The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 30, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    Hard Battle in Store for Tech High Cagers Against Lincoln Quintet Tonight
Both Teams to
Enter Fray With
% Good Records
■ Tj — •
l^Jbat-h Drummond s Squad,
^Realizing Hard Contest,
V Expects to Stage First
Class Battle.
Ill: li>* ut undefeated high
Hiiiooh in Ne
braska rage cb
i'Ioh will be di
minished by one
this evening,
w hen I he fives ol
Lincoln and
Omaha Tech
rlaih on the I .In
coin floor. Tlie
game is sched
uled to start
at R.
These t w u
Iranis are looked
upon as about
as strong as any in the state and a
rare battle is in store for the Capitol
CHy fans tonight. Both have good
refords so far this season and there
is little to choose between the two on
tills basis, although Tech succeeded
in running up a larger score on Hast
in** than did Lincoln.
Coach Browne has been pointing
his youngsters for this contest anil
they should he in top form. After
three hard games last week, all of
which they won, the I.lncolnites have
been taking it easy this week and are
ready to mar the clear record of the
Tech has about the best record of
the Omaha teams so far this season.
Ctjpch Drummond and his squad real
ise that they have a fight on their
hands and are going dow'n to Lincoln
k tc^put up the game of their lives.
f x The Maroon and White squad, eight
'I strong, will leave this afternoon for
y the scene of battle. Besides Ilruut
s Iiiond, the following men are making
the trip: Chamquist, Nelson and
Lngle. forwards: Swanson, center;
Captain Holm. Swartr. Prerost and
MHhollm. guards. Othmer is not of
ficially making the trip because of
slight scholastic difficulties.
The lineups tonight:
vibrat.n ■. • •. •:wa A*vn'i
ijm (c) LO . . ■ .Fisher
Iowa City. Ia.. Jan. 29.—Pushed
,dq<i-n to fourth place in the Western
( ooferenee basket bull race by losing
to: Illinois, and defeated for the first
tiiie this season by a conference
tetun. the University of Iowa basket
hall squad is bracing itself to repell
Li* onslaught of Indiana here Satur
,[M. The Honeler five is making its
fij^t appearance on the Iowa floor
tomorrow in two years.
Indiana, occupying seventh place
in'<he team standings with one game
won and two lost, will bring a veter
an' team in its attempt to overcome
tit* Hawkeyes. Logan, a high point
man of 1924, with Krueger, a sopho
more, w ill be at forward, while Cap
tain Tarker will take care of the cen
ter position. Sponsler will work the
running guard position and former
< ajitaln Alward, playing hie third
; rpr of conference basket ball, will
i \k° care of back guard.
Slit Laics City. Jan. 29.—VTltll
Coe. h Tommy Fitzpatrick's contract
as'athletic director at the University
„ of-Utah about to expire, another can
didate for the position was being con
sidered here today.
Harry Hughes, present coach at
Colorado Agricultural college, will be
sefccted by the university heads as
Fijzpatrick s successor in the near
futsire, this at least, was the belief
of pleaders in athletic circles at the
hlljtop Institution. The athletic board
has announced Hughes’ application
for the position is receiving "serious"
New York, Jan. 28.—Three famous
stallions. Fair Play, Hourless and
Messenger, and 65 mares, compris
ing the nursery stud of the late Au
gust Belmont, situated near Irf>xlng
ton, Ky„ was purchased today from
the executors of the Belmont estate
by Joseph E. AVlrlener Philadelphia
After announcing his purchase,
which was reported to involve several
hundred thousand dollars, Mr. AVIde
urt announced that the enthe stock
of thoroughbreds at the nursery stud
would he sold at public auction May
3 5, the day prior to the running of
tlist Kentucky derby. •
~WUh ihf'
At India impoll*—Roy Wnllncf. Indian
rpolla. Knocked out Tom Dillard.*. Allen
town. Pa., ar-cond round; Merle AMr,. In
. d'unapoli*. ahaded Danny Daugherty,
I'fngtnnatf, 10 round*. Willie Sullivan.
rirtulDnatl. fought Reamer Roberta, In
diana poh*. to a draw. 10 rouud*.
Kilt Uk« Mty, Jan. 29.—Ira Dorn
of Hull fnik*'. claimant of the world light
lioggy weight wrestling till#, won from
I'iitt Gardner of New York In a finish
n afe lt here. Pern won the first fall In
17 ininuteii with n leg strangle; Gardner
thd aocond In R5 minuted with a far bar
aim Ic^k and Pern tha third In 13 min
with an arm eclaaorr. In » match
h* re a fow weeka ago. Gardner won from
Nan Diego, fil., Jon. 99.—Roy Miller.
Chicago featherweight, outpointed .tna
Medina. Los Angetd*. In the 10-round
gnaln event at the Dreamland arena here
.Miller landed by far tha moat effec
tive blows though Medina atayed right
9Hth tha Chicago boy and forced the
Tai Anielea. Jan. 29.—Tommy f»lh
fco’ig light-heavyweights wan "quoted here
tOd£: ae having aald that he would **nd
Wegfd oot fight aoon in Boa Angelas.
olpportlrg the statement that tlibbond
wnfld appear her* Pick Donald, a local
fighg-promoter, maid that he had received
m. Mite In which the fighter agreu to
fen« f’nbrutry 21 agaluat Xooy ifual*.
I ■ ' By Tad
k V r.|ST I
w“ vs? te»T ££>*"‘ t
p t IT^ow cneox { ^r^KNEtr, / FIFT ^°°'*
5 --- I W>0M AIMT \fjJ J / UOO^ AT C*rN\ ?
fc -X-\c«ifKff-^KW0W*
? _ 5Pr-UAu >■ -»■—1—
i r»«w io^oiwovn
PISH (Ilphike
— CHCANPCK. ahp j.
9 - \|IOLtT
£_ —■*' '
< -»
(waaD $fp ^
QUZS iv Imtx F«*tuwc Senvicn. Inc Urnt Bn'.itn njl > r—rvfi._. .i, ... ;—-~~
Wants Gibbons
to Fight Fuente
Los Angeles, Jan. 29.—Thirty thou
sand dollars or a privilege of 40 per
cent of the gate receipts. That la
what Tommy Gibbons, runner-up for
the heavyweight crown of Jack Demp
sey, Is reported to want for a match
here on February 21 with Tony
Fuente. This figure, it was said to
day, was quoted byr Eddif Kane, Gib
bons’ manager, to Dick Donald, who
replied he would guarantee ' $20,000
with an alternate privilege of 35 per
cent of the gate receipts.
Donald plans to stage the bout In
Washington park here on the evening
before Washington’s birthday. On
the same card it Is planned to have
Sammy Manwel! meet Phil Salvadore
and Kane is said to want a $7,500
guarantee for Mandeb's appearance.
Fuente, with his manager, Fred
Winsor, and Fred Fulton and his
manager are scheduled to go on trial
here today for conspiracy to violate
the California boxing laws as the
result of a fight staged here some
time ago in which Fuente disposed of
Fulton via the knockout fashion in
unusual short order.
Chicago, Jan. 29. — Northwestern
university’s swimming team leaves to
night on a western tour which will
Include engagements with some of
the best tank combinations from the
midwest to the Pacific coast.
Tomorrow night the swimmers meet
the Omaha Athletic club and Satur
day' give an exhibition in Sioux City.
February 3 they will meet the Univer
sity of Colorado at Boulder. That
night they will give an exhibition in
Denver. Utah university will be met
at Salt Lake City February t>, and
the next day the purple tankers will
engage the llollyw'ood Athletic club.
A triangular meet among the north
western squad. University of Southern
California and Los Angeles Athletic
club also may be arranged. Stanford
will be met in San Francisco Feb
ruary 9 and the Olympic club on
February 10. The Oregon Aggies will
furnish opposition February 12, when
the team also will give an exhibition
at Eugene, Ore., for George Pierce, a
Northwestern alumnus. An exhibition
at Seattle the following day will com
plete the tour.
Oakland, Cal., .Tan. 29.—Billy ^Vells.
English welterweight champion, wo i
a decision over Pele L-ttso of Wilkes
barre. Pa.. In a fast 10 round bout
here last night. There were no knock
dow ns.
Wells had a slight shade in the
last five rounds. The Pennsylvania
boy was unable to touch the English
fighter In tile last frames, all bough
he chased him about the ring. In the
early' part of the fight Igttzo landed
a right to the chin frequently, but
Wells soon perfected a defense for the
blows. It was announced from the
ringside that Lntzn bad weighed in
at 155 pounds and Wells at 119.
Iowa City, la., Jan. 29.—Coach ;4am
Barry put a damper on the rumor
that the Iowa basket hall team was
likely to accept the proposal to niako
a trip to the Pacific coast next
winter. Jack McCord, former Big
Ten athletic otVirtal, w ho la now an
arbiter In the far west, wrote an
urgent letter to Coach Barry asking
hbn how he looked upon such con
McCord declared that If the Iowa
team would make the trip, contests
could easily be arranged with several
coast quintets, among them Inland
Stanford, University of California nnd
University of Southern <’nllfornla.
“Tiger” Flowers ^ ins.
Bouton, Jan. 21.--Tiffr Flowera of
A Man In, fia.. won a technical knock
out over Tommy Robaon of ^falden
tonlffht, when the referee stopped tIt^
fight early In the eighth round to
*h \ e Robaon from irn*re of the pun
lahment which he had taken from the
flret. The weight* m ere. Flow era, 161*
pounds, llobaop, 168 pounda.
First race: Mile and 70 yards.
So It Goes iStutts).4.30 3.20 2 60
Jackson (Weiner) .8.00 o.vo
Mike Morrissey (Doling.4 00
Time: 1:512-5. St Donard Sea Cow.
Fictile Galantnian. Water Girl and Medi
ator also ran.
Second race: Six furlong-.
Carefree ( W. Taylor)-21.70 13 00 8 Otj
Gay Bov II (B. Kennedy).20.90 9 70
Finday (Noe) .4.80
Time: 1:16 3-5. Mad Nell, Gay of Peace,
Dusky Belle and Kirkfieid also ran.
Third race: Three and one-half fur
My*Colonel (Barrett).5 40 6 40 3 10
Elon (T Mt Taggart).6 40 3.19
Lacetvood (Weiner) .2.5 0
Tim#*: 43 1 5. Go Through, Pheasant,
Sweet Inver, Mulligan and Kiyl also ran.
Fourth race, mile and 70 yards:
Lough Storm. (Williams) 10.40 6.70 2.90
Lagoon, (F. Stevens) .3.70 2.70
Tulane. (Llebgold) .2.70
Time: 1:49 2 5. Brian Kent. Bowl
ine. Betsy, Doctor Tubbs and Hard Gueea
also ran.
Fifth race. 6 furlongs:
Ilobaon. (Stutta) .=>0 3._0 *..0
Pet Cat, (Ambrose) .6.i0 2.4"
Socrates. (Reach) .• VC
Time. 1:16. Ben Franklin and Mai..
Over also ran.
Sixth race oH furlongs
Toppanile. (J. Callahan) 3.40 2.80 2.60
Channel. (J. Stevens) .o.oo 4.20
Star Girl. <Doiin) .. • • • • ; R0
Time: 1:10 2-6. Lady Finnell. Mies
Veal. May K.. and Merry O . alju> ran.
Seventh race, mile and an eighth:
Queaada, (Noe* . 10.60 2.80 2 40
Voahiml. (J. Callahan) . 2.60 2 30
Kings Ransom, (Seguin)
Time. 1:57 2-5. Hyperion and Super
bum also ran.
First rare: Fiva furlongs.
Ornhelin (Allen i .I' J J " ’
Head I.In, (Wajesiia*..31 J
French Lady 11.. l.angi. .■• '■ •>
Time- l-tol 5 Llttla Bety In L.,i e
With l.o, e. Fhief nark. EI"*"orI
Sammy's Pride, Hurry Scurry end I.lttle
Pal alro ran. ,
Sect-nd race: Six furlong..
One,I Morning (Montgomery^ ^ f
i'clone! Baker (Merglerj.t » «•*
Betay Bacon (l* Langi ... • •
■rime: 1:15 3-6. Toddy■ roast 'bar
Hem, Trooper, lienra* Starr Mo,« t >n
Seth,’ Par Prise Asekket. Lady Trilby
and Xan's Fortune aleo ran.
Third rare: it furlongs:
Mv Destiny (MaJeatir) ...1S-8 . * I-i"
Boota * Shoes IW Harvey) ... ev»n 1
Julia M. <1. Langi.• • • „ ■* '
Time- 1:16 3-5 Atbgarven. Don r Boin.r
Mo, 'Rolling Wave Winsome Lady, lied
Squirrel, Foxtail. Sllverfaltte. Old Tod and
Immodest also ran.
Fourth ra»e: 6 furlongs:
Leather wood (Allen) .16-j a van 1
Monrifrlngllla (K. Pool) .Ml J 3
lluon Pino (W. H«r*ey> ...
Time: 1:13 4-5. Hunnv dri. Calcutta.
Warring and Pirate Gold also ran.
Fifth race: Mile and 70 yards;
Flying Gevli (Allen) .... 6*^-1 2’y-l 7 .>
Juat (Leyland) .4-5 4 •>
DnnHng Foci (Fiaheii . ... even
Time: 1 46 3-6. Soldier II . Rork. Rachel
Potter also ran.
Sixth race* Mile and a sixteenth:
Promising Tom (Vuilemot) ..5-1 8-5 4
,Vulnad (MarineUi) .even 1 -2
bpllgs (Allen » 6-5
Time: J19 2-G. Smart Guy. Telescope.
Soviet. Tarriyce C-, and Chemlserle also
-'•■venth rarp; Mile and a sixteenth:
Zanzibar (Fields) .4*^-1 2-1 even
Sophy (Vuilemot) ....7-6 3-6
Proceed* (Allen) .1*1
Time: 1:50 4-6. Georgia May. Sea-Wolf,
Gladys V. and Miracle Man aiso ran.
First rare' Three furlong*
M : - Moore 100 < Hludau) ..98.20 23.00 8 80
Miainigo. 110 (O'Donnell).2.80 2.40
Greenwood*. 102 (Randolph(.2.80
Time; .16 * Lord Julian. Miamonl
ricM. Francis Lurline. Lady Nadeen, Rty
St L’lalr. A pres Mol also ran.
Second race; Five and one-half fur
longs :
• inkomine, *M f McTvory 27.80 840 4 *0
Harrigan * Heir. 119 < Wilson)...3.00 2.60
Ruldvari, 1<»9 (Voung).3 60
Time* 1 :u8 1 5. Solimente, Miss Paige,
Lady Aloore. Flying Orb, Vesper Bells,
Sir John Vergne, Randolph. Aliss Spears.
Time and Tide, Lucille, Russell, Little
Agnes also ran.
i bird race: Five and one-half fur
Mai** John. 10| (Roberts). .13 20 7. 0 4 20
Rig Indian, 111 (Liston)....4.60 3.00
Jay Roberta. 114 (Griffin).2 80
Time: 1 :0s Arietta, Fernando*. Fan
dango. The Wag. Helen Van, Santhia C.,
Ai . Ragdoll. Home Plate, AlcParlin, Kiel
Diamond also ran
Fourth race: Mile and 70 yards:
Marin® Corps, 117 ( Barnes). 8 00 4 0 3
x Breeze. 114 (Walla* ..3.80 3 00
R< mulus, 11? (Roberts).. . . . G (*0
Time. 1.46 1-5. flack a more, Bronston.
Ron Box, Tim Lamb. Sweet and Low.
^Insurance. xRestful. Barriskane, xStjllsIt
Mi*« x.Midnight Beil also ran.
Fifth race: Six furlongs:
Special. 117 (Barnes). 9.89 4 *9 3 ( 1
McCulloch. 109 (Gorinley). . .3 00 2.60
Set h'x Bacon. 109 ( McHugh).3 00
'Hnie* 1:13 2.5 Atoaaa, Herdsman.
Rundark. Lunette. Pop Ryan, Chick Bell,
Alarcheta also ran.
Sixth rs-• Five and one-half fuilong':
Better T uck. 108 (Roberts) 4.20 2.40 2.20
Right. On Time. 117 (Smith)- 2.20 2 2**
Wild Heather. 101 (Griffin)..2 69
Time. 1:06. Runolath*. Fabian also
Seventh race Mile snd s sixteenth*
Btampton. 103 (McHugh) 41 4'* 12.20 7 ?o
S«a\, 1U§ (fisher). .3 s© 300
ffalu. 199 < Roberts). ..3 40
Time; 1:47 2-6. Sportsman, Black
Shasta. Zealot, Fast Boy, Dtflltnrn also
ro n
Lighth race 1 miles:
LI i k Thong 110 i F het > 8 *8 2-0 2 40
Royal Queen. 107 (Griffin) ...5.60 5.So
An Reyolr, 10U (Liston* . ... 3.40
Time: . oh 4 villlro. Tag 1 ‘a1
Black Match II. Miseoyla Fayette Girl,
Louis. Flreworth, Lone Pine, Letter B.
also ran.
Ninth rare, 6 furlong*:
I '.,11 V ( 'I. v , !"') ( I Ai'liti 1 3 9* 9 «9 !'
Caveat Kmptor, 111 (McHugh) 6.80 3.4**
Cornstalk, H*3 (Fisher) 169
Time: 1:00 4-5 pawnbroker. Trusty.
Confetti. M/.mi, Furious Bill, Corn flow
er. AnVm R<*g ,m >.tm Fi»o<linnn s'wo run.
TIA fit* AN A.
Fimt race- Threa furlonga; MOO; ?
; eat- old flllie* :
Br*\et . ..... 105 Midland Fairy 10o
<■•<■*> Iherla HO hMinmtgn .M '•
Panola ... . Mu All Mutn >of*
Kl Sir UNO I .MO cDrlftw'd Bla.e M •»
h Wm r llell* ..llu n I >*ep Blue .
hMwiri ! .ad v .MO Ruth Gold .. .MO
Guega the 'rime Uf> .
aNevada entry; bAIlen entry; call**
monte entry.
Second rn< f: Mil* nod a * x*euiUh;
■ iHltnliiK : *iir mu* ami U|>;
4 K 1*1 lMatimnd tot York l.neaie . 1»
xMldnlght Bell 99 Horeb .
xTom iiwfna .107 x.Lu W l.e*
xNo FIhIm 102 Nil Merren
xl.*dy Leonid .105 Poacher . ..>"'•
Mannikin II ...M2 iPrngrnin .
xPomhfound*r 1n1 \Pr*te>t
I* Irewor!h .10* Fhallenger j"*
Hf-wio . 100 xT. .1. Pen gaat 104
Third race l ive furlong*. fiOO. claim
ing: 3-year olds
x.Mount*In <*aU 1«0 xFI I'td .|
xBeth Page .107 Free Maann . M;
fiMi. Rha Mr, 102 xLlwood "•*
La tit Berrllbfon MO xPIxle Bey .
a tin H h a a t a 95 Mr. Ruby .M
aBrown entry.
Fourth race: Hi* furlong*; 9 <no
maiden 3-yenr-olda and up:
Hi niter Shot . I0« Ah Reckon
Rhaata Limited lol OttvlA . '•
a F.llen .lane P'0 hThe Beadle 105
ht'aplalrano •• M0 a Heater Arm
Pirouette . 105 Rockford M .
• Chula Via!a entry. bMIramonte enti
Fifth race. Mil* md n alxteenth; MOO;
claiming 4 \enr old* and up
• Fair Rowena ..104 Werthman -Ml
xLUette . . .101 x.tohn Morrill 11°
Pobaon ..M4 xLady Jnes . .112
t rack O’Dawn 115
Sixth rare: HI* furlong*, purge, 11,000,
handicap; 9-year old*
Oterer .Pf> Peth't Bn‘'on 'nh
hBdmon .M0 t lavlrhord . in°
nYaaquas . ..1°5 bRundark '
bRunolatho .. M0 Mlnaton Peak ..Mu
Publlaher . Mu aBlark Bart ...M3
AMlramonte entry; hlrwln en«r'
Se\en*h race Purge, |70o; cbilmlttg
4-vear-oldg end lip 5 furlong*
1-loafing On 1°4 Seth * Alibi .. ,,fl
Wild Heather .112 K rawer ...115
Hut* I p .110 My Paddy .M«
Barn Pollar . . . . M It Plucky '• Ma
Pennon .112 Br1m»t©ne • Ml
F.lghth race; Five furhmga; purge.
1500. claiming; 3 ear old*
Laoipo l"u xRo*a Mktn M*
* Hobby Allen . 1 ».» Wild Thought* ' 1 *■
No Wonder 117 Orey Rock 102
xRaffle* 111 kRunleigh M
xGolden Red 11R N'nnn t;|td* I"1
xPavtn Broker xi'avegt I i n pt in 11
x ReMaf./.ln II" Honegf George 117
Ninth race Five furlong*, purae, |40O.
lalmtog. 'I 'ear old* end tip
*r»|| Lad' *5 x He** 1 ’.
kOlymptan King >"'» xaHtnmp M 1
xFiarkaon Mti i.iiile r«i '0.1
tT.od' T'ft og HL xHk«*H »"«
sMaila Muslin . 1U sJua V.11*
i.Mllfl NanHira .. 1 "7 xHoomerang
in MIm Calthu I 10 1'uc 1»* Hula* 111
u \atit olw* entry.
x ApprentI' e gllowancg eMmed. Cle*i
Firet r * r I’ll ran Maiming. 4
3*»ntold* and up, 6 furlong*:
\t .108 Admit »*r ... 11 5
It !•: < 'In; k . M2 kina Id* .II5
\Wtld <1noe* ..I", I 'any nil . . ...121
I .in k v Mtrlko 110 xTIno ...I'M
Marie Ant'mdla 1*W Si. n Mninto I '• •
14 • * *• * i H ||ll|in . I " * Ik'M "Oil .... 1 I ••
x<'le\er M* I h U’"»'liniil .
.1 it (liter ... . U» »nn«'k .10*
>Time* 1 I> . . M»0 aknrbly .110
Merund rt««e; Pm** f 1.000. claiming, 3
yeai eld and no. i I 1 •> milt
\I . M Mincer* ■ 9 1
Tavlnr Hay .. 99 U dland Queen 9t
xHUikoll* . H'H 1' 1":
|*ift\ ifi v . . 'll the ..| .I'' •
xTtinttitdi . ..I»9 Ucmijnlifi .... 9!
your Hlrthdav I'J*
Third; Pina* 1|.000; Jnyentl
Pure 2 iru old*. * furlong*.
Norlhern .Ml** .Ml lake « I'lmnct 11°
Mpci-mt A • • "'ml l i I Millv Mann , . Ill
hrfroorg* Huv ,.Hl hHIum Horn ..114
Cat1 Comb* 111 *N'nt I'.vum. ..II1*
light View , ,114 katherlii* lili III
High l.lfo .IM .llm Hclhel . Ill
sip *r Finn . 1 i Allen* .II"
a pin ldM~rmmi I h 11 •* bl.*wia ..Ill
nldlehour Kurin a»ahl* entry; liHrj
ent r v
l iurfh ra-* ft 9"§. claiming. •>
wide, *> furlong*.
Wu Hu ..101 x Bun: Ming . l'>9
Meth'a Tieui* M0 Frightful . . IP
l.ady lit tjohl 1"t Idle M*lh ..I'M*
xt'mkHng f . 99 Sma ll,*%*a ...l|0
x Bill It one i la 1 hi M.ntorl* c. ...I"!
\ Prink ley .... 1'*:.' x« Innamon . .104
Tungura . Ml Sp'k'd H-nii 10i»
Fifth ra« e fl.ooO, Bu>oU 8l John
Claiming handicap. 3->eur*oldt and up.
I 1 16 mllea.
Vexation . .....107 1>nndv Itrueh . . H»9
M1 k H d *. o'* knight* Jdulto M2
M h red i la . M'l B*m «,» • ■ s .10 4
Mixth i aee n.i'O" 2 >• i r-old > and up.
claiming I 1 10 mllea
v I if. |) i* i a .... 94 I 'on loan . . • n n
xThe I'VnUti . .ltM \rmlatb* .. In*
Chief Tierney . 93 »''«*»•% .• ■I'M
x Paulina . P' ’ • >n,‘
.1 Ogle .... M Hidden Money
> Alluring 9* xHimu lt MM
Seventh e*. e, claiming, 4-ycnr
old* and U|». 1 1 M mli*'
p'imi I'onna H'V K.*«r *»il*nt '' j
Mira a* Ti*o I" • x I ’• .*« I’ui *"<
ile.xUcHe t I "0 slamlerer *""
I »*rnler Moii lox xl.h-xwldn too
\ Shim * l «I«|V 1 I» xt»***l*en )•*«
»\\ wrien l.x n 9 Nnnlv ■ > mm V I " •
x A |>pr*nl Ire n 11 •* xx ;• no* claimed. \X«*nth
ei, clear , ti ack 1t*»\ »
No on-* thing Iimm MrUlm! iiumt M» !l a
HHilun'i ItCMllh Ilian nnnlri ii^ I'ium"
Steelier Signs
for Two Matches
- OE STE C If E R.
former chain
p i o n heavy
vv eight wrestler
of the world,
and his brother
manager, Tony,
arrived in Oma
ha today from
fit. Louis, where
the Stecliers
c o m p 1 eted ar
rangements for
a match. Joe
will wrestle
D a v1acourt In
St. Louis Feb
-Toe Stecher ruary 6.
Following the Daviscourt match
Stecher will wrestle Ad Santel in
Wichita. The date is February 12.
Joe Stecher competed in two
matches since leaving Omaha three
weeks ago. The first match was held
in the Armory in New York City. Joe
pinned the shoulders of one Nick
Latze to the mat In 28 minutes. It
was a one-fall affair.
Following the Lutze match the
Stecher* rolled down to Nashville^
where Joe wrestled Jim Browning.
Stecher flopped Browning In one hour
and two minutes. Browning forfeit
ed the second fall.
Entire Family
Killed bv Gas
Siv Prr-ons Suffocated Fol
lowing Breaking of Pipe
by Cavern.
By Inti-ruAtional New* Service.
Scranton. Pa., Jan. 29—The entire
family of Louis Dealno, including
himself, his wife and four small chil
dren whs wiped our today by Illum
inating gas that flooded their home at
West Scranton, a suburb, after a pipe
had been broken by a mine cavr ln,
it is believed. Another entice family
was overcome *t the same time, but
polio* arrived In time with pulmotors
to save them.
The dead: Mr. and Mrs. Mlehnel
Deeino, and their children, Stanley, 6;
l paba. f>: Margaret, 3, and a 1-year
old daughter.
Police believe that one of the mine
galleries that honeycomb the neigh
borhood caved In close to the surface
ami the main broke beneath the
weight of the earth.
Herriot Wins
Chamber Fight!
Bv laternatlmMil News Service.
rails. Jail 29 Discussion of the
I r:\mu-American and other delvtij In
the chamber of depdlles till* after
noon brought from Premier Herriot
the declaration Hint he would resign
if socialist deputies refused to vote
for the placarding on public bulbk
Ings of his speech of yesterday on the
debt situation.
A special meeting was called to
persuade Herriot not to resign.
The sodallsis objected to Herrlot’l
speech on tin- grounds that It was
“loo Polncarlstlc." They met In sn
anteroom and voted. 27 to 2t, not to
vote for the placarding of the speech.
The chamber voted for tile placard
Ing. f.ll against 32. This was consid
ered equivalent to a v ote of confidence
In the government.
The threat of Herriot to resign was
followed by a second meeting of the
socialist*. At this meeting they voted
60 against 16 in favor of the placard
Npw York, .Ion C9 Tim common
wtOH'k of s. M. Krepge Jumped 10
point* to ft 10 in the New York etenk
nmrket tndn.x fallowing announcement
I hot the director* hAtl declared u
atork dividend of SO pal rent. They
nlao declared i rn*h <Jtdt\end of $'
,t aim re on the common aharaa ami
»1,7ft on the preferred. 1>oth p«'nble
\pill 1 to atockholdeia of record
March 19*
Young Blue jays
Lose to Maroons
by 19 to 8 Score
HR Tech High
five Wednesday
night effectually
dispelled tlie hopes
of the Creighton
Prep team for I lie
' city championship
when it. won uut
over the young
T’.luejays by a lit
to 8 score in the
. Creighton gym.
The game, which
was mat-rcd by
roughness on both
sides, was hard
fought from whis
tle to whistle and was much closer
than the score would indicate.
Much credit must be given to Coach
Drennan's men. All are playing
their first year of high school basket
At no time in the first three-quar
ters did the Teclisters ha>e a com
fortable lead and even in defeat the
Prepsters out fought their opponents.
A little better basket work on the
part of the losers might have pro
duced a different result.
The work pf Coach Drummond's
men was not up to that displayed
against ,Sioux City last Saturday.
They made up in ability to sink
the baskets anything they lacked
in fight and team work, and it was
this superior knack of caging the
leather that brought them through
another game with a clean record
for the season.
The Maroon and White got busy in
the second period and forged to the
front on baskets by llolm and Nelson.
The score at the half was 10-5 in fav
or of Tech and they held the advan
tage through the remainder of the
game, although Prep was adways
threatening. Drennan strove to save
the game, in the last quarter by in
jecting substitutes, but they were un
able to break up the Tech game even
when Drummond sent his “subs” in.
The work of Captain Holm and
Othmer featured the game for the
winners. Holm played about the
best defensive game on the floor
anil slipped through two king shots 1
while Othmer was high point mail
with six free throws and a field
goal. Caniglia and Walsh featured
for Prep, although the latter missed
a lot of free throws, sinking only
one in eight attempts.
The lummurv :
r.n. r. r.r. rt#.
rimrnquUt. rf .. ?. . H S 1-2 I
Nelson. If .I o 0.2 2
othmer. c 2 I B io 10
issrli. re . o 4 o.o o,
Holm Iff (cl . 2 I 2-2 D
Prepost, r» .0 2 0-0 n |
Uncle, rf . II o 0-0 11
Swenson, rf-r It 0 o.o o
Mllhollln. Iff . * * 0-0 P‘ .3 II 0-1* IDI
T.(». F. I T. rt
Halpin*. rf n 2 !_•» 1 |
WaUIi. If 111-*?.'
I **alij, r i (» 1-1
Fuio. rff n 4 1-1 l
(aitlffli*. Iff .... « 2 0-1 o
( u\m. If oo A.n n
m«f. r o A A.n II
l*fmp*M .Iff HI A-tl H
Mrawherker, rg . . . 0 n o •» 0 2 10 4-13 *
Referee: Tlioinpwnn. Omaha.
W ill Build W '
Concrete Bleachers
at Iowa State
Ames, la., Jan. 28.—Subject to tlie
approval of the state board of educa
tion, the athletic council of Iowa
State college has definitely decided to
build a new section of concrete
bleachers on the east side of State
Held, corresponding to those on the
west side of the gridiron. It will l*-»
designed to seat about 8,000 persons.
Instead of 5.600, with the present
concrete bleachers, and the seating
capacity of the movable wooden
bleachers a crowd of 3 9,000 persons
will be accommodated when this im
provement is built.
BpeeisJ l>U|Mtrh to The Omnlis Her.
I.lncoln, Jan. 29.—A hill which
would make it illegal for undertakers
to make a profit of more than 3,009
per cent on funerals was introduced
in the lower house here today by Rep
resentative Did: Wood of Ornahs
In commenting on hi« bill Wood
said he believed undertakers could
make a good living on a profit of less
than 1.900 per cent. “They’re making
about 6.000 per cent now,” he said.
Representative Rltnew of Webster
eottnty Introduced a blue law Dill
which would prohibit the showing of
motion pictures or the presentation of
any drama or similar show on Sun
Representative Pitney of Webster
Platte, one of the two progressives in
the lower house, submitted a Dill to
day providing for the establishment
of a state owned hank. The capital
under Ills bill, would lie derived from
a II,noo.000 appropriation by the leg
Mature. ,
Am**, I*., Jan. ?$ Th© fratuir
basket p\ *nt of thi* wr*k, so far ns
Iona Hist* and Drake fan* nr© con
earned ©>111 b© staged Saturday In the
Oollf-*um *t Tv* Moines, th© contest
ants being tl\* Cyclones and th* Bull
d*>g* fighting against th© ceilarshlp
of the \ alley.
Iloslnn Hockoy I dam W ins.
Boston, Mass.. Jan. ?9 Th© Bos
ton Athletic association hocke> team
cam© from behind In th* last period
of an United State? amateur hockcv |
association eastern ©heel gam© h*i«
tonight to defer * the Boston tfockrj i
club, 3 to r.
North to I’lav H«*n#on.
The new North High *• liool l*w*' et |
hall team and th* Benson High quin
tet will pU> at th* Nebraska 8*'hool
for the l>*af g>mnastum Friday night
at ft. '
Krliirii of Charley Hollucher,
Shortstop, and Barney Tri
be rg. Third Baseman,
Boosts Pennant Hopes.
IV At>sorl«(rd 1'reM.
HIC AGO. .Tan. 2'J.
-—Acquisition of
three sterling vet
erans from Pitts
burgh, the-recov
ery of a trio
of Cub players
whose injuries
crippled the team
last fall aud the
signing of George
Gibson, as coach
and »e s i s t a n t
manager to han
dle the 16 pitch
ers on the club's
roster, has boost
ed the pennant prospects of the Chi
cago Nationals for the 1925 season,
according to President Wm. Veectce:
Three players who came to the
t'uhs jn exchange for George Gran
tham, second baseman; Vic Aldridge,
pitcher, and First Baseman Bert Nei
liaus are Wilbur Cooper, pitcher;'
"Rabble” -Maranville, second baseman
and Charley Grimm, first baseman. |
Grimm plugs tlie hole at first ’
Iiiiv lor IIip first time slnre tne
passing of Ka.v Grimes, who was
sent to Hie Facific Coast. With
'luranv Hie at the keystone nark
mid ailing as field leader, the In
field Inis a stability it has not had
in ree nit years. The addiHon of
t roper gives Hie elub the servieen
of one of the best southpaws in the
Charles Hulluelier. shortstop, III
last year, says lie will lie able to re
turn to Ids old post tills spring.
Itaruey Kriherg, third baseman,
who suffered a broken leg last sea
son lias fully recovered. The Cubs
also obtained I larke V Fit Huger, a
rangy infielder from the Coast
league and may be inserted at short
or even at third. "Sparky" Adams,
diminutive shortstop, also in avail
able for the inner defense. Fri
lierg may be sent to eenter field.
The oilier two regulars probably
will he "Denver" Grigsby and CHff
Heatlieote. Ilaek Miller and Arnold
Slat* wHl undoubtedly be retained
to fill in.
Cooper, Grover A lejander, Vic
Keen and Tony Kaufnmnn give tho
['tibs a strong quartet of moundsmen. •
In addition to these four tvvirlers, the
lub has about a dozen others, tho
largest number ever taken on a train
ng trip.
Gabby Hartnett and Bob O'Farrell
rill do the bulk of the catching.
Salt Lake Pin
Champ to Bowl
. Mrs. Marie Prail, city champion w orn
an bowler of Salt Lake City fur three
consecutive years, will bowl a special
match with ‘’Bud” O'Donnell against
Mrs. T. R. Jameson and C. M. Zarp,
jr.. on the Omaha alleys next Sunday
evening at 7 o'clock.
Following the special match the
Omaha alleys will hold a mixed
"doubles competition in which Mrs.
Prail will participate.
R. If. Mallory, captain of the Unit
ed States Sui>ply team in tiie Com
mercial league, showed the bowler*
at the Omaha alleys hotv to topple
the sticks Wednesday ne»on. Mallory
bowled three gomes of 257, 258 and
290, giving him a game-total of 785,
which isn't to be sniffed at this win
Paavo Nurmi
Shatters Two
More Records
He teKifiiM Tress,
Madison Square Garden, X. Y-, Jan
25. P.iuiu Nurmi raced to hollow
triumph last night in a mile and a
half rue, featuring the Millrose
games, in which Jole Ray, Chicago
veteran, dropped out after trailing
in a field of five for four laps.
Xurmt led bis nearest rival, Willie
Goodwin of the Xew Y'ork A. to
the finish by 65 yards and shattered
Ray s world record for the distance,
marking the 14th record performance
tiie Finnish phantom has set in his
nine American races. His time of
0:39 2 5 displaced the old mark of
6:41 4 5 set by Ray in 1923.
Nurmi was credited with a second
world's mark in his race when be was
clocked at the mile and a quarter
mark in 5:30 15. dislodging another off
Rhv's records. 5:33 3-5. set in 1922.
Nurmi was ort to tiie fro"ht at the
start, with Ray trailing. Just after
finishing the fourth lap. Joi* made r
gesture pf pain, stopped and left the
track, lie watched the j-est of the
race from the side lines.
(iougtluii ill Filed.
Will of Izaac E. Congdon, leaving
hia emir* estate to his widow. Mary
M. Congdon wafl filed in county
court Thu red ay.
..— ^ '
Connie Mack’s Son
Is Named Captain
of Athletics
Philadelphia, Jan. 29. — Manager
Connie Mark of the Philadelphia
American league baseball club, an
nounced today that his son, Karl
Mark, had been appointed captain
of the Athletics to succeed I».-mn>
Murph> Young Mack formerly man
aged teams In the Carolina associa
tion. blue ltldge and Three I leagues.
Wlllll ll-tlKK\l.n-HKK Ml.HTMta
tl#** I niiip. Himin. 44 . II*
Hp?Ub« 1 4 1 1 • IdPrtir 114 |33 14*
I \ nun 134 1 HlWmpon JP> IP *
Smllrv 113 1 • 141 \V»r* 1i: IP?
\\ .»un 1 *• s* ni 144 S*\ In t ;f IT * M4
\\ allat o !*•:: I 192 floors# 179 1 * •* 14
Tot11» ’eu T-9 fi? Total* KOI F91 4U
44 II. V'rluffom. Hf* |*r**%ntr«
Mu n«M 14? 1 1 US Kink*! i-'i 11» ’ ' ■
Simmons 1**' 14* l*ft Wll’itm 13; l < r 1*
St rlil * 103 93 H4*I#«l#*n 44 1P1 9i
Stnov '4 11 tl Martin 147 1 141
Tot 1ST 1**? 153
Tots Is 0X3 * 1 t*4!> Totals ‘424 <«M »;><
Omaha Y. M. C. A.
Enters Tank Meet
Lincoln, Jan. 28.—Omaha, Grand
Island, and Lincoln teams have made
entries in the state Y. M. C. A. swim
ming meet to be held at the "T” pool
here Saturday afternoon. Omaha is
entering its crack senior relay team,
Georgy Walker, Rav Ramsey, F. D.
Slater and C'llf Elliston, which hold*
the state record, won last year. Don
ald Head and Walker will enter the
fancy diving event; Elliston the 200
jard breast; Salter and Walker the
1'00-yard free: Ramsey the 100-vard
back and free with Elliston also in
the latter.
Grand Island will enter all the
senior events, and Francis Morris :n
the junior events. Lincoln will enter
senior and junior events. McBride,
who holds the 40-yard free, wiU enter
that event and most of the other
events. Lewis and Anderson will be
in the dives and Stanley in the 200
yard free.
Yandergrift. Ta., Jan. 2?.—An un
masked J»andit robbed the jewelry
store of I Potech of about S2<\000
worth of gents and *40 in money,
after holding up Potech with two
revolvers and compelling him to un
lock the sale.
After awaking a careful selection
from the Stock of jewelry, the gun
man warned the proprietor again*
making any outcry and hacked out
a rear door, while he kept Potech
covered with the revolvers.
M iesing Soil Sought.
Ml *. A. Rarkuloo. Mankato. Minn.,
called Council Bluffs police by long
distance telephone 'Wednesday eight
to ask them to watch for her eon,
Lloyd. who disappeared from his
home January II, His mother be
lieves that ho may visit friends in
1 ouncil Bluffs. He is accompanied
by another boy.
B« \««nrl|tf(| rrr*f.
\l»n IV llelffrieh nf Penn (Mat# iu
l-enki-x the tape in the \f roae e'Od »■
th« \ti|iro»e sattes Tuesday right. «c
0 nipis>hed what otb*- great runner* had
fyile.1 to do. it being the third r©n
ee«’utlve f'ie t tie N.ttany Lion runs*
hint v,.n the indoor special. With the
victory vent permanent possession ef the
>' If. Tost trophy, a • up Which ha* beca
ui competition aince 1M5.
Wallace V. JidinMin of Philadelphia
has un <; ue tennis rord in that ha
ha* * •* > e.i nine tin es among the f re
10 1 *“ * period of 17 tftn Johnson a _
r ne 'ir-i appeared t th# fir»t 10 >t
hack in 1*'< He wa* ninth that m
He has -urnped around somewhat #nd
despite 1h<* fact thr: he has been out
"■ competition *e\eral years always come*
hack to the fust B whenever he pta-s
to sn> extent He hay been r*nk*d
tli”- I" * fifth three t met, ••scnth
ninth and ltMh once each.
'lure t It.11» 31# > nirtr* hale keen
*-!»•' . -.1 f * e annual Mornings,<J# A.
*' fuck ect in \* n York Icmorro*.
when r.ia'o \ ui in maker and break -
c» of w.-iM * »e«’orda, hna pmmleed t.»
'halter iic I rtCA.xard #-gurea established
h' A If dhrubb of Kngiand ; *ir»
• go Willie Plant k i'.---ru3ii ' walking
champion and I go Frlferio Olympic
w innei. n’M again meet. Plant defeated
1 si’i* •) ^t the Ylltlrose ga-iiea last n gbt.
Meredith Barrel!. eatrKer of *ha
I • s Rep .is club Of the '' MH» rr'
\ all.- v baaehaii league, has turned echo *,
teacher. Barrett taken a roll aa
h:*ior> lost* tu tor in the Burlington. I*
h c’ o He former^ played fro'
1 sit and b.* eball at tha Vnivgiwlty of
Ion a
Northwestern nalitniih't beet lalai •
Piers sre it* best s*nger* Two of |t«
four tank stara. Mho »’*rt tonight on
. western t -ui are the best baritone*
and two of the l*est tenor* n the Olea
» tub. The baritone■« are diver* and free
-t\te a i '*( v snl one of the tenure ta
j no**’ proficient in the breast and back
I strokes
Matt llaiimiH. gl l»el roll handbnU
I svttat "ho weigh* • pounds has ts
[ sued a to* anv man tn tba
|t listed Stste* w he can make h a weight
land age Hannun p: thrice week's.
H If You Are in the Market tor jjgj
Sporting Goods I
Watch Tomorrow'* Paper for Our |
Bit* R emoval Sale I
Walter G. Clark Co. ■
1408 HARNEY ST. ■