The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 16, 1924, PRACTICAL COOKERY, Page 2, Image 46

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    Hints From a House
Wife*'s Kitchen Diary
Substantial Things
For Cold Days
Although some of the south
ern dishes are of combinations
that are new to us and may even
seem “a bit queer,” they are
easily prepared and are always
well received. And they are
wholesome as well as toothsome.
Alabama ham is one of the dish
es which possesses the charm of
creole cookery.
Select for this dish a very
thick slice of ham cut from the
center of a large ham, or two
smaller (but also very thick)
slices—at least one inch thick.
Parboil the ham for 15 minutes,
wipe dry, trim and broil to a deli
cate brown. Lay on a hot platter
or in a hot enameled ware bak
ing dish and pour over it a table
spoonful of lemon juice mixed
with two tablespoonfuls of boil
ing water and a teaspoonful of
sugar. The ham should be turned
once in this sauce. Serve with
seedless oranges prepared as fol
lows: Remove the skins from
four seedless oranges, cut them
in very thin slices and divide
these slices into quarters. Place
in an enameled ware bowl which
will not affect or be affected bv
this citrus fruit and season with
two teaspoonfuls of sugar, the
remaining juice of the lemon, a
quarter of a teaspoonful of salt,
and an eighth of a teaspoonful
of white pepper. Let them stand
half an hour before serving. The
oranges should, of course, bo pte
pared before the ham is cooked.
This novel carrot sweet is a
delicious and pretty conserve to
serve with roast meat—especial
ly during the winter months
when preserves help so much to
ward the finishing touches of a
meal. It is best made from rather
mature carrots—those that have
assumed a deep rich golden
Pare the carrots and cut them
into the thinnest waferlike slices
and allow three-quarters of a
pound of sugar to each pound of
vegetable; also half a cupful of
lemon juice. Place the carrot
slices in layers in an enameled
ware preserving kettle, sprin
kling the layers with the sugar.
Pour the lemon juice over all and
leave stand for 24 hours. The
porcelain-like surface of enam
eled ware being proof against
vegetable and fruit acids, there
will be no danger of the carrots
becoming in the least discolored
or affected in any way during
the marinating process. Then
add water just to cover and drop
in a few pieces of green ginger
root scraped, .cleaned and cut in
slices. Simmer till tender and
allow to cool. Set aside in the
enameled ware preserving ket
tle for three days. After that
drain the syrup from the carrots
and cook it slowly till very thick.
Then arrange in sterilized jars,
pour the hot syrup over them
and seal when cool.
Mothers who realize the neces
sity of including prunes in their
children’s diet and have diffi
culty in making them eat them,
will welcome this excellent pud
ding. And even the grown-ups
will find it a tempting dessert.
Cook the prunes in »n enam
eled ware saucepan as usual and
allow' them to cool. Pour one pint
of hot milk over one-half cupful
of dried bread crumbs and let
stand an hour or so. Then add
one cupful of prune juice, two
slightly beaten eggs, one-quarter
teaspoonful salt, one tablespoon
ful melted butter and one-eighth
teaspoonful each of nutmeg and
cinnamon. Stir in one cupful of
the cooked prunes cut in pieces
the size of raisins. Place in an
enameled ware baking dish,
which can be used also as a serv
ing dish because of its china
like and dainty appearance. Bake
until browned and set, and serve
with hard sauce or cream for the
This is a good time to buy to
matoes for preserving. The sea
son for them is about over and
there are plenty that can not be
used for slicing which are to be
had at a reasonable price. Very
ripe tomatoes are especially de
sirable for chili sauce, which can
be served with meat or used to
flavor gravies or soups.
Wash and quarter 10 quarts of
tomatoes, place them into a large
enameled ware preserving kettle,
the vitreous surface of which
will not be affected by the to
matoes. Simmer until they draw
their own juice, then boil for an
hour. Press through an enameled
ware colander so that the skins
are removed. Then add the fol
lowing, chopped fine; one stalk
of white celery, two dozen
onions, two green peppers and
one dozen red, hot peppers. Also,
three cupfuls granulated sugar,
one cupful of salt and one cup
of vinegar. Blend thoroughly.
Tie one-half pound of mixed
pickling spices in a cheese cloth
and boil in the mixture gently
for four hours. Bottle while hot
and seal securely.
6 tablespoons shortening
Vz cup sugar
1 egg
% cup molasses
V* cup milk
1 % cups flour
2 teaspoons Royal Baking
. M. teaspoon soda
'A teaspoon salt
•>4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup seeded raisins.
Cream shortening; add sugar,
eggs and molasses; mix well. Add
milk slowly. Sift flour. Royal
Baking powder, soda, salt and
cinnamon together. Add to mix
ture. Mix in raisins. Drop by
spoonfuls onto very slightly
greased tins. Bake at 3C0*' with
oven door left slightly opened,
about nine minutes.
Vi cup butter
1 Vj cups sugar
% cup water
2 cups pastry flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
4 egg whites
1 cup chopped louts
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cream the butte: iu.d add the
sugar gradually, beating contin
ually. Sift the flour and baking
powder and add to the butter
mixture alternately with the
water. Beat with an open spoon
three minutes.
Stir in the chopped nuts and
vanilla. Beat the egg whites
very stiff and fold in carefully.
Bake in a loaf tin in a moderate
oven, 400 deg., for 45 minutes,
or in shallow pan for about 30
... ... m.
Mince meat, plum pudding,
fruit cake! The holiday feast
would indeed be incomplete with
out one or all of these sweets.
A fruit cake, plum pudding
or jar of. mince meat make de
lightful gifts for busy friends
who have no opportunity to pre
pare these holiday “goodies”.
In grandmother’s time (and
not so many years ago, too) all
of those desserts required days
of patient labor. Washing and
seeding raisins, cleaning cur
rants, then careful drying, be
fore the fruit could be used.
Now the magic of machinery
cleans and seeds the raisins;
seedless raisins take the place
of currants.
A fruit cake can be made as
quickly as an ordinary cake.
A plum pudding is no more of
a task than making a pie. The
food chopper and seeded, clean
raisins have minimized the labor
of making mince meat, so none
of these New England holiday
treats require any special effort.
This recipe makes a small
round cake, weighing about three
pounds, a very nice size for
home use or a gift.
Va cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
3 eggs
1 cup flour
2 squares unsweetened choco
late, melted
1 teaspoon each cinnamon and
% teaspoon each cloves and all
% cup molasses
1 teaspoonful vanilla
2 cups seeldess raisins
2 cups seeded raisins
1 cup shredded citron
% teaspoonful soda dissolved in
one teaspoon cold water
Mix fruit well, sift flour and
spices; cream butter until waxy;
add sugar gradually, beating
well. Add beaten egg yolks
molasses, vanilla, melted choco
tela and flour, beating until
smooth. Combine fruit and cake
batter; when well mixed, fold in
the stiffy beaten white of eggs,
and the dissolve*! soda. Line a
baking pan with greased paper,
pour in the cake batter and bake
in a very slow oven about two
2 tablespoons green pepper
2 tablespoons red pepper or pi
1 tablespoon onions
1 hard-cooked egg
1 tablespoon catsup
2 tablespoons chili sauce
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
*4 teaspoon salt
J4 teaspoon paprika
*4 cup of cream
% cup mayonnaise
Chop vegetables and egg fine
and mix with catsup, sauce and
seasonings. When ready to serve
mix gently with cream, whipped
stiff. Mayonnaise.
1 large cabbage
Chopped ham or other cold meat
(about 2 cupfuls)
Soup stock to moisten
Salt and pepper
Buttered bread crumbs.
Boil the cabbage for 15 min
utes in salted water. Remove
from the water, drain and put on
a towel to dry. Make enough of
the mixture of the cold meat,
seasonings, and soup stock to
stiff the cabbage. Open the cab
bage in the center by spreading
the leaves and then fill with th«
mixture. Cover the top with
buttered bread crums and bake
in a moderate oven (350 to 280
deg. F.) for about 30 minutes.
1 cup French chestnuts
1 cup granulated sugar ;
Yolks 3 eggs '
Vz pint cream
V* lb. mixed candied fruits
1 cup almonds
Mr cup pineapple (drain) 4^
1 Vz tablespoons maraschino or
2 tablespoons sherry
lz teaspoon vanilla
Remove shells from chestnuts,
put them in boiling water 3 min
utes then into cold water. Take
off skins. Boil the blanched
chestnuts until tender. Put ’6
through sieve. Blanch almonds.
Chop fine and pound.
Cut candied fruits and chest
nuts into dice. Pour over mar
aschino and let stand. Put into
pan cup sugar and *4 cup boiling
water, stir, let boil 5 minutes
until syrup.
Beat egg yolks. Pour into
thin syrup. Cook until thick.
Remove and turn in, beat
chestnuts, almonds, vanilla fla
voring and freeze. Put in mold.
Serve with whip cream.
% cup shortening
1 % cups sugar m
3 eggs (beaten separately) T
1 cup milk
3 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
(4 teaspoon salt
\ teaspoon cinnamon
% teaspoon nutmeg
teaspoon cloves
1 cup chopped walnut meats
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cream shortening, add sugar,
egg yolks, alternate with milk.
Add flour sifted with baking
powder, salt and spices and
mixed with nuts. Fold in egg
whites, flavor and bake one hour
in a moderate oven. j
II with such !
i ..
I o make good coffee you must use good coffee.
It is easy, when you have the. mellow richness of Butter Nut
to work with, to make good coffee every day in the year. |s
Inferior coffees, lacking in flavor, cannot be expected to pro- 1 I
duce such delicious results.
Butter-Nut flavor results from the artful blending of many jj
choice coffees. In this way we secure a flavor entirely individual. J
I he accomplishment of good coffee-making, the final touch |
that makes a good meal perfect, will be solved with your first
order of Butter-Nut.