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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1925)
Girl Sues Omaha Police After She Is Freed in Iowa P Evelyn Taylor, Released on Habeas Corpus Writ, brings Action Against Police Chief. ties Moines, la., Jan. 10.—A $1,000 damage action was begun today against the Omaha police depart ment by Kvelyn Taylor, pretty 17 j ear-old chorus girl, following her Imprisonment here at the instance of her father, llarry Sheppard, of t miaha. Shortly after her release by Mu nicipal Judge Thomas Sellers Saturday afternoon on a writ of habeas corpus, she signed a t>etltion la the office of her attorney, John Pendergast, claiming malicious prose cution# and naming Chief of Police Van Oeusen of Omaha. Officials En Route. officials fram Omaha, unaware of her relnse, were meanwhile reported on their way here to return her to that city. They were expected to ar rive some time Saturday night. The writ of habeas corpus i^as ob tained by Pendergast late Saturday afternoon after the girl had spent nearly 2-1 hours in the city jail follow ing her arrest at a local theater Fri day night, when she was taken from her position in the chorus during the show by two detectives. At the close of a hearing on the writ in municipal court she was dis missed from custody by Judge Sellers on tlie grounds that there was no’ ^ evidence of a legitimate charge against ttie girl. Judge Sellers held that she was not subject to the Jurisdiction of juvenile authorities, at Omaha and is no longer under con trol of her parents because of the fac$ that she is a married woman, thereby claiming a legal majority. Returns to Position. Kvelyn returned to her position in the chorus of the ‘'Funny Folks’’ re vue at the Majestic treater last night foil awing her experience. She de clared her intention of remaining with the show and following her stage ca reer despite any efforts of her father to force her return home. "They ran me away from home and I don’t see how they can expect to force me back now that I am making my own way,’’ she said. When the officers from Omaha ar rive they will be compelled to return empty-handed, bearing to her Irate parent the information that she is again free to pursue her theatrical career. ()0 Attend 47th Sig Chi Jubilee Fraternity Frolic to Termi nate ate Noon ^X itli For mal Initiation. Col. .T. M. Banister. A. V. Sho'lwell and Alex Sharpe of Chicago were the principal speakers at a Sigma Chi college fraternity banquet in the llrandeis restaurant last night. The banquet was held by the Oma ha alumni chapter in honor of the 47th anniversary of the establishing of the University of Xebraska chap ter at Lincoln. Ninety men attended. Of this number 24 were member* of tlie active chapter at Lincoln and 30 are youths from Technical. Central, freight and Council Bluffs High schools planning on entering college next fall. "University authorities have at last realized that fraternities are a nec essary adjunct to college life," said Air. Sharpe, who represented the grand chapter and came as personal envoy of Postmaster General Harry S. New, national head of the fra ternity. The Sigma Chi Jubilee will tie con tinued today when two pledges are iniliated In the Home hotel ballroom at 11:30 after whleh a buffet lunch eon will be served. DAUGHTER GETS PORTER ESTATE T,os Angeles, Cal., Jan. 10.—The entire estate of Gene Stratton Por ter, novelist and naturalist, who was killed here early last month In n traffic accident, was left to a daugh ter, Jeanette Porter Mehan, of this city, according to a will eflled for probate today. The value of the estate was listed lit more than 123,000 and its Income HI about $10,000 a year. In willing her properly to her daughter, the authoress made a nota tion "Trusting her to carry out toy Instructions to her, as to provision Is made for her children." Actress Seeks Divorce. Los Angeles, Cal., Jan, 10.—Alma Rubens, screen actress, whose off stage name is Alma Goodman, today applied to the superior court here for h divorce from her husband, Daniel c Goodman. She alleges Goodman started heating her on* their honey moon after their marriage at Green wlcli. Conn., August 12. 1023. The Goodmans separated In January, 1024, On Omaha Screens | It im l^o—"Husbands and Lovers, with Lewis Stone. Florence Vidor and J.ew Cody. A comedy drama of home life. Strand—"Her Night of Romance, with Constance Talmadge. A comedy wiili some hilarious situations. Sun—"The Naglgator, ' Muster Ken ton's latest comedy, full of good laughs. World—"The Rose of Paris,” with Muy Philliln. A story with s Cln derella twist. * Kinpress— Her Own TYre Will,' with Helen Chadwick. Moon—Opens Friday with Tom Mix In ' Oh You Tony." Mils*—"The Conqueror," with Wll llnm 1'nrnnm, Monday, "Along Cam® Ruth," with Viola Dana. Tuesday and Wednesday. "Wine of Youth," with Kleanor Bosrdrnan, Thursday, Friday end Haturday. t--y ^ ork Starts on Midland Dormitorv j <-- -; Fremont, Neb., Jan. 11.—The above is the new $75,000 “Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Luekey dormitory” of Midland college as it will appear when com pleted some time this year. The foundation has already been laid and work will progress as rapidly as possible. With the completion of the new gym nasium-commons building, the dormitory will form the second step in Mid land's building program. Mr. and Mrs. Luekey contributed $50,000 to Mid land in the recent campaign toward erection of a dormitory. Mr. Luekey, who recently became treasurer.of the college, returned from California this last week where he inspected college buildings at the Cnlverslty of Califor nia and Leland Stanford, seeking ideas for the erection of a Carnegie library, contemplated at Midland in the near future. Chic Sale Scores Orpheuni Success Popular Comedian Stops Show VI iili Clever Lines; Two Good Dance Acts. Charles (Chit*) Sale, one of the most popular entertainers of the vau deville stage. Is accompanied at the Orpheuni tills week by six other ails, each of which scored in Its particular way at the opening on Sunday. The new hill deserves real praise. Sale has developed his art of^merry making into a classic. His natural ness is his strength. He can arouse billows of laughter without the least suggestion ot anything that might be considered off color. He appear first as a rural school teacher and then makes quick changes into the charac ters of a boy, a girl and lastly that of an elderly man, Anyone with n grouch, tired feeling, or a case of nerves Is advised to go to the Or pheum this week and laugh his troubles away with Sale. There are two excellent dancing acts, one by Deno anil Rochelle, with the Deno brothers and Yal Adley's or chestra, and the other Fred Rabb, l.ois Syrell and Iris Rorralne In "A Medley of Steps.'* The dance drama,1 with orchestral accompanimerft, given In closing by the Deno and Rochelle act, scored a genuine hit. Several of the Babb, Syrell and l.or raine features likewise brought forth unstinted expression of approval. Frank and Teddy Sablni offer their new version of *'I Quit," which is a merry melange of clowning, vocal nml instrumental numbers, and clever tVimedy ideas. Miss Sablni is versa tile and she hHS pleasing lines—one kind you hear and the other you see. Arthur Green and Anna LaJcll were popular, the former as a whimsiral pianist and the latter for her endow ment of appearance and talent as vo calist. Birdie Reeve, said to hr the faster operator of a typewriter, offers a nov elty. This little miss is in her teens and Is a wonder in her line. Johnson ami Raker open the hill with a snap py demonstration of a skill hale. COUNCIL MAY OPPOSE DUNN John T. Dunn, former member of the police department, who was ap pointed fire warden by Cormnission er Butler Friday, will meet some op position when his name is placed be fore the other commissioners for confirmation, one commissioner ad mitted Saturday night. Butler discharged John Trouton, who was fire warden for nine years, and operated without, a warden after he took over tlie fire department. If is said the opposition to Dunn will center on the fact that he has had no experience in a fire department. Bigler surprised his fellow com missioners when he appointed Dunn and put him to work Friday without asking confirmation of the other commissioners. Dunlap Woman Dice. Mrs. B. K. McElroy, Dunlap. Ta. died Friday night after a lingering illness of three months. She U the mother of Mrs. Robert Dozier of Omaha. She is also survived by two sisters, Miss Jennie Kerren and Mrs Margaret Patterson, hot it of Omaha, three sons, Mr. H. K. McElroy and Mr. W. B. McElroy of Kansas ('Ity and Mr. A. 1 >. McElroy of New York; three daughters, Mrs. M. VV. Small of Dunlap, la.. arid Mrs. F. II. De(,'ou and Mrs. p. M Tank of Kansas Pity The funeral will be held Monday morning at Dunlap. la. Sprinkler Ring* Alarm. Fire departments dashed to the I'nlted /"bates Army (quartermaster depot at Twenty second and Hickory streets shortly after midnight, only to discover that the sprinkler system had broken and an alarm automatic ally turned in. ,—— Heavy Fog Slows Auto Traffic in Omaha A heavy fog set l led down over Omaha at about 10 Saturday evening, slowing up motor car and street car traffic, and making sight of objects more than 10 feet distant difficult. In the fog street lights could hard lv be discerned at a distance of half a block. Despite the fact that vc hlcl*f of all sorts slowed down many narrow escapes from collisions were observed. , The fog seemed *n little less detiAe |nt 12:30, but continued to hang on with a tenacity which lias made those of f/ondon and Han Fiancisco famous. I Character Artist Tops World Bill Charles T. Aldrich Shares Honors Willi Spectacle of Tokio Destruction. The World theater offers two headline attractions on the program for this week. In that one is purely mechanical and the other perform ance of personal skill, we would say that Charles T. Aldrich, noted charac ter change, artist tops the bill. Aid rich s act is not only remarkable in the rapidity with which he changes costumes, hut is highly entertaining. “The City of Yesterday." shares honors with him. It is a, production which, with the aid of novel stage ar rangements, presents the miniature destruction of Tokio hy fire and earth quake. The presentation is unique in the extreme and received generous applause at the first performance. Shriner and Fitzsimmons in their laugh act “The Newsdealer," provide the comedy on the program, and are well received. Harry Bordner and Bob Boyer introduce thrills In a bouncing ait that is pleasing. Barry and Hollo “The Girls and a Plano,” have a sinurt program of humorous songs and ballads and Gold and Kd wards, two young* Frenchmen, have a dance offering. Arthur Hays in a novel organ presentation complete* the vaudeville program. Mary Phil bin in “The Rose of Paris,” Is the photoplay offering. It is a story with a Cinderella twist, the locale of the entire story being in Frani e. . Airmen to Snap Eclipse of Sun Cameras Mounted on Dirig ible to Record Phenomenon at Great Altitude. ■Lakehurst, X. .T-, Jan. 10.—lflgh. high—out of the sight of the earth lings on the morning of January 24. there will Iks picture studio wherein the nation's star gazers will mtrlv" for a ( losetip of the eclipse. Appropriately, the sky riding studio Is called "Los Angeles." (’apt. S. B. Lit tell, 1’. H. X., profes sor of mat hematics at the naval ob servatory In Washington, arrived' here tonight to supervise arrange rnents for photographing the eclipse of the sun from the big air dread naught. .1 Commander T. J. Klein of the naval air station, will escort the scientific delegation over the Los Angeles Mon day to select camera locations. NOVEL BASIS OF EMPRESS COMEDY The popular old novel "Lena Riv ets.” forms the basis of the musical comedy presentation which Joe Marion offers the patrons of the Km press theater for the week. The title role Is played by Helen Burke. Lillian Bessent, "blues” singer of other presentations, appears «*• Lena‘s grandmother. Joe Marlon ns "Joe Slocum,” the hired man. does better work than usual. The sup porting cast includes Olga Brooks. Bert Kvans. Rudy Wintner and VVhitey Holtmon. The story is h loVe romance In two acts. interspersed with musical numbers The photoplay presentation for the week Is the plot tit lzo I Ion of Kthel Dell's story, ' Her Own Free Will," with Helene Chadwick In the leading role. An added feature |* the sev enth story of the "tin Oettei series Peace Mans Meeting Will Be Held Friday Men snd women, whether repub lican* or democrats or of the other parties are Invited to attend a peace mass meeting to he held at the coun cil chamber of the city hall Friday night. VV. F. Hurley., attorney, and former Hnited States Senator O. M. Hitch cock will address the meeting. There will be community singing under the direction of Charles Hard tier. John Lee Webster will set as chairman. George Brundci* Goon Fast. Itnimtoi* anil J. A. C. Kon noily, atlornoy, loft Omaha Suliinlnv for it tmalnPaa trip to Now York rllv Thoy ox lion in rot urn Iho Inttor port of tho work. Movie Director Die*. Hollywood. Cal.. .Isit. 10. Irvin J Martin, director of the Douglas I »I» hank* production* nod a pioneer In lh»* motion picture Industry, riled t• * day after a long Illness, i Jusserand Given Farewell Dinner 600 Residents of Capital Gather in Honor of Retir ing French Envoy. By Universal Service. Washington, .Tan. 11.—Citizens of Washington united last night In ex pressing their esteem and affection for the retiring Ambassador of ! France and Madame Jules Jean Jus serand, at a farewell dinner. * {'< Although the occasion was unof*| ficlal, among the 600 residents of the capital who were there to express their “regretful farewell to an old and valued companion," as President Coolidge described the occasion, were past and present government offi cers of the highest rank, with whom the ambassador had been associated during his 22 years of service here. Chief Justice Tuft was honorary chairman of the executive commit tee, which arranged the banquet. Given Gold Medal. The venerable diplomat was visibly affected at the manifestations of the high consideration in which he was held by those who have known him for nearly a quarter of a century. His voice shook and tears were in his eyes in expressing his thanks for ■a specially designed gold medal, pre sented to him and Madame Jusserand by General Le.Iune, in behalf of the people of Washington. Speaker CSillett presided at the banquet and delivered the first of the addresses. Addresses were delivered by Jus tire Sanford of the United States supreme court; Senator Hiram Hing ham of Connecticut, a former Tale professor, who dwelt. especially on the high scholarly attainments of the French envoy, ami Major General LeJeune. Recalls Kxperience*. Monsieur Jusserand, after express ing with considerable emotion the appreciation of himself and Madame Jusserand for the tributes paid them, indulged in rather whimsical reminiscences of his long diplomatic career. To the five presidents and their secretaries of state, whom he haa known, the diplomat declared he was “full of gratitude for their friend ship and good will." Cabinet Mandate Given to Iaitber Finance Head Will Attempt to Form New German Ministry. fly Aitiot-iittnl Pro#*. Berlin, .Ian. IS.—Dr. Han, Luther, flmBo'e minister, lias been selei led bv President Kbert to form a new rabt net and the prosppets of hl» doing so appeared brighter tonight. Ills ulti mate success depends on tha action *n be taken by the clerical party to i morrow, which will determine the measure of support guaranteed him on the floor of the reichstag, Chancellor Marx's party held a stormy conference tonight on the question of permitting Dr. Brauns to retain hls portfolio as minister of labor under Luther. While there Is much embltterment among Dr. Marx'a party friends over hls defeat In the recent negotiations, there Is an Inclination to support Dr. Luther In hls efforts to organize s' government strictly devoted to a business admin istration. The prospective new chancellor has demanded a free hand In the selec tlon of the members of hls cahlnet ami has virtually been promised Hie support of the nationalist German people's party ami Ills Bavarian peo ples party, and Is reported to have agreed to retain Dr. Gessler as min ister of defense, as a concession to the democrats. DOHENY TO BACK HOME TOWN BANK K1 Vaso. Tor. Jsn. 19— E. T-. Doheny, oil man. hss notified of filial# of th«* First National bank. # now Institution of Silver City, N. M., that ho will siit»sor|tio $.'.0,90(1 toward organization of tho institution, In order that It may start with s capita! of $100,000 and $30,009 surplus Hanking condition# In Silver City re reived a blow several month# ago, when (wo hanks were suspended. Mr. Dohen^. when s young mining and oil prospector, made Sliver City his home 35 years ago, and his gift Is prompted. It Is said, by a desire to aid his former home. K0RETZ SUICIDE, QUIZ INDICATES lir Inl%#*r»*l Srnlff, .Toilet, II!., Jan. 10.- An Inveitlgn tion Into the death of I^eo Koretz. convicted promoter of the Hayano river oil swindle, today convinced the authorities that he killed himself. Knowing that he was afflicted wltli an Jwurabla ca»* of dlahete* Koretz deliberately threw all caution of diet to Hi© wind* and ate large <iuantltle* of sugar. And sugar to a dlahet Ic i* paramount to poison In it* fatal effect*. Woman Slruck by Auto Not Seriously Injuml Mr*. Tattle Colvin, 218 North Nine Icerith atreet, wa* severely cut and hnil*ed Saturday night when she wa* inn down at Sixteenth and Dodge street* by an automobile driven by ,1. T. Ileuseman, 2828 South Thirty third atreet. Housemen told police thHt he was turning from Sixteenth street unto Dodge street when the accident m otirred. Mrs. t’olvln did not *••$• the machine. Mis, Colvin wn* taken to Pord Plster hospital If« i Injuries were said to he not serious. -- \ Smith Omaha Urcritirs v- y HHKVVKIt AM HP I V \i K HKIt\|n , PtloNK .VIA 1J.14 A MKTTKIt nttf.T 1IOMI’ W> will hole \ it i future If hikI «»$" • nil mniie 1.1*1 »mit |n.i|i*>*iv with • *mi t • f'nhii 4 * J MutJ'U Tw#«l) foui.h ua. mu. Adv SMvE/NT^ ’DRANPl/'V ■ 1 Hans Kraly, the German dnematist, Is responsible for the plot in I'nn stance Talmadge’s latest picture, •tier Night of Romance," showing at the Strand theater this week. It Is is bright and clever a comedy as we Have had the pleasure of reviewing for some little time. It's the type of picture that suits Constance to a "T” and she proves conclusively that she is an unusually fine comedienne. i;he story is refreshingly new, and although nut altogether plausible , i fiords excellent opportunities ftSi faughs, and that was the main object In the production of (he film. Dorothy Adams, daughter of an American millionaire, goes to England with her father, for her health. To avoid fortune hunters the girl dis guises herself to look unattractive l.ond Paul Menford accidentally sees her as she really is and falls in love with her, and when his uncle, Dr. Scott, is called to atlend her. he comes in his place. Quite a hit of the action takes place in the heroine’s bedroom, where the hero, slightly in ebriated. wanders In after the heroine has retired. To avoid scandal the hero introduces her as his wife. One scene where the father of the girl fakes a rainstorm is exceedingly fun ny, and there are plenty of other scenes that will keep you smiling. Connie is charming In the role of Dorothy. Ronald Colman as Lord Paul is splendid. Albert Gran and Jean Heraholt are In the supporting cast. “Husbands and Lovers,” showing this week at the Rialto theater, is under ttie direction of John M. Stahl. He has made a picture which pro vokes a full throated laugh and at the same time touches upon the deeper things of life. Domestic life furnishes the setting for the action which depicts situa tions and incidents that are familiar to nv>st homes. The picture is not a spectaede, nor does it present thrills gorgeous sets or mob scenes. It is reliant chiefly upon Its ability to “get under the skin.” and it does do that. The story renters around a faithful and attractive wife, a well-meaning hut negligent husband and the latter's close friend. While not intending dis loyalty to the husband, the friend Is most considerate and a trifle flatter ing in his attitude toward his wife. As a resule of the daily contrast of fered by the two men, she loses her perspective for a time and thinks she is in love with the friend. From here on the story takes on dramatic atmos phere that is rather tense at times. Lewis Slone as the husband has handled the role splendidly. Florence Vidor is not as convincing as she might he as the wife, ss at limes she seems decidedly spiritless. Lew Cody as the friend Is the center of some good comedy, especially at the end of the film when he waits for some time at the altar. The stage attraction for the week, "Deadlines' band.” is splendid. The offering consists of jazz music, some clever dancing and ballad selections. At the Sun. Roster Keaton has used a 450-foot steamship as a background for his latest effort. “The Navigator.” show ing at the Sun theater this week. The film is a highly amusing feature length comedy, guaranteed to bring j a laugh from the most jaded fan. It, differs from Keaton's former efforts! In that he has forsaken his remedy j ADVERTl^EME.NT. MAKES DEAF HEAR BY NEW METHOD Hearing Often Restored in 24 Hours by Amazing New Method Sent on Trial INDEPENDENCE. Mo Manv who have uaed a new method for making the deaf hear have reporte«l re atilt* that aeem almost marvelous People who ha-1 not heard for yesrs have been able to hear a watch tick three feet iwi) They report head noiaaa and roaring en 11r* 1 y disappear ntfer the first treatment The method known at Aud-ene Italm is Simple and easy to use It ta harmless and ary one can use It at home. Its rap Idtty in making the deaf hear l« almoat inuuint often In Juat a few minute* a great Improvement la aeen and In many caaea deaf people who have not heard for jeara can hear ordinary talk. No deaf person should loaa hope No matter what you have uaed to relieve ynor deafness, do not he dlacouragfd. Even though you have tried ear phones, drum*, electrical devices and oils don't think that you are doomed to deafness for the ha lame of your Ufa. The And ene treatment ha# been aucceaaful where everything else nas failed The Audme i'ompany wants every deaf peison to try their new method and ihn : will tend H «n free trial to any reader, who will write them They want one peraon in each locality who will rerom mend It to their friends If you want to restore your hearing .«nd get rid of the roaring head noises and catarrhal condi tion* take advaniagt' of this free offer .lust send your nsn»e to the And ena Co. 1*ept 404. Independence. Mo. today. ' ■ —■ " 1 • -- " * " "i .. eea Enlarged joints Reduces swelling relieves pain— Treat painful, enlarged joint* with Sloan’s. No rubbing! The powerful stimulation that Sloan's gives to tlie circulation docs tho work. Allays inflammation, re duce* swelling, relieve* pain. Tho chiof reliance of rheumatic suffer ers. All druggists 35 cents. Sloans Liniment —kills pain! lothes and donned ^he garments of i gentleman. Based on the "idea that here is at least one “sap" in every nmily tree. Buster, the scion of an >ld and illustrious family, undertakes o prove he is "the perfect sap “ The first hearty laugh comes when he uses his limousine to cross the Greet to call on his girl. vThe sight if a colored couple in an affection ite embrace leads him to decide 011 Marriage, but the girl flatly refuses iim. Having already purchased iteamship tickets for the honeymoon, Buster decides to go by himself. Cir cumstances bring both him and the ;iil on board a deserted steamer that y turned adrift by a band of spies. Both the children of wealthy parents, t is a s'niggle for them to get along. Buster uses salt water to make cof fee, turns a boiler in the engine room ,nto a bedroom, boils egga in a mousetrap, opens milk cans with a brace and hit, and descends to the depths of the Pacific in a diver’s suit and combats an octopus and has a luel with sword fish. The pair is finally resc ued by a submarine after d battle with cannibals, in which Blister uses Roman candles and •ocoanuts as weapons. K cthrvn .Mc Guire, as the girl, does some good work, and as far as Keaton is con cerned, it’s the best thing he's done. J. F. BARLOW. ADVERTISEMENT Quick Action for Piles If yon suffer with the pain, strain, itching, bleeding and soreness of protruding piles, no matter how se vere, send to the nearest drug store for a 00-cent box of Pyramid Pile Suppositories. It is a wonder You get the kind of relief that nuts 7011 OB your feet and gladly tell about it .\NNO| \(t;mi;NTS. BlAUtN—Gustave A fit;** .*• X year*. J{. si •lent of South Omaha for 4»» years. Sur vived by one non. Albert J., of Omaha.1 and on« brother. Amos, of Cumberland. Ih ; also one sister Mrs. Charles ftier mtlter of Danville, J’h . and two grand child ren Funeral services Tuesday. 8:45 a to . from the Hesf) A lleafy chapel, Sooth Omaha, to St Bridget church at 9. In terment. Gran land park. SCHtTETZ M ■ (Mara. beloved wire of A. F S' hurt/.. pans d away Janttatg 1926. She is survived besides her bus hand, by a sister, Sadie .1 Fremann, and n brother. W. H. Fremann, of Hock Is land. III. Funeral from St. Barnabas church. Mon day morning at 9 a. m Remains may be viewed from the residence, Januarv ]i. MCORMhk Mrs .Mar', age S4. widow of the !at»* John She Is survived by one son. Barney; two sisters, Mrs. E. B living of Trail. Canada; Mrs. Suaan Hall of Omaha Funeral Mondav mornlna fmm residence. 4fi4fi Hamilton St., at S.:t0 to St Cecilias church 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Oentleman'a mor tuary in charge _ Vault* and Monument*. 2 “Automatic Scaling" concrete burial vault, recommended Oy all leadm* undertakera >1 fd by Omaha Concre’e Uurlal Vault ( Funeral Director*. 3 HOFFMAN-CROSBY anitjulanca. Dod*r and L’.th St. Kur.rral d.rectora. .tA. laol HEAFEY * HEAFEY Undertakera and Emhalmera [’hone AT 2T,31 Off 2S11 Farnam I l-.STARMBHED SINCE 1**3 > BUI.SK * RtEPEN. At Your Servlca. Cumlnr StJA. Iff* Brailey & Dorrance. s. y. SWANSON. 17TH AND CUMING Quiet. Dignified Supervision JOHN A. GENTLEMAN HA. 1864.3411 Farnam St. H K. BURKET A SON J 405 Farnam. Hit. 1876. HA. 0080. LESLIE O. MOORE. 24th and Wirt. WE 0047. . Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN Purchase a family lot In Omaha * meet beautiful cemeterv Office* th* c»me •erv, vres* of Florence, and 720 Brandeis Thea’cr Bldg Personals. 9 THI SALVATION ARMY Industrial corn* solicits your old clothing furnrtura, maga ilnea. We collect We distribute. Phone J A. 4ll» and our wagon will call. Call and 1nat»e» t our new tmme. 209 N, 13th St MASSAGE, conatlpation apecialty. M. J. Bowman. graduate University Austria 1*12 Chi<*aK" St._ _ MASSAGE- Expert treatment; ladv oper. ator: open till 4 p m .in North 17th St. COSTUMES. theatrical, historical masque roatumea to rrf.t. L ehen. 1514 Howard i A REV cleaning fluid :ic, at Druggists ■> r f»-i Park Ave Ia*sI and Found. 16 PiH’1 KTrtook M*nd tooled leather, lost n of near Kaito theater. contain* monev. leva and watch. Reward 11A. 1715., LOST—Pair of men's shoe* on North l*'h Ft ietwfin Locust and Ame* Av*. ['lease return fn 1 -' • 7 Ifnrnev Si .1* 04 54 POi'KETBooK I,oST—Between 3nth and 12(1 on Case h? . containing 1*4 and key WA 444.1__ !.< >ST—Double cameo brooch Return to Blue Cab Co. and re- ej v* 11 ft rewa rd ^Vl F * •_ Automobile?* for Sale. 11 100 CARS* Ford* and other makes 8tt and up < ash or term*. t*k« - ar in trade. GULhSTRUM AUTO SALES Co.. 2112 Harney St, open eveninga A Run. AT. <545 For THE RIGHT PRICE ON GOOD t’SEP CARS SEE _OMAHA FEINT COM CANY. NASH Yk'iksk M A A C To « u. USED CAR. STORE. 2dM Fatnam. AT. 2914 Trucks for Sale. li FORD 1 ton, 1924. with gearshift. 1400 Commerce IS ton with body, mb, $550. Little Giant 1 ton with pneumatics, 1275 Master two-ton worm-drive, .solid. 17*00 One 2 and 1 J ton Republic rebuilt, guar anteed One 2 ton White Rebuilt guaranteed Here 55 Years. Andrew Murphy & Son, Inc., AT 4111 14th and Jackson. USED TRUCKS KROM ONK TO TURKIC TON* IN TKHNATIONAlj. A N l> OTIIKHS J-KK IS IN ul'R N K\Y 1.UKA.TION. International Harvester Company, 15th at Jones. Tel. AT 054® \lltO Xrmsoiliw, Pari?*. 1C GUARANTEED new ana used auto parts et a special cut pn- e Nebraska Auto Parts. 1014-19 Marnev St JA. 49S1, and v . it;* NKW Chevrolet tadln'or*. ll? ’. Kap lun Auto Part*. 2 111 Ni«h<das mMXKSN CliXKF^ IL.tting mid Plumbing. -» TIIE plumbing and heating establishment if i hnenaa r Balfo, 11 I Nulh 1 • h «> • .insisting of plumhing material, strata lun'ins materiel, gas fixtures and ap nlian* ea \ complete sto. k f>.> the shove business Including all shop tool*, safe* desks, furniture and aver> thing on the pi emiaes i* open for Inspection et the shove number Ml to be sold t-» the highest offer for sal-I goods Proposals will be received January 11. 13. 14 Term* i .sh o» no*-* *r m. d R> L H B\l.F5. 'temporais Guardian Million > Ih iAaiiinKiiti: M'i’i'lllMON Side knife. b.«» pleating • -veto.| t u'lupk all atyi-s hemstitching 1 > >t holr* Write Ideal Hinton and r rung (•*. m* llinvvn Rlevk, Omaha Nap, Tglti hone JA. 1»2I. Ill "INKNS SERVICE. Millinery—Dm-maklng. 25 NEr ' PLEAT1NO CO.. HMnitltchlnicI C\j\er»d Btittom 1804 Fat nam Second Floor. JA. Mm ini;—TnicMnc—Moragf. 26 Gl.UBK VAN AND STORAOK. PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING, STORING Fatimates furnished. AT #230 or JA, 433* Gi IRION'S FIREPROOF WH8E. * VAN, j49 North lith St Phon, JA. 30*2; mov ing. packing. storage, shipping. n l; K I NS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth Sta. Packing, mov ing. storage, shipping JA. 4161 Painting and l’aperinc. 27 Wallpaper, jinperhanglnK, painting. Frad Parka 470* H 24th St MA. 0101: AT. T404. Patent Alltnifl. *8 J. XV MARTIN. S26 Peter* Truat Bldg, Omaha, also Washington. Double service, single fee. Also help eell patenta. 1‘rinting—Stationery. 29 COM MERCIA 1. PRINTING. Eddy Printing Co. 212 South 13th St Phone JA. 6068 EMPLOYMENT. Help Wantetl—Female. 39 1 .A DIES ROOKING ENTERTAINMENTS Straight salary and railroad fare. Experience unnecessary; free train ing. EstabHrhed firm of 1? year a standing. Sp** Mr. Newton. Hotel Vontcnelle, Sunday afternoon, or .tny time Mon day or Tuesday. WILL pav you $4.60 day for making two dozen pairs Steber Wool socks daily on Highspeed Family Knitter. Will buy all you make at same rate. We furnish >arn free—6-year written contract, old reliable' manufacturer Work at home. Be Inde pendent. Experience unnecessary Send 2c full particulars without obligation. Steber Machine Co.. Desk 158. Utica. New York SALESLADIES wanted to represent Col lier's. Short hour*. 9 to 4 Salary $18 00 per week. ''all before 10 a m. and 3 to 5 p. m . 308 Band Bldg Ask for Mr. LlpsuL LADIES—Lea rn beauty culture; our training equips you for the better posi tions. Day or night Pay ua a visit and see our class*** In operation. Moler Col lege, TQtt S. 15th LADIES wanted everywhere; address en velop**.* for uv In vour own home; liberal iisv. Write immediately United Sal* s Service, 20 East Jackson Blvd . Chicago. 111. Hrlp Wanted—Male. "7 MEN — f,parn herberlng; our system turns you out a high rla^s workman able to hold b*»st jobs Earn while you learn Day or nigh* classes. Call or write for catalog. Moler Barber College. 1(>9 i ALL men. women, boys, girls. 37 to 66. willing to accept government position*. $117 $250 (traveling or stationary), write Mr. Ozment. 186 St. Louis. Mo. FIREMEN brakemet:. beginners. fl'r' $250 (which position") Railway. Ad-i dress Y-280,l. Omaha Bre. ■»■■ ■ 1 ■ ■ 1 ' .. Help Wanted—Male and Female. 38 GOOD opening for young man or woman who has had experience in handling health and accident claims Make application in vour own handwriting to Box B-102, Omaha Bee. Salesmen and Agents. 39 SALESMEN* wanted to veil paint and lu bricating oil direct to farmers Must have car We pay bigger commission than >ou could earn having your own business You .an uiake fr<>m $ I * • ■ * to $50n a wk. Ask for Mr Michel Paint Brokerage Co, 1014 N 17th St Box 7 4 4 Omaha SALESMEN—The Fidelity Life Insurance company. Brotherhood building. Kansas City. Kan., now organizing under Kansas laws Rich territory Can use some high grade salesmen. insurance experience preferred. SALESMEN: Two magazine, newspaper or insurance salesmen wanted to represent Cfdliec’e. Hty and road work Only four - »• $6( 00 per week See Af* Lipsut before Hi a m. after 2 P i. 308 Baird Bldg flitWlttom Wanted—Male. 41 HARNESS maker country hardwares. 16 years. goo£ *»r> shoe work. CorfBd habits. Refer, ii. •• furuifched. Address Y-2809 Omaha B*e FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities. 4J CLOSING out .ale Fixtures and meat and grocery stock* he'.ow cost. 6306 S. 32d St Call MA 2666. MANAGER sheet rre*a! or tire ahop. with *r»me capita' Address Arme, 72* Firat Avs . Council Bluff* IU»ai Estate !>oan*. 44 MONFT TO LOAN On f’r*t *nd •"•end mortgages. We buy outright for cash Existing mortgage* and land contract*. Prompt Action II A WOLF CO.. 61! Saunders Kmnedy BldgAT >166 ANI> 6 PER CENT MONET Loans on Omaha improved property at lowest rate* F RANK H. BINDER, 121 City National JA. 1561 MuNEY on house* at 6 per cent j nnd » lv per ent Cash on ha ml No de ls' Shopen A Co. 226 Keellqe Bldg. J A. 1:1-I SIX per cent loan* on Omaha realdences Cash on hand Prompt *er\1ca. E. H Lougee. Inc , 629 KeeMne BMg ( LOW RATE on city property, quickly , closed no monthly payment* J A. 1633 W T. GRAHAM. 764 Teters Trust. OMAHA HOMES -FAST NEB~ FARMS O KFFKE REAL ESTATE CO. IMS Omaha Nafl Bark Bldg J A 1716 SECOND mortgages or contract* pur chaaed be Tukey Company 626 Firat Na- 1 Loral Bar.k JA 482> Sioo to 110.004 prompt aervica F D. Wead A T> H. Bowman, wead B'.dc M, AND 6 PER 'TNT-NO DELAY GARVIN BROS *4* Omaha Nat | Hldg j Farm 1 ->ana on West Net>- and N K. Cclo farm*. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha Money to Ix)an. 4.5 WE WILL LOAN YOU MONET at the lowest rate we have ever mad*. DON’T PAT HIGH RATES Over SO yeare In buatnea* assures you of j a quick, quiet anR confidential deal at the lowest possible coat. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 669 Karhach Block. T* l. JA J2tS Southeast corner 16th and Douglas Sta DIAMOND loan* at lowest rate#; business strlcfy confidential. The Diamond Loan Co. 1614 Dodge St Established 1*94 EDI CATION \l lawal Instruction (lisies. 4S DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete coutse in all commercial branches Shorthand, typewrit! ng. teleg raphy. aaieamanahip. civil service Phone JA. 1666. Complete catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE. llth and Harney St* Omaha. Neh EIGHT to IX weeks prepare >ou for a! fine office position Call AT. 7774 or wine American College 1912 Faruam TRY C1TT BARBER CO LI.r.OK 1461 Dodge St 1S04 Douglas St Call or writ# foe Information Muaintl—l>ratna(1< M PIANISTS Learn popular music. E M Kalin Ml k 1 Bldg AT 4**1 I Paiuinc Academics. 50 K 1: F r S Cl N Pl Tt FI l A Rv'H'F H»TH AND DOUOI AS STS J A »67f. | Classes Tuesflav and Friday. 10 leas na, i >4 Private D»»<>n* anytime. Tan com petent .nstructora. KM PINT Farnaia at I6tn data and aaaembly Mon and Thura NTtaa Private] ies**'’'B in' time. AT 796* - i I JA IN TOt K. IIoim'4, C attle, A’clliclrn. 54 I'OH SALK Sly head > oung w orV h m «ea ! and mates all guaranteed good serk _ \\ mted t«> Bv)« DESKS DESKS P» sKS New des s n«'- 1 .Irek* bomth ee’d and tnded J C U red 1J6T Fare am S AT 4144 HOO\|S FOK ICY NT. Ittmm* AA itl« Hoard. ?4 ATTRACTIVE front room in i I home on cat line Fot 1 .>• II u* ! Kv.tltni uvea * \\ A 69*1. j ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished Rooms. BEAUTIFUL south front room, ritrely f%r nished f..r one or two responsible yoijbg men with gilt edge reputation*. Call at 4916 Davenport Sunday until *> Rooms for Housekeeping. TWO front rooma. all modern good hoa», everything furnished, $7. JA 0874, 311 N. 26th St. ‘ UAUFORNIA. 3121H—*2 or 3 furnished i ms., mod., ground floor. Heal HA. 4001. DOUGLAS 2«68—Light hakp room*, first *nd second floors. Walking dlstnnce. MODERN hounekeeplng rooms, |6.50 and up WE. 606 8_ "merchandise. Business Equipments. , 68 TYPEWRITERS. — Reasonable RENTAL ates. New and second-hand machines for mle. Have vou seen the Standard Keyboard Remington f'ortable* Whatever your need* n the typewriter line, call Remington Typewriter Co.. 210 8. 1 H t h St.. J A. 2i«t. WE BUT. ael! safes, man* desks, show rases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., g W Tor 13th and Douglas JA. 2724. Furl and Feed. til KINDI.!N11—$5 tru k load delivered; sawdust; baled, shavings. JA. 6740. _——— ■ —- ■—T Machinery and Tools. 67 SEW and second-hand motors, dynamo*. T.eBron Electrical Work*. 318-fo 8 12th. " ■■ ■ . ■ ■... . _*■ J. Where to Stop In Town. 7* HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL IIENSHAW—16th and Farnam. 8pedal Kates to Permanent Guest* Apartments of Building Owners and Managers Association. L nfurnished. Mil PETERS TRUST COMPANY. “WHERE OMAHA RENTS.** AT. 0544 17th and Farnam PH APARTMENT8 and fists tor reni. W. .1 PALMER CO AT. **80. Real Esta'o Management Specialist*. Elegant mod. 6-r. Bleim ht., elec, washer, 111 N. 25th. Ivey at Hunter Inn. AT. f»60. BEAL ESTATE—-FOB BENT. Apartments—Furnished. 80 HARNEY. 2631 — Two-room apt and kitchenette. hot ami cold water. All furniture *n : rut: , walking distance: couple desired. Must be seen to be Ap pr« cla t* d. C all AT 492 4 uL’MING ST. 25.52—Furnished 4 or 5-room apt*., private bath: steam heat AT. 4Vg6. Apartments—l nfumlshed. - 81 3324 N 18TH—5-room apartment. drtv^Tt stair» in double duplex On car line. Fjir nace h-at. Double garage, KK. 0717„ NEW DUPLEXES FOR RENT. N J 8KOGMAN & SONS. 8118 Cuming St HA. 7046. HIGH dar« Apts, and flats under super vision of owner*. r ■ that plea*.#*.' Travf-r Prog. 619 U N. Bk. AT MM. STEAM heat 4-room apta . 1“^ and up; close In. G. P. fitebbln*. 1510 Chicago Ft. Business Flares for Rent. 83 STOREROOM. 22x60 and 7-room apart, above. All mod. except heat. Rent either. Busy neighborhood. Only 860 per month for both. Fe** Kuncl. 1244 So 13th St. Houses for Kent. 83 6-ROOM cottage, modern. 3219 Corby Ft. Ca! 1 KE. 2243.___ FOR RENT— bungalow, mod ■ rp > Call WA. 056*. 4 - ROOM house. T went v-thlrd and Pol*. _ I BEAL ESTATE—FOR SALE.-' Business Property. 91 BUSY TRANSFER CORNER. IDEAL INVESTMENT. * r, NET. GLOVER & SPAIN. JA. 26 60 * ! ■ ■ " —— 1 1 . 1 _g Farms and I^ands for Sale. 93 CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY. Sales made in sixty count lea of N-braeka.. Mr»r* Carraher. Real Estate, >nt ral N *U CORNER ACRE. New chicken houve. Oth»r buildings. Cow and calf Every thing for |975. |509 down. Call H £. 1 3 80. POULTRY LAND. $5 down. $6 molt* hi/ buys 40 acres Southern Mo. Price Od for list. Box 22-H. K:rkwo->d. -V Houses for Kale. 95 T B CAMPBELL build* homei to offer! Help# finance. Save money and re* a better built heme. AT. S•.4S, 239 Keeline. $100 OFF cn any house purchased ih.a down. Shopen & Co.. Keeline 5.dr. week; choice of locations: ee:i cc# 12 9 Houses—North. 96 WILL build and finance your home on easy terrr.a See us for plana J. ' C. Schmiti. *$1 Omaha National. JA. 1»>I. M R1CTLY MODERN NEW HOME, fot'i DOWN BUILT-IN FEATURES, OAK FLOORS PAYNE A SONS. JA. im 12 ELOREN 4 BLVD—$-rm_ mod. Payments Cre;ph. € S Bee. JA. 0.209. l> K BECK A UP. buv mol f-:i homes. Houses—5ouih. 97 PARKVAI.E BUNGALOW. A I VNT-T FoR ON! T I*.*'** Very complete five-room hue gaJ nw with all built-in conveniences as -anged to eliminate extra step* Built-In features. garage. choice south front lot; paving paid; close to west side park car 11.009 cash will handle Call OR BORNE REALTY CO. 139 Peters Trust Bldg. J A, J?il NEW COLONIAL BUN A LOW. Five M'.uns b-eakfaat room and batn. fireplace, bonk ase. latest plumbing, can be had with extra lot with dou ble g*-age Price I* 000 with the one lot Reasonable terms Lot or small cottage might be considered. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 139 Petets Trust It Mg. JA. Htl ••M \ ALLEY. $: : r r v.« $09 £ash. Bargain for some w ^ House*—West. # 98 FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy homes. List % nur i-ropcrtv ^ ■ n us for result*. J A ii;a. BURT C. FOWLER CO.. Realtors. SEE Morrison Lumber and Coal for prices on garages. Pst construction at m JSi« .turn cost. WE Mfl. WILL build to ' cur order on cur bean:l« f .il lots *.n L jgswood; vary easy term a. Phon# AT SMC Lots for Sale. 103 HAPPY HOLLOW LOTA ' to TT L . Pr * $l.S0t .# It 990 it FORCE fr CO REA! TORS, HAVE a few sell located lot* in Kdgo* wood for sal**, for prices call C. A. Grim mel. JA. 111$. Heal Fatale for Exchange. 104 SOUTHERN Florida lard wanted for •!»**■ « m hi ise ro*r high s ' . Tab • R k. \ b Clear Hubbard. 20? Reliance BMff-. Kansas Cttv Mo. __ WuM-RmI suite. IN WANTKI'—Nnw 1. th. tin.. llrt your home, vacant lot. acreage, duplex or investment property. We have buv era, prompt inspo tion. courteous salesmen sod get r suit* "l «. with us and prepare to move ” iA*BORNE REALTY CO. 129 rcteis Trust Bldg Jackson lift. For reav. ts list >. * property with first Trust Co AT err* _ « > F. SI Natl RsrlL i il V< W Tv UNO A Si'N Rea* Estate, Rental*. 1*98 C ' Natl Bank A'. WML WILL buy centrants or 2d mtga . at take th. tn on cltv property. Call M . Boat, Af, Mia HA OUt; C. 1' HU Tv m\S'N OvV, ^ Real Fs a'e ’n» : 5 Fa f'm'w JA #411 vi i rios^ Vuctli'n Vilrv ll»«5 WHI N IN M l D i*K NEU TK\ OM VII V 111 t VV V\T ai>*