Very Often a Pointed Panel Accordion Pleated and Plcoted Will Give the Desired Effectiveness to a Dreae. THE! Ideal Button and Pleating oompany, third floor Brown block. Sixteenth and Douglas, does excellent pleating and hemstitch ing of all kinds. Just what one needs when there’s a frock to be changed In line. If you’ve a pattern for a chlo lounging robe of silk, they’ll do the sewing service thereon. A gift suggestion! . After the Fashion of Helmet* nf Me dieval Times—This One Turn* Bark a Brlni for Embroidery. J //rTs HE last word" la a helmet 1 hat model In th* Berglthe J- Kaaa Hat Shop. Aquil* Court. It* of that pretty new bro eaded gold cloth and has a *oft vel-^e vet turn back brim embroidered with a soft mink tall or two In ornament at th* aide. Just on* of th* many ehlo creation* In readiness for the gay holiday season now at hand. Store of Individual Shops Presents Seasonable Items of Interest Interestingly Priced GOLDSTEIN-CHAPMAN’S Apparel Shop, third floor, announces an un parelled showing of seasonable frocks for dancing, pretty fur trimmed coats at prices unusually moderate. This the message from one of the buyers recently returned from the east. "LE BO” NAME GIVEN THAT PRETTY NEW Pl^IP WITH ITS COM PLIMENTARY SMALL EFFECT OF SMALL COLONIAL TONGUE AND ROW'. THE shoe shop at Goldstein-Chapman’s introduces "Le Bo," that pretty little shoe model so complimentary in line with Its slenderizing colonial tongue and ribbon bow. Patent or brown kid, the pump is lovely in either. Moderately priced, too. It Is $6.85. IN THE SHOP OF SMART ACCESSORIES ONE FINDS VANITY CASES WITH LIPSTICK CASES CUNNINGLY HIDDEN IN SILK TASSELS. GOLDSTEIN-CHAPMAN’S Accessory Shop has a large showing of the smart little vanity cases In all colors, each with its glittering design of briliants—a lovely container for rouge and powder. The lipstick Is concealed In the silk tassel that swings each case. Black or any color pre ferred, $3.75. KIDDIES' SHOP HAS A LOVELY SHOWING OF COATS FOR LITTLE GIRLS FROM 2 TO 14 YEARS, IN FUR TRIMMED AND PLAIN STYLES. THE Kiddies’ shop at Goldsteln-Cbapman's has a lovely showing of coats for little girls from 2 to 14 years—both fur-trimmed and plain, they range in price from $7.85 to $14.95. Cut on lines to compliment the slender girlish figure and on models to minimize the size of the chubby per sons they may be chosen In any one of the new season’s colors. Splendid values. "CALLOT” BLUE OF THE SHADE OF CORNFLOWERS, I.ASHION'S NEWEST MILLINERY SHADE—HAT SHOP OFFERS SDART NEW FELTS WITH UNIQUE TOP CROWN TRIMS. FLORENCE PAXTON-SMITH, home from New York, presents In her hat shop at Goldsteln-Chapman’s. the lovely new ''Callot'' blue and felts of colorful becomingness, each with Its "top crown” trim in silk, ostrich, flowers crushed close, and perky bows. “The close draped turban oontlnues a marvelous popularity." No Thanksgiving Dinner Table Is Complete Without Flowers. THE John Bath Flower Shop, 1801 Farnani, will suggest a lovely flower decoration for your Thanksgiving day dinner table—and of course the successful hostess is well aware that no dinner table is entirely complete without the soften ing touch of fragrant flowers. “Some thing pretty, doesn't need to be ex pensive,” quoth "John” himself. * • • Buttons ns trimmings for frocks have reached such a'point of popu larity that notion departments sell them “by the yard”—literally. Nacre buttons are sewed close together on black faille ribbon and sold that way. Heady to be tacked on any gown. A New Brown Shoe for Wear \Vith That Kose Brown Color Favored by Fashion Authorities. THE Penn Delphia Shoe store, Aquila Court, 1619 Howard, has just received a lovely new cos tume walking shoe, its color distinctly toning with the fashion favored new rose brown. Three straps over the instep are attractively stitched, tiny rubber insets at the side assure snug r.ess offit, and there's a decided smartness in the lines of the walking heel, kid covered. A shoe find, it Is $ 12.50. Penn Delphia special service weight hose or chiffon weight are J2 a pair, $5.50 for box of three. Have you gotten your illustrated shoe catalog? Jewel Shop Prepares for the Holiday Gift Season—Mail Orders Promptly Filled—Gift Selection Sent Upon Receipt of Bank References THE .John Henriekson Jewel Shop, Sixteenth and Capitol, Is getting readv for the holiday gift season and there's an intrestlng rustle of packing papers on all sides as the eventful time draws ndhr. Gifts for everyone may be selected at Henrickson’s for the baby or the grandfather. The mail order service is especially helpful at Christmas time, prompt and efficient. If you will enclose references from ,your bank with your order they will gladly send a number of articles from which you may make selection: Rings, watches, chains, silver novelties .etc. Henriekson quality Is the finest, the prices unexpectedly low. Early Appointments are Suggested for Beauty Work before Thanks giving Parties. THE Le Bijou Beauty Shop, 208 South Eighteenth street, At. 0091, suggests that it were wise if milady’s appointments for Thanks giving ttork bo made early. The "Hollywood Paper Curls” is a very lasting new coiffure—why not have your first one now'.' Ventilated "Butterflies" of hair cover the back of the bobbed head, $12. Smart. A Merry, Merry Christmas to Every one. THK Nabstedt Studio Shop, 507 Broun block, Sixteenth and Douglas has the loveliest cards imaginable with which to wieh your friends one and all a merry, merry yuletide. Just the spirit of decora tion, the sentiment of lettered line to best convey your gracious thought. A varied selection, moderately priced characterizes the Nabstedt card show ing. I Why Not Give Mother Flowers on Her Birthday Instead of Waiting Until Mother’s Day and Making That the Only Flower Day of the Year? HESS & SWOBODA'S FLOWER SHOP, 1805 Farnam, presented such a gorgeous display of blossoms the other day when I flashed by In the car that It was wholly Irresistible the Impulse that assailed me to see the different masspigs of exotic plant growth. Chrysanthemums, every size and shade, wondrous roses, fragrant violets, sweet peas and an infinitely appealing number of flowers for every preference, lless A Xwoboda greenhouse products, the kind of flowers that take prizes wher ever they’re exhibited. Why not place mother's name on the date book of this shop giving the date of her birth so that when the happy day arrives she may receive a lovely message of flowers—rather than waiting jntil Mother's Bay and letting the single day's flower gift suffice for the entire year. A suggestion! • * • ... Bengaline Sillc in tlie "Wood Shades’’ Delight the Discriminating Omaha Shopper of ('harmful Chapeaux. THE Heilman Hat Shop, Eight eenth and Douglas, ths Ath letic club building, present lovely Bengaline silk hats in the new "Wood Shades’’ for wear during the holiday season beginning with Thanksgiving. A draped turban with brim is fashioned of this lovely new fabric and lias a soft bit of mole In the front round a brilliant ornament. If Your Ilat fiats a Spot, or Two. or Three. THE new colors Rhow a tendency to become spotted—that's why I so much appreciate the serv ices rendered at the Kruger Hat Shop, 303 Barker block. Fifteenth and Farnam, for they'll reblock and clean milady's hat to look like new. Fine work on furs, feathers and marabou., too. Closed at 2 on Saturdays. Four Days Till Thanksgiving Is Plenty of Time to Have Your “Pretties” Scientifically Cleaned .— - • ■ ■' ■ JUST four days until Thanksgiving—hurry up your call to the Panto-, rlum, Blxteneth and Jones, At. 4383, so that all of your finery will tie In exquisite condition for this the first holiday of the season. The skilled force of this denning establishment makes the seemingly Impossible In cleaning possible. One trial will convince you. • • • POLLY'S CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SERVICE IS OF FERED FREE TO ALL READERS OF THE BEE Make out your gift lists early— Polly will save as much as possible On each listed Item. If desired she will wrap and send gifts to specified destinations with gay card enclosures. AT YOUR SERVICE Address POLLY THE SHOPPER. THE BEE OMAHA, NEB. Coat* and Suita a Specially in This Tailoring Shop. LKNHETEH, tailor, aecond floor, 101# Fnrnarn, ' specialize* in •coat* and *uil* and his prices on both materiel* and work are de cldediy low. Ti-y liirn'. » • • The moat up to date costume slip now I* the “wrap around,” which Is a feature designed to eliminate bulk) ness and provide at the same time plenty of fullness for sitting, walking, standing or stepping. And best of all. they promise the slim, straight line* demanded by th* tunic vogu*. Here is a truth the flaming autumn teaches; Here are the tidings all good harvests tell: *Who grows from day to day in love and beauty And understanding thanks his Maker well!” God asks no sudden pausing from our duties That we may shout abroad His Name and praise, For He would rather hear the homely clatter Of household things on busy, useful days. I These trees that stand here, ready for the winter, Had not one voice to cry, “We love You, God!” And yet, who else has proved affection better Than they who drew rich splendor from dull sod? These leafless vines could sing no alleluias, Nor fill the vineyard with smooth hymns of love, But luscious grapes they dangled from frail tendrils Were proof enough to Him who watched above. So, through this year, if we have not lived gladly, Brave as the winter, gentle as the spring, Calm as the summer, keen tor fall’s fulfilment, Now chaff and husks are all the thanks we bring! Here is a truth the flaming autumn teaches; Here are the tidings all good harvests tell: “Who grows from day to day in love and beauty And understanding thanks his Maker well!” THANKSGIVING—By Violet Alleyn Storeiy. Thanksgiving Holiday an Excellent Time to Add a Stunning Frock, a Lovely Coat to One’s Wardrobe Collection THANKSGIVING time, the first of the holiday occasions provide* an excellent opportunity for addin* of etylful apparel to one's charming col lection. Perhaps It Is a bright chapeau to top the costume ,or a gay feather fan conceit, a bag of artlstlo beauty, a dainty handkerchief of drawn work sheerness to perch In folded smartness In the tailored pocket, a frock, suit or coat. Surely from the shop loveliness displayed one will not find apparel selection difficult. Sliawls Maks Lovely fliristmas Gift Offerings — Fifty-four-inch Silk Shawls Almost Solidly Embroidered Offered nt Startling 1/nv Prices. THE Saldy Importing Company, Aqulla Court, has a beautiful line of hand embroidered silken shawls which suggest the gift Incom parable. Imported from China, they're the colors worn by the Span ish beauty—great flaring roses and lovely small [lowers, 54 inches square with an 18-inch fringe and may lie chosen In six different colors for $03 and $100. Especially appealing Is a rose with silhouetted flower design, black, of course, with heavy banging black fringe. An Illustrated catalog of gifts In this shop will be sent upon request. • • • The Artist Builder of Gowns Must Know Unes Color and Personalities. Hardy m < > es h lek , modistes, 230 Aqulla Court, At. 4522, are versatile artists skilled In the very things that make women beau Tlful-llnes color anil personalities They do not merely create a gown or tailored frock for madam or her daughter, they translate the In dividual person In terms of lines, color, art. From the minute one enters the exquisitely decorated ln trrlbr of the shop—Jade and antique rose colors repeated In varying slageH In the floral paneled doors—one rec ognizes that tills Indeed Is a shop of difference, a shop wherein one Is to be lieautlfully clothed. • • • M. Plasse, Etlu her of Fiance, Compli ments Omulyt Importer on Show* lug of Pictures at Keceht K\hl bltlon. MPLA88E, France, etcher of note, greatly enjoyed the col • lection of art treasures exhlh 4ted recently at the art galleries nt the library by Milton Darling, Omaha Importer. "Where did you get the pictures shown," exclaimed the connoisseur of "objeln d art," "there's nothing like them In Europe." A compliment, say we! In the Dulling picture collection there aie many wonderful lldnga to tie bought, framed, for as low us $7.50, $10 and • II, vmi - O c.y w v —■> w_~yy ^ q >j*r~ * Quaintly Lovely Little Frocks— Impressively Tailored Ensembles— Fur Trimmed Top Coats—All Offered at a 10 Per Cent Reduction THE Quality Shop, 1613 Farnam, h»s placed a 10 por cent reduction price on nil dresses, onseinbles and coat a. A decided saving, this. Especially pleasing are the little dancing frocks which show a glint of metal through colorful sheernens, the ensembles—stunning coats to within an inch or two of the hemline of a smart little tubular frock beneath, the coat invariably fur trimmed of peltries selected with cunning care, the frock in many cases soft ened by the mine furring. Lovely coats, too. exquisitely soft English Im ported materials each with fur triin rarely beautiful. Gifts of Delightful Quaintness in New Gift Center—Plumbridge Baskets Are Loaded to Brim With Uniquely Wrapped G o o d i e s—“Guest Room Bouquets” Aid the Guest to Take the “Stitch in Time”—Decorative Baskets Promise Neat Carriage for Logs and Magazines—Art Irons Are Sure to Decorate the Home—Art Flowers From California Studios Flaunt Their Flaring Colors THOMPSON HKIWMIN'S rIM department on iho second floor 1* a Ray place In whltli to shop tho Rift unusual. .Inins, Jellies, candles, nuts, oxen tea Is found In the decorative "PlumbrldRe'' ltnskels, $2.BO, $3.50, $5, $7 end $10. ‘'PlumbrldRe'' sugared dates In Imxxos squarely out are $1.50 a pound. Htelnhsck decorated mo tho Ior and mngn/hie baskets— xvashatilo these. Attractlvulv boxed in a California Studio aro the cos mos, $2 and tho meat xelloxx popples, t! r.o. Wrapped In metallic ribbons shoe trees have oriental painted faces and Irltua of bends and coins. $1.2.'. 11rcot spreading ostrich pens In colored hoxvls of shot max ho rhv^g'u I'1 any shade desired, jade, rose, gold, end blue, $1.05. ltut it’s the xvroURhl Iron which proves wholly new and Irresistible, Quite A mall box for the colonial house, $ii 75. dlnnei roor xxllh brass center song, $10; smoking sets xxllh slip trays of glass and red randies to Rive the festive touch .are $5, clitoret boxes, $?. are cedar lined, wide spreading to bold every stray ash Is the gift May at $1.75. Hundreds of gifts from which to select. __z_—_o_a Riviera Prints Imported by I/Oral SIh>p Introduce Distinctive New Designs and Color Arrangniciits. THE Kilk Shop, 1513 Dougins, an nounces the arrival of "Riviera Prints" In colors and designs to he found only In their shop. 'Tts the 1925 silk mode which la being launched—and what a very lovely mode It is to be sure. Rarely rich are the colors embodied in the dis tinctive designs printed on the heavy French crepes. Forty Inches wide they're $3.50 a yard. A distinguish ing feature of these new prints is half the silken length one color com bination, the other half another—or a broad line of color down through the center with narrow handing of contrasting colors on cither side. Kmart' • • • A smart millinery shop on the avenue reiKirts that its customers in sist on Mack velvet for their fall chapeaux. Often this material Is combined'with black satin, and some limes only velvet ribbon Is employed with loops and bows off the side. Eater on, tp wear with her fur coat milady is expected to demand velvet of bright colors, made into turbone. • * • Interior Decorator Kinds Services in Demand for Holiday Decorating. CHRISTMAS Hist round the corner and what a very splendid holi day Its going to be tilts year. A bit of decora ting here and there— how delighted one's guests will be to nolo the changes. Mrs. Grace Ronekempei, consulting Interior deo*^ orator, Is working wonders with the aid of the art metals this year. Visit her at home, 1326 South Twenty fourth street, or telephone Ha. 3-168 and discuss your decorative problems with her Klic'll bo glad to shop wilh you or do your shopping for your new decorations. An artist, dear readers. • • • A very Interesting style note which has crept into fall fashions slid was eepectall) noteworthy at the Prince ton Navy football game is the list of fur collars on flocks of « loth. These follower] the tailor of tin* trim ming for the most part, and Included beaver and gray squirrel, There’s Much Joy in a Masked Frolic Especially if the Costumes Are Authentic in Character Interpretation THEODORE LIEBEN a SON, Costumer*, 1514 Howard, JA. 411B, hare a most artitstio line of character Interpretation costumes for amateur theatricals and the gay holiday frolics. Why not make your Thanks giving party a masked one? The men in this great establishment are par ticularly well versed on plays of the amateur theatrical tjpe, for ons o them upon reading an order I submitted at once gave the name of the play—his decision based upon the costumes ordered. Holiday Dinner Time Is a Poor Time to Experiment--Upon This We’ll All Agree —You’re Sure of an Excellent f Dinner With Gracious Hospitality Extended in This Dining Room *______ PAUL'S METROPOLITAN DINING ROOM, Hotel Keen, Eighteenth and Harney, Is a splendid place to eat your Thanksgiving dinner, the first holiday meal of ths season. Surely this great feast time of the year would be a very poor one on which to experiment on “where to eat.” so Just lay a plan or two to Join those who are going to have turkey with all the old fashioned goodies Imaginable as they'll he served In this down town dining room. Phone JA. *808 for party reservations. Paul's hospi tality and holiday dinners enjoy a wide popularity. 'Tie not necessary to enter Into detail. “Ask your friends." • s • ess w Delicately Pierced the Design of Platinum on the Topping of Bar Pina and Circular Shoulder Brooch ea Shown In Gift Group of Omaha Jewelry Store. THE Reese Jewelry Store, ltth and Harney, has an excellent assem blage of platinum topped bar pins and brooches for that chlo new shoulder pinning, pins which they’re offering at exceptionally low prices. Gleaming diamonds and sapphires make these appealing gift pieces and their prices are surprisingly low, tit up. Winter Hats at Sacrifice Prices, Lovely Models Prom Noted Makers. MISS M’AHDLE, 1613 Fa mam. Is offering exquisite winter hat models at sacrifice prices—love ly creations frctm noted makers. Miss McArdle's sacrifice sale prices cover a group of hate priced to $30 and are arranged In three groups, $5, 37 and $10. Decidedly interesting, for here are gathered together the sea son's newest In color, line and trim. • • • Where fullness Is suggested In the tubular frock It appears ornamented. Beautiful Millinery Models Specially Priced Include the Season’s Wonderful Colors, Exquisitely Displayed in Velvets, Ribbons and Satins * BELLE HATCH, Nineteenth and fstTiam, haa a wonderful showing of etylful hat models which she's offering at special price*, In many cases as low as half price. Thee* include hats in the entire stock with many of them those Just bought In a recent trip to the east, from which Mies Hatch has Just returned. • • • # * • IJttls Had of Metal Cloth Bright Shades In Faille and Satin Model* of Black and Brown Promise Much of Smartness. MISS SHANAHAN in her millin ery sho'p at the Julius Orkln store, 1512 Douglas, presents the chio little chapeau for wear throughout the festivities of Thanks giving time. Metal cloth, brightly gay faille, greens, coral, rose and nasturtium shades are In direct con trast) with ths trim littls had of black and brown satin. Do Too Remember—Bat I’m Sure Too Do—the Lovely Christmas Greeting Card You Found in This Establish ment Last Year? DO you remember the tovety Christmas greeting card* yon I found at the N. C. leery Print ^ J Ing company, Tit South Fifteenth^ i street, JA- 1140, last year? But Pm sure you do, for their decorative de tail was delightful, the sentiment Im pressive. the prices entirely gratify. Ing and the service rendered excel lent. Leary greeting cards are In dividual. ¥ Decorative Novelties for the Thanksgiving Dinner Table Assure Desired “Breaging of the Ice,” Socially Speaking < THE Matthews Book store, 1613 Harney, have orginal novelties for the % Thanksgiving diner table. Golden pumpkins, proudly strutting turkeys of guttering plumage, nut cups and place cards are decoratively in tended to grace the weighted board and serve Ip a mirth-provoking capacity to "break the social ice," Imported favors of <11 kinds promise to interpret personalities of the diners' to the advantage of the holiday hostess—a I suggestion. ".spunt-ex" Hosiery "Guaranteed to Wear or Another Pair." HAYDEN BROS.1 hosiery depart ment has an excently made new hose. "Spuntex." which. In ad dition to being very fine and nicely shaped, is guaranteed to wear. There is a splendid variation of shades for wear with the season's new and lovely fabrics and the prices, most moderate, are $1 for service weight or chiffon and 85c for the fiber silk. Interest ing! All 'Round Cleaning "service Meel* Every Person's Need. DRESHKR BROS., Twenty-second and Farnam, AT. M45, pride themselves on thpir all ’round service, which meets ever}’ need. I Clothes, to be sure, small, large and , medium sized apparel pieces, luxuri ous fur coats, cleaning of furnishings. j rugs, upholstered furniture, draperies j and curtains, even car Interiors. J Service! I Cold Point Etchings, Water Colors, Pen and Ink Sketches From Nuyttens, Harris, Gordon, Bell and Sheppard Stamp These Greeting Cards Works of Art 1 ---— 5 I IN THE greeting card shop of .1. Porter Allan, ground nor of *ha i Exchange building. 10th and Harney, one find* Christmas greeting cards j that rank as true works of art. r.deed so appealing are they that they ire well worth framing. Engraved cards are a specialty In this shop and lesigns aie oftorod for personal p' ite or signature. You may etv- % a Hot e Shopping Hervloe" on cards that range from Sc up—phone AT. 6311 for ippolntments. ' Our selection Is the largest in Omaha," stated Mr. Allen in speaking of Ills card collection. 1 The Important Accessories I for Fall and Winter THEY are wearing some long gloves in Taris again. At the Opera and the Hits there appear very fine suede gloves in flesh color, almost shoulder length. Street gloves continue short ami simple, plainer than they have Jet iieeit. I While nude hose Is still smartest, there ia some tendency to match the hose to the costume, tlray 1* worn with gray frocks, and beige and light brown appear with beige and tan cost nines The rule, for the moment, seems to l>e that face, bands and atiklea must be as neatly as poaathle the same shade. ~ Diamonds and emeralds are very much worn In combination, and the 1 newest diamond earrings are set like i