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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1925)
I I ■_ Save Through This Sale We can advertise only in the briefest way a few of the hundreds of bargains to be had throughout this great sale. We can show here only a few of these unmatchable values, mere-high spots here and there among these wonderful buying opportun* ties. Excellent goods on every hand, as you go through the various departments, priced at practically half, and even less than half, their usual marking. It is strict economy to buy at this time. Burgess-Nash Quality You are assured of the utmost satisfaction in buying throughout this sale—price sat isfaction, with excellence of merchandise to back it. Burgess-Nash built their en viable reputation upon the quality of their merchandise and it is this same merchan dise that you are now able to purchase at half and less than half of their regular prices. It is seasonable merchandise, too. the goods you want and need at this time of the year. You can save as you never saved before. Pearl 15c Old While _ , c Dutch SOap Cleanser 10 B«r» 6 Cans for 25c 25c Shopping in Lowest price the Burgess- offered in Nash sal* is years in this to practice real kitchen economy. cleanser. Fifth Floor Fifth Floor I Women's 1.00 Fine Linen Handkerchiefs The finest of linen, —- — trimmed in hand-made Armenian lace edge; some have embroid ered Initials. All first quality. Main Floor—East I Women's 25c Linen Handkerchiefs In white and solid col- ) J||4 or* with fancy embroid- | M * O cred corners; hundreds j | j||0 w of styles. J ™ Main Floor—North I Men's and Women’* Linen Kerchiefs These are of imported J Irish linen; in plain [ mm na white and eolored; ini- - £ I tialed ; women’s have j Jfa V embroidered corners. f Main Floor—North I Men's 1.00 Fine Linen Handkerchiefs These are of finest fm- J ported Irish linen; sheer) MBe* or heavy linen; in plain *■■■■ and corded borders; nil j V are neatly hemstitched. [ Main Floor—North Women's 75c Novelty ■ Handkerchiefs M All pure linen; spoked, j H hemstitched initials.) HU These aye at less than jS| half price. • ■Bj Main Floor—North d 480 Pair* of I Men’s Trousers gi| Regular 5.00 trousers in') ■ wool taesimeres, ehev- i M lots, tweeds, brown mix- ( |By tures, grays and stripe*. 1’Si Fourth Floor ^B 67 Pairs I Riding Breeches IBy These are values to ^ ■ 6.00; made of corduroys, I «1 heavy moleskin and \ ■ wHpeords; exceptional m bargains. 4 Notions Red Seal and Reddy Hair Nets Neg 19 ular values, J 0c and 15e each; *ps ■ cial. per dozen .24c ijglj 10c and 25c Tatting and Embroidered ■ Edgings -For trimming wash mat* ■ rials; 8-yard bolt; special .... 0c )H 10c Hair Pin Cabinet j very special, 2ftc Dreaa .Shield*; special, per pair ||g| for .I Sc Wm 10c J. * P. Coats’ Rope Silk, special. ■ each .0, {HK Main Floor—South 6-Strand D. M. C. Larga 1.25 24*36 18*30-Inch 1.00 Silk ;b; DBM,C Rag Rubber Pillows Cotton Cotton Perle Rugs Mots . q 2c ®c 39c 69c oqa JaW A wonderful VVV Q|Z Value* up to lot of brown, Kexuarly 75c erWTW 7.60. They Lavender, tan. rluonT’ ^ ^“'0““: ST B 1.50 do a. a ar. Infancy brown * n <1 3 and T*. A ■ ' . . borders on M m heavy quai* ehapea a n »l dark blue wonderful op- Q ‘ ‘ - taupe ground. R ity rubber. colora. porlunity H rnlrd rloor I a Third Floor Third Floor ■ —Well Sixth Floor ■ Sixth f loor Sixth Floor 1.00 to 1.65 to 2.00 Boy*’ Boy*’ Fancy 59e 1.50 Fruit 60c "s” Art Novel- Silk Hose .“T KoteX Art ties 75c Pajamas »l*hul*rt Wtoco- CobIsc- "«‘ba Novelties A(1 Wes lion 9Q* rn 9oC W* 3 QS 00* 7C« v*Xv 50c mirror,,* rati Uuality outing 0 «WW f wC t *"m *iterv UWU Sr S !£?£& Th.r.fuUr spiry rairin, f Metal boudoir bra,, jardi- and .oia.tte '''»««• St«« patterned and In* at ,nd current, lee, then the amps, luster mere,. ma- P a j a m a .. A hand err.broid- ■ ^ ".Te, e**™' "J. fruit basket,. hr.gany ran. Blse, *tul«. wonder- ered. tht, low prtre. met bear .-o,t. h in o k a rtorp, dlwtick.*, etc, '®'ur. Main Floor Main Floor Main F Inor Main Floor etc. Third Floor Fourth F'loor Fourth Floor —North Writ —Wo»t —.South Men’s Fine Shirts Men’s shirts, neckband styles. 1.95 values, special, at 1.45 Men’s neckband and collar attached shirts, 2.50 values, very specially priced, 1.65 Men’s neckband and collar at tached shirts, ".00 values, on sale at the low price 1.9.5 Men’s fine shirts, made of pure silk, values to 6.00, very special at only, 2.95 Men's 3.00 to 4.00 Dress Shirts Burgess-N'ash Co.’s complete stock of tuxedo and dress shirts, the well-known Cluett, Peabody & Co. make. The new stiff bosom; plaits or tucks; single or turn back cuffs. A rare opportunity. Main Floor—South Beautiful Dinnerware I I Some of the Important Features I 60c 10-inch Imported China Dinner Plates, each, 30<^ ft; 40c 8-in. Imported China Breakfast Plates, each, 2W m 150c 7-inch Imported China Pie Plates, each, 15<? 60c Imported China Tea Cups and Saucers, set, 30£ S _ \_■ Women’s 2.00 Quality Fine Silk Hose 1.33 I^Tonb the best known makers; chiffon, sendee chiffon and medium weights in 4 score of popular shades; all sizes. Women’s Thread Silk Hose Full-fashioned hose and semi- aa fashioned hose in black, I brown, tanbark. airedale, gun metal and white; all sizes. J Wonderful Values From the Burgess-Nash Sto$k Lingerie It is not too early to plan for spring under wear, especially when you can buy at savings like these. >Ve mention but three briefly. 3.95 to 4.85 Silk Lingerie Nightgowns, bloomers, enve lopes, petticoats, stepins and vests of crepe de chine and ra dium, lace trimmed and hand embroider ed. All colors. Wom en’s and misses’ sizes 4.95 to 6.95 Silk Lingerie Nightgowns, chemise, stepins, bloomers, petticoats and vests of crepe de chine and radium, tailored and trimmed with real lace. All styles, colors and sizes. 4.95 to 49.50 Silk Lingerie Reduced l/j tO Gowns, 'chemises, stepins. bloomers, camisoles and dress ing sacques, trimmed with real lace, emboirdery, French rib bon and flowers. The Brandeis Store—Third Floor—Center •—k Saturday in Our Big 8th Floor Shoe Sale FOOTWEAR For Men and Women Radically Reduced 10.00 and 12.00 Stetson’s 8.50 and 10.00 Popular Walking Oxfords Women’s Shoes Men’s oxfords in bluchor or straight A large assortment of women’s shoes lace style, with plain boxed toe or in many styles and leathers, ail by tip, special, C QC standard manu- O QC A QC C QC per pair, U.»7«J facturers, spe., 4. JOy 0,%/O 12.00 Stetson’s Women’s 3.50 to 8.50 Brogue Oxfords Novelty Slippers Men’t^ oxfords in black or the new In satin, patent, kid, calf and colored I shade of tan calf wit^i straight tie; suedes; strap effects and strapless, pinked and C QC smart shoes for every QCp O QC perforated, V.ImJ occasion, special, at, Wl to ^ ' • » Wonderful Bargains Household Linens Ridiculously Low Prices Bleached Cotton Toweling 2,200 yards full bleached cotton towel ing. 16 inches wide. Limit 10 yards to a customer. This lot will probably not last through the day. i 300 Pattern Table Cloths 3.00, 70x70-inch table cloths with t ^ 4 f|A beautiful satin finish. Rejects and j- I Jffl samples of 3.00 quality. J * 49c Large Turkish Towels ^ nnn 2.000 double thread Turkish towels in J ?J |_ all white or with colored borders. Very * w W W special. 1.98 Imported Ttble Linen \ 110 Very good heavy quality Irish and I ■ I Scotch table linens, 70 inches wide. ' ' 29c Irish Linen Toweling \ IQp 2.000 yards bleached linen toweling I O V with colored borders. Very absorbent. 2.98 Crochet Bed Spreads 1 QQ All crochet bed spreads in *4 and full | avU bed sizes; priced for clearance. ' Mothers! Real Bargains! Infants' Wear We must sell that big stock from Burgess-Nash, so we’ve made some drastic reductions. These are only a few. 59c to 1.59 Infant*’ and Children’s Outing Flannel and Muslin 39c Infant*' 4 r r < i r h , towns, pinning blanket* and slip*. < hiltlren’s slips, mus lin towns anti bloom - era. Hites to 6 year*. 1.38 to 1.98 Baby Things 98c Silk and wool Testa, knit grertrudea and nightgowns, carriage boot a of eiderdown, bound with satin, warm knit legginga I and baby pillows. Infanta* to 8 years. Soiled Infants* Wear An odd lot of hose, skirts, bloomers, gertrudes, dresses, knitted caps, etc. Good materials. Play Sweaters • Button front and *llp-over •ty!aa; belted or plain with or without colUrn. All popular colors. Slxe* 2 to 6 year*. Tho Brand*!* Store—Third Floor—East Burgess-Nash Entire Stock of | Jewelry-Silverware I Prices Cut to I V2and V3 I lift Tausca Pearls. Beaded Bags. Silverware. Umbrellas. jjl (lold Watches. Silver Hollow Ware. I Diamond Jewelry. Novelty Jewelry. Handbags. Stone Set Rings. |jj Vanity Cases. Watch Chains. 11 Mesh Bh; «. Cuff Links. m Main Floor S Scores of Burgess-Nash Travel, Fiction and Childrens Books ^ Price Books of fiction, poetry, humor, travel and adventure, mech a n i c a 1 books, books for boys and girls, illustrated books for small children selected from the Burgess-Nash stock. Til# Brand*!* Stora—Main Floor—North i ■ 5.000 Roll*. 3c ^ Toilet Paper I While h hOO mil# l**t j 4 P® X * e will sell this paper * I ||| for 12 rolls for 15c. I %J%9 H||j Fifth Floor m Boudoir Capa and Bandeaux 1 (M» to t 9B value*, in" da-nty creations of fine lart. ribbons. fk>w*ra. in peach, turquoise, rose and other dainty shades Main Floor—Last Children’* Infant*’ Children’* Clear Imported / 54-Inch 36x72.Inch 60c BOc All Fine Children’* Boy*’ JR | ||L ■ B 35c School 6Sc Fine 50c Crystal Colored Novelty Kitchen Fine Atlantic Women’. I In Inn Percale l*Afl4l* l.hAClC B Hose Nose Hose J- VT" Reg «£■ £. ".t, s**, 2*9, 28c 25c ~~ .!-* 1-50 29c U8 ** 65c I vw"nor,: n7.'i,.r:\nd ”nh’;rm,.*«- •"llrlw*"' ...... M„, '•«•. c^ml'anTi ”7 mod£- "7 w m ’ T,"U'Y- -22’50 0edar Chests. 16.88 j| f H o I . prnnf .ilk end wool blank, brown ery.t.l .oh- e.ndy Jin. '* * ' r 1 *’*' bn. floor frail r.ndte. In . everythin, tn JTi^hl hid' * ’ 24.95 Od*r ChOStO. 18.72 R hr.nd., n ,nd all wool; and white; all late, aherhet., , a n dle.llrk., nind. " rn)*rln»; al - and not ren- variety xelvrt. for- full bleached; maieilal., ta ~ - ,v i t’hoxta 22 IS K black Whit. I,lark, white. _-rf.ll. atr , P irartlv. rat- ler. of ftavnra. marly marked Hi.. I I. II. pl.t* enloro JI». I ,b ( PtlHI (. hOStS, H "MalnTloor Third Floor Main Floor " Main Floor '«"« Main Floor Mala Floor V. " ttaaoment- end.tripe*. 32.50 Codaf CheStO, 24.58 H North ■ E«« Center / Filth Floor Filth Floor r.olar Sl.lh Floor -W..I We.l 3.,and fta.r Fount. Fhm, BHBBBHHF UHBBHHHIflF SbBBHBBHBHF JBBBHBBBBHT JBBHflV ^■BBBHBHB^F ^Bi^BHBBIBF ^HBBHBBHfll^ ^HBBfliHHHF 9