The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 09, 1924, Page 10-A, Image 10

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    Extent of G. 0. F.
Poll V ietorv Is
Shown in Dixon
Final Returns on National,
State and County
Tickets Tell
Ponce, Nc li , Nov. 8.—Tho extent of
the republican landslide in Dixon
county is apparent from the final re
turns on the national, state and
county ticket, which are as follows:
For president. CooluUe. 2.138; Davis.
For United States senator: .John ,T.
Thomas, p. 1.211; George \V. Norris, r..
For governor: J. NT. Norton, d 1 345;
Adam McMullen, r.. 2.247. 1>. B Butler,
p. 363.
For lieutenant governor: I* J. Mullin.
•1. 1 293: G. A Williams- r. 127: Gran
ville Hummer, p. 19C: .1 F. Webster, u..
For secretary of state. C’hnrles W Pool,
d 1.628: L R, Johnson, r. 2.973; D. It.
Gilbert, p.. 132.
For auditor of public accounts: C. K.
Harman, d. 1.1S0; George W. Marsh, t .
2.2 29: William Anderson. p.. 296; David
Fawcett, p.. 9(t
For commissioner of public lands and
buildings: U. A. 1.arson, d . 1.-30; Dan
Swanson, r. 222: K \V Wiggins. t> 224.
For stati-. treasurer: U. F Langhnrat.
d.. 1.162: Charles l> Robinson, r.. 2.262;
E. G. Stolley. p.. 290.
For attorney general: H. B. Fleharty.
d.. . 1.196: o S Spillman, r.. 2.650.
For railway commissioner: F. L. Kol
len d.. 1.430; II G Taylor, r. 2.185.
For congressman Third district: Edgar
Howard, d. 1.860: E. C. Houston. r..
1.9 59.
For senator Ninth district: A. M.
Smith, d.. 1.292: George Wilkins. r..
For countv assessor: John McCluskev.
^ d. 1.620: George It. Pearson, r.. 2.214.
For supreme lodge Third district: Rob
ert. K. Evans. William I. Dowling.
Fnr district lodge Eighth district: C.
A. Kingsbury. 1.137. ,,r.
For countv Judge: L. D. 1* ales. 2.1t>9.
F. F. Verxanl. 1.120. _____
Sleet at Wytnore.
Wymore, Neb., N’ov. 8.—The first
real touch of winter struck W ytnore
and southern Gage county this morn
ins. ' The thermometer sank below
freezing, following a light rain and
sleet driven by a stiff north wind.
7 he Gland That
Causes Men To
Get Up at Nigth
The gland that' causes getting up
at night is known as the prostate
and is a notorious trouble maker. II
is estimated that 05 hut of every 10U
men past 40, and many under that
age, have prostate disease, which, if
unchecked, often leads to a serious
operation. The prostate surrounds
the neck of the bladder like a washer.
Naturally, when the bladder becomes
inflamed by poisons which the kid
nevs filter out of the blood, the irrita
tion spreads to the prostate. As tin
gland swells, it closes the neck "f
the bladder, making urination difficult
and painful, and causing pains in th<
back, head and legs.
An easy way to treat these annoy
lng and dangerous conditions is to
take one or two renex pills after
each meal. The renex formula lias
been victorious In thousands of such
oases. One authority says It also
has a valuable tonic effect and tends
to renew vigor. Anybody wishing to
prove the value of the formula can
get a full-size, two-dollar treatment oi
the pills under a money-back guar
antee by sending the attached coupon
to the address given therein. If you
prefer, you can pay the postman
iwo dollarsJtnd postage on delivery
instead of sending the money with
vour order. In any ease. If you re
port within ten days that you are
not entirely satisfied, the purchase
price will be refunded at once, upon
request. This is a thoroughly re i
able company, so you need not hesi
tate about ordering the renex if >o i
need It. _
Gentlemen: Send me a regular s;!!*
Rpubx treatment, ns sruarantu
STyoi. find IS enclosed I will v;»
$2 ami posiape on c!eli\er>, Jut you
are to refund the purchase Prlcf n
once, upon request. if 1 "lth‘
10 clays that I am not satisfied.
Name .
Address .
Fill oat hml mall Cot The Benex Uo..
Dept. ISM. Kansas ( Ity. m
Take Salts to Flush Kidneys
and Help Neutralize Irri
tating Acids
Kidney and bladder Irritations often
result from acidity, says a noted au
thority. The kidneys help filler this
acid from the blood and puss it on to
the bladder, where It may remain to
irritate and inflame, causing a burn
ing, rraiding sensation, or setting up
an irritation at the neck of the blad
der, obliging you to seek relief two
or three times during the night. The
sufferer Is In constant dread; the
water passes sometimes with a scald
ing sensation and ‘Is very profuse;
again, there Is difficult In voiding It.
Bladder weakness, most folks call It
because they can't control urination,
while It Is extremely annoying nnd
sometimes very painful, this Is often
«:ne of fhe most simple ailments to
overcome. Begin drinking lots of
soft water, also get about four oilmen
of Jad Salts from your pharmacist
nnd take a tablespoonful In a glass
of water before breakfast. Continue
this for two or three days. This will
help neutralize the acids In the sys
tem so they no longer are a source
of irritation to the bladder and urin
ary organs, which then act normal
■Tad Salts la inexpensive, nnd Is
made from the add of grapes and
lemon Juice, combined with llthla,
and Is used by thousands of folks
who are subject to urinary disorders
caused by acid irritation. Jad Salts
causes no’ bad effects whatever.
Here you have a pleasant, efferves
cent llthla-water drink which may
galok'.y relieve your bladder lrrita
• tton. By all means have your phy
sician examine your kidneys at least
twice a year.
j---—~ 'I
Mr. Keeper, the Dictionary, Please! j
v _ _J
I r.m une of those thrpe letter
words meaning something you crack.
Give up? Xut. That's it. I've
joined the growing army of maniacs
who try to solve the crossword
For years I have withstood the
appeals of friends to take up golf.
Fridge iias never kept me up nights
and mnh jong has left me as icily
indifferent as a nn vle actress toward
her current husband.
And tiien Just as I turn the corner
to that age where little children cry:
"Let's v.atch Grandpa dodder!" I
fall for a nonsensical pastime that
keeps your head In a whirl ar.d your
nose in the dictionary.
The cross-word puzzle was Invented
by nil Idiot for mongoloids. It Is
just about as exciting as a tooth
brush brill for children In grade A at
school, anil yet to date there arc
2,000,1)00 saps and sap-esses leaping
out of bed at daybreak to find out the
syfionym for a six letter word mean
ing "blah."
After you work the puzzle it
doesn't mean a bloomin' thing and
you feel foolisli anil begin working
another. It is becoming a national
Men who should be building em
pires are locked in their offices
thumbing Mr. Webster’s best seller
for some obsulete word that begins
with 1 and ends with z.
Iloy, Page Napoleon.
Liquor was a bad thing but it
did not till as many crazy bazars as
and sparkling are now pale as glass
In the eternal quest for some out
landish word that once you find you
promptly forget.
In almost any household, day or
night, there is likely to he a shrill
shattering' cry and some member of
the household topples into fragments
of ecstasy with :‘Tve found the right
word. Hooray!"
A New York psychoanalyst de
clares that the man or woman who
writes an anonymous letter is in
variably u coward. He bases his con
clusion on the sample deduction that
if they were not cowardly they would
sign their names. The secretary of
a big steel magnate says that his em
ployer receives on an average of 500
anonymous letters a week. Most of
these are of a scoffing nature, hut
few are threats. The threats arc
never taken seriously on the theory
that a person writing an anonymous
letter would not have the courage to
carry out the threat.
Now and then I am flattered by an
anonymous letter—as though I Were
that important—and usually it is
typewritten. One at hand—where Is
it?—O, here it is, reads: "Picture the
most picturesque city in the world
having her dally episodes chronicled
by a Missouri backwoodsman, and a
nonconformist at that. I.lke all old
maids, he looks at the flapper as u
ntenace, the IJible and rel gion as
dynamic facts and not as funny little
myths. Although he has been In the
great tent these many years, It still
The cross word pin..:.! era.-.e won’t last long. Not if the padded 1
cells ho Id out.
this foolish game will. Imagine a
sane man sitting up nights trying to
find the right synonym for:
No. i—A Polynesian spear hurler's
No. —Ventricle of tlie unpaired
amphibian cerebral rudiment.
No. r,— A fish headed goddess of
No. 4—Kind of satin in the Levant.
No. .1—A disease that afflicts the
Scandinavian jackdaw.
Those are just a few of the easy
ones. Most people try them out while
ordering the coffee and sinkers.
Then while they should be doing
h-nest work and getting ahead in the
World they go after the hard ones.
livery stenographer has a diction
ary hidden in hpr desk, and workmen
have one in their dinner pall. They
say that the cross-word puzzle got its
start in New York. New York likes
to claim everything.
Anyway, among the foremost devo
tees are Neysa McMeln, Alice Inter
Miller, Montague Glass, Gelett Bur
gess, Owen Johnson and Rube Gold
Everybody's Crazy Now.
If you go into a store.,to buy sonu
thing or other a clerk will more
than likely say: "We are out of ball
bearing suspenders today, but do you
know a word meaning a genus of the
vanessoid butterfly?"
Or the cienian Is liable to leap into
the kitchen, hurl his burden Into the
chest, jump up on the kitchen table
and shout: “Goody, goody. I've Just
thought of the word indicating an
instrument for measuring electrical
So it goes. Everybody is crazy
about words. It used to be that most
folks could take a word or leave it
alone. Now they take them In basket
They even trapped a burglar up in
Yonkers who was using time in get
ting away from there looking through
a dictionary for the word indicating
u famous pump In Thltiet.
Of course the craze won't last long.
That is, if the insane asylums hold
out and they permit seven to sleep in
a padded cell.
One New York newspaper considers
the cross word puzzle so important
that it prints one dally right on the
front page where the yarn of the
millionaire's daughter eloping with
the gardener ought to he.
A stationer on Nassau street Is
reaping a nifty harvest selling printed
placards for business offices reading:
"Employes caught working cross word
puzzles during working hours will he
immediately dismissed.”
Office boys who used to tell the
perennial one about grandpa's death
now say mother is laid up with cross
word puzzleltis.
A bard breaks out in his column
With this:
"The Cross-Word Puzzle Book
beneath a bough,
Pencil, eraser, dictionary, thou
Beside me, solving in the wilder
Wilderness were Paradise enow."
Wlmt Does It All Mean?
Where will it. al end? You drop
into afternoon tea to discuss the
latest scandal and you find everybody
engrossed in cross puzzling. The
glad girl, whose life was Just one
laugh after another, has become ser
ious. She is on the trail of a
synonym for an Impeyan.
The wise cracker who knows all ttie*
latest ones Is now an Incurable nd
diet. He has a dictionary In every
pocket. Eyes that were once bright
frightens. These antediluvian pci
spectives are all right for the ordi
nary Missouri farmer, but can you
imagine him straying so far fts to be
come a chronicler of New York's
| daily episodes? That’s as bod as hnv*
I ing P.ryan writing a text hook on evo
This came from a fairly large-sized
« itv. Whatever may be said of the
‘ ordinary farmer" 1 have never re
reived an anonymous letter from him
Real Literature.
I much prefer a letter I received
from Ike Khodes, a darkey took, who
fashioned some of the most sumptu
ous meals l over ate while visiting on
a Texas plantation some time ago. I
had sent Ike a little trifle as a trib
ute to his skill in the culinary art.
He says: “Come down again soon. I'll
jump high like a rabbit to wait on
you and Mr. Will. I know you like
them good country figs and them
Instantly Opens Every Air
Passage—Clears Throat, Too
If your nostrils are clogged and
your head la Muffed because of nnaty
citarrh or a cold, apply a little pure,
antiseptic cream Into your nostrils.
It penetrates throush every air pas
aaRe, sno'thiriR and healing: swollen,
inflamed membranes and you get In
stant relief.
Try this, flat a small hnttla of
Kly's Cream Halm at any drug store.
Your clogged nostrils open right up:
your head is clear; no more hawking
or snuffling:. Count fifty. All the
stuffiness, dryness, struggling fur
breath Is gone. You feel line.
by diet is merely treating symptoms and
not the disease. Naturally if you take no
*u»rar into the system there will be no
sugar to excrete My book
telling how to stop this useless starving
and ent what you need will be sent FREE
to any diabetic suffyer. Write M. Rich
arts, I>ept. 77. 220 W 42d St., New York
Instant Relief Don St slay stuffed
up! Take "Pape’s Cold Compound
every two hours until three doner
nre taken. The first dose n[>env
ologgedup nostrils and air passage*
j of the head; stops nose running; rs
| lleve* headac he, dullness, feverish
ned-., aneeilng The second and third
ilnaea uaually break up the cold com
pletely and end all grippe misery
"Pape'a Cold Compound" I* the
quickest, surest relief known and
mate only thirty five cent* nt drug
*tore*. Taste* nice Contain* no
quinine. Insist upon Pape*
ABE MARTIN On Don’t Git Discouraged
Ike Soles Wasliln' Vp at th' Horse Fountain.
It. Is indeed doubtful if there is
among all th' life stories o' those wiio
have succeeded agin' staggerin' odds
a career that even approaches that o'
Ike Soles, ike Soles started out in
life with three serious handicaps. He
wuz an only ch.ld, his father wuz
great, an’ he hail a fine tenor voice.
While his mother owned him an’ saw
t’ it that lie had shoes an' warm
clothes, he wuz allowed free rein an’
spent lh' habit formin' years o' ids
life loafin' around th' O. K. livery
barn. Fer awhile his services as a
six-horse driver wuz in fair demand,
hut th’ band wagon got out o' repair
an’ wuz finally chucked altobether,
When young Soles finally felt th'
urge t' better things he found hlmsplf
unfitted fer many o' th' callin's o'
life. He took up law at 22 an' started
t’ run fer office. He wui a cannydate
fer county treasurer, promisin’ that
If elected he'd let his assistant run th'
office. He tried fer th' county treas
urer's office three times in spite o'
ever’ discouragement. Then he aspired
t' th' office o' county assessor, bring
in’ out his middle name, Purvlance,
which wui his mother's maiden name.
Even this piece of strategy failed him
an’ he wuz snowed under. Then he
took up insurance solicitin' an' went
after th’ nomination fer constable,
promisin’ t' treat ever'body alike if
he should win at th' polls. Another
failure wuz added t’ his l>elt. but he
never once lost hope, or vowed that
he wuz through with politics. He
tried t' sell nursery stock fer a spell,
but th’ employment was unsuited t'
his temperament. He took a post
graduate course in tree surgery, but
never practiced. Then th' Roosevelt
panic came along an’ his father lost
ever'thing. This blow only seemed t’
nerve hint an' he struck out with re
newed vigor, an’ took in a free ex
cursion t' th' Yakima apple country
in Washin'ton. Nothin' wuz heard o'
him fer several years. Finally he
< ante home one day with a carload o'
western horses an’ opened a studio
fer th' voice. Rut he wuz several
years ahead o’ his time an' th' studio
caused little stir. His mother an’
father had, in th' meantime, split up
an’ flown, but fer from lteln’ discour
aged an' downcast, Ike Soles washed
up at th' horse fountain an’ set down
on th' court house steps militant an’
determined t' succeed in th' town of
his birth. All at once th' p'tater chip
business suggested itself t' him. He'd
found himself. T day Ike Soles is
known wherever p'tater chips are
crunched. T'day he's married, has
two cars nn' one child, an' never falls
t' give an encouragin’ word t' all who
need money.
K'opvrtgtO. 1*24 t
coming: on fine. Them greens is tasty.
Flowers looking pretty. Cows soon be
fresh. Yard man looking in the crib,
putting in corn. All the birds singing
and the sun shinin' bright.'’
Ike has the soul of a poet.
(Copyright, 1924.)
Duane College Notes.
Alls* Hetty Davenport. Elizabeth Mc
Millan, Alb e TJoek»-l, Ruth Noyc e, Mabel
Storm*. V.crlan c.irter, Eleanor Crone,
« and R C
Rogers appeared on the solo class pro
rim Thursday.
The oiatatio "Elijah" will be given
De» • mber 7 in the » o liege i ha pel.
An all Doan- Halloween banquet and
^. uni- party '• •’!- g:\en at (iayb rd Hall
i 7iilay night The tables wer- beautifully
decorated Jn black and orange, v. ith « an
ill-.*. nut ( up*, plac- cards, and favors
A number of the faculty attended a*
guests. Aft-r dinner, ji continued Hal
ov-on story was told by Misses Elolse
old*. Marian KWhelberget, c'lalre Sweney
and I’hil Taylor Th- m-n then had
their annual night - shirt parnd- through
town, the theater. Sokol dance all. wind
ing up at Merrill hall where they were
recaled with ham sandwiches, apples and
ho*, cocoa.
Captain and Mrs. W W Wert* (Flor
ence Noyce) ’IK with Willv Junior visited
tit the home of Rev and Mrs. <» T Noyce
over the week end They liav - spent
most «? the Inst In Washington. 1»
tV. wb-re Captain Wertz was ;n th- gov
ernment hospital for medical treatment
They are stationed now at Manhattan,
Kan where Captain Wert* trill teach In
the military department, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Noyce mis living ai Manhattan
MaJ v* N Sawyer, for some yesr* s'
Camp N .1. is stationed at Fort
Leavenworth for study.
Th- Donne players will present •*T>uley.'*
. three i t comedy. Nov. 14 nt ftokol hull
The follow ing will appear in the »ast :
Irma Hokuf. Ed Hnyer. tlordon H-vhoe.
Ch-tib-s Huyr- R'l'h • ' -' e > h o u;. of Crete.
Clarence Kublcek. Wilber. I#eRny Haas-.
Wisner; Edna Carlson, Aurora; Elmer
Huffman. Aurora; Harold Burdick, Da
vbl City, B-rn.ird Klaseg, Wilber
Re- **nt v m|tors *n lie campus are Mr
and M*r* W J Shull' r Bellevue Mr ,
Hundreds Have Received
Almost Unbelievable
In the privacy of your own home. In a
gentle, easy way, you ran treat yourself I
with Tonad. the positively-proven, effec
tive, non-surgical treatment for diseased;
adenoid*, tonsils, and raw. inflamed mem
branes in the nose and ihroat. Tonad is a
scientific combination of medicinal com
pounds, perfected by an eminent Specialist,
who has tieated hundred* of severe rases
during th- past few years, demonstrating
beyond a doubt. It* wonderfully effective
healing qualities. Tonad has th- most
praiseworthy endorsements, and Is truly
a remarkable medicinal, non-surgical dis
A former sufferer writes from Abil *ne,
"1 taU- pleasure In writing you thnl
your adenoid treatment ha* entirely cured
me Thankfully yours. (Signed) Lloyd
If you, or any member of your family,
are suffering, don’t pass this announce
ment by. If you treat yourself with Tonad,
you will probably he glad to write, a*
Mr. (Iray ha*. A pout rnrd or letter, ad
dressed to The Tonad Company. 210-211
Bradbury Bldg. Los Angeles. Calif., will
bring to you, post haste interesting littl
folder. "Evidence,” and full particulars
regarding the Tonad tr-ntment.
ant! Mr* t.\ If. LeHar. Osceola; Miss
Zelma Stiles. Harvard
Rev. Hue! Roberta of the Near East
Relief office In Omaha spoke to the stu
dents In chapel Monday
Ten of the sophomore girls, who as
freshmen won the annual foobtlall con
test In ths OivmfcuN last year, are in the
lineup for this year's game. They are
practicing regularly.
November 1L is thft dnte of t 'ne Donne
homecoming and November 14 is ap
pointed for senior recognition day.
Several members of the Donne faculty
were active in the meeting of the State
Teat hers association held at Id need n
Thursday and Friday I’rof I W Bbtir
read a paper before the English section.
I’rof. J. K, Taylor was president of the
history *e< tlon, Prof. T.u ila c'arter of
the modern language section, and Mr H.
.1. Wing of the physirial science section
R W. Tyler and Supt. Kretsinger ap
peared on the \arloiis programs.
Any man could be as wise a a Solo
mon if be had ns many wives to Rive
him pointers.—Charleston (111.) (.'out
Every Make
| Lowest prices, easy terms. At
tractive rental rates. Save money
and get quality at
j All Makes Typewriter
Company, Inc.
205 S 18th St AT 2413-2414
AI>V niTI-Mlt NT.
Dunl DruggM* Give Written Guarantee
tn It. fund Mnm>) If First \pnli< ntion*.
Full to tiring Immediate Belief.
A scientific dla< nvery, guaranteed t«
• nd rheumatic pain. has l^tn mad** b>
German . hemistr >* that gave us aspirin
for headache pain and novocaine for pain
less dentist rv
lihruinat ism. In every esse is due to in
terns! akutceasea (such hs a blind pu*
pocket In a tooth), which give off pnG<>n*
and are carried In the blood to th«* joint* I
and ttiu»olei. Huhler Oil la s combination
<»f rare oil*, which when rubbed on the
affected parts disappears within a few j
seconds, berauae It is s<. penetrating that
t la quickly absorbed. going right
through the shin Into the painful Joint or
muscle This is due to a penetrating In
gredient ton expensive for old-style rh*u
math- preparation*.
Thla ingredient la Intended to neutralize
thoa** poiaun* thus giving quick relief 1
from pains If you suffer f*i>ni rheuina 1
tic pains. If your Joints or muscles rasp
and torture you. try a bottle of Huhler
OH today st our risk Yout own druggist
will sign out absolute written guarantee
that If the first bottle fails to give you
relief he will refund your money without
question. On sale at Sherman A McCon
nell, Heaton Prug. Merritt Prug Co *-,.i
ney Pugan Prug Co, t’nlt t - Pm ekal Prug
c.. Saratoga Prug Co, Pope Prug Co.
Haines Prug Co.
wits. It 1 IIV BANKS.
— Bertelsen Studio.
l)o Voii Have Headache, llnrka« lie?
Hear What Mrs. hanks lias to Say.
I >«‘S Moines, town “T was nil run
down In health. 1 would have spells
of nervousness. headache and back
in he so l could hardly stand on my
feet sometlines, and could not eat nor
sleep. I was advised to try Dr.
Pierce s Favorite Prescription, which
I did. and it completely cured me and
1 have been well ever since 1 ran
• at and sleep good now and the ’Fa
vorlte Prescription’ Is the cause of It.
I am delighted to recommend this
medicine to all suffering women.”—
Mrs Hub\ Banks, f>of» F HUh Street.
The use of Dr. Pierces Favorite
Prescription has made many women
happy by making them healthy. (Jet
It at once from your nearest druggist,
in tablets or liquid, or send 1«V to
Dr. Pierces Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo.
N V for trial pkg
With this issue of The Omaha
Bee. a new classification of rentals
in the \Vnnt-A«i secton is offered
under the hearing "Apartments
Building Managers, association.”
Onl>* apartments managed by
members of l he Building Owners
and Managers association of Omaha,
will be advertised In this column.
It is the aim of this association,
to see that the properties advertised
are just as represented. Just apart
ments of the better class, furnishing
heat and janitor service, are to 1 r-P
Included. J
The Omaha association is af
filiated with the Nation!
tion of Building Owners
gers and was organized
Lochrav Snetl Twice
Joseph Ixvkray, publisher of tlie
Mid West Ixibor News, is defendant
in two suits filed in municipal court.
One is by the lxtbor and Agricultu
ral Building company for $2ln rent,
and the other liy Veterans of For
eign Wars for $03 Wages due to one
of its members who ass gned the
j sum to the post.
^ ^ pCoiiiwitftSFNidlhicto j
i MB
!" alco»o«.I-»p»*c*k!
mKWT Opium. Murptw***
Mineral WotNaacotw
e7 HildreN
Cry for
MO I HER ! Fletcher’s Castoria is a pleasant, harmless sub
stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing
Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages.
It has been in me for more than 30 year- to safely relieve
Constipation Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach *
Flatulence Diarrhea Regulate Bowels
Aids in the assimilation of Food,promoting Cheerfulness,Rest anJ
Natural Sleep without Opiates » _
To avoid imitations always look for the signature of C£g.*/t7-&JcJuAj
Proven directions m each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it.
Health Questions Answered
An Advertisement
Telling How and When to Use Trustworthy Products and
Reproducing Extracts ol Patrons' Letters Relating to Cadomene, Balmwort.
Sulpherb, Arbolone. Su-thol. Mentho-Laxene. Minyol, Hypo-Nuclane, Vilane, Etc.
1 Neglecting thr
activity of the
bowel* i* prolific
source fur cold
I n f e ctlon Pay
heed to this
A cold may he
stopped If treat
ed at the very
hour It la manl
feated by snee*
Dr. L«wu B*k«r <’r *
f e v e r'*h tens*
tlon in nostrils and throat.
obtain h tube of triple at?*ngth Mentho
i l.axene Salve. Piter! ions w‘th tt tell just
j h«*\v to use to quickly atop incipient cold*
W hen th* neglected • old develop* cough
ing and this In turn disturbs your test,
ip* time should l*c lost In t (tiding t he
system of tin* dis'res* obtain ease nee I
Menth laixene and use aa * laxative
tonic r ough men • » . \ sincerely belie* e
it the bast home treatment ever produced
• • *
T \f writes- I suffer from hlllousnes*
heartburn. rue ind always h**e a coa'rnl
tongue with bad breath Constipa on
both*?* me greatly and have plmrles «>n
shoulders and face
An« Probably vour failure to find re
lief from t onstlpation Is the underly ing
cause f n- you* afflietlona. Reg n tak ng
Sulpherh tablets regularly, as a lavatl'**.
blood cleansing tieatment.
* ' H nsks Vd* la# a medicine to
aid In c.*t r»* i if a most distressing kid
ney ntol biadd*o * ruble *vhlch mak* *
me get tip n t s I horns of the night and
causes hendu< he and ha. kache a few
hours after being on tnv feet "
Ana A tonic diuretic medicine Palm
w«.tt tablets should give you aid and
relief ms it Its* to so many of my cor re
• • •
It S K n*ks "Have taken Palm
wort tablets for bladder trouble with
very fine results Now please advise «
medicine for painful rheumatism It
affects my legs and feet "
Vos l suggest Cardiol tablets be used
to aid elimination sod counteract the
acids and poisons which are doubtless
the cause of much lumbago rheumatism
and g.'Utv trouble For quick lellef of
your pain take f- graln S*u-thol tablet*
• * •
A R write* We are n family .fax
the youngest child being K y->ats «>f age
All of us are great!* troubled with con
st ps i - Most everything used lose* n#
effect Ivene*« and requires Increasing
An* A . ’ ti will f cd by trial that Oases -
Royal Pills is exactly the kind of madi*
cine your family can use
• • •
Ml** T F K write* I have a friend
who ha* i *du.i pound* by taking
• he rem*d >’i » .0-0 X *■' *» .» •
tableti* \\ ouid you a Iviae anyone to
use them?"
Ana 1 have recommended Arlulone
tablets for many years as a rd'shle non
serret anti fat treatment. Feed *a direct
ed they do no apparent damage In any
Mrs Tl .1 nsUs •'! have an e-alp
with dandruff galore Also troubled with
exceaaive persp.rat ion at armpits, with]
ba<l odor » an you suggest treatment" i
Ans . For oily itching scalp with aocom* J
pa ny i n g dandruff I have found plain;
yellow Mlnvol most effective V'so tne*
sage g>ntlv th- arm pit* w iRi : he Mtnyoi
and then rinse thoroughly Th.« * orr-' **
•*\-»'S aive perspiration and prevents the
bad odor you compla n of.
W O. i» writes; I am F‘>. occupation
accountant Have been unable t« work
because of an anemic condition, lo*.* >>f
weight and strength. Am pah and e\
tremeties ar» c *i*t Appetite poor and
do not sleep well as I am very nervous
Ans Your condition is often deactibed
a* a "weak, run-down Mate .<f the ► '*
tetn. ’ 1 ad\ se Cadomene tablet* b* taken
over m period «*f several months, s* a
tonte for blood and nerves
XOTK For many veer* ]>r l.ewisj
Baker, Medical Director The Blackburn
Products t • .‘12 College Bldg Dayton.
Ohio ha* been r* ( ommending truat worth'
medicine* to millions of people through
the medium of the newspapers and doubt
less has helped -rlleving the * mentsj
and minor infirmities . f ihe nub; . more i
than anv single individual *,n the world's
history. and by an inexpensive method
Ttie medicines mentioned bv him are pure
and free from hat* t forming drug* They
represent the combine-' w «dom and v*po
rlence of physician and chev. at Progre*
• ive druggist* can sui i lv then. Bv resil
Ing his an«w#r* to othcis vou should find
a . ase atmilar to vour own
A copy of Dt Baker's gte-C. gu’de book!
'Health ant Beaut- will be mailed i
to anvone setpFng ten cents (VotM
Thousands hav e v> i nen him etpres .
slon* similar to the following
Letters to Dr. Baker
i-Hii.Ai-Ei.rH>* rv .>•’.!*• j f.-t !
1MJ N Mutter St " ‘ite* About your
wonderful medicine for constipation Cas
on Roval P lls 1 find that it is the best
I ever used There * not anv gnptng
p* n or weakness a a 1 have found with
other medicine such a* the compound
cat hart in ptll* *
YONKRRR. V Y M >* Agnes Clark .A
Morn* Place write* v line »-* >'i me
speak appraislngiv fn behalf of the Plain
Yellow Mlnvol that 1 have been using for
my hair which nrisr to using was in
a very poor condition that is tt-hng
s. alp. oily and dandruff 1 found Mmvot
** Thanking e m for ' our wend*
«dv re. I am. etc.
wr'.i Mg 10 tell you w!.a: wonderful *■* - •
nyrui MeMho-l.axene ha* beer to r
T.**t September 1 got a hard red and
had a \«*ry bad < oust l t e-i ** • <1
thing**, but could not get rid of It 1
had read of the wonderful thing* Me
tho-l.agene h>d done for other* an 1 fried
it and in two day* my rough was ell
gone 1 have found pleasure in re on
mending it to my fr ends, etc ”
SYRVISK \ Y Mrs Anna V ~
*ley 4U So State Sc . write* “l haxe
used rune tube* of Ralmwort trb’.ef* for
kidney and bladder trouble 1 air. fc* ng
veil for the first time in more th^r i
f->* x hax tng suffe- 1 « * %
*«•’ .? thirteen «*lh inflammation «f
the urinary *> stem
n iNToN IOYN A Mrs J Htnrch
IT4 v, Ha *on S’ w r t -- I am w - *
to let '■ . know what five-gram Arts' <
tablet* h*'e do*# for me l hax# spe :
a lot of money on reducing treatme- *
ma me ait' a • 1 haxe b
- * ", a v * • t * > months an
haxe lost pound* 1 surelx fee- *
a new woman You can publish th‘* f
you want to Thanking you ever so vnurn
I am. etc ”
• • •
I,OWE Id MASS Joseph Ered*“ *
'■ xan . * N Ere n k in St w os W * t
I Wnoxx about Oadomene tablet* af
ytn« then - ■ »
n i»* . » •*» vbo«l> herxoua lr<1 g»x
► - ipse ’ rve» h*.xt
en h«* bene of in e\ •- • fee *r*r
m \*'.it In si r >: n * x . ff . s to End
f I * i ne.! : x lose \x UM. gfc-x*
xx-*«ker and more reuVs# Tne aeoond
package of t adomeo* bto-.ight me to a
xx onderful change 1 am now taking the
s xfh package and l .mix eat and \1f.*t
ex . rx thing and sleep like a top 1 *
up in tbe morn nga fueling greet 1 *
haxe friend* using t'axloiven# end re* «
are great. Your* sincerely. etc.
• • •
\ > • v > -
I'll Palmyra St «: i#> ‘d h* Sui-‘he;t
ta Meta were recommended to me bx a
l' S Army doctor about fourteen vea1*
ago Before that 1 ha « a t red fee’-ng
»aueed br - hill* and fever «rxd exeix
summer had a number of N'i « and hab
tual const pa '« s nee faking Sutpherh
1 do not ha'e anx of tbos* t-ouble* T
tak* them -egu'arlv and bax# not lo-t
*> 4' * work on accrual of » Wree# n
the past 14 veara r*ur of nx fr enda*
al*o use them, ete J
* * * i
In format on If x *ur *eguiar drug* -
»es Hi'1 aupp x the r% *d cues * ent.or
b' P Hake. the fo’,ex*lhg * n • »
She**,an t Me Porn *11 «:•*•■»* nearm P
‘ o Ft#g**i Ko\ l>ru| y'o Je rv *' i»g
S ore xJreen * Ptxarmae* and *;i g a
' x*-*l*ts eves* ■•>•••