Two Youths Must Face Companion of Young Rogers Prejty Marjorie Schneider's Story May Result in Filing of Charges in New Haven Case. Br CnlT*r»»l Sen If*. New Haven, Conn.. Dec. 4.—Two young men, occupants of the myster ious pray car that figured in the death of young Charles Rogers, neph ew of Ogden Mills Reid, New York publisher, will have to face pretty Marjorie Schneider, Rogers' compan ion on the fatal night, before a grand jury inquiry next week. An officer already has been detailed to serve the subpoenas. This action, taken after a hearing of Miss Schneider's story today in dicates that indictments may follow, and that someiiody may yet stand trial for young Rogers' death. Those named in the subpoenas, al though their identity was withheld, are believed to tie members of wealthy old New Kngland families. The gray car in which they drove to the scene of the death from the Long Hill Inti after a wild party did not belong to them, Prosecutor Church said tonight, but was stolen to go joyriding in. "I promise real fireworks at the next hearing," Prosecutor Church toid the Universal Service correspond ent tonight. "These traditional New Haven star chamber methods will not be mine." Prosecutor Church said he was satisfied that he had not been w list ing time in carrying on a quiet in vestigation. He refused to divulge what he had learned from Miss Schneider today. Miss Schneider, chicly garbed in sport clothes and a leopard skin jacket, showed not I lie slightest nervousness or emotion when she emerged from her long'questioning in the Old North flaven town ha li lt was "learned definitely that dur ing today's grilling Miss Schneider was closely questioned regarding tier tryst with "Warden Jones outside the Long Hill inn on the night of 'the tragedy whilo Rogers was inside im bibing large quantities of high-priced drinks. LADD LEFT OFF STEERING BODY Washington. Dec. 4.—Senator Ed win F. Ladd, of North Dakota, one of the ouatod republican insurgents, was deprived of a place on the new repub lican steering committee named this afternoon by Senator Curtis, the ma jor tf leader. Senator William M. Butler of Mas sachusetts was placed on the commit te» in Ladd's place. Senator Ladd accepted the new die , chlbmry action with calmness. ■'it was the majority leader s privi lege to name anyone lie pleased io| the steering committee. Ladd said. ' I h yp no comment to make until t! t.-.'te the floor to speak upon lhw rc.inn of be republican conference la . J r «’i y." SHOW ROBBERY 1 SUSPECT HELF Arthur '\ I*’ ’ e. Vi"* P.u? r 8tre:t, re. > " t - ■■ •* 1 T Ini. 8f.C«TlO. n • • I.' Hi! , Nil AM! Ryan \im 1 «»;: f • t 1 obi y uf the Alh^mV' rt t'.e Yu night AIIsh Helen KN • i;:. ci-thier. whu was robbed of $Juo w li attempt to identify the suspect Frida} STRANGE MALADY TAKES FIVE LIVES Beauvoir. Mi.*s.. Deo. 4.—Five rr*n federate veteran.*, inmates of the old aoldiers' home here, died during the last nine days from an ej>iderni<' which has not been diagnosed. One other is expected to die from the dis ease which affects the patient's atom aoh. Supervisors in Conference on Tuck Law \ iolation Shenandoah, la.. Dec. 4—Members of the Page county board of super visors accused of violating ihe Tuck law in spending the road fund went to Ames Tuesday to confer with the mate highway commission regarding the matter at issue. The hoard will meet In regular session after Its re turn from Ames. Park Owners Will Wage War on Petters Chicago. Dec. 4.—Amusement park owners in convention here today de dared war on petting parties. J, H. Smith of t'leveland declared "that no more "hall the village vamp and Ihe routnUiouse ehlek and the gangs of rowdies and the groups of flighty girls. Indulge In rowdyism In the amusement park. The petting parlies and necking must stop." A. R. Corey, Des Moines, la., speak ing before the International Associa tion Fairs and Exposition said lliat "children create 40 per cent of the business of all state fairs. They bring their parents and stay the long est and spend Ihe most money on the concessions. Government exhlbts at fairs were discussed by Joseph W. Hlscox. chief of Ihe office of exhibits In the De partment of Agriculture. British Government Hopes to Save Throne of Kashmir for Indian Prince \ Blackmail Ease in Which ^ ictim Was Trapped in Paris Hotel ^ itli Beautiful English Blonde Takes Serious Political Aspect. By ROBERT .1. PREW, I nivrrwul Hpni« Stuff Correspondent. London, Dec. 4.—Prompt action by the British government may save the throne of Kashmir for Sir Haiti Singh, the gullible Indian prince who paid *750,000 blackmail when trapped lrt Paris with a beautiful English blonde. Mrs. Maude Robinson. Death Wins Raee Against Fiancee of Wealthy Youth j Chicago Cirl Obtain* License to Become ife of Dying Sweetheart, but Return* Too Late. Bj 1'nlversal Service. Chicago, Dec, 4.—Death won the race against Miss Isabelle Pope, fiancee of William H. McClintock, HI. heir to an estate of $6,000,000. today. McClintock died while Miss Pope, at Ills request, left his bedside to obtain a marriage license. The couple were to be married next month. McClintock, an orphan, was taken ill two weeks ago with typhoid Tever at the home of his guardians. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Shepherd. Regaining consciousness for a brief period today, he requested Miss Pope, who was at his bedside, to obtain a license and a minister. "I know I'm going To die." Mc Clintock told his fiancee. "But 1 would like to make you my wife tfe fore I do.’* When Miss Pope returned with the license ami the minister, McClintock had again become unconscious. He died before the marriage ceremony could be spoken. McOlintock’s parents died 16 years ago leaving him a fortune estimated at $6,000,000. The Fremont Tribune thinki It rather odd that the politicians who were hollering for economy a few short weeks ago are now yelling their heads off for an extra session of con. gress.| Nebraska News Nubbins V' Franklin—.Mrs .1. B. Williams died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Johnson, Tuesday night. Mrs, Williams came to Nebraska 46 rears ago, and was among the earliest settlers of Franklin county. Franklin—Mrs. A. Rl. Averhoff died Wednesday at Iter home near Frank lin. Her hnshand and daughter, Mrs. F. F. Rlassingen, were with her at the end. Mrs. Averhoff came here In the early 80s. 4 Hllaway—John Merritt was badly Injured when struck by a car being driven by his son. He suffered severe bruises and cuts on Ills face and scalp. Bridgeport—Glenn Beale of Potter, a member of the Itix Potato club, lias been awarded the Kimball county prize offered by the Union Pacific railroad for the heat record in club work. The flrize is a scholarship Young Beale will use to attend the state university. For Folds, Grip or Influenza and as a Preventive, take I,axatlve BROMO QUININE Tablets. A Safe and Proven Remedy. The box bears the signature of E. W. Grove. 30c.— Advertisement. H Sealine Fur Coats (aged Coney). Muskrat Fur Coats, beautiful skins. ■ H All sizes. While they OO CA All (PQQ CA ■ last .$0£.JU sizes .«PO*J.JU ■ | JL Or kin Bros HI I 650 New Silk and Cloth I I Dresses Reduced I New and advanc* Spring 1925 Dresses in every new and wanted shade, i n - eluding cranberry (new reds) and all the high shades. We are showing 10 new models at this sensa tional 1 o w prices. Values to $25.00. Sizes L6 to 44. Just think of buying silk and cloth dresses that are actually $10 and $15 values at such a low j price. Every dress in the lot a new and wanted style. Colors are black, navy, brown, tan, gray and coco. Sizes 16 to 54. Cur entire main floor de voted to the sale of these wonderful dresses. They won’t last long at this un heard-of low price, so we : ask you to be on hand early for best selections. • I Fur Trimmed Coats at Less I Than Cost of Material I Yes. We Have Determined to Make « Friday a Real Coat Day at Or kin Bros. 8 i H | Hundreds of styles and colors to select from. AIL. EE fur-trimmed, some with fur collar and cuffs. Just h 258 of these all-wool heavy winter coats in the lot || and you may be sure they won’t last long at this I price. 8 ■ BRIDGE AWARDS ARE CANCELED Warrant* totaling $31,784.50, drawn In favor of th* Wickham Bridge and Pipe company for the construction of eight emergency bridge* in Pottawst tamle county, were cancelled by the county aupervlaora at a meeting Thursday noon when It was learned that the bridges did not conform with the specification* of the state highway commission. The bridges were constructed under vcrbill contracts between the super visor* ami the Wickham company, and the supervisors were inform*d by legal counsel that these contract* could l>* revoked. The bridges were built in July and August to replace bridges washed out by floods last sprint. \The Brandeis Store IX Now Exclusive Omaha Agents m : fa.-# £g> g Knowing When to Stop j |r Designer of Shoes to Know J, R In the two smart models shown here, the designer has departed from conservative M Sr style just enough to add character to the shoe. At the same time, no one of the Mg famous "‘four measurements” has been neglected, and the result is in a *g & FIXE APPEARING SHOE. f® R of the right proportions for comfort and health. A §* That’s the Famous Red Cross Shoe | y Sold at the Brandei* Store—Women’* Shoe Department 2 R Third Floor—East Wg I BECAUSE of the growing popularity of the beau tiful Mississippi Gulf Coast, the Illinois Central will improve the service and quicken the time, effec tive December 1st. The Famous Panama Limited, leaving Chicago 12:30 P. M., St. Louis 3:50 P. M., provides through sleep ing car service. Arriving Gulfport 11:55 A. M., next Morning. Immediate connection same station—spe cial service for Biloxi, Ar. 12:45 P. M., and Pass Christian, Ar. 12:45 P* M. Fastest time to Qulf Coast. From Chicago to Biloxi by 612 hours; to Gulfport by 7*4 hours; to Pass Christian by 7*4 hours. Here Today—Play Tomorrow Our Mississippi Gulf Coast Booklet tells about it. Write for it. C. Haydock, Division Passenger Agent, 313 City National Bank Budding 16th and Harney Streets, Phone JAckson 0264, Omaha, Neb. For fares and resonutiom ask City Ticket Office, 311 South 16th Street, Phone Atlantic 0666 C. Haydock, Division Passenger Agent, Illinois Central Railroad 313 City National Bank Building, 16th and Harney Street* Phone JAckson 0264, Omaha, Neb. Illinois Central THE ROAD OF TRAVEL LUXURY All flie London newspapers are agreed that the case has taken on a serious political aspect, t'otipled with the known desire of tlie aged mahara jah of Jammu amL kashmir to adopt a new heir to hitf throne. Is the of ficial British fear that the mahara jah’s selection of his successor would not be a prince In sympathy with British views of progress. Sir Hand Singh is acceptable from the Brliish viewpoint because his views are more likely to tie pro Brit ish on account of his broader educa tion and acquaintance In England. But it is declared that the feeling of the 74-year-old mall a rajah to wards his nephew and heir will not lie helped by the revelations that are bound to come out of the criminal prosecutions following the unexpect Oil verdict in (he Robinson case against the big Midland bank. It Is now stated that oth i war rants will he served besides those which have already taken Into cus tody W illiam Cooper Hobbs and Capt. Charles Arthur, accused as two of tiie blackmailing principals in the Paris incident. Startling reports trained currency during ih** day that the $780,000 paid by Sir llarri in the Robinson case was only a quarter of the actual amount which lie shelled out to dif ferent parties who ' trimmed” him during his visit to Kngland and Ire land in 1919 .Mrs Robinson, the "grasshopper medicine woman," with whom Sir Marri was trapped in Paris, was to day quizzed by Scotland Yard opera tives—a still unexplained move in the case. WOMAN’S SLAYING MYSTIFIES POLICE Birminghotn. Ala.. Dec. 4.—Efforts of county authorities during the last "A hours to solve the mystery attach ed to the killing Tuesday of Mrs. Annie Lou Edwards, wife of Dr. George T. Edwards, have led them nowhere, they said today. Dr. Edward*, who was arrested on a coroner's warrant a few hours after lie had reported Ihat an assailant had killed his wife and attacked him, was still In jail today. X'o date has been set for a hearing. Solicitor Ben Berry said he would Insist that the physician be held ‘‘until something more tangible than the husband’s own story is offered to explain the affair,” adding, how ever that “the man’s character, his family relations and his standing as a professional man argue for him.” DUDLEY WINS HIS APPEAL ON FINE Policemen can fight all they want to n the federal building, so long as teral officials do not object, Dis t Judge L. B. Dry ruled Thurs y in upholding the appeal of J. J. Dudley, former "human semaphore” on t' c pol f. force, against a >2F. fine levied in police court. Dudley and Pa rolman Bosen had words in the federal building last July, and blows followed. Dudley was arrested and fined >25. He ap pealed to district court. Judge Day ruled that since the fed eral building is under the control of the federal government, state offi cers cannot prosecute for an offense committed in the building Eltlrecig<* Taken Home. O. W. Kldredse, Importer, ha* been ti.ken to hi* home on Fort fVook boulevard after spending: «everal \v ■-.#» k * at <*lark*on hoapifal. Mr nidvecig* while adjunting xvirinjr in hi* shop received a shock that broke his • boulder. OSTEOPATHYt Gives Direct Assistance to Nature g F°R ft i MOTHER J? Bflf A FINE NEW l? & GAS RANGE g ft i°' *3 Sr XMAS fi% «? CONVENIENT TERMS & o' |rA» ¥ Gas Department t" M METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT ’.k O 1509 Howard St. AT S707 ^ Typewriters for Xmas Any Make Large or Portable Attractive Prices EASY TERMS AIIMakesTypewriterGo. 20S S. 18th St. Phono AT 241.1 iibm» * . ' r l Jlk Ml , V, ---- ---—— j MEXICAN LOAN NOW PROPOSED Mexico City, Deb. 4.—An interna ttonal banking group plans to lend the Mexican government sufficient money to meet all of its external arpd fi nancial obligations, it was learned in official quarters today. A representative of the Morgan banking interests, was here incognito 10 days and conferred with President (’alles, former President Obregon and Fananclal Secretary Panl. He will, it is said, recommend to the Morgan group that the loan be granted. This siep both on the part of the bankers nnd the Mexican govern ors nt Ik said to have been prompted by many Americans who have large interests in Mexico ami are otherwise friendly toward the country. Back of the predicted action, how •»ver. is declared to be a general move ment on the part of international bunkers to render financial aid to all countries in need. By this means, they expect to recreate world pros perity. it is said. The bond issue for the loan would be approximately $60,000,000, it is re ported.