The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 05, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    . Today
The Four R's.
Men Like Variety.
7 he I aloe of Science.
Lions, Alive or Dead.
V —----/
According to modern school chil
dren, education includes four R's,
“Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and
Children seem to be born with
the understanding of new discov
eries born with them. A boy of 15
will manage and understand an au
tomobile by intuition, better than
his father. A young child will walk
up to a screeching, squawking
radio, turn knobs and get music in
stead of the “static” produced un
4 der adult management.
As regards the nature of elec
tricity, what it is, why it works,
the youngest child knows as much
as any scientist.
Iri a tropical forest, when trav
elers have passed on leaving a fire
burning, the monkeys come down,
sit around, to warm their hands.
They don’t know what it is that
warms them, and never add a
stick of wood to the fire.
Civilized men sit around the
mystery of electricity like so many
monkeys around a dying fire.
Dr. Marie Munk of Berlin, wo
man, admitted to the German bar,
says tin* trouble with marriage is
“man’s fondness for variety.” It
is pitiful but true that the average
man will stick to one brand of
cigar longer than he will stick to
one wife.
According to Dr. Munk, men
leave their wives for somebody
younger “for mere desire for a
change.” That's all true, but what
of it? _
Fidelity is even rarer among
monkeys than among men. The
object of marriage is to change
men from monkeys to real men,
and marriage is doing the work
gradually. Infidelity, at least, is
not A thing to brag about and take
for granted.
A report of the Smithsonian In
stitution shows that our highly civ
ilized government appropriates less
than one-third of 1 per cent for its
annual budget for science and re
Ten times that appropriation,
. which would be too little, and
* would come back to the govern
ment in increased wealth, a hun
dred times over.
How poor this nation would be
without steam engines, automo
biles, tractors, steel-making meth
ods, chemical knowledge of fertiliz
ers, and other “modern improve
ments,” all born of science?
The men of wealth do little for
scientific research, outside of their
own industrial plants. One scien
tific invention, getting nitrogen out
of the air at a low price, would
supply cheap food and, properly
used in charity, would do more for
the poor and hungry than all the
money given from the beginning of
The Italian nobleman, pointing
to the beggars at his back gate, cov
ered with sores and eating scraps
of food thrown to them, said, quite
seriously, “These be my hounds
with which I hunt salvation.”
If feeding the poor means sal
vation, scientific research could be
made to pay dividends hereafter as
well as now on earth.
Prof. Jeams, leading British
scientist, tells the Royal Astronom
ical society that the great age to
which suns are now known to live
makes It quite certain that the uni
verse and its millions of planets
are populated by thinking beings.
Suns, thought to last only a few
million years, when ignorance of
radio active forces led to the sup
position that the suns were actual
ly burning up, are now known to
v last many billions of years. That
\ > gives plenty of time for planets
r to cool off and become habitable.
But why should hot planets or
tuns be uninhabitable? A maggot,
looking st • living lion, would say,
“that’s uninhabitable.” With the
lion dead and cold, the same mag
got would say, “There’s a nics com
fortable home for maggots. Now
it’s a habitable lion.”
One single mind Inhabits the
•m lion’s body while it lives. Many
(maggots inhabit it when it Is dead.
That may be true of blazing suns.
A Washington dispatch says the
final disposition of Muscle Shoals
rests with President C'oolidge. It
is to be hoperj the president will
persuade Henry Ford to reopen his
original offer. He would supply
the farmers with cheap fertilizer,
if the thing can be done by money
^Ajtd intelligence. Why not for a
change give an honest, competent
;aA|l a chance? The grafters surely
their full share.
(Copyright. HI4.)
The next Technical High "Quad
rant," published by the graduating
,mf class every quarter, Is to be on* of
the largest tnagaxlnee ever produced
by a senior class, according to the
Quadrant committee.
The book, to be distributed Decern
her r,. Is now being run off on the
Tech High press. Approximately *,000
copies will be gjrlnted. The new sen
ior writeups end the page borders,
composed of green holly leaves,
adding a tinge of Christmas, will
feature the class memory book.
Discussion of ths proposed moving
of the county poor farm and in
crease In street car faras was post
pnn»d Wednesday night when weath
er conditions prevented a quorum
from attending the regular meeting
of the Tenth AYnrrt Improvement
> club, which tt«s held In the pavilllon
of < Ilf ford park.
The meet lug was adjourned subject j
to the call of the president, Frank
0oh11son, st s time-appropt tats for
(be formal dsclqlon of (Us fllub,
K ^ -—
| Bring the Kiddies to See
Horne’s FREE Wild Animal Show
y Lions Tigers Leopards Bears Kangaroos Monkeys
& I Cpme Soon—They Won't Be Here Much Longer!
§ 200 Costume
I Blouses
| 1.49
•P This Is ari
Sj? .odd lot of
w blouses in
|f ponsee, j
9 canton
9 crepe,
a . satin and
* brocade
Z velvets in overblouse and tuck
J* in styles; some embroidered
Sr and beaded. In shades of navy,
J? copen, tan, beaver and black. j
Second Floor—South
Knitted Silk
Vest .
Plain and fancy tubular silk
vestings in pink, flesh, peach,
orchid and white. Each vest
comes In a transparent and
sanitary Christmas package, a
very nice gift.
Main Floor—Center
Box of Three
These are
voiles and
Irish linens in white and all
colors; hemstitched borders,
hand-embroidered corners. Very
fine gift items.
Main Floor—West
2.50 Gauntlet
Domestic Cape
All around strap wrist heavy I
embroidered backs, in the serv
iceable shades of brown and
tan. Sizes 6 to 7%.
Main Floor—North
Regular 1.50
Toilet water
Exquisite “ D j e r Kiss”
Vegetable Toilet Water,
in neat gift box.
Main Floor—We»t
All Linen
All white and white with col
ored borders in pretty pastel
shades. All have corded bor
ders, ready for hemming.
Main Floor—West
Regular 1.25
Curling Iron
49c |
A nickel plated model Jp
with good heating ele- 5r
ment and five feet of cord. S
Main Floor—We»t
5 [GiftJewelry]— 0NEiJ6 MORE POPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS / Christmas ]
IIjIlJThe Brandeis Store -
Sr Keeps going for
Sr a long, long
time. Lots of
J fUn* ‘
50c to 3.50
In all sizes, for
kiddies of all
sizes, tiny tots
and growing
3.50 to 25.00
All ready to set
up housekeep
ing:. completely
Boys will play
with this top all
day long and en
joy every min
Thousands of
Low Priced Toys
- //T7*\ ■■■ -
Toy Piano*—In all
sizes; a toy any lit
tle girl will be proud
of. Priced—
5GO to 25.00
The Corered Wagon—All ready
to set out on the Oregon Trail.
Watch out for Indians and
things. Priced l.OO.
Pacing Bob — A
graceful pacing
horse, hitched to a
light English sulky.
Priced, 50<S
Derby Rider—H push toy
that runs a graceful race, j
Buy one for each of your j
boys and let them have a i
big race. Priced, 50c.
Horse Toddler^— tor the
little kiddies. They can
have loads of fun with
these toys. Priced 3.50.
Doll Sulky — For the
smart little mother to
take shopping, 50C.
jr Electric Goods
J Make Fine Gifts
Jg Thei) /Ire Inexpensively; Price<
1.50 Electric Stoves
y Guaranteed one year. 1 _ _
« Can be used as toast- I U V/t
M ers. Complete with j wvv
fig cord and plug. J
U 7.50 Thermax Electric
w Heaters
§Jjf Electric heaters with ^ _
1 12-inch copper re- U QV
f flector end wire
stx guard. Warranted.
II 5.50 Electric Table
(g Stoves
M 2-hole electric table 1
fig stove, guaranteed J (J V
£ one year. Complete t/evO
gP with eord end ping. J
^ 5.00 Universal
Electric percolatora _ _
£ of extra heavy aluml- QU
£ num In artistic shape. t/es/vJ
£ 6-cup sire. j
g Universal Electric
« . Irons
»g New style with round j _ mm mt
£ heel; wrinkleproof— ! £& y t
£ complete with cord w# I V
£ and plug. j
Jy Hotpoint Electric Irons 0.75
W The Brands!* Store
£ Fifth Floor—Wo.t
Important Christmas Sale
Leather Hand Bags
Hundreds of Smart Bags at One
Sensationally Low Price
, 4.00 098
4 'v alues =
I Splendid bags for gifts
I at a most economical
c place. Don’t fail to buy
several. All of your
women friends will ap
preciate such a gift.
Black, Gray, Mir
ror, Brown, Tan and
Smart Combination
Fitted with mirrors,
purses, back handker
chief pockets, corded
handles and tassels.
Under Arm, Envelope,
Rack Strap, Carriage and
other sties'
Main Floor
Demonstration in Our
Corset Department
Mias Sadia V. Dougherty of New
York City, representing Styleetic
and Styliah Stout Girdlea, is now
in our Corset Department and nt
your service. You are invited to
consult her regarding a corset
for you that will improve your
figure and the new’ gown you in
tend getting for the holiday sea
son. Let her show you a garment
that will add to your grace and
protect your health. Her services
are free.
Price 5.00
Third Floor—North
Here Are Beautiful Silk
For Christmas Gifts
All Attractively Priced
Lovely Silk
With yokes made of wide
lace bands and scalloped
lace-trimmed bottoms.
Others in plain tailored
styles with round or V
neck. Yellow, preen,
blue, pink, maize and
Crepe de Chine Teddies
Tailored and lacy atyles, all with attractive O
top*. Flowers, ribbons and lacea adorn them. | xM
Choice of flesh, peach, orchid, green, bln# I O O
and maise. -- •
Radium Silk Chemise
I.ace and inserts make very pretty tops. *
Bindings of self material and ribbon trim 1,
them. They are pretty, durable and launder
well. All the new high colors.
New Silk Step-Ins
Crepe de chine and silk radium in many '
colors, narrow lace edgings, hemstitched and
colored embroidery combine to make these
pretty garments. And there are cunning
little pockets.
Third Floor—East
Pearl Chokers |
3-Strand Choker* Sr
5 00 to 6.50 g
Beautiful new chokers of one gf
strand white pearls and one strand y
black pearls, with sterling silver K
clasp set with colored stone. In SF
plush box. if
1-Strand Choker* y
1.00 if
Uniform and graduated strand* y
of baklite. crystal and vegetable y
beads in all colors and combina- gr
tions. Round, melon and cube cut. y
Main Floor—East Jf
Ciifts of Linen g
Renfrew Dama»k X
Luncheon Sets y
6Sx58-inch cloth and y
six 18-lneh napkins. X
Varlon* eolo* eom- X
binations. Sr
Lace Trimmed y
Linen Scarfs y
With heavy Italian 1 Gf
linen centers that 1 X
will wear and laun- I Sr
der well. Sits lSx * * y
54 inches. ■ Gf
Fine Linen
Luncheon Napkins y
Neatly hemstitched "j Gf
napkins that will go X
well with any lunch- S
eon cloth. Site 13x13 y
inches. S
Main Floor—South y
| Sale of Floor Samples, Used
I Rebuilt and Discontinued Models
Vi Price
Your unrestricted choice of any floor sample,
discontinued model or used upright or console
phonograph at about one-half the former price.
'g We give a partial list of the instruments on hand
J 100.00 Brunswick, used . 40.00
150.00 Victrola, used . 67.50
If 125.00 Nightingale Console... 67.50
If 125.00 Supreme Console.67.50
5* 275.00 Victrola . 97.50
Just 25 instruments, all rebuilt and guaranteed
m in perfect running order.
Jf TH# Brandeia Store—Main Floor—Wf»l
Turn the Light of a Beautiful |
Boudoir Lamp |
On Your Xmas Problems 5
Here they are in ivory finished ^ r a A
metal with shade to match. 1 OU R
Complete with cord and plug. A c.
Dresser trays, picture
frames, handkerchiefs
and glove boxes, hair
pin boxes nml powder
jars. In old rose or
blue, l.OO.
50<* 75«* 1.00
Gracefully turned and
beautifully finished.
Three aiaes. Gifts any
tasteful woman will
I_I ¥
Sewing Basket*
leather and basketry g
combined, silk and Sr
sateen lined, fitted Iff
with all sewing acoes- w
series. 22-8B. 5# '*
Learn Plastolart
The art of decorating on
wood base*, plaques, lamps,
book ends, sconces, candle
sticks. etc. \ ou can make
smart and attractive gift* at
surprisingly small cost.
Dennison Instruction jr
Many beautiful jrifts are beinr ji|
made these days in the Denni* X
•on rope, wax and paper work
An expert instructor is at fe?
your service from 9 a. m. to C*
«• P- nu W
The HmndeU Store Third Floor—Wool