The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 30, 1925, Page 10, Image 10

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    Bull Market in
^ heat Stopped,
Prices Lowered
Reaction in Foreign Markets
Follows Recent Feverish
Advances;News Remains
Bullish as Ever,
n, rkari.fs i.fvofv.
. nlurial Service Staff 4 orrespondent.
^Chicago Jan 2?—Heavy prorlt taking
1 the bull market in wheat today
r na while a brisk rally took place from,
••■*••• n levels late in the day, the close
' urrd prices moderately lower A
I 'em In foregn markels following the re
« ent feverish advances combined with a.
less Active export trade to attract realis
:ng locally. Mav wheat sold down to
•JO f ", recovered »o 12.047*. and nettled
at f 2 03 \ to I2.U3 ’-j.
Wheat clos'd \ to 1%c lower; corn
\»s 2 to 27»c higher, oat* were 1 to 2**c
higher, and rye ruled t to I 140 down
News pertaining to wheat remained ns
bullish as ever, but th.» technical comb
tIon *<f the pit dominated. «»n the break
however, near th<» $2 lev-'I it vvna evident
fjiat the realizing had been well digested
and the trad*’ was nutek to become aware
<»f this. Trade in grains wn* not aa vo
luminous or the preceding day
Export sales of wheat were estimated
iit 300,000 bushel* in all positions. R>o
nlc* 7'.O.n00 bushels, and barley 700,00’*
»o 1,000,000 bushels Liverpool closed 1 ’,4
to 1 ** d lower. Winnipeg was off 6*4c.
Com acted firm most of the session,
stnl during the last hour shot up as ac
tive support forced free short covering.
Manx trader* have been selling corn late
ly a* a spreRd against long wheat and as
r result the yellow •-••real displayed an
oversold condition today.^.The demand for
cash t orn was miinewhni improved.
Oats enjoyed the biggest trade In many
days anti were regarded at the last ns
having gotten out of the rut. Reports
1 hat export bids on Canadian oats were
advanced 2c. making American oats clo"o
to a workable basis led to extensive short
Rye trailed wheat lower early, and then
Tallied, but the close was lower. Foreign
demand for rye was brisk.
Provisions were firmer In a more ac
tive trade. Lard was 10 to 17 74c higher
and ribs wore H>c lower.
Pit Notes.
Tables from T^ondon continue to reiter
ate that requi«ments In Europe were not
cared for as ^et, and It was Indicated
’hat foreign demand would necessarily
keep up in large volume for the balance
of the year. An item from New York to
the effect that the Canadian government
was ro^sibly considering the necessity of
commandeering sufficient grain In west
ern • amt da for feed, seed and flour, at
tracted attention.
Report from London is that the Brit
ish government has been requested by
tabor leaders to take immediate steps To
provide wider use of the cheaper grain,
together with potatoes and other vege
tables, and to curtail the consumption of
wheat and rye to the limit tint IT wheat
prices are brought down 10 a resonable
• T>emand for rash wheat in most markets
remained fairly active, although locally
premiums eased 2c. In Minneapolis th*1
demand for cash wheat livened after
.-everul days of more or less Indlfference
Mild premiums there were firmer. Tn
. Kansas City prices were off early, but
firmed. Wagon load wheat, in Kansas
sold today at f L S3 for No. 1 hard. This
is probably the highest price the farmer
lias received so far this season In the
southwest. %
The primary run of wheat was con»id
* »rably in excess of last year, but ship
ment* were fairly large Reports from
the Interior have it that the movement of
v heat to market is moderate for two rea
sons- Country roads in the southwest are
generally bad. and al.eo there is little
whoat left unsold Stocks a’ Kansas City
for four days decreased 35.1.000 bushels.
4 MI4 \4iO 1 KICKS.
li;.' I'pdike Grain company, Atlantic <181?.
\rt. Open High. | Low, trios# | Teg
; j j * j
May 2.02 2 04 % 2 00% 2 03% 2 04%
03%]. 2 OS % ; 2.06
Juif 1 1.69 1.73% 1.65%. 1.71% 1.72%
l 7 l .1 71 % 1.7 2 %
>P; 1.6". 1.37 1.52% 1.36%; 1.56%
1.54% . . 1 56%
i i i I „ I
,nv ! 1 80 1 80 1 76% 1 79% 1.80%
11.77 i f. 1.79%:.
July 1 1.5 4 1 56% 1.G4 1 56 1.57%
j 1.50% . .I.J.
L;v 1.32%! 1.34% 1.32%! 1 34%' 1.35
Corn I J I I
' - 57 J 1.35*5 1 '2%
i , 1,85%) 1.18
July 1 %. 1.30% 1.33 1.36 % 1-34%
i 33 % . . i.30 % i :;4%
Se-jr. 1 ins 1.80%: 1.83% 134%
. l.S«*i!.
• »a ts
May .60% f.3 % .59 % .03% .60%
1 .59% .63% .
July .01% .04 .60% .63% 61%
.01% . ..0 3 %.... .
Held. .8% 60% .53% 00 .39
May 1*' «0 16 42 16.25 16.40 16.30
July 16.70 10.72 10.52 ‘10.72 |10.60
nibs * .
May to.00 15,6ft 15.45 15.55 15 65
New York Geneml.
N>\v York. J a n. 29. Rye Flour—Steady;
fair tn .mod. .*9.107? 9.65.
Rye Vlag? . No. 2 western. $1.11%, f.
o. h.. .New York, and 11.79%, c. i. f. ex
W’hea t—Spot, easy ; No. 1 dark northern
v.prlmr. - I. f.. New York, lake and rail,
> ‘a 7 % No. hard winter, f o. h. lake and
•ill. f: 16%; No 2 mixed durum, do,
Xu. 1 Manitoba, do. In bond.
• "or11 Spot. firm; No. 2 yellow, r 1 f..
'••ack. N • w Yim’I*. all rail. #1 47%. No. 2
. .ix-il 11.47 L
Oai« spot firm; No. 2 white, 70c.
It - Steady . No 2. f 19.00 44 21.MU.
Lar»] Stead j . middle west. $10.30$
1 •, p\
Tallow Weak, special loose, 9%c; ex
i a. 9 %c. •
MinnrHpnllft 4.ruin.
Minneapolis Jan 29 -W heal — Caah ; No.
them $1.92% ' 97%; No. 1 dark
Northern spring, uhoicr- t.j anry $2 13%\'u,
.5%. good to «• I * •»i * ■ • 12.01 % 2.12 % :
ordinary to good. $1.97 %$ 2.00 ?g ; No. I
ird spring. $196% ii 2 i%; No. 1 dark
rd Moi tana on 1.9 If 2.18 % ;
arriv 81.93% $2.1* ». May. 1197%
v'vlll. $1.^6%.
• v.rn N'n 2 yellow, $1 .!4%$1 2G%
•jats—-No. 2 white. 55%$55%c.
Bariev 83$ 95c.
Fl ve — No 2. $1.6*. U tr 1 6H%
I iax— .No. i 119% a "4 \
4 hlrngo 1 ash Price*.
hicago, Jon. .9 Wheat—No 2 hard.
* Ox No 4 hard. *1 9ft
•Corn—N 3 mixed, $1 Is; No. 3 yellow,
$i 21 $1.22%
i )* t« No 2 white, tF’SS’^r;* No. 3
white 6 4 % 'a 6 %c.
!l> f• -No • o' «
Barley 9:5 >7 99
Wf!—Tlnfot'iv, $3.73 V 6.60, clover. $55.00
.18 O'*.
Proviemua Lard. $1.99, riba, 816.26:
i.o»l%?. $41.6ft
k;U)M* < itv 4.rain.
!\ h ri * a s City. Mo Jan. 29 No 2 hard,
• 9 * 4‘- 10. No. . red < 1 14$ 2 IP. May,
|; 93%. epllt asked; Juh 11 62%. split
asked, September $1.48% hid
‘"’orn—No. 1 white. $1 19$ 1 22. No. 2
: allow $1 25$ 1 26; No vellnw. fl 1
; 28. No, 2 mixed *1 21$ 1 22. May,
$1 27% naked, July II 29%. split bid, Sep
tember. 11.29% bid
Hay—Market unchanged.
Min urn polls Flour.
Minneapolis Minn Jan. 79 Flour -
20 4$3$c higher; In < arload Iota, family
patent* quoted at $10.6019to.76 per bhl.
'n 9S-lh cotton sacka; shipments 4S.CG2
St. I.oiils Grain Futures
®t Louis. Jan. 29 - When; «' May.
f: 07% 0 2 02 % . July |16$% bid
• orn- May, $17.5*,. July, $137% bid.
Oata—Not quoted.
Clilciign llutter and F.g* Futures.
Chicago, fun 27 Quotnthint furnished
by George F ' laik, J 327 Woodmen of the
World building,
"* FJlGg.
I Fare. I Open. 1 High I Low. ! t'l«»ae.
.77n“ |" * 'l ,r.« ’• ■ 55 H1' .MS
l>l>. II | 37S*i .3-. v .31(1
Mur. I .4 . . . . j.;.!., -31
A pr. i -t......... . . .I .$0%
fer ] !, | .39% .73% I .33%
j «'nrs. * Open. I II gh. I Low. ! «Jose.
.L.n. f 4' . . % ~ 7 % . 31 %
J«%p. ! 127 I .31 .18% .31 J .31%
■ i »J». .... A7%
fee. 1 , 79% .99% .39% .79%
M»tt ,76% , H% ,36%, ,88%
New York Sugar
» Quoin tlona furnished by I F Rsch* A
F !'*4 Omaha Nstiunnl Haul building.
Phone* J a < Ivsnn 1187. .!*». 6119
l Open. I High. I Low. | Cloaa. I Tes.
Mar, ;,«» i? 91 2 99 • «T I ? .1
Mav 3 'U • I - M ri »» «»n 2 .1
Jill.. II* 111* ! 3 14 U IJU
H»p> • ? -» 3. ;» • :« 3 I» ! 3 IS
I*# »r< : 3 ?» i a n i is j 2.
* * h,,'l,R,» f .ll I MM
Quotations furnished by i R A
C 74 utnaha Natlon:»l F1«i<U building,
fa* >iie** Ja< kaun .. I8L 5118, 4.169
x i ( tpan 1 filch | Low. | Cloee ITeat'y.
Me ":«.*• 2 4 95 ' 7 ' 48 78 |0 I 2 7 7 5
*7 ■ • "II* "4 Ml I 24.02 "4 17 24 14
’1 , "4 • * 4 4t 74.31 2 4'* 14 8#
iii"_2 ' H ■ 74.U4 d 1 21 P> * 38 90
Omaha Grain
Omaha. Jan. 29. •
Cash wheat sold on the tablea today
from lR^Hc lower following the action
of the futures The demand was falily
good and a satisfactory clearance was
effected. Recelpta were 91 cars.
Corn sold at unchanged prices to He
higher. The better grades brought the
advance, while the heavy moisture and
lower grade corn was somewhat draggy.
Receipts were 46 cars.
Oats sold at unchanged prices to
higher. Receipts were 3^ cars.
Rye was quoted 2c lower and barley
nominally unchanged.
Omaha ( arlot Sales.
No. 1 dark hard: F**r, $1.94
No. 1 hard: 3 cits. $1.93 H; 1
$1.92H ; 3 cars. $191 V
No. 2 bard: J car, $1 93; 2 cara. $1.92;
11 car, $1 90H; 1 car, $1.89; 1 car, $1.90;
3 cars. $1.91
No 3 hard: 2 cars, $1.$2: 1 oar. $1.11;
2 cars, $1.90H; I car, $1.90; 3 cara.
$1.89H : 1 car, $1.88.
No. 4 hard 2 - ars. $1.90; 1 car. $1.8?H:
I car. $1.89: 1 car. $1 88H; 1 car, $1.88;
1 ca-. $ 1.86 H.
No. 5 hard: 1 car. $180; 1 car. 91.88H.
No 8 white, t car. $1.19; 1 car, $I.1$H;
3 care, $1.18
No 3 yellow: 2 cara, $1.20; 2 cars.
$1 19H
No. 4 yellow: 3 cars, $1.16: t car,
No. 5 yellow: l car, $1.12; 2 car*.
$1.10; 1 car $1.14
No, 3 mixed: 1 car. $1.18: 1 car, ft.17.
No. 6 mixed: 1 car. $1.06.
No. 2 whits: 1 car. 68c; 1 car. 57 He.
No. 3 white: 1 car. 67c; 1 car, 66H<-;,
9 '-are. 56c; 1 car. 57Hc.
No. 4 white: 1 car. 65Hr 7 car. 66c.
Sample white; 4 cars. 64 He; 1 car,
53 He.
No 3: 2 cara. $1.64.
No. 4: I car. 96c.
Hslly Inspection of Grain Received.
Haid: 8 ears No. 1, 35 care No. 2. 9
cara No. 3. 4 cara No. 4, 3 cara No. 6, 8
cars sample.
Mixed Durum: 2 cars No. 1.
Total, 68 cars.
Yellow: 15 cars No. 3. 15 cara No. 4,
8 cars No. 6. 1 car No. 6.
White; 1 car No. 2. 13 cara No. 8, 2
cvb No. 4, 1 car sample.
Mixed: 1 car No. 2, 2 cara No. 3, 1 car
No. 4. 1 car No. 6.
Total, 61 cars.
White: 2 cars No. 2. 20 cara No. S, 3
cars No. 4. 1 car sample.
Total, 25 cats.
1 car No. 1, 1 car No. 4
Total, 2 cars.
1 car No.' 3.
Total cars. 158.
% Week Year
Receipt*— Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat . 91 69 13
Corn . .. 44 92 8 4
oats . 30 40 24
Rye . I 1 7
Barley .1 2 3
Reek Tear
Shipments— Today. Ago.., Ago.;
Wheat . 43 22 33
Corn . 26 19 119
Oats . 3 4 17 43
Rye . 2
Barley . 2 ... 3
Week Year
harlots— Today. Ago. Ago
Wheat . 26 34 17
Corn .201 209 318
Oats . 49 100 fit
Wheat . SI 3 4 82
Corn . 64 26 66
Oats . 16 24 H
Wheat . 100 73 34
Corn .6 4 81 160
oat* . 70 69 74
Minneapolis .. . . 289
Duluth . 63 ...
Winnipeg .344 484 73fi
New York Sugar.
New York Jan. 29 Another advance
of 1-16 to the basis of 4.65c for Cuban
duty paid occurred In the raw sugar
rr.nrket today with sales of 15.000 bags
•uban to an operator and 20.000 bags
to an outport refiner for February ahip
Increased strength and activity de
veloped in the raw auger future* market
which advan. »d at nn» time 4 t.> 7 points
fo - »h« active positions. Commission
house* bought early hut at the advance
there was considerable realizing and
1'uban selling and prices eased off. cloa
in*r 1 to 3 point* net higher. March
closed. 2.87c; May, 3.00c; July, 3.16c;
September. 3.2Gc.
A better inquiry was reported for re
fine] sugar at unchanged prices which
ranged from 6.0^0 to 6 26c for fine
i granulated.
Refined futures were nominal'.
New York l>rj Good*.
Netv York. Jan. 29.—Cotton goods were
In moderate demand tod a.' with some
numbers of print olo-'ha evat-r* for spot
delivery. Sheetings were quiet with an
easing tendency. Yam* ruled quiet and
cosy Raw y Ik declined 10 can's a
oound on bearish reports from Yoke
hams. Mantifa- turerfw«r*f Rayon tarrifi
■ 1 a I silkt products. >\ill take orders for
the second quarter of the year between
February ]0 and 16 and will ad* anen B
and c. grade* at that time.
Buyers expect to place a fair volume
of businea* on men's wear ai the openings
next week and are not looking for very
sharp advances.
Chicago flutter.
Chi ago. .Tan ”9 Following «n ad
vance of 11 c on too score* the butter
market tndav ruled firm, with trading
arlive. Buyers were showing interest In
street stroke, which were reduced a
f »**f !•» Seller* were holding firm end In
•'^t quart* * were asking premium*
over mice* listed The cent rallied car
market wmn firm with a good demand
retorted on f<0 score care which were
*ath*r limited
Fresh butter: 92 *core. 88c; 91 aeore.
"7c- 90 erore. 26* . 83 *core. 36%c; 8*
score 2,7.0; 8J score 7 4c 8 6 SCOT# 3 2c
r>n». rallied carloti 90 score. 31c; 59
score 36*4c: 88 acore 36c.
At. Joseph l ivestock,
Joseph Mo,. Ian "9 Hogs Re
•dpt*. 6.0A heid 10©26fl higher; fop
$10 9.,; bulk'. $10.26© tft on
La Lie Receipts. “.?no bead slow
• lead*- to I’f.c lower bulk nf *t*er*. 17 51)
u10>»n top. fit.00; cow* pnd heifer*.
$3 2 ^ 9 On calve* 16.00® 12 00. stock ertt
*- d feedet v $4 .',n®g.OO
Sheep *nd l amb* Receipts. 8.600
alow tendency higher; Iambi. $17.©o
-Y 17 65; ewe*. $9.00© to.25.
Tnrjwnl lor and ll«*eln.
Aavannah, >ln , Jan 29 Turpentine
Stead} 88. . site*, pope; receipt*, o bbl* ;
'shipments. ", bbl* stock. 11.989 bbl*
Rosin Firm **le* 41 v c*ska. receipts,
13 a*k*, shipment*. 239 ca*ka. stork.
7t 079 cast .
Quote M to H. $7 16 I $7.20; K
37 V4. $7 70 , N. $7.96; WC, ft 30. WW
$9.20 X. $9.40.
New York Metals.
New York. .Inn 29 Copper—Market
steady, electrolytic, spot and futures.
i »% ©Ho
I m—Market firm; spot snd nearby,
6* .6c ; future*. 68.60c
Ron Market steady price* unchanged
Lead Market eaay. spot. $9.75®10 0A
Zinc - Market steady. Fast PL Louis,
spot and futures $7 *>o© 7.66.
Antimony Spot, 16.76c.
Chicago A pot Market.
Lhiragc t*n. 29. Butter Receipts
■ ■-> tuba; laat year $.314 tubs, 4 old
ar*. 8 new cat*: extra* 27%c. standard*.
i\f; extra firata 34®37c firata. 36<©
%c; *3 acore. 3G%c; 88 score. 36c;
'econd* 32© 24c
F,gg» Receipt* 4 078 rase*. last year,
1.7*1 case*. 14 old care. 5 new cara,
firata. 60% $l|r, dlrla 47 ©44c rhe*. 42
?$43c; refrigerator firata, 41 ©42c.
Host on Wool.
Boston. Ian 29 Although business
with some of the larger concerns on the
wool market is rather quiet, other houses
have moved a good volume of stock, l.ors
wools continued to move In aiieable
iinmunt* Klee** wool of three-eighths
giade and H are In some demand. A
*niall lot of three eighths grade ha* sold
on the basis of 7©c in the grease.
f.ondon Wool Auction.
London, Jen 29 A good selection
amounting to 9.166 bale* was offered st
'tie wool auction* today. fjiessy merinos
► old slowly but American buyers pur
rhaaed a quantity of Queensland* *t 2d,
«d. to Hs, Id Acourede w ere Irregular .
There were /aw*;r withdrawals.
__ w New York I'otton,
New York. Jar 29 Lotion Apnt Mar
hot steady; middling. 21.96c. Future*:
Market nln*r.| h«»e% »tea d y,6 © 1 2c net
higher; March, IJ.70© 23 71c; May 24 no©
•J *1? • 1 »J * V. 7 4 24 © 24 ’Jtic ; October. 24 12
®-4 13c; December. 24 22c.
New fork Ron I try .
N>w York, Jar, ;-p Poultry Alive:
Murker firm, fowls, colored, hy express,
"i f 40c; Leghorn* hy eapresa 36c
I »rese*d i. Market Irregular, prices un
C hicago f*oultr>.
Chicago. Ian 29 Poultry Alive, high
rr fowl* 2 8 © 3 8 c; spring*. 28 c; roost ei s.
16%c, duck*. 30c. gers*. 22©23c.
New York C of fee.
New York. Jan -.‘9 < offee -Rio No 7
72%c Asntos No 4, 2S* futures steady,
March, 2064c; Mav. 1 9 28c
lluluth Mix*
Duluth. Minn, Jan J9 Fiat (Jose
January $3 19. February $3 19% Match.
$3 23 %. May. $3 21%. .Inly, $X(J<1%
New York Huliher.
New York, .tan 2$ — It libber Amnked
ribbed sheets. spot, 3ii % *•
New York Miter.
btw York Jan 29 Bar dllvar lie
Nfailcaa dollars. It Via
an. 29, 1926.
Receipt* were: Cm tie Hog? Sheep.
Official Moqda.v 7.476 18.609 7.0*0
Official Tuesday 6.927 23.134 J1.U96
Official Wednesday.. 7.844 15.996 9.192
Estimate Thursday.. 6.000 1 1,000 4.300
Four days this week.2*.266 69.638 81.678
Same day last week . 30.opt 66,006 35,179
Same two w'ks ago..SO,715 9i,711 36.161
Same three w'ks ago.33,916 77.937 36.919
Same day* year ago.80.163 69.157 40,631
tattle—Receipts. 6,000 head. With a
fairiy liberal run of cattle Thursday end
extremely bearish reports from eastern
beef and cattle market?, the trade opened
out very dull, with bid* and sales ranging
from steady on choice beeves to 100 161
lower on the general run of beef steer*
nn.1 cows. Rest cattle here sold around
$10,000. With a. good share of the offer
ings under $9.00. Stockers and feeders
continue in limited supply and broad de
mand at good, strong figures
Quot^lous on cattle: Good to choice
ve? rlings. $9.26010,76; fair to good year
ling? **.0009 2o; fair to good yearling?,
$6.7601.76; good to choice steers. $9,400
in.gfi; fair to good steers. $8.2609.35;
common 1o fair steers. $7.060 8.00; trashy
warmed-up cattle. $6 60116 50: good to
cho.ce fed heifers. $7.2508.60; fair to
good fed heifers. $6 2507.26; common to
fan heifers. $6.0006.00; good to choice
fed cow s. $5.7c 07.00 . fair to good fed
cows, $4.26 ft 5.60; common to fair fed
cows. $2.60 0.1.76; heavy fleshy feeders,
$7,76 0 8.40; good to choice feeders. $7,250
4 00 fair to good feeders. $6.6007.26;
common to fair feeders. $5.6006.50; good
to choir* stockers $7 40ft8.25; fair to
good stockers. $6.5007.36; common to fair
stockers. *5.50ft 6.60; trashy stockers, $4.60
05.26; stock heifers. $4.0006.60; stock
cows, $2.7603.60: stock calves. $4 00 0
7.00; veal cal via, $3 50010.25; bulls, stags,
etc., $3.76 0 5.76.
No, AV. Pr. No. Av Pr.
26 ... . 761 $7 65 35 1157 $8 30
35 .1 157 8 30 42.1017 8 60
18.1376 9 40 32.1172 10 00
6 . 916 2 76 IS.1062 5 00
24.1170 5 90
36 . 774 6 40 9 760 5 70
11 . 769 7 26
33 . 69S 4 00 38 516 4 60
14 . 620 6 50 33. 906 7 30
1.3260 4 66 1 1300 4 16
39. 214 4 00 1<». 327 6 60
1. 4'»0 6 0O 4 375 7 00
1. 240 7 50 1 120 10 00
Hogs—Receipts, 11.000 head. Light sup
plies and an urgent demand from all
quarter? resulted In sharp advances in nog
prices this morning Shippers absorbed
the be6t strong weight butchers at lerg**
lv 25c higher prices, white packer trade
was a trifle slow at moderate upturns.
Bulk of all sales was at $10.16010.70,
with early top of $10.86.
61.. 154 ... $10 1 5 48..180 40 $10 2&
26. .158 10 SO M . .197 i0 10 35
26 202 . . 10 40 80..165 ... 10 60
84 197 . . 10 66 81 . .1 89 40 10 60
42.. 201 ... 10 65 63 .237 ... 10 75
4S 254 10 80 40. .292 .. 1 0 8a
Sheep Receipts. 4 300 head The scant
supply of killer lambs at hand today met
with a ready outlet to nil quarters *t
fully 25c and In some case* as much n?
35c ‘ higher levels Feeder* were scarce
and firm, with aged sheep around Steady.
Quotations on sheep and lambs; Lambs,
good to choice, $1 7 500 17.$6: lambs, fair
to Rood. $16 50017 26; feeding lambs.
816 76# 17.50; clipped lambs, fed. 814 00ft
14.50: wether?. $1 o 00ftl 1.76; fat ewes.
88.60 ©10.36 ; yearlings. 911.75 $ 14.00.
No Ave. Pr.
Hi r»d. . *3 $17 M
S1J («d. . *1 >7 J6
465 fed .. S6 17.5
695 fed . • ■ $0 » **
Rereipte and disposition of livestock at
the Union stockvarda, Omaha. Neb. for 24
hours, ending at 3 p. m . January 29.
Cattle Hogs .Sheep
Wabash R R. 1
Mo. Par. Ry. 2 *»
U. P R R .6° 42 t>
C. A N W east . 1 *
C. A N W.. west . 4* 4 5
C. St. P. M AO. . 31 7
C B A Q. east . 13 4
C. B A Q . west .S3 2b 10
C .R. J. A P . east . 12 4
C. R. T. A P . west . * 2
I. C R. R 9
C. G. W .R. R. . .. * 2
Total receipts 2ro J“-9 16
t attle Hog* Sheep
Armour A Co, .... 1 1 34 2478 294
Cudahy Packing Co ... 1585 1924 2074
Hold Packing Co "04 1239
Morris Packing Co. .. . "63 15"7 442
Swift A Co. . 969 1 585 395
Hoffman Bros. 9 .
Mayerowlch A Vail . 8 .
Kenneth A Mu-ray . 10'16
Omaha Packing <’o. ... 10 . ..
John Roth A Sons .. 2 ....
S. Omaha Packing Co. . 28 .
Murphy. J \\ . 1641 ....
Lincoln Packing Co. ... S3 .
Sinclair Packing Co. ... 3 25 ...
Wilson Packing Co .... 2« .
Renton VS A Hughe* . . 3 2 .
Bulla. J H. * .
Cheek. W H . 17 .
Dennis A Francis 322 .
Rills A Co. 3 .
Harvey, John 114 .
Huntxlnger A Oliver .... 24 .
Inghram. T. .1, "0 .
Kellogg V H. 174 .
Kirkpatrick Bros. 20 .
Krebs A Co. 39 .
Longman Rro*. 1"7 .
Luherger, Henry 8 . r‘ i .
Mo-Kan C A C. Co. . . . 42 .
Root. J. B. A- Co. 22 .
Rosenstock Hroe. 4 .
Sargent A Finnegan ... 76 .
Smiley Bros. . •> .
Wertheimer Jk Degen . 12*
Other buyers . 233 . IO01
Total. 6401 1 1 480 4281
Chicago 1,1 vretork.
Chicago, Jan V (United State* De
partment of Agriculture.)—Cattle—Re
ceipt* 16.000 head, largely steer* run.
liberal supply of good to choice haavlea:
very slow, h'ddirg 25 to 50 lower; ’ear
ling* scare*, b**' youngsters ea’-ly at
111 00. practically no 'heavies soil, she
stock In light supply; cannere and cutter*
steady f*t cows end heifer* steady If*
weak early; spots shade lower; bulls fully
steady weighty bolognas upward to 4 86c;
vealera 2.'.- b:gh*r spots. aOr up, hulk
ir# packers > > I bf'<J 12.00; Itgh' kind
downward *o $ l 0 so 'rf 1 0.7 r.; sejei ted offer
>ng», 180 to l®fi pound*, to outsider*, upward
to $14.60; atockera and feeders nominally
Hog* Rerelpta 41.000 head butchara
mostly 15 to 25c higher; light light and
pig* 26 to 60c up. h'g r>» kers holding
back ; early top $11 in seine held high
er . hulk deatrahle we'ghty butchers. $I<>.$0
0 11 *5 most 200 to 2-1-pound kind. $10 8i
® 10 86; hulk 160 to 190 pound kind. $10 26
Id 40, '!*•«< ra )»'* 140 to !f»0 pound aver
age* $910010.16; bulk strong weight
slaughter pig* 10 9 75; packing *"W*
mostly flu. 16 © I ft. 10; heavyweight hog*
$10.60011 10 medium $10 SOgll on,
light. $$4"®10.78. light light, $».no®
?o 25. packing hog*, smooth. $10,1‘«'6
10 fin packing* hog- rough. $9 86 010.16;
■ laughter pigs. $8 00® 9.76
Sheep *n<l f.amhs Receipt* 10.000
head; ■'dlv*. fat lamb*. 26 to 60c high
er. hulk fa* native* and fed westerns,
f* t lambs 26 to 60f* higher hulk fat
native* and fed westerns $18 0001* 60.
early top to *i Ippers. $1* 76. fat sheep
and feeding lamb*. *’*adv hulk d**lr*
ble weighty *w** $9 76010 60. feeding
lamb*. $17 50®i* 00
Ksnaa* City IJveetock.
Kan*** City. Jan 29 — (Unl^d t*t**e*
Department r.f Agriculture.) < at-t!f Re
ceipts, 4,600 head, calve*. |00 head; fed
•teera and yearling* *low, weak to 26o
lower, mostly 150 25* lower. better grade*
showing ie**« decline; hulk of fed offer
ings $7 50010 00; one load of long year
lings averaging 1 03$ pound*. $11 00.
hand vwelght*. $1 0 60. she stock alow.
*te*dy; hulk butcher cow*. $4 2605 00,
heifet* $6 6007.60 cannere and cutter*,
{2.600$ 76; hulls *te*dy; bologna, mostly
4.260 4 7fi, c*|ve* scarce, artlve, 25c to
60c higher, practical ve»l top $11 00. few
st $11 60; siocket* and feeder* slow,
steadv, top feeder*, early $7 76: bulk
$5 5007 60. ato. k cow* and helfere fully
ateady slock calves. 26r higher
Hogs Re. einta 7.600 head . market *»
five 16026c higher, packer top. $10 9:..
ahippsr top, $10 10. bulk of aales $10 26®
1* 85; good to choice 180 to Sdtl.pound
average*. $10*60 10 90; 130 to 160-pound
average*. $* , 6 ft t .5, packing sow*. 110.26
®I0 <n slock pigs st' "ng $. 2608 00
Sheep Receipts. 3.000 head lamb* un
even. generally a»ead\. top, $17.60; other#
largely at $17.000 17 60 odd lot* of sheep
diaggy and weak, medium ewe*. $8 50.
Sion* City l.lveelock.
ntotjg fMty. 1" Jim. 29 Cattle Re
celpt*, 2.700 head; nt*rk*f active, kll
lera ateady; atockera weak; f»t steer* and
yearling*, $7,00012.26; hulk. $8 00®9 50,
fat cow* and heifer* $4 00010,00. can
per* and cutter*, $2 60® *.60, veal*, $6.00
1*10 00, hull*. $4 00 #f 4 < ■> feeder*. $6 60
n 7 Xo. atockera. 14 40®<i.7f- stock year
lings and calve* $4 ...006,74; feeding
cow* and heifer*. $" 00® 4 50.
f I ng* Receipt* 16.000 head. market.
15 0 26c higher, tor. 110*0 bulk $H>10
010.76; lights $$.600 10 50. butcher*
$10 600 10.80. mixed. $|0 26010 */-. heavy
> packer*. $10 150 10 60. a'ag*. $7 0007.60,
pig* $7 oo®$ on . ... . ,
Sheet, end l.atTiba Racatpta. 1.800 head;
market ateady: lamb*. $17.60; awe*.
K*«t JW. lawila l.lveatwk.
K**» . Ht l.oula, Jan ,20- Cattle R#
celpt*. 1,100 head: heef *t*ers end beer
cow* 16 m 26c lower few rannera,
®2 hulk and practical top light veal
#r* $14 00 other class** stead' tnosi
steer*, $6 heifer- |4 00$ M]h
• ow* $4 600 5 50, bologna bulla. •< «o®
4 60
Itcg* Receipt* 10 otto head aotlva.
gene- ally 15 to 76c higher; most la1* and
• losing s*i*a. I(c higher, ton, $11 •
hulk 190 pound* and tip, $ ' " 19
160 to 1 |n pound* $10 1-00 1 0 76, MO tn
'50 pound*. $9.75010 21. II" to 110*
i pound pig. $* .0 0 9 25 light pig* $. 5°
*jkM packer sow* $9 15 010 On
Sheep and l«nmb* Kecelpta, 2,600 head,
fa* lamb* ,»'0. t" high** * hole#
hraakgn* $1* peat native- $'7 T •«
•ill* I 11 no, ned dm. t » h ' f* •'*
•«. *'« an choice light iwh quotable.
$10. *04 $0,.»
New Buyers Are
Searee in Stoek
Market. Oils Top
No Important News and Noth
in;: Stimulating in Conduct
of Kjtlier Crains or Cot
ton; Money I m-hanged.
in ki<h\ri> HPII.U9H.
I niversul Her* Ice .Financial Mllor.
New Iork, Jan. 29.—The stock market
today appeared cluttered up with long
accounts and new buyers were scarce.
News generally was of no grear market
I importance and there was nothing stimu
lating in the conduct of either the grains
or cotton.
Oils again were leader* hut they aban
doned the assignment early In the day
and after their retirement the market
was left to drift.
Mack Truck continued its remarkable
high Jumping, this time vaulting 12'a
points to 134**. A report that it Is to
lie taken over by General Motors, giving
two Glares of its stock for one of Mack
Truck, appeared plausible, but Pierre Du
pont declared he had no knowledge of
any such proposition. Mr. Dupont Is
chairman of the board of General Motors.
A. drive on Radio Corporation late in
I he day had ho unsettling influence. This,
with another sinking spell by
Woolen anti weakness in Ihe St. Pauls,
gave a poor look to the list.
About the only group consistently
strong through the whole session was
the tnerchnmlisers. 8. 8. Krcsge made a
big move on declaration of a £>0 per cent
stock dividend.
Transact ions w ere In good volume.
Foreign exchange steady.
Money rates unchanged.
Wheat, especiall in the Winnipeg mar
ket. was nervous and overstrained.
Before the break whs checked prices
were off neatly 10c s bushel. There was
a rally from this and then another break.
This break came despite n deluge of buy
ing orders from the country.
Toward the close of the Chicago ses
sion there was a burst of strength In
corn and oats. This was surprising In
regard to oats for that grain has been
in very poor demand of late.
Cotton was dull hut strong. There has
been a pronounced Increase In bullish
sentiment recently.
The futures market was without strik
ing feature.
• 'nffee fairly active and 24 to 15 higher.
Sugar up 2 to 3 points.
| New York Quotations
New York Stock exchange quotations
furnished by J. S. Ha-'he A Co., 224
Umaha National Bank building:
High. How. Close. Close.
A gri Chemical ...17% 16% JH% 16%
A la x Rubber ..11% 11 % 11 % 11 %
Allied Chemical ..81 87 83 92%
Allis Chalmers ... 77% 76 76 77
Am Beet Sugar... 41% 4 1 4! 40%
Am Hr Shoe Fdry . ... 9 5 96%
American Can 169** 166% 167% 145%
Am Car a Fdry.. 200 % 19s % 200 3 9*>%
Am Hide A Heath .... ... . . 12
Am Hide A 1. pfd 72 71 72 71 %
Am Inter Corp .. 36% 34% 24% 34%
Am Linseed Oil.. 25% 2-*»% 26% 26%
Am Locomotive .117% 116 115 116
Am Radiator .. .101 100 101 101%
Am Ship A Com. 11 % 11 %
Am smelting 99% 98% 98% 99
Am Smelting pfd.109% 1*'9%
Am Steel Fdrlea 47 46 % 40% 46%
American Sugar 63 60% 60% 62%
American Sumatra 10% II
Am Tel A Tel .133 132% 132% 133
Am Tobacco . 87% 86% 87% 87%
Am W W A E 35 35
Am Woolen ...... 62% 49 % 49% 62%
Anaconda 44% 4t 44 44 %
A*mJ Dry Goods. 1 66 160 156 3 49
Associated Oil ... 39 *% 58% 38%
Atchtaon .. .119’* 118% 114% 119%
A11 Coast Line 161'a 161%
A G A W f. 24% 24% 24% 24
AH Refining Co 115 111 113% 1)0%
A net in • Nichole ... 2* 27% 2* 28
Baldwin .131% 170% 1.1 131%
Baltimore A Ohio. 79% 77% 77% 78%
Barnadal) A" 26 .4% 2 8 25%
Beth Stye) 1 % 50' * 5-i % 61
Roach Magneto 38 % 36 % 37 f %
Hrook Man Ry . 3 x % .3 7% 37% 3 8
Brook Man pfd . 75% 7 5 75% 76
Hrook Edison Co 128% 126 1 28 1 27 %
Calif Pa- King . .. 101 % 100%
Calif Petroleum 19 28 'a -9% 28%
Cal A A rl7. Min 64% 4% 5 4 * 4%
Canadian Pec ...164% 160 160 160
Central el.ath 19% 18% lx% 18%
Central Heath pfd. 56 65% 66% 56
Cerro da Pasco . .. 63% 63 53% 62%
chandler Motors 3')% 29% 29% 29%
Ch-aa A * *hio . 97% 96% 96 % 97%
Chi fit VN corn l*»% 10% 10% 19
'hi Gt W pfd. 27 26% 26% 27%
Chi A N W . 71% 70% 7t» % 71
c M A St P 14% 13% 13% 14%
c V A St P pfd % 22% 22 % 24%
C H 1 & P 46 45 46 46 %
c St V M A O Ry . . 6 4
Chile Copper . . 35% 36% S5% 35%
chlno i . 24 %
Cluett Peabody . ... 68
Cluett-Peabody pfd lr,3%
Coca-Cola *» *7% «:% 87%
Colo Fuel A Iron <4% 41 4 7 43%
Colum c»rbon 60% 5<i 60% 49%
C'olum Gas . ... 49% 48 % 49% 49
(’ongoleum .41 in 40 41
Conaoli Cigars ... 32 30% r»o% 31%
Cone linn ........ 76 % 7f. 76 76 %
Conti ‘ an .. 66 % 67% 67% 67%
Cont Motors ..... 9% 9% 9% 9
Corn Products .29% 38% 21% *9
Coaden .3 V. 2-2% 31% 33%
Crucible 7o% -3% 73% 76%
<>11.a • ana Sug ... . 11 13
Cuba Cane S pfd . 57 % 2-7 57 67%
Cuba-Am Mug 31% 3')% 30%
Cuyatnel Fruit .... . . 62
Daniel Boone r- S i% 6 % 6
Davldaon Chem 4; , 4.', 18% 4*
Delaware A T.ack 141 1.78’, U8% 110%
Del A Hudson 139% 129 139 . 1 *%
Dupont De Nem 14.'» 142% 14**% J42
Dome Mines . 18% '6%
Eastman Kodak .116 112% 113% 113%
EC- • 37 * 31 % 31 S 31 %
Endicott John 6* **%
Elec S»or Hat . . *.:>% 6.8 6.8 65%
Famous Player* 95% 93% 93% 94%
Fifth Ave Hus H
V i*« Rubber 11% 11% 11% 11%
Flelschman % Y . .. 82% U%
General Asphalt . 40% 68 .-8 '*%
General Ele- t «5 307 30.7% 303 % 304%
General 8fotora . 75 73% 74’a -4%
Gold r »uat . 41%
Goodrich 4 5% 47% 42% 44%
Great Norlhern O 79% 3«% 31% .19%
G» No Rv pfd . 7- % 68% 68% 69%
U|f J»r Hteel *7 % * 8 % *6 % 87
Hart Trunk 3? 31 % 71 % .71
Hayes Wheel ..38% 37% 3| 17%
Hudson Motor* .. 35% 34% 3 5% “&'•
Home Min Co .... . 46 46%
Houston Oil . «•* 81% *8 *3%
Hupp Motors .... 16% 15% if 1%
111 central . ... 114% 115% 116% 114%
111 Central pfd 114%
Inspiration 29% 29** 28% 29%
Int Eng Com Corp 32‘a 32% 32% 7;%
Inter Harvester 10«% I'M 1«7 108%
Int Merc Marine 1*% 12% it n
Int Merc M pfd 4«% 4% 4 5% 46%
Inter Nickel ..24% ?6 2* % }6 %
Inter Paper . . 64 ** 84 56 % 64
Ini I Tel A T. ... 81 »0% 82% •!
Jones Tea. 19 18%
Iordan Motor... 46% 44% 44% 43%
K <* Southern . 38 >4 .37 37 57 %
Kelly Springfield 18% 1 f- 35% 18% . 54’* 84% 64% 84%
He* Ftuhhei 12% 12%
Lehigh Valley. 7« 74% ?6% 7*%
f.ima T.ocomotlve, ••% •* 49 69 %
Loos* \5 lie*. 77 %
!<oulavtll* A V. 106% 107
Ma-k Truck. . 184% 112% 134% 121%
May Depf Store |07% 107 107 104%
Maxwell Motor A 79% 77% 77% 7 7
Maxwell Motor R 25% 34% 34% 34%
Ms eland <6% 44% 4 4% 4ft
M ex Iran Seaboard. 17% 17 17 17%
Miami Copper :3% 23% 23% "3%
M K A T Hy 33% 12 3?’* 32%
Missouri Tarlflc . 37% 34% 84 % 34%
Mo Par pfd 70 N 77 % .7% 79
M-'nigoinery Ward ft*'** 51% 81% 11%
Mother Lnd*. 8% 4% 8% «%
Saab Mot--re 24* ?4? |6? *41
National Tllaculf 49% 41% 69 *»3%
National Enamel. 16% 98%
National I e».| . fftx 154 1 -1 187
\ V Air Drake 6! 5* % 6% 5 I %
N V. Cent ra 1 ..t 23H 1-2 1 • 1:3%
N T . C A St. L. . . 1 "8 % 12*
N \ , N H A H 31 % 3-'% . ->% -it %
North A mar loan 42% 42% 4"% 4.%
Northern Pacific .70 49 49 <♦%
N * w fly..128% 12«% 128% 119%
< trpheum .. .8 "6
Owens Dot ft# 47% 4'-8* 44% 4,
Pacific oil . 48 62 % 83% 6 4%
Packard Motor lfc% 1'» lft% 1ft1*
Pan A mar . 7«% 6*% «“% 8S
Pan Atn * B’* .... 71 69 69% 69 '«
Penney 1 FI Tl _ 4*% 48% 44% 4-’.
Peoples Gas 1 14 % 114 114', 11.1%
Per- Marq ... . . 68 8*
Philadelphia Ce.ftft % 64
Phillips pet . 46% 44% 44% 44%
Pierce Arrow .... 11V* 17% 13 11%
Poetum < arral 96 •* 44% Pf % 94 ’v
Pressed Steel Car 46% 44 65 '>4%
Prod A Ref . 52 % 31 21 31 %
Pullman 14.3% 14?’* IM t 4?%
Punla ftleg Sug 4 4 4 3 % 42% 44%
Pure Oil . 12 % 2D % 31% 11%
Radio Corp 44% «2 62 »>.<%
Fx w 11 Steel Sp 113
Kav Consolidated IP* 14% 14% 14*,
Leading 7 9 % ,'» % 7x% , x %
Leploale 2*’% 19** ?o 20
Rep 4 Sterl f.8% 8% * % i P,
Roval injF'-h N Y il% 63% 2 % t< t %
St HASP 60 % a.. I.„ , „ -
m Hama 4 S w 4*% «8 4*% «. •'
Sr h lilte >•( HI 11 4 % 1 I 4 I I 4 % I l 4 %
Veers Roebuck 144% I *M 141 1>»9%
Shell Union Oil .. 27% "6% 6% 6*,
Simmons Co .. ;13 % 3 3 ’3 % <: %
Sinclair Oil .. 37 8, :■:••* ?% *
Mnc!*lc pfil 91% *»0i* -i‘i% y>i,,
Sloss-Sneffleld . *r. % <5 Xft xftU
— k e 11V (Ml . ? 8 2 ( ’« "« % 2* %
Fiiuth Pe 105% 104 % 104% I •’ 8
South Rail 8 2 8 I % MI % MS
stand * Ml of Dal *16 % * . .. , %
Ml • - I of .1 *'■ % 4 % t . % ».. %
M* Pla;e G'a»a 14** 14% 14, 14%
«-#va-t Warns- 7‘ % . 1 •* 7 ? * 71%
Mfiifub Carh 6*
8- "deb* k# 44 4 48% 4 *
submarine Duel .» ...» .., «... I\
Texas Co 44% (J 4* 4s 47%
Texas tiulf 8 106-% 10..% 1 <* 4 1"..%
Texas A l*ac t • 44% 1' « 4 4'*
Tlmk-B It Hear.. 3'\ '4% ■4% "4%
Tob Products . 74% 74 74 7$%
(Tobacco Prod "A ’ 97% 97% 97% 8"'.*
Trans Oil b % % «
I'nion Pacific 149% 148% 148% J4f
Chi ted Fruit ..218%
i U H cast I Pipe. 1S2 17s 178% 179
(’ S lad Alcohol.. 81% 79’*x 79-* >1%
IT 8 Rubber 42 % 41 % 41 % 4 1s.
jl* S Rub pfd . . 9. 94% 94% 91%
u s 81»*ei ... _r::% 12« 126% 127%
r ,X Steel pfd .125% 125 125% J24%
P la 'upper. 9<i 90
Van.'inlum . 2*% is 28 24%
\ ivfmdou . . 11% s% Hi % 4%
Wabash . 22% 21% 21% 21 %
Wabash **A" ... 69 57% 57% 6x %
Western Pnion .,.121% 12'»% 121% 120%
Westing A R in;. % io:> 105 106
I Westing Kl°' 7t% 72 72 74 %
1 Whit® Kafle Oil . 5n% 29% 30% 29%
Whit® Motor® .... 76 72% 72% 73
Woodworth Co lit7* 112% 114 113 %
i Wlllys-Ovrr .. 10 9% 9% 9%
! Willys Over \ f»1 .. 74% 73% 73% 73%
| Wilson .... 7 % 7 %
Wilson pfd ... 21% 21% 21% 21%
Worthing Pump 66 62 % 6"% 65**
Wrlgley Co 49 49
Yellow Cal* T Co. . el
i Yeiiow C M Co 3 9 s* 39% 39% 39%
Total sales Wednesday. 1 721.900.
Today's 2 4> m. saW 1 859,900.
New York Bonds
New York, .lsn. 29 Rond prices drifi
ed Irregularly lower oday sx profit tak
ing swept over I he list after an early
period of firmness OH company hens,
however, continued in display Independ
• nf strength, most «•? the leading Issue*
working into new high ground although
they failed to maintain their extreme
Renewed activity developed In Mexi
can government obligations although in
ternational bank**! reported no new de
velopments on* which todays advance® of
a point or more would be based. Brazil
ian and other South American issue®
were Inclined to work lower following
I ho announcement that interest payments
would ie deferred on th® $6,000,000 bond
issue floated here by the state of Santa
jCa'harlna, Brasil, in 1922.
Final price changes of corporation
bonds were narrow. California petroleum
t>%a arid Sinclair consolidated oil 6%s.
closed higher but Pan-American 6s after
touching a new top price. fell bac k a
point at the dose. Reports of new mer
ger negotiations in the Southwest stimu
lated trading In "Kat: " issues which es
tablished new high record*. New York
Central convertible fir, St. Paul 4s of
1926 and convertible 4%s and Chesapeake
St Ohio convertible 6s lost ground.
A large advance subscription was re
ported for a $50,000,000 Consolidated gas
company of New York issue which bank
ers ar® ready to offer as soon as approval
of the public service commission is ob
tained. Other offering* which are pend
ing included part of n $65,000,000 Cana
dian National railways issue and loans
for several French Industrie*.
New York, Jan. 29.—Following are to
day's high, low an/1 dosing prices of
bonds on the New York Stock exchange
and the total .sales of each bond:
iL'nlte.l States government bonds in dol
lars and thirty-seconds of dollars )
l . H. Hondo.
(Sales In 11,505 1 High Low. Close.
238 Liberty 3%a.101.18 101.J5 101.17
21 Liberty 1st 4%e..102.1 10119 1M.S0
21 Liberty 2d 4%r mi t i«i of) 101.3
27 Liberty 3d 4%. .101.17 101.15 H>1 17
3ft Liberty 4th 4*4fi. . 1» 101.30 102 on
613 r 8 Treas 4* 14)0.21 105.2 4 100.23
63 U S Treas 4-4 - 156.00 154 31 104.31
If An J M Wks Os 95% 90% 90%
•i Argen Govt 7a.102% 102 3 52 %
14 Argentine Gov Os 9R% 9 3 93%
23 Austrian gtd 1 is 97 97 97
27 Hordes ux • s . * 4 % > 1 % * 4 %
6 Copenhagen 6%s 9 7 94% 9 7
*> Greater Prague 7%s 9.’% 92% 92%
22 R de Janerlo >s 47 94 93% 93%
14 Czechoslovak 8s '62 16**% 155 1"0%
62 Depart of Seine 7s 90% 9**% 95%
22 Dominican s f u%r 94% 93!j 94%
2 Pom **an 6%s J 929 15,% 103% 1“3%
7 1> Canada 6s 62 .. 102% 102% 152%
43 D K Indies *62. 150% 99% 100%
46 1> E 1 r> %s S ’63 9f.% >' % 9 V
2 Frameri- an 7%s 94% 91% 94%
44 Fren- h R*n *« . 15.': 1"2% 1 *'•;
81 French Rep 7a . 91% 91% 91%
87 Germ ex in 7s .... 9'.% 9 3% 96%
9 Ot Con* K P lap 7» >'*% 95% 95 *4
42 Japanese f%a .... 91% 91% 91%
2 Jr pane** «s . «!% *7% v-%
4 Helg im 7%a .... 159% 1 °9 1 f,9 %
24 Belgium 4%s 93% 93% 93%
4 Penmaik 5* . ..151% 101 % 151%
9 Hungary 7 %s . . 90 95 9"
2 v Netherlands 4 • 7 J . 1 5,. % 1 f,4 % 156%
38 Net herla nda 4i* 64 152 % !■•'% \*2\
17 Norway 4s 44 . ]ofl *9% joo
.3 4 Serbs Croats Is . . 65 1 * 85%
22 Sweden '■%, •• 99% 98% 99%
12 Nord Kw 4 % » ... *3% « 4 8.3 %
25 (’aria l.y Med 6s . 79% '.9 79%
10 Rep Bolivia 8s 93% 0 % 93%
4 Rep Chile sa 41 . . P‘V% It.7% 1"8%
2 4 Rep Chile 7s.151 jnnv, J5I
105 Rep Cuba • %» 98% 9'% 9 8%
3 Rep Finland fa ... 8*% '*% 66 %
1 Rep Haiti 6s .... 9 % 93% 93 %
2 Queensland fs 1 0 % 163% 152%
15 Rto Grande Sul 8* 97 i«% 97
6 Han Paulo *» 101 101 151
1 Ha-las Con 8a .. 116% llf% 116%
15 Swlaa Gov 6%s 4*' 1r'' % ’51% 151%
7 K G H A I % s 2 9 1 17 117 117
25 K G H A ( »%s 37.156% 156% l»»e%
27 V X Bt aril *a 96% 96% ?*%
"4 U 8 Hri l' Hv Kl c li 53 ft 2
It Am A*r Chm 7,%' 150% 155 105 %
18 Arn Chn d 6s. 9* 97 % 9*
3 Am Smelt fa .1 "6 l"r. % 15.3%
14 Am Smelt 5s . . .. 96% 94% 96%
1.3 Am Sugar fa .15: 10! % 1M%
?l Am TAT ;>%s _l«|% 151% 151%
34 Am TAT col tr fa.. 150% 106% 165%
92 Ain TAT col tr 4s . 96% 96% >6%
6 Am WW4BI 5s -. 94% 94% 94%
25 Anacon Cop 7a .78 163% 1Q?% 103%
22 Anacon Cop 6a 53.. 106% p6% 150%
21 Armour Dal 5%a .. 91% 91% 91%
9 Auo Oil fa 152 % 15? 102
12 A T A S F vn 4a -9% 4D, 8«S
25 A T A S F ad 4a *3% 82% 82%
23 H A o rf 6s 9;- 102 101 % 102
37 R & O lit as ctfa 165% 160% 160%
24 H A O c\t 4 % a 95% 90% 95%
a Hell Tel Ta . s . .161 % 151 151 %
7 2 Beth H\ cor **•« A 9 % 95% 9'%
17 Hath St p m fs 02% 91% 92
22 Hk!n Ed gn fa A 9'* * 99% 99 %
S2 Hkln M Tr sf -■ 84% *4% **'%
7 Tl n A P 4%a . S'. % h 7 % .
48 « allf Pet 6 % ■ % 1 •! % 15-8,
4 Can North d 4%* 117% 117% T ,
.37 Can Par d 4a 79% 79', 79%
31 C C Jk (»h « fa 15? 16*% in*%
M Cert '.S R%* 161 156% 1'-5 %
5 Cant Par gtd 4s 88 *7% 88
M CAM evt fa 157% 10 f % jo;
72 r A M o vt 4 % a 94% 9>% 94
38 C A A 5 %» 4 7 4 f % 47
6 CRAQ rfg is A 151 % 151 •, 3 n 1 %
f CHAQ gen 4a 86 % »p s •» %
46 • A r. 1 (.» 7f% 78% 7' %
St chl lit Wear 4e «j fi% *1%
*8 CM A St P evt 4 % a R7 % 16 5f
:* CM A.St P rfg 4 % s f1% 76% ;t
If7 CMAXIP 4« 2b 74% 72% 72%
M * A N \Y rfg Rs . 101% |6i 151%
*? Ch'-ago Rys s . . 84% 84% 84%
H faRIAP gen 4« ..83% 83% 8 * %
>6 PrIA P rfg 4s . . . 16 8 4 % «4 %
10 CTHAHK Inc ia 57% ff % f . %
4 2 C At W I 4 s ...77% 77% 77%
27 ( hile • >pper «s 169% «»9 )6|'%
28 CCCAPff, rfg hs f>. 98% 9 9.
R F*ev 1 n Term fa.. 99% 99% 99%
1f< A S 1 fg 4%s 9S 92 % 9? %
9 Cn| OAF. l«t la 106% 166% J(»0%
t Com Pow 4s . 99% 99% 99%
• I nn» Coal Md fa 88% 88% 88%
PI t'nn* Power Rs s;% f?% n-%
21 c c Hug deb «a a»p 161 165% 1 n 1
3* I» A H evt Ra 10f.% ]6R% 106%
2 Denver OAR Isf fa 93 03 93
if I »en A Rlfl (1 con 4s *3% * 1 % 9 %
9 Detroit Kd 1 rfg fs 107 10; 167%
3 DuP de Nam 7%9 168 ioa ing
7 Du^ueane T.lghf fs. 16R% 16|%i6,s%
‘5 Kaetern Cu X 7%* 164% 164% 164%
:» Empire GAP 7%a.l0l 160% 166%
»• Kris gan lien 4a.. f4% 44% 54%
I r- . cv r 4s I* . . 74 78 *4 7 8%
11 Fisk Rubber 8* 116% t 15 110
rf FA F. Coast Rye fa 98 94% 98
2 Gen Fleet deh fa 162 IQ? m2
17 Goodrich f%s 162% 10?% 16?%
4 Goodyear T fs 21 I6f% 168% 158%
4f Goodyear T 8s 41 1?0 119% 176
I Gd T Rv Of r fs .167% 167% 167%
19 Gr«at Nor 7e 8 116% 116% 116%
9 Gregt Northern fs 93% 97% ?%
•1 Herahey <*ho. *• !»4% 16.8% t6j%
18.3 Hud .V M rfg 8, 8 87 % *f% 87%
8 1 H A Men sdl Inc f>s 71% 76 7 1 %
9 Hum • ».I A R .>%# 16j% 106% 161
III Hell Tel t;% *;% »;%
1 111 Central R%e 162»I 163% 16?%
ro 1 «• Chtl.ANO I fg fe 97% 97 % 9i%
III Hi I deb 4 % s 9 B 9 3 % 93%
.1 Inter Hap T is 9.3 9% *> '4
? 8 Inter It T fj» i. ■ % 7I> * ’ ■
85 Int It T rf Ra etpd kx % « 8% fvs,
16*1 Inter A «It N adt fa 7 1** 76% 76%
5 Int A (It N l»t fa 151% 16|% t •'« %
4 Int M M a f fa «*«• 8|% 89%
18 Inter P*|wr rv* Ra 88% 8*% *'%
• K * Ft H A M 4a »2 % 87 > %
8 K C l'A 1. Ra . 98% 9f % 9f%
38 K t* Southern is . 98% 88% 8«k.
2 K c Terminal 4e .. xf>% ff% *r, %
17 K G A Klee fa 1«0 69% 166
1.7 Kellv H lire 8s 98% 91 98
II Laclvde *1 X 1. R%* 96% 9f t*»
1" 1 X A II S d la t* 4 9* % 9* %
17 Liggett A Myers Ra 9 s % 98% 9s %
10 I .out a A N 1«t 4 % a 92% P?%
1 T.otilaSA N nn 4 a 93% 9.%
16 Lou*a G A F. 8s. 92% 9 % 9?%
19 Magma ('op 7s ...IJ?% H»6% 1""\
11 Msns'l Hug 7%" .!"<»% 160% 166%
8 Market Xt Rv 7a 9*% *9
1J Midvale <\t fa 9- , 9» 9'‘
14 Miiwau r: n a i. «• 19% f*9% 99%
1 Minn A H l. 4 s ?%
I M K A Tl fs*’ . 152% 1«?% (6?%
6i M K A T I f G 8 8-. u , 8V »,
|79 M K A 1* Re 3 *( % 88 * %
34 M iv Pacific 1st fs 166% too 166
: « Mo Pec ggn 4s 8 4% *"4% f*%
s Muntan* P Re A 58*, 64% ft*%
•• N »• T A 1 let ' s ! 66'4 166 in.*
\ •» r .9 M S’,s 99% '•l* % *5 1,
4* N T « en <1 4 s 11 a % it % 116%
4'* N V t en tfg fs 1*16% ft % 16.*%
13 \ V t en 4s *3% S3 % * •%
It N Y i’hl A H 1. R%e 04% *4% 9 t %
13 NY Fd aon rfg 4%, 1|< 113% tt?%
8( NY Ml A It 7 s 9«8, !U\ M*,
I "6 NY Nil,VII ,s « fr I 98% 98%)
71 NYNHAlt • vt fis (I M »v % 8n
3* NY It vs ,s rtfs R6 «4 % 4**»
!■'» NY Tel tfg hs 41 164% J"rt% * %
•; N 3 1>I aon 4%» 9. % *». , 5" 1
? V V \3 A It I % S M .-.O' ' ‘ !
N A \N - ><u 4s *8 % 8 s 1 w
I . No 8 m » .| sf *• •'**’. uv 9-' I
19 N.. Pec rfg . s It |6| , 16 i ,
I \.v ps. tt»«r ;.s I • 4. , 3.i . 9 ■ .
4 No Pa- nr tteu 4- '*% '* * *4 4 1
ft uia Ah Litia rff «a tl tl t. J
1? O W It RAN 4s 82% 61% “1%
I . rxrlflf OAF ;».... 94% ?» % 94%
v Pac TAT fa 62.. 93% 9< 0:.
2 40 Pan-Am PAT ta...10f 107% It*. ,
14 I’etin RR A%a 1 l<»% I If % i " .
107 P«nn RR tain 5s 64 98% 9* 08 %
5 Penn RR gen 4%s. 93% 93% 93 *
2 Pete Marq rfg »«.. 9S 97% 97%
2 Phlla U*. fg 6s_105% 11*3 103
- Phil* T%» «• * j s. 95 94% 91%
5 Ph A Read C*1 6a. 100% 10"% loo%
26 Pierce Arrow hr . . 95% 94% 94%
7 Prosed M Car 6s. 94% 94% 94%
II I'unt* Alegte ."4 7a.104% 1"4% 104%
13 Reading gen 4%* . 93% 93 01%
1 Re|i I A .Steel 6%S 9 2 92
26 R (1 W col tr 4a.. 73% 73 73%
13 R I A & I. 4 %s. . H.,% ho % 8.. %
2* St I. I M A c rf 4l 93% 9 % 9.%
7 St LI MAH 4s RAtl d S4% *4', s4%
49 St LAB C pr II 4s A 7 I % 7 I % 7l%
28 St 11 A- S r Ad 6s 86% *6% *6%
41 St La S Fr lac 6a 7* % 7 0
52 St L So con 4s... . *6% 86%
9 St PARC S Ls 4%0 82 % *2% **2%
6 St P In Uep 6» ...100% l""7* 1C* %
64 Seab A L colt 6k.. 90% 9" 90%
26 Saab A L adj 6s.. 7S *7% 7 7%
6 Seab A L rfg 4*.. 64% "4 64
14 Sine Con O co! 7a 96 % 94% 05
19.1 Sine Con O 6%« . 9"% 80% 9«i %
23 sin*' J' L OK . 84 % 84 % 84 %
417 Skelly Oil 6%s ... 1 16 114 114
20 So Pac evt 4» ... 96% 96% 96%
4 So Pac rfg 4h ... 88% *s~4 88%
7 So Pac col tr 4p *6 fc4 •»
16 So Hall gen 6%s .108 1"7% 108
10 So Rail gen 6s ...104% 1"4% 104*.,
62 South Rail gen 4s 76 <5% 7.• %
31 So U*ll Tel rfg 5a 9 7 96 % 96%
6 S «» A \! evt 6 %8 .114'., 114 114
1 Steel Tube 7 8 ...106% 1 "6 % H'6%
17 Tenn K1e<- rfg 6a .101 30'.'% 101
■ i) Third Ave 5a . 46% 46% 46%
7 Third Ave rfg 4s.. 76% 76 76
7 Toledo Edl 7a.I0t% 1'*9 % lft9%
78 Union Pac 1*1 4a . 92 91 % 91%
14 Union Pac evt 4*. 99% 99% 99%
10 Union Par rfg 4* S4% 84 % *4%
12 U S Rubber 7%a..l07% 1**6% 3 07 %
57 U S Rubber 5*.... 06 0 5% U%
53 U S Steel * f 6a..106% 1 OR 105%
15 Utah I*oW’ A L 6a. 92% 92% 92%
* Va Car Ch 7 %s 4» % 40 48
114 Va - Car ch 7a. . . R2 % SI Si
2 Vir tly A I* rfg 5m 94 9 4 94
25 Mr Ry 5s . 95% 05% 9o%
12 Wabash 1st 6». .101 100% 101
8 Warner Kug 7s 1939 8 4’* 84 % 64%
37 Western Elec 6a.. 9S% 9h% 98%
34 \\ eat Marv 1st 4a.. 6.5 64% 6 5
16 WeHtern Pac 5* . . 91s* 91% 91%
4 West Union 6%a.. 11IV* 111 11V*
11 West Klee 7a .108% 108% 108%
.7 W es’ Shore 4« .... 82% 82 % 02%
5 Wlll> a UV 1 f, %*D'0 10" 100
20 Wilson A C n f 7%a 66% 65 65
14 Wilson A C 1st 6s 91 33% -* %
9 Wilson A Co evt 6a *9 68 6 8
9 Young S A T 6s.. 97% 97% 97 %
Total sales of bonds today were $12.
777.O0O; compared with $1 3,360,000 pre
vious day and $12,225,000 a year ago.
Chicago Stock.
Quotation* furnished by .1. S. Bache A
Co. 224 Omaha National Bank bldg
Phones. JA. 6167-8-0.
Bid Asked.
Armour A Co Til pfd ..8 6 8»%
Armour A Co Del pfd . 96 93
Albert Tick . ..217 2-'2
Carbide .66 % 67 L
Edison Co .1 34 % 7 2 5
Cudahy .105 1**5%
Diamond Mat*-h .117 11*
Deere pfd . 8 7 Sh
Eddy Paper . 2! 2 5
National her . 5 % 6
Quaker Oats .340 36"
Reo Motors . 18 I h %
^ wi f* A Co .1 1 6 %
Swift International . 92%
Thompson . 4G 4,
Wahl . . . 16 16%
Inreign Exchange Kate*.
Follow ng are today's rates of ejeoharg*.
** compared with the par valuation. Fur
nished bv the Tetera National bane.:
Par Val. 'Today
Austria .20 .0000161
Belgium .195 *>523
"anada ..3 00 1.00
'*erho-8iovakia .20 .0300
1 tenmark .. 27 1 793
England . .4*6 4 7950
Era tire* . . . . 19' .05,44
Jet-many . . . .. 23 1 .2*2
iJreece ...195 .0175
Daly .1 9 5 *• 4 1 9
Iugo-81avia ..... ... .20 ."170
S‘o rway .27 .1536
Sweden .27 .2699
iwitxerlartd .195 .1936
New York I offee Future*.
New York. Jan. L’f - The market, for
coffee fu*urea opened today at an advance
if 31 to 42 point* on covering b> recent
tellers. v\ho wer* probably influenced by
lirher able*. from Brazil The der-ard
*a* supplied on the advan e to 19.45'
'or May *nd pries* later reacted 15 or 2rt
joint* under real inns: May ' losing at
!9r§e The general market •'losed *» t a
ie* advan- e of "4 to 27 points Sale*
juotatlone: March, 20.84c may. 10.21c;
fuly. 14 34c. September, 17 38c. Decem
ber 10.77c
Spot »ffee. quiet; Ro 7s. 22*4«-; San.
‘Os 4a, 27*46-9,4r.
New \ urk Produce.
N'»nr York. Jan. *79 — Hut ter - V -nr.. r*
e pi*. 8.0*3 lui-n; treanie :- 1 igher than
Bltra*. S9Sff40c: creamery extra* t92
-ore). 39- creamery flrata t«8 to S»1
tcore | 36», *
Eggs—I rr egultr re ojpt* 7,2.3 ''a^ea,
fiesh gathered. extra firsts. 58669c:
’••esh gathered seconds. 63 u 54c; nearby
nennery white, clocel y selected, extra*
fiO’s title nearby and nearby western
hennery white* firsta to average* 55 ^
nearby hennery brown*, extra*.
P»* Ifin coast white* extras.
* * u 59i . f'a« ific coast whites, first* to
► xt flrat* 57 u 51c
Cheese—Steady: receipts 41.983 pound*
4 tilcilgo Pntatces.
Chicago. Jan 29,—Potatoes—Early
morning trading limited, market firm; r*
i-etpta. 4o - art, total !' .w ahlpment*
5»1 car*. Wisconsin sacked round wh;tes
mostly 1! 10 ti 1 1 ' few fancy higher,
bulk round white* few sales, f 1.186 1.15.
Idaho sacked Russets $* *5
4 hlcago Produce.
fhlrago. .Tan :'9 Butter—Market high
»?. creamery. extra*. 37**c; standard*
n\r, extra first*. 20617c. first*. 356
15 5jc; second* 32ii34<
Egg* Market lower- receipts, 8 fi7*
as-* first*. 58 Vj 0 51c; ordinary firs1,*, j
176 40c. refrtgera - -r f|r*»a 4»©42r
New lock ( otton Future*
\>m York Job !l Cot too P i i re
>p# ned *:»*•;.' Mar-- 5.7* May.
!l «ir July 24 25c October. 24.18c, De
ember, 24 12c.
New York Jan 29 -The general cot •
on marks? !o*ed barejv steady at net
ul vs sees of 5 to 13 p ;nts
IJKeety Bond*.
New York las 24. -Liberty bond* at
I p m Liberty 3*x*. 1*11 18. firat 4’**
I'M 3* »e ond 4'** Jill.I . ’bird 4‘»*
18117. fourth 4’** 10131 Lotted States
government 4« 188 2 !■ , l n red Rtatey gov
-rnmtni 4 ’•* * 184.31.
London Money.
London Jan 29 -Bar Oliver 37 7-lfd
,ter ounce
Money 3 Sr per cent
Tuacount Rate* -Rhort M • 3 N 6 7 S T#r
rut; three month* bill*. 3 13 10 r*v cent
k*n*a* 4 ity Produce.
KiniM City. Jan. ?4 Egg* Ic lower,
Cream#rv Butte- 1 - higher. 4! J i!f.
Other Produce l ncharg-d
f”~“ ” N
Omaha Produce .
January 29.
Creamery—Local Jobbing price* to re
tailer* Extra 48c; extra* In 00-lb. tuba,
19-. standards. lie: first*. S*c.
Hairy - Buyer* are paying 24c for No 1
table butter in roll* or tuba, 21&*Sc for
packing etcck
For No. 5 cream Omaha buyers are
paving *4c per lb at country stations; 15c
del tered at Omaha
Price quotable $“ is pe- ,-wi for freah
nvik t**t‘ng 3 5 buttetfat. delivered on
dairy platform. Oniah*
For *ici delivered «t Omaha. No. 1
fresh egg* g aded basts around * « per
Lien Nn ? 30c. freah nark* J»8t
Trice* above for #gga received In nee
0' Ni. t whitewnod r.viM, a deduction f will be mad* for eecondhand rase* i
No 1 egg* mull be good average site. 4«
lb* net. No. 3 eggs consist of small.
Irregular ahaptd. ah run ken* or wsak-bodied
Iff *
In mo*’ quitters a premium la being
paid for eel* *tad • which must not be
more than 48 hmiM old, uniform In a!ne
»»'•! colo* t meaning ell solid colore—all
lira Iky whits. nr a'l biown, and of the
»ams ehade t The ah»ll must b* clean
ml sound, and the egg* we’gh 16 ounce*
per do«#n or ovet
Jobbing prices to retailers- V. S spe
**l, 56c; It. J4. extras, commonly know n
is selects 63c No. 1 small, f-eah, 47c,
’re*h cracks, 10c.
it a Burr*
Faying pries* at. -K delivered Omaha
'otnisl*on bouse* Cottontail*. fl 50 per
ftoaen. jacks. |1 08 per dor* i
Arneri an chee**. tan.-v g-ad*. Jobbing
jtrtceg quotable *• follow*; *tnt:l* delates,
lie. double dala'ef 38c; square prints.
!•< longhorn*. 743*. brick. 18c. llm*
tiirgsre t lb style $' . per tjoitn; gnts*
louveatlc j9c imported RoquefoiL 01c;
Men York white. 32'
m with »oothing, antixeptic 1
v Juit rub it in M
New York Curb Market |
New York Jan. £9 — Itesumpt ion of t he
a<l \ Hix r In the oil shares which was
later «heck«d 1*y profit inking and a re
actionary tendency ui the reM or the
liNi were the outstanding charactex iailca
of today* curb market.
Huviiik of the oils was atlmulated by
th.* posMng of a higher price for Gull
coast crude and reports of another <le
• line in daily n\e».«g« crude production
but closing prices showed mixed <hntig°a.
Continental oil, Magnolia. Solar refining.
Standard «>IIh of Kentucky ami Kansas
and Wilcox oil showed nei gains of about
t io 2 points while Gulf oil. Imperial oil.
Prairie oil and gas and South Penn oil
sold off a point or more below last
nights final quotations.
Further selling of the radio share
reflected the growing belief that ail tbui
good news m sight had been discounted
and the recent advance overdone. T.oases;
of a point or i ore wre recorded by
GubiHer. Freed - Kisemunn. Oarod. Ther-i
tri indyne. Thompson. Ware and Freshman.,
^lazeltlne > Ichled nearly a point despite
the inauguration o dividends.
Weakness also developed In the public j
utility group. Th© now Kl«otfifi bond and I
aharo stock sold down to a new low at j
66%. off 1%. or slightly more than one-j
half of which it was quoted in the ex-1
cited trading a few weeks ■•<«" National,
Power an.I Light broke 13 points to 1*8
and American Power and Light, Ijrhigh
Power untie-, and M IdleweH utilities
were off i to 2% points. Independent1
strength was shown b\ American Light;
and Traction, which closed a point lower
at 143.
New York, Jan 29 Following is the
official hat of transaction;- <>n the New
York Curb rx< hang*, giving all slocks and
bonds traded in:
Sales. High Low 2 P. M.j
100 Abler! Packing. »% * % x #
1 **0 Allied P prior pfd. 66% «;•% 05%]
600 Am dan i K rn>w. . 7 6% 76% 75%
100 Am Gas <v K pfd. 4 5 4 5 4 5
27.6 Am J.t A Tract Ion . 1 43 1«7 142
30®0 Am Pw A Lt new . 59% 5* % ok%
20 Am Pw A. Lt pfd . x« »* >x
9$0 Am Superpower A . 5 5 1% 54%
SOU Am Superpower B. 3«% 36 36
32" Borden’s C Milk... 149% 14- 14x
loo Gotany c Mills A. 4X % 48% 4*%
100 Brook city H K... x% x% »\
loO Car Light. 2 % 2% 2%
300 Cen Pipe Corp.... 21 % 21 % 21 %
400 Childs Co new.,,. 45% 44% 45%
60 < om Pow Corp_J 1 9 113 119
6*» Com Pow war ... 33 39 39
1300 ('on d A E Balt n. 33 32% 32’,
1000 Font'I Bakeries A . 11 o % ltf&% 109
3500 Cont i Bakeries B 26% 24% 24%
10a Con t. Bakeries pfd 92% 92% 92%
200 t urtlsa A perm ctf 16% 15% 15%
1800 J)e y Radio rtfs.. 28% 27% 28
1200 Imbiber •' A R . 32 31 % 51%
300 Implex C A Audio. 11 J0% 10 7*
200 I>u Pont Motor..., 1
200 Imrant Motors.... 17% 17 17%,
1200 I»uz Cr> In* . 3"% 5 1% 20’,
100 Fast Penn Els. trie 65 65 f>5
10 1:I*-.- H a 8 pfd . !■•-•% l".% l".%
4<i^ F*d Metals . % ^6 36
e Ford Motor, C 1 ..'10 509 flO
20 Foundation f pfd.l3<»% ]3o 130
30f Freed K R C. 2* 2/ 27
4 0 A Ga rod i • • 1
700 Gillette S Raz new 65% 6 5 *5 %
J600 i;f,o»ivr-ar Tire. . 29 £*% 2*%
200 tJrennm Bakeries. 17 k 17 17
1500 Hazeltlne Corp . . 42 41 4 1 %
400 Heyden Chemical.. 2% 2 « 2%
1 00 Inter < «*n Ind . . . 1 1 % 1 I % 1 1 %
2oo |nrer Ftililies B. . 13% 13% 1-1%
2"0 Inter Urffin Radio 1 2 % 1 2 % 7 2%
400 Jones Radio Mfg- 7% 7% 7 %
600 l.ehlgh Pow be. .10“% \f'l 107%
1900 Lehigh. \r Coal Co. 47 % 46% 46%
100 Lehigh V C Sales. 81 81 8 1
700 Lib Rai.o Cn Sts. r‘ *% x%
£50 Middle West nil.. 87 86% x*.\
100 Midvale St 1 of !»e| 2 4 2 4 2 4
loo NatT Idstillere ctfs 28 2 X 28
210 Nat l Pw A Lt. .200 196 195
300 Nickel Plate w i 85% 85 85%
200 Nickel 1* pfd w i. 85% 85% 55%
100 Ohio Fuel Cp w L 33 33 33
100 Ret Truck . 18% !*% 18%
300 Rova Radio rtf .. 13% 13 13%
100 Sierra. Pa*- Elec . . 19 19 19
1 r,f< gj( epee Radio ctf». I. % 1 7 % 7 %
5« 0«S«.iJth AT... 9 8 8
400 Standard Pub. ... 26% 26% 2r,%
400 Swift Int i .. 57 3 2% 53
210 Swift A Co. n: no m
200 Tent* El Pow . . . 51% 61
25 Tenn E P 2n pfd 7."% 73% 78%
3400 Thermmdyne Radio 16% i:% 16%
700 Tew er Mfg Corp. .1 9 % 19 %
200 t'nion Carbide 67% *7 07%
2oo Ctd Gas A E new. 3" S3 33
10ft l S Lt A lit nfd. 1 % 1 % 1 %
jno Waid Bak cp B 4 3 4.% 4 3
12p Weal Pow pfd *•> 85% *5%
11' \\ . k Spen S* < % »% * %
3000 Yellow Taxi NY 1 • % J>% 1»%
standard Oila.
8200 Anglo An* Oil 20 * 19% 2*
I800 *tUn- * % , 3%
50 Borne Scrjrmaer ..£30 210 £30
20 Buckeye Pipe 6f% 69% <9%
TOO Chezebrough Mfg 52% '*2% ’ - %
10 I'hesebrgh Mfg pf.1’4 114 114
5600 Font Oil u i . £9 I £4% 29%
200 Pipe . 14% 14% 14%
20 ( berland T . • I4H 144 11 :
£00 Gain* s g «»1J > f *0
4 * " Humble • • ' 4 * 4t% 44%
40 III Pipe Line.146 145 145
1 430 1 mp on Can .. .13 1% 3 29 % 130
£0 In.I IV© Line . . 8 5 >z M3
19460 Inter Pet 25% 25% 2 %
.00 Magnolia Pet 157 i 17
10 \ v Transit __ 76% 7«% 76%
xOO Ohio • *i 1 .74% 72% 74%
loo Penn Mex Fuel 57% 37% “7%
9r" prairie U & C, 256 352% £54%
270 Prairie Pipe Line 121% 126% 121
150 Solar Ref .229 226 227
3it South Pipe Line. 161 10! ini
4€6 So Penn Oil . 194 192 % 195
28700 Stand Oil Jn.i 64% 67% t7%
276a Stand Oil Kan... 44% 43% 44 |
3500 Stand « *. l K' 3 22 % l2-% 122%l
16“ Stand Oil N«b 259 257 259
16400 Stand Oil N T 4«% 4«% C’*
20 St*nd oil «»hio .3 9% 3'.s 35S
160 Swan A Fin. h . 26 ;6 26
8700 Vacuum Oil . 8* >6% 87%
1300 Arkansas Nat Gas. 6% € % 6%
200 Card* Syn . 4 4 4 i
416 Cities Service . 192 19ft 190%.
406 Cit e* Srv H ctfs 19% 19% 19%
600 Cities Srv pfd.. 81% 81% M% j
1500 Cities Srv a< rp .1x9 1*- 3*9
3600 Cities Srv esh .*rrp ?*% 99% 99%
11466*F«lofu Svn . 99 95 95* Syn . . 16% 9 % ! •
^*00 Herby Oj| ,% 5% ;%
176O0#Eng Petroleum ; 6
2706 Gulf Oil 7 ' % 6* % 6- %
14000 Kirby Petroleum . 2% “
’500 Lag-. Pet 5% 5%
looo»L«tig Ain Oil 4 3 4
Ma-fst 1 . Ill M ex . % 7 %
1 "<’• M*>x r*nufc .'4 7 4 7 <
V*n TT.»d tioere 7 9** ■ 1 % 4%
46700 Mutual Ob - f% ’4% 14’* 14%
<0 \at Fuel St O 1A* 1(*9 309 |
l*'o \..„ Bradf- - d 4 - 4% 4 %’
7 "A N M A Arz Ld Co c% «% *%
• Noble . >11 : 1 11 H
S600 peer OR ......... ’ % 1 % 1 %
2r*o*Teen Bea \ »r * - !» j
9n6 Pennnk Oil 1 rp 24% ?<% :i%
loo Red Thinks Oil ... 29 29 29 I
600 Royal Fan ... 7 6% 6 % !
16 00 R\au Fnn 6<) * 4 6%
200 ^alt Creek Con 7 % 7% ; % j
2500 --a’t i re. . }*-,> ^ • % _ .%
“Snow and Colder”— Says the Weather Man.
We Say—**Warm and Comfortable”
If You Have an Ample Supply of
has very little ash. It starts easily and is
long lasting. We guarantee it to give
absolute satisfaction.
Central Coal & Coke Go
Jackson 30/3 >
414 South 15th Stiff^
4*200 Xenesuelaa •* '• \ » ' *
14400 XVilco* tMl - * * I 9 — 4
500'i• T Oil A Of « 8 •
10000* Aris Globe . 1) **
~no Cnlnro Conner ... % _ %
loo Cun* Cop Mm .... JiY •'»% * hi
JIMMI freest n Gold .... "t# "»I ®t*
4«*0*Crc»wn Reserve .. *2 J
tstl icnn Gold Min .. J*
1 ngo* Eureka Croesus ... l* J ■*
;;noo*t juMfleM Deep .. I
H#0O*Uold field Dev .... *
1000*Gold Zone DM.. *• “ * *
3)10 lie'll. Minin* ... 14 1,’* >
100 Hone Hound Co... % % %
ISO* >)*lnd ?.sail Mines ..23 21 22
1000*.111# Con* . 45 4» 4»
1200 Kuy Copper ..... 1’» ) % 1%
lfiO"*Knox Divide ..... 3
800 Mason \ alley .... 7 * 2 t 8
100 New Cornelia .... 22% 22% --'%
mo Nlplssing . fi’x 6% 6 %
lf»0 Ohio Copper . 1% 1% 1%
• s00*F*ly mout h Lead ..77 77 77
1on0*Kay Hercules M . 11 11 11
2Oh#"Red Hills . 2
l000*Keorgan Dlv An... 4 4 4
J000*Hllver Dale . 7
200 So Am PAG... ..7% • 8%
j 4)iro*Hpear hca>l . ~ "
10O0*S»and Silver-Lead. 14 14 14
1000*Tonopah Divide.. 7 •
ion Tonopah Ext ... 3 3
JO0*Trlnily Copper Co 16 15 13
000*1 nlted Eastern 69 64 61
1 "mot s lout Mines It* 1° 10
1400 Cl ah Apex . 6% 1% ft
100 W alker Min. . . . 3 A 3 A * \
1O00 WenUen Copip Mm 2% 2’* 2%
Dotnentie Rond*.
II Allied Parker fts «• 2 % >7 a ft %
2 Allied Packer 8s.-. 92 9 2 9 2
l Aluminum 7.- 26 D‘2% 102% 1f,2 %
1 Aluminum 7* '31. .107% 107% 107%
\m GAK 6s .... 90% 9ft % 9ft %
I Am l«*e Co 7a. . .10*1 Jnft lnft
3 2 f’Al, ft* old,.. 95% 96 95%
. Ain Roll Mill* ft*. .1"’% 101% 101 %
10 Am Thread Co 6s. 103% 10*1% 103%
10 Ana Copper he 103% 103% l‘*3 %
6 Aasd Him Hd *»%» 83 *“ ft"
11 A <1 Ac W 1 5s. . fth 67% ft
3 0 Heaver Jtuard 8 44. 95% 94% 9 5 4
5 Mel go C Paper 6s. 98% 9*% I** *
7 Be h St 7s 35. ..104 % 104% 104 ■*,
1ft Can Nat Ry Eq 7«.lU9% 109% 109%
1 Cities Serv 78 B..166% 165% 1ft 5 %
3 Cl-.e Serv 78 C .120 120 1 2"
25 Cities Serv 7s D 102% 1 "2 % D«2 •*
1«* Cltle* Serv PAL ft* 94 % 94% 94 %
1 Con Gas Balt «%* 105 105 D/5
. Cuban Tei 7 %» ...106% 106% l"fc%
5 Cydahy Pack 5%s 92% 92% 92 *
2 Deere A Co 7%s .104% ' "4 % 1 4 u
2 Det City Gas ft*.. 102% 102% 102%
31 Det Edison ft*_113% 113% 11" %
23 lip Edison 5s_ 97% 97% 97 %
5 Dunlap TAR 7s... 102% D/2% P _ #
* Fed Bug fts 33.. . . 3% 98 9‘
3 Galr Robert 7*_101% 101% D*l%
9 General Pet 6s . . 101 ]0l 101
1 Gratis; Trunk 6%*.]07 * 107 % 17 %
59 Gulf « Ml 5« ... 99 94% 99
3 Lehigh Po Sec 6*. 101% 101% 101%
1 Liggett-W n 7s ..107% 107% 107%
10 Mu Pacific 5s 100% 100% 100%
1 Morns A Co 7%a. 102 J02 lf*2
2 Nat I»i*t Co 7s.. 100% 100% 100% ^
t Nat leather ft* .101% 101% 101 , *
9 No St P rvt 6%s.l07 l«ft% 1 •" •„
9 Ofrin Pow Ss B... 91% 91 9 %
• Pub Ser\ HAG 6 %a 98 % 9» * *>ft \
2* Pure Oil 6 % s. ion’, 99% 99%
" S ha w ‘ en 7 * ..]<•:.% 10“% 1 - * %
? So Cal Ed son f a 9ft % 9" ?
19 Stand GAE <%*..11S% 113 1 I ' %
12 Stand Mil NT ft%s.l07% 107% D*7 -*
1 Swift A- «*o 5*. . . . 95% 96% 9? %
11 Dnlnn Ef .A P 5%* 100% 100% 1 %
5 Pnlted Oil Prod 6s*21 30 Tn
]" \ a4-uun* Oil 7p .107% 107% ' '> 7 ■
. Web M* 1!* «%t if.-, 1C3 lr.3
foreign Bond*.
1 ind Ur Finland 7s 94 «* 94 ft* ?<%
1 Net he rids 6* '72.105 % 1 % 2 f ‘ %
5 Russian ft%s ...,17 17 1“
v Russian 5%* . 1ft 1ft tft
., Swiss 5 % s .101% 101% 7 01%
k Swiss i n . % j 1 >
• Cents a share.
New Tnrk < all Money.
New' York, Jan 29.—Call Money
Steady; high. 3% per cent; iow, 3% per
< *n; . ruling rate. 3% per cent; Hosing
bid 3% per «ent offered at % p-»“
• ent: last Dan*. 3% per rent, all Par*
-jg* nst ar eptati #•*. " pe- rer* ?im«
eadj xed collateral. <0-90 days,
3 %'» % per cent. 4ft months. 3%' 4
per r*-r.t; prime commercial paper, 3 -j
p*er cent
F or C olds. Grip or Influenza
and .'».■= a Preventive, take Laxative
and Proven Remedy. The box bears
the pjgnature of E. \V. Grove. 30c.—
Will Take Off
All Excess Fat
: i - - .w that ’her* ■ a »imp>
, '. • •. *> '*■ e-H for overfat ne*s or* that
f!in> b- used safel* and sncrs’ly b> any
»-.*n '- » >■ s
re- s ' > . ,-h ■ J* * the tablet t^-m r *
th»» n*-w fa -us Mmmoli Prescr'ptio".
Th(*u**nd* rr>en and women ** h year
■rfnt" Rlende" hea’-hful figures by us C
Marruda T*b!e’« You, tue, can »»pect
to reduce step-lily and easily' without gn
g through I-ng * *g*» «f tire*orr.“ •- *. -
tn fLf and atarx.i’ --n die’. M»rn* "A e w .
P'~v. pi ..n Tablet* are void by *11 drug
E *t* the world ove»- st cor dollar a
• on an se< ure them d rect f-om the
Mannola ' c Gen^rsl Motors Bldg.. I>« •
i- - ot M r o Tf- p y: <•' _
For quick and com
plete relief, no mat
ter whetherthe pain
is in the Back
or Side, the
Chest or
Limbs, you
can always rely
on an
A Standard External Remedy
o/ Ore, 70 Vmt,' Standing
Sold by dnxgg^ata *tj e-eery
part of th« etmlirmd erorld.