The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 25, 1925, PART THREE, Page 10-C, Image 26

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    There Is an Advantage In Buying
From Wholesale 1)1*1 rlbutora if
Toilet Requisites.
THE T.e Bijou Beauty Shop, 11*
South lSth Street. AT. 0891. are
retailers a* well a* wholesale
distributors of Inrcto Rapid Notox.
Three expert hair liters assure e
newly artistic shading of Mtlady'*
hair. Mall orders are promptly filled
on toilet articles, hair goods and or
naments In this shop.
"lor Those "ho tare About Their
Personal Appearance—tor Thoea
\\ ho Pride Themselves on Bring
TUB Blanche Beauty Shoppe, .01
Neville block, Sixteenth and
and Harney, AT. !)76«, la becom
ing a popular rendezvous. For the
convenience of patrons who find 1 h ’
time In business hours for appoint
ments arrangements may be made tor
evening and Sunday work. News.
Coats, Dresses and Ensemble Costumes
Presented in New Style Showing of
Store of Specialty Shops
GOI.DSTEXN CIIAPMAN S COSTUME SHOP ha* lovely new apparel for
spring, which Is unusually moderate In pricing. Of that new rose tan
Kasha cloth is a coat cut on slender lines Its full skirt pleated into
solid panels on each side, headed by tiny hell. Natural colored Kit fox bands
the skirt about four Inches above the hem. A ’’find’’ at $59.50. The Prince
of Wales sport coat is double-breasted, 'buttoning with four big leather but
tons, $28.50. Ensembles for spring wedding occasions are fur-trimmed and
richly embroidered and may be eelecled In one’s favorite color, blue, greet!
or natural Kasha. Or. If one wishes the swagger little flannel coat and silk
under frook cneemhlc for wear at husinrss br sports, It may be chosen from
on excellent assemblage offered at $89.50.
FLORENCE PAXTON-SMITH of GoldsteinChapman's 'Millinery salon
presents models of fascinating new stylings—models that attain the
"peak ’ of success. A peak each one of the hell-shaped crowms undeni
ably has a peek that Is fetchlngly crushed into the weaves of straw, the
softly brilliant black satin, the softly lovely felts. Read your latest Vogue—
'twill tell von that the high and pointed crowns are the latest fashion word,
the inlmitible, the charming, the becoming.
• * • i • •
Reducing Corsets in a Diversity of
Models Offered at the Low Price of
$7.98—\ aluCs to $10.
HAYDEN BROS. have an un
usual offering of (he "success
fully-modelcd-f o r-redueirtg cor
sets of tine rubber, flesh and pearh
colored In a diversity of styles. One
may select the laced back with either
clasped front or the slipover style
front—$2.98 each. The sale includes
corset values to $10. Conifortahle ns
can be. they’re sure to take off the
evtrn weight as If by magic—a steady
massage of that unwelcome avordn
pols. * * •
When You’re Married This Spring
You'll Kind Thai Not the .Smallest
Item of Importance for Whirl)
Plans Are Made Will He the Smart
Invitations, Announcements and
OF finest possible quality must be
:he invitations to the wedding,
the announcements and the
at home cards and the personal cards.*
Nabstedt's Studio shop. 507 Brown
block. Sixteenth and Douglas, will fill
every need for exquisite engraving—
Nabstedt prices are modestly low.
« • •
Tailor's Season at Height Prepares
Smart Ensembles for Opening of
Spring Style Season.
LKNEETER. tailor second floor.
1916 Farnam, Is busily engaged
• fashioning the ensembl* In
which Dame Mode will meet the
spring style season—the slim little
frock, the three-quarter length coat.
For the romlng European trip Is a
blue, black and'gold plaid steamer
Coat* for spring anil summer are
especially attractive when leopard
trimmed. A clever touch Is the fur
on the tiny dipped felt hat.
• • •
Luncheon of Delirious Variety De
lightful Preparation at 45c, 50c and
PAUL'S Metropolitan Dining
Iloorn, Hotel Keen, Eighteenth
and Harney, serves a most de
licious noonday luncheon in a price
range from 43c to GOc. Asparagus
soup, Individual pot pie of chicken,
tiny green "string beans, salad of
cranberriea and head lettuce, small
tea biscuits, prune whip with whipped
cream and excellently made coffee
was a most enjoyable luncheon en
joyed this week by your shopping
• • e
When Milady I,eaves for the South
or Sunny (aliforuia She Stores
Her Furs In the Modern Storage
Vault. <
WHEN Milady packs her ward
robe trunk for flitting to Flor
ida or sunny California she is
sure to call up Dresher Bros., Twenty
second and Farnam, AT. 0315, calling
them to get her furs for storage In
their well known modern cold storage
■When you esll on Polly for
shopping—possess your soul In
The first shopping trip on your
request may not yield the fruits
hoped for.
The felt hat
which continues to
he Immensely
smart has the ad
vantage of being
suitable for either
tailored or spoils
wear and it is In
teresting to note
In what a variety
of ways the crowns
are being treated.
Some are dented
from llie middle,
some from three
points o n top,
some are both
pointed and dent
ed, and others are
just tucked In on
one side. Individ
• • •
“Twill Tries” Is
one of fascinating
names given the
new materials. A
navy frock has
quaint trim of red
this one of the
seaaon'e newest
color combina
• • •
Spring's idea of
what skirts should
be Is a pleated one.
Straight In the
back, they arrange
to hare their pleat
ed fullness only In
the front. Pastel
shades of delicate
beauty are moet
popular for both
frocks and coals
of wool, the high
shades In gay de
signs for the silk
en weaves.
• • •
There's a decided
trend toward yok
ing Fashion's
shoulders this
year—a charmful
Smart women
will have none of
the elaborste ap
parel for morn
ing wear—Indeed
there Is a decided
trend to doing
eway with elabora
tlon at anytime
of day or evening.
Tiny girls have s
fashion fondness
for the Slipover
frock which has
Its small check
lngs embroidered
in vivid thread
• • e
The plain satin
slipper dyed to
match one’s gown
is very smart—sil
ver or gold kid is
m m *
Specialist In Hair Dyeing Has Ap
pointment* for Every Hour of tho
The schadeix beatjtt bhop.
1522 Douglas street, JA. 2870,
have a specialist In hair dyeing
whose work has been so successful in
the results achieved that her time Is
fully taken every day.
s • e
Importing Shop a Discovery to the
Art I .over Who Enjoys the «n
iiHiial Moderately Prleed.
THE Nippon Importing Company,
208 South 18th 8t„ has much of
Interest for the woman who en
joys the artistic bit of color, the ex
quisite piece of china, garment of
silk, lacquered tray of box at prices
moderately fixed.
The window has such things to see
She stops and stares in hungrily
Till other passers stop and stare
To learn what makes her linger there.
A rubber duck, most proud and white.
A gaily terrifying kite.
(How they would run and snatch and shout,
The children when she held them out).
Hut she goes slowly past the door,
Isacking a child to buy them for.
To where a shop holds only rings
And chains and such-like useless things.
POVERTY—Margaret WWdemer.
Omaha Fashion Followers Await With
Delighted Anticipation the Reports of Style
Experts Now-Attending Chicago and
. New York Style Expositions
■ I I , ■ New York's has been arranged for the 10th and Omaha fashion followers are .- tiptoe
fore for this is a season that calls for the figure ethereal.
_ 1 -
“Absolutely Giving Clothes Away on Monday”
Startling Message Sent to Clothes-Buying Public by
Chic Shop Owner Just Returned From East
“Must Make Room for New Apparel Arrivals”
T A BOBTHIK. Hotel Fontenelle, Eighteenth and Douglaa. Is n ...rprl.h.g bit of humanity. * nd for*
I . to tell Omaha atvle persona that on Monday the visitors to her shot Kverythtns I" new. of undeniable La Boeehlu elite, "last words
sooth room must be made for stunnlnB new APP**’*'1 Arrlvling fron , n| ' t , ' be overlooked by Omaha fashion folk. The time. Monday
in style from foremost style designers and makers of the world. An opportunity
—the place, Lft Roachiti Hhop. _ » ■ ' — 1 ■ — 1
Everyone Wants the light and
Itright Hat Models This Spring. An
nouncement from Smart Hat Shop.
Thf, h hitman hat shop.
Athletic Club building.. Eight
eenth and Douglas streets. re
port that everyone seeks the "light
and bright" in styleful chapeaux this
-e.ison. Matrons’ hat model* ton.
have their bright tones. A rich black
satin with curving brim has soft
and lovely* roses perched in chic
fashion at one side of the crown, a
dull black straw with tailored brim of
pearl gray ribbon six Inches wide has
a glittering rhinestone pin slanting
through its soft grayness.
Specialists in the Art of Arranging
Wedding Bouquets Quite Coyer •
Themselves With Glory in Creation for
Bride of Week’s Wedding
WHEN one of the loveliest brides of the season walked down the aisle ot
a big churfh Isat week she carried one of the moat, beautiful bride
bo.,net creations ever made by the specialists of the Hess A Swoboda
1'lower Shop, 1805 Farnam. Lilies of the valley thousands of them weje
lightly gathered together In fairy loveliness among delicate ferns a shower of
ribbons holding the fragrant blossoms that fell to the hem of the brlday gown
Roses, most exquisite of blooms from the Hess A Swoboda greenhouses filled
the arms of ths bridesmaid. •
Soft and Gorgeously Clean the New
Sports Flannels and Kasha Cloths
_Must Be Kept_
The l’aiilorlutn, ISlh and .Ioiicm. AT. 45s5. hate excellent facilities for
Cleaning garments of every description. It Is with particular delight
lhat we turn our thoughts to tlidr careful and at all limes successful
handling for this Is a season of «porl* mu] Semlapnrl* toggei > a lime "mm
we rniisl III. lude lo np|H.r. l plans, . leordni; ... . o.l «fien The I’antorlum,
madam, mademoiselle, It Is my pieasuis to Im.uiiucv thvii wml
“Blonde,” the New Season’s Color, Is
Especially Effective as Trimming on
Patent Pumps, Low Cut, Under a One
Strap Fastening; Four Eyelet Oxford
Has Unique Punched Design; Low
Heeled Pumps of Satin and Patent
Are Smart
THOMPSON Hr:i.l>F.VH ahoe department Offer the aeaaon a popular
"blondo" In utltchlbR or, the vamp of ft patent one-atrap pump with
tiny rim of r..lor a "ig.lke" Iteel. patent covered. *10. A four
evelet oxford with Hie annia new heel haa anmrtly punched ttppeia. H".
Cl,I,. Indeed la the it' w medium ItelRht In-el Urgent pump of patent or
art till. III. _
Suggestion of Help to the Dressmaker
—The Finish of Skirt Edge
Ideal Hutton .mil Pleilltu; company, .Id floor, Hrnwn HI"' ’ •*! It and
I1 Dougina, auggeaU tlM p looting ..f adgo tor the nm and daltghtfulb dt
•A -^'Med crepe prlnla A In lit. no tnatler how aklllfnllv It a put In. antoe
v tut I mat a the aymnntiv if there "Pattern Frock a" Pli-otltiR. that a the
Idea. .
Wedding Gifts of Silver Come in Boxes
Stamped With Name of Long
Established Jewel Shop Noted for
_Silver Collection_
MANY t>r the smartest silver w willing g-tfts of the season route In hexes
stumped -Henri, kson" for the John Itenrlckaon Jewel Sho|.. l*th and
t npitol. has long been known for Its extensively beautiful stock of
sterling nnd quality plated wear. A shopping for coffer and teapots was your
friend l’olly this week nnd In this Jewel shop she discovered that their were
to be found every type, design and weight, of both sterling mid plated pots for
the serving of coffee and tea. Ttie prices almost unbelievably low. See them.
Exquisite Stationery at One-Half •
the Original Quotations
ntsriNt Tl\ I! stationery In all shades nut quail,i shaping of • ivelnp* -
and papers Is offered si one-half prior .11 the Matthews li*s*k Store
u;n lUror. There s n delicate lavander with pmple lining- f*n- the
-nvelope, delightful Iso -I* ground for the sllv.-i p.iom>grnni. A* at
square envelope of rreiilit has n brown facing one of blue has rich gold
.SuggestIons' The outstanding fact of ttiis o. cnsloit Is that It's (he fn
stationery sale evrr given In Hits shop, an opportunity to get }J box papet
at (1, $1 paper for Stock fresh and new.
Many Realize the Necessity of Having
Landscape Plans Made Early in the
Season and Are Delighting in
Beautiful Color Drawings of Grounds
SVCH a fascinating visit Lo the 8onderegger Nurseries landscape depart
nient 1912 Karnam. JA. 52521 Many Omaha people reulizmg the neces
sitv of having landscape garden plans made early In the season are
enloving the •'workable" beauty of color drawing plans of the r homes
and grounds which show In detail the varying heights of shrubs, trees end
flower borders, beds, drives, tatths and pools with colors of green peculiar
lo the different growths and the effective massings of the colors of flowers
suggested. Kvery home Is made more beautiful by landscaping for there Is
a type of landscaping suited to every, type of home, the colonial, the bunga
low. and modifications and variations of architectural type* rhe lots may
Sc jOxlJtl feet or a few acres, there is practically no difficulty tn ."electing
one of the suggested plans for any sized lot. The landscape plans are
adapted to the natural features of the lots—one especially pleasing has a
spring with running pool under liny bridges, water lily ponds and quaint
stepping stones. Delightful! , » *
Truly a style for every type this
spring -lace and filmy sheerness for
the dream lady, sturdy tailleurs for
the sports type.
• • *
One of the Jan
uary niagH 7. i n e *
has a splendid arti
cle headed “Some
Practical Maternity
ilothes.” In this
article Inst ructions
as to proper cor
seting are given,
W i l h illustrations
for a dark blue
crepe de chine coat
dress over a beige
frock and a little
dress made apron,
tunic fashion, the
tunic tielng in the
hack is surplice
crossing in the
• • •
Tt is rumored that
w* are going to
make a greater
dls t i n c 11 o n be
tween morning
and afternoon
• • •
Anne Orr in the
Rond Housekeep
ing for February
introdu ces fine
need! rpolnt em
broidery, illustrat
ing different piece*
which will be sent,
stamped on Im
ported canvas,
ready for working,
hut without wools
A bag is $ 150.
Other pieces may
he made from di
rectlons in printed
pan phlets: chair
backs, cush Iona,
• • •
When you buy
vour captivating
ensemble. match
the most vivid of
its bart>artc colors
with a gardenia of
clever fashioning.
• • •
A delicious new
fidded flare s u r
rounds M 11 a d y'a
dainty feet this
season. A warm
beige frock of
heavy crepe has
the slanting circu
lar flare whh tiny
rosebuds of gold
lace at Interval*. A
big soft bow fs
placed alantwise
across the frock. A
smart creation—
« • •
White seems to be
the favorite color
for evening wear,
hut gold and old
p;nks are fast
gaining in popu
larity. ^
• • •
l.arge filagree
beads form the
choker for wear
wtth the chic tail
leu r.
• m •
Conventionalized Designs on Bor
dered Crepes Make l-ovely Frocks
for llir Ensemble Costume Whose
Other Piero Is s Coat of "Bel
Tiip: sii-k; shop, lit: Douglas,
presents to spring fashion fol
lowers enchanting new printed
crepes in all shades and designs, tho
bordered creations so effective, be
coming withal, for tIre under frock of
the ensemble costume, 54 inches wide.
But I’-i yards are needed to fashion
the frock. "Bel Kashinere," the^^
woolen fabric for the swaigfter little
top coat of tiie costume comes in all
colors is the same width as the silken
weaves and should Pie bought In t\
yard length. The season’s last fashion
word. 4
• « •
Announcing Die Presentation of a
Shoe Model Not Before Shown.
THE Penn Delphia Shoe Shop,
Aquila court, presents the new
ly exquisite pump of plain
lines, depending for its decoration
upon a symmetrical heel of the new
"spike" type, the tiny French bow
knots over Its satin surface, these
wrought in a corded weave for con
trast. Fawn, a soft and lovely shade
or black, they’re decidedly attractive
finds at fl'.DO.
• • •
‘•Bobbette’’ Braid Effective New Hair
(•oods I'reatimi.
The deeft reafty shop.
City National Bank building.
JA. 1795, presents the "Bolieue
Braid" which is so softly braided
that it Is almost a series of soft coils
which end in a fascinating curl clus
ter over the dainty ears,
moderately fixed.
To be absolutely sure her close
fitting *|eeyea will not flare at the
I tiffs, milady lie* a pert bow tinder
the buttons,
nA BOSCHIX, French fashion _
authority, returned from New
York, declares for the “Jabot. '
singly. doubly, and if one is pardoned
for the coining of a word or two.
"frontly.” “eldety” and "hackly.*’
• • •
When praised for the'
of materials In styleful spring mod
els shown, Mr. Chapman admitted
that they looked even better when
seen in* his Omaha shop. "Popular
prices the message he sends for
• • •
Mrs. Ki-chs and Relic Hatch of t’ e
Mary belle Tiress *hop are now In Chi
cago and New York.
• • •
Ruth McGuire and her sister. Mrs.
Walters, are visiting fashion shows
in Chicago and New York. An as
surance of many lovely models for
spring and summer.
• » •
Mr McClelland of the Mc.Vvoy Inc .
shop 1" in New York He pmn -'
many and lovely model* now In ti -
making a* yvell a* future smart ne-s
for early club wear.
T:*r* Si*' Pstsr if' *-* W.» Itsrsi *1
t a. js-.tti crtis*