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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1924)
Barney Bureli Busy Peddling Buffaloes at Annual Confab; KoupNext to Go on Block Owner of Championship Omaha Club Surprises Ra^cball Moguls When He Swaps Catchers “Red” Vt ihlrr and Roy Luebbe to Ed Tracey, Owner of St. Joseph Club, for Airplane. By “WAG.” ^M*M**n 11E sizzling coals of the hot stove league were turned over at Hartford. Conn., scene of the annual minor league baseball meeting, yester day when Barney Burch, owner of the Omaha cham pionship AVestern league team, an nounced that he had sold three of Ids 1924 players. The owner of the Buffaloes, In a telegram to the writer this morning, breaks the news tli.E he has sold Second Baseman Thompson to the Pittsburgh Pirates for cash and Pitcher Stone. Clear YourSkin Of Disfi&irinif Blemishes Use Cuticura Simple Soap. Ointment. Taletim free. Addreae CoM: nra Lahnr*tort*3LDept R^Malden, Mm Earlier in the day Burch swapped Catchers “Bed” Wlldpr nnd Roy Luebbe to Ed Tracey, owner of the St, Joseph Saints and an airplane com pany for an airplane. Joe Bonowitz, Omaha center fielder for the last two years, has been traded to Shreveport of the Texas league for Outfielder Lee King and Pitcher Harris. Harris is one of the promising young hinders of the southern circuit. Last season he chalked up a fairly good record. King formerly played with Port land. The purchase of Second Baseman Thompson by the Pittsburgh Pi rates means that tlie Buffaloes are without a second baseman, for the thne being. There is a eliance that Harry Manusli, former Omaha .sec ond baseman who "Jumped” the team in 1923, may return to tlie club. .Thompson was purchased by Bureh from Grand Island of the former Nebraska (State league last year. He is a good little player and is considered one of the most prom ising infieklers of the \\ ostein league. Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are j not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Colds Headache ** Pain Neuralgia j I Toothache Lumbago — HQ Neuritis Rheumatism ^ • ' J ^. Accept only “Bayer” package /V / which contains proven directions. ^ J Handy ‘Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets. V. y / Also Wtles' of 24 and 100—Dni??ists. A*plrla is the m.rk of Ba/er U.tmf.eture of llono.cctic.cldeiter of S.llcyllc.cld J I The pwapptng of I'gtchem Wilder nnd Luebbo to St, Joneph leave® | Omaha without any backatop*. Wild er wan aUted to leave the team thia year, but Luebbe wag expected t<« remain. Harney, however, hai a pair of catchers in mind, or else hr would not have swapped I.uebb*. Burch has been dickering: with Tracey for an airplane for some time. When the Buffaloes opened against St. Joseph In St. Joseph last April, Tracey, owner of a flock of planes, took Burch for a riae in the ozone. Right then and there Burney wanted an airplane. Tfc Buffalo owner of fered to buy one of Tracey's planes, hut the Saint owner didn't want cash. He wanted players. The Western league club owners at their annual meeting yesterday derided to play a lfiK-game schedule. ' Jack Holland, owner of the Okla homa (.,'ity Indians, will Meet with President Ten Wry to draw up the schedule. The league will meet again in Kansas City, February 15 to approve the schedule. The league also adopted a rule which makes it mandatory for clubs to ask waivers on players to be sold outside of the league if such players are placed on the market after the first 30 days of the playing season. Sharkey Faces Long Suspension New York, Dec. 3.—Jack Sharkey, recently challenger for the bantam weight crown, faced a long suspen sion today as a result of having lost his temper during a bout with Frankie Fasano last night. Sharkey dropped in the second round and claimed a foul. Referee Purdy ordered him to get up and fight. Sharkey did—but he made Purdy the object of bis attack and was immediately disqualified. Sharkey collapsed in his corner later and had to be carried from the ring. SPEEDY RUNNERS FOR MIAMI TRACK Bowie, Md., Dec. 3.—A hundred thoroughbreds that raced with vary ing success here during the autumn meeting were en route today to Miami, Fla., where a great new track will open this winter for a lengthy meeting. V Wise Counsellor, the win ner of one of the international races: Worthfome, Indian Trail, Sunsini and Senator Norris are in the group. “RED” CORRIDON TO COACH MILLERS Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 2.—John (Bed) Corrldon, former manager for the Dcs Moines club of the Western league, has been signed as coach and utility man for the Minneapolis American Association team, it was an nounced today. . I Business Spokane, Dec. 3.—Spokane busi ness men have agreed to under write a $3,000 increase in salary offered Coach Charles K. Dorais of (ion/.aga university annually, offi cials of tlie university announced today. Mr. Dorais receives $5,000 a year at present and the increase is in contemplation of Dorais' ac ceptance of a three-year contract. The business men will make up any deficiency after football gale receipts at (ionzaga are applied to tlir salary account of the coach. v______ *•«««.| "Every Picture H Tells a Story" \ Is Your Back Giving Out? You Can’t Be Happy When Every Day Bring# Nagging Backache and You Are Tired, Nervous and Unfit | EVERY day the same old nagging backache? and impurities accumulate. The bodily machinery No let-up to the lameness and stiffnsrs—■ upset by these harmful poisons. Then come no sudden twist without those torturing, throbbing backaches, rheumatic pains, headaches, | knife-like twinges? Its little wombo >011 djZ7jneM nnd annoying kidney irregularities. You i are so worried, worn out and discouraged. . -... feel weak and nervous—unable-to enjoy life. Your health and happiness are too precious to ... ... . ,, TT l carelessly let slip away You owe it to yourself Don t wait for serious kidney trouble. Use • a _ , finHina. mil luVinf U umiif Doan* Pills before it is too late. Doans have to be prompt in finding out what is wrong. hclp#d thousandi. They should help you. No Likely it’s your kidneys. Too often these hard- other kidney remedy is so universally used. None working blood filters are neglected. They weaken so strongly recommended. Ask your neighbor! “Use Doans,” Say These Omaha Folks: W. B. ROWE, 4018 N. 26th St.,,says: “My MRS. W. J. KINNISON, 2102 Banrroft kidneys acted too freely, especially at St., says: “I had an attack of kidney trou , i v. i , X.' ,u„ ble and was bothered with backache a good night, when I had to g>t up to pass the [|pH, , roul(|n.t atoop over without sharp. secretions, which were scanty. There was stabbing pains cutting into the small of a constant, dull ache through my back and my back. My back gave out easily and the sharp catches took me across my kidneys. least task about the house was a big one When I stooped," these pains just seemed tor me I had headaches and di*z>r speHs to dig in deeper and it was difficult for ;‘"d felt out of sorts. After using two me to get up or down. Doan's Pills, how- boxes of Doan's Pill* 1 was cured and I ever, relieved me of these symptoms.” haven t had any sign of the trouble since. Doan’s Pills Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys . rAt all dealers, 60c a box. Foster-Milbum Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y. L__— y i i r, U1UAHA OI'ili . I in * * ___ Fakes Three Field Goals to Beat I One Touchdown, Sav^ Rochne B.» I*r«»wi, EW YORK, Dec. 3.—Knute Hockne, coach of the un 'defeated Notre Duma football team, while here to attend a ban quet of nlumnl found time to re mark that It “takes three field ouchdown." Notre Dame scored but one field goal dur ing the past season. A good toe man Way* have been unnecessary to the Hockne system of smashing advance, expertly carried out by one of the cleverest quartats of baokfield men America has ever seen In Stuhldreher, Crowley, Hayden npd Miller, but other large institu^ tlons thrived on the field goal. Pennsylvania, with nine victories and one tie, ranks at. the statistical top of tlie eastern list, while Chi cago won the western conference race. The Quakers maintained their leadership by defeating Columbia, 10 to 7, and Georgetown, 3 to 0, two victories laid at tile toe of \l Kruez. Chicago lost to Missouri, 3 to 0, defeated Northwestern by the same score and tied Ohio, 3 to 3. Sam Ewing’s 3-point hoot for Princeton conquered the Navy, 17 to 14. McBride of Syracuse kicked three to beat Columbia, 3 to 6; Gar hiscli of (lie \rniy negotiated four to upset the Navy, 13 to 0; Gelirke of Harvard threw terror into Yale witli two field goals in flic first half of the New Jlaven battle. Itesiilts of 100 games show the field goal lias attained important place in scoring. Fourteen con tests were won by 3 to 0 scores, and four were tied at 3 to 3. In nine contests the combination of a touchdown and a field goal won against a lone touchdown. Georgia Tech end Penn State each r-: Men’s Lissue Handkerchiefs English Is White or FA Sure to Colored Like Borders V V These F. W. Thorne Co. ij Drawn Butter A Rub together in a bowl §; ■ two tablespoonfuls of I | butter anti one of Hour. S j| Set IiohI iu pan of hot I 'fi water till butter it melted. 3 H Stir in half piut of hot X « water and one tnblcapoon- I ■ fnl of the famous I LEA&PERRINS’ | SAUCE I |LthE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE ^B scored two touchdowns In their bat tie, but the Southerners won through a kicker's ability to add 3 points. Vermont Promoter After Dempsey to Box Tom Gibbons Kos Xfigcles, Cal., pec. 3.—Tenta tive. plgns for a return bout between dark Dempsey and Tommy Gibbons were announced here today by .lack Doyle, Vernon promoter. .tack Kearns. Dempsey's manager, said he bad received no offer as yet from IJPy1*, was ready to accept anything that looked attractive. The bout would be held May 29, Doyle said. GERMAN WRESTLER THROWS “ZIBBY” Chicago, Dec. 3.—The "brute strength” school of wrestlers and another laurel for Its crown today as a result of the victory of Hans gtelrke, gigantic Teuton, over Vladek Zbysako hfre last night. Steinke won two outthree falls, the entire match lasllrig 63 minutes. Only In one fall did Zbyszko's superior skill prove a factor against Stelnke's brawn. Zbyszko winning on a trick hold which the German was unable to fathom in time. The first fall came in 26:47, the second, Zybszko's, In 28:40, and the third in 17:25. FOR g a MOTHER 8 Si A FINE NEW JZ ^ GAS RANGE g XMAS & V> CONVENIENT TERMS £j$ if Gas Department M W METROPOLITAN UTILITIES rfjl SE DISTRICT Vi y 1509 Howard St. AT 57®7 y)j| Theosophical Lectures By L. W. ROGERS National President American Theosophical Society Friday Evening, Dac. 5, 8:15 P. M. DREAMS and PREMONITIONS* A rational and convincing interpre tation of dream*. Saturday Evening, Dec. 6, 8:15 P. M. “THE SUPERMEN** Does evolution produce super men? Thia lecture aniweri this question THEOSOPHICAL HALL 4th Floor, Bankers' Savings Bldg. 315 S. 15th St. (Old Elks Club) \\ iscon sin \fter Coach Dawson of Nebraska? j Tdneoln, Xsb., Dec. 3 Reports In circulation here that the University of Wisconsin is negotiating with Fred Dawson, head coach at Nebraska uni versity, for foot hull coach for the Badgers next year, were partly con firmed today, when members of the Cornhuskc-r athletic board admitted that Dawson is now in Madison. Barbara La Marr A ' story of many loves in many strange places It'd truly gren*' I I I TODAY—TOMORROW Last Two Days Seaton's Best Bill Gaslar's Symphonists And Other Star Vaudeville and Photoplay Attraction* 7 Big Day* Beg inning SATURDAY Another superb show Six Smashing Acts Including the Fantastic Spectacle INTERNATIONA! 1 ■-REVUE-L B Cast of 10 entertainers IQ ———— Give Her Leisure for Christmas This Year Electric washing machines, ironers and vacuum cleaners place leisure in the home. They elim inate the tedious duties and drudgeries of house — work. Washing machines, ironers and clean ers are becoming popular as Christmas gifts. SOLD ON EASY TERMS Thor Automatic Ironers Ironing Is one of the most tiresome duties of housework. To Iron by hand requires many hours of strenuous labor. A complete washing can be Ironed with a Thor Ironer In one fourth the time required by hand. Premier Cleaners The Premier Clean er will save many hour* of labor,, health and time. Thor Electric Washers Over 800,000 women are using Thor Washer* each washing day. Any womnn will appreciate a Thor Washer for Christmas. dUfc/ Easy Electee Washers This type of washer has proven ltnelt very n • 11 s f a c t ory. Three large v acuum cups wash ihe clothe* thoroughly without any labor by the housewife. $ 12s° for Your OLD 0 Vacuum Cleaner \\ e will allow you $12.50 for your out electric vacuum cleaner now. Huy her a Pre mier ('leaner now and you will anve the difference. Nebraska ® Power <5. 9 9 Easy Electric Vvashers Give her Ihle machine for Christmas for it will re lieve her of many hours • of hard labor. « Electrical Appliance Exposition Our electrical appliance exposition la now on Come tn end see the new - est of electrical apptl anres demonstrated and explained. Our demon strators will show you the many uses of elee mmmm 'Heal appliance* 1 1 A« ordtng to wmd received here. Tom done-, athletic director nt Wli | cot,sin, has just resigned, nnd Duw ton's visit to Madison at this time Is r* g irded <• more than a mere co incidence. Padgett \\ in* Decibion. San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 2.—Cowboy Padgett of Dolores. Colo., was given a decision over Bobby (Jreen of 8an Tntonlo nt the end of their 12-round I tout her* tonight, r**lgott bad It** I tatter of the going throughout thi mutch. They are welterweight*. ■ . _ Twice Daily beginning Next Sunday Thereafter Evening 2:20 and 8:15 The Most Talked of and Eagerly Awaited Offering of the Season Just As Presented In New York, Chicago and London | ADOLPH ZUK.0R W JESSE L LASKY* Present- _ i * i e i I ! 1 I K 1 “At 8:30 o’clock a crowd of more than a block long stood in iine to buy ticket* and the curtain was held half an hour until the majority of these were seated and the Shubert theater packed. The be:;t production of the year—a costly and enter taining spectacle."—Kansas City Star. SPECIAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Seats Now Selling for All Performance* Night*. 50c, $1.00, $1.50; Matinoes, 50c. 75c. $1.00. Piu* Tax Will Not Be Shown Elsewhere in Omaha Within On* Year Price*: Evening*, 50c, $1, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Sat. Matinee, 50c, $1. $1.50 You 6ot£J Wand it 'la lh;i Charm iru) (iiridlC ' umi mm „ JAH65; 0*e Semjhtn 4,4 - -7*t jAnti Hoys (A PA*'t- '^/MireMAN I Now Showing I " 1 Shows at 11, 12.50. 2:40, 4:30, 6:20, 8, 9:30 mmmi 1 ik fkkh *■! 1 •, iu — Mitt PlAllMi — *:rt) * t rlrlirnlrii Screen and Magf Star • ETHEL CLAYTON * \ 4 In a Dramatic lnrl.l«»« i '•THt! JOKF-R" I FRED ARDATH Harris A Holley_* DOC BAKER j Alexander Bros. A Vseljn Downey A I laridce _ J HARRY DELF ♦ On tha Stage, p RANDALL’S | ORCHESTRA jj N*»i Or.haalra Or, an nrT7T7TT the big SHOW AT A SMALL ADMISSION Lait Two Day* “The Signal Tower” Great Railroad Thriller AT 3:45—7:45—9:45 . HELEN GIBSON 1 Appearing on the Stage IN PERSON ON THE SCREEN N HELEN GIBSON | In Her Two-Reel Picture of Fast Riding. Pep sr.d Action 'jf “The Perilous Leap” MACK SENXKTTS COMEDY j “Lizzies of the Field” Mats., 25C — Evening*, CO*4 I Friday Eve. at 8:30 AMATEURS A Carnival of Fun EOS t7Sr “ALMA” M usical comedy of counties* laugh* in addition to photoplays STARTING SAT. America's greatest rural stage success, ‘Way Down East’ First time in musical comedy Back afam in tha kind of char acter you like him beat. NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS LOTHROP.»4th and Lethrop Tha Al and Ray Production "Abraham Lincoln" GRAND.- ldth and Binney Tom Mia in "The Heart Buater" HAMILTON ... - 40th and Hamilton Special Feature—Vaudeville and Corondy BOULEVARD - Wd and Leavenworth .Inmee Cruae’e "The Covered h'.*ea" Adult., SPc; Children, 10c Wd Omaha I un Canter Mot end Nite Today IMF IIW', PI RK r\>OI JOHN BANKY 1 In tli« Muatral Traffic al S«l '* " STOP AND GO! •' FRFORP‘5 OPDITIE5 ft l.acti**' fit R«r|«tn Mat., fill P*vt >un Mat A tn Alia ttatfciiif K» u« \ (