Fa<\ Dog |>mrv= Rare W rth Death Over Nome Trail Wtrrnn “Mn«}irr,*,” Working in Relay*, R>ar Supply of Anti-Toxin to nipVitTir'ria Strirkrn Region. A"chora£*. Alaska, Jan, 29 Mush lne.drgs raced against death today. Through the Arctic night, with tfdip"ra*urea ranging as low as 5k ureas below zero, champion drivers «; i their picked doe team* rused from Nenana, on the Alaska railway, !" Nomas with precious life giving “■ -um to he us«d !n the battle against d.phtherla which Is tbrea*cn'ng to wipe out the far north town. A supply of antitoxin furnished by fi J. r? Beeson, former IJvingslon (.Morit.) and Seattle (Wash ) physician, n i ,v In An' horags, was started from h'me Yesterday to stricken Nome, and sli ana declared, should men and dogs triumph over the frozen trails in th.p race against the dread disease. It would arrive in Nome In time to save many lives. "Wild Bill" Shannon, with nine crack dogs, made the first ieg of the 1/iOO mile journey to Nome In a. single myah, covering 60 miles. t His time was 12 hours. Waiting for Shannon at Tdlvann wa(s, Jim Kalla nil, another of the not {b .* famous mashers, with a fleet string of dog* and a light. I'likon alel Kalland win make the second lap.pf the "ipa'h race." Tie second lap is over a distance of about 60 miles from Hot Springs tip the,loner Tatiana river, Wireless messages sent along the route to Nome brought a general re sponse today from scores of drivers who wanted to enter (he lists for the suffering men, Women anil children in Nome. They were eager to risk their lives and dogs In the wild ride over the snows. I.ocked in Storm. • It'ports h0 to 200 pounds, j win he materials for Schick test used to determine if persons are immune [front diphtheria. These persons will lie used to nurse the sfcjc and to • arr v message^ in the stiff Ken north lern town. Pr. Uurtls Welch, public health iservlce surgeon, Is the only dor fop [in Nome at present and his strength is being taxed to the utmost hy the j gr eat demands made upon him. II Kvery nurse In the town has been pressed Into service and volunteer nurses are being asked. 9f» f ako Examination for Trachffrs af Paw hop r Ify Pawnee City. Jan. 20. Ninety six persons took the county teacher s ex a ruination* in Pawnee Pity, last Sat urday, under the supervision of. County Pnpei Intendent Mr s. Alberta P.ulianVe, Cuba to Hnlld tt ator Plant. t*ul«af Kan , Inn. 2D -|3lds wet • opened Wednesday by the vlf! >p • ". >J fnp the construction Of watei works here Hmijf *0 bid? were ep • ! principally f■ ora contractors In Omaha, Pence*- and Kansas Pity. J The contract, was awarded tn Putt and j Tripp of J lute hi son, Kan , their bid ; heimr tn*ynni and the term* cgll for the completion of the system In 12*1 da.\ *. ■■ 1 - .. T I I *1 I Ilf I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I || I I » I l » * » Omaha New Yorli || Lincoln Minneapolis | j j Friday and Saturday j Final Clean-up j * Of All Remaining I * | Winter A|p|parel | He last call. An opportunity to sarurs any f | remaiping Winter Garment in the Pas* | | B other? stock st a price unbeUevablt low. ; I * We urge your early attendance. j E t*aw«srfa, -we*e» *a*»*a* t C nr entr feted i hoicr of 1 on Winter Dress I j | in the House—3 Lots -* I *5 - *10 - *15 I I ! r The origina I selling prices Were several time? t j E these quoted. Presses for aftprnoon, street, ! » | party and evening wear; size* 14 to 4fl. \ IK 1 Both sflk and wool. j | ? r ? r Vnrcxtvictcd Choree of A ny I Winter Coat I ! » w L- ' t | in the Hounc 4 Lot* i !*5-*10-n5-‘25i* r l Z > About f>0 coats from which to choo*e SfttM 11 to 40. If you are fortunate enough to got, ; * Z > one you wtll have a wonderful bargain. \ . ' rn 1 AAA/ kAA AAAA . • l 1 25 .Sport Skirt* to Cloge—$2.95 j 1 ( .• f* > VSAA AAA AAe AAA 9 m ) * Extra Size Dresses : a j i . Ofinu to the Cray Shop Friday If you require a largo fire dresg. Your lari, opportunity to j | aecur* Dresses at Hat{ Price avid Less j 4 ( • I < The values are simply wonderful, siros 42 to I it R4, both silks and wool, tn all the wanted I I j color*. I | ■» f j j E jft ' C . aaaa »aa» saa aaaa m Z \ Una* Hrofher* (firnlih/ remain* (he ; : same the price:: atone hare heen lotrererl : j : : i <_Haas Brokers_1 : 1 Vie SVto^ {or Women 4 ^ Brown lStk find • Work II I I II M M III I I M II I It M M II M I I t I M II II I I I I ip Stop Tampering With Roark Plea of ffak ffolrlon Rnrlin^iori Ffcsil !*avs 1021 Traffic Break* Record; r>|,|»o*ed to f,oodirvz , Rill. “Slop tampering* with the railfoads, ‘ f)np*t let radical politician* tear dow n the i ran.* port at ion system." This was the gist of a plea by Hole Folden. president nf th® Chicago. Burlington & Quincy railroad, in an adore*? before the Chamber of Horn merce Thursday nonn. Prosperity j* coming to th° middle west, Mr. Frdld>n asserted, but it I* bringing \* i? h i? a railroad problem. T * i he p- • -bier .,f -ining a high standard of efficiency on small returns and in the face of radical legislat ton. Would Weaken fVnfidenre. ITc appealed against any change in ili,* ' * a nsporfa i!. m .«< t a nd spe< •> fit a II v condemned the Qnodirt g bill and the How elf-Bark ley hill, declaring that (hose measures would weaken the confidence of Investor* and make it fm nos-dMc for the railroads to obtain money for needed expansion of rhr system. fbiltioad problem? a* they arise should he dealt with and settled as economic questions, which they are. tat her than as political Issues, which 'hey a re not. Mr. Flolrfert declared. "All business and economic author!* firs agreo that we have entered the v ■ v ’ie ,Srrf.,-., V -i c■ ’11 fit a n( ini increase in productive and Commercial activity," be went on. "and there is every reason to believe * onfldenffy (hat Onni,i and the great fertile territory trthutAfv fo ft will fully share In this Increase In pros petlfy. This means that the Improve O ' arid fnl ; gcruent of railway facilities rnu«f he continued hv the con tinned In\-esfmenf of shout *1 000,000. 000 of new capita! annually. Indebtedness Increased NVw almost all the capital that has been Invested In the railways since fh»> war has been raised hv hor rowing and in<’-. >s!rg their Indebted iu 1« This has hern necessary, If th® • ipfta! v. ;is to he raised at alb h«-au»e. while a few railways have been doing fairly wfII, the pet. re tur n r:».p*d In a. ’a' ge mnhrltv ba* been too meager to Induce Investors 1 • i buy their cat If a I sf or k liven In toy:? when a record break Inr freight business wb* bandied, the a\. * ,go return earned all the *-afl ways on their pfopertv Investment was ro'Iy 1 "0 per rent and In 13?4 |t y-j? still I®** The a-e’fip* return qartifd by the rail wav* in the western district In 1321 was oph 3 ST per rent and in th® nbtthwestern region It wn* th® smallest in an’ pari of the rnun try, belep inly " in p®r cent. Need New f’apltat The railroads have now Inrrea*rd the Indebtedness gtn much that the time has more when tbev must he given opportune* In raise new rapt tat h> tb® sale .of stock If they ere to be able to raise If lq, large amounts, pr cert advances in tbe market price* nf railway stocks Indicate a growing con fid®nr® r f the public in them as in vrstm®nt?. But even ret tbe stocks of lending r|lhv.iv* com man* an a' er age prJ. e of only about MO a shave Tb® reviving qopfldeprg of Investors in rail wav stork* would be quickly destroyed by am radical change of regulation, and especially by gpy ye. duction of rates whlrh would indefl nlfely postpone tbe time when the railways a* a nhol* and by large groups wo^jid be allowed to earn a fair return. ’ 'ir, rioiden pArt fcinany cnnderpned the flooding “long and short haul hill," now pending before congress, l»coau*r* it would make 1t lmpn««tbl<* f- - the Inters*?\ie commerce 'omnil* ‘I'-n, even thnuth it consfdr*rd p tn the public Interest, to author!** the | iallroads to meet steamship compefl j tlon to the Pnrlfto coast through the Panama canal. Canal TYnsihcss *‘Th|s hit! should lie of especial lucres! and * opcern to business men Of the middle wo*.r he said. -'The amount of fi eight moving ’o the fa rifle coast throtffrh the l’anama canal is rapidly Ihrreasinff, This means, among other thing* that middle west er n manufA't ui era and other bu*fne«* ! tnen are being driven out of the mar kets of the Pacific coast hv their eastern competitors and also that western railways are losing s large amount of freight business which would help them to earn the net je turn that thev need and thereby help Ibem to provide the transportation service that the producers and ship per* of w?*terp territory peed. ' Mr. Tf'dden declared that attempt* tn redn* e railroad rates on farm prod 11 r fs were unjustified, and that such reductions Would be particularly un fair to raftroA Of the we«f, whern ■>1 per i *nt of "Ml tnnnnte 1* farm product*. The*® road.*, he *,ild, »re. how eftinttiR more lnvle*ju»t* return* th m either Of the other large group* of rAltroftd*, "There I* no r*fi«on*tite etanrtarrt of tne*!cireni*nt by which pre*ent railway r.’ite* n* a whol* 01 upon »nv large group of rnmmoitltl** ■ *n h' lie!.) to he too high," he it*®t*r»rt. b,v prevailing m«rVf. Pitre* of rontnt.MItle* by wage* »nr| other Operating ro»t* and hv the per COUGHS ARE DANGER WARNINGS tlVPH 8S YhAWS Ol mirpMS [osteopathy Tbs* Voire Jp1 Authority t"ns I eerntfiy Anf’litwent of tb» .1 ^plissl Column V_ . --J I return he1r^ turned prevent railway r**es and especially tho*c in offer* ill I western ferritorv, are not too Htyrh. \vera?e ftslf Rato “The averae** railway rate in this 1 territory i* only .1? per cent hitjher : Mian it was in 191S. while the aver ipp price of farm products j* ;.c , per rent hlfrher and the averafre wholesale pr'f,e or all commodities is r>7 per rent hltrher. Farmers, manu farturers, other shippers and the tra\* ! <*Hng: public nerd not lower • ttes. hut 7*ood, adequate t mp*pon at ion serv j ire. and the railways - ontldently an | pest to their intelligent frond sens*1 ! ->n 1 ktiowledtre of their own «eifinter | for the use of th^ir influence in f a vor of A pnj|r v of refrulatlnn which i >4i-ill make it possible to continue to furnish them frond and adequate transportation Mr. Holden dwelt at lenfr*h on the efficiency of private monarement of he railroad* under the transports j fnn art, a * rompared with frovern ment operation durinar the war. , This venture of government oper ation. he asserted, cost the taxpayers ,,f the country $ j finrt o»n onn direct Jy, and many time* ♦hat rimes that mnrh Indirectly. i” ..—— .... Burgess Bedtime Stories y Hv I'HOHN'TOV W RJ RfiKXI B*w*sr* nf nn^ vtktt submit wmiM | o tnmt {■ nd Rtifjor n^otioft -pp#r Rahmt I Fnjovs i Hunt. fthadnw tho \Voaaol yawnod *nd oou aaloop ninat of tho aftornnnn. Ho had nn roe«il»r i-mo for «1oopfpjr Ho nurla up for a nan whnnnvor h»> happona to fool ^pflpv who»hor ii he hv day hr nlffht. j '|t vrm jut»t dunk now aa Shadow *»ar:od out to hunt for aornothlnv td oat. Ho waa hunyry. Hr uatmlly l* 1 hunirry whon ho awako**« .Shadow ! ho VToanoi i« !^ko Ho\v«ar1 rho Hound In that ho doarly lovoa to hunt Ho ha« a koon ii*rlo n*v*o. and, ■ horo ia nothtner h*» Hk*v» honor than f -id r« >d of r»no rtf 'ho !>■ lo pooplo rtf th*» fjroon Format and follow j with h1a nn«o juat aa Bowpor frtl-i low* tho trail rtf Roddy Fox. fcut * horo a rtno r- 'oat d fforonro oofwoor* Rowanr and Shadow Howaor oil*, evwrvtyjdv what he * doing !»»if Shadow make* no pound. The one he iff hunting meV not know that ho j * «dnir followed until fon late or j slmnd too Sate dbndotv i*nt| awlftW over the enow* i fwletlug and turning. looWltig into! every plane it w*i« poeeihle for an ' one to hide Re i« very vteVer and h» know* he • rlevor. He Ha* boaated that no one ran hide where he munof find them So for a time Shadow #n joyed that hunt. He found the trrok* of Peter Rabbit. They \re»-e old fr»vk«. 50 old that only here and here ronld hie keen little hoee p!ok nil 'he event left by peter'e feet Rut Shadow kept right on following peter'# trail. *‘Tf f follow it long enough T’lt rateh up with him * muttered Shadow There due pm ■ *eem to Have *>een any one etee arottwd here And after all itv * fun to find out j where Peter h«* been and what he! ha,« heen doing 1 hope he h«*ti * left the Green Foreat A* a matter of faet Peter had left the Green P*ore*t He ^.1# i' home in the dear old Rriar Patvh. Rut. even there he would have seen fr'alv enod half to death had he known Rbudow b# Wee*e| w^p on hie tr«fl : Rut He llffn’t know which wo® ju®t a«, w**|). j Whether »*r not RbfMfnw h*'>' follower! Peter ?irr<)** he nnnw-opr-' .ircrt ftreen XfeeHmm to the <1ea» Olfl1 . Tf f follow it Ion* onotiih Pll catch up with him,” muttered Shadow. Rriar Patch f do not know Ton »«• mmorhlnar olao might 'ho attention of Shadow Peter'* trail had led Shadow right up to fho foot of a •all, daad stump- Shadow and looked iff*. N*aar iha 5of* *#p|a round hdta. It wa* a wnall twda MM Shaddow sow it, ‘ Ida’ ?irM»inw1 Shadow n him sat f ‘ I wondar f t * worth wtnla for ma f® climb in thara. That looks tn m« iik’o jitaf tl*a pl*«-a for Whit afoot tha \*ood Mon® Ha ran arm rod tha stump, amalllng rtf it all * tha way ♦round 1U .s 1 • mailing for tha <*rant of W hit afloat th* Wood Motisa. If Whltafnnt living in a hollow in that stump to would havo to go up and down it »ud ha would ;**av© a llttla srant in doing this. “Ha!” ogrlalmod Shadow ogain. and stoppad to small '*pn' oat-aftllK* at 1 <*art»tn pfpca on that old .stump. T small Squlnal! Spull *1 * hat'ar ■hart Monsa' Timmy tha laying Sniilr r*a! haw o.limhad this old stump, wondar 1! 'hat ''.in »a tha antr-idr® 4n hip horn a up rh ara. Anvv'ty I gtias* it n worth looking into. So without wanting anv mora tibia Shadow * iia W appal oagan *o f'llnih m -hat Id stump uwvl that If-:*' round hola • Cnpyriati? 13"5 > Tha oavr story Tlmmv Wukaa Just In Tima Soiled and Mussed Table Cloths-Napkins Also Fancy Linens Many of our hest tablecloths and napkins be came soiled and mussed during the January sale. These we *»!l Friday and Saturday for just half. 2x2, 2x2\'t, 2x3, 2x3*^ and 2x4 Cloths. The regular prices read fi.OO, RTS, 10.00, IS.00 and up to SO.00—hut one pays only half. 511e*l Finn* The January Month-End Sale fr*ture'i’ m*ny thine* that may he boueht for a low price end u*ed the year ’round. Linens and Bedding Linen* end Reddine ere two of the *teple item* that are «nld for a lower price in Janu ary than in any other month. We *uec**t *n ioApection of your linen clo*et and a careful check-up of your need*. There are hut two more day* when one may buy the*e pood* *o advantayeouAly. Chare*’ pur cha*e« are not due until March. # Last Days of the Sale of Bedding I . 81x99 bleached and seam II vCl J less sheet*, all perfect, and of very good quality. The sale price for Friday and Saturday is, -l sy O each— A.ZJ /~> A splendid quality muslin, free VydSvS from dressing, in 42x36 and ^ 45x35-ineh sizes; the January ry rj Sale price is, each— " TJ 4 1 . Wool-mixed blankets of AjI 1.59 A *et of cloth with four napkin* of handkerchief linen; another of center and *ix plate doilie* of heavy linen. Both *et* are *tamped for embroidery. Very special! Flotir Toilet Articles Van?*hiny cream and cold « cream; three jar* for— A.V"v* *J “Bruco" hand lotion; very healing to chapped hand*. . >«v Bottle- 1 9C Pnwrfpr Puffs—* SffSilhh*’ Tontb Zrz 25c r;k. Black rubber comb*, coar*e and fine teeth, each — Floor Shoe Clearance AH Broken Lines Now 4.85 Fv«I*y *fvlr in whirh wr h*vr not » oomplotr lin. ot nvo* i- in rluriod in thU nolo. *nd rvm p»ir in front our own rovruinr sfneW. pin*, ? I I No Winter Coat Is More Than And Many Are Much Less Fsrolusivo Madols far tho prior of an ordinal* oopt. luxuriously Far Trimmad Copt* for the prior of * knock about, pnd lonackpbaut oopt* so las* that if i* hprdl* bo liavabla. That’s P Thompson-ftaldan Sola. 22 Fur-Trimmed Model Coats 50.00 *l*haso pro modal oopts luxurious!* furrad, taitorad h* hand from tho finast of tho sapson’s fphrics, and rich!' linad svlth alt-silk linings Tho siras pro If! to 42, 51 Fur-Trimmed Vs inter Coats 29.50 Tbaso pro among tho kosl vpluas that this storo ha* ava; in p spla Wall made of fpshinnahlo fabrics, all silk-linad and riohlv trimmad scith fino fur. Tho siras remaining pro IS to 42 25 Winter Coats for Only 19.7.c w This group is an assnrtmant nt kmvkaKnu! onpt- and drass onats All of tham pro silk linnet and tnilnrad fa tho standard raejuirad bv Thompsnn-Raldan I vnr* onr is a nas* onat this saasnn and a raro bargain All siras 28 XV inter Coats as Low Xs 11.95 Tbasc aro avarv mat not in the thra« group- above, and at thl* prior soil soil mpidlv The* arr nil.silk linad and some have fut trimming Thr si,.a- are 14 to 40 TMrd Flt>4»r All Lamps and Shades Reduced - i loor and Rridp( Lamps *'3 Less Silk and Wool Hose Now 1.50 Pair Much better qualities of all wool and silk and wool hose are now of fered at this low price. Sport* and conservative weave*. Street Floor Pure Silk Hose «« Now I.49 Pair Roth chiffon and heavier weight* in broken shade* and size*; but wonderful bargain* for those who are able to tecure their need*. FI*sr*r Stamped Bed Spreads 1.79 Of unbleached muslin, an excellent quality without dressing, stamped with basket design. SOxlOO inch sire. A kit of all material* for working Ihi* spread, and in adequate quan tity >S also 1.79. Second Floor \\ omen s Union Suits 3.98 Realizing that the cold weather 1* not at ar, end, fa: seeing shoppe*** will buv this underwear and find need for it this winter and again next season Part wool, and silk and wool made sleeveless with low neck in knee and ankle lengths; o: ankie length with high neck and long sleeves. Street Finn. LWiflon Dresses w 2.79 The hotter davtime frocks fron L Aiglor and from Div They are made of fine ginghams; plaid, checked, o' striped with collar and cuffs of white 01 of self material All regular sizes, and outsize* to SH. Sernnd Fleor Initial Handkerchiefs 39c Not a special g**nttp. hut our entire stock rega**dless of the rnguia: price Met- * ant women * initial handkerchief* o? sheer fine linen hunt, emhroirie-eri Ste** Fln«e Buv Fur Coat? V !tu Payment at H Ftntann iaj September f’rir** «r< Tim thr Inwoi o' tilt VMt, «nrl thorr in nr rh«rjr« tor thr nimmoT Uornjtr of turs «r U«-t«Hf non Third Fl«.r