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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1925)
Coolidge to Seek Advice on Making Dry Law Effective J ► — John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and Judge Elbert H. Gary Are Called to White Hou se for Conference, By GKORGK K. Ill RNO, luteriiRt lonal New* Her\ Ice Hlifcff Correnpondeiit. Washington, Jan. 3. — President Cimlldge next w-eek will seek from a group of nationally prominent figures, bended by John D. Rockefeller, jr,, oin! Judge Klherti H. Gary, their ,ews on enforcement of the prohibi tion laws. Where previously the president went to the governors of, the states to ascertain the national reaction to i nforcement methods, this time he will seek information from '(those ip presen ting the private cttizedry of the United States, for Rockefeller and Gary will come to the White House heading a delegation from the Na tional Citizens' Committee of One Thousand on Daw Enforcement. Meeting Thursday. The meeting will take place next Thursday morning at one of the now famous White House breakfast con ferences. Present also will he R, Fulton Cutting, V. Everett Macey, Frederick A. Wallis, George A. Plimpton, Patrick Henry Callahan and Clifford W. barnes. Prohibition enforcement, aside from Its other aspects, is becoming a matter of prime Importance to the ^ administration in connection with its economy .program. Every year ap Pi oprla I inns U> combat violations of the ISth amendment have, increased steadily. This year, taking into consideration the needs of the coast guard and the Department of Justice for dry work, Hie appropriation asked of congress roughly totals $20,000,000. Smuggling of liquor over the Canadian and Mex ican borders is a constantly growing problem for the prohibition officials, and the institution of the 12-mlle limit treaties has not stopped the operations of the rum fleet. . Personnel Increased. Increased personnel of the dry squads In the larger cities has be dime necessary to keep the urban population at least partially arid. President Coolidge on numerous or cnslons has affirmed his determina tion to enforce the laws on the stat ute books and with tlie prohibition tile most serious matter confronting tlie federal police organization, he is most anxious 'that more efficient * hecks he put upon liquor violations if possible. MRS. G. S. SUTTON IS FOUND DEAD Mrs. George S. Sutton, 55, of 830 .- -ulh fiftieth Mlrc*»t, wag found de«d t her home by her husbAnd when ) * arrived there at 4:30 Saturday a i pi noon. Mrs. Sutton was fully 4renn*d in tt!re which indicated that she was prepared to go out. Her body lay in front of her dresser. Mr. Sutton, who is connected with the Creamery Pack age Manufacturing company, endeav ored to call her at about noon Satur day, he said, but failed to receive a rerponse to repeated telephonic rings This leads him to believe she died some time Saturday morning, and of apoplexy. Mrs. Sutton wan a prominent Red Crons worker, a member of the de gree of honor, A. <>. 1*. W. and a Hold Star mother. Besides her bus band she is nutVived by a non. J>*o, u dr lighter and two who live in the e«Ht. * IMPROVEMENT IN DES MOINES BANKS l>*.« Moines, Jan. 3.—Th* ivtsetiled banking condition* In T«* Moines, railed by Hie cloning pf two bank!* Wednesday and a rut. _<-i a third yea tPiday, wan replaced "iy renewed con fidence today, offi^pia of the local clearing house w-sociatlon reported. The nervouSMj^e among depositors which ruustd Heavy withdrawals In practically evei 7 hank of the city hue ‘Completely paused away" and many of thoae who withdrew their savings vesterday were returning tlvir funds to the banks today, it was said. FARMER KILLED BY THIEF TRAP Muncle, 1ml., Jan. 3.—A shotgun placed In the corncrlh and so ar Nl^^anged that it would be Bred by Ihe opening of the crib door today ended the life of David Shockley, 34. Allen Dennia, farmer, living near Middle town, aald he had placed the gnn In the crib to ward off thieves. ADVKKTIRKMKM. Kansas City Doctor Invents New Truss New Discovery Heels Rupture Without An Operation Kansas City, Mil., (Special.)—A new discovery which, expert* agcee, hn* icc> equal for curative effect* In nil rupture cnees, I* the latest sc corn pllshment of the wall-known Hernia Specialist, Hr. Andrews, 1 BOH Koch Jtldg.. Kansas filly. Mo. The exlA ordinary success of I hi* new method proves that. It hold* and heals a rup ture. If. weighs only * few ounces Has no herd gouging pads, no elastic belt, no leg atraps. no steel bands, snd Is ** comfortable as s light gar ncent. It has enabled hundred* of per son* to throw away truase* and de clnre their rupture absolutely healed. Ma ny of Iheae had serloii* double riip 1 lures, from which they had suffered for year*. If. Is Dr. Andrews' ambi tion to have every ruptured person enjoy the quick relief, comfort and healing power of bis discovery, and h« will send It on free trial to any reader of The Omaha He* who wrltea him. He wanta one person In each neighborhood to whom he c«n refer. 21 you wish to be rid of rupture for good, without an operation, lake nd vantage of the decot,n a f« ■ ■ c- offer. Write him t> d.c . d Boy Aids Dog Regain Health; Pals Now j-jfrVjWX-W •j-W's.. •■ 1 ■ ••• ■■ '■-- ...... There's hardly a happier pair in Omaha than Arthur 0. N'erness, X. amt liiR dog. "Teddy." The hoy and dog have been together almost eon stah'fly’for the last three years. ‘ “Teddy” takes Arthur to school each day, then returns home to wait for him at night. lie has a number of dog tricks Arthur taught hint. His prize trlrk that ho taught him self is to knock at the front window with his paws when he wants tho door opened.__ ^ Arthur is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nerness, 3507 Harney street. Nerness is common nil agent for the Western 1'nlon. Arthur has taken "Teddv" on many automobile trips to Minnesota . and the Ozark moun tains. ’] he boy and dog have been devoted companions since "Teddy” was nursed bock to health by his mas ter, after suffering two broken legs and torn nose in a street <ar accident, three years ago. Youth Who Holystoned Decks of Destroyer Six Years Ago, Stops Show at Metropolitan By JOHN K. WINKLKB. Iiiivrrsal fl«*rvi<*<* staff < orn**|Mimlei»t. New York, Jan. 3. Six yeais ago this spring, ‘ Larry" Tibbett, naval reservist, landed at San Francisco | from thw training ship Iris. He was 22, hard and lean. Two years serv ice whs under his belt. Jlis term vs ns served, the war was over. Jie flan# a throaty, depthful baritone as he rushed for the nearest telegraph station. Two hours later, Grace Mac Kay Smith a year younger, postgraduate student of arts in the Manual Arts High school in Los Angelas, received a wire that read somethin# as fol low*: "Here today. There ‘tomorrow. How about it?" Three days later, the discharged naval student and Miss Smith, brown haired, soft eyed, were married in Los Angele?. This was May 10, 1010. Friday night, Lawrence Tlbbett, “all-American" baritone, singin# the plethoric part of Master Lord, in Verdi's operatic version of the re vived "Falatnff " stopped the show at the end of the s-cond act. Takes “Single" Curtain Call. After dozens of curtain calls, jointly taken by the veteran Hcuiti <k Fabdaff, and Tlbbett. the crowded house cried so insistent!y for Tlbbett that he was forced to take the second 'single" curtain call of his life. Fp in box No. 38, in the portiere, riving, not because her heart was broken but because if just naturally had tr» overflew a woman's liquid emotion, was Grave MacKay Smith, the former I-*oe Angeles High school girl. In an apartment tip town, rather nieagerly furnished, slept the twin boys of "Lnrrv" and Grace Tlbbett, Larry. jr.t a ml Richard, four and a half, born in a cottage at La Crescent a, a village 15 miles from Los Angeles. ^ The brilliant s« ene ;,t the Metropoli tan Friday was Hie end «»f a trail, short hut thorny, for Lawrence and Grace TIbliett. Tell Whole Story. While the world bent double and did homage to the obfuie genius who accomplished the unprecedented feat of "stopping the show" et. the Metropolitan, Mr. and Mrs. Tlbbett t«dd the writer all shout it this eve Inin*. Lawrence's face Is th#t of h youth of the campus, though Ills hazel eyes have depths that must have come of st niggle. Jlis body Is tall and slender, hi* clothing simple. Glare's hands are those that have often been dipped Into a soapy tub. Hut her eves were shining with a grant glory as she told of the battles of tin* last, six years her battle.1- and Lorry's. Along the way are stippled marks that, in a diary would show: "Weeks engagement here." "Three days there," "Church song service, |I5." "Mpslcal piece work, here there, and evei where." Musical piece work! Lawrence Tlbbett laughed; Got < lunch Job. "When I came to New York, three years ago, 1 got a job through an Agency up in New Rochelle at the North Avenue Presbyterian church. Worked a whole season." Musical piece work! From boyh* od. Larry Tibbeff. loved to slug. 11e w as horn In Bakersfield, Cal., the oil district. Ills father was sheriff there Sheriff "Bill" Tlbbett, who died when Larry was r» Then ids mother moved to Los An galea. Ills first telegram sfier Fri day's demonstration was addressed to --—\ South Omaha Brevities | -/ nwr.wEn amrt’JLANOe>'* k. PHnNlt M A *:l4 tir.T A HKTTKIt lirif.T llliMP! >V» will h*lp finna*# If oiU vr von iimn*' 1 .on yout |»h>|h < y with ** •• •» • '•dill, I .4 bwtftll i fc'i ) fvui il >«A, ON AQV Mrs. Frances Ellen Smith, Eon An geles*. Two brothers, both still in the oil fields, find a sister. The widow had little money. Larry, though, mvus uhle tu go to Manual Arts High school. He was graduated. Then the family scraped up enough to give him a year and a half of i»ost graduute work in the aits. Here in 1917 he met Grace Ma< Kay Smith, whose father. Fcrydon, had l>een a musician in Chicago and who drifted to California. la*ve at first sight! “Nothing but," for these eager youngster*. A f|ui«k engagement. Then the war. "Larry." at 19, as signed to the naval reserve ship Iris, whose captain, hearing him singing instead of holystoning the deck, growled: « “Tell that kid to rut out the noise." The war over. Marriage. The col lege at I.a<'reseenta and Larry began his “musical pie* e work" around and about I/O* Angeles. There were ven tures also on the stage, minor parts with a Shakespearean company, ill fated, organized by Tyrone Powei*. Also a Sunday morning and eve ning church "Job" In Lo* Angeles. Then an opportunity to sing in week ly hotel <nn<ert*. At on** of these a stout man, with sweeping rnou* lathe and fashionable gold rimmed glasses, listened half an hour to the young baritone, then pushes! id* way forward, saying: “You belong In New York." He gave Larry his card. He was the famous l)e Gognrza. Then Ijarry's nnd Grace's dream broadened. New York, the magical, was at the out! of their nebulous di emi fulcrum. Ho the young Cali fornian mortgaged his life insurance polities ami three years ago came cast. Two tent lie, * shaped his fu ture, nuysdael and !/ii Forge. A tiny fiat at Central Park West and One Hundred and Eighth street; hoi 'Work for Grace. Mornings !n the park wheeling the kiddies. Work, work, work for Larry. Then. 1927. n tryout for I airy st the Metropolitan. A preliminary en gagement. A four year contract to do a higher order of piece work. Life was easier. As Tlhhett remarked: “Famines became feasts some times." 'Phe first real opportunity In the season of 1927 24. A st. k baritone, and lairry’s c hance to sing Valentine Mildly successful. So the season of 1924 25. Five weeks ago. given the score of Fa I stalY and told to study the part of F«u*d. Five weeks, and Iarry knew rcarcely any Italian. Long. 1mhoi Ions .lays and night; picked out the words In an Italian dictionary. Encourage ment from evri yone. Idolatrous as *ui a rice f roiu Grat »*. And. at last, Friday. January 2. 1925, and Fame! NEW APARTMENT HOUSE COMPLETED Tli» HrUnor Court n|u»rtm<*nt hnuac. ](M mt ei I at Sixteenth h nd Ohio utreetM, eonaletin* of IH apartments, built in the form of a l\ I* a new develop mi nt In apartment* *ln Omaha. In thi* bulMlriR each family I* provided wHh a private entrnnee, heat Ink *>'* teni and laundry room. In thie way tenant* have all the ?id\antHKe* of an apartmont and the prlvai v *f a home. The courtyard I* beautifully land m «ped a ml ha* an dabniate lighting system, all eared for by the owner. Thin new feature In* become very popular In the ea*» and will no douht meet with approval In Omaha. The inanauement of tljl* apartment hou*e will be in the hand* of Travel Jlrn* , builder" and owner*. An Oregon man applied for adinl* • mn to an OtegMii pnorhnuse and Wn* i efneed bent II *e lie owned an automohlle. The Heaver <*t\ Tim# Ti lluu'p aa) a was the leaaon h» .ppiir-o Monsignor*,s Robe Will Be Given to j Hospital Priest Ceremony for Rev. Charles Mugan of St. Joseph Will Be Held at St. Mary Chureli. Rev. Charles Mugan, chaplain at St. Joseph hospital and former pas tor of St. Mary church, will receive the monsignora 1 robes at a special ceremony to be held in St, Mary! church Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.! Father Mugan's elevation to the office of monslgnnr is an honor eon-; ferred by Pope Pius XI for meritori-i ons work as pastor of various Ne braska churches. His first assignment following his ordination to the priest hood was assistant to Rev. P. Molar ity at SI. Agnes church. He. then of ficiated pt O’Neill, Fremont, North Rend, Schuyler, and in 1900 was given charge of St. Mary parish, which was then a small congregation. 1’n der his pastorate the church flourish ed, a school was erected and the con gregation grew to he one of the larg est in the city. He was appointed chaplain of St. Joseph hospital in 1918. High mass will be offered at 10 a. in., and Archbishop J. J. Hatty will invest Father Mugan to his new of fico. Seventy-five clergy will attend, and the public is invited. Following the mass, a banquet at the home of Rev. J. Hallinhan, present pastor, will he given for Father Mugan and clergy. A public reception will he given at St. Mary school hall at 8 p. m. The program includes numbers by the school children and talks by Mayor Dahlman and others. PLANE COMPANY SUED FOR DEATH Mexico City, Jan. 3.—The Lincoln Standard Biplane company is being sued in behalf of the estate of Wil liam Mallory, the American aviator who was killed in a smashup at 7\> plla, near Tamplcn. WO AW Program | --' M»nd*» . .Im niinry 0. € p. ni Organ music, transmitted from the World theater, Arthur Hay*, of gw nlat. t. i»i p, ni. — Frank Peterson, tenor. i, 45 p hi Hammy Helman’s orchestra at the liraodeia store restaurant* V p. m —Concert program by 17th rnlteti Stale* infantry band. Fort Crook. Neb ., Herman Welfel. bandiuwvtsr. Match, “Porter'a Catalina Hand' t'aughey overture, "Stradella" . JTIotow Selection. "The Bohemia u Uirl“.... lialfe Fuphonium aolo, “Polka Tyrolese’. .. Liberal I A tiroy. 171 it t*. S. infantry. Id \ 1, “Mountain Maidens Dream". . J.abitsky (I>**dbate«l to Mrs. (Jus II. Weber, uUb lieher I'filling pres*, I'ehtlng. Neb.) Sa lonstm>« I.. ’fioiden Blonde' Kllenberg Andante I’antabile' . Tachaikowaki • |*ii m B| mpltOD) >n K II.I f€4 I <\ *fi Intei me/.xo, “The Wedding of tne Hose . Teasel Voice, O. |». Temple. Piano. C \ er* Htandifnrd. C.rrgorjr. ■ D Tiiesrlii. .Irtimarr 41. f, P M —Advice to lovelorn period coo 'ducted by Cynthia firey. edi,r»r “Please TeU Me" column of the Omaha Daily Navy*. * P M—Dinner program, trans mit'f'l from WOAWs remote control studio in the May Reed and Nursery Com pany building Shenandoah. Ia 't P. M—Program by the Wept P'fter* String quartet and Harry C. Piabrow. h« r IT nrfe jo 2b P M To b* announced I RADIO _> I'rornun for Januarr S (Fuur)eay of Radio Islgaat > Ity 4a*o*-li»tc*l I'reaa. WKKf Boat on (30S). 4 Sinfonlano .1* i M) 1 u 4n. ori'limt ra 7. vrufram; 7 ii ('ourtntv Blr«l and hia ' I’k*.' 7 4.», i' i i*,< 4 hi .1 i lima i r aopiano. 9 mui Pal 9 SO. Ainfuntana WKMr Hainan Mitrmn (244). 4 15 *r» pr a no 4 SO trombone; 4 (0. raadinga; K.r.n nlaniat 9 9& rlarinetlat. Wt J>H. Buffalo (119) •. f, 10. mmlc; • 19 tnttairal oroaratua* I* 1,1 nttuli •VI i V. <*h ICO (770). 4. organ: I |4, con<-ar r. wr.w Cincinnati (420. 4. concert; T or* h*«Mra WK4A Tiallaa \'aw« (4 7 A i » 30 Sand an i m- I>a\inport i**4) 9 tnuairal; 10. roin ad V. W|fo r»a» Mnino ( 824). 7 jo 4. ear# of taeih 4 *> rlaaalcal Wi'X. Itetrnlt (ill). 7 to mualcal. W \V I Be*ro;t Saw* (ill). •>. nr*'hag li» ii'nuf. mntraltn. WT K H Klein ( 244 1 I 12 nrrhavr* AN oH .leffaraon ('Hr (440 J>. ». King of fvnrlea. WDAF Kanaaa Cltr Afar (411). 4-7. School of tha Air. * - 9 18. popular pro gram 1 1 4 7 1 NlththnaU froln W1IB. K lliMd (,'1! V (411). I-4. addraaa. va-lad mualogl. KBA4* Manhattan (’ll) 7 *o ball; 7 talk. 7 40 Quarter 7 48 talk WMF Memrhla t> atoii. 1:10 on haatr*. \N i ’(*( • Mlnnagpol • at Paul (417). 4 anorta 4 ni*4: 4 SO hand travelogue; 10 orihealr^. merrn aoprano. W()ll. Nanrark (4"8) 7. viollnlat: 7:1* innai'iil: « 10. lea -ographar; h 48. mu ah a I it It |r. W KAK, New Tot W (4921. 7'4'« harltona *. N and P Ovpaiea. 9 18. nlaniat. 9..10. oi <■ h« »l ra __VNjj N_Va w To - k_(_3 4_«_)_ 4 :1 •. fnahlon ADVBBTIflKMEN I Sugar Coated Cod Liver Oil Tablets For Thin Kids Coir et the horrible hiding Cod Liver Oil and rIn® the thin, puny. undeveloped children Mrt 'pv'* • Cod Liver Oil Tablet* If you w^iVto give ♦ hem A Rood appetite nml put pound* nf good healthy flenh on their bone* Doctor* know nil about them, and h«» doe* Sherman Mr McConnell, Heaton Drug, Hrandel* Slmg and all good pharimiclat*. for they are In great demand. berauA* they me not lag gard*, Imt *hn\v reeultA In « few day* They me not expenelv* either tin tablet* SO ceut*, and children take them like candy. One akinny woman gained D pound* in '4 duy*. '(Jet MoCoy'a, the miglmi! mid Renulne <*nd Llvri Oil ’Dildef * rhr.l • orchestra : 7:08 dance: 7:Xn mv®lr; g.40. talk: 8:45. orchestra, dance*, music. . \* .iff a New York (455V. 6. orchestra: i. talk 9:45. orchestra. \VNYC New York (52*). 6 35 health talk 7: .50. Rialto theHter; 8.45. talk; 9. dance. WJ3BR. New York (273). 7 ousrtet; 7:10 violin so los. 7:20, news; 7:10. viol in solos: 7:50. quartet. Klin Oakland (412). 6. orchestra: 7:30 kiddie*: 10. educational: 12. dance. WDAR. Philadelphia (3*5). 6:30. talk. 8:30, orchestra; 9:04. orchestra.. WOO. Philadelphia (509). 6:30. or chestra: 7:30 recital; 8. orchestra; 9:U.1. recital 9:30. orchestra. WCAtV Philadelphia (278). 6:10. talk: 7. concert. WK1. Philadelphia ( 395). 5:30. orches tra : 6. talk WCAK. Pittsburgh (462). 6:30. Uncle Kavboe: 6:4 5. address! 7:30 quartet; 9:40. concert KF\K. Pullman (3 50). 9:30. sonrano. pianist, talk*.. book char WO Y. Schenectadv (480). 6:45. music. KFOA. Seattle (455) 8 concert; 8:45. musical; 10;30. program. KFvjX. Sent tie (248). 9:15. story; 10. orchestra; 11. concert; 12. dance. KFNF, Shenandoah (266). 6:30. con cert KSD. Ft. Lou's (546 ) 7. Missouri the ater 9. music urogram. ClIVC?. Toronto (450). 7:30, Instrumen tal trio, quartet vocal. WIIAZ, Troy (380). *. two plays. A^’( * l-f I». SSI on (44 5). 8. choir. WA1KJ Richmond Hill <416). 7*11. en tertainers. _ ADVERTISEMENT. The Gland That Causes Men to Get Up at Night The gland that, causes getting up at night is known as the prostate and is a notorious trouble maker. It is estimated that 65 out of every 100 men past 40, and many under that age, have prostate trouble, which, if unchecked, often leads to a serious operation. The prostate surrounds the neck of the bladder like a washer. Naturally, when the bladder becomes inflamed by poisons which the kid neys filter out of the blood, the Irrita tion spreads to the prostate. As the gland swells, it closes the neck of the bladder, making urination difficult and painful and causing pains in the back, head and legs. An easy' way to treat these annoy* ing and dangerous conditions is to take one nr two renex pills after each meal. The renex formula has been victorious In thousands of such Cases. One authority says it also has a valu able tonic effect. Anybody' wishing to prove the value of the formula ran get a full-size, two-dollar treatment of tlie pills under a money-back guar antee by sending the attached coupon to the address given therein. If you prefer, you can pay the postman two dollars and postage on delivery, in stead of sending the money with your order. In any case, if you report with in ten days that you are not entirely satisfied, the purchase price will be refunded at once, upon request. This Is a thoroughly reliable company, so you need not hesitate about ordering the renex If you need It. (>l AKANTRR COUPON Gentlemen- Send me a regular-size Renex tr eatment. «>r guaranteed Un fe*s \ u'i find $2. encloaed, I will pay $. and postage on delivery; but you are t<» refund 1 he purchase price at •bvi ttpot request If I rtnorl within 1 <) Us. a that 1 atn not satisfied. Name .... .. Address ...... >111 out ami mail tot The Kenei Co.. l.ltfft. Kmiimi Mo. \N NOITM'K MKft T»._ Kmionl Notin'* 1 K M'I»HRN*-Marlua «' . a*o ?«n. p*M«d aw*\ mi m l«> -I h ""pit n l, HatuMny, Janu ary 1 M Knijilnrn la mtrvlvnl l*y hla Wlfo, t'hflattna >• l.mahtrr Mr a II Mol* k ml nf t'mitiril Itluffa, a aon, Uunnai of t iota h« i unoial • oi \ iroa fnitn K#»' • O Vlnoto ftlitrral hum*. .'lilt «»iil Wirt. ,M>'n»lay, JrtMUHty tY tit . p m inlormont Pptlng \* r 11 dtniftai > M»« tathotln*, ok# tl yo«ro. <hfi Jitttuai) l Kunrial ■* t v 11 in « it |.# h*M M »n«I a y ht p tn from I hr homo "f Mr, v**ank I* Mnii h»* **» ifta Walnut Ht Intai mont l*roopo« l Hid o*mrt*i v Imiuliii’N ti>a> hr H<hli«»*nt lit lit* Itmivrt • n»| tl II V 00*11 II hiRNil 11 KN M n t l\l Mi, af »*« voata .’SO I tot» * * *tt rrt Kunrm I fi nlii H«t rtllah Mlaolon t hurrh I'm *«t\ thlnl a n tl |tav*np«»rl airoala Tin* ,l*t it ll» p tit , l 'i‘l* Mi Km.1 t*t» m t It a i g«. I ANNO! NCKMKNTS. Funeral Notices. 1 FLANAGAN Marty I age #2 He is eurvlved by hla fa flier. John: four broth, era. Edward, Thomas. Francis and Charles; one slater, Mrs. George Boh nmnn. Funeral Monday morning from the John A Oe.tiLman mortuary at 8:2t» to our l.ady of Lourdes church. 9 o clncki Jn terment. Holy Sypuh lira meter> . Vaults and Monument*. 2 “Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertaker* M fd hy Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co Funernl Directors. 3 HEAFEY A HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmera Phone AT. 25S1. Of foe. 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 18*2) || FI.ME A HIE PEN. At Your Service 2122- J4 Cumine St JA. 1 *26 Brailey & Dorrance. DOFF.M AN-CROSBY ambulance Dodge and 24th St. Funeral directors. JA laQI N. P. SWANSON. 17TJ1 AND CUMING Quiet. Dignified SupervIflOR JOHN A. GENTLEMAN It A. l'.Sf_2411 Farnam St_ If K. BURKET A SON 4 f» 5 Fa r n a m Eat 1*76_HA. 0010. LESLIE u. MOORE. 2 It h and Wirt. WE 0047 Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN. Purchase a family lot In Omaha's most beautiful cemetery Office* at the ceme tery, west of Florence, and 720 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Lode#* Notices. 7 ALL members of Capitol lodge. No. 3. A F. anil A. M. are requested to meet at the Masonb Temple at 2 p m. Mon day to conduct funeral of our late broth er. Frank M. Pond. All master Masons Welcome .Services af Scottish Rite cathedral. Harry C. Stafford, W. M IVrsonal*. 8 Notice of Stockholders’ Meeting Notice Is hereby given that thp annual meeting of the stopKholders of The Stand ard Savings and Loan Association of Omaha Nebraska, will be held at jt* of fice, 1715 Douglas street. Omaha. Nebras ka. Wednesday. January 14 192;- The purpose of said meeting is to elect four directors and fnr the t;ansn<:.on of *u«h other business as may properly * ome he ! fore the meeting The polls will be open from 3 p. in to 41 p. m The Standard Savings and Loan Association. By O. W. JOHNSON. Secretary. THE SALVATION akMT industrial Dome Solicit! your old clothing furniture, mags lines We collect. We distribute Phone JA 4135 and our wagon will call Cell and inspect rur new nome. ?f*P N )3th S' MASSAGE, constipation specially. M. J. Bowman, graduate University Austria 1»H Chicago St. COSTUMES thr.lrln.l, hl.tnrtr.l m«.qu» costumes to rent Lieben. 1514 Howard Lost and Found. 10 LOST—Billfold containing Milw. pees and other cards with owner"! name. Reward. Mrs. Wm. Uptegrove. Ports mouth, la._ LOST—Dark blue head handbag, contain ing money and vanity cnee Finder kindly return to apts , Bass and 40th. and receive reward_ LOST—From 2( "t V 50th St . New Year s day. Boston hull pup. f* male. dark hrlndle and white snots. Answers to name Peggv K- ■ ard A A 9*49 BOSTON BRINDLL LOST—Screw tail. Wore « ollar aith blue studs. Reward. I LA. 2391. WILL Adored lad % who picked up muff at 24th and Willis Ave . please t all WE. 1407._ LOST —Aina It leatlier bag t ontalmg gold 1 money Reward JA 51V* DOG Found—Unllie pup. December 22, 1 n Dundee >V \ '■'•<>2 AI TOMOBILKS. Automobile* for Sale. II MOV mn i•'•Bn .'An pricks 1920 ford Sedan very good 1^*" 1923 Maxwell fniir-Door ^f'lan 725 1923 f'hevrnk»'Tonfing. renewed.. 325 132! Podge Tetftjn* extra good 3n0 n«r used tar •fork ia 'cry complete and our price* era extra low We wifi make you term* that you can afford to pay ANDREW MIRPHV A CO INC. AT 4411 1410 Jackaon SU 100 CaHS. Ford* and other make* 150 and up <'«»h or term*, take ear In trade OOLDSTROM AT TO FAl.ES CO . 2112 Harney St Op<r nminvA Sun. AT *54*. . Fort the right price on oood j l’SKD GARS FF.K J OMAHA FI-TNT ■ OMPAVT_ NASH VKIKSKM \ AUTO CO. USED CAR STORK. 2*1-4 Far nan* T 2 4*4 TrtirU* for Nale. 12 USED TRUCKS FROM ONE TO THREE TONS INTERNATIONA l.S AND OTHERS SE1C US IN OUR NEW LOCATION. International Harvester Company !$th • * Jones Te! AT *4M COMMERCE 1‘y-ton truck, pneumatic*.) S||(t Ford aft tea, ip#r!al tr«asml**ion brake*. 1324 model, bod) an ! tab, $48#.0#. j REO SPEED WMION 1'. ton !a?e mod-j e) $509 0ft WHITE 2-t n guar anteed REPUBIJC, J»e ton rebuilt.) guaranteed. Andrew Murphy & Son, Here 5 5 > ears llth and .}*< «-»n St* \uto \rrrasotip-». l*srts. 18 (U’ARANTEED new *na u*ed auto part* at a aperial cut price Nebraek* Aut* Carta. 1014-1* llarr ey S- JA 4331. and 3-83 Cuming St. AT 1870_ NEW Chevrolet radiator* 112 50. Kap lan Auto Parts. .Ill Nichole* III MNI>S mUcVICK. Mil llnrry—Dirawinnkiim. 25 AC ^>HPION. aide, knife, box pleating, nvered buttona all eijrlea: hemstitching, buttonhole*, Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co., $8* Brown Block. Omaha. Neb Telephone JA 1924 FT EATING CO . Hematite hlng Covered Buttona 1*04 Fntnain Second Floor ' A lilt. Mn\ lag—i mu king—Stongf, 26 G 1,0HE V AN AND STORAOK PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING STORING ► etlmatee furnished AT f. V- or JA OH GORDON’S ri RIP HOOF WIISF A VAN, 49 North llth St Phone JA l«3: ; mov ing. pa» king. storage, shipping be kins Tim am a van a storage lMta anl l.ea>«nworth Sta I’arktng. mov ing. storage. shipping JA 41*3 I'slnting sntl ripfritig. 2? Wallpaper paperhang|i*g fainting Fred Paika. 4.o* R 2 4th M MA Pf . AT T484 Pnfpnl Afinrnrjv 58 i \V MARTIN, hi* retgr* Trust Bldg . Omaha also Weahlngten Double service, f 88 A Ixo hr Ip a< > i i a ' *t<; • Prtaliii|«-^Uilitmfry, 58 |-o>IM K|K I At. PrTNtTnG’Tidy"I>fh*ttag | Co ?lf South llth St Ihnti* .1A bull |'inl«-**l.)nal Net vlto. iifl U UK E DEMONSTB ATIt»\ TR» \ I M' Nl .«f tba neYei fa Hug K1 KCTttO >t VG* NETtc MEAUTII Ml.ANKI f .u* I eflang M'<ta Hour*, In * i> ni < 'all AT 448* for appointment other haute .. 11 1 ■■ ■— ——■■■■■ ■■ -- RMFLOXMINT ll<-l|» Wsnlnl—Ki-malr, 3d 1 .API Ft* i 'ur • nu<as of b«-*uty culture me*u* easier wotk aplendld pa' inde I • mien* ••. de\ •*» night .’t u* ihu* ' ou the Mole* « »> * ell *»i a te M»'ier College. ic* S tlth I API Kb >«a<!ie«| r v e r ) a b» ■ • a t|c*« m. \ r tape* for «l" In ) «*Ur nan It me !lb> el V W 1 ■:. tmtoedm tel) t n l -t Male* ' t\i.ef ?c k**! Ja kaoa illiJ Cfck'M1'' *** i I ,t EMPLOY MKXT. Help Wanted—Female* 36 WILE pay you $4.50 day for making two doy.»-n pairs Steber Wool socks dslly on fllghapeed Family Knitter. Will buy all you make af same rate. We furnish yam free- 5-year written contract, old reliable niHnufacturer. Work at home. Bl Inde pendent. Experience unnecessary. Send 2«* full particulars without obligation. Steber Machine Co.. Deak 151. L'tiea. New York_ f _ SALESLADIES wanted to represent Col liers. Short hour*. & a m. to 4 p. m Sai l iv $ih per ucr-k Call '1 n * B1 and to 5 p. in., 308 Baird Bldg. Ask fur Mr, Lipsut.__ UfiMKN — Embroider fur us at home: eU or spare time: experience uopecnssary; no | canvassing. Standard Embroideries, Dc-| fiance, <>. _ | llrlp Wanted—Millr. 37 GOOD SA LARY AND ADVANCEMENT IN TRAFFIC WORK Ten men. 21 to* 40. now steadily emi>!o>ed to qualify for traffic work, railroad and industrial, through training for foreign and domestic shipping Experience help ful but not necessary if willing to learn. This line of work pays excellent sal aries with unlimited chance for advance ment. This Is no employment agency but a real chance for an ambitious man. Must have good references. State age. mIui atlon. present employment and phone number first letter. All information con - fiuential. Box Y-2*05, Omaha Bee. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WANTS Fully Qualified Experienced BOILERMAKERS electric FLOOR MACHINISTS i I ,OCOM< >TIVK BLACKSMITHS HAM MKRHMITHS T.OCOM' >TIVE PIPEFITTERS R R MACHINE TOOL MEN TINNER For Permanent Employment In Ba« k Shop Work* in Indiana See Company Representative 405 City National Bank BJdg. St'NDAY and MONDAY WANTED—Men to learn barbering the Moler way; day or night: our training puts you in splendid position or shop, • <f jour own our cHtaluaVa explain*, call or write. Moier Barbew College, 109 S. ir.lh St, ALL men. women, boys. girl*. 17 to 66, willing to accept government position*. $117 $250 (traveling or stationary), write Mr. Or.rnent. 1S6 St. Louis. Mo FIREMEN, brai;emen. beginners. *$150 $250 (whl-h position?) Railway, Ad drese V-j* • (>maha Bee Help Wanted—Male and Female. 38 WANTED—All around office clerk, with fair atenographic ability who ie willing to work hard for advancement which will be offered , answer in own handwriting, giving full experience, age and salary earned. Box A-124*. Omaha Bee Salesmen and Agents. 39 S A LE8MEN. An old established nationally known or ganization ha * thr^e splendid permanent openings for high class successful sales men with record* of proven ability ?n sell the largest and only nationally ad vertised line of itu kind in th* w rid to automotive dealer trades in western Ir>wa territories. If you have .» car and can measure up write R M Hollingshead Ccmpjmy. 7 40 Cherry Street, Des Moines, Iowa ___ Salesmen wanted We have an open ing for three men to represent Collier s. experience n< ? essential. Only four orders a day will pay you $60 per week. Call 9 to 11 a. m. and 3 to 5 p. m. Baird Bldg Ask for Mr. Lipsut TWO SALESMEN With merchandise experience for whole sale nuu »• ailing on established trade Give age experience and all details la first letter Box A-1.49 Omaha Bee BIG money, opportunity, high grade city salesman for plumbing trade by es tablished manufacturer. Communications confident a 1 Write n detail. Koll-Lcs Heater Co. Geneva 1! Situation* Wanted—Male. 41 WANTED— Boaitidn in bank or office by young man 31 years old. s.ngie. 10 years actual backing experience. Y-2804, Oma a I> FIN \N<IO. Bu*ine*s Opportunities. 42 FdR quick sale, grocery and meat stock and fixtures, must be sold before Janu ary ^.. Anton I’askus. 5'-06 S. 32d St. 10 R< >i 'MS of furniture fo- «•>>. AH rooma rented Good income. Walking distance. $4 ' AT 1«~?__ Krai Estate Loan*. 44 MONET TO LOAN On firat and accord morrgagao. We buy outright for caeta Existing mortgagee and land contracts Prompt Action H. A WOLF CO.. S»*; Saundera Keanedy B'dg AT lllft FARM LOANS. NO COMMISSION. 40-vr Nebraska t arm loans per cent Interest, without qornmiasiob writ# to Lin o!n Joint block Land Park. Lin coln, Neh. W. E Barkley, prea't. ' AND * PER CENT MONET loans on Omaha improved property a* lowest rate* FRANK IL BINDER. *21 City NatiecaL _JA. I&41 5!X per o**nt loan* on Omaha reaideocee Ga^h on hand Prompt aervieo. E. H Lougee. Inc . Ill Keeline Bldg ! OW RATE on city property, quickly Hosed. no month!' payment* J A. 1(33 W T graham. :r-4 Peter* Trust. OMAHA HitMFB - FAST NCR FARMS O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1<H 4 Omaha Natl Park Bldg JA 271* SECOND mortgagee or contra ’i per base i bv Tukey CetOMBf *20 Flrat Na tional Rank. JA. 432I. f!«»o m 110 00* loared: rronipt wviee. y D Wead A P H. Bowman. Wead B’.dr Mg and V PER CENT —NO PELAT GARVIN BROS b 4 A Omaha Nat’l Bldg Farm l oan* on West Neb. and N It. Colo farm* Kloke Investment Co . Omaha Money to I^an. 43 WE WILL LOAN TOD MONET at the lowea; rate we bi\e ever made. PONT PAT HIGH RATES Over JO yea-s In businea* a**ti*e» vou o! a quirk, quiet sod confidential deal a« the lowest possible cost OMAHA LOAN COMPACT, pns Karharh Block. Tel JA 5IP4. Southeast comer L-th and Douglas bit MONEY loaned on diamonds jewelry. , clothing. autnmoHIo* at aro<'i»i ratra n l oan Co i«es N :4 WE 3MI DIAMOND Jour* at iowe*t rate* bus'nec* , strict v confidential. The Diamond I.oon Co. Hit Dodge St V’etabiubed lit* KIH CATION \4. _ i I.oral liHtriirtiun Clawac*. 48 p AT S'TIOOI NIGllT SCHOPt.l Complete courts lu ail oommetc a branches Shorthand t* rewriting, tele* rath' salesmanship. civil service Thaw* JA. 1541. Complete «at*log free. p< TLKJ CULLFXJF l«»h end Harney St* Omaha. Neb EIGHT to 13 weeks prepare you f«»r a office position Call AT. 7774 or wine Amei can ('allege ltll Fimim TRl ClTT HaITheK i*OI '.Mi K 14*1 podge St 11"* Douglas *; ('all or writ# for Information Musical—Dramatic. 49 POPULAR nnialr taught by orrhsetra pi anist V M Kahn Ml-he I Bldg AT CM 1 lUN Mi, a i ir mandolin expert in*' Com 1 Pi 'I' 1 'll Sallirr S' Kl O' » I lain Inc Anriftiiif*. .%0 is TTT' U «*1N DVR El TT ri'i’F 1 ATM \ND DOHUT.A* UTS .lx t'fi Classes Tuesday and Ft’da*. l lean ** 9t Hrhate ie**.>na anytime let* com patent Inatructora KKI IMN Farnai. at l(t,n class ard , assembly Mon. and Thu^a Site* Private Issenna anv time AT Till uyicyrocK, Doc*. (ala and IVt*. M4 FOK MAI-E English it.oniet horning '•'g* c. H Kelly. 2134 Ola> Pt . Pen vst t'olo Ml KC II WHIM \i1lrlrs (or S*li\ 5* bl \ I N • * ‘L’ MN Rurrotiahr *d*l •« I’ ne -.'Mil' !'•" II A I ■■ IV'.lgr Htl.altipaa K«| ut|»nifn1 v $$ 1 ■ aiea. New and a*< ond iian.i machine* for • ale Hate ' i eoen * be Standard K*' l‘"ar ' Remington Portable* "ha e'er >**u» n-cd* in th* typewriter hue call Remington type" titer On TIP R litiigt J A SIT* \V K HllT, sell safe* meat 4tek* show >•(»(•* O' t'm>ha Fixture A Ivi > Co A •*. w a i llth and Prugtaa JA PI* MKKCH \MMSE, ^_ Fuel m nd Feed. *• -... • ■ - . ■ — —- jg CORNEOUS FOR KINDLING^ Delivered Phone WA 4200, Hotnohold Goods. 64 FOR PALE—Furniture of *even-room horns. No dealers. Ql! HA •t| . _ 4 Swap Column. 63 GOOD 10-note accordlan to trad*- tot ukelol* or banjo ukclele. HA. 1920. , Machinery and Tools. 67 NEW and second-hand motors, dynamos. I.eBron Electrical Works. 11S-20 g 12th. Wanted to Buy. 73 DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. New desks. u»e<l desk", bouttht. sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam St. AT. 6146 ANYBODY having furniture for sale, whether It consists of on** article or lev- ' eral roonts. can icet oaah for It. Need the furniture. Cull WE. 4472. WANT to buy «. 3.H I' single pha?1* mo»or. State price. O. W. Staton, Vil li sea. fa. ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. ; 7t \VA. 6961—Attractive front room. In pri home, on car line, for couple, or two Kiri*. hom»* privilege#; excellent totals. Fur nig lied Rooms. 75* S A V IT A R V. STEAM HEATED PJ~ M S\ walking distance South Omaha. 493; 8. 23d and (4 Hta. :«:« PINK.NET ST— Nice front **br!n,‘ room in private home near untvgreDy. S20 per month, two gentlemen. WB. 5747. dTv s] 33D st — two nicely furnished roo,n« » aii HA. 13C7. HA 6903—T\**i nicely ftirnlalud -roams in private home. Price reasonable. 1f A M r r.T* >N ANN EX Hoorn for or*e or two gentleman JA. 627$ 712 N. "3D ST Modern, south r'om* Elect. Krill*. Hu*:n<-K*< people. HA. 797.7. 519 8 22D 8T.—Two clean, sttdktlvt Rooms fur HouseKeopins. 76 t7‘»2 n! 2S-TH ST.—One rooni and kitchenette for couplo or two girif. in private, modern home. Everything fur nished KE'. 1926.» MASON, 2613—Two light bai:. r00mg'. All furnisyed. Call JA. SM7. 2 LOVEL? hou*kp. room#, modern,*rea*. Everythipt; furn. Prlv family KK 25:9. Wbrre to Stop in Town. 78 HOTEL SANFORD— 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HKNSHAW —16th an * Farnam. Special R^tea tn Permanent Quest# Apartments of Ruildinp Owners and Managers ■^psoriation. Unfurnished. 80b PKTKKS TI'.L'-ST .'OMTANT. •WHERE OMAHA RENTS" AT. 0544 1 7th and Farnam Ft*. APARTMENTS and flgta lor rent. W J PALMER CO. AT 3IS9. Rea; Estate Management Spe-:aii st a. Elegant mod. 6-r. steam ht . elec waeher, 1 N _£th. Key at Hunter Inn. AT. 6940. BEAI, ESTATE—FOB RENT. Apartments—Furnished. 80 BEAl’TTFCL 5-roomapartment. SOt^k and P pi^i- n li A. 1713. Apartments—I nfurnisbed. 81 St. John Parish F.v# room*, wr. finish hot vat*r heat, »fhool* Rent \ery reasonable. AT 4064KK 1732. CHOICE APARTMENT. ~ Four room* and bath steam heat, hot water day and nieht. nice condition For immediate possession. reduced to $55 per month Walking distance* TV T GRAHAM JA U33. 2195 DORCAS ST—Six large room a and breakfast nook. Like L • w. Close to *• hoi and car. $45. J. L. HIATT CO. AT. 9900. JA 66 49 -Thr'e •::>* ,nd Lath 13 2. Five ro *ma And bath 152.5** Ercr room an outside ro>m and full of BELVEDERE APTs . 16th and Wool worth. c*NE. two. three-'xs'Am apa; intern* for $1°, 135. |25. r entv of heat and ; ot water. AT 436 1. Evening*. Ha €42«. 5 7** S. 39*h St NEW D-rn.K.VES FOR RENT. N J SKOGkAS Sc SONS. I!!< Cum:rg StHa 794S. WEST FARNAM—6 room* and aunroom*. <?!cs« in 5 room* WE ;t95. STEAM heat. 4-reom *p * lie ard cr: !*** in. •; P S»eKb:r.' 1419 Chicago St. HuOfi fur K*>nt. 83 FORT rT :> :—Fi'*-- hr im ? - rent : ran be o < up -ed Saturday; ate h»*Kr an 1 *pie:-, on F.rcr. • yar line Call KR 3411 ?f*©I MORM* *N—Near four-room modern bunga* v Cal KK 4tft REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Busmens rrnpertj. 91 RUST TRANSFER CORNER. IDF.AL INVESTMENT. 3% NET. GUUT.H A SPAIN JA ftU. Houses for Sale. 95 T R CAMPBELL bas’d* heme* to erder. H-’re ' "urn,* Sa'» xr.< -er g** a hette- bmp home AT. jf4* ;i> Ketlfn*. • 10© OFF on enr b'nsae pumhaaed thll down. Snojv n A Or* . Keellre R’dg. week, ho. ~e of ; >•. -*. *-;: cc# IT"* House**—North. 9$ STK1CTLT MOTERN NEW HOME I'* FOVN BUILT-IN FK A TURFS, OAK floors patn^ a sons ja. me. "'ILL 1 ! d ar.d flr^r-e y$ ;r home c« •aay terra See ua for rasa. J C. SbTTv.rx. *:« v .ha Natior-aL JA. 1T». ~i KLORKNv K modi, Payrrenn Or-:gh 9f * Bee Ja. ff?#. D F BUCK A x * buv rnd «eU tto'nea. Houses—South. 97 - VALI KI, |. 4 rir.l, t>A4 caah. It. • (M ■ n f ; ®,-.-r-e » xrk’ JA. ©4IT. Houses—West. 98 NORTHWEST BUNGALOW. BARG AIN FOR l< & ‘0. < \ r<-’•••,« »\t be-’ all on one Troy <v*k fins ah »r ! flo**-* fit main men'.* Double garage Very choice truth ard eaet frpni lor, only one h'oea lo tir. Here * a -eal <U'po*--anftv. Caii OSRoRNE REALTY i*o . :*# Petf * Tr;j» Bldg Ja ' n •?«>. fV’VVI KR FINOS FO’. K< x»h0 buy ho-.-a! jotir rrorertr ti'h wa for re*uita. J A **fk R' HT C FOB 1 FR CQ Real ore. SFF Morrtaon Lumber and Coal for price# on aricrv Beat .'netructson at tn:m* ■num coet. WF I>>1. WILL build to your order on our W*vtt« fjl lota -n Fd gowned: very easy tern:a. Phone AT S*4© Tor Sale—Florence. 191 VM M lTlTwAT for trades end home in fw. y .» \n : i.-< or > k> liOt* ter Nale. 191 HAVE a *ee eell Kwated leie »n Edge* wood for eale for pr;ce# call C A OrftS* me’,. JA. 1*1* Heal F*tate for Fwrhanjge. 194 it* ACRE farm XU • omtnly foe a. PH.** •- ©♦• Take am all f*im fqr pa t. Term* Lou a X! >er F a nit fort Indiana. Wanted—Hot! F>Ul*. 193 WANTIN' \\x«r «* the t me fix Met > our fc(«na va> ant lo*.. acreage, xtjgples or |nx e*tnx»*al prxxpnertx \Ve "hex # buvera p; ompt •noj-.- • on. eewfeeua •alexmen a' get • e* •* t.-ri xx lh «a and prepare to move ST*. «KN V KK V ' TY t' ' it# retera Treat Bldg Ja. keen n*E For ?•*.< T• hat x rooperiy «|th FIRST tBlXST CO a . iTTs n T ’ v i A \ bea Vs Mr Rent x.A *4 . , • t», v: 9«o. ’ • • on , !t x preys** m O M- Beet, .\T, f \ ■ ■ ’a rx4j C l' m • ’ N * N S 'V' -eal I * *’• lea I h luntm J A 1*11 1 NEBR1N The safe remedy for colds-headaches rheumatism - pains. Docs not dc~ ptcw the hurt like Aspirin .»It 'Drugstores I _ ! Sciatica Eased at once When you use Sloan’s you don't have to rely on tiresome rub bing to relieve the pain. Just pat it. on gently — at onee fresh new blood is sent to the spot. The trouble clears up at once. All druggists—35 cents. Sloans Liniment ~kills painI I Cuticura Preparations Unexcelled in purity, they are regarded by millions as unrivaled In the promotion of skin and hair health. The purifying, antiseptic, pore-cleansing properties of Cutl cuta Soap invigorate and preserve the akin; the Ointment soothes and heals rashes end eruptions The freely-latheTing Shaving 8'ick causes no Irritation but leaves the skin fresh and smooth. The Talcum • a frag i a nt and refreshing. ntntaitiftt !* and WV- Ti>n« SaM -slian Ssmii'i frrr CnMtntm UtoitidH t>«f*■ it. Mika Mm V9'>' Cuticura Sksvina Stick IRc.