The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 23, 1924, ALCOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 42

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Now ! — get relief in one minute from
corns, callouses and bunions with Dr.
Scholl’s Zino-pads. They remove thi
cause—friction and pressure. Thin,east
to apply, antiseptic, healing. Three
sizes. Nothing so quick and sure. At
your druggist or shoe dealer.
Dl Scholl’s
"Put one on —the pain is gone"
are more popular ~
A graceful (lender girl hold( a j
fascination which only slender
women have.
Men admire a youthful silhou
ette. Instinctively, they are drawn
: | towards the woman whose figure
is graceful and shapely. That’s why
slender girls are always popular.
But why worry about being over
weight11 It scasy toreduce. Use Mar
mota Tablets (thousandsofmenand
women each year regain healthy,
slender figures this way). These
tabletswiU make you slender again.
Try them No exercises or diets.
All drua stores batre th«m— one dollar
a boa. Or they will be sent in plain snap
per. postpaid, by the Marmots Co., 1700
General Motors Bld«., Detroit. Mich.
_ Prescription 'tablets
J/iePleasani Wan tpJfcdux
English “Bobby” at Liverpool, looking over the baseball bat of Willie Kamm of the
Chicago "White Sox,” who incidentally is wearing a Giant uniform while “Red”
Faber, Chicago pitcher looks on. - If '«./«’ World
LEFT MissJeanNash, famed
as “the world’s best dressed
woman" arrived on the S. S
Berengaria, for a stay of two
weeks here. She brought with
her, forty-one trunks which
contained 150 gowns and
dresses. She is shown wearing
a Persian lamb coat, which she
added to her wardrobe before
leaving. WV.f.• ir orU
G Lindstrcm, Swedish javelin
thrower, who recently made a
new world’s record in Eksjo,
Sweden, when he hurled the
dart 66.80 meters
(»/,/. u,.,u\
*■ ^ ^ *
A dog's day: Paris fashions for
canine artistocrats. Lunch at
the Ritz. Smart little coat in
new beige broadcloth with
hand-embroidered collar and
pocket and real lace handker
chief. Wide World
-- <
Antonio Marques, champion
bull fighter of Spain, who
recently staged a mock fight on
board the France, on his way
to Mexico for the open season
for bulls. — Wide ll'orld
lacMorir W»«iR»n< H
The A. F. Smith Co.
4H O CHf NiHmmI Im>
ALCO-GR AVURK. INC'. Now York - St. Loom - lUllMMtr* - Cleveland - Kanaaa City - Ommt'