the fob w:n* securities • | ! Montgomery-Ward General Motor* Goodrich Rubber Nat’l Dairy Trod. T. A P Coal A Oil Shelly Oil Radio Corp. of Am. White Motors International Pet. Foundation Co. Ind Oil A Ga* >eaboard Air Lino i W'rito for Frso Copy P. G. STAMM & CO. Deoler* In Stocks ond Ronds 55 So. William St.. New Yo*b unmrist mi nt SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS _ Thoro la nnlv one mpllflnf j really ibtiuh out prf-ftnlnfiil aa medicine for curable Ailment* of the khtneya. liver and bladder. IV KlImei a SwAtttp Hoot ilniuls. the high eat for the reA»on th«t It h«a proven to l»e Juat the remedy needed in thousand a upon thmia.tnda of dta tret* hr t'Asea Su «mp Hoot mAke*' friend a quit'My beooURe ita nilM and ImmeillAte effect la ao>n reAllied In moat cstaea. It la a senile, healing vegretAhle oonuhnmd Sturt t rent men l At once Sold at All dlUR atoree In hottlei »>f too atrea medium and UrRe lino ever. If you wish flrat to teat | thla hi eat preparAtlon tend ten centa to l>t Kilmer A (V . Hlnghamton. N Y fot a oAmple Nvttle When ertf- j lt\R l>e sure And mention thl» iwier. anc. bast* r»® dsnter. \o rhang® * u> {»" i, ,le on A. grade. Dellveriea win * from April to July 1, Inclusive wan eteady, with a firmer tendency in sntn* quarters. Additional lines of f« woolens and worsteds were opened. New York «enersl. New York Feb. 9Hour—Ijneett'e* . • prlng patents. *9 7 10.26. soft winter .'mights, 8S.78«M«-00; hard wtnter •tralghts. 19.50 ©J. 86. Rye Flour—yulet; fair to good. 75* 9.99, choirs to fancy. I* nSfcS.25. t'ornnteal—Barely steady: one white and yellow granulated, $3 35 !ff 3. 55 }tye—Firm; No. 2 western. $1.72%. f o. b. New York, and $1 70%. c. J. f export. Harley—Steady; malting, $1.18 & 1.22. c. 1. f . New York Buckwheat- Quiet; fine milling. $2.45; Canadian, $2.55. Wheat—Spot. Irregular; No. 1 dark Northern spring, c. I. f New York, lake and rail, $2.20%: No. 2 hard winter, f. o b.. lake and rail. $2.03%; No. 2 mlyd durum, do. $2 04%; No. 1 Manitoba, do. $2.18% • Corn—Spot, easy; No 2 yellow, c. 1. f track Now York, all rail, $145%; No. 2 mixed, do. $1 44% OaJe—Spot, steady; No 2 white. 6Se. Feed—Easy; city bran. l«i"-|.nund ■«< ks, $34 5ft; westetn bran, do $34.21. Hay—Steady; No 1. $1*7.00; No. 2 $25.00ft 2ft.00; No. 3. $21.00 Jf 22.00, sam ple. $17.00 (r 19.00. H op a— Firm ; state. 1924 30fr34c; 102*. 1 5fa 17c, Pacific coast. 1 924. 19f*24c; 1923. 15 fa 16. . Pork—Firm; mess. $.17.00; famllv, $36.00fa 3 7 00 Lard- Ne^y. mlddlewest. $!%i’0f$14 30 Tallow—Easy; special looee. 9c; extra. 9 % r lt*< e—Firm; fan*'' head. 7%fag%e. New York (offw Futures. N»w York, Feb 9—After opening is points lower to 5 points higher, coffee future* firmed up today on trade bu> mg of the late n.nn'hi, advancing to 19 20c for May and for July, nr about 2 to 8 points ne» higher Offerings in. creased on the bulge however, owing to rrperta of easier cost and freight mar ket and May rinsed at 19.04c. The gen eral market closed u to 20 points net louer Sales were estimated »t 66.oft0 bags Closing quotations March 20 *n. . May. 19.04* July. 17.93c; September, lC.Pftr; December. 16 24c Spot coffee, dull; Rio 7s. 22%c. Santos 4s. 27% 52_ New York 8ugnr. Quotations furnished by T .« Bache A Cu . 224 Omaha National Banks building. Phones Jackson 5187. 518$. 5189. Art '/pen High. I Low. * Close. | Sat. Mac. •*"77 ;.ac 2.8'. TTg 2 6 3 May 2Ti® 2 98 2.96 2 97 ! 2 94 July 3 1 4 3 14 3.12 3.14 .3.1 1 Hep 3 25 21 3 24 3 75 3 24 He, . 3 25 3.25 1 -3 3.25 I 3 24 N 4 hiragn C niton. Quotations furnished by J 8. Bar he * •'o . 224 <>maha National Banks building. Phones Jackson 5187, 518*. 5189. j Art ! Open. High. ' Low. | Close, i Sat Mat . 2 4 57 2 4 « 4 2 4 :H 2 4.3$ 24 4 1 May 12 4 $0 24.90 24.67 24.67 24 64 July -24.96 25.00 24.76 24 76 24.77 Oct 24 60 - 4 6*. . 4 41 *24 43 24.3$ Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, da.. Feb 9—Turpentine— Firm. *7%c; sales 169 harre!*; receipts. 5 5 barrels, shipments, 301 barrels; stock. 9.741 barrels Rosin—Firm: safe*, 142 casks: reee'pt*. 690 casks shipments. 452 casks, stock. 66.293 casks. Quote: B. D *7 F G $7 15 H. $7 17% 1. *1 20; K $7 4- m. $7.80. N. 7.9b; WG $8 30; VN VV. X $9 3v Boston Wool. Piston. Feb. s—Wool trading continue* quiet Domestic wools of the better class seem strons in alt but price® are deoen lent somewhat on the need* of the individual buyers. Foreign wools are slightly lower in some lines. However, some scoured rap#»s have moved at prices in line with the present market and there is inquiry In particular for slightly de fective offerings New York Cotton Future®. New York. Feb 9 —Cotton—Future* opened firm March. 24.40c; May. 24.70r; July 24.95c; October, J4.70c; December, 24.75c. New York Cotton. New York. Fel 9 —Th» general cot'on market closed barely steady net * points lower to 8 points higher with lats month* r»-la • :• . ft- V_ ADVERTISEMENT. COLDS THAI DEVELOP INTO __ Chronic cough* «nd persistent colds lead to serious Ion* trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, «n emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a new medical discovery with twofold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and kills the germ. Of all known drugs, creosote is rec ognized by the medical fraternity as the greatest healing agency for the treat ment of chronic coughs and colds and other forms of throat and lung troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes and stop the irritation and in flammation. while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and destroys the germs that lead to consumption. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfac tory in the treatment of chronic coughs and colds bronchial asthma, catarrhal bronchitis and other forms of throat and lung dis-ases and is excellent for building up the system after colds or "he flu. Money refunded if any cough >r cold, no matter of how long stand i*. ia not relieved after taking accord 's to directions. Ask your druggist. ■ muKion Co.. Atlanta. Gs Pimples > You will by startled bow quickly and thoroughly you can atop akin eruptions and beautify > our complexion with S.S.S. PIMPLES »re the first thin* on* notice* In another person's face. It is too often cruel in its mlsjndgmrnt. It Judges from what it sees on the outside Pimples are easy to get rid of. More red cells! That is what you need when yon see pimples staring at you in the mirror. Rwl-cells mean clear, pure, rich blood. They mean clear, rud dy, lovable complexions. Thev mean nerve power, because all your nertes are fed by your blood. They mean Reedoni forever from pimples, from blackhead pest, from bolls, from ecxema and skin erup tions from (hat tired, exhausted, run down fooling Red-blood-cells are the most Important thing in the world to each of us S.S S. will aid Nature in building them for you! S S.S. has been known slue* IS?* as one of the greatest blood build ers. blood-cleansers and system strengthoners ever produced Start taking SSs today. Its medicinal Ingredients are purely vegetable. S. 8. S. is Hit «t all gvj drug Iteraa ia taw ansa. Tha Utgvr sue ia aw>ia C C '!>Kc. Wwkih Beat' flloodMcdicilW