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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1925)
Sensational Victory of Munn Over Lewis May Mark Breaking Up of ‘Mat Trust’ Unsatisfactory Performance of ‘Cannonball’ Martin May Cause Suspension Select Group Has Held Crown in Last Few Years Performance of Former Husker Football Star Startles Wrestling World Everywhere. • [By Prroo. KW YORK. .Inn. 9 The sensational victory of Wayne (Big) Munn, fnr m e r Nebraska football star, over Kd (Strangler Lew is at Kansas City last night in a dramatic struggle for the world’s mi roiling championship may mark the final breaking up of the so-called “wrestling trust," which has ruled the mat game since its postwar revival. Munn, a 260-pound giant, has been familiar to football fans as a former stnr on the University of Nebraska eleven, but outside of the iniddleweat Ills wrestling activities were unknown. Ills match, with I .owls was unherald ed, in fact, and the way in which this youthful novice toyed with the veter an “strangler,” handling him so roughly that lie was sent to a hospital after the match, startled wrestling eircles everywhere today. The "trust,” which Lewie has dominated for the last few years, also Included .Toe Stecher, Earl Caddock nnd Stanislaus Zbyszko. all of whom at various times have held the world's catch-as-catch-can crown. They have stood over most rivals in the mat sport since the retirement of Frapk Gotch as title holder In 1911. Wladek Zbyszko also has often been included in this list, and now Is recognized as world champion at the Graceo-Roman style. Caddock, "the man of a thousand holds,” and Stecher have retired from active competition, but Irewis has kept) up a busy schedule. Ktanuslaus Zbyszko, Polish grappler, who was a star in the days of Gotrh and Hacken sclinildt, the famous “Russian lion,” recently returned to thia country to •tteempt a comeback. Stecher won the title In a tourna ment here in 1919, in which Caddock. Lewis anil Wladek Zbyszko were the other entrants. He lost It In Decem ber, 1920, however, to Lewis, who lias reigned ever since except for u 10 months' Interval, during which Stanislaus Zbyszko was at the top. Zbyszko dethroned Lewis on May 16. 1921, but lost to the "strangler'' in a return title match on March 3. 1922. Since then most of Lewis' matches ^ have been of the barnstorming type, where little-known opponents have been comparatively easy victims for his famous headlock, until Munn's exhibition of strength proved the champion's undoing. JIMMY DEFOREST BARRED BY A. A. U. New York, Jan. 8.—Jimmy Defor est, veteran trainer of boxers to-j night was barred from "seconding \ or handling any competitor at the j ringside and from taking any part ! whatever In boxing sunct.nned by the Amateur Athletic, union." The suspension of Dick Kenny, Joe Canamare and Mike McNally, boxers withdrawn from the New York stale amateur tournament by Deforest last night, when another of his stable, Jimmy Mendeoza was disqualified, was also announced. Deforrest's banishment was an nounced through Secretary Jacob W. Stumpf of the boxing commission of tha Metropolitan association of the A. A. U. which la conducting the tournament. Offlclala explained that Deforest appeared yesterday with his quartet of amateurs after the entrants In the 118-pound class ,ln which Mendoza had expected to compete had been weighed In and matched. According to the rules Mendoza was barred from the tournament and the trainer im mediately withdrew ills entire string. Including two amateur champions. Canamare and Kenny. Defo'rreat ts the inan under whom I.ula Angel Firpo, South American heavyweight haa stated that he will Ikw train for future bouts In America. PERU NORMAL TRIMS HASKELL Pern, Neb., Jan. 8.—Peru Normal proved too good tn Ita game against tha Haskell Indians here last night with tha reault that the Normalltes came out on the long end of a 23 to } n scora. The outstanding feature of the game was the guarding of (lilkeson and Parton. They also starred In the scoring end, Parton accounting for six of his team's points while Ollge son registered three baskets and a free throw. Peru led at the half, 14 to 8. MISSOURI TO MEET TROJANS ON TRACK I.os Angeles, Jan. 1.—Tha Univer sity of Miaaourl will meet tha Uni versity of Southern California in a track meet here April 11, It was an nounced by Dean Cromwell, Trojan track and field cnarh. Negotiations for tha Intersect tonal meet were closed today with tha receipt of a telegram of acceptance from Grad n»ta Manager Brewer of Miaaourl, Cromwell aald. CmM Rapid*, Silrh.—Tommy rilfchnaa. Rt Paul light heavyweight, defeated dark f/0 Burke, Pittsburgh, In the aixth round of a Scheduled 10 round bout. For folds, Grip or Influenza and as a Preventive, taka Dnxntlve ItnoMO QUININE Tabletr. A Hafa and Proven Jlemady The hoz hears the signal tire of K. W. Grove. 30c.— Adve rtlsement. J| ' “■ ■ - ■ - ----N I They Set Football Pace in 1924 __-A Harold (Red) Orange, wonder runner of the I'niversity of Illinois football eleven, was the outstanding star of the lit'M football season, whirli was re plete with brilliant performances and produced many good teams. Above, Orange's legs that carried him to fame's hall. _ Elected Football Captain. Washington, Pa., Jan. 8.—Cad M. Reese, quarterback, of ^>hnstown. Pa., wan elected captain of the Wash ington and Jefferson 11*25 football squad by the varsity members to clay. I.obert Reappointed Coach. West Point, X. Y., Jan. 9.—John B. (Hans) Lobert lias been reappointed head coach of the Army's baseball squad for this season, it was an nounced today. T.obert has been act inn as head coach of the Army base, ball nine since 1919. Champ May Be Forced to Cancel Bouts on Coast Officials Declare Titleliolder Failed to Try in Mix With Angie Pisano in Brook lyn Wednesday. - t By Associated Tress. KVV YORK, .Ian. 9.—Ed die (Cannonball) Mar tin, recently crowned world's bantamweight champion, faces possi ble suspension by the New York State Ath lete) commission as a result of his unsatis factory match with Au gie I'isano in Brooklyn Wednesday night. Tlie referee’s report of the match, received by the commission to day, declared the match halted in the third round because the men wert not trying, and officially declared it "no contest.” < The purses of the two boxers have been held up and Martin's status re mains in doubt until the boxing au thorities meet Tuesday to pass upon Ills case. In the event he draws a suspension at the hands of the commission, Mar tin's journey to California, where it is reported to have signed to partici pate in at least two title matches, likely will he postponed owing to a working agreement understood to exist'between the new California box ing commission and the New York state commissioners whereby ruling made by either commission will b# rec ogniztd by the other. Ban Skilling, secretary of tlie com mission, refused today to make pub lic the referee's official report of the fight other than to say it waa offi cially declared "no contest.’* While it Is known tha members of the boxing commission ars invaria bly strongly opposed to the practice of "stalling" in matches and almost invariably hand out long suspensions to boxers involved in such proceed ings, it was felt In boxing circles that Martin may escape with a reprimand or mild discipline In view of his good record in the past. MAMAUX SOLD TO MINNEAPOLIS New York, Jan, t.—A1 Mamaux, fi rmer Pittsburgh and Brooklyn Na tional league pitcher and a member of the New York Americana during the 1924 season, has been sold out right to the Minneapolis club of the American Association. ' FAIR GROUNDS. First race: Six furlongs: Newmarket (E. Pool).8-5 4 5 2-5 Admirer (McTigue) .8-5 4-n Antonia (Harvey) .7-10 Time: 1:17 4-5. Georgette, Red S«|Ulr rell. Mlt, Vanishing Boy, Bush Muck. Cobham, Medina. Jungle II and Anaprisa also ran. Second race: Six furlongs: Parinachenee Belle ( McTigue) . 8-1_3-1 8-5 lsaman (Harvey) .7-5 7-10 Julia M. (I.. Lang) .-3-5 Tfme: 1:18. Akhar, Anticipate, Judge Rreuei. Old Top. Asekket. Lotto. Clean Red, Viennese and Little Betty also ran. Third rate, % mile: Triplett, (E. Pool) ....... * 5 1*1 1-5 Martha Rooa, (Oroos) .3-5 1-4 Emancipation. (Legere) . *-l Time: :3H 3-5. Marl# Bsker. Alita Allen. Bulseroae. Mother Moon, Bootsie and Emma U., also ran. Fourth race, 6 furlongs: Little Jimmy. (Yelton) ..14-5 6-5 3-6 Wuhu, (Hay) .2'^-i «-5 Lucifer, (McTigue) .-7-10! Time; 1:17 1-5. Carrier. Frightful. Taudlane. Dorothy R. Sims, Marjorie L\, and Resonance also ran. Fifth race, mile and 70 yards: Lee Adrin, (Polin) . 1 1-6 4 5 z-o Smart Guy, (Harvey) .even 1-2 Bad Luck. (Hebert) .4-6 Time: 1:60. Zanzibar, Lugs, Carnar von. Intrepid also ran. Sixth race, mile and 1-16 • Colonel Wagner. (H’vey) 3'*-l "-5 4-.<i Frank Monroe. (Fisher) .5-1 2 Mi -1 Demijohn. (McTigue) .■ • • • • j Time: 1:62 2-5. Stump Jr , !• lorenc «■ W.. Koellla. Casey, Vexation. Soph), Lucky and Island King also ran. Seventh race, mile and 1-16: Rork. (Jonea) ..‘..11-5 4-5 2-u Tantalus. (Dawson) .6..t . Search Light ill. (Allen) ---2> ’1 Time: 1:52 3-5. Sllevebloom. Pete hoy. Trooper. Anniversary. Don't Bother Me, Cimarron and Arthgavin also ran. TIA JUANA. Firat rare: L mile: lack. lr. (Doyle) .t 20 2 .0 Epsom It# (LI Hey) .3-0 -JJ All Haba (Barnes) .• • • Time: :22 3-5. Miss Eugene, \ alley Joe. Greer Woods. Sunnv Maid. Deep Blue. Wild Bee. Omnia and Jimmie Trinz also ran Second race: 5 V4 furlongs: Meddling Seth (Bsrnes) .8 60 4 40 2 80 Convent (McHugh) .&.fo 3 40 Morro Castle (Fa tor) . 2-*° Time: 1:07 4-5. Raffles Mlsa Paige. Ruhivari. Atlllro. Iris Girl. T. J. Pend ergast. Arietta. Hummi, Herald. Lucky Have and Margaret Madison also ran Third race. Mile and an M. Wiki Jack (Sylvia) . 24.20 6 20 3 ?0 June Flv (Fisher) . 3.00 2 40 Preservator (Young) . - - Time: 1:54. Vibrator. Tom Craven. Navajo, Wood Lady and Dallahm also f*Fourth race: Mile and a sixteenth: xDonatello, 107 ( McHugh). 23 40 • 40 4 40 Ten Csn, 114 (Ellis) 4 60 3 no Col. Lit, 116 (Huntamer).3 60 Time: 1:48 1-5. Insurance, Arravan. Eye Bright Romulus, Zing, xBraeze, xPretext also ran. xField. Fifth race: Five and one-haJf furlpng* xKai, 110 (Wakoff). 10 80 4 60 2 8» Lord Valentine. 110 ( Breuning). 3 00 2.40 aThe Cheetah. 100 (Risheri....2AO Time 1:07. Scatter Shot. Mountain Oaks. Full Point. Johnnie Aggie. xLetter B . aRoxana. rowlman, Cyprema. Slippery Kripp also ran. xField; acoupled. Sixth rare: Six furlongs: aOjrl Srout. 113 (Barn***) ...6.80 420 3 00 Mtllwlck, 98 ( Fisher). 14.00 8.80 Repulse. 101 (Wilson).4.40 Time 1:12 2-5. Kduion. Teton Hun Dark. Ruddle Brown Pogonlp, aBlack Bari, Yoo Hoo also ran. at ’oupled. Seventh rare: Mile: «... Joe V . 110 (Fiaher).8.80 5.00 4 (0 Pearl Boots. 103 (McHugh).7.20 a.00 Margaret Whit*. 108 (Schaeffer).. . 8.20 Time: 1 41 1-5. Hamster!. Kenla, Briar Sweet, c'dhhan, Toot era also ran. Fight h race: 5 furlongs. Hit tie Shasta. 87 (Fiaher) 19.00 7.80 5.20 Wood Crv, P'8 (Homeland) .7.00 4 00 xAltoqulver, in? (Creery) .3.20 Time: 1 :'»0 3-5. Cordon Rouge. xSuh* He. Ann Grogan, Koaman. Sequan. Sonny Bunny. xChl< k Hell, Favorite, Malatha, xBla« kfoot als<» ran. x Field. FAIR GROUNDS. First rare: Purse ll.noo, claiming. 4 year olds and up. 6 furlongs Mon. Morning 106 Monastery . ...109 xWho Knows - - 99 xPollymara . 97 Triumph .113 Tender Seth ..113 Klnburn .10* xHunnpine ..114 Dr. Glenn ...115 Yorlck .113 xSunny Fight . .1P6 Julia M.39 xHay No .104 x Fen t heiwood .112 x.lohnny Jewell in# Mikado .110 xlodge Rreuer 104 Second race Purse $1,000. claiming, 3 yeiir-olds and up, .Mile and 70 yards: Tlppety Wltchetlll xHix Pence .. .111 xltoy from x Promising Tom 108 Home .in* Wapiti .in# xTulallp .DC xPeace Pal ...106 Tarrayce C . 98 xRemnant . 94 xContindrum .8# Thlro cace Purs- $1,000, Johnny Pow er*. Memorial Handicap, 3-year-olds and up. t. ufrlongs: aCertaln . .109 Dr. Hickman ..111 bThe Vintner ..10* d Hull c'ahill ..107 Mom's Boy 98 aMarvin May ..104 < Bradley’s Toney 11 3 dPresIdent . I'D 4-Stirrup Cup .. 98 Prince James .105 bWild Aster ..120 cNaaeau .118 Prince Nugent .101 a.l. McPherson entry* bGreentree stah'e entry* c t*. N Holman entry; dldlehour atorkfarm entry. Fourth race Purse. $2,500; add'd: A. R Dad* Memorial handicap; 3 year-olds and up; m<|e . Setting Sun ...102 Thimble .10:* «P> root *5 bFeopardn** . ..106 Red Wingfield li:, Beach Talk ... 9" Prince Til Til. - 106 » Nassau .120 bWild Aster 119 Fisas* 95 Cyclops ...« 14 a Bradley a Tony-113 bRtnkey ...lid sS N. Holman entry. bGreentree stable entry. Fifth race Purse. $1,000. 3 year-olds, and up. mile: xRodeo . ...i0$ Parole. 11 .1ft4 Mamoud - . 1"6 Beach Talk . . •* Donna Santa I'H Pyroot 1f,4 Sixth ra-e Purse. Jl.nnQ. claiming. 3 year-olds and up: 1 \% milee Nogales - - ID xLIewellyn ....105 Gcvid Night ...11* xBenrh Mgr ...I'D xPhll McCann ln6 xEtearpolett e .-lft2 xFrank Oallor.104 Seventh race Purse. $1 000; rimming. 4-vear-olds and up: 1 1-l*th mile* Dernier Sou ...110 xMargaret Ware. 1*8 Vulnsd ...I'D x.*|anderer 1°1 Fair (jrient 111 xRs»hel Totter.ins xHexgion Maid 1*J3 xSoldier, II... 1“'.' xThe Franciscan 7*0 xPaulina . ... 94 Rock A Rye . 10* x«*a Court ... 1°* x A pprent Ice allowance claimed. Clear, heavy. _ T1A .11 ANA. First race: Quarter mile; $600; maiden 2- year-olds: „ aVVar hells _109 bSome Style ...112 dGeo. O'Neill ..112 Friend Joe ....112 Lou Shanks _112 Kyttetv%n 115 a Jersey Red® '|Vwo»jd Blase 112 dG’ess the Time 112 Shasta King ...112 Sannatuga ....115 Boo/.e Beyer ...11s bSwift Lady ...108 cBt'e Du Qnay 115 My Destination 1"9 Panola .112 J.ord Julian ... 115 aN'evada stock farm entry: hAllen Brother* entry; cMirainont entry; dEast man entry. , . A Second race: Mile and 70 yards; $600; 3- year-olds: claiming; xBetll Page .... 02 Rattan .111 a Fayette Girl .108 Lady Leonid . l"> xT. *J Pen'gMSt Hit gCalithump -..108 xRoyal Queen ..107 xDr. T. S D'ney 106 Spire* .108 xSilver Maid ..104 xaAu Revnlr . . 10« Midnight Bell ..106 xBill's Luck ...10 4 xNo Rain .106 Missoula .I"0 xProclamatlon 110 xDunsmuir 84 xaAggie . 90 a Brent & Schadt entry. Third race: Six furlongs. $600; claim ing. 4-year-olds and up: xHerbft Cole* . 99 Irish Hey . 104 xFurious Bill ..112 > Brampton ....10. Program .1"7 Just Right -1L xPonlmol . . ..104 xSophia Oman 112 xDr. Corbett ...120 v , Fourth race: Five and one-half fur longs. $7U0, 3-vear-olds and up: Mountain Mks 05 Skit .*”? Joe Cnderwood H'« Hester Ann ... 9 Lady Fox .101 Better Luck . 116 Otaret . 95 Clarence .10.1 Fifth race: Mile and a sixteenth, $700; claiming; 3-year-olda and up: Lena Wood .... 03 x H i lu .11 xSway .112 xDolph .112 xT rust y ,.112 xDiomed . 112 Sister Josella ..lt5 Sixth race: Mile, purse $1,000: claim ing: handicap; 3-year-olds ami up: Elisabeth K. .. *< Krishna.90 Lizette.100 Speedball . . ..loo aTangerine . ..109 Hla»k Wand ... 93 Knighthood . ..9 4 Worrhmsn . .100 Hilly Todd ....105 aEbb Tide ..168 (’on t us I on . ... 94 Cra1 k o' Dawn 102 VoorgoUt . ...102 a Pueblo stable entry. Seventh ra e. 6 furlongs: purse, $700, claiming; 1-year-olds and up: Irvington . . . . &» Fireplace . . ..105! xStatnp.108 Green Spring . 11^ Zorro.113 fke Harvey ...113! Miss Krever ...1"! xBobbv Allen ..108 xLucky Hay* .105 Ton o* Morn’g 1J3 xPalton .ln5 xMarie Maxim 106 Busy Boh ...105 xMatinee Idol ..10* San Grado . . . . 113 StXaxnm ..1*8 Excuse Me .. .116 Grayson . .113 Eighth race: 4 u furlong?, purse. $600, claiming; 3-year-olds and tip: Little Bat .10n xIVs* I, 103 xPtifa Atkin ..108 Harrigan'a Heir 110 Lady Abbott . Ill Dr Hall . 11« xSerena.101 xOlympian King 105 xAngel* . ...108 xGnnd Timet . .110 Run Pour.113 Tail T*ann ...107 x Stamper ..101 xQuaii.106 Dr. McArthur 110 xClarkson . ...105 Bedazzle . . .113 xApprenMce allowance claimed, leath er clear, track fast Line Coach Reappointed. St. Louis, Jan. S.—Harvey Brown, line coach of St. Louis university’s football team and former Xotre Dame player, has been signed as assistant to Head Coach Pan Savage for three more years, it was announced today-. TOMMY GIBBONS KAYOES BURKE Grand Haplds, Mich., Jan. 8.— Tommy Gibbons, St. Paul light* heavyweight, defeated Jack Burke of Pittsburgh in the sixth round of their scheduled 10 round no decision fight here tonight. The referee stopped the fight In the sixth round, awarding Gibbons a technical knockout. Gibbons won in every round, driv ing blows with left and right to face and body that soon wore down the Pittsburgh boxer. So relentless was Gibbons' attack that Burke appeared on the verge of being knocked out in the second round and from then on it appeared only a question of how long ho could withstand the punish ment he was receiving. With Burke hopelessly beaten, un able to maintain a defense, the ref eree stopped the fight in the middle if the sixth round. Burke weighed 178 1*2 pounds and Gibbons, 179. ADVERTISEMENT. When You Catch Cold Rub on Musterole Musterole is easy to apply and It gets in its good work right away, often it prevents a told from turning into "flu" or pneumonia. Just apply Musterole with the fingers. It does all the good work of grandmother's mustard plaster without the blister. Musterole Is a clean, white oint ment, made of oil of mustard and other home simples. It Is recommend ed by many doctors and nurses. Try Mnsterole for sore throat, cold on the chest, rheumatism, lumbago, pleurisy, stiff neck, bronchitis, asthma, neu ralgia, congestion, pains and aches of the back and joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet—colds of all sorts. To Mothers: Musterole is also made in milder form for babies and small children. Ask for Children’s Musterole. 35c and *5c, jars and tubes; hos pital size, 38.00. Better than a mustard plaster I Now’s the Time to Buy— ! Berg’s Big Yearly Event INVENTORY Your Entire Unrestricted Stock Choice SUITS - O’COATS v- SI 77s $30.00 I a $2 4— “ V£L£L— ^ Value* Formerly JL JL to $47.50 tQ $65 00 House of Kuppenheimer Included in This Sale BERG CLOTHING CO. Li1.5. . _ _______ ■ ■ ■ « ... -u'arll I Thckedjn costly tins hence 10* Yon never ta&ed such rich mellowness as Wellman's method puts in this tobacco ft An almost forgotten old tobacco mildness and its appetizing fragrance. II secret. "Wellman’s Method.” dating And notice also the coarser "Rough || o/| from about 1870 and now ours cxdu- Cut”—slowcr.burning. and therefore |l sively. is responsible for the delight- cooler. Here truly is a pipe tobacco | (I ful .taste of Granger Rough Cut—its that IS pipe tobaccol Granger Rough Cut t »