‘ For Chicago Guests. For Mrs. Edward Salomon's guesls, Mrs. M. Salomon and Mr*. D. Summer of Chicago, Mrs. Lowell dark of Fremont entertained at luncheon on Tuesday and Mr. Isaac Jacobson on Wednesday. Mrs. W. C. McKnlght will ba host ess at her home on Thursday for the visitors and Mrs. Goldie Levy will he a luncheon hostess at her home on Friday. On Saturday Mrs. I. Rosenthal and Mrs. .T. Rosenbloom will give a luncheon in their honor snd next Monday their hostess will give a luncheon for IS at the Bran dels restaurants. For Miss Graves. Mrs. George F. Jones will entertain at luncheon Saturday for Miss Judy Graves of St. Paul, guest of Mrs. W. G. Spain. Miss Roberta Spain will return from the University of Nebraska at Dlncoln on Friday to remain until Saturday, when, with Miss Graves, she will go to Lincoln, where they | will be entertained over the week-end. Miss Ruth Miller will be hostess for Miss Graves on Monday. Mrs. Delaplane Hostess. Mrs. E. V. Delaplane entertained 24 guests at bridge Monday night, honoring Mr. Delaplane, who cele brated Ills birthday that day. Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. Dela plane. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruasell and Mr. and Mra. W. .T. Caeser made up a alxsome at the Orpheum theater. Honor Lewis Burgesges. Mr. and Mrs. Lewi* Burgess, who will leave Omaha to make their resi dence In Wilkes-Barre, Pa., will be honored *t a dinner party Saturday evening to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shepard at their home in Falracres. Alpha l’hi I.uuclieon. Alpha Phi alumna* will meet with Mlsa France* Wahl Saturday at luncheon. For Colds, i enza * and as a Preventive Take • ' Laxative iBromfi \ Quinines ISlUWtfd*' . The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century. j The box bears this signature Price 30c. AIM KKTIhKMK.NT. I Tilings to Know Before Baby Conies I and what babr will need. The*. and m.n» other important thing’ are fully ex pl*”fed In a wonderful booklet,.ent free to ail expectant mother*. This booklet also tell* when and how t. a,e "Mother'* Friend'—the much talked about rubbing preparation which relax*, the muscle* and prepare* the way for a comfortable period during erpcctencg and for a more natural deliver* at child-birth. ••I think 'Mother'* Friend saved my Ilf*, wrote one enthu.ia.tic mother- I was lick not over fifteen minute*." declarer another*You will find the** *lgned letter., :"d m^; more. I. th. booklet which you "'VcHheri* Friend" hu been n«4 L. three generation* of exp.claul mother. c,t . botUe today and txp’runct the won garful effect Mother’* Friend" win glva ,,u mi booklet Writ* Brad field Regulator Co.. Dept. F-«. Atlanta. Ga., for free booklet (*ent In plain envelope.) Direction* for uatng Mother* Friend" will he found with each bottle. “Mother'* Frier.4” 1* .old b| all drug .tor**. [Miss Information __/ V'KNOW THAT PMON-\ LOST IT9 o&aaph we eouawYJ why OPPEN YOU 9 •— WE LOST IT' 1—~r Tea for Trachers. In th« receiving line at a tea to be given Thursday afternoon at the Brandeis restaurant*, 3:30 to 6i30, for .state teachers in convention here, will be Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beveridge, Mr. .and Mrs. James McCrory, Mr. and Mrs. Leon O. Smith, Mrs. Elsie Smith, Miss Belle Ryan, Miss Mary Austin, L. J. Gilkeson and L. B. Mathews. Hostesses for th® orcsslon will be Mrs Cora Andfrson. Mis*®* Margaret O’Toole. Edna Heap. Fannie Myers. .InHeie Towne. Jeanette McDonald, Kllzabeth Kooney. Canale Roys. AnalsWn* will be Mertha \aughan, Mar guerite Walker, Kthel Eldrldge, Myrtle Carroll. Dora Moeller, Gladys DeLarnatre. Edna Afolaeed. Mary Plillllpp*. Nina \V>p per. Gertrude Smith, Bernice Buxton. Celia Kan ell. Untile Ulerker. Juanita Peterson. Florence Hush. Mari* Mackln. Gladys Line. Gaynell* Fay, Nan Healey. Dorothy Lyle, Kthel Fullawa>. Myrtl* DeUrsff, Leonora Martin. Mildred AVhlt ed. Sara Persson. Mary Muts. Helen Mathews. Gertrud* 8. Sullivan. Mrs. Berry it Guest. Mr*. Carroll Berry *nd *on, George Carroll of Kansan City arrived Mon day to visit Mr*. Charle* U. Hendrick son and Mrs. Lewis P. I-orlng, her sister. For Mrs. Hayward. Mr*. Albert Busch' will give a luncheon on Friday for her sister-in law, Mr*. Thomas Hayward of Pitts burgh, guest of her mother, Mrs. It. B. Busch. For Mrs. Niles. Miss Erna Reed will entertain at a luncheon Thursday In honor of Mrs. Thomas Niles of Troy, N. Y., guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Austin. Tri Delta Bridge. Delta Delta Delta will hold a bridge party at the home of Mrs. L. if. Redelfs, 2434 Newport street, on No vember 15 at 2 p. m. f”Your Problems Severe Restriction*. Dear Miss Allen: I have a ques turn here that I do not Know how to solve. Will you please help me? I will soon be IS. I am a Junior In high school. I am the youngest of a famllv of three My father does not approve of my going out with boys. I try to tell hint that anv boy I would rhocse would he all right, but he will not tie Sieve me. lie says that 1 a m too young to go with them. Now, Miss Allen, you know that a girl in high school should go with hoys if they ask her. He will not let me go 1o parties if he knows there is going to be boye there. It seems to me that he dops not use anv consideration for me. lie does not approve of any of my girl friends. I have one friend that [ think a lot of, but he does not like her and wants me to stop going with her. 1 have a stepmother. She does nnt help me in anything. I lmve an aunt that tries to help me She tries to reason with rny father, but he does not listen. I could go and live with this aunt, but T do not care to cause any more trouble. He lias threatened several times of breaking tip the home. I do not want him to do this. I love my father and l know he has done a lot for me. But what am 1 to do? Live here or move? Please advise me. Thanking you. I am, 13 Cultlv'at# pnatletye. that estimable quality. Remain Ht. home unless your father is actually cruel to you. You will finish high school in another year. Then you can step out and earn your own living. That will give you the right to decide for yourself what you shall do about, companions. But while you are under your father’s roof and dependent upon him, you should abide tv hie decisions, even though they seem unreasonable to you. Can’t you reason with your stepmother? Smiles: Ton can’t expect to make this girl over. She might modify her sense of humor and her remarks If she liked you well enough to try. Hut people can’t sltogether change Ihelr dispositions or point of view You must develop a philosophy nMife which will make you tolerant and tin derslandlng. (i. L. A.: The suggestions the young man mal es are not very romplmieri tary to you. Hetter hurt his feelings t ha it allow him to hurt your life You say you do not love him, then why compromise with your sincerity and self-respect by trying to hang on to him as a friend? r---' | The Housewife's Idea Box V ■ — ■ , --> To Preaa I’p I’liiiii Vanilla Ire Cream If you Intend to nerve vanilla Ice cream a a a deanert you will be plenaed with the effect and the taate of n little crushed raspberries or any other fruit which you havs In ihe boms. TUB HOtJBKWIt'K, (fop> right, 1»:i ) Lecture Course tc Be Presented by Club Women South Omaha's Woman's club, o( which Mrs. M. H. ' Copenharve Is president, is presenting a lecture course this winter, open to the public. The tlrst of the series will be giretl on the evening of November 15 at the United Presbyterian church, Twenty-third and H streets, by Har old R. Peat, known Internaiionally ae Prlvato Teat. The subject of his lee lire Is "The Inexcusable Lie," the theme being world peace. Mr, Peat served conspicuously In the world war, and besides being correspondent for various newspapers and syndl cates, has lectured extensively In America, Australia, Canada, New Zea land and the West Indies. On rterrmber 13 at Grace Methodist church. Twenty fifth and Id streets will he heard Kdwatd Amhurst Ott, who for many years has been one ol - #***. the outstanding figures on theAmer lean platform. At the same church on February 25 the club will present Frank Dixon. Mr. Dixon Is as well known on the lecture platform as hl« brother, Thomas R. Dixon, Is In tilt literary field. His subject will be "Americanism, Pure and Unadulter ated.'* Season tickets may he purchased for the three lectures for 51.25. The committee having the course in rhargn is composed of Mrs. J. W. Jor dan, Mrs. H. S. Lyle, Mrs. AV. B. AVyman, Mrs. Bruce MrCuIIoch and Mrs. Richard Laverty. Officers of the club are: Mrs. M. II. Copenharve, president; Mrs. Fred Lush, vice president; Mrs. A. H. Mur dock, secretary; Mrs. Joseph Kouts ky, corresponding secretary; Mrs. O. U. Hodgen, treasurer. ADVERTISEMENT. Beauty % ___ A Gleamy Mass of Hair 35c "Danderine” does Wonders for Any Girl's Hair CHrls! Try I hi*! When combing iinil dressing your hair, Just moisten yout hair brush with a little "Panderlne" and brush It through your hair. The effect Is startling! You can do yout hair up Immediately and It will sp pear twice da thick and heavy—a mass of gleamy hair, sparkling with life and possessing that incomparable softness, freshness and luxuriance. While beautifying the hutr "Pan derine" Is also toning and stimulating each single hair to grow thick, long and strong. Hair stops falling oul and dandruff disappears. Oct a bottle of "Panderlne" st any drug store ot toilet counter and just see how healthy and youthful your hnlr ap pears after th s delightful, refreshing dressing. -> A Wifes Confessional Adcle Garrison’s New I’liaso of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE (Copyright. 1IS4.) V__-— - The Warning Tliat Katie Excitedly 'Gave Madge Whether the mysterous Chinese, trudging with my load of firewood at nty heels, possessed clairvoyant powers, T do not know, but ^strongly suspected his use of them, when, after a few yards, he said deferenti ally: “Mlssee Graham's kitchen woman no iikee Chinese man. Maybe better you tell her I.ee Chow, laundryman's cousin, happen down here, come work for you some times.'' Had he divined my uneasiness at Katie’s possible reaction to this ex traordinary addition to our party? Or —my brain flashed back comprehend Ingly to tlie visit of our local laundry man, which Katie's drama fired brain had declared to presage direful happenings to me. I paid a menial tribute to nty little maid's intuition, however. She had been right In one respect. The laundryman's visit had not been the ordinary, conventional advertising errand he had made It out to be. It had held unusual sig nificance, and at the thought 1 wheeled and faced my queer, new acquaintance. “Is the laundryman your cousin?" I demanded. "And were you the reason he came to see me?" . I.ee Chow looked at me blandly. “Cousin enough,” he said, “and he good man to find out things. I.ee Chow show hint picture. He see you, say you make fine boss lady. I.ee Chow come work for you. No need more talky talk. No say my boss man's name to kitchen woman." There was sternness In the last words whlrh contrasted curiously with his laugh-provoking face. But 1 felt no Impulse to levity as I an swered him: “I shall not mention Major Grant land's name to snybody. But you must tell me "No talk now." he returned de cldedly, “Bimeby, plenty talkee talk. But now fix fire.” A Shnrk of Surprise. That his decision was eminently simple snd wise, I wss forced to ad mit. to myself. No matter what he had to tell me—and my Imagination A New Strap Slipper Styled to meet the approval of the woman who knows what is the “smartest." $12.50 “Lucille,” a beautiful dip per. Beautifully made. Of the finest materials. Fash ioned over a true Parisian last with short vamp, round ed toe and high Spanish heel. In— Black Satin Patent Leather o--—o The newest in Chiffon Hoe# is the “prune” shade. Per pair, $2.00. Send for Style Brochure. N4PIER2 BAflTEWE 307 South 16th St. AIM KKThKMI-.M', AIM KKTIKF.MKNT. When Your Stomach "Rebels” Just take Pape’s Diapepsin Almost Tnstant Relief from Indigestion, Has, Heartburn, or Sour, Acid, Hpset Stomach Anytime! Collect your digestion am! Millet pleasant end harmless, your rebellious stomach by eating s Millions know the magic of Pape s _ . Plapepsln" and alwava keep It handy few la*.lets of Papes Dla papain any (|> re|nf(,rr# lh, (1lKr„|nili ,houlll time! Nothing else known reilevea the t^y p, 1 .no much nr eat something distress of Indigestion* Oases, Heart- which does not agree with them, ttli burn. Flatulence, Bloating or Acidity cent packages guaranteed by drug ho promptly desides, the relief Is gists everywhere. ranged over an infinite number nf| possibilities—there would he no op portunlty for privacy of talk until I had given the children the camp fire dinner I had promised them and accomplished their safe return. Of course, the sensible thing would have been for me. to go ahead and prepare Katie for the advent of the mysterious stranger, lint, knowing my little maid's peculiaries, I antic ipated mtlch amusement from her he havlor when she first caught sight of Lee Chow. I had not long to wait. Before we reached the curve in the beach thnt hid nut- fireplace site from vio<\, we heard Marlon's shrill "Yo-hool" And a, moment inter Katie and Marion came hurrying toward us. "Oh, Auntie Madge, there are clams on the beach!" Marion caroled in her excitement, not noticing Lee Chows plodding figure. “May we lake off our shoes and stockings and dig for some?'' But Katie stiffened and stood still, her arm outstretched accusingly to ward Lee chow. “Who dot?" she shot at me. "Vot dot Chink doing here?" You Vant (>eot Keeled-." T shot an involuntary glance at llv man, wondering if he had heard he slurring epithet. But his face was im passive as he came paddling on ap parentlv unhearlng anything and seeing nothing save the sand beneath his feet. "You must not talk that w»v, Katie," I said severely. "This is Lee Chow, a cousin of our laundryman's and he is going to work for us sometimes when we need extra help lie will work very cheap, and you know we often need someone, lie will build the fire now." Katie tossed her head and set hm arms akimbo. “Ve need notings like heem.” she asserted stoutly. "Me unil dot .Teem do efervtlng In dot house unless old vomans vant whole house cleaned In two, tree days. Den I can get dot Mamie from across road." ".That Is just It, Katie," I said. "I do not want Mamie to work for me any more. I do not trust her." "I suppose you can trust dis fellow from nowhere. "Katie declared holly ivith infinite scorn. How you know he la undry man* s cousin? How you know lie nut going chop all our heads nff right today? Oh h!‘—this with ^ wringing of her hands, which 1 knew held more of melodrama than r»f fright—“now l know vot dot old laundry man ranted dot day he room. Didn't 1 tell you ho no vant sell you tings van he room gffing you dot box? He shoost vant tell dis fellow how you look. so ho Aan room fill you opp mit story dot he vants cork sheep. N ot lie vants is keel us all. I know dot, hut dot's your beezness. Lef you vant get keeled, go ahead. • INeu Council Member. At the executive cotfncll meeting Tuesday evening. Miss Lydia Morgan was elected member of the council of the women's division, Chamber of Commerce, taking the place of Lulu Grace Johnson, resigned. Pinner Party. Mr mill Mr*. FI. FV. Harrl* will »n tertain at a dinner Friday at their home. St. Itarnahas Rummage Sale. St. Barnabas church will hold * rummage sale at 1906 North Twenty fourth street, Saturday, November 8. at 9 o'clock. \ |Y\ V RTIS Y. MbNT “DIAMOND DYES” I COLOR THINGS NEW | Beautiful home dyeing and tint lug Is guaranteed with Diamond Dyes. Just dip in cold water to tint soft, delicat* shades, or boll to dye ri<-h, perma nent color*. Kach lii-cent package contains direc tions so simple any woman can dye or lint lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists. dresses, coats, stockings, sweater*, draperies, coverings, hang ings, everything new. Buy “Diamond Dyes"—no other kind—and tell your druggist whether the material you wish ;o color is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. Drama LragTT? Opens (ialler\ to Students. Drama league officer* announce hat the Rallerv at the Branded* ‘heater will ho thrown open to stu lent* at an admission fee of 25 rente Mr the lecture and reeltal to he given by ’Margaret Myrherlv. Friday. 4 p m. Miss Wycherly wilt speak on The Value of the New Amateui Theater," and will gi'e reading* from plays. Itlock-Hepperleit. Miss Burnetta Hepperlen, daughter if Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Hepplen of Beatrice .and Hugo Block of Omaha, veto married here Tuesday. The hride r, a graduate of Beatriee High school tnd the state university. The Blocks Beatrice, and Hugo Block of Omaha sill make their home at Omaha. Lecture Party. Mr ami Mr* Paul Gallagher will tnteiiain at a let ture party to hew Dr. Janie* J. Walsh Friday night at li'Cel K 'n’enelle on "Health Through Will Power under the auspice* of t the Women * Catholic council. 7*--— Misses’ Dresses THURSDAY ■ Vainer ^ « a Were V> | II Pt $24 .SO X V F. W. Thorne Co. 1812 Farnnm j RKK \\ \NT M»S RHINO KKS1LTS I I W SODA CRACKERS ■ W sea u i bbt ow. I n ASK your grocer for these delightfully crisp, slightly salted soda crackers. He has them in packages, family size contain* ers or bv the pound, as you prefer. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Jneeda Bakers*’ DINNER SET ,^Vj\IP///,. 7-PC. WATER SET A beautiful service for six ■ ;///-; % CDCC ®cnut'^u^ Gut Glass Set FURNISH A ROOM-At Only Living Room ain 3-piece Overstuffed Living Room Jg|| Suite tapestry or velour. An ex- |ggg^ JHRB ESB ceptional value and $5 down delivers ^ the pfe 8-Pc. Dining Roomff i imb^ 8-piece Walnut Finish Dining Room Suite in i period design. Special for this sale. $5 1 down delivers this suite. 5-Pc. Bedroom Suite ^ KBB^ 5-piece Walnut Finish Bedroom Suite. Hits the eye. A really beautiful suite, and $5 down delivers the suite. ^l^HHIP Odd DiningRoomChairs —-— ^rMu.ph^al"Fo*nf:l:«039 C°nl0,!® Phonograph Chairs. Values that sold*/”'' Plays All Records up to $16. Your choice, °TiZ?lh'‘t each— »nd «• five you • KriutU ful con* * i sole poly 1 chrome mirror | and |, hr»drr | i»mp I complete | fthsde. |_W° -T- _ -- t * RUGS 9x12 Wilton. .$79.54) 9x12 Axmin.ter*. . . .$34.50 9x12 Velvet. .$31.50 27x54 Velvet, $2.6?) 36x72 Velvet. $3.80 __ [stoves' RANGES | I Y quality and pricea. No in- _ , 7T r';:'", Furniture Company *",'^'1'"\ Special term* In out fit pur- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * •• ■ w w ^ ^ j .. 14th and Dodge Sts. N»n,f Vout °wn Tc,ml