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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1925)
Propulsive Force Upon Stock Market, Rails in Advances Characteristic Flurry of Re cent Sessions Absent; Steels, Merchandisers and Foods Prominent. „ . By RICHARD APII.I.ANE, lnlTmal Serrlco Vlnanrini Editor. .Yorki ,I?n' * —Thrrr W1« not th« riu-ry to today a atork ntarkrt ch«rart«r l«tto of so many sessions tn the last two months, btit it had a propulsive force ihat was in evidence from start to finish Ralls dominated, considerable advances t** ,n Rork J*l«nd. Chesapeake * 110hloV ,,D^ver A Rio Grand. Lehigh A alloy. Missouri Parlflc, Nickel Plate, *0ml.h*rn par|f,c *nd Western Paeflic. The steels, the foods and *ne mer cnandiser* were prominent all day. U. R Steel was up to 12414 at one stage of the proceedings, and there was some ex pertation that it would reach the goal— 1-5—which some of the larket people had set for It, but after touching 124 Vi It receded somewhat. At its high Sears-Roehuck was tip about 1® points from the low ol the previous day The equipments as a rule did well. Baldwin particularly. The motor shares did little, while the tires were fairly strong. Oils as a rule Improved. They are gradually gaining favor, conditions In the industry Improv ing steadily. There was nothing special In the coppers or sugars. Business was on a good broad scale sll day without at any time being ex ceptionally large. Engagements of gold from foreign countries were unusually numerous. The volume was not particulsrly large, but the movement suggests a step toward a better distribution of the preclou* metal. Foreign exchange improved. Sterling •went to the highest since 1915. Money continues easy. Cotton was In a waiting mood. Liver pool was dull and Southern spot markets unchanged to slightly higher. At no time was there much activity or price change, the cloalng being at an* ad vance of fropi 4 to 10 points. Coffe# 50 to 00 points higher. Sugar dull and from unchanged to 2 points down. Suggestion of a change In the grain market* Is furnished by one of the big Chicago houses which declares that speculation has fallen to a very low volume. The day's developments in ihe matter of actual foreign buying and prospective purchases had more effect than the ob a.-r vat Ions on the technical situation for the market in all the grains was good with prices, particularly in wheat, better. Lard was off 7 to 10 points. New York Quotations | i ; Thurs. High Low Close Close Agri Chemical.. 15 A Tax Rubber -13% 13 13% Allied Chemical . M % 83% 83% 83% Allis - Chalmers . 73% 71% 72 72 Am R S Ex D $1. 41% 41% 41% 4 2 Am Rk Sh Fdry. 98 97 Am Can .16« 164% 164% 164% Am C & F .199% 198% 199% 197% Am H A L . 13% 13 1.3% 12 Am H A L pfd ..72% 70% 72% 70% Am Inter Corp .34 3.3% 33% 34 Am Linceed Oil . 2"% Am Locomotive .109% 108% 108% 108 Am Radiator ... 91% 90% 91 91 Am S A Com . 11% Am Smelt . 97 96 % 97 96 Am Smelt pfd .108 107% Am Stl Fdries .. 48 *, 47% 47% 47% Am Sugar . 61% 61% 61% 61% Am Sumatra . 12% 12% Am Tel & Tel ...184% 133% 1 34 134 '* Am Tobacco . 89 8 8 % 88% 88'* Am W W A El .. 37 % 87 37 37% Am Woolen .... 68% 62% 62% 62% Anaconda . 47 46% 47 Aasoc Dry O _13*% 138 138 135% Assoc Oil . 34% 34% 34*4 34% Atchison .119% 118% 118% 118% At Coast Line ...151% 150 151% 150% At Gulf AWT.. 20 % 20% 20% 21 At Refining Co ..109% 109 109% l°i % Austin - Nichols . 31% 30% 30% 31% Baldwin .136% 134% 135% 133% Ba A O E !> 11.25 80% 80% 80% 81% Barnsdall ‘A'1 ... 23% 23 23 62 % R«th Steel . 62% 62 62% 23 Rnsrh Magneto ... 4 4 43 43 44 % RVlvn - Man Rv . 36% 35% 36% 36 Rkvn-Manhat pfd. 73% Bkyn Edison Co..130 1 29 % 129% 129% Calif Packing.. •••• 102% Calif Petrol . . 27% 27% 27% 26% Cal A Ariz Mining 67 Canadian Pacific. 152% 151% 151% 151% Cent Leather ... 20% 20 20% 19% Cent leather pfd. 68 56 % 67% 65 C*»rro do Pasco ... 5 1% .53% 63% 64% Chandler Motors.. 33% 30% 21 33% Che* a Ohio.. .. 9H% 96% 96% 96% chi Ot West com. 9% 9% 9% 9% Chi (It \Ve*t pfd.. 28 27 % 2 % 27% C A N W. 74% 73% 74% 73 C M A St P. 15% 15 13% 14% C M A St P pfd.. 27 26 2«% 26 C R I A P. 48% 46% 48% 46% c fit P M & o Ry. . 56 Chile Copper . 36% 96 36% 24 Chino . 26% 26 26 28 Clueft-Peahody. 63 64 % Cluett pfd . 1(|3% Coca-Cola . 86% 85% 86% 86 Colo Fuel A Iron. 44% 43% 43% 43% Columbian Carbon. 61 % 60% 50% 51 % Columbia Gas .... 47% 46% 47% 46% Congnleum . 42% 42 42% 41% Consol Cigars .... 27% 27% 27% 27% Consol Gas . 77 76% 76% 76% Continental Can.. 69% 68% 69% 68 % font Motor* . 9% 9% 9% 9% Corn Products ... 40% 40 40 40 Cosden . 29% 28% 2*% 2S % Crucible .. 7'i% 75% 75** 76% Cuba Cane Sugar. 12% 12% 12% 12 Cub C Sug nfd . 58 % 58'* 68% 68 % Cuba-Am Sug .. 3« % 30 3o 30% Cuyamel Fruit ... 64 *%• % 53% 64 Daniel Boone .. 7% 7% 7% 7 David Chem .... 4 4 47.% 4 4 4 4 % Del A Hud .137% 1 37 1 37 % 136% 1 >ela A. Lack _145% 141% 142% 141% Dupont Dr \e . 139% 136% 138% 138 Kastman Kodak .lln% 110% 110% 110% Erie . 33% 22% 33% .32% Elec St or Rat .. 66% 67% 67% 6 8 T*am Players . .100% 99 997s M% Fifth Av» Rui L. Fisk Rubber _ 13% 12% 13 12% Fietsch Yep St ... 85% 84% M% *5% c.en Asphalt ... oot, 60% 60% 6 0 Gen Elec .308% 3"* 306 V, 307 % i >*n Motors .... 66% 65% 65% 6?.% Gold Dusn . .... 41 40 % 4' 4» Goodrich . 4 0 39 % 39% 39% Gt North Ore.... 3* 37% "7*, 37% Gt North Rv rfd 71% 70% 70% 70% Gulf States Str.| 90% 84% 89 88% Hartmann Trunk 37% 36% .37 .37 Hayes Wheel .... 41 40% 40% 40% Hudson Motors 35% 35 35% 35 H M'n Co. 48% Houston Oil .. . 81% 80% 80% 8ft % Hupp Motors 17% 17% 17% 17 %• HI Central .117% 117% 117% 117 III Cen pfd. 117% Inspiration . 31% 31% 31% 31% Int T>5 Com Corp. 36% .75 26 % 34% Inter Harvester .109% 107% 109% 107% Int Merc Marine 13% 13 13 13% Jnt M Mar pfd .. 45% 45% 45% 45% Inter Nl-kel .... 26% 26 26% 26% Tnier Paper . 59 57 58 % 56% Jnt'l Tel A T. 94% 94% 94', 94% Invincible Oil. 22% 20% 21% 20% .lone* Tea. 22% 20% 21% 20% .Iordan Motor. 4 8 47% 47% 4 6 K C. Southern- 35 3 4 34 % 34% Kelly-8.17 16% !«•* 16% Kennecott . 66% 66 66% 65% Lehigh Valley. 82% 80% 82% 8ft% Lee Rubber . 12% 12% 12% V \ Lima Locomotive.. 70% «9% 769% Loose-Wiles . 81% 80 81% 78 Louisville A N_112% 112% 112% 111% Mark Truck.124% 123% 123% 122% May Dept. Store.109% 109 109% 109 Mh X well Motor A. 80% 79% 79', ”9% Maxwell Motor fl. 36% 3 6 % 35% 35% Marla nd .40% 39% 39% 40 Mexican Seaboard. 22 20% 20% 21% Miami Copper. 23 22% 23 23% M K A T. fly. . 3u% ?9% 30% 29% Missouri Pacific 36% 34% 36% 34% Mo. Pacific, pfd.. 7 9 74 % 79 74 % Montgomery-W. .. 62% 49% 62% 49% Mother Lode. 9 8% 9 8% Nash Motors.21 5 20X J08 208 % National Biscuit.. 72% 72% 73% 72% Nation a I Enamel.. 35 74% 7 5 '4 National Lead ...166% 1 64 1 64 164 N. Y Air Brake.. 53% 53% 83% 62% N. Y. Central.123% 122% 1!3% 122% N. Y. C A St L.130 125% 1’9% 124% N. Y. N. H A H. 31% 31% 31% 31% North American . 42% 42 47% 42% Northern Pacific.. 71 70% 70% 70% N. A W. Ry.132% 131% 15 % 13ft*, Orpheum . 26% 26% 26% 26% Owens Bottle. 49% 49 49% 49 Pacific Oil. 56% 54% 54% 55 Packard Motor.... 16% 16% 15% 18% Fan American ... 66% 68% 65% 66 Pan-Am R . 66% 65% 65% 66% Fann R R . 48% 48 48 48 % Peoples G«S. 114 114 Fere Marq . 70% 69% 70% 7 0 Philadelphia Co .. 57 66% 67 66 % Phillips Pet . 38% 38 38 % 37% Pierce-Arrow ... 11% 13% 13% 13% Poatum Cereal ... 99% 98 99% 99% Pressed St Car ... 64 Pro A Ref . 29% 28% 29 29 Pullman .148% 147 1 47 % 146% Punta A leg Hug.. 44% 44 44 % 44% Pure Oil . 30% 30 30% 30 Radio Corp . 68% 66% 67% 67% Ry Steel Spring. . 139 % 138% 138% 139 Ray Con . 16% 15% 15% 16% Reading . *0% 79% 80 79 % Tteplogle .. . 21 20% 20% 21% Rep 1 A Steel.... 6 1 % 62% 62% 62% Royal Rtch N ▼ . 51% 63% 63% 64 8t L A H F . 61% 60% 60% 61 St LAS W .... 62 % 50% 59% 61% S- hulte Cigars. ... 1 1 4 113 lit 11 3 »* Sea rs - Roebuck ....165% 161% 166*4 161 Shell In Oil .... 23% 23% 21% 21% Simmons Co .... 9 3% 33 3 1 33 Pint lair Oil . .. 18 17 % 18 1 7 % Hlose Sheffield ... 88 84% 84% 83% Skelly Oil . 25% 24% 56 25 % So Pacific .108% 10 6% 108 % Jin <* C» Rv x dv |1 26. 8 1 80 % 80% 8 1% Stand Oil Calif.... 63% 63% 63% 63% H*and oil N J 4 2 4 1 % 42 41 % Stand Pla*e Glass 14 % Mewart-'Varner .. 74% 71% 73% 7i% Stromb*rg Carb ... 74% 74% 74% 73% Studebaker . 45% 45 45 4i% Submarine Boat... 10% 10 io 10% V® .. 44% 41% 44 4.1% Tex Gulf Sulphur.105% 104 1**4 105% !•*»■ * Par.48% 45% 40% 43% Timken H. Bearing 40% 40% 40 40 Timken Bearing.. 75% 74% 75% 74% Tob Prod a. f7 95% tn% 95 7rr*r" 211 . *% 4% 4% Union Pacific - 153 150% 150% 151% United Fruit . .214% USC Iron Pipe..171 1M% 109'' 144 l S Tnd Alcohol.. *4% 43% 83% 8.1% K . 44 41 % 42 43 l; S Rubber pfd. . . 95% 95% 93% 9.3% IT S Steel.124% 123% 124 123% Steel pfd. 1 23 122% 123 122% Utah Topper .... 87% 87% 87% 84 vanadium . 30% 30% 30 29% Vlvaudou .. 7% 7% Wabaah . 22% * * % ,‘>% ’2% W’abash A . 59 54 59 59 »9% Hesi.rn Union ...1208, 1205. 12014 1ML Westing Air Br'K.11214 11154 11154 11154 TOtolni.,EI,®c A ■ •• ’*» ’*14 J*% 78 While Bagle Oil.. 2914 29 8, 295, 25% White Motors .... 7514 7414 7 4 54 7 4 54 Woolworth l’o ...1254, 1241, 1*41, 1*4 Willy.-Overtsml .. 105, hi, 108, 1014 Overland pfd - 3714 75 1. 7« >4 78 % J "°n .. 884 754 * »ia Wilson pfd . 25', 24 24 24 T, Worth Pump - 72', 7114 7114 71'4 Wreglay Co . 48 5, 48 48 1. 48 Yellow tab Taxi. .. 44 Yellow cab Mfg. 4t'' .o'i Total sales Thursday. 1.774.800 .hares. Today s 2 p m. sales, 1.«1 0.too shares. ------- New York Bonds V New York. ,1an. 9 —Bond prices today responded to a further drop In monev rates, a factor which also was reflected n a marked expansion of trading. The influence of the usual January rHnvest ment demand contributed to the improve ment or high grade liens, while various rail and public utility issues rallied on new speculative possibilities Denver A Rio Grande obligations led | tne railroad list in strength and activity.! moving up to new high levels on pros peets of better earnings and restoration! or the road to a sound financlsl footing Gains of 1 to 3 points were scored by ' Chesapeake A Ohio convertible 5s. Nor folk A Western convertible 6a. New Haven <s and Franc 7s. International Great i Northern adjustment Ms. Seaboard ad justment fis and Missouri Pacific 4s. Outstanding strong spots in ihe public utility group were Standard Gas Os.' which Jumped 7% points to 116%, and! Federal Light 7s. which extended their t" “ P^nts to a new high at 132. Favorable trade developments which aided the oil and copper shares also Ri!,n8 of l to 3 points in MarlunJ 011 8s with Warrants. Sinclair 6%s. Mag ma ,s. Anaconda 6s and American Smelt ing ns Wilson issues continued to rally. In view of the unusually heavy volume of bond offerings this week, new f nanc ing absorbed much o' the Interest in *i Irbies Subscriptions for the SLc.OOOOOO American Telephone bond is sued. offerer! yesterday, it was indicated, ran rlo.e to $400,000,000 and a $12,000,000 issue for the August Thyssen Steel works was promptly oversubscribed. Other Js sues suggesting more than $100,000,000. "hirh are scheduled for early offering, include for the Consolidated Lns company; $30,000,000 for the Boston Mr1 Illuminating company; $.5,000,000 for the Bell Telephone com pany of Canada and $6,000,000 for the Pacific Steamship company. Cntted States Ronds. ln ,1:0nfl) H'Sh Dow Close 320 Liberty 3%* ...101.4 1011 101.3 33 Liberty 1st 4 %s. . 101.31 101.28 101.31 6-. Liberty 2d 4% a.. 100.31 ion.29 100.31 293 Liberty 3d 4%*.. 101.9 101.7 101.7 J',bertJr 4,h 4 '48..101.31 101.28 101.30 63 L S Treas 4 % s .105.12 1$3.H 105.12 Foreign. 163 Ant Jurg M W 6s.. 90 89% 90 6 Argent Gov 7s .. .102% 102 102 171 Argent Gov 6s .... 95% 9‘. 96% 10 AUSt Gov gt lo 7s 97 96% 9c % 11 C of Bordeaux 6s.. 86% 83 83 42 C of Copenha 6t,s 95 94 \ 95 4 C of Gr Prag 7%s 92 92 92 14 City of Lyons 6s . 86 86% 85% 7 C of Marseilles 6s 85% 85 86 % 5 C of R de Ju H 47 93 % 93% 93% 11 CEecho-Slo R Hs '62.100 99% 100 14 Depart of Stine 7s 90% 90% 90% H Horn Rep s t 5%s 92% 92% 92% 1 5 Dof< ’ 5 % % no *29.103 102 % 103 4 D of Can 5s *52 .102 D'2 102 29 1) List Ind 6s *62 .100 % 99% 100 6 8 D K Ind 5 %s rc '53 94 % 94% 94% 4 Fratnerican 7%s .. 94 93 % 94 66 French Repub 8s... 103% D'3H 103% 40 French Rep 7%a.,.10o% 100 100 101 Japanese 6%s . 91% 91% 91% 6 Japanese 4k . 82% S2% 82% 26 K of Belgium 7%s.]09 108% 109 30 K of Bel 6%s rets 93% 93% 93% 30 King of Den 6s... 100% 100% 100% 30 K of Hungry 7%s. . 90% 90 90 n King of Italv f%s 99% 99% 99*; FH K of Nether 0s *72.105% 105 105% 96 K of Nether 6s *54.101 100% 101 126 K of Norway Ms '43 98 97 % 98 2 1 57 SC Si o v 8s 86% 85% 86% 8 Oriental Dev deb 6s 85 % 85% 85% 16 Paris-Lyons M 6* . 79% 79% 79% 9 Rep of Bolivia 8s. 92% 92% 92% 9 Rep of Chile 8s '41.108% lo* 108% 6 Rep of Chile 7s .100 99 % 100 1 R of Colombin 6%s 99% 99% 99 21 Rep of Cuba 6%«.. 97 96% *7 2 R of E Sal s f 8s. 103% lo . % 103% 11 Rei* of Finland 8s 86 86 *6 3 S of Queensland 6s.P»:! 103 103 2 S of Rim G do Sul ** 95% 95% 95% 17 S of S P s f 8s. 103 102 103 15 Swiss ronfrd 8S. .117 116% 116% 64 Swiss Govt 6%s '46.11*1 101 101 31 PKofGR*! fc%s '29.117% 117% 117% 71 CKofGBJfcI5%S *37 1«I6 105% 105% 69 U S of Braxil 8a 96% 96% 96 % 17 C S ot B-C Ry E 7s 82% 82 82 % Domestic. 15 Ant Ag Chem 7%s 95% 9 6 95 12 Am Chain s f deb 6» 97% 97% 97% 2 Am Smelt 6s. 105 105 105 23 Am Smelt 5s. 97 95% 97 51 Am Sugar 8s . 101 100 100% 5 4 Am T A T 6%s 102 101% 101% 21 A T A T col tr 5m 100% 100% 100% 159 Am TAT col tr 4s 96% 96% 96% 2 Am W W & E 5s. 94 9 4 9 4 127 Ami Cop 7s *38_103 102% 103 198 Ana Cop 6s *55 ..100% 100 loo% 34 A r A Co of T) 6%s 92 91 % 91% 13 Associated OB 6s. .102% 102% 102% 16 At T A S F gen 4s 89 88 % 89 22 AtTASF adj 4s stpd 83% 82% *2% 6 At C Lin* 1st 4s.. 89 % 8 9'* 89', 33 Hal A O rfg 6s '95.101% 101% 101 % • 3 Balt! A O tv 4%s - 89 % 89% 89% 72 Haiti A <» gold ts 86% 86', 8,,% JO B T P 1st & rfg :>M. 100 % 100% 10i»% 4 4 Be'h St I con 6* A . 4|% 9 4% 94% 26 Beth S t»ur mon 6s 91 90% 91 1 Bri«r Hill St I 5%s 98% 99% 9*% 28 Bklyn Kdt gen 5s A 99% 99% 99% 149 i! Mnnh T a f Ms *3% 83% 83% 7 Vuff R A Pitts 4 % a *8% 87% 87% 1 9 Calif Pet 6 «,S .102 101 % 102 1 Can Nor del. 6'as.l16% 116% 116% 4 3 ('an Pac deb 4* 79% 7 9 79 % 15 C C A O (.s . ..106% 105% Tk.% 8 Cen of G 6%» . 99% 49% 94% 5 I'en I^eath 5s ....100% 100% 100% 6 Cen Par gtd 4s 87% 87 % '7 8* 12 5 1 Ch A O cv 6s.108% 107 108% 2 8 C A O cv 4%» . .. 96% 98% 95% 16 C A A1 3 % s • 47 4 6 4 6 % 24 r B A Q rfg 8a K 101% l'>n% 10P, 4 C B A. Q gen 4s. 98% 8S% •2 Chic A K III 6s . 75% 74% 75% 5 7 C < >t W 4« . . O'", 59 % 60% 41 C M A St Pcv4 %s 60 % 59 59 % 38 r M A Hr Prfg4'«s 63% 52% 52% 289 r M A Ht P 4s '25 78 76 % 77% 6 C A N rfg 6s ...100% inn% 100% 9 Chi Rsil 5a 83% 65% 83% jo* C R | A P rfg 4s. 84% 84% 84% 11 r 1 *n s 5s R . .101 % 101 % 101% 18 C A XV Ind 4s .77% 77% 77% 30 Chile Cop fs .110% 109% 14*% .37 C 4* CA-fitLrfgoar> 95% 96% 96% 7 C I n Ter 6s . 100 100 100 8 Coir. A H rfg 4 % a 91% 91% 91% 7 C } A Klee 5s... 101 100% 101 15 Com Pow 6s. 98 H 97% 9*S 13 C 1: of M li . 87 8* 86 % *7% 7 ('on Pow 6s .92 91 % 42 27 C C S deb4astpd 100 99% 100 me Am Hug Hr. .103% 107 % 108% 4s Bela a H rvt 5a.. 102% 102% 102% 2 D G A Kllatrftla 92% 92% 42% 20 D A R G rfg o« . 6 2 54% 60% 27 D A R G con 4-. 83% 83 83 % f, Detroit Kd rfg Ms. 107% 106% 107% 6 DuP de X 7 % e . .10* D'7 % 107% 10 Duqueetne I.t 6a ..106% 106% 106% 19 East Cuba Kg 7 % a . 1 06 % 106 106% 112 Kmp Gaa * F 7%a. 98% 97% 9*% 8H Erie evt 4a D. 7 6% 74% 76% 32 Erie gen lien 4s... 64% 64 «4% 9 Fisk Rubber 8s ...109 108 % 108% 2 Gen'I Llec deb 6s.. 102 101% 101% 19 Goodrich 6%a ...102% 101 % DH% » Goodyear T 8s *31.108% 108% 108% 57 Goodyear T 8s *41.121* 1’9% 11*% 18 Gd Tk Rv of C 7s. 116% 116 116% 11 Gd Tk Ry of C 6s 107% 106% 106% 111 Gt Northern 7s A .110 D'9% 110 32 Great Northern 6s.. 93% 93 93 t Hershev Choc fie .104% 104% 104% 36 Hud A Man rfg 5sA 87% 86% 87% 22 Hud A M ad | Inc 5s 68% 6s 68% 4 4 Hum O A R 6 % a 100% 99% 100 4* III BeM TH rfg 6s 97% 97% 47% 3 Illinois »>n 5%s H>3 10.'% 102% 33 I r •' St ,.A NO rfg 5s 96% 96% 96% 14 111 Hleel /'eh 4 % S . . 43% 9.3 9! 31 Inter Rp Tr 7s _ O'*7, 92% 92% 44 Inter Rp Tr 8a . 73% 73 % 71% 2* Int M M sf 6s . Hi % 88 % 8 8 % 246 Inter A G N adt 6- 70% 69% ?4% 48 Infer A G V 1 nt 6s 102 1^0 ia 100% 78 Int M M sf fie . 8% 88 % 88% 23 Int Paper 5s A ... 89 88 % *8% 11K r Ft HAM 4s ..82% 81% 82% 31 K C P A' L Is _ 96 % 96 96 % 5 K C Bouth 5s. 89% 19% 89% 2 4 K r Term 4a . . a* 84 % 8 5 9 Kan G A El 6s . . 99% 94% 99% 15 Kelly.Spring T »• 97 % 9 7 97 3 L'Id Gas ^t I, 6 % h 96 96 96 1 L H A MS .1 4 s 31 95% 95% 45% 3 Llg A MverA 6a. .. 98 % 9* % 98 % 3 I, A X r.A B "3 . 102% D>*% 102% 8 1. A N unified 4s 92 *2 92 4 2 Magma Cop 7s . . ..120 128% 129%! 2 Manat I Hug 7%s mot; 100 100 % 5 Man Ry con 4a. 6,3 63 03 11 Mkt Ht Ry 7a . 99% 99 99 17 Mid Hifel rv fis. 88% 88% 83 % 3 M K A T p I Ms M l 02% 101 % 10 1% 30 M K A T npl 6s A 87 *6% 87 2*3 M K A T n ad 6s A 79% 7*% 79% 48 Mn Par 1st 6a ... 99% 99% 99% 2 3 2 Mo Pac gen 4s 6 4 % 63 % 6 4 % ao Mont pow r»A A 98% 98 9s X N Etta T4T 1st 6a 100% 100 100 27 N • » T A M 6%s 9H% 98% 98%; 4<»* N Y r d 6a .I It; % 116% 116 % 4* N Y f • AI f,A 99% 99% 99% 1 N V 4? con ip. . *3% 83% 8 3% 47 N V ( A Ht L ft%s 44% 91% *4 % 6 N Y Edison 6 % a .113% 11.3% II :% 77 5 N Y X H A H 7a H»n M% 94 *4 647 N Y N If A M 7s fr 98% 97% 96% 11 N Y It vs ti >16 4 4'* 14 14 8 N Y Tel rf 6a It |ft»t% 106% 10' % 35 N Y Tel gen 4%a 9f. % 16 % 96 % 13 N Y 3V A M os 4 % a 6 2 ti | % a; I 8 Nor A Weal cv Ms 1.11 131% I 37 ?o Nor A Weal inn 4s **% 8*% *1% 36 Nor Am Ed 6s 9« % 9«'* 98% 29 Nor Tac rf 6a R.. 100% 106% 106% . 21 Nor Par p I 4s... *i 84% *1 14 Nor Sta P lat be A 94 9.3% 94 7 Or A Cal lit 6a. .101 101 401 21 O S I, rf 4a. 96% 96% 96% 26 Or-Wash RRAN 4a. 82% M2 82 17 Par GAEI 5a . 94 91% 94 72 Par TAT 6a 52. 93 92 % 91 8 Penn RR 8%a .....110% 110% 110% 48 Tenn HR *n 5a.. 102% 102% 102% 20 P#nn RR gen 4%a. 93% 93% 93% 14 Pere Marq rf 5a... 98% 97% 98% 4 Phlla Co rfg 6a-102% 102% 102% 11 Phlla Co 6 % a . .. 94% 94 94 % 4 Phil A R<1 CAI 6a.100% 100% ino% 12 Pierre Arrow 8a... 95% 95% 95% 2 P R I. A P lat 6a R 94% 94% 94% 1 Pub Serv 6a .104% 104% 104% 2 Punta Aleg Sug 7a.l04 104 104 4 Reading sen 4a ... 95% 95% 9664 6 Rem Arm* a f 6a 88 8* 88 8* 88% 2 Hep T A 8 a f 6i 94% 94% 94% 69 Rio G W rol tr 4a . 73% 72 73% 13 R I A k I, 4 %s ... 86 96% 86 14 SLIM AS rf 4s. 92% 92% 92% 9 SLTMAS 4a RAO d 84% 84 84 % 61 8LA8F pr li 4a A 71% 71% 71% 50 SL&SF ad 6a ... 86 85% 86 l'»4 St L A S F inc 6a 78% 7m% 78% 10 St L So con 4a .. 86 85% 85% 4 St P Un Dep 5a .101 100% mi 4 S A P S rf 6a . 90% 99% 99% 16 Seab A L con 6a.. 85% 85% 86% 28 Seah A L ad 5s . . . 76% 75% 76V* 44 Seal) A L rf 4a ... 60% 60% R(i% 42 Slnr C Oil rol 7a.. 90% 90 90% 26 Sine C Oil 6%s . . 8 4 % 8 4 84% 3 slnr Pipe L 5a.... 81 82% 83 26 So Pac rv 4a . .. 97 96% 96% 99 South Pa«: rfg 4s. 89 88 % 89 14 South Par col tr 4s 85% 84% 84% 22 So Rail gen 6%s ..108% 108 108 % 9 So Rail gen fis ...104% 104 104 99 So Rail pen 4a.... 74% 7 4% 74% 67 So Hell Tel rfg 6s 96% 96% 96% 139 St G A E rv 6%a .116% M9% 116% 21 Steel Tube 7a .105% 106 105 20 Tenn Eler. rfg 6a .100 99% 100 12 Third A ve adj 5s. 49 48 *, 48% 3 Third Ave rfg 4s . 56 66 56 2 Toledo Edison 7a .108% 108% 108% 3 Union Pacific 1st 4s 91% 91% 91% 20 Un Par evt 4s ... 99% 99% 99 * 6 Union Par rfg 4s.. 84% 84% 84% 18 U S Rubber 7%s ..105% 105 105% 35 IT S Rubber 5s. 85% 85% 85% 70 t* S Stectd 6a .194% 104% 104% 7 Utah P A L 6a _ 91 % 91 % 91 % 11 Va - Car 7%a wwr.. 45% 45% 45% 181 Va - Car Chem 7a. 77% 76 76% 22 Vir Rv A P 5a ... 94 92% 93% 14 Virginian Ry 5a .. 95% 95% 95% 34 Weal Electric 5a ..99 98% 98% 147 West Marv 1st 4a. 63% 64% 64% 4 Weat Pacific 5a .. 91 91 91 30 West Union 6%s ..110% 110% 110“%, 12 West Elec 7s .108 1<»7% 107% 16 Wick - Spen S 7s. 77% 77 77 % 1 Willy a - O 1st 6 %a 100% 100% 100% 23 Wilson A Co 7 % s . 69% 58 % 59 Vi 13 Wilson A Co 6a ... 93 92% 93 11 Wilson A Co 6s ... 60% f>9% 60% 11 Young Sh A Tb 6s. 96 95% 95% Total sales of bonds today were $20. 145.000 compared with $16,134,000 pre vious day and $19,51 1,000 a year ago. Out of the Records | V - -. ■/ Births and Deaths. Births. Clifford and Zetha Robbins, 2428 Lake Street, girl. William and Julia Stienke, 222 South Twenty-ninth b freer, girl Clarence and Evelyn Kinney, 1806 North Sixteenth street, bov George and Leith Bussing, hospital, g.rt. Jo* and Rose Corrow. hospital, boy. George and Dora Howden. 2623 Casa street, hoy Gesrge and Alfred* Durntll, 2407 B a? reef. ho>. Morris and Jenny Goldberg, hospital, *lrl. Octabiano and Rosa Madrigos, 2816 R street, girl F. 8. and Lillian Brown. Florence, boy. Deaths. Mariua Christian Knuds^n, 60. hos pital. Thomas Murphy. 60, 2904 McKinley street. Mrs. Margaret Leary, 85, 601 North Forty-first avenue Lucile Turco, 2, 6124 South Twenty third street. Timothy Shields, fit. hospital. Mario Hayden. 27, hospital. In Divorce Court. Decrees. Helen L. Cropley from Sidney J . non support. Rufus 8. Wigga from Julius, desertion Carl A. Olson, from May. cruelty. Ruth Tlngley from Lynda I. cruelty. Mabel Masters Dingle from Edward, cruelty. Albert. A. Swartout from Georgia B . dc»<*rt Ion. Clara R. Holmes from Harry J. cruelty. Saaah E. Petty from Albert B . cruelty. Sarh E. Petty from Albert H., creutlv. s import Sam P. Christensen against Cora M ct unity. Thomas .1. Gillespie against Julia. cruelty Ruby Stevenson against. Herbert B., cruelt y. Building Permit*. J J. Mi hael. 3811 Q street, cement block garage 13.500. Skogman A jin ns *125-27 Cass, br‘rk vender dwelling. |12,00n Skogman A Sons 3129-11 Cass, brick veneer dwelling. Paul Marxen. 2.318 North Fiftieth ave nue. frame dwelling. 16.008 Real Estate Transfers. Martin Security Co. to Harry Chrls topberson rf at. 108 feet south i of Boyd street, east side, irregu | lar . .. 115,000 jGeorge E. Heater and wife to Lewis R Richter and wile. 15th street. 421 feet south of Castelar street. west side 26x140 . 2,300 Jo«eph Posplchal and wife to Sera flno Piatilll et al. 24th street. 114 feet »ou»h of Woolworth avenue. west side. 40x126 . 1.460 Le Roy S Paulsen and wife to Wll llam Chiida. Lari more avenue. 295 feet east of 2*th street. south side. 42x1 35 600 Il.lalmar N< Ison and wffw to Mar garet Roberts Ohio street. .>45 frt#t ea*t of r.Oth street, south aid*. 50x130 . . 6.000 John G. Clark and wife 10 Joseph H Hallteka et sL 45th avenue. ho feet south of Wtrsf street, west •Ids, 40x 1 47'-, 4.100 Hankers' Mortgage and Loan Co. to Flbfenre Eggleston, Fowler a\e ntie, 160 fee» east of 48th street, noHh fids 4N1II J 4fto Tempi* MeFayden and wife to Charles W Grlepentrog and wife Krsklre street. 131 feet we«t of 49th street, north side 64x12* . 1.260 William H Smalls et *1 to Xeno phon P Smith and wife. Western avenue. 350 feet west of 61st street, north aide 45x1 35 1,760 Martha T Armstrong and husband to Andrew R Anderson end wife ?*th avenue. 66 feet north of Tucker street, west aide, 66x132 1 William L. Erickson to Tsui F Williams. southeast corner 62d end Lake streets 60x1 28 1.150 Cheries O. Msybrey and wife to Irene A. Shefstall. northeast rnr. ner 16*h and M streets 43 1 8x80 1.600 Joseph Egermler and wife to John Htrnad et al. Hugo street. 80 feet esat of 10fh street, north Side. 40x120 1.400 Bridget Baireff tn Catharine Bar rett, Burt street. 123 feet west of 25th avenue, north aide. 31 *4* 1.15. 1 Consumers' Realty Co to Frederick 8 Martin et at 20th street. 4 60 feat south of Pierre street, east side lrregular 22.860 M. I,. Enrirea. sheriff, to Mary 8lew art. 4 .’d Street 5<t feet north of Hurt afreet, east aide. 50x128’*.... 1,000 Charles W Kimble and wife to George A. Kinney and wife, 21th afreet. 60 feet south of E street. east aide, 50x75 .. . . 2.800 Louis Lund In and wife to Hans Hamburg et el Camden avenue, 200 feet sn«t of 46th street, north side. 50x123 00 Ka»rlns Xndollnaki and husband to Helen 8 layer and husband. 3.’d S* reel. 6.'. feet south of K street. west aid*. 25x130 . 1,600 May R<» to Nets J Clausen. 3*th street. 116 feet south of G street, west side. 60x13.* . 100 Pioneer Doctor Die*. Special Dispatch to The Omaha liee. Hie Springs. Neb., .Inn. 9—Dr. H. D. Hoot, a pioneer resident °f N> braska, tiled at hia home here yes terday. Dr. Floof rame her# from Plaits mouth in 1895 and lias made his1 h' Pie here ever since. ADYKRTIftFMKNT. APVERTISRM ENT. BETTER THAN WHISKEY FOR COLDS AND FLU The sensation of the drug trade Is Asplrnnal. the two minute cold and cough reliever, authoritatively guar anteed by the laboratories; tested, approved and moat enthusiastically endorsed by the highest authorities and proclaimed by the people as ten times as quick and effective ns whls key, rock and rye. or soy other cold and cough remedy they have ever tried. All ding stores are supplied with the wonderful elixir, so all you have if do is to step into the nearest drug •tore, hand the clerk half a dollar for a bottle nf Aspironal and te|| him tnj seise you two teanpoonsful. With! Crnfton, Jan. 9.—After sliding about in a rocking rhair for several years and managing to rare for a family ot small children besides doing the house work, although being partly paralyzed, Mrs. M. Tay lor has at last been compelled to cease working for a time on account of a broken leg. Not until her lag was blue and badly swollen was It discovered that it had been broken while she was being pulled across the street in a rocking chair. She had been visiting at a neighbor’s home and as Mr. Taylor's car stalled when he went after her, she was drawn home in the rocking rhair and on the way her foot caught in a snap, hut as it was paralyzed she felt no pain and the discovery was not made until later. TRADE DEMANDS ARE FALLING OFF New York, Jan. 9.—Dun's tomorrow will say: "There has been a recent slacken ing of demand in rertaln quarters, hut It Is neither unnatural nor Indica tive of a check to progress. The at tention of various interests has been centered largely on inventorying as usual early in January and a falling off in new commitments is to be looked for under the conditions, “With relatively small stocks of goods the rule, it seems logical to ex pect that purchasing will soon in crease in lines where a lull has lately prevailed and the large numbers of buyers that have come into the mar kets show that replenishment of sup plies has become necessary In many instances. The holiday trade in some cases proved to he larger than had been anticipated and ordinary retail distribution, even' with a recurrence of mild weather in some sections, holds up well.” Weekly bank clearings, $11,099, 491,000. ______ ~ THEATERS Two headline attraction* are fea tured In the new six-act vaudeville hill at the World, starting today. ,These Include the mammoth spectacle, "City of Yesterday,” showing upon the stage the destruction of Tokio by fire and earthquake. It Is one of tlie most widely discussed features of present day variety. Charles T. Aid rich, noted character change come dian, In a most unusual comedy per formance, is the other top-liner. Among the added attraction* ere Shriner and Fitzsimmons in their laugh provoker, "The Newsdealer." Promising to prove extremely popular, the Kmpress Players sr* this week offering a musical comedy ver Ison of the well-known novel, "Rena Rivers.” Telling a beautiful love story with plenty of dramatic mo ments and hllaxious comedy, the show Is one that will maintain the high production standard set by the com pany during It* long stay In Omaha. Capt. John Willard, who came hack from the world war to achieve and fortune with "The Cat and the canary,” which plavs at the Brandeis the last two limes today, matinee and | night, clalma to have received the In spiration for his thriller while flying over the battlefields in France. "Flying i« a great stimulation to the imagination." says the oaptain. “I suppose temporary freedom from man-made laws and other restraint has something to do with it. But, at any rute, the Idea of "The Cat and the Canary" came to me when I was up in the air. I made a play of it and I've been flying ever since It was produced.” Bob Carleton. song writer, appear ing at the Orpheum this week with Julia Ballew in an original song and dance act, became famous a few- sea sons hark when h» wrote the popular ".la Da” song, letter ha wrote the "Teasin’ Song," which became almost as popular as "Ja Da." The enter taining song numbers In their art this week are Mr. Carleton a own compo sltions. Rvdia Harris la a prominent mem her of Branded and Travers' "Best Show In Town," at the Oa.vety theater |'his week. She was a prominent fea ture with the "Stars' Record Act" on the Keith time. The engagement closes with today's two performances Radies who go to the nayety theater n^xt week will find in "Nifties of 1925" amusement quit# to their lik ing. Danny Murphy and Will H Ward will make them laugh. Mildred Campbell is also a comedienn* of mirth provoking talents and Violet McKee, the featured soubrette, |a also a "cut up" of no small caliber. Ye resa Adams will gpnw how beautifully mtialc ran he sung, I,Milan Murphy, Ingenue eoubrette; William Murphy, splendid singer and sterling actor; Jack Coyle, straight man, and Honni and Smiles, eccentric dancers and i-omedlnns, will alsn rontribu!* to the entertainment. The opening perform ancs starts at 9 tomorrow matinee. Dr. Dr^oir# Widow Dirt, York, Jan. 9.—Mrs. I,. R ReWolf, widow of Dr. Rotan B. I'eWolf, for five years pasior of York Methodiat church, died Thursday at the home of Dr. J N. riitmh, In York. Dr. DeWnlf died October 51, following a stroke of paralysis austalned last May and Mrs. your watch in your hand, take the drink at one swallow and call for your money hack In two minutes If you cannot feel Hie distressing symptom** of your cold fading away like a dream, within tha time limit. Pon t he Iwsh fill# for all druggist* ln\ite von and * Xpert you to try It. Kvery body * doing il. Take the rein tinder of (he bottle borne to yniu wife and rhlldren, for Asplronal Is by far tbc safest and moat effective, the easiest to take and the moat agreeable cold remedy foi children as well as adults. Quickest teiief for catarrhal croup and ch.l dren • choking up at night DeWolf suffered nervous breakdown following her husband's death. She Is survived by a dauahter. Lucille, a teacher in the Fairmont schools, a son, Harold, who is a student at Bos ton Theoloaical seminary, two sisters, a brother, and her mother. StopsJbur COUGH Each ingredient of this stan dard family remedy ia a recog nized healing medicine for cougha and throat irritation*. Bentbtt bath cbilim aai frawa-api Ba Sura tt’a PHANBERUINC ucocgh:z::::yu CONTAINS NO NARCOTICS Sold iTtrywhTl ANNOU N CEMENTS. Funeral Notices 1 PAULEY Frihdn. age 52 year*, beloved wife of Vincent Pauley, passed away Jan uary 7. 1925 She Is survived besideH her huaband by two brothers. Alfred and Hen ry Paulsen of Chicago and one Bister. Mri. Alms. Dyssegard. Oakland Cal. Funeral Saturday afternoon at 2;30 from the N. P. Swanson chapel. 17th and Cum ing streets. Interment Springwell ceme tery. AH mem bars of Ruth Rebekah lodge No. 1 are requested to attend funeral. RIM MERMAN—Calvin O.. 2314 North 49th St.. January 9, age 34 years. Deceased ia survived by his wife. Margaret, and one daughter. Martina Ann; his mother, Mrs. A. S. Rimmerman. five brothera. Clarence, Clyde, Paul. Wilbur and Howard, and three sisters, Mrs A C. Nerneaa and Mlsaea Esther and Luella. Funeral services Saturday at 2:3ft p. m . at the residence. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. SPOERRI—Robert »T , age 50 years. Resi dent of Omaha for 47 years. Mr. Spoertl lived alone at 814 South 19th St. Survived by two brothers. Eugene of Omaha, and A. W. of Los Angela; two sisters, Mrs. [J. Simms of Los Angeles, and Mra. Emla liehring, Chicago. Funeral services Saturday. 8 p m.. at Heafey A Heafey chapel. Rev George Dorn officiating. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. j BETTACK—Frank, a resident of Omaha for 50 years, entered Into rest at a local hospital Thursday. January 8th. at the age of 7ft years. Besides his wife, he is survived by three sons and three daugh ters. Funeral services Monday, January 12th, at tha home, 2428 8. 19th St., at 2 p m. Interment Bohemian National cemetery. Friends welcome. SLAVEN—Charlotte Cecilia. January 7, 1 925. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richelieu. 317 Bancroft street, survived by husband. John F Slaven. son of Mr. and Mrs Owen Slaven; one son. and two I daughters Funeral Saturday morning from the home. 317 Bancroft street, at 8:3ft a m to Si Patricks church at 9 a m Omaha Funeral Homs in 'ha tire MACMACKKN Mrs Frances, passed away January 7, 1925. at Llngle. Wyo. Funeral Saturday afternoon s' 2 o’clock from the Plymouth Congregational church. 18th and Emmet. Interment Forest I.awn remet ery. KROL’PA-Miss Bessie. 24 years old died Thursday ai home. 4113 South Ninth Funeral Saturday afternoon at 2 from home Interment Bohemian National cemetery. Korisko Funeral home in charge. Vault* and Monument*. 2 “Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vaulte recommended by all leading undertakers M fd by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co Funeral Directors. 3 HOFFMAN-CROSBY imbulanct. Dodge and 24th St. Funeral directors. JA 1901 HKAFKT A H FA FEY TTndertakars and Embalmere Phona AT 2631 Office. Still Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1M2I j HLLSE A UIEPEN. At Your Servlet. 2*22 :i rumfnc StJA I»l Brailey & Dorrance. N. P. SWANSON^ 17TH AND CUM ISO Quiet Dignified SupervialOR JOHN A. GENTLEMAN HA. 1**4341 I Farnam St H. K. BURKET A SON 3 4 0 5 Farnam. F:§t 1174. HA. 0014. LESLIE O. MOORE 2*th and Win. WE 0047 Cemeteries. 4 VIS1T K< »R K ST L A W N Purchase a family lot In Omaha's moat beautiful cemetery. Office* *t the ceme •erv. w**et of Florence, and 720 Brandeia | Theater Bldg lx>d&e Notices* * i MEMBERS of the Catholic Daughters tue#»t at the home of Slater M. J. Swart*. 4 4 02 < apilol Ave. Friday evening. Jan. 9. ft.lQ p m. Personal*. 9 THK 8 A I. V AT I ON ARMY Industrial Burn* aoliclta your old clothing, furniture, mag* sines. we collect. W« dlatrlbuta Rhone JA 4116 and our wagon will call. Cali and Inspect cur new borne :» > *s )Sth>> MASSAGE, constipation specialty. M J. Bowman, graduate University Austria ! l S1 J Chicago St _ MASSAGE Expert treatment ladv ope-, aror. open till 9 p. ill 210 North 17th St ! COSTUMES, theatrical, historical masque costumes to rent. Lieben. 161* Howard laost and Found. 10 roCKETBOOK- Hand tooled leather, loet n or near Rialto theater. contains! money, k.ev* and watch. Reward JIA. 2716. LOST-- Pa r uf men a ahoea on North K»h St between Locust and Ame* Ave Please return to 1207 Harney St JA MH LOST Gold engraved rnaar;. between Sunday and Wednesday; keepsake. Liberal reward WE 1*11. L< »ST Seal hrindle. Roeion terrier. 4 months old. 2 bald apot* over right eye Rew-ped fA 121* POCKET ROOK LOST--Bet ween 3«th and ’.2d on i*aaa St. containing Ho and key. WA 4 r> 6 3__ IA 1ST—Double cameo brooch Return to Blue Cab Co and receive IIP r- ward Al’TOMOHII.K*. Aiitoinnhilr* for Snlr. 11 A small down psymsnt Is alt that la required. Com* In amt talk over our eaay payment plan 1 • ? 1 Ford Koadaier, aiarter . $121 1*21 Ford Touring. atartar . 225 1 #20 Stut* Touring, very good . 250 ' Dodge Touring .... 200 Other* $50 up to $1,000 Andrew Murphy & Son, Inc. AT 4 II 1 1 4th an I la- keon. 1922 Hupmobile 4 pMMngff coupe. A high rlgaa rar at a low min#. Stewart Motor Company, 25*5 Farnam MtAT 524£_ P 4<*K A HP. third aerie* twin all - ar renewed throughout a fine rar m l a \erv low price. will take Ford »» lit* pa■ mi-nt Mr Baker, AT 4411,_ 100 CARS. Forda and other makea UMJ and up t'aah or terma. take <ir in trade. t»»TR«iM Al'TO CO, 1112 Harney Ai ctpen evening* A Sun AT AM* naVh \ rTkjkma A! TO t o. UWKP CAR 5TORK. r»iB4 Fa i na m AT Sfll Wll.l, ae|| piv l#2| Ford Roadater. atarter and ettiaa. all for $115 Mr. Walker, AT 441IT_ Full T III-: R1 c I n T PRIt'R ON HOOP USRP CARS J4FK _OMAHA Fl 1NT l.ATK 1123 Naah four door taupe rar tuna and took* like new, can he nought at a tacrlflce Mr. Walker A.T 3411. 1n" l FORD cori’K a \etv good cat and pi - ed to move tetma If wanted Mt Maker AT 4411 r>m in for ftnlr. It USED TRUCKS FROM "\K Tc* TURKIC : i\s IN'TIC II NATION Al.ji INp OTIlUlS SMC \ H IN Ol R NICW I.Of .illuN 1 n to r n at i on a 1 H a rves t e r Company, Itm at Jonas Tal A1. 0«»# j * AITOMOB1LES. I Auto Accessories, Parts. 16 GUARANTEED new ana used auto parts at a special cut pries. Nebraska Autn Pans. 1016-11 Harney St. JA. 4331. and 3205 Cuming St. AT 1370_ NEW Chevrolet radiators, $12.50. Kap lan Auto Parts. 2111 Nicholas. BI SINKSK SERVICE, Hinting and Dumbing. 23 THE plumbing and heating establishment of Thomas F. Ralfe, 312 South 13th street, consisting of plumbing material, steam heating material, gas fixtures and ap pliances. A complete stock for the above business including all shop tools, safes, desks, furniture and everything on the premises is open for Inspection at the above number. All to be sold to the highest offer for said goods. Proposals will he received January 12. 13. 14. Term*: Cash or notes secured. By L. H. BALFK, Temporary Guarckan. Millinery—Dressmaking. 35 ACCORDION. »id». knife, bo» pl.klln*, covered buttone all styles: hemstitching: buttonholes. Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 30K Brown Block, Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1326. NEB PLEAT]NO CO.” Hemstitching! Covered Buttons. 1304 Fatnain. Second Floor. JA SI73 Moving—Trucking—Storage. 26 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING. MOVING. 8H1PPINO. STORING Estimates furnished. AT 3230 or JA 433s GORDON S FIREPROOF WH8E A VAN. 243 North 11th 8t. Phone JA 303*, mov ing. packing, storage, shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, mov ing. storage, shipping JA. 4163 Painting and Papering. 2? Wallpaper, paperhanglng, painting. Fred Parke. 4703 8. 24th St M A. OKU ; AT. 7404 ratent Attorneys. 28 J. W. MARTIN. 62« Patera Trust Bldg. Omaha; also Washington. Doubts aervfce. single fee. Also help sell patents. Printing—Stationery. 29 COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Eddy Printing Co. 212 South 13th St Phone JA. i.061 EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female. 36 THREE Intelligent young married women wanted for part time work to be done In your own horn*. Liberal pay. Light pleasant work for one of the oldest and biggest institutions in Omaha. Call AT. 1000. Ask for Miss Andrews. LADIES—Our dourse of beauty culture means easier work, splendid pay, inde pendence; day or night; iet u* show you the Moler way; rail or write. Moler ' ollege. 103 8. lath LADIES—Learn beauty culture. our Gaining equips you for the better posi tions. Day or night. Pay ns a visit and see our classes in operation. Moler Col ic**. 103 S. 151 h LADIES wanted everywhere, address en velope* for u« In vour own home; !»av. Write immediately United Sab?* Service, JO East Jackson Blvd.. Chicago, 111 II: Ip Wanted—Male. 3* WANTED—Men to learn bartering the Moler way; day or night; our training puts you in splendid position or ahop of your own. our catalogue explains; tall or write. Moler Barber College. 103 8. 15th St MEN—Learn Umbering; our system turn* >ou out a high < las* workman able in hold best job* Earn while you learn Dav or night <!«*•* s Call or write f()r catalog Moler Barber College. 103 4. 1 f. t h ALL men. women, boys, girls 17 to 66, willing to,«t government positions. $117 $250 (traveling or stationary), writ* Mr. Ojsrnent. 1»6 St Louie Mo. Salpwnion and Agents. 39 M ANTED—Man to succeed P. O Johnson in Saunders county retiiltng Kawleigh *■ od hee th food product*, spices, flavors, medicines, toilet preparations, et. ; 15'* everyday necessities used hv million*, largest company, establ *he«1 3i» years: favorably knot'n nil over America, no experience, practically no capital needed, we tea« h you to manage your n per in a - tient big raying business. $;.fton-f .Vftftg warly aive **e occupation, reference? W. T Rawleigh Co . Dept. NB-6410 Free port. III. Situation, Wanted—Female. 40 WANTED—To be governess. Hold teach er's professional life certificate, primary location United States Mabel David m n. lS"d-$ Ave., Greeley. Oolo FINANCIAL. Iti.'viipss Opportunitiea. 42 MANAGER sheet metal or t're ahop. with some npita' Address Acme. 723 First Av<*. «*uunri] Bluff* FOR SALE .'.-room house snd store 6 lota In fruit Bargain Slater, St. Cloud Fla . Box ft; Krai Estate Loan*. 4$ M iJ N FT Tt"r"L* ' a N On first and second mortgages. W# buy outright for cash Existing mortgages and land contracts Prompt Ac'ton. H x WOLF CO. $<1 Saunders-Kenned) fPdgAT I14C | 5^ AND 4 PER CENT " MONEY Loans on Omaha improved property a' lowest rate* FRANK H. BINDER. 4?3 City National. JA >M1 MONEY on Omaha houses a’ * pe* cent and * ‘x 1-nr cent Cash on hand. No de 1-4' Sh"i A Co. 234 Keellne Rldg JA. 4224 MX per cent loan* on Omaha raaiden f* <‘aah on hand Prompt s*r\!ca. E. H Louaee. Inc . M4 Keellne Bldg LOW RATE on city property, quirk » j closed, no monthly pa v men's JA 1532 W T GRAHAM. 764 Paters TtqM OMAHA H*>.MF8 EAST N EH FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat 1 Hank Rldg JA 2TU SECOND mortgages or contracts per chased bv Tukey Company «J0 First Na tional Rank JA. 4223 $ 10ft to 310.00ft loaned, prompt service F D Wead A D II Bowman. Weed Rldg ft* AND 4 PER CENT—NO DELAY GARVIN mu>8 4 45 Omaha Nat l Rldg Farm Loans on West Neb. and N K. Colo farm# Kicks Investment Co. Omaha Money to Loan. 4ft WE WILL LOAN rot* MONET at the lowest rate we have ev#r mada. DON'T PAT II(OH RATES Over XU yeara In business assures »«u nl « quick, quiet and confidential deal a* the lowest possible coat OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 404 Karbach Hluth. Tei JA lltl. Southeast corner 14th and Douglas Ste DIAMOND loans at low«it rates, business strict v confidential. The Plamond I .oar. <'o 1St« Podge St Established 1«44 KIH CATIONAI. IjO<*aI Institution (lasses. 48 PAT SCHOOL NJG11T SCHOOL Complete routs* IS all commercial branches Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy. as iaamanehtp, civil aeraloa Phone JA. 1444 Complete catalog frea. Hr.VLES COLLEGE lfij and Harney Ste Omaha. Neb EIGHT to 1! weeks prepare you for a fine office paeltlnn Call AT 7774 ar wtlta American College ISIS Farnam TRT CITT BARBER Ci'LI.mIR. 140J Podge St. 1104 Douglas St Call or write for Information Musk il ■ Prim ills 49 PIANISTS 1.e#’n popular music. E. M Kahn Mtrkel HMg AT 4441 ! Dmadtiff Aradtmks. ftO KEEP S CINDERELLA ROOF, 1" T11 AND DOUGLAS STS JA 4470 Claasea Tueadav and Friday. (0 lessons, f4 Private lessons anytime. Ten com petent instructors. Kll PINK—Farnam at ffttn class and assembly Mon and Thura Vltea Private icaa-me anv time AT 714# UVKNTOrK. IHgA, ('sla amt IVfa. 18 1 Mi’i'i: |‘i l* Heiman police d n a'uda ail Al*. puppies and matnt- » • t of mum * for safe Cli L II R Vi Rt'FT FARM KENNELS, ilrd and Military Road LIVESTOCK. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. 54 [•'oft SALE Six head young work horses xnd marc*, all guaranteed good work ers and sound, at 46f>3 South 27th St. ' MKRCHANDISe!_ Business Equipments. 58 I'YPEWRITERS. — ReaaonaMa RENTAL atea. New and aecond-hand machine* for •ale. Have you seen the Standard Keyboard Remington Portable? Whatever your need* in the typewriter line, call Remington ryptwrlter Co.. 210 3 18th St.. JA. 2871 WE BUY. tell safes, make deaka. show case*, etc. Qmaha Fixture A Bupply Co., a W Cor 11th and Douglas JA 2724 Fuel and Feed. 61 KINDLING—$5 truck load delivered; •awdust; haled, shaving* JA. 574t>. Machinery and Tools. 67 NEW and aecond-hand motor*, dynamos LeBron Electrical Works. 118-20 B 12th Wanted to Buy. 73 DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk*, used deaka. bought, aold ano traded. J C Peed 1207 Farnam St AT 6148. BOOMS FOB BENT. Furnished Booms. 75 BEAl'TIFUL south front room, nicely fur nished for <>ne nr two responsible young men with gilt-edge reputations Call at 4936 Davenport evenings until X. 3021 DAVENPORT ST. - Nice comfortable room, very reasonable; private home. Gar age if desired. HA 1804. CAPITOL AVE . 2530—Nice sleeping rooms. 43.50 week AT- 5685 _ HA. 6903—Two nicely furnished rooms in private home. Price reasonable BEMIS PARK Nicely furn. rm ; use of piano; gentleman preferred. HA. 3748. Sanitary, steam-heated rooms. walking distance So. Omaha 4331 S 23d and Q Sis. \VA 6169 Waiting for you! Nice, clean, comfortable room, good horn** Booing for Housekeeping. 76 TWO front rooms, all modern, good heat, everything furnished. 17. JA 0874, 311 N 25th St.__■ DOUGLAS 2658—Light hskp rooms, first and second floors. Walking diatan< e._ HOWARD Stm. healed rins dose in; 8 week; lights linen and phon** Where to Stop in Town. 78 HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW—lith and Farnam Special Rate* to Permanent One«tt Apartments of Building Owners and Managers Association. Unfurnished. 80b UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 4 room*. Memmen. 2214 N. 19th St., 112.50 40 4 room*. No. 15 Troy. 3099 Harney 8t.. $45-50 5 room*, No. 2 Ormond. 565 S 28th St . $50. 1 room*. No. 1 Kingsborough. 2539 Podge St.. !4n-54 4 room*. No. 3 Troy. 3009 Harney St . $50-60 4 room* No 18 Flo L-e*. 20th and Capi tol A vp., $52.50-60 4 rooms. No. * Jov> e. 27th Ave. and Cali fornia St . $62.50-72.50 a rooms. No. A Aiaatian. 119 S 15'h St.. $75. 4 ro m* No. 13 Conamore, 2763 California St.. $70-80. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Where Omaha Rent*. AT. 0 54 4 1 7'h end Farnam Sta. PRINCETON Ninteenth a^d 1‘odge. four mlnut** from retail renter, now b-unt romnleted. Thirty eight attractive unfurnished apt*, ideal for *m*ll femILe*. Apt*, contain living room Wi'h built-in bed. dreaain* room, reef kJ»fiien.*tte nutid- bath Some have ett!« rio*ef* Manv built-in feature*. Hum-walnut woodwork unusually attrac tive f x nr*-* Beautifully d#rcra»*d Mar.v •per hi I f iture« Rent* range from $4*50 to $57-61, f..r vartnu* t\pe* Phone ua for appointment o* Isn'tor will nhow The Fred L. Hevn Co., Realtor*. AT 7716 114 Omaha Nat l Bk Bldg PETERS TRUST -OMPANY •WHERE OMAHA RENTS" AT 0544 17th and Fa<nam Ste \PARTM f:.\TP and flat* for ram W j PALMER CO AT 898* Rea) Eat * * e Managem «r.t Special'a* a Elegant mod 6-r steam ht . elec. wa*h»r, 1 N 25th Kev at Hunter Inn AT *960 Rg aTTESTATE—Pt>K RENtU Apartments—Furni*lirfl. *0 HARNEY 2631 — Two-room gpr and kitchenette, hot and catd water. All new furniture «ni rue*. walking distance, couple de tired Muat be aeen to be ap preeiated Call at 4*24 FURNISHED apartment. 4 room*, fir*t floor, private bath. Harxcom park, walk ing d!.»tan<.r, garaee HA 1479 CUM I NO ST. 2'52—Furtiiahed 4 or 5-room apt*., private bath, at earn heat, at 4«46. Apartments—I nfurnished. 81 oiioii K M’ lnt Fi»r rooms *nd hath steam hast, hot wat."' d-iy and nteht. n!oa condition. For •.mmadiaia possession rndocad to liS par n.onth Walkmic distance _W 1 GRAHAM .1 A 1.t a I \ 4**1—Thraa rooms and bath. |3S. Ft vs rooms and bath. 35? ?•<* Every room an ouratda room and fall of sunshine. BELVEDERE AFT*- . 16th and VVoolwnrth *l§4 DORCAS ST —Si* 'argm rooms snd breakfast nook Lika new. Closa to school and -«r t*«> ■t 1 HIATT CO AT f»"« 4-ROi'M apartment, 4-room a« oomods • •«,p 1?II Fark A* a . «ood rond HA 1*6» NEW l»rnLEXK8 F >R RENT. N .1 9KOGMAN A- SONS. till Cuming St_Hs T»<4 HIGH * lass Arts an.l flat* undnr aupar. r ine ■ ■ • r that plcattt r ra> m Bros >11 K X Bh AT 4*46 MANPKKSON. 2J’J> New modern 4-roorn i'ui'Im i lo** to . ir and iritoo! \VA 4343 WEST FAUNA M—5 room* snd aunroom t’loaa in » rooms WE £404 RL'RT St. 1712. 3 room apartment, prl \ata hath Modern MA .’.TIS FI.AT FOR RENT • rooms, strictly mod ern. csss-- 1 1 “ S F Srtth Avf H A 4162 STEAM hast. 4-room apta. #jn ard up. closa in. G T Stabhlns 1416 Chicago St JONHS ST. 21* 1 —Lovely 3 snd 4-room apts strictly nio.I AT 2147. Flora Apta. liusiiiess (Tare* for Rent. 8! STOREROOM 2Ix*A and T-room opart. • box a All mod axcopt haat Rant aithar Ru»' n*l|hl*orh<KMl Only lib par month for both Saa Kunel. 1 r 4 4 8.* ISth St. Houses for Kent. 83 ;4J4 SO Slat ST *-room madarn houta " ?h t» Uf 140 HA 0446_ FOR RENT -Fix bungalow mod n I tall U A B&<> « ROOM houaa Twanty-1bird and Polk. Sou h > da tl aOO HA !»<■> KK Xl" KSTXTF—FOR SAIF. Iluninrss I’ropertp. 91 msv TRANSPPR CORN KP. IDPAL invkstmSnt. NKT. Ol.OVPK A S P AI >* JA. MM_ Fsnns and Ijinds tor Sale. 93 l A sTi Kl’li YOIR I'R.'l'V H ( T , Salaa midr n • ixt y .■ounttaa of Nahraiki Mark I'drruhar Rag| Katata Auctionaar, i‘antral t'lty. Nab CORNIER ACRE Saw . hickuR heuaa Olhar hutld ngs. Cow and calf F.\ ar> • thing for »tffc. |HI down. Call WR 1 1*6. I’Otl TUT t \Nt\ IS down. fs moiMhb i»uya 46 arras South#™ Mo prton |2#0 txd for list Ho\ 2S-II Klrkvaad Mo Houses for Sal*. 9& T H OAMPRRl.l. bullda homas ta ordar Halpa ftnanva Sava nxonay snd (at a hat tar bmi« Kama AT MM*. Ill Kaallnw 1166 OFF on any houaa nurx'baaad tht% down. Shopan A Co . KaaMna RMg waak, oho to# of looatl«>na aa’l ona |J6* I Ion «oa—North. 94 M ILL but d and ftnanoa your homa oa j • ••v tarma Saa ua for plana J C. s* bmb ' sM t'nxa ha Nations! .1 A J > N ' ' J I'dWN Hill,l IN FWTVRFfc, OAK » ri OitRS PVTNC A SC NR Js 1«U "'IT FLORVV r Hi \ ir TTm mFt , ’•»» ">"» C-.-gh 46* Haa .T A 62a#' l» ¥ Hl’CK * CO- bur and aall lom«a i REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Houses—North. . .ff ■ rfiTf Owner Anxious To Sell This Attractive bungalow of five room*, and bathroom Located near good arhool. car line, and atorea. Jt von have »TBO caah and can pay |45 per month you can have It for $5,250 and can move right In. George & Co., Realtors. s AT-luntlc 3024. City Nat. B.nlt “Srai.' Do You Want a Bargain Six-room, well-kept home et real sacri fice. very deairable neighborhood H bit ck to Knunfze Park. 3 blocks to pub lic or parochial achoola and Omaha Uni. A-l condition, newly painted, new garage, good furnace. Belle\e this to bn out of ordinary In value. Price. $4,760; $1,000 caah. *38 50 monthly. Pall Mr. Easton, JA. 0687 this evening or today. Hamilton & Company 207 Neville Block.JA. Oilf. NEAR FONTENELLE PARK. FIVE-ROOM Bl' NO AI,OW—ONLY $4,500. Well located close to beautiful Koiue n*lle park, plenty of fresh air and roy#u for the chi dr**n White enamel bed moms. bath and kitchen, large bullf-dd kitchen 'ul'inet. oak finish In main roams* select oak floors throughout. Let ue show you this one Evenings and Sundays gall Lewis, WA 1422 R F CLARY CO.. Realtors. 50* Omaha Nat Bank Bldg AT. $$7*. Modern Bungalow, $4,950 Here Is a home only three years old. Five rooms and bath Attic, full cerrtent basement. Oak finish In living and dfn Ing rooms. Oak floors throughout. HalJ »onn#ctlng bedrooms and bath. LlHW closet. Small down payment. Ltdffy, KE. 1 429 e\e AT 7412 days. $4.760—EASY TERMS New 5-room all modern bugalow. btill by Metcalfe Company. Clifton Hill dis trict. n*ar car line and schools (punflc and parochial. 50 - ft south front lot.- Eve nings call Mr ritkln. WA. It 11. METCALFE CO. Orourd floor. 20:’ S llthAT 541* NEAR NEW NORTH HIGH. New 6-room, full basement, oak floor, modern. 2 blocks car line. 2 blocks grade school excellent neighborhood, fruit trtaa. garden spot. 4816 No. 45th fit. Houses—South. 17 Hanscom Park Blvd. Eight modern 5 and 6-room houses fronting east on boulevard betw**n Park nnd .Spring J*iv, ranging In price frr*|rt $•'..500 to $8,500. For sale on very easy terms Call for appointment C. G. Carlberg, 312 Brand*!* Theater JA 0586. Eve HA. 008$. ‘’*>'‘2 valley. $2,500 6 rms. $&n<> ragfc. Bargain for some workingman. JA. 04$ T. Mouses—West. *B Leavenworth Heights $6,000—Terms. 6-room frame bungalow south front, best construction oak floor* and finish throughout, garage., solid dries. This property is really worth the money asked * - Call HA. 522* or WA 1114. First Trust Co. 466 First Nat, Bank. AT. 67>t. 6-Room Clairmont District, $5,000 Nearly new ea«f front corner lot paved street one-oar garage, oak finished, oak f onr* Here s a dandy Better sea it. Can ba handled an term*. _ Edward T. Slattery Co^ AT. *306. Eve. WA. JiSi. . Ml K«eHne Bldg $5,500—Easy Terms *'ar»s< nn Park distort. 5 rooms. p«k Loom oak and enamel finish Too sju-’U for prevent owner. Tonight call WA. JA WA. *280 Alfred Thomas & Son, J*. oo*4>02-3 City Nat Bank. FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy h«.mee List vaur prorertv with ua for remit* TA 1424 BfRT C FQWI ER CO . Real*ora SEE Morrises Lumber and Coal for price# on aarasea. Best const ruction at tnfm ■rnm < out WE tMl. WILL build to your order on our bea<*H ful lots In Edgewood: vary aaay tlrmi Phone AT. 3*46 Houses—Benson. M RIGHT IN THE HEART OF HENSON. INCOME AND HOME COMBINED. 7 ROOMS f.LsOO 17 56 CASH. Tou can t beat It Just block to raj. stores etc newly reflnlshed. 4 Mg room* down. 3 cozy rooms and bath upstairs with separate entrance*. wv h have rented for 835 per month. Owners can live downstairs and iet ups’alr# pay for his home. All strict* ly mod»rn: new furnace ard plumb ing Big f*-foot lot A choirs buy. bee this at once. Call JA 22*2. OSBORN K REALTY CO. £36 Peters Trust ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ I/>ts for Sale. 1^1 lurrr hollow lots. to *7 foot fron age* Price* 81.IM fa s • ■"•FORGE A CO REALTORS HAVE a few well located lots «n Edge wc-d for sale for price* call C. A. Grim mer JA. Hi:_ Krsl Estate tor Exchan Re. 1(4 SOUTHERN Florida land wantad for f*aa •ooni hoj»a naa- hteh arhoo', TaMa Rook Nab n«*r Hubbard. i©7 Ralianro B'df Kan«-»* fitv Mo * Wanted—Real Estate. 104 . a v‘ wanted—n w <a tho timo to. ]m*l f '•'Ur ho"ia. vi> art lot aoraara or tn\aatm>nt proparty \r* p§t r bu> a-* prompt :n»paotion. rourtfcui aataaman and r*r raaulta "Lift with ua and prapara to mova - * OF BOP. N P RF ALTT CO •J© Tatar* Truat Rid* Jackaon ?Jff. * AM IN ‘ha markat for an artistic Purvdoa homa of « or 7 rooms with ? bath* Thorp W A *1<© and laava oddrooa For raaulta t st your proparty wtti ,r" FIRST TRUST CO AT o;ri 4ft© Ftrti Natl B»n^. t HAS W TOUNO A SON. ° Kor! F.atata. Rantala. Inauraooa ME! City Nat l. Bank.AT. |M». R’ll.l. buy oontracta of id mti* or raiio tl** rn on illy proparty Call Mr. Baat, AL, <uu. n.A »»S4* C D H UTCH1NSON CO . Roal Fat a t a *n*1«!> Farnom JA Mil AlCTIONS. Auction SiIm. lM AUCTION Saturday at 3 o'clock On* of largest assortments of h gh cVaae Br»*' nitur# ms ham had You are rascmp up « rest i hm f to save monev tf you xntsa these as tea Stephenson* li*f> t'apttel 8^ REAL ESTATE SECURITY A well secured real e«iate security bl 1 * per cent, payable sent;-annually Vlqr take S per cent and • per cent for yent money when It can He in\e»ted safely at * pet? Address B-IM Omaha life. | (Lovely New Homes a Wonderfully complete and ready to occupy. Five aka roams. Fire- H placs and boekeases in hvtaf fl room; French doors opening into H dining room. Built-in kitchen cabinet a. canopy ever gas stovot ^B neat breakfast nook. Tlk bath H wttk built-in tub and pedestal W lavatory; clothes ckwte. Back bond molding throughout Won* ? dei ful lighting fistures. Full at- ft tk and basement These houses are beauties, well located, near car and school. Brand new Nke lot. These homes must be seen to be appreciated let us sheer you while weather is oke>. CnIf today for eppeiotmeat. D. E Buck A Co. Rt*l TORS T«I Om.K. N.d