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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1924)
BLUFFS CUTS _ ' TO CIPJTI, PLAN Move Launched lo Send 200 Youths to Inaugural / Parade. Two hundred Council Bluffs cadets will march In President CoollUge’s Inaugural parade at Washington, D. I’., on March 1. If funds can be ob tained to send them to the capital. The Council Bluffs school board Tuesday night approved a plan to send a picked company of cadets and the drum and bugle corps to march In the parade. ("apt. 11. H. Galliett, commander of the Reserve Officers Training corps of Council Bluffs High schools, pre sented the proposal to send the cadets. Bis plan to raise $5,000 among Council Bluffs business men to send the cadets to Washington was indorsed by the board. This amount would cover only a part of the cost, and the remainder would he paid by the cadets personally. Under Captain Galliett’s plan, the cadets would go to Washington on a special train w idt h would lpave Coun cil Bluffs February 29 and return March 8. The cadets would spend three days In Washington. Target Range rinnned. The hoard Tuesday night Instructed tlie building committee to obtain estimates on (lie cost of building a sergnd story over the heating plant of Thomas Jefferson High school. This building is 7K teet long and 46 feet wide, and the second floor would Ite used for a target range for the 0 R. O. T. C. rtetatchment. It would he convertible, so that it might also be used for two classrooms. The school boa I'd engineer reported that a plan to construct a rifle range In the attic of Abraham Lincoln High school was Impracticable, as the heat ing system could not he extended to this part of the building. The hoard directed the engineering department to make further investigations Into the matter of heating this part of the building. Armory Re-leased. The hoard released the IJodge armory at Fifth avenue and Pearl street for three months, at $200 per month. The building will he used for girls' physical training classes of Abraham Lincoln High school. An arrangement was approved hy which the board will pay $75 for the use of the V. M. A. gymnasium for training of the basket, hall team of Abraham Lincoln JJigh school until 'March R. The board deferred action on the selection of a name for the new east end junior and grade school. The board divided evenly* in voting on proposals to name the school ''Gunn,'' ' Woodrow Wilson,” and "De Hmet.” The superintendent of schools was authorized to arrange with the Oma ha school board to give Instructions in manual training and domestic sci ence to students at Courtland school in Hast Omaha. Fire Kscapcs Urged. ^ A report submitted by Otto Wurl, director of physical education, rec ommending that outside fire escapes ho Installed at Harrison and Madison schools, was referred to the building committee. The board fixed the dates for the Christmas vacation to begin on De cember 22 and end January 5. The supplies committee whs autlior It.ed to purchase Christmas trees for all schools. The building committee was authorized to purchase $790 worth of hardware for the new Fast Knd school. Henry Peterson reported to the .'■•and that arrangements hail been completed for the formal opening* of t lie new Bloomer school December 12. Night classw for foreigners will start at this school Monday. The board authorized the purchase of 12 track suits and 14 football suits for the teams of Bloomer and Thom as Jefferson schools. The board voted to allow Sergeants Moore and Wilson, assigned to the It (>. T. C. detachments, $15 each per month for caring for the R. O. 1 . C. supplies. The allowance last year was $20 per month. Marjorie Anderson, a teacher, was granted an extension of her leave of absence until the end of the next semester in order to complete her courses at the University of Ne braska. Real Estate Transfers. jjov.o# A Bolen anil wife to Kaat on Mtf A- Loan Co.. ■ • come. ^ 4Mh and Lafayette A\r, 4Sx 1 *"»A 1 Mnn ^ O'fo H. Sfuben and wife to Wal ter L. P.erpdint, 30th St . 44 feet a nt Will it St « «Mrif 33x112 4.590 y 5V Krella and wife to George C Flack. 33d Ave H»7 faet • of R'dick Xv# , w. aide. 41x121.«. 300 William J. 5?rott and wife to Don ald T,. Norton, ef al. Pine Ht.. sn •outh, 40x120 ... 40n May Burdette to A. C. Heda. W»$h tnjrton Ave.. 114 feet n if Mili tary Ave., * nkle. «4x91U . 425 Oliver P Burnett to Belle T. Scan nail, Fowler Ave. 44 feef w of *2*>th Ht.. ■. aide. 48x10;; . 1 Christopher C. Crowell, Jr., end wife to Afnurlne Hamilton, I/.unl Si.. ]50 fe^t w. of Loth Ht . n. aide, 97 x 135 . 1 3.2LO Mary J. Johnston lo Father Nelson n w. corner 4Sth and Pine Ht . mxi.r* .. 200 Buiker Co. to Josephine C (Jraov. 42d Hi . 94 t>-H feet n. of Mitun Hi. e. mIJ,. 47 46x130 . 1,250 Charlen V. Tatnolyn end wife to Anna O Havidxe, Miami .mi . no feel v.'. of 42(1 St., * Side, L'ixl*H 819 Standard J levelopmeni Co. to Theo dore \V\ Metcalfe Popnletoii Ave,. ?,ti| feel w, of 45th Ht . n. side. 45x138 . 1,200 Standard Development i'h. to Then ‘lore W. Metcalfe. Pojiplelon A \ #■ , 1'» • feel w. of 44lh Ave. n. aide, 48*1. Vein* w. While and wife to Blanche I Van Orden. 55th St , n of Marcy St.. 71 fret e. aide, 40x15*. 7,100 F.llen J» Scott to Roger P. Hoi man and wife n ». corner 6?d and Jarkaon gf . irregular . 4,750 Dunda Really Cn. to H Robert Miller, Slat Ave 115 feet . of Farnam St , a. aide, 50x135 . ... 1,500 Fdna A Drab* and huahand to F.dward Pitta, T.lndaay A\e., 214 feet w. of 30th St., n. aide. 46x127 .. 1,140 John T. Knrlght to Knielia Kn right. 21st Ht . tifi feel ii. of Crclg Ht., e aide. 60x132 .. 1 Jan Wirzhh kl and wit* to An ton Kaveckl and wife, SHlh Ht . 52.7 leet ii. of 1 Ml , e. aide, 5ux 1 In . 8 500 Bessie Padua arid huahand to .toe Alaalotvakl and wife, n e cor ner n4til and I> Sts , 1,860 Axel Hlldlng to Nets J lllldlng. Maple Ht . 150 feet w. uf 4V< St. s. aide. 100x12U ... 400 Fled A Bailey to Albln K. Malm berg tt al, Bedford Mf Co fret * of 65th Ht.. ii. Hide 60x13h 2 200 Mm nine Hamilton ef at. fu C <\ ( rowell/ Jr., 161 tl HI., 200 feel u of iJodfce Hf . e aide, LOill* 9,004’ ^A'eailand Realty Cn. to .IhcoIi rtlaon a e. (nrner Park Jtoad and Pa.ific *• 45x116 446 Hela O, Johnson and wlfa t« laurel A e a -Id# 4*11 2TH 2.710 Jlllr* cildley and huahand f« nd-* Mmop and wife p w. corner 34th and f'aithajr* Ave., Irregri Ur *.a. 1.900 V ► harmcr IF hn Sovrs N inr (.hildrrn From Flames Perishes for Poekethook V _> Centralis, HI., ller. 3.—After res cuing Ills nine children from their burning home last nighl, Cieorge Biernian', jr., 42, farmer, went hack for his poekethook and was burned to death when the roof fell in. OMM WED III FORBES ID! ('. 1). Vi hitmore Asked to Lend Supervisor for Hos pital Construction. H.v Associated Cress. < hicago, Dee. 3.—The government again interrupted the testimony of Klias H. Mortimer in the Forbes Thom peon veterans' bureau eonspi racy trial to take the testimony of A- C. Crump of Philadelphia *and allow him to return. When bids on the Northampton (Mass.| hospital were being received in the veterans' bureau Crump was secretary of the Pontiac Construction company of Detroit, an open-shop subsidiary of the James Black Ma sonry Construction company of ,St Douis. Black, now dead, was a i lose business associate of John W. Thomp son °f St. Bouts, co-defendant with Col. Charles it. Forbes for conspiracy to defraud the government. Black, the defense contends used the Pon tiac company to bid on the Northamp ton foundation job. Thompson, the defense claims, had nothing whatever to do wilh the Pontiac company or its Northampton hid. Helped Figure Bid. Crump testified that he went to Washington June 1. 1922, to meet Mr. Weissell of the Pontiac, company to help figure the Northampton hid. Thompson joined them July 1 to dis cuss the Northampton bid with them, Crump said. On Thompson's instruc tions, Crump said, they changed the Pontiac company's hid from 120 days time of completion to 90 days. It is oharged hv the prosecution that as part of thp conspiracy Forbes had agreed to favor Thompson-Black bids through special features which would make their bids appear advantageous to the government. Crump then identigtied the Pontiac company's bid which he signed as secretary-treasurer of the company. Forlies, it Is charged, told the Thompson Black company to keep their time limit low and their money bid high and lie would arrange ex tension of tjme for them. Mortimer testified to this arrangement agreed upon between himself and Thompson and Forbes. "When we were writing lip the bids,” Crump testified, 'Thompson told us to change the ynday limit to 60 days, and Mr. Weissell scratched out the 90 and put in 60.” ‘Moh Is Ours.” The hid of the Pontiac company, Crump said, was written tip the morn ing of July 3. 1922, the day the bids were closed, lyiter that day Thomp son told Crump "the job is ours." When the 60-day limit was inserted in the bid "Thompson said he could get more time if It was needed," Crump testified. Baiph Potter, special assistant at torney general, Introduced a letter from the Pontiac company to C. D. Whitmire of Omaha, asking the loan of Fred Keiehert to suprevise the Northampton fundatlon joh "if we get It." The letter was dated July 13, 1922, and said "we will know in a few days." "We want to complete this rush joli satisfactorily so we can get the joli on the upper structure," the let ter. signed by John ,1. Brennan, presi dent of Die Pontiac company, said. C. D. Whitmire is an Omaha build ing contractor, fixing at 5117 Web ster street. He is out of the city. His wife said she knew nothing of his ever having any connection with veterans' bureau contracts. f----s Out of the Records | V-v Birth* and Deaths. Roy and Cora Masters, 3 4 22 North For tieth avenue, boy. Harry and Minnie Brown, hospital, hoy. Fred ami Edith fllumer, hospital, boy. Larry and Mary Rider hospital, hoy. William and Louise Hkelly, hospital, i gril. tieotge and Gladys Carlson, 3 430 South Fifteenth street, girl Mir hurl and Falrrle Calligan, 1037 South Fiftieth street girl. Franc!" and Cecil Musegrane, 4.^2* Rlnndn street, boy. Lawrence and Dorothy Pundersen, hns pital. boy .Tatnes and \ era Alik* 4211 .North Twen ty-fourth street girl Ferdinand and Irma Potter, hospital, firl Joseph and Jannle Flasnlek. hospital, boy Charles and Lillian Burns. 5104 South Thirty-eighth street, hoy Michael and Helen Rnnka, 4129 South Forty-Brat. avenue, girl John and Ruth MVFarland, hospital, girl Richard and Hylvla hospital, girl. Nathan and Bertha Lineman, hospital, boy, Floyd and Margaret Reinhardt, hoe pllal. hoy Jake and Nettle Sacco, hospital, boy. t harles and Hh/.M Carey, hospital, girl. Deaths. Julia Maylan, *11 South Thlrty-alxth stjeef. 35 years. Cecil Victor Brock. 4102 Davenport, 65 years. Olga Smith. 50* South Twenty-seventh street 84 rear* Arthur I*. Henderson, Kansas City, Mo . 28 years. Hagel Desilvla, 1312 Jones street, 16 yea re. Imps Gornns. hostiital. 2.8 years, Anna Vacowsky, nnspitnl 30 years. Infant Barone, J*r. 2 Valley street. 4 hom p MlchseJ Zielinski, 4416 South Forty first street, 4 jear* Building Permit*. Martin Odonnel. 2731 Ohio, frame dwelling. 14 non D L. Norton. 8625 Pine, frame dwelling. $1 500 D L Norton A Co. 552* Tine, frame dwelling, $3,500, D L. Norton A Co., 5521 Tine, frame dwelling, $3,000. C. M. Garvey, 216 ftouth Twenty eighth avenue, cement block gerage. $4,000 R F. Clary Co, 3030, Arcadia, frame dwelling, $1,500. R F Clary Co., 1607 Land, frame dwelling, $ : 000. It F Clan Co, 1807 land, frame dwelling, $1. >0u, R F Clary Co, KOI Land, frame dwelling. $3,000, H I Clary Co., 4*29 Charles, frame dwelling, $4,500 R. I Clary Co. 4*37 Charles, frame dwelling. $2,600. R F. Clarv Co , 4*31 Charles, frame dwelling. i;f.Goo It. F Clary Co. M24 North Fortieth, frame dwelling. $2,BOO. lu Divorce Court. Petit i»ns Rlsjrrhe egstnsr Thoms a Nelson, r rue It v Nannie f* against William Black cruelty llenry atalnst Alice M TEvere cruelty. May sauna' Cher lee Johnson, cruelty Decree. ( Rant from Henry Achneldsr, eruelty. NOTE THREATENS REV. SHEATSLEY “You Kill My Wife, I Kill Yours." Says Anonymous' Letter; May Offer Clue. By CARL I.. Tl'RNKR. ltilerimlloiiHl Newt., staff forreaiximlent. (Copyright. 1924 ) Columbus. Dec. 3.—"You kill my wife ami X kill yours." An anonymous letter, scrawled In almost Illegible handwriting 4111 a It. te of ordinary note paper and beat ing bhis pestscr)|it. was turned over to detective^ Today bjf Rev. C. V. HXlSatsley, whose wife's body was all l>ut incinerated In the parsonage fur nace more than two weeks ago. The letter was signed with a skull ar.d rross-liones and was addressed to Rev. Sheatsley, Columbus, Ohio." The postmark, which was very dis tinct, showed the letter was mailed at Buffalo. N. Y., at 9.30 p. m., .November 34. it read: "I kill your wife and I will kill you. ' No detectives will get me. I mur der them all. The police think she kills herself—ho! ho! "Kev. Sheatsley, I will get you be ware ! "Yon kill my wife and I'll kill yours." At the top of the note were pencil (dentations of a Sentence that had been erased. It said: "You know who I am." According to members of the Sheatsley family neither the minister nor his wife ever lived in or near Buffalo. The minister was at a loss to explain the note, or offer any sug gestion as to whom the writer might he. TO BE RECLAIMED Tunnel to Carry Water to Goring ami Mitchell Val leys Completed. Special Di.putrll in The Uliml.A lire. Bridgeport, Neb., Bee. 3.—More than 100.000 acres will be reclaimed in the Oerinc and Mitchell valleys next season, by completion of a mile long tunnel through the hills, that connects thp two valleys with Irriga tion water heretofore unavailable. Already many improvements have been started in the tun valleys, that formerly were dry land. The tunnel has just been completed, nnd the construction camp building moved. pitches and laterals have licen constructed and water will be turned onto the land next spring. Elizabeth Krieger Dies. Mrs. Klizabeth Krie^er, 7#, who came to America from Naka, Russia, In 1899, died Tuesday at her home at Thirteenth and Izard streets. She is survived by four daughters and three sons. ADVKHTIMKM KNT. BEWARE THE THAT HANGS ON Chronic coughs and persistent cold* lead to serious lung trouble. You ran stop them now with Creomidsion, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a new medical discovery with twofold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and kills the germ. Of all known drug/, creosote is rec ognized by the medical fraternity as the greatest healing agency for the treat ment of chronic coughs nnd colds and other forms of throat and lung troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes and stop the irritation and in flammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and destroys the germs that lead to consumption. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfac tory in the treatment of chronic coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal bronchitis snd other form* of throat and lung diseases, and is excellent for building up the system after eolds or the flu. Money refunded if any cough or cold, no matter of how long stand ing, is not relieved after taking accord ing to directions. Ask your dnjggijt Creomulsion Co., Atlanta^ Ga. ADVr.RTiar.MKNT. Lift Off-No Pain! Doaan't hurt one bit! Drop a llltla "Kraaaona" on hii arblug corn, bl atantly that < nrn atnpa hurting, then aliurtly you lift It right off with fiiiner w Your flrugglMt srlln a tiny hnltlw nf "Fraarnna'' fnr a frtv rrnta, aufflrlrnt In ramova avrry hartl rnrn, anft rorn, nr rnrn britrrrn thr tnaa, anil Ibr font r«|iuar», without anrmaaa nr ti rltatlon. f BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES Telephone AT lenn. loot) THE EVENING REE THE OMAHA MORNING REE. 19r per line each nay, * or 2 days. 17c per line each day, 3 nr 6 days. 16c per line each day, 7 daya. 16c per line each day. 30 days. \NNOt N( IvMIM S Funeral Notice!!. I TALl.ON*—Robert Emmet, age 44 years IIS S 30th St. died Tuesday, Dec. 2. He le survived by bis wife. Minnie, ami two sons, Gordon and Gerald: also two broth ers, Thomas of Rushvllle, Neb., and G. M. of Millard; also on** sister. Sister Mary Barbara of the It \. M. order In the Holy Cross convent of Chicago, lit. Funeral st*rv#es will be held Friday at S:.10 a. m. from the Larkin funeral home to St. Patrick church at 9 a hi. Liter* mem, Holy Sepulcher cemetery. IIANSEN—Frank, 46 jears. passed sway December 1. Deceased is survived by Ui» wife. Mrs. Alma Hausen. 30ux Seward. St-1 one daughter, Mrs. John F. Ilgrley of Gretna. Neb., end one soij, Harold. -A. Hansen of Omaha. Funeral services from Hoffmann-Crosby Funeral Homo fit p. m. on Thursday* December 4. Interment Pleasant Hill re metery. VECHA Frank, aged 6(» years. Funeral from Stack funeral home. Thurs day nt 2 o’clock. Interment Bohemian Na tipnal remote r y._ Vaults and Montiim>nts. ~ 2 “Automatic Sealing*’ concrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertakers M’f'd by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co Funeral Directors. 3 HEAFET ft HEAFBY Undertakers end Embalmer# Phone AT. 2631. Office. 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1H12) HI LSE ft RIEPEN. At Your Service. 5322-24 Fuming St. JA. 1226 Brailey & Dorrance. WOFFMAN-CROSBY ambulance. Dodge and 24th St. Funeral directors. JA. 3901 N. P. SWANSON. 17TII AND CUMING Quiet Dignified Supervision. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN TT A. 16 6 4.3411 Farnam Ht. C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME. 3,920 N. 24 th St.KE. 0167 LESLIE O. MOORE. 24th and Wirt. WE 0047. __ H K. Bl'RKKT ft SON. 2.40R Farnam. Eat 1876. HA. 0090. Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST I*AWN Purchase a family lot In Omaha'a moat beautiful cemetery. Offices at the ceme tery. west of Florence, and 7 20 Brandela Theater building. _ Personals. 9 THE SALVATION ARMY Industrial borne solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 209 N 13th Si COSTUMES, theatrical, hiatorical masque costumes *o rent. Lieben. 1514 Howard. BUY your toys at wholesale prices Omaha Toy Co.. 1411 Harnpy St. I.ost and Found. 10 LOST—Red beaded bag containing $16, between Beaton’s drug store an.I 14th and Douglas, Saturday afternoon. Re ward. fail Co. Bluffs 1706.1, LOST— Little girl’s Xrnas present, $100 bill, between 16th and Chicago »nd t* R. Nat. bank Liberal reward. Call AT. 4477. LOST-—Brown pup, Saturday, part Aire dale, wearing harness. Suable reward i -ill KK. 1 7Mh LOST—Pitt buldog; license tag; reward. .1 Limhaugh. Union Outfitting Co XMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS. Hupmobile, 1922 Touring Winter top enclosure Motor Is Jn very good condition. Tlr-** are good. Needs re. painting and we will paint 1t any color selected by Its purchaser. Very liberal terms ran be arranged for Its purchase, J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. AT. 2570. Farnam nt 26th Ava. THRIFT HABITS ' given to » child amount to more than a long Hat of property willed to him later on. Give him one of our4 little HOME BANKS THIS CHRISTMAS $1.00 starts an account. We pay 6 per cent on savings STATE S VINOS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. S W. Cor. 19th and Douglas Sts. Cadillac Type 59 Touring Just refinlshcd and re new *d. Equipped | with winter top and new tires For one! who Is looking for a large roomy. *®v*n pnstenimr automobile this surely will serve the purp<**e. J TT HANSEN CADILLAC go, AT. £670 Farnam at 2r*th Ave , A Home for Xmas Do you know that you can have >our own home built for a* low a- 1400 down I have several already completed or will build to your order. Call H. K. FKPKJt HBN. HA. 6466. Huy One of Mlrkal'a UKUI.El.K SPECIAU!, $1.76 Kach. Only 20<» to Hell at Thlt Price Get yours Early. MICKEL MUSIC HOUSE. 15th and Harney. AT 4S01 FOR the latest in mllllnerv, call and a**r our new creations Imported h«p« a ape c laity. SUHAPELT/S MILLINERY. 1522 Douglas St, .1A 2*76 YOU mn Rive th* wife a real start toward a home of her own A fine Inf Special for .\m»* a a low as $25 down ' HAS W. YOUNG A S“V. , 1402 cun Nat Ban’* AT. A OIFT to be appreciated the year round A Rood used car We have a complete line at terms vou can tneet. NASH VRTE8EMA AUTO CO. I"M Farrarr_ AT >»1« AN IDEAL XMAS GIFT. | A HAPPY HOLLOW BUILDING »TTE ! GEORGE A CO. Realtors. AT 3024_ TLOSING out all toys, dolls, ate.. «t bl« reduction. R M. Shlaea Co., 21$ N 16th St.__ WHY not a marcel for Xmas'* Mias Garnet. AT*. 1.113. Barber shop AI TOMOItl I i s Automobile* for Nnlr. ]| Priced to Sell Quickly WE GUAR ANTE® SATISFACTION WITH YOUR PURCHASE Dodge Sedan !n good mechanical »..ndl Mon. good rubber. Wire wheels. Painl ia fair. Will repaint to suit. $;\'n. fbudahsker Light HU In good mechanical condition good rubber, good top a yd our 'aif's. iiss n-.t bun repainted a* paloi • « in good condition The priro is tow for this quality car, $47.5 Hudson Sedan In excellent mechanical condition good rubber. Has been re finished and looks almost new through out, $450. sfuta Sport good mechanically, good rub her. Finished In duco. A real buy. $4!»o Durant Spoi t In ex< ellent condition throughout Should sell qubklv at, our piles. $ 4 76. t'havrolet Uuune current model Has been dtlven but B2i» miles Is fully equipped and > an be bought at a big ills-ount f'haltnera Touring in ex- >dl*nt condl- | tlon. ExcalieHt rubber, two new, Iti finished $226 I'ub h Touring fslr me* imnlcal con-i tlon. Theie is a lot of set vice In tills car for the prb #, $ 100. P It t'hfiioiet in sir»||#nt meclvinbal condition. Kslr rubber. Go«m| pnini, f. open Evenings and Hundav* 2664 Fai nam Hi. AT "$1* Nash Uptown Stove M TOMflBlI KS. \ntovunbilM for 11 I mi CARS Korii. *nii ottllT m»k,». t90 snd in> rush nr I-'717 rr. Gni.nsTROM AUTO fAT.KS r0. HIT Harn.v ;<I _at. 4944 HUlcK in,1C. r: 19-: fo„- ' Vllndrr In *t ..llrnl rnn.lilinn. I' n I , ha_ \111<i A,,w,nir>, Part*. • i*> GUARANTEED new «"4 uwrt «ii'n part* ■ t A Alim ia l i ni prim NV r"'lk'1 ' . „A Paris. 1116-1S Harnry Rt. JA. 4931, and 3206 Cuming St. AT. 1 >70. FORD tniMinir tnp rrvfri . nrnpletn. 14 90. Kaplan Allln I'.rta. I'll I Xu linl:n_ RU___ BUSINESS SERVICE. _^ Millinery—in ossmaUin*. 25 ACCORDION, aide, knjle. bo* *»*••**"*; | covered buttons all stylet; hemstitching, buttonhole**. / Write Ideal Button ana Pleating Co., 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone .TA. 1926. NEB PLEATING CO , Hemstitching Covered Buttons. 180 4 Faniam Second Floor. JA. &gi» Moving—Trui king—Storage. 2« GI.OJG-: VAN AND STORAGE. PACKING. MOVING, SI UPPING. STORING Estimate* furnished. AT. (^*30 or J A 4.136 j It; OK PON’S FIUEI’ROOF WIISE 9c VAN. 241* North 11th St. Phone JA. *032; mov ing. parking, storage, shipping._| BEK INS OMAHA VAN 9c STORAGE. 16th and Leavsnworth Sti. Backing, mov ing. storage, shipping. JA. 4163. P«intfng and Papering* 27 Wallpaper, paperhanging, painting. Fred Parks. 4708 H. 24th St. MA. 0101: AT. 7 404. Patent Attorneys. 28 J. W. MARTIN, 528 Peters Trust Bldg., Omaha; also Washington Double service, single fee. Also help sell patents. Printing—Stationery* 29 COMMERCIAL PRINTING Eddy Printing Co.. 213 South 13th St. Phone JA. 6058. Professional Service. 80 DENTISTRY All kinds of dental work done at Creltrh ton Dispensary. 26th and California Sts under the supervision of Instructors of the College of Dentistry. Fees moderate. Take Croastown. Harney or Cuming atrset car __ j EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female. 36 WILL ray you $4 60 dav for making two dozen pair.® Steher Wool socks dally on Highspeed Family Knitter Will buy all you make at same rate. We furnish varn free—5 year written contract, old reliable manufacturer. Work at horn*. Be inde pendent. Experience unnecessary. Send 2c full particulars without obligation Stehcr Machine Co.. Desk 158. Utica. New York. LADIES take up beauty work. Splendid demand and wages for Moler operators. Learn how ws ran Increase your present salary. Day or night. Call or W'rite Moler college, 103 S. 15th St. ENROLL at the largest comptometer school. 300 Courtney Bldg TA. *493. Hdp Wanted—Male. 37 BE A BARBER specialist. Big demand I snd pay for Moler graduate® Day or. nigbf courses. Every part of scientific barbering taught including women's work.) (’all or write for particulars. Moler Bar-; ber college. in® S. 15th. St. J ALL men. women, boys, girls. 17 to 65. willing to accept government positions 1117-1250 (traveling nr stationary), wilts Mr Ozment, 186 St. Louis. Mo. Fl H EM KN. BRA K EM EN. ~ he pir n e r s $ 1 50 1250 (which position”). Railway Y-*i788, Omaha Bee' FIN AN < IAL Iltisinrss Opportunities. 42 CAFETERIA and small hotel best lo cated. Will prn\e money maker. Sell all ne take partner S:rkre«g reason. Quality Cafeteria. Rochester. M:nn Rpal Estate Ixians. 41 money Tn Loan On first and second mortgage*. We buy outright for cash Existing mortgage* and land contracts. FrolPPt Action. TT. A WOLFE CO.. 683. Saundei s-Kcnnedy Bldg AT 1180 6 S AND 6 PER CENT MONEY. Loins on Omaha Improved property at lowest rate*. FRANK H. BINDER, 831 City National._ JA. 1B61 LOW RATE on city property, quickly closed; no monthly payments. JA. 1&33 W T. GRABtfctI OMAHA HOMES — EAST NEB. FARMS O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1015 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg JA 2715. SIX per cant loans on Omaha residence* Cash on hand. Prompt service. E. II Lougce, Inc , 6 38 Keeiine Bldg_ | SECOND mortgages or contracts pur chased bv Tukey Company, 620 First Na tional Bank. JA. 42.3 $100 to 110. non loaned; promt F D Wead 9c P IT. Bowman. WiuiWIdic 6H AND r," T*ER'CENT —NO DELAY GARVIN BROS 645 Omaha Natl Bldg Farm Leans on Wr«t Neb and N E Colo, firms. Kl«k* Investment Co. Omaha. MORTGAGES and contracts hought. AT. ?*:t. Money fo I Jinn. 45 WK WILT. LOAN YOU M nN r Y at the loweat rate we have ever made. DON'T PAY HIGH BATHS Over 30 years In business assure* vou of a oulck. quiet and confidential d*al at thiP lowest possible cost. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. BO* Karbach Block. Tel. JA 2!»5. Southeast corner 16th and Douglas St* DIAMOND loans *t lowest rates: business atrlct'v confidential. The Diamond Loan On 1514 Dodge St Fstahltshed 1S94 Vni CATION \I„ Ijnral liistrui tlmi Cli.spf. 48 PAT fll'HOOT, NH1I1T SCHOOL. Complete course tn all commercial bran'-hes. Shorthand. typewriting, teleg- i raphy, salesmanship. rlvl! service Phone JA. 3515. Complete catalog free. .. B< VI/ER COLLEGE 1 *1 h and Harney Omaha. Veh FIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a i fine office position Cal! AT 7774 or writs American Colley 1112 Farcsm TRI-CITY BARBER COLDtiOF. 1 HOI Dr.ill. St. 1101 IlougUf St Call or write for Information Mnsii .il—Priimlii. 49 POPULAR mnalc, taught by orchestra pi anist. F. M Kahn. Mi kei Bldg. AT 43*1. Pant inir Academies. 50 KEL-P1NK—Farnam at 2Mh class and aaaembly Mon. and Thur* Nltea. Private leasons any time. AT. 7 3 50. MKlUllANm SE, lltmiuesa Equipment*. 58 TYPEWRITERS. - Reasonable 11KNTAI. ret«*a. New anil second-hand machine* for sale. Have vou seen the Standard Kay bog rd Remington Portable'* M*hntc\er your n'* da in the typewriter line call Remington I vp. am iter f\i . 210 R 1 * f It Ht . JA. 2*7*. WK Hl’Y. s*ll safes make daaks. show cases, etr, Omaha Fistura A Supply C* , *4 W for nth and IrnuRlaa. JA 2724 llousrltolil (••mil*. 84 YOl’ ara loaing avanr «lay that you fall to tske advantage of tb« furniture bar gains at Stephenson's 1 05 1 apltol A>» Private sales and auction Mac bin pry ami Tool*. 87 NEW nnd second-hand motor*, d'names. I .>Hrnn FlrcO lcsl Works .113 >0 S 1 t h. Miieical Insti uuiPitts. 70 NEW ISO* Cat had rill vlcirohi Soil for $4:, i .ash Real bat gain HA 34.* I FOR motto.tuning and player repairing.! I’lanA '• • f> e g- Repair t*u, A1 HIS ’ PIANO FOR RF2NT^-14 per month A HOIPIC CO ISl.t Douglas Want*41 to Hn>. 75 DESKS DESKS. DESKS. Veer deal a used desks, l.nUkhl gol* and trailed. .1 C Reed 1207 Faina in be. AT j <414* .■- ■, ... —, ■ - j,. ,, I{OOMs | ox |{|M . Himiiia Willi HiihiiI. 74 ' 1 m* , bed 1 oom lot two Mirror door* Pirate Ubo» »<•'<> Always het water Fteeltnt mea • | Walking distance. UA. 4417. » KOOMS FOH HIM FuiTiihlied Rnumn. 75 TWENTV-KIGHTH AVENI7^ *7* n~ Furnished room in private home. All cnnvenieres at. nils BEMTS Park—A nloeiv furnished room with home privilege; u*r of piano; g. n tkmmi preferred. IT A. .17 4* TWHNTY-FOU HTH, 1:4~~H. —Lovely fur nished front fnr 2 nr r. hot water heat. *11 PARK AVE—Desirable sleeping room*. At.iv ronaider board 219 4 lioonis for IfoiiftpUpipiiig. 7fi 702 H 17TH- —Two or three room* for housekeeping. plenty of furnace heat, close in. AT. 3i;5". FINE room. choice location, walking die tanoe. for gentleman. AT. 9135 or AT 97f,n Hoorn a, I nfurninhed. 77 4245 GRANT St. Secoml floor .if modern home, light. h<-,,? funish'd. Block to curlino. $10, M A. C021. Where to Slop in Town. 78 HOTEL SANFORD— 19th am] Fa mam. HOTEL H1CNSHAW-16th and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Guests. Apartments of Itiiilriiiig Owners and Managers Association. Furnished. 80a HUNTER Inn — Homo for the traveling man to leave hi* *.x ifo in comfort and safety. Tel. AT. 696" 540* Dodge. Unfurnished. 801) OMAHA S FINEST WALKING DISTANCE A PAKTilE N TS. EL MORADA APTS. 554 South 26th St. No. 202. A very pleasant .1 room apartment with 4-room no com., anil one of the beat located In the building. being on second floor with a south exposure. BEST VALUE IN THE CITY AT $59.00 Winter. $54.00 Summer. Inquire at Apt No. 101. Call JA. 2667 or JA. 0812. Carberry Apts. Cass at 40th St., Cathedral dis trict. A well appointed aot. home of 4 rooms with 5-room ac com Living room, dining room, kitchen^ full bedroom, dressing room, with tiled bath and large closets. AT. 167.50. Call. Drake Rental Agency, JA. 2805, dr Janitor. WA. 6020. Austin Apts. Davenport at 38 th. You can be comfortable th^se cold winter days at the Austin. A well lighted ant. of 4 rooms with l-rnom ;icc m. at $67.50. Call Drake Rental Agency, .7 A 280 5 nr HA. 4121. _ FOR WARM, comfortable end pleasant ant*., with good service and at reason able rent', varying in size from 3 to * room*, call m PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Rent* ’* AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Ft* 4620 N 30T14 ST A duplex home * mg room and kit hen downstair*. Xwo bedroom* and tiled bath up stair* Large closet*. Full rement basement with floor drain. At $50. Cali Drake Rental Agency, JA. C805. Terrace Court Park Ave at Mason. Hansrnm park dis trict. a very desirable apt r-f 3 rooms with 4 room accom. Living room, dining room, kitchen, dressing room and bath French Jno*-s and large closet, at $57.50, $60 90 and I4f 5«. Drake Rental Agency, , JA. 2805 or HA. M«*. FOR RENT—Apt- of 2 to 6 moms, locat ed ’ in walking distance. Hare all been newly decorated Apply to Chiodo. «*2 51 24th Ft. or 820 3. 2'ih Ave J A HE. Drake Court 22d and Jones Sts. Omaha'e most conveniently lo cated walking distance arts. An apt. home of 2 and 3 room* at $55 and $60. Drake Rental Agency, JA. 2805. HEAT* ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartment*—Furnished. 80 SIX-ROOM and hath V«-!*rn except heat 12 4 4 S» 13th. JA. 119 Apartment*—t ufunifclird. 81 Undine Court 2652 DEWEY A 8-room a-cemmodatiOB apart ment you will ltke Apartment* • r*» planned for convenience and comfort, $45,78 summer. 58 78 w !*•*[-. _ TRAVER BROP AT. •484, m1» 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. 2121H LEAVENWORTH 7 large n>oti s, electric Its., water, lnaide toilet, $25. J L, HTATT, AT. _ FOH RENT—Six room*, all modern, brick QttL l ;ite<l -lose *o school, car line, reasonable rent, r*fcr*n ea required Tel. IA, 5SUI Af'T * o'clock. WA- HOP. APARTMENTS and flats for rent. W J PALMER CO. AT 9919 Rea) Fwtate Management Specialists. PETER* TRUST COMPANY. "WHERE OMAHA RE NTS. AT. *544 17th and Farpam Ft* NEW DUPLEXES F< )R LENT. N J SK«»GV AN A- SON*, $118 Cuming F* HA 1641. ONE. twrt three and four-room apU. $35 to *;s DR AK P RENTAL AGENCY. 833 PARK AVE—Warm. ro*v. well fur nished front apartment. Also other* HA 2292___ JONES FT. 256t — Lov#:y I and fi-room ip'» sf riot ly mod AT F’ora Apts STEAM heat. 4-room apt#.. $30 and up. close in O. P P'chb-n* 1610 Chisago St Hous - i 11 ID 01 DESIRABLE BUNGALOWS. Minna I.uaa district £927 N. 24th 8? 6-room bungalow. $60. NORTHWEST. 16 5 8 s-’wiird > i , i.'om bungalow and garage, $0. WEST. 6 26 N 42d St . 5 mom bungalow with enclosed porch and garage, $ * 0 }’I'M KRS TRl ST COMPANY. Whet© Omah.t Rent* " AT. 0544 17lh end Farnam 8;* NEW English fvp# duplexes lo cated •* 1 u 11-19 s 7Mb St. Fixe room*. Two bed loom* and tiled bath upstairs Full ©metu hwsemem ami floor dram, at $52 60.. Call Drake Rental Agency, J A 24 6 6 or HA, ,M 6 8, HOUSE* AND DUriA NFF ef various t> pe* and * ;*ea a* rental* fr m $t* 50 to $\oo. rKTF.Rll TRUST COMPANY. ‘Where Omaha Rahts AT. 954 4 171 h and Farnam 8t * -~m0 NEAR M'S’I'I'K SCHOOL ROM I’apltnl S:t 1 -MU* new' <ri’. d south exposure Immediate ) o«*e>*ion. SM EDI* INVK8TMKNT 1*0., Realtor* .1 A 4 4 I’ll 1C A PEST 11 “l SF ID V IN 1 ITY 6 rooms, ntoilern c«»m unieim*-* foi iw»> families, good location eh »e to school*, store* and Awe lino Rant i educed ffiii e . * v i * I’vler* Trust Bldg AT 6 '■ 41 6 RtuiM strictly modem new bungalow. J 5 room duplex cottage. . i**»e, $4*'; 6-roo»u mrnei fia* itiJase m $.15. Om Hemal Ex JA 3.U a. HA x__ ) IV): HOOM house it net lx modern, ion; f- 4 M M $ .. . • " ' M10 NEARLY new modern boo** and a*>aar 3111 Baratova MO k E 91K NL \I, IM UMIIK HEVT H*»iim** fur Kf*nt. 93 •*17 > 22D 8T.—b room* and garage. $50 WE 1 677. Houset- Furnished M ’*99 DEWEY AVI: Furnished house of ; five nmiim Easily heated, garage, $50 n _ RF M ESTATE-4 OR SALeT llusiiiess Property. 91 BUSY TRANSFER CORNER. IDEAL INVESTMENT. 9% NET. glover a ppain. ja. gaso. Heal Estate—Investments. 92 -^— - ■ ■ .- - PARK AVE., NEAR EARNAM Solid brick, 2-famlly bulldipg. frontage 2 street a. special* nil paid, potential in come 20 per c<nt on investment Let us show you. K K. 17^ AT. 4" *7. iil .SLN ESS PRf II* 13RT Y Close in Priced very low. Real Invest ment. Phone us r G. CAIILBERO, Realtor. •IA. " Evenings. HA. 4 747. Farms and Lands for Sale. 93 AT AUCTION. DEC 9th 20 acres. Buffalo County. 200 acre* under plow. Mark Carraher. Real Estate Auc tioneer Central City. Neb. i FtVE.ROOM house for rent or for rale. 55 A -■ Houses—Furnished. SI 4710 N 4I> ST—F<>ur large rooms and bath «.n first floor, all modern nicely fur nished. $35 a month. KH. 2740. Houses for Sale. 95 YOU CAN T BEAT THIS! SEVEN ROOM MODERN HOME. $3,500—$600 CASH. Balance easy monthly payment*. Newly decorated: Is now being painted with two heavy coat* of paint Nice south front lot’ pav ing ;U paW, i car garage; handy to car Sine Thl* Is a real pick up for some one. M’CAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY. JA. 1346. IF YOU HAVE $■’■00 CASH AND \ GOOD REPUTATION you can buy a brand new 5-room all mod *rn bungalow, with fireplace, tile bath, built-in tub. floored attic, full cement basement, wails all decorated. Ready to occupy. Beer buy in Omaha at $6,590, with only $ ,oo cash. Evenings call Ted Pitkin If \ «%. Kenneth Metcalfe, WA. 6 557, or Walter Rowley. KE 0206. METCALFE COMPANY. Ground Floor. 2 9 2 S. ]9th St. AT. 6415. ONLY $5,950 ' room bungalow, riaht up to the minute. .South front on paved atree!; restricted neighborhood. Easy term*. Call WA. 2812. T. B CAMPBELL. builder r>? good home* 1 A few compu te ! Right location, price and verms 239 Keeline. AT. >■04*. Houses—North. 96 Bargain in Bungalow $759 than today's rest, large rooms. oak floor* throughout, heavy one-pane! doors, tiled hath and kitchen. built-in features, derorat^d. nice lighting fix tures screen*. Exterior, stained *hingi»* and three coats of lead and oil. Price. $6 150. $1,000 cash, terms to s nt See 1t on 24th street, just north of New port Ave Call AT. 6886; eve Dings. WA. 8319. Traver Bros.. Ine. 619 First Nat’l Bk Bldg. KOTTNTZE PARK BUNGALOW $•90 CASH — PRICE, I6.6PO. Dandy 5-roord oak finished strictlw modern bungalow with — large lot. First time offered. A real opportunity. Call OSBORNE REAT.TY CO. 639 P-ters Trust Bldg. JA. $781 Eastern Owner Says: I want my n»on»v He has acme merer Med up tn 2107 Pinkney, a t-room brick home. n orth s g ,od deal fired up. He *» tro -ndouaiy for some cash. l:>e by and .f .ulereated call JA. 1014 and ask for E. TV. Carse. STRICTLY MODERN NEW HOME, I| DOWN BUILT-IN FEATURES, OAK FLOORS PAYNE A SONS. JA. 1016. j nt oi easy term*. See u» for plana J. C. 1 S'hrnitz. v'l Omaha Nation*!. JA. 1799 i 5012 FLORENCE PLVD-S-rm. mod. Payment*. Creigh. 608 Bee. JA. 0200. I> K PUCK A- CO., bur and *a;i homes. | Homes—Sooth. 97 SOUTHWEST Actually Best Values You Can Find in N^tv Homes ?-ropm two story Dt*t-h colonial, tiled bath, fireplace. $7,750. 6-room. ♦wn-story New England colonial. | tiled bath; fireplace. 1* 090. Other Firms Ask $1,000 More ’ Mom. *'! large room*. f« 6^r *«' ;■ * and everything, all oak and built-in*. $6,800. Easy Terms—$1,000 Cash C. O CARLBERG, JA. 0655 K\enirigs, M; HA. 4747. Near 14 and Missouri Ave. Easy Terms Brand r.*w. well built five-room, strictly modern bungalow tn fine new location. 44 Mock to car 1 n« Oak floor* and trim large built-in cabinet ar.d full cemented ha*emerrt Built t* last. Look thi* over j today. Call HA. HR, HAN5COM PARK—WEST SIDE TRICE ONLY »6.<*or $1,900 CASH Eight -room. strictly modern, home—Mf front lot: garage, ciose to Windsor school Call OSBORNE REALTY CO 6J9 Teters Trust Bldg J A. Hit. WHY PAY rent: Five renms ail modern, rear car and | school. 2929 Ro-ath 29th. now vacant. only $.1,550 Small payment down, balance ' ke ten* 1 . : < - t A 44" ‘ tl -N - -1West it Owner Sick, Must Sell CLOSE TO CATHEDRAL f room bungalow with * large living room, fine dining room, a mother's ktteh en with 2 corner bed rooms and a great lig attic. a full basement with g - d fur nace. hot water heater, a corner lot. good wiirag* «nd drive. 2 block* to car. and now priced *t $*.5#§ and $1,000 cash will give ' oy no* sea at on, KK-fiv Gibson KY 3227. PAYNB i N \ 1 ME NT . ’O \ T • t. ■> n VIRMONT DISTRICT. FIX. RO^M BUNGALOW BARGAIN Oak fin eh .> bedroom* cho « * corner lot. double garage shade and •hruhbera a wonderful buy for $* no—$1,600 cash OSBORNE REALTY CO 669 Peter* Truat Bldg JA. 228? ! roWl.ER FINDS FOLKS who buy hone* j Mat your property with ua for results j T \ lip Pi RT C FOWl.Pit CO . Realtor* 1 WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lota in Edgewood. very easy term* l Phone AT. $549.__ V We Make Six Per Cent Loans * on m Omaha City Property NO COMMISSION United States Trust Company y Main Entrance* -It. S. National Bank Bldg. jij Taka Elevator AT Untie J7W ^B ) REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Houm»—Wnl. M One More Opportunity Brie* Duplex eight rooms end bath each sid" Near car and Close in. On# apartment !s in first data rendition. Oili er apartment '•» need of ^nv ?». * ■ This is * good investment. Call u* f t* particulars Payne & Sons, REALTORS. Vn L 31* S< 19th JA. Id*. ? Evenings. R L Kilgore. HA. 682? *»r r p x l! r-n. K f :■ 7 < ♦_ Just One Left Have a beautiful 5-mom modem new bungalow Just completed m South X>undeu cllatri't, on o block front Leaven worth car. Large decorated looms. Jfall to bath with linen cabinet, clothes chute, etc. 00 foot e t fn t lot on i ivtng 3 of lb--* sold in list 3 tin ye. so hurry If y« u 'I « 1750 r < sli. 14'. no WA. 6704 l-ROOM modern home; 2 bedrooms and bath 2d floor; large lot: 1 block to car; paved street. $4,860; terms Evenings rail KK. 6611: days JA. 1966. • ROOM modern oak flit It | district, only $7,250. make your #wn I terms. O w n r> r AT 8135 HA. u k 4 S I SEE Morrison Lumber and Coal for price# l on jraracm. Rest construction at mtru f *»Mt. WE. 5581. Houses—Benson. SW | HAVE YO;; HAVEL* $250? *■ You can buy a brand new 3-room bouse with full cement basement, with floor drain and toilet, select *«ak floors through out. large built-in kitchen cabinet, largo . corner lot lust the place t<» get a star*. Call in- this evening and i-'l ma What t you can do. Lewis, WA. 14 2 - - R F. CLARY CO.. Realtors, |0g Omal I at ilTl For Sale—Dundee. 100 • No. 2-A. Snappy Dundee Bungalow $5,250—Terms FA a n i* • rooms, on" floor: oak floors and finish: dandy built-in kitchen; full cement basement; Neablt furnace; floor* drain: gas water heater. 12x18 garage to match: nice lawn; 48 foot south-front lot; one block to car. Priced for quick -ale at $5,250: $1,000 cash will handle. For appointment, call I I). E. Buck & Co., REALTORS. , 74’ Omaha Nat Bk Bid* JA J"»\ Sa'"smen: Raker. WA. 3582; Paul Box, i WE 8372; Lovgren, KE 0304; Buck. KE. | 2834_ _ i NEW DUNDEE SEMI-BUNG ALOW. . $8.850—-$1,600 CASH. | One of the most attractive 8-room hwafa- ; lows built this year: aightly ea-F front * location; concrete stucco construction; | large living room with fireplace, rt!" bath. • splendid kitchen, oak floors and oak ar.d. I enamel finish down, very large finished | room up; cement drive. | I . BHEDD INVESTMENT CO. JA. 4254. BEAUTIFUL DUNDEE RESIDENCE. Just being finished: charming reafden » o.f Georgian . located !n "beautiful Greenlea overlooking Elmwood park and Fairacrea; embodying attractive and dis tinct.'" features throughout; 8 rooms, breakfas* rwom and bath: 2-car garage; • large lot.' Very raaaonably priced. SHEDD INVESTMENT CO. JA 4254. SIX-ROOM. TWO-STORT. Almost new Dundee residence: fF’ >-r?h living r«om wl*h fireplace tb.-*• surr bedrooms and tile bath up; ^ak floo-s thr-.Thout. oak and "name' garar" south front. Attractive* priced. SHEDD INVESTMENT CO. JA. 4214. For Sale—Florence. 101 ^ALL NETHAWAT for trades and home in beautiful Florence. Whites only. KE 1409 Lots for Sale. 103 ■ - ■ -■■■. HAVE a few well located lota la Edge wood for sale For pricaa call C. A. Or —iel, Ja 1IH Wanted—Real Estate. 103 NEW HOMES—YOUR TERMS. GROVE-HIBBARD CO. 222 Bar.k*-s Reserve Bdg AT. 1*82. For reacts list your property with FIRST TRUST CO. AT. 0T2».408 First NatL Bank. SEE us first. Need listings, any location. 5 to • reor.s Phopen ft Co.. Realtor*. ■TA. 422* 238 Keelrn." Bldg LIST your property with us or, If you are In the market for acreage, call Lou:a hn for quick ss’^b. MA. 0143, MA $029 C D. HUTCHINSON CO.. ' Tt"*l Estst" Tns 1823 Farnam JA 4411 StormWindows I 102 Size* in Stock j Phone for Price*. AT 0774 | M. A. Disbrow & Co. | HOMES We Sell Them We Need Listing* if You Want to Sell Call JA ckion 4223 A. P. Tukey & Son 620 Fir.t Nat l. JA 4223 I We Make Loans on Omaha Real Estate j HO 3 COMMISSION j Also 5* 2^ Loans A»k (or Detail* PETERS TRUST CO. 170S Fimiiik