| Omaha Produce ) December IT. ^ -/ BUTTER. Creamery—Local Jobbing prices to re ^0Lt#>f|«rs: Extras, 44c; extras In 60-lb. tubs, *»®s, standards, 43c; first, 42c. Dairy—Buyera are paying 27c for No. 1 table butter in rolls or tuba; 25© 26c for packing stock. BUTTERFAT. For No. 1 cream, Omaha buyers are paying 23e per lb. at country stations; 39o delivered at Omaha. FRESH MILK. Pries quotable, $2.35 per cwf. for fresh milk testing 3.5 butterfat, delivered on dairy platform, Omaha. eg alf. For eggs delivered at Omaha; No. 1 fresh eggs graded basis, around 4Be per dozen; No. 2. 30 031c; cracks, 26027c. Prices above for eggs received in new or No. 1 whitewood cases; a deduction of 25c will be made for second-hand cases. No. 1 eggs must be good average size. 44 lbs. net. No 2 eggs consist of small, slightly dirty, stained or washed eggs. Irregular shaped, shrunken or weak-bod led eggs. in most quarters a premium la being pnld for selected eggs which must not be mure than 48 hours n$d, uniform in size and color (meaning all solid colors— alK chalky white or all brown, and of the same shade). Tho shell must he clean and sound and the eggs weigh 25 ounces per dozen or over. Jobbing prices to retailers: U. S. spe cials, 53c; U. S. extras, commonly known ns selects. 62c; storage selects. 38042c; No. 1 small, fresh, 38 0 40c; small storuge, 36c; checks, 310 33c. POULTRY Live poultry irregular, due to embargo on stock from this territory at New York. Some buyers not quoting o,n chickens. Country shippers are advised to hold ■lock. _ , ,, Prices quotable for No. 1 stock, alive: Springs, 13015c; Leghorn springs, 12c, stags, 3 2c; hens, 4 lbs.. 13015c; hens, under 4 lbs., 12c; Leghorn hens, 12c; roosters, 8 010c; ducks , f. f. f.. young, i 15016c; old ducks, f. f. f . 12013c; geese, iff. f., 12013c; capons, 25c lb.; turkeys, # t, 9 lbs. and up, around 21c; pigeons. V$1,00 per dozen. Dressed—Cush prices for dressed poul try, No. 1 stock, delivered Omaha, are nominally as follows: Dry-picked young torn turkeys. 11 lbs. and over, 32c; dry picked lien turkeys, 8 lbs. and over, 31c; drv picked old toms, 15 lbs. and over, 26c; good No. 2 turkeys. 20022c; nothing paid for culls. No. 1 ducks. 17 018c; No. 2 ducks, 12015c; No. 1 geese, 18c; fat s-aldcd hens, over 4 lbs., 20c- under 4 lbs.. 16c; fat scalded springs. 20c- No. 2 stock much less; capons, according to Si/e, 25030c. In some quarters dressed poultry is , ^indng handled on 10 per cent commission ^ basis. ^ Jobbing prices of dressed poultry to retailers are nominally as follows; Springs, soft, 210 22c; broilers. 35c; hens. 20021c; clucks. 22025c; geese, 20025c; turkeys. 25035c. RABBITS. Omaha buyers quoting $1.50 per doz. for cottontails and $1.00 for jacks, de livered at commission houses here. CHEESE. American cheese, fancy grade, Jobbing prices quotable as follows: Single daisies, 24 4o; double daisies, 24 4c: square prints, 27c; longhorns. 24 4C’* brick, 2 3 4 c i Um burger. 1-lb. style. $3.25 per dozen; Swiss domestic. 38c- imported Roquefort, 68c New York, white. 32c. BEEF CUTS. Wholesale prices quotable: No. 1 ribs, 26c; No. 2. 21c; No. 3, 14. ; No. 1 rounds, 13c; No. 2, 14 4c; No. 3. 9 4c: No. 1 loins. 36c; No. 2 27c; No. 3, 15c; No. 1 chucks, 12c; No. 2, 9c; No. 3. 7 4c; No. 1 plates. • 4c; No. 2. 8c- No. 3, 6c. FRESH FISH. Jobbing prices quotable as follows. Fancy white fish. 30c: la to trout. 30c; buffalo. 16c; bullheads, 24c; northern cat fish. 35c; southern catfish, 27c; fillet of haddock, 25c; black cod sable fish. J8c; red snapper. 27c; flounders, 20c; crappies, 25c; black bass. 32c: carp, medium. 14c; striped bass. 20c- white perch, 17c; sal mon. 30c; frozen fish. 204c less than prices above; halibut, 2?u; silver salmon, 25c; fall salmon. 22c. Frog saddles, large, $4 50 per dozen. Oysters. $2.8504.10 J>er gallon. A FRUITS. V Quotable jobbing prices for No. 1 stock; Pears—Extra fancy. bushel basket, $3.00; box. clairgeau*. $4.50. Oranges—Navels, extra fancy, per box, $4.0005.00; Florida* and Tangerines, $4.60. Grapefruit—Florida*. $3,760 4.75. Mananas—Per lb., 10c. Lemons—California, extra fancy, $8.50; fancy, $8.00. choice, $7.50; lime3, 100 count, carton, $2.00. Cranberries—50-lb. box, $7.50: 100-lb. barrel. $15.00; late Howe, box, 9*.60. Grapes—Red F.inperor. 30-lb. kegs, $6.00 25-lb. box, $4.00; Almeria, 25-lb. box, $4 75. Apples—In boxes: Extra fancy Delicious. $4.75; Jonathans, $3.25; choice Delaware Reds. Senators, Black Bens. $2.„.»; hplt* z nbergers. $3.60. In baaketr: Jonathans. no Winesap*. $2.2502 50; wintei i' nana, $2.25; Grimes .Golden 92.25; Lands Y<.rk Imperial. $6.60; Rtavman Wlnesaps. $6.5"; lien Davis. Gano. $6.00; Oenetons, black twig, $1.00; Jonathans, $9.0u. VEGETABLES. Quotable pobbing prices fur No. 1 stock: Hweet Potatoes—50-lb. hampers, $3.00; Jersey. 100-lb.. *6 00. •'(number — Hothouse, extra fancy, per dozen, $2.5003.00. # Peppers—Green, market basket, 30c In. onions—Spanish, crate. 50 lbs. 92.60. California white, in sacks. 5c lb.; red gin'..-, in sack*. 3c lb.: yellow. 3 4c !b. Roots-—Beets and carrots, m sacks, 3o p, lb turnips and rutabagas. *4' • «'a ul If lower— Per crate. 92.2502.50. Cabbage—2 4c per lb.; crates. 2c per lb Tomatoes—California. per crate, si pai k“• i 14.00 Radishes—Southern per dozen bunches, Potatoes—Horne grown. In sacks. 14c lb . Idaho bakers, sacks. 93.50. Lettuce—Head, per crate. $4.0004.50; per doz.. hot house leaf, 50c. Celery—Oregon, doz., stalks. $1.0002.00; Michigan, doz.. 75c; California, rough crate. $6.50. . Parsley—Per doz. bunches, 500 75c. £ FLOUR, w Prices quotable round bits (less than f - 11 load lots) f. o b. Omaha, follow ; First patent In 98-lb. bags. $8.5008.60 per bbl.; fancy clear In 4*-ib. bugs. $7.30 ©7 4e per bbl.; whits or yellow cornmeal. $2.80 per 100 lbs. FEED. Market quotable per ton, carload lots, f. o. b. Omaha: Digester Feeding Tankage—60 per cent protein. >60.00. Market strong. Hominy Feed—White or yellow. 947.00. Cottonseed Meal—43 per cent protein, 94“ 5m. Buttermilk—Condensed, for feeding. 10 hiiJ. lots. 3 45c per lb.; flake buttermilk, BO'i to 1.000 lbs.. 8c lb. t Mill Feeds — Bran. standard prompt, $_'•• brown short*. 932.60: gray shorts. * 1.50: flour middlings. 935 50; reddog. $41.19© 42.60; mixed cars of flour and feed. 75c 0 31.00 more per ton. Egg Shells—Dried and ground, 100-lb. bag*, ton lots. $25.00 per ton. A lfalf* Meal—Choice, prompt December delivery, secondhand bag*. $28.50; No. 1. December-January delivery, secondhand bags. $25.00; No. 2 prompt December de livery. secondhand bags. 923.50 Linseed M^al—34 per cent protein, prompt, 951.60. HAY. Receipts of Nebraska hay continue very light; due in part to the fact that snow has interfered with ballug and heuling. Producers and shippers are be ginning to. bale again; which should bo reflected in Increased receipts early next week. The demand for both prairie end alfalfa Is somewhat better, dps to * old weather: but hay Is not moving off very fast.. Prices «r* steady to strong. Nominal quotations, carload lots: Upland Prairie—No. 1. 112.00013 00. No. 2. 910.00011.00; No. 3, 98.0009.00. Midland Prairie—No. 1. 911.0**012.00; No. 2. 99.0001000; No. 3. 97.0008.00. Lowland Prairie—No. 1. 99.00010.00; No 2. 97.0008 00 Alfalfa—choice. 920.00 0 21 .00; No. 1, 917.00018.00; standard. $16.00© 1 7.00; No. 2. $14 00015.00; No 3. $12,00 013.00. \ Packing Hay—$6.6007.60. k straw—Oats, $7.5008.0*). wheat. 97.000 T 7.60. FIELD SEED. Nominal quotations, per 100 pounds, fair average quality; Alfalfa 917.000 1900; sweet clover, 98.00010.00; t*d « Inver, 921.00023 00; timothy, 94 6005.60; *udan grass, 93.7604.25: common millet, 91-2501. $0; German millet, 91 6001 76; fane, $1.1001.36. HIDES. WOOL. TAT.LOW. Prices are quotable m follows, dealers* weights and selection: Hides: Seasonable, No. 1. lie; No. 2, 10c: bulls. 807c; brand*. 807c; glue, 6c, < a I f. 140124c; kip. 120104c: descons. $1.00 each; glue skins, «c; horsehlde*. $5.00 0 4 00;. ponies and glue*. 92.00 each; colts, 26c e»rh; hog skins. 18c sarlr, dry flint hides, 13c; dry salted hides. JOc; dry * Wflnl—P.Kl, * 1.75e the eighth in Nebraska. Asphalt Suit Dropped—Sixteen resl dents of the vicinity of the Ho-' Murphy asphalt plant. Sixteenth and Manderson streets, dropped a suit iu have the plant declared a nuisance Tuesday after a compromise had been effected with attorneys for the asphalt company. By this agreement the company will install an automatic lust and smoke-arresting device. Exodus of Librarians—The holiday season prompts an exodus from the library of those employes whose families are not Omaha residents. Miss Rose Banks will visit Wausa, Neb.; Mtss Lorene Wight, Gibbon, Neb.; Miss Mildred Batcheider. Minneapolis; and Miss Cue-tie Ralston, l’ocahontns, la. Miss Bertha Batimer will Rpend the week following Christ mas In Chicago. ADVERTISEMENT. RUPTURE EXPERTS COMING To Omaha The Rice Rupture Method Experts, C. W. Miller and Miss Mae Edgar, personal representatives of William S. Rice. Adahis, N. Y.f will be at the Rome Hotel, Omaha, Neb., Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 18, 19 and 20. Every ruptured man, woman and child should take advantage of this great opportunity. The Rice Method for Rupture is known the world over. YoiDcan now see this Method demonstrated and have a Rice Appliance fitt^M to you. Absolutely no charge unless you are satisfied to keep the Outfit after hav ing the Appliance adjusted and you see how perfectly and comfortably it holds. No harsh, deep-pressing springs: nothing to gouge the flesh and make you sore. Can be worn night and day with positive comfort. Soft, rubber-like composition pad, any degree of pressure required. Don’t wear a truss all your life when thousands have reported cures through using this Rice Method. W'hy suffer the burden of rupture if there is a chance to be free from truss-wearing forever? Anyway, it will cost you nothing to come in and learn all about the Rice Method and the wonderful opportunity for help and cure it offers in your case. Re member these Experts will be there only 3 days, then your opportunity will be gone. .lust ask at hotel desk for Rice Experts and they will do the rest. Hours 9 to 12 a. rn . 2 to 5 p. ni., nr 7 to 9 evenings. Women and young children will receive personal attention* of Lady Expert in separate apartments. Don’t miss this great opportunity to see these Experts on Hernia. WILLIAM S. KICK • ADAMS, X. Y. COUNTY OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICE i TO CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS. Notice I* hereby given that Frank Dewey, County Clerk. Court Mouse. Omaha, Nebraska, will receive Healed bids up to and until lrt o’clock a m on Tues day. De. ember .To. 1*24. for furnishing lumber for use In Doug!a« County for the calendar year 1926, in accordance with i aperif it ation a on file In the County Clerk a office , k Ka'-h bid must he nrrompe med by rertifled check or rash In the aum of JlOi i'O na k Kuarantr. of the acrrymnue of the contract. If awarded. Specific ation blanks for lumber will be furnished by the County Clerk and blda must ba made upon same Bids will be opened by thla Board on the hour and data above given. The Board of County Commlaslonera re serve to themselves the right to reject inv or sll bids received Hv order of the Board of County Com m ■•sionera of Douglas County under reso lution of December 12. 1924. FRANK DEWEY. (HEAL» Countv Clerk. D 17-1 4 l9 :9-2?-2T :4-23--%-27-^9 NOTICE TO HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Notice la hereby given that Frank Dewey. County Clerk Fourthouse, Omaha. Nebraska, will tecslve sealed bide up tft and until It) o’clock a. in. on Tues day. December 30. 1924. for feeding and furnishing of meals to Bailiffs and .Furors of Ihe District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. Bids to bo priced per n>ea| ea< h and a menu to be submitted with each bid. Bach blcl must be n companled by a I < citified • he< k or < ash In the sum of Fifty Dollars (166.00) as a guarantee of the acceptance of tha contract, If aw aided. Bids will be opened by the Board of County Commissioners in their cham ber at the hour and date above shown The Hoard of County Commlaslonera reserve to themselves the right to reject any or all bids received. *iy order of the Board of County Com miasionera of Dougins County under re solution of December 12, 1924 FRANK DEWF.Y. (SEAL) County Clerk. 1) 17 1X 19 20 22 22 24 26 29 27 29 NOTICE TO WHOLESALERS AND DEALERS Notice Is hercdiy given that Frank Dewey, County Cleric, Courthou**\ Omaha. Nebraska, will receive sealed bids up to and until 10 o'clock a m on Tuesday. December 30 1924. for furnishing the fol lowing supplies for use In tb** Douglas «'ountv Institutions and Departments for the calendar year 1925, and In accordance with specificstions on file in the County Clerk's Office On Groceries, Meals and Milk for na# at the Douglas County Hospital and ftiv • rvlew Home. On Groceries and Meats for u«e of the Indigent Poor, ro ba dalivered In large •luanMtlea to lit t County Store, Court house. On Diugs and PceacrlptInna for use at the Counlv Hcmpital, River view Home, | County .tail and the Indigent Poor in Douglas County. A separate bid la ie qulred for furnishing preecrlptlons In Omaha ptOgCt to the Indigent J’.ior and one for furnishing ni asrrlpt Iona In Mouth Omaha (aa known before* Annexation) m the Indigent Poor. Mpeclflc ation blanks. Insofar as they are furnish*4. 24. Block 4. Denman Place The outer boundary of said district' shall be the outer boundary of said lots' herein set forth. Section 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Omaha be. and he is hereby, directed to advertise for and recefx-e bids upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vitri fied brick block, artifical stone, macadam, creosoted wood block and asphaltic con crete for tho paving and curbing of said district, said bids to be made under and In accordance with plans and specifica tions prepared by. and on file In the office of the City Engineer Section 4 That this ordinance shall take effect ami be m force after 15 days from and after its passage. Passed: December 9. 1924. JAMES C. DATUM AN, Mayor and President of City Council. Attest JAME3 J*. DOCTOR, (MEAL.) _City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO ! 24 3 5. An Ordinance < renting Street Improve ment District No 2727 In the City of <>maha for the purpose of Improving Curlew Lane from 2uth Street to 20th Avenue by paving and curbing, fixing and defining the boundaries of *a d district and dlte> ling the City Clerk to advertise for bids upon asphalt, won#, vitrified brick, vitrified brick block. Artificial stone. maradam. creosoted xvood block and asphaltic concrete BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA Section I. That Street Improvement Dis trict No 2727 be and is hereby, treated In the City of Omaha for the Improve ment of Curlew Lane from 20th Street to 20th Avenue by ravine and curbing Section 2. That St reel Improvement Die- 1 trirt No. 2727 shall comprise Curlew I Lane from 20th Street to 20th Avenue, and shall include: Lots c I» and that part of I*ot F not; taken fur alley. HaacjxU’e Addition to Okahnma. Lots 1 2 3. 4 and 8, K. S. Dundy, Jr . Subdivision. Lota 1, 2, 3. 4 and 8. Michei'a flubdt vieion. That part of Subdivisions 1 2 and $ of. Sub Lot 2. Tax Lot 31, Section 34-15-1$. Ling between 20th Street and the alley l West thereof. The outer boundary of said district shall be the outer boundary of said lots herein s®t forth. Section 3 That the City Clerk of the City of Omaha be. and he is hereby, directed to advertise «nd receive bids upon asphalt, stone vitrified brick. vitri fied brick block, artificial stone, macad am. creosoted wood Mock and asphaltic concrete for the paving and curbing of said district, said bids to be made under and n u ordance with plana and *pe» tfl ca t Ions prepared b. and on file in the Office of the City Engineer. Median 4 That this ordinance shall take effect and be In force after fifteen day* from and after its passage. Passed December 9. 1924 JAM EM <’ DA TIT,M AN. Mayor and President of C tv Court-II. Attest: JAMES P. DOCTOR. (SEAL i City Clerk LEGAL NOTICES! TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE CON VERS ATI V F* SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF OMAHA. NEBRASKA Tnu are hereby notified that the annua) i meeting *1 f the ato< kh'ddera of the Con-| servatlv# Sh vines and Irftan* association of Omaha. Nebraska, will be held January 12th. 1925. at the office of sold Aa*n- t tlnn In the Conservative Building 1614 Harney Street, Otnaba N’ebraaka. for t he j purpose of e|e« ting three director for a term of fixe venra. receiving reports of offh era and directors, and tionsactlng auch other bu*:tie*a as may properly < uini before 'be meeting The |<>ils will be oj.hm for the reception of ballots from 3 00 p m. to 6 t|Q p rn of the said date, and the hualneaa meeting of the stork holders will immediately follow tho clos ing of the polls TIIE CONSERVATIVE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION By BAIL KUHNS. President, Atteat: J. A. LYONS. Secretary. Omaha. Nebraska, December 15. 1924 D-19-16G7-19-19_ _ STOCK HOLDERS* MEETING Notlca is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank ers Reserve Life Company of Omaha, j Nebraska, will be held at i's home office, In the Bankers Reserxe Life Building Douglas st Nineteenth Streets In aa|d city, at 4 o’clock p m on * ednesda January 21 1925. for the election «>f , Director* and fha transaction of eu* h other business aa may properly tome be ; fore {I, n. r WAGNER. Secretarv-Tr eaatit c> Omaha Nebraska, December 17. 1924 i > it 4 it £-7-14 BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES ’ Telaphon# AT. Ian tie loon THE EVENING BEE THUS OMAHA MORNING HFK 1 »c per Itna each nay, '» or 3 days. 17c per line each day, 3 or • day a i6c per line each day. 7 day* 15c per line earh day. 30 dava ANNOL'Nt FMKN rs. Funeral Notice*. 1 HAST MAM Mr, wTntfmd. I I'I, S,7ui7\ Thirty third etrett, December ic aged i ye*rf In '-eased la survlxed h> b.-i hil* 'ittil. G A Eastman, and one atm, c J Eastman, two sisters Mrs John Km < unnha. and Mrs Surah Mtenmit In si Moines. 1a, one in other, Larix tjinnlan, < Mtiaha. I urieis l services Ftidav st * » »• »n from the Hcffmnnn Crosby funetnl hnno* «hapel to st I'eteis i hunch, mi 9 a m Interment Holy Hepulchei i i-metri j CONWAY Mlsa b n hil<4tl<- Is Him Is survived bx four * a | ora, Misses Jennie, Loretta Conwux, Mis Anus WI miner and .staler Maty l.ovlna if IU« Moines two htofhete Joseph of P-’n iter nod John of N loin a t a Neb Fu*WUal ThU'adax morning from rf»i j dance. 3t*l6 Mneon Ml .at s $o to Hi i Paiei i Hun h. '* o'i I •< l. Int ei ment Mix' Haptib'hri •nm tet). UrrUUiiiini iiiortu i wry in t liaise j AXNOUXCKMSNTS. KhikthI Notices. 1 KITZOKnAl.P—.Inhn M. »«* M year*. ])fc, 15. Survived by his wife. Helen, 8; daughters. Mrs. Geo. Hale. Mrs. John Guinn. Florence, Ruth, Snr>ih. Mary, .lean and Nellie; two sons Thomas ami Emmett; four brothers anti two sisters. Funeral Thursday from the family resi dence. 3702 S. 28th St. at 8:46 a. m.. to St. Bridget church at 9 a. in. Interment St. Mary (•emeterv. Direction Heafey & Ileafey. GOOBER—Mrs. Elisabeth. 4211 South Twenty-sixth street. December 16. a«“ 82 years. 11 months. 17 days. Deceased is *urvi\ed by two daughters. Mrs. l’aul ine 1‘rosncr and Mrs. Edward Gash. .^IKvo sons. John and Albert Cooper. Kjneial services Wednesday at. 2 p. in. at lloffn.ann-Croshy Funeral Home. Inter ment Foi-st Laun »i-nietery. V;iull>< ami Monuments. 2 "Automatic Sealing” concrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertaker* M'f'd bv Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co Funeral Directors. 3 HEAFKY ft HEAFEY Undertaker* and Kmbalrner* Thone AT 2531. offi . 2iill Famam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1x82) HULSE ft III EPEN. At Your Service. 2222-24 Cuming StJA. 1224 Brailey & Dorrance. HOFFM AN-CROSBY ambulance. Dodge and 24th St. Funeral directors. JA. 1901. N. 1\ SWANSON. 17TH AND CUMING Quiet. Dignified Supervision, JOHN A. GENTLEMAN HA. 106 4. 3411 Farnam gt. C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME 3920 N. 24th St.KE. 0267 LESLIE O. MOORE. 24th and WirL WE 0047._ H K. BURKET ft SON. 3405 Farnam. Eat. 1876. HA. 0090. Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN. Gall at the greenhouses at entrance of Forest Lawn Getnetery (west of Florence) orders are being taken for evergreen blankets and winter wreaths. Card of Thanks. 6 WE WISH to thanl. our many friend*, neighbors and members of th»* Eastern Star and Masonic orders for their kindness and sympathy shown during the bereave ment of our wife, daughter and Bister Also for the floral offerings. (Signed) BRUGK R. RAM EH. M RS. i.. S. i > EN M AN, HEN A. DENMAN, MAX DENMAN IViHonais. 9 THE SALVATION ARMY industrial Dome solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Cali and Insuect cur new home. 2>»9 V 13th a* MASSAGE, constipation specialty. M J. Bowman, graduate University Austria, 1812 Chicago street. COSTUMES, theatrical, historical masque costumes to rent, Liehen. 1514 Howard. EXPERT massage, steam baths. Anna D. Fisher, 208 Anuila Court. AT. 1072. BUY your toys at whOlt*al» prices. Omaha Toy Co., 1411 Harney St MASSAGE. BLUE RAY manicuring. Lady operator. 210 North 17th St, l WILL dress your Christmas dolls, also make baby clothes. 1310 S. 3'ith Ave. Lost and Found. !• U 1ST—-Gold baseball rharm wfith name, Carl Kelley. Downtown. Reward WE. I 6429.___ PLATINUM bar pin, lost Friday. Dec. 12; set with three small diamonds; liberal reward for return. WE. 4261 \ M AS (iI FT NlTiCiKSTIONS. XMAS'TIME Is Joy time for the home own«*r. Your ren| money will practically get you a home, from Grove Company, AT. 1382 • 222 Bankers R-s. Life Bldg Builders of Good H<»rn«*e _____________ . Give your bov or g "1 one of our HOME BANKS teach him THRIFT 81 starts sn *' ount WE PAY •> PER CENT STATE SAVINGS A- LOAN ASP*N. A. W. Corner 19th and Douglas. Billiard Tables Brunswick home billiard tat- • a family I gift, to while away the evening hours, j Prices 3 47 and up 1102 Farnam. JA. till. Brunswtck-Balke-Collender Co. Buv One of Mick*’. ■ UKULELE SPECIALS, 11.75 Ka'h. Only 200 to Sell at Thle Pri«~e Get yours Early. M1GKEL MUSIC HOUSE. 15th and flarne* AT. 4 191. YOU It DOLLAR BUYS M«»RK. PRACTICAL GIFTS. BIBLES. DIC TIONARIES. PHOTO ALBUMS. FOUNTAIN PEN SETS, FINE WRIT- j I NO PAPERS VAST ASSORTMENT J XMAS CARDS. W II DAILEY CO. 315 So. 15TH, ST. - A GIFT to be appreciated the year round A good used cm- We haw a complete line at terms > >u ran meet NASH- VRi F.8EM A AL TO CO. "Of4 Farnam___AT. 2914. YOU can gise the wife a r*»l #fart t >w 1 . ' for Xmas as lot* as f » down CM AS \V YOUNG A SON 1402 City Nat. BankAT. 9644 PUPPIES or imp rted trained p< ?L e dogs make a fine Xu *• present Cherry-! croft Farm. 73d and Military Road. WA. 016 6. __ ) AN IDF. M 7m A S G I FT A HAPPY HOLLOW BUILDING SITE. GEORGE ft GO . Realtors. _AT 3 <>2 4_ CLOSING eiil si to» a. dolls, etc., at b g redu- tior. R. M. Shlaes Co , 218 N. i 14th St.___1 NECKLACE of amnll genuine Oriental j pearls s. real bargain Call AT. 6108 j afternoons __ ' XMAS WREATHS NOW LEE HARMON, ltth and Douglas Sta \l rO.MOHII KS. ^ _ Automobiles for Sale. II li and at her makes Mi and \n> Gash or term! GO LI tSTlH »M AUTO 8AI KS GO . 2112 Hittnev -f 4 5 44 roll tTik iiiiiin' mi- k on good I'SKI- I'lns SKK _OMAHA ri.INT I'OMl'ANV _ Trm li» lor Snip. II USED TRUCKS FKnM (INK Ti> TURKIC TON? I N'T GRNATIONA L.S AM- OTHKHS SKK I S IN til II MOW LOCATION. I n ternat iona 1 I i arvester Company, 14th at Jones. * Tel AT. 0440. Auto \c«‘i»eeuii«*«i. Fart*. 16 GUARANTEED new «nn used auto parte st a SI’S' a! rot price Nebraska Aufc Parts if If. 14 lim • v S' JA 4131. and JP.*n , Cuming gt AT 117® __ * 1 Kaplan \tito rails 2111 NIchnlaa S’ HI sinks.* SkkVK F. IHimihsn Hervlica Oflrmf. 21 SKATES sharpened modern way Quick service Whltely a ahoy, 3:0 S lltto i Millinery —Dressing li Inc. 25 AGGORDI*»N side knife. b.»* pleating. - - v ere 1 button* all style*, hematlt h ng buttonholes Write Ideal Belton and Pleating Co , 30k Brown Wo. k. Omaha. Neb Telephone JA. NFTt PIJCATING GO Hemstitching! G.>\ ered Buttons 1804 F.niiain s- < ohd I loot JA 4fT§ Mm Inc—Trmblnc—Stumer. 26 • rr.OBI VA*N ANl) CITORAGR PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING STORING I stImatca furnished AT CfO or JA 433* | G"ltlu»N‘M F1P l PROOF 1VHI1- A VAN. .«» North llth Ht Phone .'A o'. ino» ng | Ml ling •..mgr shipping III.KINS IHIUH VAN A STORAGE , lath an-t l.e*\«nworth Ho Pa- king ino* I ing, etnrage. shipping JA 4148 r.dintinc nnd r.ipnlnc 27 ; " aIItut |-- * papei hafiglt • i-s »n 1 log 6 red I s . v ( 04 ,s J4lh«t 61A OHG, AT (491 ( HI S1XKSS SERVICE. I'ntcnt Attorneys. 2H J. W. MARTIN. 526 P.t.rs Trust Bid*.. Omaha, also Washington. Double service, single fee Also help sell patents. Printing—Stationery. 29 COM .\1 E R <' IA L PRINTING. Eddy Printing Co.. 212 South 13th St Phone JA. 6068. Professional Service. 30 DENTISTRY. All kinds of dental work doqe at Creigh ton Dispensary. 2»»th and California Sta.. under the supervision of Instructors of the College of Dentistry. Fees moderate. Take Crosstown. Harnev or Cuming street car. Wf.ECTRTC SWEATS; MASSAGE. 31 ft R RPKER BLDG. AT. f.Hftti.. E.MI'IO’t MEM. Help Wanted—Female. 36 WILL pny you JI.50 liny for making two dozen pairs Richer Wool sock* dally on High«p>erl Family Knitter Will buy all you make at name rate We furnish >arn free—5-year written contract, old' reliable | manufacturer. Work at home. Be inde pendent. Experience unnecessary. Send 2c full particulars without obligation. Steber Machine Co.. Desk 158, Utica. Now j York. Help Wanted—Mair 37 ALL. men, women, boy a, girls, 17 to 66. willing to accept government positions. $117-1260 (traveling or stationary), wrlie ixi ant, l 88 Kt Lou I a. Mo FIREMEN. BRAKEMKN beginners 8150 $250 (which position?). Railway Y-27»8, Omaha Ree. _ Salesmen and Agents. 39 SALESMEN —Lightning Ft range battery compound. Charges discharged batteries instantly. Eliminates old method entire ly. Gallon f^ee to agents. Lightning Co., St. i’.tul. Minn_ FIN IXCjAL, ttusiiK-ss Opportunities. 42 WANTED—-An experienced prescribing doctor. Wonderful opportunity for wide awake man. Rent free, best location :n town. For particulars write Y-2797, Omaha Bee. GET money in your mail. Shota mail order secrets tell you how. Particulars free John .Shot Co., 1 15 Williamson, Madison, Wl«_ Real Estate I/oans. 41 money to Loan On first and second mortgages. We buy outright for rash Existing mortgages and land contracts Prompt Action. II A WOLF CO., 6*2 Saunders Kennedy U’dg AT 1110 t, AN!* « PER i'I.NT MoNEY. Loan* on »*maha Improved property at lowest rates. FRANK H. BINDER. *73 City Nat.wnal.JA 3561 SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences. Cash on hand Prompt service. E. H Vougee, Int . 63* Keeilne Bidg LOW RATE on city property, quickly closed, no monthly payments J A. 1633 W T. GRAHAM. 754 Peters TruM. OMAHA HOMES— EAST NEW F A it M d O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1015 Omaha Nat l Bank Pidg JA 2.16 SECOND mortgage or contract* prr t hase 1 by Tukey O mpany. 620 First Na tional Bank J A 4 2.1 $lc>t f„ |10,ton loaned; prompt service F D Weed A 1> H Bowman. Wesd Bldg 6H AND 6 PER CENT—NO DELAY GARVIN BROS 84ft Oromhg Nat l Bldg Farm Loans on West. Neb. end N E. Colo farms. KloUe Investment Co. Omaha Money to Loan. 45 WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY at the lowest rate we have ever made. PONT PAY HIGH RATES Over 3') years In buslnes* assures you o! A quirk, quiet and < onfidential deal at the lowest possible e<»ar OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 608 Ksrbsch Block. Tel JA. 2296 Southeast corner 15th and Douglas Sts MONEY loaned .»n diamond* Jewelry. « lothing. automobiles, at special rates. cTossto> n Loan Co 1*06 N. .4 WE 364 9 DIAMOND loan* at lowest rates, business strict y confident:al. The Diamond I-oan Cn 1514 Podge Rr Established 1*94 EDI CATION XI Lmil In-trurtion Classes. 48 DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOuL Complete course in all commercial branches Shorthand. t> rewriting. teleg raphy. salesmanship, civil service Fhore JA. 1545. ‘'omplete atslog free. BOYLES COLLEGE. 18th and Ha pey 8tg Omaha. Nel EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position Cal! AT 7774 or wtite American College *912 Fsrr.sm TRI T T Y BARB E R CN LL ~i F. 1403 Dodge St ISO* D uglas St Call or write for In form atlas ^finkai—Dr inuith. 49 POPULAR m'isic. taught by orchestra pl an *t K M Kahn MI gel Bidg AT 4381 Danc ing Academies. 50 KEEPS CINDERELLA ROOF, 1«TH AND DOUGLAS RTS JA 5 470 Classes Tuesday «n I Friday, 1' less* ns $4 Private ksauna an) time Ten corn petent instructors. _ Kill. PINE—Famam at Ifttn class and asaeinbi> Mott, and Thurs Nttea. Private it-**- ns .try time AT 7*50 Private Instruction. 51 MRS L s McConnell will g ve private i Freni h lessors si horn**. 4 407 Leaven worth. Tel W \ 4!2 she * a graduate] of University of rsru. France Ml K( HANDtSl iltiNine** Equipment*. 58 TYi'hW K IT K US, — Reasonable RENTAL u'fv New and second-hand ma< tine- for j • a!*- Have > »• t» »ern the S'sndard Kevbo^rd Remington Portable’ Wtoatev er your needs. In the typewriter line tall Remington1 Tv; r|ter C > MO P. 18th Pt JA 2878 WE BUY. ael! safes muse desks, show eases, etc ttmnha Fixture A Supply Co S W Cor 11th and Dougla* JA 27 2 4 floilM'lloltl (ioodl. til MOVING nut of cltv must sell at once | • umpleto elegant household furnishing*, i including bob) grand piano. Tint No 60(U] Al'1 I _ _ Mat liinery anti Tools. 67 NEW and second-hand motors d»nam a EsBron Electrical Works. *111® 8 li'tu Mnsii :tl liiHtrunifiit*. 70 FINE upright Like new. Sacrifice price. Cash ..I terms 4‘M S 2M MA 6110. DWOHAK Saxophone Studio. Reliable tpstrui • n \! t* HeI M'dg A l\ 41H XX earing XpparH. 72 ONK gant lemon's siorm .oat $1* Fall and see st . I in Axe. C. I'numli PlvifCa. XX .infril (n llti> . 73 DESK* DUSKS DISKS New des • u #d «|evks. t tch( sold sn<1 traded. J C Reed |:*T Farnam St AT 8146| ROOMS FOIt RIM Rooms With Hoard. 74 CA.ws, 2.ni Warm room. e\. client board, close in rcssonable AT *its* FumUlirtl Rmmtv 75 UAHNAM Ml* -I .*»ge 'veil heated ? ' mi f.*r gentlemen Private borne Refer ences 11.\ < 3f2 . ___________ burn rut . st h*at, prjv bath, for turn. Far, car line, walk d* AT *135 or t*»7fl i w i ■ m f J One for <3- tLoil and wmm___ PLEASANT toon -n ihb for three J0S X MM St._ _ Room* for ttnuneki eping. 76 --- ... TWENTY EIGHTH • -room a pa ft men t, verv feae n«M- to heat, phone. Me. tf AT |*3S_ __ 614 8o fiTM At mol 4 i • V I'APITUI* AVI * ! I c 4 ' :i M ■ • in si op in T«mn 78 lloTFL HANK* till» - I tin and Far bam HOTEL III NS1DW lath and ke >t«m bpc- lal Rates to l'«i iiitmui Lvto a. Apartment* of lltiilrihiB Owner* and Manager* Association. Unfurnished. 80b Terrace Court Park Ave at Mason. Ilanscom Park District. A very desirable apt. of 3 room* with I room am. l.lvlng room, dining room, kitchen, dressing room and bath; French doors and large closet. At $f>6 an»l $57.50. Drake Rental Agency, JA. 2805. APARTMENTS and flats for rent. W. J PALM Lit CO. AT. *$80 i Real Estate Management Spacisnsts. Carberry Apts. Cass lit 40th St Cathedral District. A well-appointed apt. home of 4 A well appointed apt home of 4 room, dining room. Kitchen, dressing room, full bedroom, tiled bath and large noar ts AT. $07.60 Drake Rental Agency, J A. 2805 or Janitor. WA. 6020. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. •WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT. 054 4. 17th and Farnam feta 0 Drake Court 22D AND JONES STS. Omaha's most conveniently located walking-distance apts. An apt. home • f 2 ncd 3 rooms at $47.50, $50, $35 ! and $60. Drake Rental Agency, JA. 2805. ONE. two three and four-room apts $35 to *’&• DRAKE RENTAL AG ENCT_ Austin Apts. DAVENPORT AT 38TH. You can he comfortable these cold winter days at the Austin A well lighted apt. of 4 looms with 5-room act om. at $67.50. Call Drake Rental Agency, JA 2806 or HA. 4121._ Elegant mod. 5-r. steam ht., elec washer, 111 X 23th. Key a1. Hunt-r Inn. AT. 6860. REAL KsTATK—FOR RENT* Apartments—Furnished. 80 | 3012 CHICAGO—4-rooms. strictly mod ern, hath complete. Adults. HA. 5625. Apartments—Unfurnished. 81 2909 JACKSON. 6 large rooms, practically new, close lu, close to school and car, $65. J. L. HIATT CO. AT. 9900. FOR RENT—Six rooms, all modern, brick Hat. located close to school, car line, ^uaaonabie rent, references required. Tel IA 6b7 0. Af er G o'clock. WA. 1300 NEW DUPLEXES FOR RENT. N J SKOGMAN & SONS, 3118 Cuming StHA. 7645. STEAM h* ;c 4-room apt* $3" and up; close in. G. P. Stebpln* 1610 Chicago St. Business Places for Kent. 82 JONES HT.. 2561—Lovelv 3 and 5-room apts tly v ■■] AT 2837. Flora Apis. Houses tor Kent. 83 4 52•1 N 30TH HT. v duplex home of rooms, li’Ing ro«*ro. dining room and Jdtchen downstairs; 2 bedrooms and tiled bath upstairs: large losets; full cement basement with floor drain. At $5". Drake Rental Agency, J A 2805._ Rents Reduced! New 3-room duplex flat In Dundee never been occupied, close io school and car. rent $C0.O0. Call office and agent, will •ho v E. E. Austin AT. 6755 . WA. s763. 1365 First Nat. Rank. 611 N 2 0 T11 HT —7 rooms, newly dec orate 1; oak finish downstairs must be seen to be appreciated. Garage if de sired. HA D»92. _ 321* AVE—Facing Hanscom Park, 10-room strictly modern brick house. Double garage Call at 1707 So. 33d St c Tel, i HA. 1924. 2210 CALIFORNIA—8-room newly deco ra ted ■: utle.x, garage .f du.’cred AT. 6112. 5-ROiiM modern house $35. For colored 2t N 27th Hi JA 114.. SEVEN R'm*M HDUsE, suitable for two fa 17. •»* 13 :911 Willis Av» flours—Furnished. 81 WE 4 . A—Four modern furn:shed rooms w.th heat, on « ar line _ Of flies and Room. 85 Farm Lands for Rent. 88 Farm for Rent Close in This • a mighty good i©-aere farm. All tillable. Tw u miles from stock xards. itotul r -ad Will produce all n icain .an be sold to feeders w ithtn of a mile Be sure and Payne Investment Co., Omaha. Nebraska D • A< RE farm ties- Omaha .heap for cash rent. 866 N 19th. REAL ^TATK--FPE EAiJL Business Property. 91 BUSY TRANSFER CORNER .IDEAL INVESTMENT. 9% NKT »il.' -v I l, A SPUN J A ;■>-<. Real Estate—Investments. 92 50 PER CENT ".NUT RETURN on > our invest men? $. *0 casn w ,i han-j *l> FAr Informs* .<>n. ph**ne Carl H Rons, W J P\1 M ER O' 41- 7 2 4 Ki: KLINE Bl.DG_ j IN •• • \! r I '70. smell *rf Bargain. | $o > i Inquire 5*37 booth 2 2 r d Ht Farm* anil l.aml* (or Salr. S3 lMt'K!'\ 1.1 * rarmi ;n . ...If rtl Nurlh 1‘akv l. t: •• r ,.r, ."null, tor 3« >*».» whic h include*, ints;. »! B<*#t of sod. good water l«nd adapted for diversified farm ing Oin. alfalfa and h**g> Clone to scnool* and church's and best tranaporta ti- »> wonderful opportunities for1 farmers of limited means, want.n* to *e\ ure a home of their own For full particulars Wm. Blonder, Agri. Div. Agt., Great Northern Ry . Dept A , f Paxton fVt.H k Omaha \'*b. IMrKOVKD . holre l.aks c-ounty S D quarter section, food, fertile Mack soil, sll tillable. one mile «>ff state road near to school and churches, on account Ill health will sell or trade. $9 a. reo corn In field goes with It if sold t»*oit. $4,645 will handle halatue l« ng time J. A Mitrkrn. Arlington, f* P. H F l'. 2. ' I ACRES NK VR f M All A with the b«s: of Improvrm'ntt Wonder ful feeding place. This farm must be • roi to be apprecated l4 c** « r ght Phone Carl 11 Roo \T 19*9 W J PAI.MKR D' 41© II 14 KiKl.lNI 141.1X1 in i w v\t \i»s iikim; kim i r* The Adelphia Dark Art nut at Mason Apartment Hotel of Distinction. Attractive In Its Appointments. Refined. Homey Atmospher/. Suites of I and 2 Rooms. Rents $10 a II eclc and L'p. Dininp Room In Connection. Dither Du> ope on or American /Van. Management Drake Rental Agency ■i t >"•'> ‘ ti\ cho ] CASH FOR YOUR HAND. Sale, made in .inly countl.a of Nebraska. Mark Carrah.r. Real Estate Auctioned. Central City. Nebraaka. Houkfs for Sale. 9$ lion OFF on any home purchaaed tJii# ue.k; choice of location.; cell on. ICO# down. Stiopen a Co., Kcelihe Hldg. T. B CAMPBELL, builder of good home*. A few completed. Right location, prlc# and ^nna^^ Hou.sen— Nortlt. Si NORTH KOUNTZE PARK WONDERFUL 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 1600 CASH. PRICE 15.50® All finl.hed in oak. flneat con.true. tlon: neat and clean; a real hom% priced right, on terms that beat pava ing rent. Large level lot. 60x149, l’aved street 8wo this roll OSBORNE REALTY CO 530 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 22*1. Five-Room Modern Home $500 Down This is a very beautiful hon»e. Tiled bath, built-in tub. oak floors, long kitchen cabinet. ea*t front, located at 6310 N. 33d St. L1CKTV, KE 14:9,__ WILL build and finance your home ©» eaay terms. See us for plant- J Schmitz, * ' * Omaha Nation a i. .f A 1799. STRICTLY MODERN NEW HOME, l’>09 DOWN. BUILT-IN FEATURES. OAK FLOORS PAYNE A SONS. JA 1019. 6012 FLORENCE BLVI * —8-rm. mod. Payments. Creigh. *06 Bee. JA. 0200. D E BUCK A Co. buv ;.nd »*♦!! homes, llousps—South. 97 16TII AND ()AK_ Nine rooms, strictly modern homt It* good location, on paved street. Prify it,750 «»n easy terms. Call I’etersen, HA. ■)4 ___ FIVE-ROOM oak finished bungalow a’ 36th and Fiar-.s Sts ‘>niv $'.'<•«. EAsy terms. Call Air. Sloan. Walnut -'*12. H. Owner Leaving, Make Offer 5 rooms* garage; lot 50x13''; lots of flowers, shrubs and fruit. Paving paid for; blocks to 2 far lines; cloae »«* CMt-n Hill school. Look It over and let's figure an offer. KK. 1733._ AT. 401*. Six-Room Home, $5,500 $300 Cash Located at 3307 N. Stth St.. living room across front of hou««f, 3 bedrooms, oath on second floor; oak floors and finish. L'ckty. KE. 1429. Edgewood Bungalow Have two more bungalows left In Ed_ge wood. Priced for qu - k sale. Only $6,750. On- is now completed. The other will fee df>n* in two weeks Can arrsrge easy terns. Call Air. Sloan, WA. 2*12. NEW. f.ve room * high ceiling. atoms fire place, til# bath, breakfast nook. etc. Will seij on easy term# On best lot So Twin ndg*- Evenings ''all KE 641*. 6-ROOM modern home; 3 bedroom* and bath 2d floor; large lot: 1 block to car. pr.ved «-.reev I4?S0: terms. Everest* ! -all KF. 5611 : da? i JA. 1966. ^ 6-ROOM modern oak finish. Field club . i district- onlr 17 250 make vour cwb ■te-ms Owner AT 4132 HA 0*43 SEE Morrison Lumber and Coal for prices on garage*. Be*! construction at mini ■ vum r. *• WE f *61 Fi'WI.rR FINDS FOLKS who buy home* I.iat yocr urorertv with us for result* t \ 14 2* Bf P.T C. FOWI.ER CO . Realtors. WILL bo ld tn vour order on our beauti ful lota in E Mewood: very assy terina. Phone AT .154^ Tor sale—Florence. 101 ALL NETHAWAY • r trade* and home it beautiful Florence^ Whites only. KE. 140> I Aits for SaH. 103 HAVE • few well located iota in Fdge «cod for sale For pr.ea call C- A. Gr mmei. J A 1615. Real Estate for Exchange. 104 CALIFORNIA owner of a beautiful 7-room bungalow located in a popular I.os An seW suburb, wishes to earhangre he home for Omaha propert' W FARNAM SMITH A Co. 1320 Farnam JA 0564. Wanted—Re.ii Estate. EM F^r reau ts l •: your property with FIRST TRUST CO AT r ~r4< ■ F Natl B»nk -HA.' W Y'U’NO A S' N : Estate Rentals. Insurant-*#. MC2 City Nasi Bank.AT. >Cf« LIST your property with us ©r if jrm are in the market for acreage, call I-ou s ohn for ouirk sales MA MS MA li?4 k. ' V N V I T. rRhPKRTT. HAMILTON A COMPANY : Ne\ le BP WJA. «IT. L> HUTCHINS* N CO Itniaa. JA Mil \l ( I 1ii\^ Auction 10A Kgl f mUors *t Used form It ur# \ t 1‘eed furnitur# at *'g • awa> price* * L . k our enx'k over. Open daily from 4 t© » Sell at private sale or auction. Stephenson's Cap.to! A\e We Make Loans on j Omaha Real Estate ■» * ' Also 5* -rr Loans A.k for Detail. PETERS TRUST CO. 170# F.rn.ro