The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 09, 1924, Page 11-A, Image 11

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Consider the Criminal as
Seen ltv the Detecti\es
INO." by Georg* S. Dougherty; 1». Ap
pleton A- C'n . Ne w York, publishers.
9 KEYS to CROOK DOM." by Georg* C
Hen-lemon: I* Appleton A Co. New
York, publ inhere.
Two eminent detectives prove that
It 1m not essential to set it thief to
<atvh a thief. What is needed is a
jnari who is shrewd, resourceful and
courageous. Possessed of an honest
mind and a sympathetic heart. Who
can gain the confidence of tin* crimi
nal, and hold it, even after the
criminal has found out the identity
of the man who brought him to jus
George S. Dougherty, who Is knoWn
to game as one of New York's ef
ficient police commissioners, rose to
his eminence as a detective. He recites
personal experiences to prove his
point that the criminal has a great
deal more of the human in him than
Js generally understood. It is just
V the quirk of the mind that sends him
f wrong, and that same twist that later
betrays him to the law.
George C\ Henderson, also a de
tective of wide experience, tells how
the crooks work. How they plan
and carry out their assaults on so
ciety. Many of the games he ex
poses are simple, some are very
elaborate and call for careful and
skilled stage management. It is
plain enough after one knows how it
Is done. The volumes together are
worth much to the student of
crlminaology, and are of a sort that
cv ill be Interesting to any reader.
| Burns Mantle Picks llis
Fifth Crop of Best Plays
IN AMERICA.'' by Burns Mantle;
Small, Maynard A Co,, Boston, pub.
Burns Mantle Is a critic' of sea
soned judgment and ripe experience.
Bis judgment of a play, therefore, is
a safe guide for the common rim of
theatergoers. Be not only presents
the play of his choice, but gives a
good reason for making that choice.
Mr. Mantle himself reviews the sea
son In New York, and Mr. Frederick
Bonaghey does similar service for
the Chicago season. These reviews
are prefatory to the actual selection
of the plays that get honorable men
tion. An interesting chapter on “The
X.lttle Theaters’’ is contributed by
"Walter Bartwig. director of the
Dandruffy Heads
Become Hairless
ff you want plenty of thick, beau
tiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all
means get rid of dandruff, for it will
starve your hair and ruin it if you
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandruff is to dis
solve it, then you destroy it entirely.
To do this, get about four ounces of
,mpn ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at
. 5 Right when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it in
gently with the finger tips.
V By morning, most if not all, of
J- your dandruff will he gone, and two
' or three more applications will enm
" pietely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of ft.
You will find, too, that all itching
, and digging of the scalp will stop,
and your hair will look and feel a
» hundred times better. You can get
. liquid arvon at any drug store. Four
ounces is all you will need no matter
how much dandruff you have. This
limpie remedy never fails.
You Cannot Afford
To Be Gray
This is the Day of Youth. It i* wo
man’s privilege and duty to be
young. Gray hair oiten ages a wo
man unfairly. Brownatone quickly
tints gray, faded, caked or
bleached hair to any shade of golden,
blonde, or varying shades oi brown or
« black. Easy to apply, no fuss or
muss, no wjnting or applying day to
day. Bath shampoo does not effect
permanency oi color. Sold and re
" commended at all dealers—50c and
$1.50. Trial bottle for testing will be
sent on- receipt of 10c. Indicate color
wanted. The Kenton Pharmacal Co.,
1509 Coppin Building, Covington, Ky.
tie theater tournaments of 1923-1924.
"The Show oft" gels first mention,
followed by "llell-Bent for Heaven,"
"The Swan," "Outward Bound,"
"Tarnish," and a number of the other
successes of the last season. Suf
ficient is given to eonvev an Idea of
the action of the play as well as its
Burns Mantle was a practical
printer before tie became a successful
writer. Therefore he will understand
a simple request. AA'e hope the next
time he will not permit his publishers
to drop from 9-point type to 5-point.
The contrast is very trying to the
I eader.
Herman Bernstein Tells of
Notables He Has Interviewed
Herman Bernstein: Joseph La wren, 220
West Forty-second street, New York,
During the last ^15 years Herman
Bernstein, as correspondent tor one
or another New Turk newspayter,
traveled thousands of miles back and
forth across Europe apd Asia, lie
visited all the capitals, was present
at Important conferences, and met
and talked with the big and the little,
the great and the near great. In tills
volume he gives his personal impres
sion of the men who have made his
tory within the last few years.
His style is charming, and he sets
down his impressions and gives his
experiences in a way that will hold
attention. Beginning with Deo Tol
stoy, and Sergius Witte, long before
the war, he tells also of his visits
with Elie MetchnikofT, and so on with
a long list of others it is good to get
acquainted with through the eyes of
so experienced an observer. Natural
ly, most of these are Europeans or
Asiatics, but Woodrow Wilson and
1 tyeodore iioosevelt are among the
group Mr. Bernstein met and now
writes about. His book is a valuable
addition to any historical collection,
as well as of deep Interest to the
average reader.
Basil King Treats of the
Bible From Layman's View
by Basil King; Harper &. Brothers, New
York, publishers.
AA'hen one so well established as a
writer of fiction as is Basil King,
takes u|> the Bible for a critical re
view, it Is a fair challenge to the in
terest of the reader. Vet this book
Is one in which honest people of every
communion, groping their way
through tlie storms of controversy,
will find fresh light to guide them.
Mr. King s' point of view is not
that of any single church or sect, yet
it has much in common with all. He
tells clearly and eloquently what the
Bible means to him as an individual
and why to him it Is an inspired book,
the greatest book in the world. Frank
ly and fearlessly, he discjjsses such
topics as the virgin birth, the di
vinity of Christ and the effect of
scientific criticism on the influence
of the Bible.
AVhere he feels that the churches
fall to make the most of their op
portunlties, where he feels that they
have surrounded the teachings of
Christ with more dogma than he finds
need for, lie says so boldly. Yet his
tone is not critical; it Is always sym
pathetic, alwayjj constructive, always
re verent.
Prof. E. A. Ross Points Out
Way to Peace on Earth
ward Aylaworth Rorr. J’h. 1).. LI,. J> . the
I nivernttv of North Carolina Press, Chapel
Hill, X. C., publishers.
This most recent book is also ono
of the more valuable of the output
from this thrifty university press. It
is also one of Dr. Ross' most inter
esting contributions to the discussion
of modern problems.
Written with the delightful direct
ness characteristic of all of Professor
Ross’ books, “Roads to Social Peace"
possesses peculiar interest and tim«v
liness incident to the passage of dras
tic immigration legislation, the resent
ment of large groups against the ex
isting order as evidenced by the set
ting up of new political parties, and
the growth of legislative blocs, the
heightened controversy between fun
damentalists and modernists and the
hitter conflict waged over the Ku
Klux Klan.
A Lincoln Story Applied to
One Phase of Modern Life
mom! Shipman Andrews: t'harlca
H'-i ibnar’s Son*. New York. publlnhers.
Mrs. Andrews tells another of her
Lincoln tales here in a most com
pelling way. It is how the great
president aided a drummer boy in
the days of the war, and how that
net bore fruit f»0 years later. And it
has a little lesson for everybody,
parrie’a Rays.
Charles Scribner's Sons are reviv
ing interest in Harris's plays. "Mary
Rose,” in the form of the uniform j
edition, has just b/en received. The
play has been reviewed here, anti is
recommended, as all of the worka
of James Mathem Barrie are worth
> reading.
Hurry! Give Constipated Child
* “California Fig Syrup”
Even a fretful, feverish, bilious ut
copslI patfil child loves the pleasant
pieir of "fiillfornhi Hyr Syrup." This
' ««mle. harmless laxative never fills
to aweeten the etomach and open the
bowel*. A teaspoonful today may
prevent a *lck child tomorrow. It
clown t cramp « i overact. Contain*,
no n.irroticM or Mouthing drug*.
A*k yom drnggim for gcrtlfit* 'Cali
foinla Kig Hyrnp,’* which In** dlrci
tions for baliic and children o( all
ap^fl printed on bottle Mothm : V'«n
must »ay "California" or you may
get an imitation fig §yrujr
Omaha Soup Eaters Symphony Is Mythical; Diners Think
Jazz Music Aids Digestion, Declare Orchestra Members
The Merry Musical AJaiils, plming at lintel Font.'iielle. I-'ram left to right they are: Dorothy Kotzler,
cornet; Maliel Moran, drum; Mary Vrtay Jones, violin; Marjorie Schobel, piano, and Maja Herrmann, cello.
“I wonder.” began the city editor,
as he twirled the extremities of Ids
meticulously waxed mustachio, “I
wonder what a restaurant orchestra
thinks about.”
The suddenly be ceased to be the
dreamer and straightway became tin
man of action that he is. He turned
sharply about in Ills overstuffed of
fice chair and his eye lit upon an in
conspicuous reporter it ever an eye
did light on one.
“Find out,” lit* snapped.
That was all. Just "find out.” In
structions no more specific than those
obtained more than a quarter of a(
century ago by a young lieutenant
named Rowan, who was direc ted sim
ply to carry a message to Garcia.
The superb cratsrnanship of the late
Klbert Hubbard placed Rowan on the
list right behind Abou Ben Adam
among the immortals; but Hubbard
has passed on to his reward and there
is none but the reporter himself to
toot his own saxophone in telling how
he found out what an orchestra in
a dining room thinks about.
Orchestras, and Orchestras.
There are orchestras, and then
there are orchestras. The reporter
has a leaning towards pulchritude
among those of tlie elusive sex, and
being single makes no bones about it.
He had, on days when his inclinations
and his pocket book jibed, lunched
at the lintel Fontenelle where the
Merry Musical Maids do their stuff.
Now these Merry Musical Maids
have their moments, many moments
in fact, and they are as attractive as
they are musical. A pleasing Innova
tion of their repertoire is the way
they sing popular melodies while they
play. Ret them step up, one by one,
and be introduced;
Marjorie Schnbel, pianist and so
prano, of McCook, Neli., musical di
rector of the Merry Musical Maids.
Mabel Moran, drums and what not,
and contralto to boot, of Dayton, o
business manager.
Mary Wry Jones, violinist and mez
zo soprano, of Richmond, I'nd . who
was running around in pigtails and
short dresses years after the reporter
had oast bis first vote.
Dorothy Rotzler. cornetist and mez
zo soprano and possessor of dark eyes
like limpid music, of Freeport, III.
Maja Herrmann, cellist and con
tralto, a native of Heilbroun, Wur
temberg, and a member of a distin
guished family of musicians.
Says Katers' Symphony “Bosh.’*
Miss Moran immediately dispelled a
: great illusion, an illusion fostered by
hundreds of cartoonists and sophisti
cated columnists, that the soup eat
era' symphony always Interferes with
the more expressive strains of Mocart.
Brahms and Irving Berlin.
“I have never heard a diner eating
his soup.” she explained patiently,
“although I have observed them care
fully, hoping to listen in on that
In reply tp numerous other ques
tions,* popped at her with more rapid
ity, perhaps, than intelligence, Miss
Moran said;
“The people we play to during their
meals seem to appreciate all kinds of
music—popular, standard and classi
cal. We try to use judgment in our
selections, which we vary. At the
beginning of a dinner or luncheon, the
n.verage person prefers something
light and airy. He does not want his
overtures until coffee and dessert.
”\Vo have learned that selections
from musical comedies, such as
'Wlldflower,' hit a happy 1 •••ponsive
Blended With Meal.
"It is our aim not to detrai-t from
the enjoyment of -eating, but to in
crease that enjoyment. An orches
tra in a restaurant should he blend
cd with the dinner, as are the dif
ferent courses. We like the Inter
c'st displayed in our numbers by the
i hotel guests, and their criticism Is
generally sound. One gc of* man,
however, sends us messages every
few days to tin* effect that we should
play nothing but j:tv,/. as it helps
Ids digestion.”
Miss Jones, the violinist, who Is
still in her teens, vtas asked where
music* with totals originated and
when. Hln* scratched her bead in
meditation and praver before reply
“That Is almost beyond rny ken,”
siid she. "but 1 don't believe? it was
the custom until centuries after
Pythagoras brought stability to the
diatonic scale. That was in the
i\th renturv. B. (\, If memory
serves mo rightly.
“In the* of archaic music, the
Muse was wooed chiefly ns nn an
dl'iv to ihe study of mathematics,
and through mediaeval times music
Sidney Howard (»ivrs llie*
Human Rare Arid TrM
■'THriCK n HillTS IT," |,< Klrlnov
Hnw'irrt ('hiirlc* Scribner’s S«»ns. New
’’erk lillhlliilicrs
Mr Howard Is n keen nnaiylnt, nl
most inn ke* n, and a cynical critic nf
llie race in (Ida little* group nf
abort stories he him done an tin com
mnnlv good Jot) rtf showing off Home
of the springs on which human ae
tlon turns. Written In a most dev
erly entertaining manner, each gives
Its separate picture of * phase nf
human life, in which men nnd wom
en net and react on emh other with
Hit Ilf11. Iinevapahle effect ;ind sol
provide* i he < \iiminer with material
for his * Mni- And he has eheren
the he: f pn ih|e medium for con
vgvtntr his Ideas. which *f»e! all, are
wholoRome and lea\e no bitterness.
was part of drama. One reads of
musicians playing at the feasts and
orgies of tlie Roman conquerors, but
I believe the practice of music with
meals was not generally indulged in
until the lilth century.”
Cornetlftt Differs.
Miss Roizler laid down her cornet
long enough to dispute tilts.
”1 am confident that music went
with tlie consumption of food in the
preharmonic era of ancient Greece.”
Miss Schobel drummed a few notes
of Mendelssohn's wedding inarch, no
ono knew why, as she putj in her
oar for Miss Rotzler. She said:
”1 ajree thoroughly, for is it not
universally known that Wagner
himself was a revivalist of Greek
tragedy, and if that is so, why
shouldn't tlie Athenians have had
melody with their bananas and
cream as well as with their extra
ordinary melodramas?”
Master’s Daughter Silent.
Miss Jlerrmann did not take part
in the discussion, which was over
the head of the bald representative
of the press whose musical prowess
is limited to the phonograph and the
hand organ.* The cellist is the
daughter of an ofc master of the
violin, Hugo Herrmann, who is still
living in Germany. He was of the
school of Rubinstein, a personal
friend of I.lszt, Brahms, Schumann
and Rossini, and, at 81, is the sole
survivor. Miss Herrmann played as
a child with Miseha Klman ami
Franz V’cscey and received an ex
cellent musical education abroad,
.She has two brothers with the Cin
cinnati symphony orchestra, one as
concert master and the other as sec
ond cello.
"Well, as a final analysis and with
apologies to Claire Briggs, what do
the members of your orchestra think
about?" rwas the reporter's parting
In unison, the answer was:
"We think our Omaha audiences
are adorable, considerate and intelli
gent. They do not inhale their
soup, nor struggle over spaghetti.
We love them."
■' '■ ■' ———-— . . -— ■——l
$1,000 for You
If you want $1,000 you can get it by saving
only 25 cents a clay for 12‘i months, and at the same
time assure a like amount being paid to your heirs
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attain your goal.
Our New Assured Systematic Plan is so
simple, practical and so easy to carry out that you
will want to join at once after knowing the de
tails. ■
You can save from $1,000 to $5,000 under this
Write or phone AT 6374 and let us send you complete information
ASSETS .... $14,406,000.00
RESERVE FUND - - $455,000.00
Holiday Hooks for Young
Handor s
“JIM DAVIS ’ by John David
M' Kay, Philadelphia, publisher.
One of the “Golden Rooks," any of
which ore a source at delight for the
young renders. This is the story of
an Knglish lad and his adventurers
with smugglers, on land and on sea.
It has the spice nf adventure about It.
Masefield is at his best as story teller,
and Steven Reed has drawn some ex
cellent illustrations, which are print
ed in colors.
"JIMMY < HOST." In- Marshall
Ha under*; Ha \ hi McKay, l-biludelphiu.
The author of “Beautiful Joe" has
added this tale of a monkey and Ills
friends to the "Golden Book" list. It
Is a story that will hold the young
reader’s attention from first to last,
for It Is told with spirit and charm,
and Is full of fun and adventure.
THE REB FAIRY HOOK " edited by
\ndrevv I,and. 11 lust rated by (luataf
Tenaarcr: iiavl-l McKay, Philadelphia,
Here is a collection that will deco
into any children's library. Andrew
Rang has brought his rare discrimin
atory taste Into play in the selection,
arrangement, and editing of the tales,
and Tcnggren has been most happy
in the illustrations. Some are in col
ors, rarely executed, and as daintily
beautiful as the stories they illumi
nate are entrancing for the child im
agination. It will make a wonderful
gift for hoy or girl.
Gift Calenders Suggest
pjtroach of Gift Season
CSeorge T. Sully & Co., 114 Kant
Twenty-fifth street, New York, send
a fine group of calendars. Ben
Franklin. John Burroughs, Mark
Twain, Maurice Maeterlinck, Kale
Douglas Wiggins, Fanny Merritt
Farmer are all drawn on. That In
which Mrs. "Wiggins figures is the
"Motherhood Calendar," and that as
crlbed to Mrs. Farmer is the "Din
ner Calendar," because of I he menus
it contains, one for each day of the
year. Kach of these Is made up at
selected quotations from the writ
ings of the author quoted, and pro
vides a handsome reminder not only
of the day but of the writer whose
wisdom and humor is kept fresh in
mind. Then there Is the "Pope's
Calendar." Illuminated with quota
tions from the Scriptures and from
the Fathers. Along with these cal
endars comes a "Book of Friendship
Verse,” containing quotations from
a long list of popular poets. Any is
suitable for a gift.
Display Is like shallow water, where
you can see the muddy bottom.—
Alphonse Karr. ^
\ Tide of Tliilfft and
M\ stcr\ of the Himalayas
"THE I'l'Kl'I.E KAFPIIIRK." bv John
Tain* K 1*. Dutton & Co,. N**r Yorh.
The story of the search of John
Ford, gem trader and explorer, Jn
central Asia for tho kidnaped Eve
lyn IVedderburn, with an amazing
purple sapphire for sole clue. On the
t>ackground of northern India, tho
Himalayas, and Thibet the author
draws the vivid picture of the strug
gles and adventures, the dangers
end discoveries of the Intrepid little
band, who penetrate into mysterious
Thibet by a way not shown on the
official maps, and discover the rem
nants of n great and powerful pre
historic civilization, still alive and
protected by a ting of almost Impas
sable deceits and unscalable moun
tains. This is a strong, exciting
story, with plenty of action and lead
ing tip to a thrilling denouement.
Os teopa thy is the
Most Effective Form
Knowing from her exnerirrre the suf
fering raw- 1 by goitre. Mi** Ev-dyn
Herd, Apt JO, 7 .*> .*» S. r.t h St.. Milwaukee.
Wi“., i* so thankful of having cured her
self that hr i* anxi >wa to tell all other
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ha* nothing •■> se.l. Mrr<dy send her your
nanie and pddress and she will send you
this vatuahh* information entirely free.
Write her f> day
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J us t Received
No. 16342
Wiiltz with whistling and vocal chorus
18296 - 194713 U\l/M A T>I I I 19301 - 1032
Instrumental W MA I L.L. 1 UkJ Vocal
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Newest Fox Trot Hit—By Benton Orchestra
Always first with the latest
Ed. Patton Music Co.
1522 Farnam
Sawed Slabs, Hemlock, Pine
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Sunderland Bros. Co.
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*' My trouble began with a few
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For Nux ited Iren i* a wonderful n^w
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r 1 dni'-ri-t
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An Attractive
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to read the Real Estate ads in today's
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