POPULAR STORIES ON OMAHA SCREENS THIS WEEK — I Zane Grey, Hardy Tale F eatured “Merton of the Movies" ati Strand Full of Rich Come* dy; Glenn Hunter Stars. Romance and Adventure ■ 1 Students of drama say all comedy Is based upon tragedy. It is undeni ably true that no one knows why he laughs when the comedy hero socks the comedy villain on the head with u mammoth war club. It is one of the unsolved mysteries of the drama. The above has never been more adroitly demonstrated, than in "Mer ton of the Movies,” with Glenn Hun ter at the Strand this week. It clearly shows that life for an "extra" in Hollywood is not always a gar den of sweet-smelling posies. Es pecially an untrained, uncouth, un gainly ''extra.” When Hunter first went to Holllywood, everyone agreed that he was the ideal of Harry Leon Wilson's novel. Ed Brady, veteran villain of the screen, is Glenn’s hero. Pola Negri is his heroine. During his first two weeks in Hollywood he talked about h-r constantly. He had never met her. One afternoon while on the lot, A'iola Dana introduced them. Blanch Sweet at Zenith Blanch Sweet, one of the most beautiful and at the same time most gifted actresses on the screen, is said to play her greatest role in "Tess of the D'Ubervilles” at the Sun this week. Miss Sweet was born in Chicago, and began her theatrical career early—at the age of 1 1-2 to be exact, being the "babe in arms” for a stock compajiy in Cincinnati. Her school days were spent in Berkeley, Cal., at a private board ing school. Just as she was gradu ating, the movie rush was on, and because of her stage experience she was in great demand. Her one and only romance which culminated in her marriage to Mar shall Neilan in May, 1922, began when they were playing two-reelers back in the Biograph daya. Later Neilan became a director and Miss Sweet a star. "The Unpardonable Sin” will be remembered as one of thpm greatest pictures. Their latest triumph is this adaptation of Thomas Hardy's famous novel of the same name. The authentic atmosphere ob tained by filming the exterior scenes In England in the exact spots de scribed by Hardy is one of the fea tures of the film. It is said that Neilan spared no pains or expense to make it as technically perfect as pos sible. Zane Grey Story. Prospectors, gold towns, strikes, bandit taids. stage holdups, in a Zane Grey story with Antonio Moreno in the title role Is the substance of the Rialto offering for the week. "The Border Legion,” outside of the fact that it is not a color picture, com pares favorably in scenic beauty with "The Wanderer of the Wasteland," and In story value it is much more thrilling. Helene Chadwick is the only woman in the cast, and she and the wife of the picture's chief eamerman were the only feminine members of the producing organization which traveled miles into the mountains of the northwest that tlie story might tie filmed on the actual locations de scribed by the author in his story. Zane Grey personally supervised the selection of these locations, so every thing about the picture is authentic. Even the story, according to Grey, is a true one. Dpnny in Thrills. Reginald Denny can't get away from thrills—or tights. When he was assigned to play the starring role in "The Reckless Age,” he heaved a sigh of relief. "No auto racing—no fights.*' But he soon found his mistake, for CASHING—CRASHING —SMASHING— ITHRILL! This picture is Just parked with it—until thrills, lovr thrills, flcht inir thrills! and Loads of Laughs REGINALD DENNY IN ‘THE RECKLESS AGE” Put "Sporting Youth” and “The Leather Pushers” together then you have the speed of this photoplay. s Week Ending Friday Today and Tomorrow A I ^Jniowo UCoreno in “The Border. [ Legion" at the RIALTO | ■ J/CarLf Jfaen. in ‘ H 1 Cradle" at the WOR.LD ■ he had to stage one of his biggest hand-to-hand battles, which marks one of the "punch” scenes In his new comedy, whith is an adaptation of the Earl Derr Digger's story, ”I,ove In surance.” r----; \ Zanc Grey Story Was Filmed in High Hills | s--—f Unee again Paramount ha* filmed the rolling hills of the west In an other picturizatlon of a Zane Grey story, "The Border Legion.” showing this week at the Rialto. The entire picture was taken in the mountainous wilderness of the northwest, where in the early days, the border legion was a real menace. The story tells of the most feared of all bandit gangs, which terrorized the southern Idaho border, plunder ing and killing in its search for gold. There’s a levers' quarrel and the boy stalks off to Join the border legion. The girl repents and goes after him. She is raptured by the leader of the legion and carried off a prisoner to his cabin. Antonio More [ no and Helsne Chadwick have the fea tured roles. Rockcllffe J-’ellowes, Charles Ogle, James Corey and Luke [Cosgrave are in the supporting cast. r— " " n Thomas Hardy's Famous Novel Now in Movies '-/ Marshall Neilan’s filming of Thomas Hardy’s “Teas of the LVUrbervilles,” showing this week at the Sun, brings to the screen a famous novel. Nellan |7) Jlifeen Ml IN ‘His Ul1 47 THC MUSE. photographed the rural arenes in Hardy-Wessex. England, which rein forces the drama by having the ab solutely correct atmosphere. The only change from the original atory la that he has advanced the time to the pres ent. The story deals with a country maiden in Wessex who falls victim to the brutality and passion of a wealthy young man. I-ater she meets and marries the man she really loves— only to be deserted by him when she confesses the truth shout her unfor tunate past. Eeft alone In dire poverty and mis fortune, she is again victimized by her original lover, whn compels her I | SATURDAY / — -- ——- — M tfticftard £7a/mad?£ and J^Ci/dred Smrris || . n 'In Fast Company" at the EMPPESS Tl s--■ to return to him. where shs lives In lavish splendor. It Is then that her husband returns knd precipitates the tragedy that follows. Blanche Sweet In the role of Teas has a chance to display her rare beauty to great ad vantage. Conrad Nagel as Angel Clare and Stuart Holmes as Alex DT'rbervIlIe, have the Important mas culine roles. Marshall Nellan a ' The Sporting Venus" Is being completed in Holly wood. The exterior scenes were shot in I^ondon, Deauville, Paris and other European cities. Blanche Sweet and I.etv Cody made the trip with Nellan for the exteriors. "In Hast Company” Full of Comedy and Thrills s_.___S "In Fast Company," the photoplay feature at the Empress this week might well be called a "stunt” picture —In that It exploits the athletic Rich ard Talmadge In a series of adven tures that will thrill. Mildred Harris, former wife of Charlie Chaplin and a star In her own right, plays op poslte Talmadge in the picture. The etory has to do with a young fellow who is expelled from college because of wild escapades, HI* father turns him out of hi* It’s Coming Soon and WHAT-A-PICTURE A Gripping Story of the Passing of the Cattle Kings. —those men who built our Great West. —the stupendous drive of over a quarter million cattle. —their thrilling stampede. 1 —its soul sweeping love story. —the grip and power of its patriotic appeal. , —the tremendous sympathetic tug it arouses for those wonderful pioneers w'ho were crowded from their country by the progress of civilization. ■ The Flaming Love of the Desert 4 REX INGRAM'S j; H Latest production, I “THE ARAB” !Hi with I RAMON NOVARRO and ALICE TERRY ED | STARTING NEXT SATURDAY | j ® house with a J100 bill. He loses the money and in pursuing the century note, he becomes Involved In sev eral exciting adventures. He saves a girl from being involved In a ma trimonial scheme. Through his ab solute daring he wins his father's fungi venness and marries the girl. The eighth chapter of the “Into The Ne^“ series is an extra added feature for the week. Erich Von Stroheim having fin ished his adaptation of “The Merry Widow’’ is now engaged In the task of selecting players for the many supporting roles. f “Merton of the Movies” Fu!/ o/ FtWi Comedy \:-' Another James Crus production is scheduled at the Strand for this week. This time, however,' It Is the depiction of a thoroughly modern story. "Merton of the Movies." with Olenn Hunter, the "Merton" who captivated the New York stage, in the starring role. Merton Is a grocery clerk, situated amid the drab surroundings of a smell village, and you know a gro cery clerk’s salary isn't much, but nevertheless, he lived In his own lit tle land of make-believe and dreamed of the day when his name would be blazoned in the lights on Broadway. Just how this was accomplished constitutes a story replete with com edy situations built upon a thin layer of near tragedy. Viola Dana is featured opposite Hunter, as petite Sally "Flips" Montague, super movle-sophisticated actress who leads his dangling feet to the dizzy heights of success. Cruze has selected an especially good supporting cast, which Includes De Witt Jennings, Charles Ogle, Kthel Wales and Duke Cosgrave. “Reckless Age” Also Added Muse Feature v__y "The Reckless Age," playing at the Moon this week, with Reginald Denny, will also be the feature film for the flrzt two days of the week at the Muse Tuesday and Wednes day, Alice Calhoun and John Bow ers are the featured players in "The Code of the Wilderness." The seventh chapter of the "Into The Net” series will be an added at traction. Elinor Glyn's latest s> i >n story, "Ilis Hour,” with John Gil bert and Atleen Pringle In the title roles will be the offering for Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. -“ N Moon Picture Taken From Serial Story | This week's program at the Moon brings Reginald Denny In his late picture "The Reckless Age." The story is an adaptation of Karl Derr Rigger's Saturday Evening Post story "Dove Insurance," and Denny, as an Insurance "trouble shooter ’ Is assigned to the strenuous task of watching over the romance of t nobleman who has taken out a pohi y against failure to marry an heiress A blackmail plot, a necklace, theft, a threatened breach of promise suit, all add complications to the plot — and to cap the climax, he falls :o love with the girl himself. How he extricates himself from this tangled web makes one of th» liveliest comedies of the season. The enst has been well chosen. Ruth Dwyer has the role of the helresv AVilliam Austin Is the English noble man antf Hayden Stevenson. vs ho played the fight manager In the “Heather Pusher" series, appears as a high yower advertising spe ciallst. The film Is a direction of Harry Pollards. At Grand. The feature photoplay for tod and tomorrow at the Grand theater will be May McAvoy and Ronald Colman In "Tarnish,” which recent ly had a successful run down town. Tuesday and Wednesday. Tom Moore and Kdith Roberts will be seen in their Rex Beach story, "Big Brother," with the eighth chapter of the "Into the Net" series as an added attraction. Thursday and Fridsv Betty Compson will be shown In "The Kenemy Sex," adapted front Owen Johnson's "The Salamander" Saturday, Douglas Fairbanks, jr.. in "Stephen Steps Out,” is the feature picture. Considers itself /brluKote in being able to present -Z* THIS WEEK A motion picture* so fine, that arcut will remember-* it for years,v» think, of it often and be-; glad that .you* sa-w it. y Jkmahciii^ I ’SWEET SSjl If V. y , of the screen g H .CONRAD w.^jr 7 neilan ■ I ’ NAGED.'w ^ I ITEJSS I Affioiaw™' jrPi He had many affairs with women before they were married, and YET when I H 0§{] his wife told him of her r»st life he turned her out of his house. Then | Ml , when all seemed lost there came back into her life the man that had been ■] M I M the cause of her trouble. With but one source open, she went back to live i ES | with him, only to find that her husband, after months of trying to forget 11; Eg her, had come back and wanted her. It would spoil the story to tell you I H I' M what happens next. We urge you to see it. if Harry 1 I 1 1 **sr I i ^ \ I 1 1 i . M SHOWS Wk vn»6 *rt «•*; £» \ Si * 5-7-9 u\*e. too* o* vvfi* X%*°*\** \ Hi I Feature JO M I ! 1 LuZ \“'Ml 1 Mext \ «sr*gt. - S- *J\1 1 Saturday \ 1 TERRY \ ?&+&*>* \ •1, »55SS. \w&r*°*r \ m “The Arab” \ ^ < /