The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 03, 1924, Page 4, Image 4
Prizes to Music Section Members College Club. TDe music section of the Omaha Col l*E«t lub has planned an interesting | program for its next meeting at the honje of Mrs. Henry Campbell, 34£ North Thirty seventh street, Thurs day; December 4 at 2 p. m. Mrs. W. H. Sleeper, Jr., has the program In chugs. She will give a review of the program which the Omaha Sym phony orchestra gave to the school chiMren. Prizes will he given to thoje Identifying correctly the num ber! given. ilrs. Caldwell Hostess to Former Omahatis. Mrs. S. S. Caldwell will entertain at Jpncheon on Friday for her guest, Mrt 'V. A. Clarke, who arrives Wed | nes&ay front Los Angeles, and for i Mi £ George Taylor of Great Rarrlng I ton( Mass. who is at the Blacketone. Mrs. larke Is a former resident of Oiniha who has been In the west for the past 10 years. Woman's Eductional Club. The Woman’s Educational club has Scheduled a holiday function, a din ; ner^ December 29 at Hotel Fontenelle. j Miss Cora S. Anderson of Park jechool Is chairman of the committee i Jn Charge. Many teachers from out \ side the ciy are expected at the din | nee. They will be here for the state ) teachers’ meeting. Mrs. Jackson Honored. Mrs. J. B. Rahm gave a luncheon Monday for Mr?. Reavis Jackaon of St. '£,ouis. who is visiting her son, NVilBam D. Jackson, and Mrs. Jack eon. Sunday Mrs. Robert Doomls and Mrs, Milton Peterson gate a dinner for the visitor. Birth Announcements. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Jackson announce the. birth of a son on Frl day? November 23 at St. Catherine hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tell announce the. birth of a daughter Monday at Metjjodlst hospital. ' Honor Dan Madden. D»n Madden of New York, brother of John Madden, was honored at dinner Monday evening by Mr. and Airs.: Madden, whose guest he was Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Offii11 Hostess. Mrs. Casper Y'ost Offutt will enter tain at luneheon at the Omaha club on Thursday when covers will he placed for 12 guests. ; Creelie Hoard Meeting. Cgeche board members will meet £ Wednesday at th« home of Mrs. T. f L. Kimball. -;---3 I A Wife's Confessional ,%dolc iarrison's New Phase ol REVELATIONS 0? A WIFE fc (Copyright. 1124 > {'—e l Titer Way Mrs. lhirkpp llrnke the News to Madge. I jialled to follow little Mrs. Dur koe> advice to 'sleep with one eye opep,' for I was so fatigued by the tlm* I finally went to sleep that I wasjlost to the world within two min utes of getting into my lied. JSbrion and Junior shared my room, a sit®" °ne next to the guest cham ber" which Mother Graham was oc rupying. A report in the early eve ning from the nurse assured us that she* was resting comfortably, and Dicky—with the sensible remark that the! house was filled to the brim witfiout him and that he could get back inside of an hour if he were neejjcd—went back to the city studio for Alio night. Ifliad heard no more forebodings fruip Mrs. Durkee, hut some time after 1 went fn-**!<cp. minutes in my estimation but hours in reality^I was j iiwtfltcned by some one shaking me. ' j ny ptho light of the shaded night j lainji, which she had switched on. 1 j su\0 my little hostess with tense, anx I iou.4: face bending over me. S '*Wc Need the Nurse." I thought l never would waken i yoti" site suld. "I didn't dare cad loud for fear of waking the children. Cart you get into something quickly Bndcgo to your mother-in-law's room'. "VVejinced the nurse badly until y e can gttiljDr. Quinlan and another nurse he r|." "rou think, then—" I began tenta i tlvejy as I sprang from the hod and ! rutiled Into a bathrobe, woolen hose j and! slippers. I "I don't think—I know!'' she re i tortjed with a positive little nod of her 1 head. "And hurry as fast ns you can. 1 The nurse is ready, hut Mother Gra ! j ham Insists upon getting up and ; hcl|ing. oo. She's a bit dazed, 1 Imagine, from waking up so suddenly. I tAied hard to be quiet, but no hawk ever had ears to equal your mother In-lkw. I don’t envy you your job. 1'djhlmost rather have mine." > Mlg: hurried away down the cor ridor to her daughter-in-law's "room, and in another minute, with my over ; nigfit bag In one hand and my day : wardrobe draped over the other arm, ! I 'Aras knocking softly nt the door neitt to mine. Tate nurse opened the door, fully i dreksed except for her cap, which she (The Housewife's hlea Box j I To Kernel <• Mat lime nil I'loin niuli tioatf*. n machine nil should stain whit* goads, use tar soap to remove It. pul thi soap In well with the hands I Fi(se It out well, ttry In the sun. TUB HOUSEWIFE. tCop>rjfbt, 1324 t The Daily Cross Word Puzzle v By RICHARD H. TINGLE!. I Horizontal. 2. Greedy person. 4. To steer. 8. Malt beverage. 7. Collection of seeds. 9. Pen. 11. Arcadian woodland spirit. 13. Consumed. 14. Evil. IK. A word of acquiescence. 18. Remote. 19. Linear measurement*. 20. Secured. 21. Uncooked. 23. Crttfty. 24. Esthetics. 25. To fasten. 27. Conceit. 28. Immediately. 30. Upward! prefix). 31. To drink one's health. 33. Bite. Vertical. 1. Nothing. <■ A famous American party. •3. A political party. 4. To be busy at. 5. To surpass. 0. Goddess of malicious mischief. 8. A period of time. 9. I.ong0iarrow piece of leather 10. City In France. 12. African. ■ _ . A. 13. A river In Switzerland. 14. Distress signal. 15. A French marshal tinder Na poleon I. 17. A drunkard. 22. To persuade. 24. Gone by. 25. In no manner, 27. Entomolggy (abbr.) 23. Gained. 30. A serpent. 32. A melody. The solution will appear tomorrow, Solution of yesterday's puzzle. (Copyright. HIM.) was calmly adjusting. Thera was such competent resourcefulness In her appearance that I felt a sudden thrill of thankfulness for so wise and strong a helper in I.eila's most wonderful yet terrible hour. Her Fluffiness* Plaint. She wasted no time in useless words and I guessed that she was secretly exultant over the chance to exchange patients. "You'll find everything written out on that pad on the table." she said, stepping past me with alacrity. "But try to get her back to sleep, if you can." I closed the door after her with s bit of envy In my heart. There are few women who. given the opportu nity, are not anxious to help welcome a little new life into the world. I knew, however, that my night's work was cut out for me. and I sat by my mother-in-law's bedside, when I fi nally had lulled her to slumber again, in an excitement too tense for sleep of my own, while the primeval battle between life and death, with the most wonderful of all guerdons at stake, was waged in gentle Beiia Durkee's room. The first rays of ttie sun were tint [lug the clouds when a light rap came at my door and I opened to see little Mrs. Durkee, with tears streaming tllVKHTft'tKVT Beauty A Gleamy Mass of Hair 35c “Dandcrine'’ does Wonders for Any Girl’s Hair fJIrle! Try this! When combing an.! dressing your balr, Just moisten youi hair brush with a little ' Dandorlne' and brush It through your hair. Th» effect Is startling! You can do youi lialr tip Immediately and It will np pear twice aa thick and heavy—( mass of gleamy hair, sparkling will life and posacHsing that lncornparahb softness, freshness and luxuriance. While beautifying the hair •'Dali derlno" Is also toning and atlmulatlni each single hair to grow thick, lutii end strong. Hair atope falling nu and dandruff disappears Get a hot tie of "nanderlne" at. any drug o toilet counter and Just see hov [healthy and youthful your hair ap pears after this delightful, tefreahlnj dressing. down her face, beckoning me Into the corridor. With a cautious glance at my mother ln law. now soundly sleep lng, I stepped Into the corridor and closed the door behind me. “Oh, what is it?'* I gasped in terror. Her Fluffiness dashed the tesrr away shamefacedly and spoke hur rledly. “Everything's all right and safe. 1 know I ought to be kicked for trying, but I’m so tired and so disappointed I didn't dare stay there, where they're all so happy, for I wouldn't have All or Bella or Edith see me like this for the world. But I Just had to come tr you till I could pull myself together For, oh!—don’t you dare laugh at me Madge, but my heart’s almost broken I'd set my soul on a boy for my first grandchild, and it's a girl!" St. Andrews Bazar. St. Andrews church will hold its annual bazar in the courthouse Wed nesday and Thursday, December I and 4 Mr*. Ttikey (rite Brirlpr Luncheon for Mr*. Taylor. Harry Tukey will he hostess at her home at bridge lunrheon on Tuesday, honoring Mrs. George Tay lor of Great Barrington, Mass , who Is spending several weeks here. Mis* l’atlon Entertain*. Mr*. T.orlng Elliot, who has just returned from her honeymoon, and Mrs. Robert Ingwersen, who re turned to make her home here recent ly, will share honors Friday at the I’randela restaurants when Frances Button will be luncheon hostess. Mrs. B. II. Harms entertained 21 children on Saturday, honoring the seventh birthday of her daughter, Betty. i Mrs. IT, O. Browne entertained the R. C. Bridge club on Monday. Christ mas decorations were used. f 1 Your Problems Ih-ccunirv Cmliiltir for Wedding. Dear Miss Allen: J am coming to you for advice on a matter of dress etiquette for a wedding. Would a dark blue hair line striped serge dress, with the white Peter Pan col lar and cufls, which Is now being worn quite a lot, lie all right, or would a silk dress he better? There is to be none except the necessary witnesses and they may be strangers. Also should one remove the coat, and are gloves worn? IGNORANT. The dark blue serge would be quite as appropriate as a silk dress; in some respects more so. You could wear your hat, gloves, a fur neck piece and a pcetty corsage, and be quite charming In such sn outfit. Many women prefer to he married Children C.^ i Castoria is especially prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipa tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Absolutely Harmless - N.) Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it. Knotted and deformed by Rheumatism Try this world-famous rheumatism remedy Here’s quick, genuine relief for tissues. And this increased even the oldest, most obstinate of new, rich blood destroys th* rheumatic aches. germs that cause the pain. Pat on gently a little Sloan's. Swelling and stiffness passaway. Its stimulating ingredients pend the aching stops. Get this com freshly purifii-d blood tingling fort today. All druggists — 35 swiftly through the pain-riaden cents. Sloan’s Liniment’^am/ Universality UNIVERSAL telephone ser vice must be universal in scope—it must reach anyone^ anywhere. Rut it must be uni versal also in cost—it must be within the financial reach of everyone, everywhere. Years of research have been required to provide the tele phone instruments, switchboards, wire and supplementary appa ratus which afford inter-com munication between housewives, shopkeepers, farmers and mil lions of tfthcr American tele phone users. But these facilities do not in themselves make America’s telephone Service a universal service. Telephone engineers have spent years of additional study in order to build, maintain and operate this nation-wide system so economically that the cost of service may be kept at all times well below its value to the telephone user. Upon the two fundamentals of extensiveness in scope and economy in cost the Bell System has built the most universal telephone service in the World. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Pollrp - One Sf/ntem • I'nirrrmtl Service in their "traveling suit" anil a dark serge would answer as such. I'un't wear your row with the cos tume. I*iit It on afterward. \»kitiK lor a Ki«s. I'ear Miss Allen: How must girl hi in be popular with young men" What should vou say if asked for ■ goodnight kiss" Is It wrong to go about with a younjt man you've never met before" Should you wait for an Introduction? BLUE EYES. The most popular girls I know are the girls who behave In a perfectly natural manner. They are frank and happy—just themselves. Say "No," when you are asked for a goodnight kiss. The young man who lias proper respect for you will not speak to you without a ]>rior Introduction, hut will persuade some mutual friend to present him to you. You should re fuse to recognize a man who shows Hiieh disrespect as to speak to you without aa introduction. Mrs. Parry 15. Hendricks lias been slightly ill at her home. Il'titsrnm Park « kurrlt ll uar. I^idii-s of Hnnsiom Park Met hml I Kplat-npal i huri h will hull Ihi i. annual liazar at the eotirthwuse in Itecctnlier rt ami I Practical and fancy article? will be for sale an.l lurii n'lins of homc’ii.i le f'.r»!« will 1 nerved. Mr*. N Mar'inaon la prepi font of th*1 fforipty. Mrs. T. I.. Kimball,1 h»r dausrh'er Ml?? Arabelle, ard Mrs. Richard Kim ball leave Just before Christmas to spend the winder «t Hotel Virginia. B*arh, Cal. _ BSiir Coats!! Coats!! Coats!! Smart Fur Trimmed Style* Value* Oi"l7C Full to 49.50 J%MlD Crepe Now— Lined F. W. Thorne Co. 1812 Farnam • Safe iwrmw Miik ‘ f Forlnfant*, pt ak^^HH If t The Aged Jt? 0f7lClVi*W Chi&0ien Contains the valuable muscle and bone forming elements found in the grain and whole milk. Raises happy, robust children. Nutritious and easily assimilated. Prepared a t home by stirring thepow • der in hot or cold water. No cooking HI K WANT \MS ItltlNG KltSIXTS M MIT COAL I Smokeless Semi-Anthracite I I Lump $13.50 Mine Run $11.50 Slack $8.50 I B Phone WA-lnut0300 ft UPDIKE m* ■ See Samples of This Coal at Hayden’s Grocery Dept. 9 The BUY RITE Stores Are All Over OmahaHHMM Pills- I bury’s I Health I Bran I la-ge pkg. H 15c I 1 Wednesday, Thursday Buy-Rite Specials I FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT—Large. Thin-Skinned JERSEY SWEET POTATOES—Genuine, £ and Juicy, 4 for.29e 3 pound* for. 23e H NAVEL ORANGES—Thin-Skinned md Juicy— RED RIVER EARLY OHIO POTATOES—Large Ig Medium Size, per dozen.25<* and Smooth, per buehel.81.10 H Medium Large Size, per dozen.....3dC Per 2-buehel tack. 82.00 WAGNER AND ROME BEAUTY APPLES— FANCY CANADIAN RUTABAGAS— M £00 boxet at 10 Ibt. for. 67 f 5 pound* for.18e B I Per box. 82.69 BLACK WALNUTS—5,000 Ibt. New Crop, ■ COLORADO JONATHAN APPLES— ’ 5 pound* for .35C S 10 lb*, for. 85<> SNOWBALL CAULIFLOWER—Large Head*. K par bushel b»»ket. $3.10 each . 25 c B ; The Positive Guarantee With Every Sack Is Our Promise to Make Good j B j Omar Wonder Flour «:S:^’1:O5$2.05| I * For Unvarying Lightness and Delicacy Use Omar Wonder Flour » B CANNED AND BOTTLED GOODS (Mil Fashioned Hominy, No. 21 _■, cans 35c Frank's Milwaukee Kraut, No. •'!. eatis 47c Heinz's Prepared Spaghetti, 2 medium size cans for .35c Yellow Free Peaches, No. 2’ 2 cans (in heavy syrup) 2 cans for. 57c Premier Salad Dressing, large bottle.. 41c Split Sweet Pickles, quart jars at.. 43C Cjuecn Olives, quart jars at. 53c Welch's Grapeladc, per jar. 27c Welch's drape .Telly, per glass. 16c Welch's Pure Strawberry Preserves . . 33c Welch's Pure Catsup, 35c bottles at.. . 27c B ITEN’S HOLIDAY ASSORTMENT 13 .. caddie* of Iten's Holiday Assortment Cookies, consisting of S1N-K1ST CREAMS. NTT ( REAMS and CHOCO LATE GEMS three of the finest cookies baked; $1.00 value, special caddy. 88c ITEMS YOU’LL NEED— Mazda Oil, quart cans. 55c Log Cabin Syrup, medium size can. . 53c Pillsbury's Pancake Flour, 2 pkgs. for 33c Pure N. Y. Buckwheat Flour, 5-lb. hag 40c 10 lh. hag.75t AMERICAN BEAUT.Y PRODUCTS The celebrated American Beauty Macaroni, Spaghetti and Noodles, 5 10c pkgs. 37c m Full Flavored Cream Cheese, per lb. . . 32c TOILET PAPERS Waldorf Toilet Paper. 10 large rolls. .. ,99c |J| Scott s Tissue Toilet Paper..! large rolls 55c j SOAPS AND SOAP POWDERS - J <inost Ivory Soap. 0 bars for.25c jj Petrolenc Soap Chips, large packages. .23c Chipso. large packages.23c r Pels Naptha Soap. 10 bars for.63c Zinc Soap Saver Wash Hoards.75c Si Rubber Wash Boards. $1.50 value at... 99c ;1 BUY RITE CANDY DEPT.— Blake's Home Made Candies: i! Peanut Brittle (lots of peanuts') per lb. 25c Si Milk Chocolate Peanut Clusters, per lh. 45c Milk Chocolate Caramels, per lb. 45c i Chocolate Covered Molasses Chips, lb.. 45c 9 DRIED FRUITS i Peach Flavored Prunes. .1 lbs for.33c l.arge Dried Peaches practically pooled! 2 lhs. for .33c Pulled Cooking Figs. 2 lhs. for. 47* E PETERSEN WE-0114 THE BUY RITE E. KARSCH CO.AT-7701 3UFFETT ... WA-0761 -SQUARE- SKUPA & SWOBODA MA 1066 W Sc SON ...HA-0936 a m« shipment ja.t LYNAM Sc BRENNAN AT-6096 DCERY ... JA-4070 ukikiois HANNEGAN Sc CO.HA-0760 iOTHERS ... W A-5600 ' »•««>'• A " JEPSEN BROS.JA-1840 MITCHELL HA 0284 B 49c F. L. BIRD . MA 0728 OO & SON . WA-0570 * _ OEOROE I. ROSS. KE 0402 < KRTIFIKIt MEMRKRS OF TIIK BFTTKR OROOKR9- Bl RF.Al' f ’ '« j I THE BUY RITE STORES ARE AjX OVER OMAHA ■■■■3 %