The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 25, 1925, PART THREE, Page 7-C, Image 23

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    Stars Are Extra Bright in Winter Time
I low niHiiy of you have ever happened to notice on any of these clear
winter nights seven very bright stars? They are known as Pleiades and
appear only in the winter time If you are nut out then, go to your window,
push your curtain high and see If you can find them, for there is a special
story about these particular slars that will make you enloy finding them
yourselves somewhere in the big sky that seems to hang so low at night.
Pong, long ago there lived an old lady who had seven hoys They were
full of fun and frolic and all day wauled to play. They really did not want
to slop playing even to eat Perhaps because their mother was old was the
reason that It was always hard for her to understand these lively hoys
she wanted them to learn how to work and they never, never wanted
to work, for they thought life was Just made for them to play. So their
mother scolded them hard almost every day
one day these lazy boys came in so late from their play that their
mother sent them to bed without their supper. Of course, they were hungry,
oh. so hungry, just as children are who play but of doors all the day long.
So the next morning they rose very early and ran downstairs, thinking
surely their mother would give them breakfast She was still very angry
wilh them and so would not give them anything to eat. These seven chil
dren were then very, very hungry and sad, too for they feared that per
haps never again might they have anything to eat
^ Now the mother did not know it, but her sons had been learning magic.
If she had known It most likely she would have scolded harder than ever.
That morning when she would not give them anything to eat they ran out
of doors They began running round and round the house, singing their
magic songs. After a while the mother heard them singing, so she stepped
to Hip door to see what they were doing. AVhat do you think she saw?
Their feet were,slowly rising from the ground, hut they stfll kept on
dancing anil the glad young voices were still singing It seemed to the
mother they were laughing at her as they sang. Running out of door, tar
she was very much frightened, she tried to catch their feet and pull them
back to earth. ,
Up, up they went higher and higher while the mother called to them to
return, hut her cries did not good. Finally they were lost to sight in the great
skies above, where they were changed into Seven Slars. They were named
't he Pleiades. Because those slars were boys who did not like to W'ork they
are only to he seen In the winter time
In ihp spring and summer when planting and reaping have to be
done, IliPii those lazy Seven Star brothers are gone. A'ou m y search the
skies, but you cannot find one. A’nu must decide fo
yourselves what happens. It all goes to pros'
lhal no one should play all the day long w her
there seems to lie so much to do. .Isn't this true
THE 5QH71W Uliy ~ [g|
(), mill.** a trip
«%•!.. a Innul lint lir^itatn* to !♦****«• Iiih
■notlnr -ilono. Jack Carroll anil tin* <■*»
llawkft decide to look after >lr*. Shirley
«1 orinit the editor's u line in • anil lie ilruartN
frelinc nl« mother will not he lonely.
Jack anemia » week at the Shirley home,
then. In torn. Donald. I'Irrv anil Tinker.
After a tinb-ri«le Mra. tet»lrley lirinffa little
lame .limmie liotnr for a visit. I'rmlrnee
end Pulionh- aim spend a tvrrk with the
a«iiiw\v I .ml*. Jim in i«* take* the tio-liawkn
1-«r a rehearsal n 1 Dir I heater, where hia
father works, anil the i-liililrin atay on to
I he matinee. Tile tio-Hawka are nim-h
t ill illril over the day at tile theater anil
I’eehlr to il>r a benefit play for •limmie.
I'atiein r n rites tti•* play anil is tile leail
iiir lad* ami an evening performance is
given nt the Squaw l-mlt'it. A good*
VI aired audience greet* the actors as the
eveiling scene* H(4> ,|iirn.
(Continued from I/ist Sunday.)
This necessitated the immediate
dropping of the curtain, and the vil
lain and the hern rushed to the res
cue of their love, while the house
mng with the wild cheers of the au
dience. Everyone thought it was all
a part of thQ play and wore delighted
with so thrilling a, close.
•limmie. the theater-wise, felt there
Should he a curtain call, and so kept
on patiently clapping hla hands,
meanwhile sending piggy to tell the
entire company to line up on the
at age when Tinker raised the curtain.
Some of the audience had started
downstairs for home when the bell
rang and the curtain rose.
Patience stood a little to one side,
bowing to the audience and then to
the other members of the company,
who were alf laughing heartily. Once
again she sank languidly to the floor,
much of the consternation of the lit
tle chap on the front, seat.
“Golly! the herryine’s got ’enf
again—the villian had oughter catch
’er and not let 'er fall.” lie had seen
a melodrama once and had his own
Ideas of villains.
Doth from the standpoint of the
audience and the members of the
company the play was a. success
"When the front door had closed af
ter the last one of the noisy children,
all of whom had been loath to leave,
the Go-Hawks spent a few minutes
congratulating each other. Patience
w as particularly self complacent: “I d
love to be an actress forever, and Pm
going to faint once in a while to keep
In practice.” *
“f should think you would faint
whenever Aunt Sallie scolds you. but
don’t faint when we are playing.”
JVmald had no desire to continue the
features of the play off the stage.
“If you do. then I’ll have to Invent
something else to catch you.’’ With
these words of Tinker the children
•e pa rated for the night.
Piggy Hunts Disgrace.
Piggy Hunt whs In disgrace, and
the difficulty, now of three days'
/--- \
Coupon for
Kvery boy and girl reader of
llila paper who wishes to join the
tfo-Hawhs' Happy Tribe, of which
•lames Whitcomb Klley was Hie
first dig t hief,
ean secure his
official button
by sending a
1 - rent stamp
with his name,
age and ad
dress with this
e o u p o n. Ad
dress your letter to "Happy," rare
this paper. Over IJ5,IMM» members,
"To Mu he the World a Happier
"I will honor and protect my
country 'a lag."
‘‘I promise to help some one
every day. I will try to protect
I lie birds, all dumb animals, trees
ami plants."
.standing-, had begun to ■sailme se
lions aspects. That certain of Piggy's
schoolmates should doubt his honesty,
when they had never known him well,
did not trouble hint so much as the
fact that he fancied some of the Go
Hawks looked at him a little doubt
fully. Kven about the most simple
matter his teacher’s voice took on a
touch of severity.
Piggy's mother, when the affair
was reported to her by hi* sister,
Ruth, pleaded with him to confess to
his wrongdoing and to tell the trultb.j
Through it all Piggy grew morn *tub
iMirn and silent, hut he believed there
Was one person who would stick by
I him, and that was the Squaw I^ady.
' lie longed to go and talk with her,
hut. had been so embarrassed over
! the whole offair that lie had shunned
' even her society.
Through a missing cent whs
| Piggy’s downfall, the cent he had not
taken, the cent which his schoolmates
land teacher were all inclined to be
! lieve he had. They reasoned that,
since Piggy was the last one to have
(barge of the lx>x of pennies, which
I v hen counted was found to be one
short, who could have taken it. save
(Cepyrifrhf. 1$26.)
(Continued Next Sunday.)
Edith Keblitig of Fitchburg. Mass.,
lilxes to read “News From the
i Nursery” and many other tilings in
| the I la Phyla lid page each week.
i__r= -- ----i: .rr-iTT^:
One of our young (lo-llapka who
live* in Ohio write* to 1-fappyland
ihot *iie <1I<1 not know how many
think* one rnnid leu rn . a hout tree*
in liie winter, ll probably floe* teem
odd tr^ study treea In the winter, for
we are ail apt to think nf tree*, flow
er* and birds much more often in
the Hummer. "When tree* have put
on their leafy dreeee* in summer we
rannnt aee the framework at all and
vet one ran learn ninth tyjrnut a tree
by studying it* shape. I like beat nf
all In the winter to study a tree that
stand* a IHIIe way apart from others,
for then It I* usually growing nat
in some parts nf the woods near
my little hull .e I lie tree* are ho
together that tlrev never tan have a
rhanre to grow a* they should, for
l hey eannut set the iniii and the air
11n.t they need.
I.ook and you will find that every
branch and Iwlg always reaches to
ward tire outer am face of Ihe pyra
mid, where all during lire wittier Ihe
Ireea baby litnl* liitve been sleeping.
They will not often their eye* until
they are sure that spring la here.
Then Ihe |eafy shot* will cover the
lop* of Ihe tree* with rap* of preen,
Kvery hrarirh anti twig thl* aunt
trier w ill he a ill Me longer than laat
year and there will be a new layer
lit wood tinder Ihe biam hc*. It links
and trait*. Next summer you may
hear aotne one aa.V, *’How fast that
tree grow*:'' If you look you will
find It ha* had plenty of sunshine.
Trees, flowers, a* well as children,
need sunshine. l'NCl.K JOHN.
Kdward T-. Maguire of Sr v Re 1
ford, Maaa., goes to Ihe vncuibinn’
ami I* leertiln* Imw to hecuine
a carpenter.
The Trees.
When walking oil Ihe nwd one
I aaw a tree all red and gray,
lla leave* were aalllug tlirovigh Ihe
|JUe little traveler* everywhere.
old, Nharou, Maaa.
i[Fetch's Workshop!
It surely keeps one busy making
toys for tlie children who live in our
neighborhood. Sometimes they break
their toys and then they always brtr.g
them to mend. Mors often they come
begging me to make a new toy. That
is the reason T just finished an ex
press wagon for Jimmie, the Utile
boy who lives just around the corner.
T'se the half of a box for the body
of the wagon and spools for its
wheels. Place two wheels on a
wooden skewer, the ends being di awn
through a strip on the top of the
cardboard bent above it. Now glue
the top surface of the cardboard to
the bottom of the cart. With a pair
of wheels «n tlie front and the back
this makes a very good express
wagon. 1'se any color crayon or water
color that you may fancy to paint the
wheels. PETKR.
BOOK. |_)j
We always like popcorn on winter
night at our house and today I am
giving you a. recipe that you mav
like to try when you’re having some
of your friends In for the evening.
Tracker Jack.
Th?ee tablespoons sorghum molasses,
one tablespoon butter, one half cun
sugar, one-third cup water, one
fourth teaspoon salt, two tablespoons
Boil until It threads and add soda
after taking from stove. Pour over
a gallon of popcorn.
Sometimes Friday or Saturday
evenings when we go skating we
bring tiie crowd back to our house|
and lv **» nop”M ••mcI' an oyster'
stew. Isn’t the winter heaps and
ht'.ps of fu n? Pul.I.i. I
/SLED-BOO-MO-0 tr-*
... . _ \ V
weather Shell f reete in
"wtlL-FOlKS- ) TOO BAD
AN’NOW1!!?0 (THERt ,> A H£AVt
Uet me introduce to you a new ar
rival in the Nursery, Uulu of Hono
lulu Uulu made a long trip from her
native Island to the United Slates In
charge of a lovely lady who likes
dolls very, very much, even If she Is
grown up. For a wTille T,ulu stayed
in the lovely lady's home In the mid
dle west, and then one day she was
given to Janet's aunt. Janet's sunt
thought right away: “Oh, how Unlit
will enjoy the Nursery and meeting
all the nice Nursery people." So she
rolled Unlit In a white tissue paper,
put her In a hat box and, ofter a trip
of two days and two nights, Uulu
leached .lanet's home. Janet and Bill
are much delighted with her. for Uulu
Is very different from the other dolls
In the Nursery. She Is brown skin
ned. wears a short skirt of fringed
grass, a string of beads around her
neck, and twined acrosa her shoulder
and around her curly black head is a
lei, as they call it In Honolulu, or a
wreath of bright orange. You see.
when the big steamers arrive and
leave for Honolulu, friends of the
people on hoard give them strands of
flowers as tokens of their friendship,
and these sre called lels and are worn
around Ihe neck and shoulders. So,
of course, Uulu had lo have one when
she left Honolulu. Then she has lovely
black eyes that open "nd shut. Now,
don't you think It very nice she has
come to the Nursery to live.
Tom end Ned Tin BottMler have
Issued invllations for a skating party
next Friday evening. Just where the
f-- N
Another Way to Be
a Good Go-Hauk
A good (io-llawk is careful
never to rome into the house with
snow or‘mud on his feet. He is
thoughtful of mother and dors
not want to soil her pretty clean
floors or rug*. Ho remember litis
way to hr a good Go-Hawk.
skating is tn take place Is a secret,
anrl the guests are all wondering
about it. Alice Cornelia the Talking
Dol! has already ordered a handsome
new skating costune for the offalr.
I do wish Alice Cornelia wouldn't
llilnk quite so much about her
What has long legs, crooked thighs,
little head and no eyes?
Answer.— Fire tongs.
Thirty white horses on a red hill.
Now they tramp, now they champ,
now they are still.
Answer.!—Your teeth.
A riddle, s riddle as I suppose, A
hundred eyes but never a nose.
Answer.—A sieve.
And Barbara Young of West Ha
ven, Conn., adds a few more.
Whw is a jailer like a musician?
Answer.—Because he fingers the
What great man Is allowed to sii
before the queen with his bat on?
Answer.—Her chauffeur.
Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger and Baby
Bigger, which of this interesting
family is the biggest?
Answer—Baby Bigger, because he
Is a little Bigger.
Ruth Scath sent Billy Squirrel
these nuts:
What two animals always follow
when you run?
Answer—Your calves.
As I was passing over T.ondun
bridge I saw a boat with five people
In it and still there wasn't a single
one In it.
Answer—1They were all married.
My Birthday.
My birthday is a happy time.
It is the day that I may wear
The dress 1 like the best of all,
And carefully I brush nty hair.
Then mother kisses me and says,
“You most give many smiles
Or else your hritInlay will he lost,
And just like any other flay.
“A birthday is a time to give
Kind words and smiles to ev’ry
So mother says—I'm sure she
The way to make a birthday fun.
Four-year-old Russell was very
much Interested in watching his
mother put some fluffy white king
on a cake. lie Inapee'ed It closely
and the next laimed:
tin. mother, hr re is one place you
never lathered «l all. ’
Pe>ier Pofebii
&Y TlARRiy^N ^APy
TTiow-twat's too bad but ill
{ fix you right up in a jiffy- i
1-——Y JI S' start TM'Oi: PUMP
--- OOlflAN
, > ITS BOUT !
. . . . %u4L
) OF WATER ILL MAKE you one -
} WHALE of a SLIDE-hear ME?] .3 'OMVKES
^____s 3 SOME BBIGMT
>}■ ^ FELLER
m : u\, i I 1 77T~
|__to_ J
i*to MY BEST
th' short Cut across tm‘
Letters From Happylani Readers
PI«**«(WHtf to Me.
Dear Happy: This is my first let ,
ter to you. I would like to have a
button. Am inclosing a 2-cent stamp
for one. I am 8 years old. 1 have
no pets.
My papa work* at the Western
South Dakota Commission company
here. I have two sisters and one
brother, Bertha. Kvelyn and Frank.
There's an awful lot of snow on the
1 was glad when Santa Claus caQje
I go to school every day. My
I teacher’s name is Miss Aiphin. I like
her awful well. 1 wish some little
friends would write to me. My ad
dress is Mis© Winifred Myers, Rapid
City, S. 1).. 423 New York street.
Second letter.
Dear Happy: This Is my second let
ter to you. I have two brothers and
on© sister. My brothers* name© are
He toy and Christian and my lister's
name is Dorothea. I lost my button
sc f am enclosing another stamp for
another button. I promise to be kind
to all dumb animals and birds. I go
to school snd I am in the sixth grade.
I like school very much. I am 8
years of age. My teacher's name is
Miss McNeill My birthday Is the
23d of December. I read your letters
every Sunday.—Leonard Johannson,
Bennington, Neb.
A New Member.
Dear Happy: I am sending you *
2-cent stamp to join your Happy Tr ibe
and I wish a Go-Hawk button. I am
3 years old and in the fourth grade
at school. My teacher's name is
Frances Churchhill. I have a dog for
my per and his name is Ring. I have
one brother and his name is Jack and
a sister named Mary. I will promise
to be kind to all dumb animals. I
will close now because my letter i«
getting long. Yours truly, James
Belcher, Route j, Fairmont, Neb.
A Fourth Grader.
Dear Happy: This is my* first let
ter to you. I wish to join the Go
Hawk dub. I am endowing a 2-cent
stamp for which 1 hope to receive a
Goll.wk button. 1 am S years old
arid in the fourth grade in school.
My teacher s name is Mrs. Gameron
l like her because she 1s a good
teacher. i promise to b© kind to
all dumb animals and to protect the
birds Your friend. Wayne Anderson.
Brady, Neb.
First letter.
1 )ear Happv: This is my first let
te? to you. I promise to he kind to
all animal* I am sending a 2-cent
stamp and a « oupon. hoping to get s
pin. We hav© for a pet one dog
whose name is Rat. I am 9 years
<»ld snd in the fourth A at school.
Goodby. Happv Your new member.'
Katherine Silaby, Box 437. Bayard, j
A New Member.
Hear Happv: 1 decided that T want- i
ed to join the go-flaw ks club. 1 wish
foi you to send me one of (h«»*e hut
ions. If you please. Knclosed is a 2
cent stamp. I have one pet dog and
>ome little pet colt* and one little pet
pony. I promise to help someone
every dav. 1 will try to protect the
Mlife, all dumb animals, trees and
plants. From Klvin Miller, Belvidere,!
A New Member.
Dear Happv: 1 have eiu K*#ed a 2 ,
cent stamp and hop© I will leceive]
m v Go-Hawk button leal soon. 1
have done a good deed today. 1 amj
starting in to do them. 1 am 7 years
old Mv birthday is the fourth of
March. I am In the second gl ide at
school. Mv tea* her s name 1s Miss
Verona flecker. Your new friend.
• hnrles Pemberton Arnot, Scribner.
My Pets.
Dear Happy I am sending a 2 cent
j stamp to join your club. I have lots
i of pets. One of them it a pony, her
name Is Lady, and another is a dog.
his name is Ted I named him after
our cousin, Ted. I hav© some ca
naries, thflr nanvee are Dick and Bet
ty. ! am to years old snd mv birth*
dav f© October 17—I.enure Klder, B
F. D. 1 Riverton. Neb.
IJI<©« \itimaU.
Dear Happv I so© all other chil
dren like to be Go Hawk* so I am go
ing to Jofn the club. T *m veiy fond
of animals I have a dog snd 1 like
him very much. So enclosed f.nd a
.‘vent stamp for s pin. So 1 guess
I will slop now fur my letter Is get
ting long Yout* truly. l«arry Bovle,
<511 West Ninth sheet, Sioux Oily,
I .ike© School
Dear Happv I would like to Join
the Go Hawk* 1 have a white pet
kitty. Her name If Snowball | like
school very much. Our teacher's
name is Miss Woodward I am ©end
ing a 2 cent stamp for a button 1
will promise to be kind to all dumb
animals. Well mv letter Is getting
long. *o I will »lose Yours truly. Mar
garet <'oilman.
1 'ear Happy: I want to Join the
- Go Hawk* club. I am sending you
v J cent stamp \ have one pet Its
name Is Dick I am 12 years old
nnd mv sister is 9 Please send me
one of your badge* l am kind to
•II dumb animals Your* truly.
Bloomer Peters. Walnut, la
\ N• vv Go II v w I*
Dear Happv Please ©end me a (Jo
Hawk pin I hav© enchenl 2 cent*
In stamps J w til try to !*• a g«M*l
Go-Hawk Mv name is l.vte (•feller*
Mv iddtess i« at ; West N nth slice!
Grind Island. Neb Mv age I* 14
, > •o* N
Had Iaits nf Fun.
Dear Happy and all good Go
Hawks: I will write to you one* more
to let you know how much I en
joyed the Thanksgiving and Christ
mas. vacations. I spent Thanksgiving
In Dcs Moines and visited the Capitol
building, also the historical building
and saw a great many interesting
things. I also spent a very nl>«
Christmas and received many gift*.
I hope all the Go-Hawks had a mer
ry Christmas and a happy New Year.
I also wish you. dear Happy, a very
happy New Year. Goodin, t remain
Roger M. I.ucas, Missouri Valley, la.
Receives l/cller.
Dear Happy: I got my new Go
Hawk Inittun. 1 was very glad to
get it.
I got a letter from on* of the llttls
Go-Hawk girls. Her name was Alice.
1 was glad when Christmas rame.
My mother was down from Omaha to
see me.
It I* muddy here in Imogen*. Ia.
We had some snow but not lately.
I don't think I will get a new sled
this year. I have an airplane sled,
f had tiettec close now. Your friend,
Geraldine Hilllary, Imogene, Ia.
A Third Grader.
Dear Happy: 1 am a little girl *
years old and In the third grade at
school. I have a little brother a
years old. He was 5 last Christmas.
We had his first birthday party. W#
both want to join the Go-Hawk chib
ar.d I am enclosing two 7-cent stamps
and the coupon and wLsh you would
send us Jwij Go Hawk buttons, on# f°r
Hobble and one for me. Yours truly,
Charlotte Goldsmith. 7411 Stons
street, Falls City. Neh.
Will Keep pledge.
Dear Happy: I am a girl * years
old. I would like to Join vour chili.
I will honor and protect my country s
flag I promise to help someone ev
ery day. I will try to protect ail
animals, trees and plants. I have a
little canary. His name Is Sunshine.
I hope Mr. Wastebasket is traveling
in Kates Park. My letter Is getting
long so I most close. Yours truly,
Kleanor Jeffrey, 117 South Thirty
second avenue, Omaha, Neb.
A Second Grader.
Dear Huppv: I am a little hoy 7
\ear* old and in the second grade at
*< hool. I have one dog: her name is
Dixie and three gold fish for pets.
My birthday is the second nf June.
I promise trl he good to dumb ani
mals. I am sending a 7 cent stamp
for a Go Hawk pin. I would like
very much to find • twin.—Malvia
Shays, aged 7, Kenesaw, Neb.
Wants to Join.
Dear Happy: I should like very
much to join the Go Hawks. I *m
S years old and in the fourth grade
at school, l'or pets I have a dog
named Bunny. I had a cat but it
died I would like to have some of
the Go Hawk* write to me. I must
close for this time. Goodby. —Robert
L Heaton, Route i, Box 1,
Corning, la.
\ Fourth Grider.
Dear Happy: This is the first letter
I have tier written to you, but I
have alwa>s read your section In The
Omaha Sunday Bee.
I am In the fourth grade at School
and have a very nice teacher. I am
s years old. I lust the coupon that
was in the paper, but 1 am sending a
7-cent stamp for a button. MadeKu
Jenkins. JL* South Jefferson Avenue,
Denison, la.
\1 ants I etters.
Dear Happy: Unclosed you w 11 find
two 7-cent stamps for which 1 want
iw.i Go Hawk buttons. I hare read
the letteis on your pace and bars
been very much interested in them.
1 am In the sixth grade *t school.
My teacher's name is Miss Auchmu
ty. 1 like her very well. I wish
somebody would write to m* Tour
ionng friend, Ronenn Heffley, see
| 1". Stanton, Neb.
IJkes Teacher.
lVar Happy: I want to join vmr
<lub. 1 am sending a ? cent stan.p
for which please send me a button.
I go to school every day. I am in
the fifth grade M\ teacher'* name
Is lleolah Kwain. i like her very
1 have two kittens for i»e:s Hoping
J will get m> button *tH*n, Wilma
W ilhclml. Chapman. Neb.
_ \ .
Halits to Join.
Hear Happy Kndoaed find two •*
cent stamps, one for my sister and
one for mvsclf. My stater s teacher
i* Miss Waring. 1 would like to Join
the t«o Hawks club M> father take*
The Omaha IW t ha\e no pets \lv
letter is getting long so 1 will .lose
V« ur friend, Carol Williams, Iko fcJ,
l Albion. Neb.
Good Books for Children
t'hooae on. of those books to reed
««rh week. Perhaps von had bet
ter cut the list out each time
end Uke It with you to >our . it>
library. It Is prepared for the Happy
land lw>\ s and girl* h\ Miw Alice M
Jordan, *upertntendent of children* ,,
Work llioton puhli, likrtuv Tlv*
w -ok she sue test.
A loot. 1. .kt • .lark mid JIM ”
lit« w n k P The I .onceotnrat
lk«ll "
H-'klwIn J* ... ' tMil rt --ok Htwr*
lllll. t\ T tilt tiling a Kh-e."
latnc Andrew. H «'k of K-'n n e **