! '"he Omaha Sunday:Bee I >• ■ _/ _ VOL. 54—NO. 23. PART THREE OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1924. l—1C___ Omaha Woman Figures in American Club in Vienna Mrs. W. H. .Quigley of Omaha, figures in a woman's club just organ d in Vienna. There has been no agency in Vienna for bringing Americans together n a social way. The most frequent place of meeting has been at tea at the American legation or at Hotel Metropole. It was at one of these teas at the Metropole. given by Mrs. Quigley and Mrs. Harold I.. Ross of Midland park, N. J., that the permanent club was organized. ■‘The American Woman's club" is the name of the new organization. Its objects are to promote the social and intellectual life of its members and to provide useful information and occasional entertainment for members of the Viennese foreign colony. Mrs. Florence L. Washburn, wife of the American minister to Austria, is to serve as honorary president and patroness of the club. There are 3i> members, most of them Americans, though Rngltsh speaking women of other nationalities are eligible to associ ate membership. This American Woman s club will provide an information service for American and British tourists, and maintain headquarters at Hotel MeJ ropole. Officers are: Mrs. J. Alexander Ma hon, Ellensburgh. Wash.: president; Mrs. Gardner Richardson, Vienna, vice president; Mrs, Eiwood Gager. St. Paul, Minn., secretary; Mrs. Ralph Matson, Portland, Ore., treasurer, and Mrs. Albert T. Grills, Lorain, O., cor responding secretary. Other charter members Include: Mrs. Thomas A. Peppard, Minneapo lis, Minn.; Mrs. Harold L. Ross, Mid land Park, N. J.; Mrs. Esther Suther land Gross, New York City; Mrs. Mary Coll Quigley, Omaha. Neb.; Miss Mabel Patten Daggett, New Y'ork City; Mrs. Morris H. Clark, Kansas ! City, Mo.; Mrs. J, P. Gllhooli, Mon I treal, Canada; Miss Mary Roberts, I Berkeley, Cal.; Mrs. E. S. Budge. Salt | Lake City, Utah: Mrs. Thomas Good ' all. Nashville, Tenn.: Mrs. Mollle L. Bakeman, Vienna: Mrs. W. SIcAdoo, Vienna; Mrs. Katherine Go'rringe, Berkeley, Cal.; Mrs. William von Kozman, Birmingham, Ala.: Mrs. Florence Deichmann, St. Bouts, Mo.; Miss Kuth Wilson Spencer, Mansfield, O.; Mrs. Francis ,T. Donnelly, Mon treal, Canada: Miss Juanita Wray Coombs, Bos Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. S. J. Emory, Dallas, Tex. Several of the members named are indents of art and music. Nine of liiein are wives of American doctors studying in Vienna. Miss Daggett to a newspaper woman, engaged in writing a biography of Queen Marie of Roumania. Mrs. Richardson is the wife of a member of the American Relief commission. Mrs. Bakeman s husband is director of the Vienna of fice of the United States Steamship Lines. Sixty-Six Clul). Sixty-Six dance club will have its next party Saturday night at Hotel | Fontenelle. Noted Woman to Be a Luncheon Guest Here Monday The Omaha College club will be honored Monday, November 17, by a visit from Dr. Aurelia Henry Rein liart, national president of the Amer ican Association of University Wo men. Dr. Reinhart was formerly an instructor In English In the Univer sity of Idaho, a lecturer in the Uni versity of California, writer and con tributor to various magazines and since 1916 has been president of Mills college, Oakland. Cal. She holds the degree of Ph. D. from Yale and D. I, D. from California university. She has won national prominence in sponsoring and advocating legislation for the lietlerment of conditions of women anil children in particular, both in the school and in the home. Sho comes to Omaha from the na tional headquarters of the American Association of University Women, AVashtngton, D. C., where she has lieen tn attendance at a meeting of the national educational council of that body. Entertainment planned for her in cludes a 1 o'clock luncheon at the Athletic club to which all college wo men are invited. Reservations for the luncheon may be made with Mrs. Matthew J. Gay, Harney .'4ns. North Platte Guest Here Enroute From Europe. Miss Janet McDonald of North Platte, who is returning to her home after a summer in Europe, was hon ored at luncheon at Aquila court yesterday by Mrs. Frank* Conlln. whose guest she is. Covets were laid for Mesdames A. W. Gordon, Samuel Rees. jr.. Alfred Busch. Edwin Ban nister, Robert Kwitzler. Edwin Busch and Miss Mae Mahoney. Dr. and Mrs. Conlln entertained Wednesday evening at dinner, honor ing their guest. For Mrs. Bird. Mrs. Paul Gallagher will give a luncheon at Aquila court on Monday for her guest, Mrs. Arthur Bird of Salt Lake City, who arrived Satur day morning. •; Club Organized to Develop Appreciation of Music Clubs for "performing members" are numerous, and, of course, benefi cial. Clubs organized to develop ap predation for others' performances are more unusual. One of this variety in Omaha Is the Music Study club, organized two years ago. The members meet once a month for luncheon. Following, (here Is a discussion of programs re cently heard and papers on musical themes, illustrated by music record* or singing or playing by the mem bers. The first program of the year was an orchestral program. At the last meeting a study was mode of the Oer man Had, In preparation for the ap pearance of Mine. Elena Gerhardt. In January, preceding Gulomar Novaes' piano concert, the club will go into piano appreciation. Mrs. Homer J. Pierce Is president of the club and Mrs. Raymond Young chairman of program. Mrs. George A. Steinheliner has charge of the pro gram for tlie meeting Thursday ut the home of Mrs. J. H. Ready. Otlnr members are: Mrs. George E. Mickel, one of the organisers: Mrs. William E. Mickel, Mrs. F. J. Farrington. Mis. ('. F. Cox. Mrs. C. \V. Southwell. Mrs. Edwin M. Couch, Mrs. Ralph Jones and Mrs. H. K. Graham. Clarkson Alumnae Benefit Dancing Party Tuesday Clarkson hospital alumnae will have dancing party Tuesday night, No vember IS, at Kelplne'g academy ns a benefit for the endowment of a bed for the organization. Patrons and patronesses for the affair are: Bishop and Mrs. E. V. Shayler, Dean and Mrs. Stephen McGinley, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oasady, Rev. Stanley Jones, Mrs. William C. Shannon, Mrs. Theodore Ringwalt, Messrs, and Mesdames Walter T. Page, F. H. Davis, William Ritchie, Jr.: Milton Barlow, F. H Cole, T. S. Davis, Doctors and Mesdames J. L. Summers, C- A. Roeder, A. J. Brown, C. O. Rich. C. A. Hull, A. C. Stokes, C. H. Waters. A. D. Dunn, G. P. Pratt, Sanford Gifford, W. A. Cas sidy. J. P. Lord, H. S. Johnson, C. S. Moon, Edwin Davis, J. H. Henske, F X. Niehaus, William N. Anderson, ,and Doctors B. B. Davis, W. 1 Thompson and E. C. Page. Former Omahan Returns to Make Home Here. Mrs. E. P. Boyer entertained Satur j (;ay at bridge and luncheon for eight jin compliment to Mrs. Frank Weaver. : who returned this fall from her Chi i , ago home to make her residence here. Mrs. Weaver was formerly Suzanne Harris. Miss Platner Honored. Miss Rosalie Platner. daughter of the E. L. Platncrs. carried off hon ors this week in a contest at the University of Nebraska where she is a senior student and member of Phi Omega Pi. As a result, she was given a trip to the Nebraska Notre dame game Saturday. Fifteen of the most popular girls in school were chosen, and among them was Miss PLatner. This is espe cially significant for the fact that Lincoln students predominate at the university, making the choice of an Omaha girl a particular compliment. Mrs. Adams Hostess. Mrs. H. M. Adams entertained J2 guests at luncheon at her home on Thursday. Altrusa Club Plans Benefit Bridge Omaha Altrusa flub will have a benefit bridge patty Saturday after noon. December C. at the Burges* Nash tearoom. Special prize* will he provided. Proceeds will l>e used for the con vention fund, Omaha being hostess to the ne*t national convention of Altrusa, which will be held in April. Miss Ethel Sachra is president of the club. Tht* Clef Club Honor* 4 the Roentgens. Mrs. Elmer Roentgen arrives Mon day from the east to join Mr. Roent gen, who is here rehearsing the Oma ha Symphony orchestra for their first of the season appearance on Thurs day evening. Tuesday evening the Clef club, a group of local professionals, will give a reception at the home of Emily Cleve Oregerson, 1904 South Thirty second avenue, for the Roentgens. Frank Newlean, president of the club, will be in the receiving line, as will Mrs. Oregerson, Ernest Nordln and Rudolph Sidle. Wednesday evening the Chamber ■ of Commerce women will give a din ner for these guests. Progressive Dinner. Messrs, and Mosdames Charles Orant, Morey A’. Porter, Carl Paul of Thurman. Ia.. Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Mellinger. Mrs. Sophie Shirley Mc Dermott, Miss Mabel Planck. Messrs. John Barnes and Jimmie O’Brieti gave a progressive dinner last eve ning. dancing at the Brandeis after w ards. Tonight this group will be together again at a steak roast. Tea for Mis* McHugh. Miss lone Duffy entertained at te ^ Friday for Miss Kate McHugh, who | leaves for California with Florence i McHugh Prutt. who reside* there. Mrs. Pratt shared honors. The Carpenters Leave. "THr*. Frank W. Carpenter, Jr., who 'eaves soon with Mr. Carpenter to make their home in Des Moines, will j be entertained at luncheon on Med nesday by Mrs. Whelan. i Jr m & ■ ■ . 1 - . ■ ■ v isiCrs. Charfes Jd i/ou/'dJ d/(rs Charles tf/ardinq and r more etchings hung on the attractive walls, the work of Miss Katharine Merrill, daughter of Mrs. Anthony French Merrill, wrell known as a lecturer here. Miss Merrill lives in Ww York She is in the first, rank of American etchers, according to Maurice Block, art museum director in Omaha. Her friend* de < ril>e her ns n very bril liant young woman. Her etchings allow remarkable versatility. Includ ing many of the stern industrial sub Jertn as well an those with the delicate linen required for such things ns ca thedral doorway* and dainty garden*. Miss Katharine Merrill is one of a \ \ ^Misses Marian \WL4kx JWfeman ano I Catherine. JMfeman <- _ DEVVEU. PHOTO Miss Marian Mlenian is spending her first winter in several seasons at home with tier mother, Mrs. C. 1j. Alleinan, and her sister, Katherine. Miss Mlenian lias been a student in the I’rahisly conservatory in Italti more. Nile I* a member of the Milliner Musical dull. hiiiI also lends tier tal ents to tlie social settlement. Katherine .Mleinan Is a student in the School iif Individunl Instruction she is one of six (tlrls whom Miss Verons lie tore h»s chosen to stretch ribhons when slie is wed to llnrolil Teachollt of lies Moines, No \ einlicr in the Itlaclistone hotel \Miss Dorothy talented family A winter 1* a iQURician, a brother, a civil engineer of ability, and a brother w ho died in war acrvice was a writer of proinisc, having woo a scholarship at Harvard foi work he had done. - . UK Inst citadel hus been taken by ICing Tux. For many years ttin Week End Dancing club bus been the one group to hold out for men’s full evening dress. The lust detail 1ms been Insisted on. from white glove to mirrored shoe tip. Just hpfine this new season opened, a ballot was taken nnd n majority voted for the tuxedo, which Is now seen at the dAncea of this popular club. NO MOKE animated angles! t'ultl \ated curves are coming back, according to Mine. Antoinette, who Is In Omaha establishing modes for 1»20. "Not obesity, but « softened •>11, houette. The wontenly woman Is ie | £ turning with nil her fascinating frail lies, minus, of course, smelling sails and swooning* "There Is a return to sincerity, and long hair. Psyche knots are hack for evening wear. However, we must re member that IS inches of well cared for hair Is better than 2K Inches of glossies* grand opera hemp.'’ said this style arbiter, who Is to appear hero in dally lecture* In o local silk shop. □ NY woman with a large family who has ever tried to engag" a maid of all work, knows the difficulty In getting the right person to believe she Is the woman for the Job. A quick wilted Hiel resourceful mother resldin. io Itemis park area, bad advertis'd promising propped. Interviewed to the complete aatlsfae tlon of the mistress, turned Inter viewer. "How many chtldirn have you?' hIk* inquired point rdl.\ r?i\ " waa the reply. That’.M too many." paid the appli cant moving toward the door. ■| ngi with you," an Id the mot her, mulling her out. Past Events v__/ Mrs. William Uiunae.v entertained her bridge club on Friday. Mr. and Mrs Rex. 11. Morehouse entertained at dinner on Friday eve nine Mr and Mrs. Rev llenrv of Fremont were honor guest* Mr. and Mis .less Thurmond en tertained most Informally at dinner last evening for six guests. Mr and Mrs Hutton I. Leonard entertained two tables nt bridge Iasi evening. ' Mrs. |t Slut tevanl entertained Friday ai bridge for Mrs. \\ t". I,am l»ert who t(turned recently front « summer In Uurcty*. ) Two mcmlx-rs of tho Matinee Musi cal rluh, Misses Dorothy Meiuliaugli and Betty Kennedy, a group of the younger set who organized In Au gust for srnii-inonMily ntualeale teas, are breaking Into tho professional class this season. Miss Mtelnhaurh, who Is possessed of a clear soprano voire, will lie the soloist at tlio I'ly mouth l ougrega j tioual church ami Miss Kennedy will accompany her at the or fan Miss Ktcinhaufth attended the Ka»t man School of Music In Rochester. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Charles >V. Ntelnbaugh Miss Stein hsugli has also been a soloist at Konntie Memorisl. Mis* konnody, I ho daughter of -lodge and Mr* How ant Kfimfdj. k * ponding hor flrst winter at home following hor gradual ion froiu Iho I nltoralt> of Nebraska. and a >oar studying in Ho*ton in the Now kng land conservatory with Henry Dun ham Mivt Kenned* i» an alumna* member of Kappa Mpha Vhota so rority I.imt. and Mr*. Mrur \rri\r at Manila. Mr*. Henjumin Maker linn i netted a i iihleKiam from her nle»*e. Mr*. Harold Meyer iMI*n Katheum 14m hurg), huyln# that she ami her hu* Itnud, Lieutenant Meter, have nr rived in Manila, where they will he stationed They were ?S tiny* on tha water, with ** 24 hour stop mi Honolulu ttuouu a For Mr*. Ru*o1i. Mr* Roger Holman will entertain 1? guest* at luncheon nt her home on Tuesday for Mr* Thomas II ' ward of Pittsburgh. guest of Mi* K il Busch For Mrs. Doualuif Mi , and M s P II 11. ^ lei lulned at dinner at the Uraudeta Iasi night for tha guest at Mi and Mr* Andrraon Lon* and Mr* A. Iordan IVnahu* of Ohioaso \lmmii of Kital lolloped l.unch Topol her. Ill . ui.O'nrr :i« fr.rndty as »hb.»UiS% mi.lor tbr . n , mi m,i :i. rs t\>, twil and lfco'Ui outli .. *hdd M ili* I iitv*>i-*li> otub SuniMay and .'rii oil reports on tha IdurUMOttih Cornsll (tarn# i