The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 05, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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    —_ _________
^ The Daily Cross Word Puzzle
-------- /.—B—
n^ssn Rnorr cc-N ach f amdamy sprc,^""mnr I
withoM nnn vunijnii ■« AMwo^ss.on.wkkis.
___^ZLI1L_J "EVERYBODY^ STORE" ^n>'lV --
Thousands of Dollars Of New, Seasonable Merchandise Included in Our
This Sale Is for No Exchanges,r;
Cash Only, and No Approvals, 1.
Charge Accounts No Phone Orders
Have Been or Returns
Temporarily We re>erve the righl
Suspended to limit quantities.
1. Evil spirit*
6. Reasoning
11. Holder
14. Foot gear
16. South American country (abbr.)
17. Appellation
19. To'fuss
20. Shelters.
21. Flanders (abbr.)
22. Is it (poetic)
24. Twof. id (prefix)
25. Also
27 Small coin (abbr.)
2|. Went fast
29. Musical instrument
11. Labor
32. To glide on snow
33. Ons of ths three persons in
36. Antiquated
36. Any person Indefinitely
40. Indian tlibe
42. That is
43. Bird
45. Japan
47. Answer, please
48. A rodent
50, Countless ages
51. Holds back
54. Part of 'Asia Minor
55. A squanderer
f t. Economy (abbr.)
3. Promises to pay
4. A preposition
6. Style in printing
6. Illuminations
7. Forward
6. Species
9. Attendant of Cleopatra.
10. Astern
12. Pertaining to (suffix)
13. Exudation from~plants
15. Observers
13. Large medal
23. Holy person (abbr.)
26. Asiatic river
28. Klver
30. Xnd (French)
31. Doctor (abbr.)
38a. Former president of Mexico
34. Pronoun, third person
35. Payment for use
37. Compact
39. Hawsers
41. Expands
44. Village in France
46. To strike an attitude
49. Arabia (abbr.)
51. Transportation line (abbr.)
52. Musical note
53. One of Jupiter's loves
The solution will appear tomorrow.
Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle.
Flft IaIn 1cIhI) IsIeI
Humen t $
F|qo|X A XL 0 0
(Copyright, 1924 )
S"- - --V
How to Solve the Pusslt.
Each number in the diagram
indicates the beginning of a word,
reading either vertically or hori
zontally. The same number in
some cases begins both a vertical
and a horizontal word. The defi
nitions of the words to fill the
diagram are given in the lists la
beled "Horizontal" and "Vertical,”
with numbers showing where to
Start the words in the diagram. To
see how many letters each word
has, count th^, white spaces until
you come to a black square. If
you have put In the qorrect words,
they should all agree, horizontally
and vertically, with the definitions,
and you have solved the puzzle
____ .
Eight Churches Unite
in Services at Ravenna
Ravenna, Nov. 4.—Eight congre
gations in and about Ravenna united
In celebrating the festival of the
reformation. Over 700 people took
part in the afternoon’s services. Rev.
Paul Matusohka of .Lincoln, field sec
retary for home missions of the south
ern Nebraska district of the Missouri
synod, addressed the assembly in the
morning, and Prof. H. A. Koenig, a
member of the faculty of the Luth
eran college and seminary at Seward,
Neb., preached the sermon In the
afternoon. The choirs of Trinity
church, near Ravenna, and of Zion
church of Shelton sang appropriate
Foot and Mouth Disease
Report Proves Unfounded
Bridgeport, Nov. 4.—There is no j
foot and mouth disease among the
rattle in the Kimball country, the
prevalent malady being "contagious
stomititis." Fewer death* were found
fhan first reported in sensational
rumors that reached the stale depart
ment of animal industry, and the
simple treatment prescribed is thought
to have already brought the disease
under control, although alt affected
cattle are being Isolated.
Married at Long Bearh.
Beatrice, Nov. 4.—Announcement '
has been received of the marriage of
I,eland. Mathews, son of Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Mathews, of this city, at Ixmg
Beach, Cal., to Miss Redmond of that
city. They will make their home at
that place.
f'" % " """
There is no
such thing
There is no such thing
as perfection—although
our finishing depart
ment, with its capable
workmen, up-to-date jj
equipment and exacting
standards is headed that
way. But there is such j
a thing as developing, j
printing and enlarging
ofthesuperiorkind. And j:
this you’re sure of here.
Eastman Kodak Co.
Robert Dempster Co.)
H/~.\ 1813 Farnam St.
iWAn Branch Storm
308 South 15th St.
V _^
# Program for November 6. (Courtesy of
Radio Digest).
Uv Associated Press.
W0EL, Boston (#03). 6. Biff Brother
club; 6:10, "How to Improve Your ReceK
ioff fet;’* 6:45, talk; 7, concert; 9, musi
cal; 10, orchestra.
WON, Chicago Tribune (370). 6. organ;
6:30. concert: 6. concert; 8:30, artist*;
10. Chapman’s orchestra.
YVMAQ. Chicago News (447.6), 6, Chi
rsgo theater organ: 6:30. story lady; *.
lecture: 8:30, musical; 9, "playnlght
9.45, talk.
KYW. Chicago (536), 6:35-9:1 5. concert,
stage revue, musical; 9:15, talk; 9:45
2 30 a m . revue, organ.
WQ.r. Chicago (448), 7, concert; 10-2,
Skylarks, singers.
WI-W. Cincinnati (423 ». «. entertain
ers. 9. concerts; 11:30. Arabian Nights.
\VOC. Davenport (484 ), 7, Sandman;
I. organ, tenor.
WWJ. Detroit News (517), 7, N>w» or
WCX Detroit Free Press (517), 6, vio
linist. pianist, soprano, speaker.
WRAP, Kt. Worth Star Telegram (476),
9 30-8:30. concert. 9 30-10 45. program.
WDAF. Kansas City Star (411). 6-7.
erhool of the air; 8. recital, 1145, Night
h*WHB. Kansas City (411), 7-8, parent
(eschars program.
KH5. Dos Angeles (396), «. orrhesrra
b 30. children; 9 30. university program,
in. lecture: 12. daneg.
WIIAH. I.ouiHville Times (400), 7 "0 9
Hawaiian Quintet
WC AY. Milwaukee (266), 6:30, Boston
"hc'Cii* Minneapolis, St. Paul (417).
j: ;o, talk: 7. vesper service, 9-10:30,
WKAF. New York (492). 6. synagogue
service •» tO. talk; 6:45. talk 7, musical;
7 '!(» PusHlan choir: x:4.r», t rlo.
' w’.JZ. New- York (456) (i. orchestra: (.
Wall St. Journal review, 7:1<>. talks,
7-iO violinist; 7 :4 T.. lecture; K (».». violin
1st: 8:20, talk; 8:35, baritone, !), trio;
y orchestra
VS’itN. New York (360), 2:16-12, solos,
tallit*. orchestras, dame.
WDR Newark let *5), 1:30 9:30, solos,
talks. <lan<e
KOO. Oakland (312), 6. orcheatra.
WDAB Philadelphia (3*6) 6 i0, talk,
t lalk 7:16, orchestra 9. dance, danc
ing lessons.
WOO Philadelphia ( 509>. 6:30. orches
trs 7:10. concert; 8, orcheatra; 9 03, re
rltai 9 .30. dance.
WCAK, Pittsburgh (462), 6 30, Funshme
Qlrl;* 6:46. spaclal; 7 16, special. 7:30
Portland (412), 7. itorl^i; 10
#enc#rt; 12. orchestra '
KPO. Fan Francisco (423). 7 3ft rhll
drei fi orchestra: 10, organ. 11. plants*
WKAQ* 3an Juan (360), 6-7:30, concert
I *'\VBZ Sprlnffl.ld <J37), « bultlm.
a 16-9 address, concert, band, soloists
|0 orchestra; 10.30. popular songs, 10 45
^ICSD^St. Louis Post-Dispatch (546 )
« 4* enaegtble; 9. baritone pisntst
WCAJT Washington (469 ) 6.30. con
••rt. 7 40-'#, music.
No Medicine to Take. Results
Guaranteed by Local
The well-known physicist. Ale**andr'
Volta, for whom the electric volt, was
named, has nude a scientific discovery
that produce* marvelous results with the
moat tftublsorn and agonizing « a*» * «f
rheumatism. where the old fashioned
riakv internal drug treatment lias failed.
This famous discovery, which texnlu
t Ionize* old Idea* about the cause and
proper treatment of rheumatism, |« an
external remedy. Intended to be absorbed
Into the blood through the myriad pores
of the feet
The eminent Italian scientist hue com
pounded a powder railed Volta, that is
Intended to be a powerful and active
t'rlc Acid solvent. Tills marvelous poxv
der. XV hen shaken into the shoe* or
stockings, t* Intended to be absorbed
almost Immediately into the blood, thus
acting upon certain poisons noxv d'flnMe
ly determined to be the cn vise of most
rheumatic agony.
So remarkstlJe and rapid have been the
results from the use of Volta powder,
both in this country and In Italy, that
the American distributee have slither
Ized local druggist* to dispense Volta
with sn unqualified guaranty of relief
ftorn the in" of the vary first package
or your money will be refunded
If vou suffer from rheumatic pains
Sciatica. Lumbago,' flout or Neuralgia,
you owe it to yourself to try this start
ling scientific treatment. It is absolutely
harmless and will not cost one cent If
you do not receive wonderful relief.
Vou c*n get ■ hot of Volt*, from such
good druggists as Sherman A McConnell
R*aton Drug Hayne§ Pharmacy and Pope ’
Drug Comps* f
The co-operation' and the faith of the people, of
Omaha—these two factors combined are helping
to restore us to a sound financial basis, and we ap
preciate this good-will spirit. Ste far, this selling
event has been the greatest in the history of
Omaha’s department stores. But we must continue
—in order to raise the
$1,000,000 for the Creditors
We want the people to fully realize that although
this is the fourth week of the sale our values are
just as great. Our surplus stocks were tremendous—
therefore our merchandise today is all fresh new
stock of-the finest quality, not just odds and ends.
Buy now for the Christmas season so close at hand.
Curtains and Draperies
$3.25 Drapery Silk
45 and 50-inch extra
heavy ailk and semi
damask overdrape
materials. All colors.
Ruffled Curtains
In Three Low-Priced
Ruffled Curtains of cross
barred scrim, marquisette
.__ . , and dotted Swiss.
$2.75 Quaker Panels ^ ^ ^
... .... , .. ., . $1.49 value .,,..$1.00
40-in. filet panels, finished r r
with heavy bullion fringed $1.69 Value.$1.19
Zi’tTd. ..$2.00 $2.25 value.$1.69
| Second Floor
Extraordinary Bargains for
• »
Our Entire Stock of
Coats for Tiny Tots
Greatly Reduced in Price
Values $1 fi79 Values
to $35.00 to $17.50
Broadcloth Novelties Polo Cloth
Teddy Bear Chinchilla
fashion these very attractive little coats for winter. Trimmed
with braver, American opossum, squirrel, novelty braid. In taupe,
tan, brown, red, rose, copen, Harding blue, green, bricjt. All are
All Coat Sets Children's Jersey
Smart little fur-trimmed Dresses
coats with attractive hats to Trjmm„d with cn)ored rmkroid
mn < h, taupe, tn ^green, blue^ copcn, Chinese .«>! and
SS ..... S 18.79 •gSOVS$5.75
3-Piece Knitted Sweater _
Suit» , Play Togs
Some brush wool trimmed, in
I tan, taupe, red, white and ■.l --' end $1.45 7Q/»
copen. Regularly QC values . •/%»
$5.95.g)^sI70 -—
Nursery Furniture
Pink and blue wicker furniture, trimmed with
dainty rosebuds.
$ 7.96 Clothes Rack . 85.25 $10.95 Scale, eom
*11 •»* *8.50 l4Se i,amp::::::: SAtiHo
*13.96 Chair .810.50 *82 50 Bassinette . . . 8 18.50
? 15.95 Chair. 812.00 $79.50 Wardrobe . . 803.75
Third Floor
1 . . ■ 4)
At Prices'Lower Than We Have Ever Marked Them i
$99.50 Walnut Bedroom Suite
A lovely four-piece suite with A fx ^ ^x
bed, dresser, dressing table' and xtf^ J ■^1 I
$29.50 extension day bed, with tf* 1 Q 7 C
mattress. 1 # O
$169.50 Walnut Bedroom Suite ! |
A bed, dresser, dressing /K /\ mmt |!
table and chiffonier comprise Xk I I 11^ ]j
this suite—somewhat elaborate A \/t/»
in design.
$275.00 Genuine Walnut Bedroom Suite
A four-piece suite with /h 4 n/\ 1
bed, 48-inch dresser, fuy Xk I / vl
length vanity, and chifforobe. X • #
Simmons Bed and Spring
With 45-pound genuine cotton mattress. f
Any finish bed.
Fourth Floor j (
_ ■ ■ A !
R - U - G -
- Axminster Rugs I
Heavy quality seamless rugs in soft, rich colorings. Slightly imperfect. |
$41.00 8.3x10.6- $46.75 9xl2-foot $51.50 8.3x10-6- $56.50 9xl2-foot )
foot size, at size, at foot size, at size, at e
$31.75 $34.75 $34.75 $36.75
Sixth Floor |
69c Turkish Towels $4.50 Bedspreads |
Extra largo size m m^f Double bed size Af\ I
Turkish towels, two- JM spreads in crorhet % W
ply weave, in white /I weave, with Marseilles % { ' “t/V designs. Each
S2S0T IS $3.75Cotton Blankets $1-69 Bed Sheets #Jbr?cVoths
$2.50 Tool Sets _ , 81x90-inch sheets of /t* — « m
[ Complete with 9 pieces. Double bed blankets round thread Jb| 15 W*M - inch cloth. tf>AQ
1 heavy weight W \)& quality with 3-inch “ | *w s.ntable for oblor.g V
in gray and tan with M hem at top and 1-ineh ■ tables. All hemmed £
colored borders. Pr., mtA hem at bottom. Each- ^ ready for use. Ea .
| Limit of four shwrts to a euatomae. 35c napkin* to match, 240
. Sorond Floor -1
‘Universal’ Electric $1.75
Appliances r i
$10.50 Percolators . . *7.88 tII8ll1ClW3rC
$16.50 Percolators . 812.3S
$19.50 Percolators . 814.03
$ 14.00 Urns.810.50 Blue and white en
$16.50 Urns.<H12!38 nmelware. triple coated
$17.50 Urns.813.12 "ith white lining. In
'19.00 Urns. 814.25 eluded in this lot are
$22.50 Urns. 81<ilsS 12*qt. pails, 17-qt. dish
$25.00 Urns. 818.75 runs. n-qt. covered ket
Jr.$44.75 Urn Sets .. 833.07 ties. 6-qt. tea kettles.
' $45.75 Urn Sets . . 834 32 H,’d :,-qt. coffee pots.
___ Regularly ? 1.75.
Curling Irons
$1.75 Ideal Curling Iron. 8 1.40
$2.00 Idonl ( urling Iron . 81.00
$3.00 Ideal Curling Iron . 82.40
$4.00 Thermax Curling Iron.... 83.00
$5-00 lTniversal ('urling Iron.. 84.00
$5.50 Universal Curling Iron. .. .*4.38
Fourth Floor - --^___—
tl 1 HO tr Hand-Made \m -5t Great Reductions
to $2.00 q> i .uu r j «.,» G„w,.„ „,,h,,
Including flower bowls with black base 5, can- fl fliBCCU/H^A H ‘di.vint bow N and green
dlesticks to match in green, black, amber and Q liludvVf U I V 8 ' / i T >hr'*‘**^s
blue. Tall, straight vases in the same colors. H x fl 1,1 4 ’ 4 l'ze!1
Kotn th Mom ■ I e-* rn i m
I V I ‘ *CC To.*l«, 1!1 OptlC I
B < Aj nnn I (’ut wr*«th pattern.
Toilet Articles 3 oVCana 1 - »e-o»
■ VIICl rmi UVIC9 H ^ _ | $12.00 (ioblets, in optic $7.50 RIccn class optic
fiOo l’ompeinn Face 75c Porter's Whisk I Q _ I t't w reath pattern, with tJoblets. tall Sherbets of
;■“*. 39c 29c 8 Ditc I K.w.e«
Hb:r’"in29c Hr:"!""69c I R"ula$2yM100 to I ":tsr.': PSSJ£
$1.00 Listerine, 14- 51,25 5,*non , rv I fl $6 00 Sherbets, plain op
ounre 72c Powder.. 89c I In combinations of bright fl $S OO ^ T S t,*,° !
. Mom:-.. Thin L co^rs .nd odd n ' '
50c Incense OQ _ Fompacts, OQ . shapes. ,c
Burners . mi*JC Bt .C S$6.00 plain footed Tum
Fourth rwr B hlers, clexen 9 4,00
Main Flout -L
' Fourth Floor