MENUS FOR THE WEEK Breakfast Fresh fruit Cereal Grilled lamb kidneys on toast Coffee Breakfast Cereal with dates Shirred eggs Graham gems Coffee Breakfast Baked apple Hominy Broiled salt mackerel Toast Coffee Breakfast Orange Cornmeal mush Loin lamb chop Bran muffins Coffee Breakfast Grapefruit Steamed brown rim Poached eggs gluten toast Coffee Breakfast Stewed figs Oatmeal Fried perch Whole wheat muffins Coffee Breakfast Baked bananas Cereal Grilled bacon Cornbread Coffee Sunday Dinner Cup consomme Roast Beef Yorkshire pudding Baked potatoes Roast onions Endive salad French dressing Pumpkin pie Coffee MONDAY Luncheon Broiled calf’s liver and bacon Boston brown bread and butter Preserves Tea TUESDAY Luncheon Potato puff balls Watercress Toasted crackers Cheese Tea WEDNESDAY Luncheon Baked beans (canned) Boston brown bread and butter Canned fruit Tea THURSDAY Luncheon Veal pot pie (leftover) Stewed figs Graham gems Tea FRIDAY Luncheon Tuna fish (canned) Potato salad Sliced pineapple Tea l SATURDAY Luncheon Soup Currant jelly Toasted \^fers Tea Supper Spaghetti a l’ltalienne Toasted crackers Sweet pickles Fresh fruit Gingersnaps Tea Dinner Onion soup a la Francaise (Leftover) Meat pie with potato Lettuce, sliced toma toes, cucumbers, French dressing Peaches a la Conde Coffee Dinner Broiled pork chops Fried apple sHces and fried hominy Boiled potatoes Buttered parsley Boiled beets Escarole salad Fruit shortcake jCoffee Dinner Cream of dried peas Baked shoulder of veal stuffed Stewed tomatoes Stewed celery Romaine salad with French dressing Apple tart Coffee Dinner Haricot of lamb en casserole, with peas, lima beans, carrots, little onions Potatoes Avocado French dressing Cranberry jelly Coffee Dinner Cup clam broth Bread sticks Salmqn steak, grillad Lemon butter sauca Potatoes au gratin Fried egg plant Pickled beets Grape fruit and orange salad Bavarian cream Coffee Dinner Corned Beef Boiled cabbage Potatoes Carrots Salad of mixed vegetables Brown betty Coffee GRAHAM PUDDING 1 egg cup molasses % cup of vnilk 1 cup of raisins 2 cups of graham flour 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon cloves % teaspoon allspice Mix the dry ingredients. Beat the egg and add the molasses and milk. Combine the two mix tures. Pour into a greased mold and steam three hours. Serve hot with this sauce. 2 tablespoons butter % cup confectioners’ sugar 1 egg 1 cup of cream Cream the butter and sugar and when smooth add the yolk of the egg, the white stiffly beaten and the cream whipped solid. Flavor with vanilla. A most delicate and velvety sauce. BURNT SUGAR CAKES 1 tablespoon caramelised sugar syrup J4 cup butter or margarine % cup sugar • 1 egg. 1 % cups pastry flour 1 % teaspoons baking powder % cup water M teaspoon vanilla Place one tablespoon sugar in aluminum pan and heat slowly until it caramelizes. Dissolve in water and cook down to one tablespoon syrup. Be sure that all the sugar is used. Cream butter add sugar slowly then caramel syrup, then beat in whole egg. Sift flour and bak ing powder together and add al ternately with water to first mix ture. Flavor. Bake in a seven inch square pan in oven at 350 degrees F. for 30 minutes. PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES % cup sugar 2 tablespoons shortening 1 egg 2 tablespoons sweet milk 1 cupful flour 1 teaspoon cream of tartar % teaspoon soda % teaspoon salt % cup peanut butter Cream, sugar and butter to gether, add egg, and beat, the* add milk. Sift soda, cream of ta^ tar and salt with the flour. Com bine the two mixtures, then add peanut butter. Drop by teaspoon on oiled sheet and bake 15 min utes in a hot oven. Recipe makes about two dozen cookies. ICING 1 cup brown sugar 3 tablespoons water 1 tablespoon butter Cook sugar and water until it spins a thread. Add butter. CooL beat and spread on cake. ^ I Electricity Eliminates Drudgery From the Home | vy4. Thanksgiving always recalls to us our Pilgrim ancestors; the many hardships they endured; their struggles for existence and their crude methods of living. • _ The Pilgrim housewife did not have the many, conveniences of electricity when she prepared her Thanksgiving meal. We have a great deal to be thankful for now! Electricity is the servant of the home. Electric appliances add joy to the home. See our many ; electrical appliances at reasonable prices and • I convenient terms. I Nebraska ® Power <3. ' 1 CASSEROLE OF LAMB WITH VEGETABLES Oven dishes are becoming more popular because tho ap pearance of the food is more ap petizing than that prepared on top of the stove. And experi enced housewives who are using self - basting enameled ware roasters, realize that this utensil is best adapted to meat dishes where basting plays such an im portant part in the flavor and browning of the roast. And after the meal is cooked, enamel ed ware is most easily cleaned, no matter how thick the gravy. A wholesome baked dinner consisting of meat and vegeta bles can be prepared in a self bqsting enameled ware roaster,, wmeh saves considerable time. All the real work is in the pre paration, the cooking only re quires an oven of the proper temperature and timing. - Wipe two pounds of lamb •boulder or neck chops with, a damp cloth, trim, sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour and brown quickly in a hot, greased frying pan. Place in a self - basting roaster and add two cqpfuls of diced carrots and a dozen small white onions. Add two cupfuls of water to the fat in the fry ing pan; let boil up once and then pour over the meat, adding more water if necessary just to cover the chops. Cover the roaster and bake in a moderate oven for one hour. Then add one teaspoonful of salt, six small potatoes cut in halves, and two cupfuls of canned peas. Cover closely again and continue bak ing one hour longer. Thicken the gravy slightly before serv ing. COCOA CAKE 1 cup butter or margarine 2 cups sugar *4 cup cocoa 4 eggs (beaten separately) cups pastry flour 4 teaspoons baking powder U teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream shortening. Gradually add sugar, then beat in cocoa and egg yolks. Sift baking powder and salt and flour and add al ternately to first mixture with milk. Add flavoring. Fold m whites. Bake at 350 for 35 min utes. STUFFED PEPPERS 6 green pepjfers 2 cupfuls boiled rice 1 cupful cold meat chopped fine ‘i teaspoonful salt Few grains pepper 1 small onion, chopped fine Buttered bread crumbs Cut off the tops and clean out the seeds from the peppers; cook them in boiling water and drain. Fill with a mixture made of the rice, chopped meat, onion and salt and pepper, and cover each with buttered crumbs. Any kind of gravy or soup-stock may be added to the filling if it needs moistening. Bake in a moder ate oven (350 to 380 degrees F.) for about 30 minutes. v ' CHICK I It does seem at times that an undue amount of culinary equip ment is required to furnish food for two people. Here is where s wise economy may well be exer cised, and this includes economy of effort, of kitchen space and of time as well as of money. In the larger cities of today there is a very marked tendency for young married folks to be gin housekeeping in a two-rooms- 9 bath-and-kitehenette apartment. The kitchenette part is very often just an electric grill, whose capabilities for a light meal are sufficient enough, but which makes the cooking of a really well-seljcted and carefully thought-out dinner a matter of much ingenuity. Where a gas range is available the problem assumes lesser pro portions, for there is always a broiler and an oven to even the most lilliputian range, and so the possibilities of “good eats’’— to use a slang but highly ex pressive phrase—are increased manifold. No matter which you have, those triangular saucepans— they come in sets of three and so afford opportunity to have % Marron P (Strv Part i Make a boiled custard from j of three eggs beaten with a fe\ ! spoons ot sugar. Strain, cool ai ped solid, one tablespoon of mart spoon of vanilla extract. Part Soak a quarter of a leaspoi spoon of strong, clear eoffi-. of hot coffee and add four table in a pan of ice water, beat add one and one-eighth rujYti r few grains of salt, half a rons cut in bits, three tabb -poo grated macaroons, the three lat tablespoons of strong coffee inf Freeze part one and with it with part two, cover the m ild bury in ice and rock salt for ' garnished with stars of swi-rten named by a rich chocolate uce Needed Articles for Thanksgiving “Weaj Ever” Aluminum Roasters Big roomy Wear-Ever Aluminum Self-bast ing, with extra meat rack; in 3 sizes; very special— $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 STAINLESS Sibc.L CARVING SETS Beautiful lar>re .'{-piece stainle-s steel t'nrv iiiK Bet with nice slu^ hniull Keirular Sii.OO value. Very speeial, Sl.Jir* JELLY MOULDS \I1 “hape anil axes. Itinc'. melon, i'am v ..lie! individual mnuli! in heavy tin and aliiiiiinuni. ESTAm.T*1IED IB## Milton Rogers ^ AND SONS JLV COMPANY * Hardware •«« Household Utilities ISIS HARNEY ST.