* REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. ' Apartments—l nfurnished. 81 Morley Apartments 528 South 29th Street ^ Our rent* are adjusted In keeping with the times but still tha t*u anta' comforts com* first a* usual. Look at the**.*: On* five room ai-i'ommodailoh. No. 306, $60 summer and $60 winter. Also «»n* three room accommodation at |41 summer and $51 winter. Se* Janitor or call AT. 6*86. TRAVRR BROS., INC. 811 First Nat‘1 Hank Bldg. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. •WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT. 0544. 17th and Fsrnam Sta JONES ST., 2501—Lovely 3 and 5-rm. apts., atrlctiy modern. AT. 2857. Flora Apt*. DODGE ST.. SO 14 6-room, mod. brick duplex, walking distance. T1 A. 16H9. Business Places for Rent. 82 Auto Men, Notice! 815 S. 25TH. Space In west end of Crosstown Garage, formerly for our service station, for rent. This is particu larly adapted to a scrvic* station, tire shop or the like. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. AT. 0C60. 15th and Jone* St*. Houses for Rent. 83 w HOUSES AND DUPLEXES. f PARTLY MODERN. 8 rooms, 225 Cedar St.$12.50 6 rooms, flat, 3158 Ames Ave.. 18.00 5 rooms, cottage 2018 Grace St. 25.00 3 rooms, flat, 2126 Grace St... 25.00 5 rooms, No. 12, Shelby Court.. 26.00 5 rooms, cottage 28 34 Parker. 35.00 7 rooms, house. 3327 Fowler... 36.00 HOUSES—NORTH. 8 rooms, cottage, garage, 3404 Parker St. 40.00 5 rooms, bungalow, practically new, 3101 North 33d Ave- 45.00 7 room homo garage, facing Fontenelle park, 4322 Ames. . 60.00 SOUTHEAST. An especially attractive 5-room duplex, well arranged, good Mirroundings, redecorated 815 William St. 60.00 ^ CLOSE-IN. Five-room duplex, well ar ranged. conveniently located, 211 Paxton Court, near 26 th and Dauglas Sta. 62.58 6 room duplex, 3001 Ilarney St. 75.00 DUNDEE TU: NO ALOW 5 moms, garage. 908 North 48th Me. .•*.. 45.00 CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. 6 room duplex, sleeping porch, minronm garage, 431 North 29th St. T0.08 WALNUT HILL BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and sunroom, double garage, 386$ Soward St. 60 00 WJ3ST FARNAM DISTRICT, 5 room duplex. 8917 Davenport St., a snap at .. 4f 00 I room home, double garage, 106 South 38th St.100.00 SUITABLE FOR ROOMS. 8 rooms, arranged for 2 fami lies. 2701 Wool worth Ave. 60 00 9 room duplex, 2963 Pacific St. 66.00 PETERS TRUST COMPANY, •‘Where Omaha Renta." AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam St*. Member of Building Owner* and Manager*’ Association. __ 1 A REAL BARGAIN. Desirable rloae-ln location on Fernem nr lino or walking dlatance: 6 room duplexes, with kitchens completely equip ped; l’axton Court (near 2«th anil.Douglas Sts ) No. 216 at 150 and No. 211 at 147.60. TETERS TRUST COMPANT. "Where Omaha Rent,— AT. 6544. 17th and Firnim *ts New Duplexes 1011-19 S. 28TH ST. English type of 5 room®, living room, dining room and kitchen, first floor. 2 bedrooms and tiled bath. Id floor. Ooen atairwav. Beamed celling* and paneled walls. Full cement basement, floor drain. At. $52.50. " Drake Rental Agency JA. 2305 or HA. 6686 NEAR DUNDEE SCHOOL. Attractive f.-ronm residence, nefly dec orated close to school and car; south front: immediate possession. Shedd In vestment Co. JA. 4254. Evenings WA 3106. FOR SALK «»r rent new 6 room house with bnth. large front room suitable for anv business. Full cement basement. 5922 S 30th St. _ JONES, 3614—8-room modern home. $50. REES. 2688—5 - R.. apt. 1st floor. *30. REES 2606—2-R.. ant . basement, *13. (\ (\ DP:AVETIS t'O. _JA 2450. NEW BRICK iSrPLKX. Mix larg-' rooms at 29th and -JAckson streets. Rent just reduced. Call AT. 9654 or WA. 2136. _ FOR RENT—1903 Paul St, four-room house. Inquire 1150 N. 19th St. rentals! 26 26 Capitol Ave., 9-rrn. mod. $45; sr langed for light housekeeping- Crelgh, GO 8 Bee. JA. 02Qn. _ FOR RKN'f—House near 38th and Far nam. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, garage. Will decorate to suit tenant . Rent $S5. HA. 4442. __ 2H10 HOWARD -6-room house, bath. gas. electric light. Just decorated. Strictly first class. $30. iTi N. 3T-TH ST r. mod., newly dec. i 'lose in, splendid neighborhood, $50. First Trust Co., Rental I>ept. AT. 0729, ; 5 2n No! 19TII 13LVD —6 large room®. walking distance, $22.50. Inquire next door._^________ NEW strictly modern ftve-room home, '9.14 Martha, garage; ready Nov. 20; $65, HA. 6133.__ 2218 N. 1RTH—Seven rooms; all modern; exceptional good order. HA. 5314. 4 ROOM HOl’SW AT 3603 CHARLES. AT. 5586._ “* HOUSE—7 r., full lot. $5,600, bargain. O P. Stebblns. 1810 Chicago. 209 S. 35th Ave . 7.rm. mod., *51. Crelgh, 608 Bee JA. 0200. ft-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 2703 WOOh WOHTH AVE. keXi. fstatf:—for haljc. ISushir** Property. 91 BUSY TRANSFER CORNER. I DEAF. INVESTMENT. 9% NET. PLOVER A- SPAIN. JA. 2860. Real Estate—InTcetin—Iti. •• THIS St. Louis Flat Will Make Money for You. Large 60-foot lot. close to center of retail district. Solid brick build ing; very nuitably adapted for a rooming house, as both apartrnenln • an be thrown together. Or, If desired, can be rented separately. Two hot water heating plants; • Fpnrsle basements and entrances And In addition there is a 5-room cottage on the rear of the lot that rent® for *3ft per month it only take® * small cash payment to handle it. and our price Is absolutely right. George & Company REALTORS. AT-Isnttc 3V24. _ A Safe Investment Brick bualnesa building, located on 161b Sr . where value* are In «-1 easing. Located on a lot. 66*66 f#*et. Income. *7,860 per year. Tht owner has placed a v*iy • reasonable price for quick sale George & Company RDAI.TORH. , AT-lantln ,074. 11117 Ulty N«t't Bunk BUt ■ "six ROOMS and sun room. SOUTH OK TIANSUOM DARK. T,«r«r llvlnur room, dlnlr.r room, non room ■ ml kllrhrn on 1't floor: 3 btdroomr. nlpen't'k r>ux"h nod hath on ..<1. Krrnxh Soot'll, oak floor* Itmruu at, poeeueelon. WFARNAM SMITH * UO. .TA. 0M.4 Sun, HA, 77,7 or HA, 7RH. ltl*'S'l' Inricr viirnnf. ''Ion-In huitlne.e tor "pr lot in Sion« t illy fun bo Improved ,i ,iniill tout io pay over 10 W J"! anaually on total Invontmant Prlo,. 5n"y ,411.000. Jo, H. Illll. Realtor, Hloui City, la. ^ f final itml ffor Sale. ft «• I? j.;f llluetrated fold**r *>t beautiful -Zaark lande at $> * k, vvai'iii, cow, chickens, . / •l‘l UnprSLl 11»‘- *llhur' llounU" View, Mu \ -* REAL ESTATE—KOR SAfJL Farms and frauds for Sale. 113 TWENTY to 4*» acre*. Rio (Irmdn Irri gated tract*, all cultivated; land ndjom Ing and In neighborhood they ask $350 acre; no better than mine; my price $165 sire. Investigate. Albert ^now, Lake Benton, Minn. "•TWENTY Al’KKS AND PLENTY Free book tell* truth about Florida land; monthly payment* SI an a* re; orange groves planted cared for 10 per cant above com. M>lve*tei K. Wilson, Dept N-246. Orlando. Fla. IMPROVED 160 Here*. 1 miles from Fairfield. Neb , all choir*. level land; bargain price; good terms; posae**lon March 1, 1926. S. A. LARSON, Clarks, Neb. _ BEST BUY IN SALINE COUNTY. 160 acre*, wonderful improvements. Cash price. $226 per acre. Arthur Cobb., own er. 216 Brandeia Bldg-. Omaha. Neb. MISSOURI 180-acre dairy, poultry, fruit, stock farm. Well improved, mu*t sacri fice for $8,000; $2,000 down. For fuller ^description. Box 216, West Plain*. Mo. HOMESKEKERS---94 acre*; 15 in cult! vation; improved; OKark trail: price $860; terms; free list of bargains. Toler Broth ers. Nettleton, Ark. YOUR Information about Florida will not b« complete until you know Fort Pierce. Leading city of St. Lucie county. Rich In natural resources and agricultural pro duction. Unexcelled climate, fertile soil; splendid transportation, rail and water; good roads, schools and churches; fine fishing and hunting. Development rapidly proceeding, but land values yet low com pared with other sections. Visit Fort Pierce when you can.; write at once for attractive booklet. FT. PIERCE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 105 RAULERSON BUILDING, FORT PIERCE.FLORIDA. THE county that holds Florida together. Jefferson county offers unsurpassed op portunities for general farming, Satnuma oranges, pecans, fruits, poultry, livestock, the sportsman's paradise. Free , tourist camp. Writ* for booklet and information. Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, Oak St., Montlcello, Fla. A FINE suburban home farm can be made of this unimproved 80 acres ad joining Stom* park. SV* miles from Sioux City postoffice, near paved road and Sroposed car line; suitable for platting. nly $400 per acre. Jos. II. Hill, Realtor, Sioux City, la. Houses for Sale. 95 NEARLY NEW BUNGALOW. Wall worth tlie print, $6,160. Hat five excellent rooms. Well arranged, well built and finely finished. Newly decorated throughout. Must be seen to be appre ciated. Let us put our time against yours and ahow you this. Easy terms. Call Grant Ilenaon. Walnut 1680. Houses—North. 96 COLORED FOLKS. SPECIAL PRICES. EASY PAYMENTS. 2827 Seward St., dandy 4-room complete modern bungalow. A real bargain at the price asked. Immediate possession. Easy terms. 3113 Franklin £. Taken $350 or more cash. Balance same as rent. Eve. and Sundays, WA. 8126 or J. C. Schmitz Co. 858 Om. Nat.___ 'IA ,7sr will Take Late Model Car AS DOWN PAYMENT. This modern bungalow is practically new. Klva rooms and bath, oak floors and fin lah. Built-in kttchrn ral.lnet H.ll run nectlng bedrooms and bath. 1 rice $4,$o0. Came, JA. 1014. J Houses—South. 91 SICKNESS FORCES BALK. 6-rm.. 2-story frame house. 2 bit's, south of Leavenworth, on 28th St. House is in good repair, has full basgm^nt. extra toilet, good sized living room, dining room and kitchen and vestibule. Un Itairs has three bedrooms nnd bath, one bedroom has sunroom construction. This property Is not new but is well built nnd substantial, 40-ft. lot. naved street and alley. 1-car garage. Price. $6,000. $1,250 cash. Want offer. WORLD REALTY CO. AT. am. Realtors Worth Theater Bldg A Good Home Priced Right 2711 Hickory St. 6-room modern Best repair. Paving paid. Plica $4,200; $750 cash. $39.50 a month. BUCK; 742 Omaha Nat’!. JA. 3000. Salesmen: Lovgren, KE. 0304; Box, WE. 6372; Baker, WA. 3593; Buck. KE. 2834. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. PRICE ONLY $5.000—$760 CASH Five rooms and bath; all on one floor; oak finish; large lot: south, west, where values are sure Increas ing. Call _■ __ OSBORNE REALTY CO. 680 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282_ HANSCOM PARK FIELD CLUB DIRT. Choice six-room bungalow; all on one floor; oak and enamel finish; brick and kellastone; south front; $7,200; $1,500 cash and $60 a month. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 630 Psters Trust Bldg. Jackson 22S2. House*—West. 98 Clairmont 1501 N. 40th St. A 6-room. n.grtr new bungalow. Cloae to car. A beautiful east front lot with terrace all sodded. Large living room file bath, pedestal lavatory. Double g» rag-. Priced to sell at $6,510 Easy terms. Call K.E. 1202, K E. 2833 or KE. 3472. Charles W. Martin & Co. Realtors T$7 Omaha Nai Hk. Uldg AT fill,. CLAIRMONT DISTRICT. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. Flnlahod In o.k; »ll on one floor: chotoe south and eaet front corner lot with doublo garage. An opportu nity for $8,160 , OSBORNE REALTT . 6S0 Patera Trust Bldg. Jackson $181. Benson Six Rooms Strictly modern with large living room across front, three bedrooms and bath up stairs. Oak floors throughout. Good lot on paved street. Only $600 down Trade your vacant lots or small house as iirst payment. Call Pedersen, HA. 6465. WONDERFUL O PPO R TUN I T Y . MODERN HOME AT A SACRIFICE Beautiful corner, wonderful ft-room ■»> modern stucco home with double garage. Call at 4302 Dodge._ SEE Morrison Lumber afd Coal for prices on garage*. Best construction at mini mum cost. tyK. 5561.______________ WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots In Kdgewood; very easy terms Phone AT. 3540. _______ SEE new modern bungalow at 624 8outh 50th Ave. Right pries and terms. Camp* bell, WA. 6704.__ 3-ROOM cottage, part modern; located near Happv Hollow Blvd. Large lot and garage. 1 1.650. Easy terms JA. 1966. FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy homes List your oropertv with us for results JA. 1 426. BURT C. FOWLER CO . Realtors ■ ' ■ ■■■■ ■■!■■■!. M' HEAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. House*—West. #8 5U1RDD INVESTMENT C. OFFERS i ATUKDKAL. DISTRICT B AKt* A1N. An older residence, hut splendidly built, with J00 feel frontage on 40th St. (now veiled for business, apartment or duplex construction). 6 rooms and reception hail down. 4 bedrooms, sewing room and com modious porch up. Basement contains ce mented furnace room, also two large fin ished rooms opening on ground level at rear Two.car garage. House la Ideal for converting into two-family dwelling or renting rooms, while extra lot offers won derful speculative opportunity, owner will s»■ 11 single lot with house if deeircd. Very reasonably priced. SHEDD INVESTMENT CO. Realtor*. JA. 4 264. Sunday, \VA. 3106 6-ROOM bungalow: fir eplace and other built In features. Owner must have larg er home. GEORGE ■*- CO. AT. 30 2 4._ TWO 3-room apt* for sale by owner. Garage. Bargain, 9Q5 South 31st St. House*—Henson. 99 For Sale—Benson $2,750—$100 Down 62,750.09—$100.00 Down. V home and h. living, new four-room houae. best of workmanship and con atruction with one-half acre of ground, fine for raising chickens or garden, fruit already planted. *3d and Maple on beau tiful Keystone Bark. Drive. Close to stores and school Fred A. Bailey 6015 Military Avenue vvA 4 3 01. Benson Bargain $3,650 Five room all modern houee, living room the width of the house, largo dining room and kitchen, two (rood bedroonta and bath upstairs, full cemented basom.nt good furnace. Garage. Fine lot 60x130 ft., eloee to stores and .« 'hoola. 1 rlced fat helow Its value HOO.f'O down. |30 00 per month Fred A. Bailey •flm 5 Military Avenue. _ ^ --~^r=-——: For Sale—Dundee. 100 SHED1> INVESTMENT CO. OFF*** ATTRACTIVE DUNDEE RESIDENCE. Near 60th and western. A.lmo»t new frame two-story house with full-length living room with flrepltc*, l»rga dining room, .commodious kitchen, threo eunny bedroom* and tile bath: oak floor* throughout; oak and enamel finish, garage; south front lot with tree* end shubbery. Well worth the price asked. J SHF.m, investment™.. ~ Dundee—Easy Terms . We have ,1uat listed this attractive two story. eix-rouin. cast front home. Double uarase drive. Convenient to car and school. We can link" moat reaeonable terms and hive a low orlce of 19,200. Today call JA. 0«99 or WA_ 6260 Alfred Thomas & Son 262-1 C4ty Nail. ,TA._oni4. For Sale—Florence. 101 CALI. NETH A WAY for tradesi and home It heautlful Florence. WhUet^onlsq_lCL^40lb I Aits for Sale. 103 CHOICE DUNDEE ROTS. Rlghf 1n the new Happy Hollow addition; 50x150 feel , new home*. • *°i!dr for years to come; aplendld value* for 11,750; terms If desired. Call ’ OpnOHMK REALTY <0. R20 Peters Trust Bldg .lackaon ?M2 MART St.—Juat east of Minna LPaa Blvd. Splendid south front lot, $t.°00. ®hedd In vestment Co., Realtors JA. 4254. Sunday, WA. 6196. A FINE BO-foot lot on Jackson near B«th St. South front. tl B00. Shedd Jnv*st ment Co. Realtors. JA. 4254, iunday, WA. 3106. HAVE * few well located lota In Edg«* wood for salt For prtcaa call C. A (Irimmel. .TA. 3615. SLIOHTI.T corner lot neer Ft. Omaha. ISjVI Snap. JA. 0}9« Sun. HA._2M7.__ Wanted—Heal Estate. 105 LOT WANTED. Want a desirable buildlnr lot. Have flret rlaea Weetcott ' ar. fully equipped, to turn In as part of rash payment ,,D you have a good lot. priced rl»ht, call Mr. Sloan. Walnut 2112. NEW HOMES—YOUR TERMS. (TROVE HIRBARD CO. 252 Bankers Reaerve Bldg. AT. 7112 For results list your property with FIRST TBL’ST CO. AT. (1729. _400 First Natl. Berk SEE us first. Nrcd listlnsa. any location. 5 to s rooms. Shopen * Co., Realtor, JA 4229. 236 Keellne BUr. LIST your property with ua or, If you are in the market for acreage, call Louie Cohn for quirk aalaa. MA. 0143. MA. 20.9 CHAS IV. rorito & SON. Real Estate Rentals. Insurant,. 1292 Cltv Nall. Bank^AT. 5291 C It HUTCHINSON CO.. Real Katata Tna. 1222 Farnam. JA 9411 WILL pav caah for lots nr Improved prop erty F f Best. 910 Cetera Trust Hldy You Are Invited to Attend the Opening of 0 The Spanish Home la the Beautiful Happy Hollow District—At 5301) Nicholas St. Open Sunday 2:30 to 9 P. M. Daily 2:30 to 5 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M. Also Shown hy Appointment Its Many Unique and Picturesque Features, Combining the Quaint Charm of the Old World With the Comfort of the New, Will Please You Furniture and Drapes by ORCHARD & WILHELM COMPANY Design and Construction by T. H. Maenner Co. Architecture Builders Engineering Construction 523 Omaha Loan & Building Aas’n Bldg. AT 3362. ~~~ i -- - This Week’s Choice Real Estate Values 1 WEST FARNAM BRICK, $9,000 7 rooms, 2 stories, 3 years old, sunroom, long living room, French doors and many splendid features, oak floors throughout, 13 inch solid brick foundation, oil burner, a substantial home for less than reproduction cost. Car ries $6,500 "first mortgage, $2,300 cash will handle. LOCKWOOD DISTRICT. $9,850. Nearly new, 6-room, 2-story Dutch Colonial, ivory enamel finish throughout, genuine oak floors, attractive arrange ment, garage, good terms. FIELD CLUB HOME, $8,950 Nearly new, 7 rooms, 2 stories, in excellent, condition, convenient to car line and Field Club school, garage, good terms, something at tractive and very choice. SAFE INVESTMENT Two new brick store build ings on West Side, full base ments, leased five years to desirablf ‘tenants. Average yearly income about $1,926, will show excellent returns on price asked. Call KE. 4269, AT. 9844, KE. 2212. Burt C. Fowler Co. REALTORS 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Jackson 1426 A Real Home ' at the Right Price A 7-room, 2-story frame house in an excellent neighborhood, located on a corner .lot, 100x115, lot on grade. One block to car line and one block to Boulevard. Both street and alley paved and paid. Large living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry on first floor. Four bedrooms and bath on second floor. Oak finish and floors- on first floor. Hard pine on sec ond floor. Modern. Ex cellent furnace. Price $8,250, $2,000 cash is all that is required to handle. Shuler & Cary Realtors JA ckson 5074 328 Keeline Bldg. ONLY I 12LEFT Hansen’s Add Lots This Is Your LAST CHANCE to Get One Located on 60th St., 50th Ave., 51st St., south of Lake, Overlooking Country Club. 1 Close to Car Highest Spot in City Building Up Fast Most Remarkable Develop ment in city this Year—Some Lots Reselling at Frofit. J* DUNDEE COLONIAL 6-room brick colonial with large living room and central hall. Large white enamel kitchen with breakfast nook. Upstairs consists of beau tiful master bedroom, tile bath and two other ! corner bedrooms. Call us for further details and see this before you buy. DUPLEXES If you are interested in duplexes, we have some that we are sure will please you. Will either sell or rent. Call WAy 3996 or WE 5039. John R. McCarville Co. REALTORS AT Untie 502S 1002 City Net’l Bid*. Some Bargains IN SOUTH OMAHA fcftih and N St.—Four-room house and right lots. Garage. Close •chool end carllne. Price, $2,500. Term*. 3503 Q St —Store building and four living -corns adjoining Price, $4,500. Could also be bought with atock and fixture*. 2406 Jefferson St—Six rooms. Modem. Two lota. Barn. Price. •1.709. fe 4216 S 59th St.—Six rooma Barn and thivken coop. Frica $3,100 Terms. 4529 S 17th St.—Four room* »nd kitchenette. Nfodern. Garage Price, $3,600. Terma. 6611 S. 3lst St —Six room*. Two lot* Price. $4 609. Terms 4555 8 15th St.—Five rooms and breakfast nook. Modern Built-in features Price. $7,150. Terms. 1 423 Kavan St—Five Rooms. All modern. Two lots. Vlarage Price. $2.20* 2426 S 20th Ave —Six rooma. Modern. Price, $5,000. Terms 6803 8. fist 8t—Six rooms. Two lots. Barns and fruit trees. Trice, 15.6*0 Jb00 down I 1328 Folk St—Five rooms. Alt modern. Oak finish Ruilt-in fea ture* Garage Price. ?8.39*. Terms. 5 J201 M unroe St.—Three rooma Two lota. Barn. Price. $1,500. Terma. _ 2618 A St.—Fight rooms Modern. Built-in features. Garage. Price, $i.nrt0. Term* { 4402 S 3»th St—Four rooms. Modern Ruilt-in feature*. Garage. Price. IS.160. 4735 8. 13th St—Six rooma Mod ern Price. 84 <00 Terma 5104 S. 47ih St.—Five room#. Two lots. Modern. Price. $3,000. Terms We have numerous other proper ties. Including acreage, Improved and unimproved that can be bought at the right price. Call ua. LOUIS COHN 4823 S. 24th St. Ma. 0143. Sunday* and eveninf., call Ma. 3029 or Ma. 0220. % New Duplex 38th and Davenport St. at a Bargain Now being finished. A very attractive duplex, brick tq the second floor. Each side has its own oil burner, also fireplace and other built-in features. A double parage in the rear. A splendid neighborhood. One . side al ready rented at $75.00 per month. Property will bring $1,800.00 rent per annum. Owner in need of funds and will make price very reason able. H. A. Wolf Company 582 Saunder»-Kennedy Bldg. Atlantic 3160 Sunday, Mr. Meyer*, j WE. 1567. | i